Clinton News-Record, 1949-07-07, Page 2PAGE TWO saussinsion Clinton -News -Record THE 'CLINTON NEW ERA Establicheci' 1885 THE CLINTON NEWS-RI]CORD Established 1878 Amalgamated 1924 An Independent Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District: MEMBER: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association;• Ontario -Quebec Division, CWNA SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable In advance -- Canada and Great Britain: s2 a year; United States and Foreign:$2.50. Authorized es second class mail, Post Office Deportment,' Ottawa Published EVERY THURSDAY at CLINTON, Ontario, Canada, in the Heart of Huron County R. S. ATKEY, Editor A. L. COLQUHOUN, Plant Manager CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MED THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1949 Unfair JULY GETS A POOR SHAKE from the poets and the literary gentry in general, com- ments The Printed Word. Bartlett's remitter Quotations mentions it three times, but only one of these references is laudatory. In com- parison, April is favorably noted twenty-eight times and May gets thirty-eight pats on the back. This is unfair. What's the matter with July? ' What's the matter with poets? What's the .matter with people? July is the best month, The all-around best month, in Canada anyway. For one thing, it is a good month for getting no work done. Another advantage is that you don't need clothes or much food, so work is unnecessary. People are away, so you don't have to talk to them or listen to them. There is no question about July's being the best month. Its only to July rival, August, is apt to have frost towards the end, except in some favored spots in the Dominion. June is out, of course, because of the mosquitoes; but in spite of them Bartlett has fourteen kindly references. Even March is praised more often than July. The fault is not July's, but with the poets and 'everybody. We live in anticipation end don't appreciate a good thing when we have it. Bartlett lists fifty-eight honorable mentions for Spring and only sixteen for Summer. Y et Spring isanerely the promyse of Summer, When the promise is fulfilled we lose interest and complain about our clothes sticking to the chair. the poison -ivy Willie got' into, the odd ways of tourists, the auto traffic, the crowds on the trains, the slice, the thrice -putted green, the stones on the beach, the umpire's patent bias— and how fast the Summer is going. Big Majority Increases Responsibility ELECTION RESULTS removes one major worry that has been hanging over the country, states The Financial Post, There is no question of an ample working majority for the new government. Had either of the major political ' parties been forced to depend on a minority group for parliamentary support, there would have been no hope of stability at e time when a strong, stable government is of the utmost importance. But the present top-heavy majority is potentially hazardous for the country. A one- sided house increases the risk of government extravagance and of the Cabinet ignoring parliament. Lack of a more powerful opposition means still greater responsibility for Mr. St. Laurent. In any democracy, the party out of power is only second in importance to the one that is in, In constructive criticism, in keeping the gov- ernment on its toes end in fighting for economy in the spending of public money, the Opposition has a vital contribution to make. Editorial Comment... THOUGHT FOR TODAY—The strength of criticism lies only in the weakness of the thing criticized.—LongfeIIoW. When you and your family set out on that long anticipated vacation this summer, leave carelessness and thoughtlessness at home. Don't let them' spoil your holiday! A LITTLE EASING in the • business boom may teach all of us a lesson. After reporting that the current recession in the United States is not nearly es serious as alarmists would have us believe, The Financial Post comments: "Some measure of temporary slowdown can have most salutary effect." • BAYFIELD In Jowett's Grove Mr, and Mrs. Ken Barss and family, London, occupied a cot- tage in Jowett's Grove last week. Amongst those who are in cot- tages in Jowett's Grove for the season or part of the season, ere: Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Foyston and two sons and the latter's sister, from England; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cameron. London; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shaw and :family; Mr. and Mrs. P. Laren] and family; Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Denommi and family; Mr. and ,Mrs. E. J. Ho- +bieheau and family; Mr. and Mrs. 1 G. W. Scott end family; Mr. and Mrs. 0. Kurt and family, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. H, Tester, Mrs. Beck, Miss Dawna Beck and My. Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Al- len and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ir- win Himmel, Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgins. and family, Toronto; Mr. end Mrs. Ed. Rich, Mrs. I. From- er, Kitchener. Business And Professional. Directory LEGAL H. T. RANCE Notary Public Division Court Clerk Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public Albert St. Cantos. CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correetinu OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial, Seaforth, Monday 1 to .8 n.m. ACCOUNTANCY R. Cr. McCANN Accountant. and Auditor Rattenbury St. E. Phone 783-W Clinton ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W. Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc, Ann Street Phone 355W EXETER INCO1IE TAX RETURNS Private Business'' Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed ana checked monthly or as requested. ROY N. BENTLEY 36 Regent St. Box 58 • r Goderich, Ontario DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES Dentist Lovett Block Clinton ' Telephone 170 Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 1.30-6 p.m. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. Optometrist Byes Examined and Glasses Fitted GODERICH - Phone 23 RUTH HEARN. R.O. Optometrist Huron St. - Phone 69 - Clinton MEMORIALS - Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE and SON ;Linton Showrooms Open Fridays See J. J. Septa, Phone 103 SIGNS Signs for Every Purpose Outdoor Advertising Trucks Cut-out,Designs - Window Cards 27 years experience KIRBY SIGNS Phone 5891 • Clinton RADIO SERVICE PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years Previous Experience on all Auto and Home Radios Free F.M. Information PHONE 471-W CLINTON INSURANCE It. L. MCMILLAN, BAYFIELD Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household Phone: Clinton 634r15 H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton RHONES: Office 251W, Res, 2513 Insurance -- Real Estate Agent Mutual Life Assurance Co. LOBB INSURANCE AGENCY e'or. William and Rattenbury Sts, PHONE 691W .-•'GENERAL INSURANCE —, Representative; Monarch Life Assurance Co. Hovvick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. I, E. HOWARD BAYFIELD, Ont, Phone Clinton 624r31 Car—Fire—Life—Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy, Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOIIN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co, of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. OW THE Mcl{ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth Officers 1949 President, C. W. eonhardt, Bornholm; vice-presi- dent, Hugh Alexander, Walton; manager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other directors: Sam H. Whit- more, Seaforth; E. J, Trewartha, Clinton; Robert Archibald, Sea - forth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, Goderich, Agents: J. E. Pepper, Bruce - field, RR. 1; G. A. Watt, Blyth, R,R. 1; R. S. McKercher, Dublin, R R 1; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn .Balser, Brussels. VETERINARIAN DR, G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton ii: rev. Jack Scott PRESIDENT of YOUTH for CHRIST anntRil (Eastern Canada) An Outstanding Speaker REV. JACK SCOTT PRESENTING Alb . . The Famous FORWARD AIRE QUARTETTE A musical team that's hard to beat. EXTRA SURPRISES THROWN IN COME and ENJOY Friday July 8 TOWN HALL, CLINTON ONTARIO`' !N Ogg TIME By Howie' Hunt "This is what I've dreamed about for years - Joe finally got the O.K. on his re-establish- ment credit. — • • • From Our Early Files . 