Clinton News-Record, 1949-04-28, Page 7Tll'QItSDAY, APRIL 28, 1949 CI-INTO/1' TiPYIT-RECORW PAGE ,SEVEN Wgrd,tras been r, ee yen in toyyn of ;the death in a Saskatoon, Sask. he ted.: recentlie r of .George Wilfred Heywood, former well- kteewn Clintonian, ,A service was htild,,at the •Mc�Kaglie's Funeral 40010, Saskatoon,. followed by _a sreyige the avid clay at the Prince Albert Funeral Honre, Dr. R. D. Tannehill, officiated , at the latter service and interment followed in the South Hill, Cemetery, Priniie ,Albert, with Masonic 'rites being eonducctte-edd,at the graveside. Heywood, in his 58th year, was born in Clinton, a sons o! the late Richard . Heywood and Jane ,Anne Farquhar. He later moved to Souris, Man., Regina, and Melville, Sask. At the latter place he managed the Melville Millionaires when the team won the Allan Cup in 1924. In 1933 he moved to Prince : Albert and three years ago moved to Sask- atoon. Mr. Heywood:. was, erne pioyed- with the Canadian Nation- al Railway's and at tine time o£ his death was the chief clerk, in the Superintendent's Office, Sask- atoon.:. Mr. Heywood was,q keen sports- man and was interested in hockey, Having bought the business known as Reg. Ball's Shell Service on Highway No. 8, ,gust east of Clinton,.I respectfully solicit.. the patronage of citizens of Clinton and vicinity. We will aim at all times to give to every customer the same service as was given by Mr. Ball. Leonard Cole PHONE 5 ' - - CLINTON 17-b and was an ardent curler and golfer.. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge at, Prince Albert and also of the l?;iwanis Club. Surviving as well as his widow is one son, John David, Saskatoon. One .son, Gordon, predeceased; lus father in. 1943. Also surviving is one brother, J. C. Heywood, Vancouver, B.C.•, and en aunt, Mrs: Wesley Moore, Goderieh, ARTHUR CRONIN Funeral was held Tuesday,, April 26, Tor Arthur Cronin, for more than 50 years. a resident of the sixth concession of Morris Township, who died in Clinton Public:. Hospital, Saturday, April 23. • Mr. Cronin was in : his 82nd year and had been in poor health since last fall. Surviving: arehis wife, former- ly Margaret Kelly, Morris; two sopse and four daughters: Arthur, Windsor; Leo, Morris Township; Mrs. J. Anna Gooding, London; Mrs. Violet Fortune, Mrs. Monica Thompson, Detroit; and Miss Margaret Cronin,.*London. Funeral services were held in St., Micheea's, Church, Blyth, Tuesday, at 10 a.m., when re- quiem high mass was sung by Rev. Fr. S. J. McDonald, follow- ed by burial in St. Michael's Cemetery, Morris, MRS. HARRY COWELL Former Hullett Township resi- dent, Mrs. Harry Cowell, died at Pickford, Mich., early Sunday morning, April 24. Mrs. Cowell was formerly An rile Marsh, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Mersh, and spent all her younger years in Hullett. Besides her husband,she is sur- vived bytwo sisters, Mrs. Minnie Jones, Dungannon Mrs. Eva Rice, Detroit; and four brothers, Harry Marsh, Detroit; Arthur, Manitoba; William, Colborne .Township, and Bert, Petersburg. Funeral services were held at Pickford, Michigan. It palls a monthly income to your. A monthly income to you in the dependents if you die before reaching evenk of your total disability through sick - retirement, nese or accident. This monthly income is doubled if you meet with death by A monthly income to you for accident life at retirement. Atilt for our pamphlet "Four -Fold Protection Provides". It will interest you. Coiifederati�n Li• HEAD ofEICE Association r o R o Nil LL ♦�,����,{ .�+,♦�� J.