Clinton News-Record, 1949-06-23, Page 10',AGE TEN
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3
Miss Beverley York, Lucan, was
home over the weekend.
John Elliott, Waterloo, was
with his parents over the week-
Miss Alice Dawe, London, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Lorne Hamilton, London,
is occupying her cottage on Tuyll
Street. "
John McLeod, Erieau, is spend-
ing this weekt at his home in the
Mrs, Henry McClinchey spent
several d'eys- last week at And-
erson, Indianla.
Nelson McConkey, North Bay,
was at his cottage for a couple
of days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bryant, Lon-
don, were at their cottage ever
the weekend.
Mr. and MrS, A.'Luck, Detroit,
were guests at the Little Inn over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, London,
are occupying Miss Rose Ken-
nedy's cottage.
Betty Langford, London, has
taken a position at The Little Inn
for the summer.
Mrs. Josephine Robinson, Lon-
don, spent the weekend at her
cottage on Tuyll Street.
Miss Doris McEwen, London,
spent the weekend with her mo-
ther, Mrs. F. W. McEwen:
Mrs. Woodward and Miss Clel-
and, Detroit, are spending this
week with Miss L: Morley.
Walter Robinson came on Sat-
Dance Every Friday Night
Bayfield Pavilion
Dancing 10.00 - 1.00 Admission 75c
Monster Election Night Dance
You'll make no mistake if you elect Frank Traher and
Orchestra to play for your dancing. Vote as you like—
but vote to go dancing Election Night, Monday, June 27.
Dancing 10.00. - 1,00 Ad tri' i Ise on 75c
Polls now open—Polls close 1.00 a.m. Tuesday morn.
NOTE: Returns of the Federal Election will be given
from bandstand during dance.
Beginning July lst till Labor Day
Dancing Wed., Friday arid Sat. Nites
WED. NIGHT—OLD TYME DANCE—.Orchestra to be,
Bayfield Pavilion
announced later — Friday & Sat., Frank Traher & Orch.
A VA/1/181E47-010? 600 SERWCE STAT/ONS
THURSDAY, JUNE 23,' - 1949
urday to visit his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. William H. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rouatt,
London, visited the latter's sister,
Mrs. W. Hall, for a few days.
Rev. end' Mrs. F. H. Paull,
Listowel, were the guests of Mrs.
N. W. Woods.over Sunday night.
Mrs, R, H. • Peck and daughter,
Mrs. Doygals Vasty, London, are
at. the former's cottage, Bellevue.
Phil Stratford, Sarnia, came on
Monday to spend a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scott.
Miss Betty Heard, London, is
'spending her vacation tivith her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. William Avey end
children, London, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mack over
the weekend.
Mrs. Radford end Miss Wilme
Radford, Clinton, occupied their
cottage at "The Poplars," over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilson and
family, Guelph, are visiting Mrs.
Wilson's mother, Mrs. W. Green,
et her cottege.
Mrs. E. Jones arrived a week
ago Saturday from Leicester,
England, to visit her sister, Mrs.
Emerson Heard.
Miss Marguerite Bachelor and
Bruce McLean, London, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Davies
over the weekend.
Mrs. Emerson Heard and Mrs.
R. Larson attended the meeting
of the Huron Deanery WA in
Clinton lest week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hohn and(
Roy, Preston, spent the weekend'
with Mrs. Holm's mother, Mrs,
Henry McCinchey.
Mrs. H. Peters, Misses Laura
end Doris Peters, Stratford, oc-
cupied their cottage at "The Pop-
lars" over the weekend.
Mrs, L. Morgan and two child-
ren left on Sunday for London
en route to spend some time with
her parents in Otterville.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Galbraith and
two daughters, Mamie and Nancy,
Hamilton, are occupying their cot-
tage on Bayfield Terrace.
Mrs. Mary Gemeinhard return-
ed home from Clinton Public
Hospital on Tuesday of last week
and is progressing favourably.
Misses R. and M. Kruke, Dear-
born, Mich„ came on Friday .to
prepare for the opening of the
Village Guild for the summer.
Eugene Sauder, Kitchener, came
on Saturday to spend this week
with Mrs. Sauder at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards.