25 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, July 10, 1924 Teachers who have been suc- cessful in obtaining schools in- clude: Jack Bawden at Sombre; Alvin K. Leonard at Collingwood Collegiate Institute; Grace Ven- ner at Stoffa. Garnet Smith is the' new Junior at the Molsons Bank. Richard Tasker has purchased the house on Rattenbury St. at present occupied by Frank Baw- den. The following were among those who contributed to the Muskoka Hospital for Conswnp- tives: N. W. Trewartha, A. J. Morrish, W. Brydone, J. E. Hovey, Plumsteel Bros,, T. j, Zapfe, D. L. McPherson; Rev, A. A. Holmes, Rev. J. E. Hogg, S. S. Cooper, Clinton Creamery, George Jen- kins, Dr. H. S. Brown, H. Wiltse, R. E. Manning, C. and S. Grocers, W. M. Aiken, Thomas Churchill, J. P. Sheppard, L. Jervis, M. C. Jordon, T. W. Williams, James Bergue. Members of the Orange Order attended divine worship in Wes- ley Church when the minister, Rev. A. A. Holmes, gave a very inspiring sermon. Mr. and Mrs. George Huller have received the sad news that their daughter, Pearl, Mrs. George Seignee, has passed away in a Winnipeg Hospital. Surviving as well as her 'parents and husband are three brothers, Ernie, Bert and Leslie and two :asters, Mrs. Spain and Miss Florence, W. Grant end his rink were winners at a bowling tournament in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McLennan and Mrs. J. Wiseman have been recent visitors in London. ► * N THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, July 10, 1924 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cole cele- brated their golden wedding at the home of their son and dau- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cole, During the afternoon, Berea, daughter of Mr. and Mis. John Mair, and granddaughter of the guests of honour was baptized. Guests present included: Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Keys, Mr. and, Mrs. Nathan Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Cole, Mr. and Mrs. John Moir, Mr and Mrs. Clifford Keys, Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy, Mr. and •Mrs. Bert Peck, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. C, H. Holland, Rev. and Mrs, R. Fulton Irwin, Rev and Mrs. A. A. Holmes and Rev, end Mrs. C. G. Armour. -Roland Jenkins, another pioneer of Goderich Township, has passed on to his reward. Surviving, as well as his wife, the former Eliza- beth Holland, are three sons: Harvey, Herbert end George; and three daughters: Mrs. T. R. Wal- lace, Mrs. W. J Stevens and Mrs. R. N. Welsh. Rev, A. A. Holmes officiated at the funeral and pall- bearers were F. Leonard,. H, J. Hibbs, H. J. Thompson, Robert Welsh, J. B. Lindsay and Robert Ferris, MANY PARENTS SAVE , FAMILY ALLOWANCES FOR THEIR CHILDREN Monthly Cheques Will Pay For Education or Other Future Expenses As a parent, you may be inter- ested in the constructive way thousands of Canadian parents are using their Family Allowance payments, They do not feel the need for using this money for the immediate requirements of their children, Instead, they regard thse cheques as instalments to- ward buying their children the golden key to tomorrow's oppor- tunities --education. So, every month, these parents deposit all or part of their Family Allowances in special savings ac- counts at the Bank of Montreal. They know that, if these cheques go into e child's own bank ac- count from the first, he will have over $1,000 to his credit at the age of 16-a fine financial back- log for a college, education. Besides, when he is old enough, you can encourage your 'young= ster to add to this fund by reg- ularly saving something himself— out of pocket -money or earnings from his newspaper route. The savings habit will benefit him all his life. And, in the event of emergency or opportunity, this money mikes a valuable extra reserve. ' Mrs William -IL Robinson, Inca]. B of M manager, 'invites you to open an "education" account at his branch. Drop in when' your next Family Allowance cheque'' arrives, 27-b 40 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, July 8, 1909 Accidents: Miss Edith llddgens severely sprained her ankle at a picnic; Miss Helen Doherty hurt her hand rather badly when she was lowering a window end it fell on her hand; George Mc- Taggart has been compelled to use a cane, having burst a vein in his leg; James Stevens is suffering from some cracked ribs, having sustained them when he fell while helping to unload some hay; the little son of W. J. Coch- rane, Mary St., had some fingers badly cut in a lawn mower; Ed. Hill had his hand badly hurt at the Doherty Organ Factory. He had just taken out an accident• insurance policy with H. E. Rorke, a few hours