+. R. BUTLER, Representative, Cllin�to�n 34 ., y {, 0lL .:41 CLINTON!Roads Lead to JOIN US IN A GREAT "YOUTH FOR CHRIST' RALLY SATURDAY, MAY 7 8 p.m., Town Hall, Clinton BRING YOUR FRIENDS and .HELP US ORGANIZE We promise an interesting program—details in next week's issue SEE YOU IN CLINTON Youth for Christ — — Christ for Youth 7 ,g WHEREVER YOU AR/VE RELIANCE SERVES YOU BEST ka i BRUGE1 IEJ p Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Stanway are in . Torontb this weekend. Miss Marion Paterson, London, spent .the weekend et; her home. Miss Janet Watson has return- ed: to her teaching duties at Aylrirer, Mr. and Mrs. Ross •Scott and daughter Ruth, spent the week- end in Detroit. , Miss Eva Stackhouse' was in: Whli;by; on Saturday attending the Wedding of her cousin,. Alvin Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Weyne,,Miss .Fern Bell and Alec Barnette, spent, the; weekend at the, home of Mr.' Drew Swan. Miss . Mayne Swan, Mrs. Alice Ham and son Wesley, have re- turned home from Toronto. They were, accompanied by Drew Boyce. Weekend visitors at, the home of 'Mrs. H. Zapfe were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie • and daughter Lois, and Gilbert Hamock, De- troit, Mich. The choir of Brucefield United Church presented its sacred Easter cantata, "Life Eternal," in Brucefield Church Sunday even- ing, April 24, to a very apprec- iative and large congregation. The cantata, under the direction of Mrs. J. Murdock, organist and choir leader, was to have been presented• Good Friday but had to be postponed owing to illness of some of the members. Special parts were taken by Mrs, Ernest Williems, Mrs. E. R. Stanway, Miss June Murdock; Miss Eva Stackhouse, Flt. Sgt. E. Williams, RCAF Station, Clinton; and .I. K. Cornish. Good Attendance. There was a good attendance in church Sunday evening to hear the choir render the cantata, 'Eternal Light." Presented' Play The choir presented its play, "The Improper Henry Proper," in Hensall Friday evening. Attended Presbyterial Several from here attended the WMS Presbyterial in Hensel' on Tuesday. Cuts Thumb Badly Don Adams was taken to West- minster Hospital, London, on Fri- day. He had the misfortune to cut his thumb very badly with an axe. CONSTANCE Leo Stephenson was in Trenton on business over the weekend. Adam Nicholson attended the funeral of his nephew, Robert Patterson, Welton, on Monday. Miss D. M. Adams spent the weekend in London, while there attended a musical play, "Okla- homa." A social evening, held Iast Fri- day at the home of Mrs. W. 3. Dale, wasa splendid success. Borden, Brown bought the auto- graph quilt, all proceeds were in aid of the Mission Bead. Visitors for Easter. were: Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Riley and fam- ily, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley, Kitchener; Mr. end Mrs. Alvin Riley, Seaforth; and Jack Matheson, Toronto, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. - WALTON kuRAL nyifino CBANGE W INGHAM—Morley T; Somers, Earl Coutts, Guelph, visited with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. A. Coutts, Miss A. Love, Toronto, attended the. fugerel of her brother -in- law, Robert Patterson. Mrs, Rebecca Dennis has mov- ed' into the home on south Main St that she bought fro G S manager, Wingharn Rural office, Hydro Electric Povver Commis- sion, !heti been transferred to Barrie as assistant line superine tendent of Georgian Bay area. Irvin W. Merrick, Barrie regional office, has been appointed man- ager of Wingham area, .m OPEN SWIMSEASON GODERICII — Three young people opened the `swimming season here Saturday, April 23, by taking a, dip in the harbor and swimming around in; the chilly water for ten minutes. They Were: Miss Beulah Shackleton, Goderieh, a student at Stratford Normal School; Donald Bert Macadam and "Sonny Mallough, L Cummings. You'll BEget tSheT RESULTS with ,�v4t PITTSB,URG PAINTS ',We carry a complete Ike of Pittsburgh Paints. Come in for in- formation