Mrs. Bruce Menery is occupy-
ing her residence on Louisa St.
Her niece, Miss Marie Elliott,
Brucefield, has been visiting her.
Mr. end Mrs. Gilbert Knight
and daughter, Mary, Toronto,
are spending a fortnight at the
home of Mrs. Mary Gemeinhard.
Mrs. Spencer Ervine and little
Mary Elizabeth have returned
home after spending a week in
Southampton with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson
and daughter Marion, St. CIair
Shores, Mich,, were at their home
in the village over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Bill
Bell and Miss Verna Loughren,
Dearborn, Mich., spent the week -
Vote Hetherington!!
• North Huron
f3 T
Liberal Headquarters
For CARS •
Election Day, June 27
St. Andrew's Ward—(Poll No. 1)—
A. F. Cudmore, Phone 192
St. James' Ward -(Poll No. 2)—
Liberal Committee Rooms, Phone 666
St. John's Ward -(Poll No. 3)—
J. D. Thorndike, Phone 308
St. George's Ward—(Poll No. 4)-
0. L. Paisley, Phone 92
Cars and Information will be available at each of these points
for your convenience.
President Vice President
end,' et their cottage at The ';Pop-
Mrs, George Sutherland return-
e'Eo St. Thomas the end of last
week after having visited her
daughter, Mrs. Ted Davies, for -a
The many friends of Mrs. Le-
Roy Poth who underwent a major
operation ire Clinton Community
Hospital on Friday, wish her a
speedy recovery.
Miss Mary Louise Baird, Lon-
don, has as her house guests,
Misses Peggy Carmichael, Lon-
don, Conrad Lister and Adrianne
Armour, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Schaefer,.
Thornhill, are spending the 'slim-
mer in the village and assisting
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer
in The Woollen Shop.
Miss Jill Millsap, London, is.
entertaining Misses Susan Reid,
Elizabeth Archibald and Joan
Kindel, London, at the family
cottage in "The Highlands", 'this
Mi': and Mrs. Cree Cook re-
turned to their cettage "Lock-
erne" on Thursday last after a
motor trip to Vancouver. They
travelled over 6,000 miles and
had a most enjoyable vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell,
Donnie and Joyce mdtored to Mil-
ton on Saturday to spend the
weekend with the former's sis-
ter, Mrs.. William Powell. Misses
Evelyn Bell and Marie Stirling
returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs, Menley Thomp-
son, Toronto, are visiting the Bat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc-
Kenzie, for a few days en route
to make their home in Chicago,
where Mr. Thompson has joined
the staff of the University of
Clayton L. Guest, Guelph, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Malcom Toms. Mrs. Guest, who
spent last week with her sister,
returned with her husband and
they were accompanied by Mrs.
Ed. Weston who is visiting them
this week.
Mrs. L. A. Stephens and dau-
ghter Janie and Mrs. K. McPher-
son and two children, Ken and
Anne, Shelbourne, are the guests
of the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cree Cook for a fortnight.
Mr. Stephens and Mr. McPherson
were also with them over , the
Charles R. Will entertained the
following sales representatives of
the Charles R. Win- Company,
last week: H. N. Balfour, H. G.
Sheppard, London; W. H. Murray,
R. Madell, Hamilton; E. C. Burke,
Halifax, N.S.; C. S. Macpherson,
Ottatea;• William Forbes. Berrie;
v V v v v T v e'T e v♦ 1
Yon cannot buy a Sonotone 4
unlees we know we can make 4.
you hear! 4
Ask us about these comfortable
Sonotone Hearing Aids, fitted to
correct your hearing defects. On
display Friday, June 24.
Phone 313 -- Clinton
To the. man who says,
"Come back in Sixty
Days", I say, "If you're
not here ' when I come
back, for whom shall I
, The Teller, o modern hotel for
those who want the bestl Con-
venient to Offices, Theaters.
and Shops. Friendly, courte-
ous service and real Hotel
Comfort.. The Tuller Coffee
Shop or Cafeteria for yow
Dining Pleasure at modest
/prices. It pays to stay at
Hotel Tuller4.. 0
>soo ROOMS 5215
,.��/ ef1111111itA.. �"
G. R. Cooper, E. N. Dillon D.
Marshall, Toronto; J. R. Hope,
Winnipeg; A. C. Payne, Saska-
toon; L. Winter, Lacombe, Alta.;
M. C. Scarrow, A. J. Bulgin,
Vancouver. The, men occupied
the Will and Parker summer
homes, in the village and had
their meals at The Little Inn.