previously. Successful Normal students in- clude: Stewart R. Ross, Edward J. Tighe, Misses Hazel Rubina Ker, Bessie McEwen and Mae Smith. Those bowling in Seaforth in- clude: A. J. Grigg, W. Brydone, B. J. Gibbings, J. Taylor, C, J. Wallis, J, Johnson, J Watts, J. Nediger, R. Manning, J. Wise- man, E. G. Courtice, W. J. Stev- enson, 3. Courtice, J. Hunter, N. Ball, W. Harland, J. W. Treleav- en, J. Jackson Jr., H. Wiltse and J. Harland. W. Jackson, James Fair, D. A. Forrester and C. E. ,Dowding at- tended a bowling tournament in Owen Sound, Blyth Juniors defeated Clinton Misses Isobel Draper and Helen Rodeway have resigned as teach- ers at Clinton Public School. Miss Freda Schoenhals is sup- plying at the hydro office while Miss Shirley Bawden is on vaca- tion. Mr, and Mrs. Si. D. McTaggart and family have gone to Bayfield for the summer, The exterior of the Miller Hardware store has been bright- ened with a coat of point. in a friendly baseball • e. Clinton players were; C.til. li. Forrestge, L Greig, J. Hal; IL Cousins, W. Carling, rT, Cluff, W. Twitchell, A. Doherty. * * * THE CLINTON NEWS-RECOR Thursday, July 8, 1909 Goderich defeated Clinton a a ieagug game of baseball, Galin ton team was: T. Hawkins, c; A. Alexander, 2b; L. Kerr, rf; W. Monteith, p;. F. Walker, as; E, Johnson, • lb; L. Manning, ,cf; J. Do The herCubsfeated the Tian, in an interesting Junior Ward League game, Playing were: Cubs: Cousins, RathweIl, li4cTeg- "art, Greig, Hill, Hall, Levy, Webb, Grant; Tigers: Doherty, Grahm, Rumball, Willcen, areal - is, Elliott, Walker, Cook, Harland. Miller-Dempsey—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, June 30, 1909, by Rev. T. J. Snowden, Rosa Etta, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dempsey to Henry E. Miller. Rozell-Cheesebrough —In De- troit, on Saturday, June 26, 1909, Maude Lillian, daughter of liar. and. Mrs. Arthur Cheesabrougir, Detroit, to S. Elton Rozell. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Alexander, Mr. and. Mrs.. Jahn Hartley, Mr. and IVIrs, 3, W. Moore, Joel Mc- Leod, Miss Atmabelle McEwen and Miss Bessie- O'Neil were in a party which enjoyed a very Pleasant outing, at Bayfield, Councillors Ford Jackson and Holloway are in !Toronto today in connection with the water- works contracts, John H. Cantelon has joined the local staff of the Molsons Bank, ' \.) Billy Cantelon, son of the ap- le king, David Cantelon, while working on the roof of the stable at his uncle's farm, that of Han- ley Cantelon, fell and received a severe shaking up, although no serious injury is reported, 0 MINISTER INDUCTED SEAFORTH — Rev. D, A, Me - Millan, formerly of Tillsonburg was inducted as minister of North- side United Church on Thursday evening, June 30, Those assist- ing in the service were: Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, minister of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth; Rev, T. Dale Jones, of St, Thom- as Anglican Church, Seaforth; Rev. B, R. Stanway, Brucefield, and Rev. R, A. Brook, Hensel, Lunch was served to the mem- bers present and a social half. hour was spent, COMFORTING TOILETRIES FOR THE HOT WEATHER Adrienne Talc. 5-0 Adrienne Body Powder , L50 Adrienne Soap .. , 3 for $1.00 Adrienne Face Powder .. .75 Adrienne Toilet Water . .75 Adrienne Toilet Water :. 1.25 ADRIENNE — Dainty and Refined Your Rexall Store W.S. R. HOLMES N•~� AMIMIMIiNMI,tNJlMMIJfNfNIB,14, 62P • I5°° W. N. Counter Counters for Finer Jewellery for Osier Half a Century 441 Euro* County by phone or in person YOU WILL FIND 00. NEW SHOPPING ADVANTA`JES EATO N'S okaot:obili. • Now, in addition to the values and wide variety,of things for the home, your family or yourself that are available in EATON'S Catalogues, you have en up-to-the- minute Order Office at your service. All details of mail order shopping will be handled for you, saving the trouble of writing orders or letters and the cost of express or money orders. The staff is fully trained to help you with your problems, to assist you in making your selection, to furnish catalogue information or to make adjustments, Drop in soon, or telephone. You'll discover new advan- tages in mail order shopping, find a new, practical, economical, personalized service, backed by the EATON Guarantee: "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded." ALBERT STREET CLINTON PHONE 440 f► $ T. EATON C M1T 0