and advice on any painting problem. ._., ...,.... New Rooms for Old! New ane -coat oil -base Wailhide covers any surface. Wash repeatedly without streaking! Choice of 34 colors. New Life to Floors Use Florhide Floor Paint en floors ■ and steps of wood, can or metal. Also suitable for worn lino - J leum, Quick -drying, tough, elastic, y� �J I Waterspar Varnish b I For use on floors, woodwork, fur- i niture, on metal or I finished surfaces. Easy to apply! Quick dryicali urableI SAY 1 D. A. Kay and Son Painters and Decorators Phone 234-W -- Huron St. Clinton nalasinwrommimmanir Try MARVELL° PAINTS and ENAMELS 15 BRANCH OFFICES AND BULK PLANTS IN ONTARIO AT ANY OF OUR 600 SERVICE STATIONS you will find superior service—the result of more than 30 years' experience in meeting the needs of the motoring public. Supplied by one of the 15 strategically placed RELIANCE Branch Offices and Bulk Plants,' your nearby Reliance 'Station has fresh, full stocks at all *fines .. , eoi ientiy meeting the ever-growing demand for top - ,quality Reliance Products. - Wherever you drive make the Reliance Station your motoring head- quarters. You'll be weleoite... and served with courtesy and alertness. RELIANCE PETROLEUM LIMITED LONDON HAMILTON TORONTO Michael's Floor Polishers General Electric Vacuum Cleaners • • Eureka Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner A Popular Priced Cleaner Built to Famous Eureka Quality Standards - ,it) • • Speed Your Housecleaning! RENT A VAC OR POLISHER! Clinton 'Electric Shop -- WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — D. W. CORNISH PHONE 479 RESIDENCE 358 „ "EVER/4„11004 NEEDS WESTINGHOUSE!" You value your, chartn .. . and Modess helps you guard it -- luxuriously. luxuriously. Soft, comfortable. box of 12 Box of 48 35? $1.29 Modess Belts 29¢ POND'S CREAMS .. . REVLON'S NEW COLOR "Touch of Genius" Nail Polish ... 50c Lastron75c Lipstick 6Sc -- $1.00 Lip Fashion $1.50 Fashion Marie $1.25 Face Powder 65c MATCH BOX SET $2.00 Halo Shampoo 29c - 49c - 39c Lustre Creme Shampoo 29c - 55c - $1.00 Noxzema 49c -69c-$1.39 37c, 65c, $1.05 ODORONO CREAM 49c, 59c KOLYNOS TOOTHPASTE, with Indian cap 59c KLEENEX 18c; 2 for 35c IPANA TOOTH PASTE 30c, 49c BRECK SHAMPOO 75c, $1.50 RRYLCREME WITH COMB 49c Hunt's Mother's Day Package ... $1.25 UNIQUE PTmOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 Attention, Parents! All parents having children for Kindergarten Class in Fall Term commencing in September, must register same by letter not later than May 1, 1949, with H. C. Lawson, secretary, Public School Board. To be admitted pupils must be four years, eight months old by September 1, 1949. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the Public School. Owing to limited accommodation it is necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to. Signed on behalf of Clinton Public School Board, H. C. LAWSON, Secretary 15-18-17-b GIANT BINGO GOOD PRIZES Sponsored by Clinton Fire Department TOWN HALL, CLINTON Sat., April 30 Cornmencing at 9 o'clock • THREE SPECIAL BINGOS • Get Your Ticket from any of the Firemen an the Draw For The Three Big Prizes Draw to be made during the eventing ADMISSION: 50 cents, including 15 FREE Games alp; Would you like to be sure of passing your old age in comfort? If only you could be sure of a steady income when you finally give up work- ing! orking! You can plan for it now through a Mutual Life of Canada policy that will provide a new source of income when the day arrives. Consult our local representative. Protection cd Low Cost 34-A YOU'LL FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERR ,MUTUAL of CANADA HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, OM, H. C. LAWSON Bank of . M4ntresl Building, PHONE: Office 253Wi Res. 25U