Health Improving
We are glad to report that' Her-
bert .McGregor, who has been
critically ill, is improving in
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake
celebrated their 24th wedding
anniversary last week by a motor
trip to Stratford, St. Marys and
other points in the district,
Celebrates Birthday
Little Miss Judy Weston was
four years of , age on Monday,
June 20 and to celebrate the
event, her mother, Mrs. Grafton
Weston, entertained Judy's play-
mates and their mothers at a
party in the afternoon on -'Mrs.
Malcom Toms' lawn,
Liberal Meeting •
A . meeting in the interests of
the Liberal candidate, A. Y. Mc-
Lean, was held in the Town Hall,
Bayfield, on Tuesday evening and
was fairly well attended. Lloyd
Edighoffer acted as chairman and
introduced the speakers who in-
cluded James R. Scott, Albert
Kalbfleisch, A. Y. McLean, and
the special speaker, W. 11. Gold-
ing, ex -MP,
Bayfield Wins
A softball game was .played on
Monday evening June 20, in the
Agricultural grounds, between
the Bayfield and Drysdale boys.
There was a very good attend-
ance. The score ended -11-9 in
favour of Bayfield.
Control Chimney Fire
A chimney fire at St, Andrew's
United Church manse on Wed-
nesday morning wast under
control by several members of
the fire brigade. The fire alarm
was not g ven as it wee not con-
sidered necessary' to call out the
whole brigade.
Blacktop Main Street
Recently, a meeting of the reeve
and councillors of 'Stanley' Town-
ship and the trustees of the Police
Village of Bayfield was held here'
to discuss plans for draining
Main Street prior to blacktopping
it. The street has been surveyed
tinder the direction of the county
engineer. Business men : 'of the
village were present end joined
in discussion. It was- decided to
go ahead with the project sub-
ject to the approval of the
Feted Ere Departure
Mr. -and Mrs: James R. Scott
opened their home on Monday
evening, when friends gathered
to spend a social evening with
Don McAuley before his depar-
turefrom the village. Court
Whist was played' and at the
lunch hour a mock wedding wast
staged with Mrs. J. E. Howard
as bride, Ted Davies; greo£n,,.
Maynard Corrie, parson, and'Mrs;
R. H.' F. Gairdner played the;
wedding. march. As a token of
theirgood wishes for his ap-
proaching marriage Saturday
next; Mr: McAuley was presented
with a gift of linen for his.
bride-to-be, Miss Marion Husson.
Mr. McAuley, who has beezt
principal of Bayfield Public
School for the past two years,,
has resigned to accept a teaching
position in London. His many
friends. here extend best wishes
for -the ftiture.
Your date at Waterloo Park;
Waterloo, O'nt'ario,for the great:
Band Festival, Saturday,. June 25.
Come early and stay an day,
Beautiful picnic. grounds. Ample
parking in grounds. 25-1ar
F n .23-24-25-b
Ratepayers of the Township of Tuckersmith
will please take notice that, as of June 1, I949,
payment will not be made for chickens killed by
dogs unless such chickens have been properly
enclosed during the. night.
E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk,
Township 'of Tuckersmith
in Huron -Perth: Elect Your
Liberal Candidate
Andrew Mclean
I f you believe the Lilierd Government has done a
good job for Canada and Canadians and want
this job continued then vote for and elect .. .
Mark Your Ballot on June 27th
McKinley, Elgin, farmer
R.R. 1, Zurich ,
McLean, Andrew Young, editor
Seaforth •
Peters, John R., clergyman
R.R. 1. Seaforth
Remember there is no need • for a change
Polls Are Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. D.S.T., or 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Standard Time
Published by Huron -Perth ,Liberal Associa'tion