Clinton News-Record, 1949-03-31, Page 11-THURSDAY, FIAROH t4, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE ELEVEN 1111111111116. FEDERATION NEWS .(By W. V. Row) A large delegation from the iCourityattended the annual meet- ing of •Ontario Hog Producers in .Toronto this week. -The Field Day Committee hes been successful in securing • as gtaest ;speaker for our annual Fie1d Day, the American Ambas- sador to Canada, Lawrence .Stein- hardt. This big event will be :held in Goderich on June 15, and should be of an international nature this year, as representat- ives entat- p rives of the International•Federa- cion of 'Agricultural Producers are •also .expected to be lin .at- tendance, .This,, I, believe, will be the first time that .a foreign •emhassador has -ever ':tater :Huron ,County.* Barrie Bremner, Brussels, R.R. 2, has been appointed County. Projectionist to succeed W. V. Roy, the appointment to take ef- fect, . April :1. *** County Forums held a rally in the Auditorium of the Seaforth Collegiate ;on Friday, March 18, with Robert. McMillan, .Seaforth,' acting as chairmen. Clare Burt, Provincial Seeretait'y, gave an inspiring talk on Forums and Folk Schools. " The audience enjoyed a concert provided by forum peo- ple acid witnessed the •' feature Veteran Small Holders film produced in Huron County,, "The Books Drive On," which Hear Talk on Soils was followed by a lunch and so-, cial get to-gether. '1•' "A well balanced soil is the • The 'broadcast 'on''.income tax 'primary requirement of a she,.- essfui garden," John E. Bradshaw returns, proved to be the most Supervisor of Small Holding De - popular broadcast of the season. velopment, London District, Ve- I orums think farmers should file temps' : Land Act, stated in an income tax returns, whether they address entitled "Your Garden are taxable or not, and eight to Front and B,ack" on Friday even- one of those opposed, feel that ing, March 11. farmers should,: keep records in Mr: Bradshaw spoke to a weal any event. attended group of small holding ` "` operators established under the The Fenn Veterans'' Land Act in Clinton, r Form u seasonhas ended with the meeting of March Goderich; and Seaforthricareas and It 21. The''attendance and number meeting in the Agricultural Board of forum meetings should pass Room, Clinton. all previous records. We must The speaker described in sir-' give the weather some credit, pre words the composition of soil but undoubtedly the discussions and the requirements of truly fer- have been yery good, with more tile soil. He pointed out to the than ,eve'r' taking part. Forum meeting the important role that people generally have been well 0 good supply of humus played satisfied with the subjects dis- in the production of quality veg- cussed during the season. Why etables in quantity. He further not try an example set by,11!Ioles- described to the meeting the help worth Forum in Grey`Tbwnship, which could be derived. from a and invite some town people to well grown garden, not only ec- your meeting. It may make for 'onomically but from a health a better understanding between point of view. town and farm people Indiicative. of the interest dis- * m r played by ,,the veterans was the fact that one of the veterans hitchhiked from Seeforth in a raging snow storm to be present at the meeting. With Mr. Bradshaw were Mar- tin Bauer, Regional Counselor, May I suggest that you invite your local newspaper.. editor to your film showing in the next series, when the film, "The Home Town Paper," will be 'shiotvn, Cars For Sale 1939.Plymouth Sedan, in nice shape 1929 Ford Coach Holland Electric Brooders, 300 chick sizer good as new, priced to sell. Also 'a few cords of mixed hard wood Call at Supertest Station or Phone 7.84W, Clinton JONATHAN HUGILL 13-b 1 CHICK STARTER NOW IN TWO FORMS 1—The Regular Granular Ground Mash 2—The New Bite Sized Krums. Both, are the same in formula - . MASTER BALANCED FEEDS, /lar ALL CLASSES e F FARMPOLIU;SzTR:' TOCK `ST. P �' FUR REARING a ANIMS 5, 50G5 Pad` It��tltt V�3 X�^l Hifi They both contain all the scientifically processed ingredients for increased, gfowth and early maturity. Your f,l M 1%1 M YY MASTER FEEDS na,v'�wvar.asun'.n Dealer S. RIDDICK . and SONS • PHONE 114 CLINTON and Frank Fisher, Settlement Supervisor .•(Clinton, Goderich, Seaforth•areas) Guelph Regional Ed Fink, Hensall, Heads Contractors (By our Hensail correspondent) The March meeting of the Electrical Contractors Association of Huron and surrounding ter - he New s held' t ter- ritory a in Com- mercial Hotel, Hensall, on Fri- dey, March 18. John Passmore was in the chair and Ed Fink read the minutes. Election of officers took place et the meeting. Those nominat- ed for president were: R. H. Cornish, Ed Fink, Lloyd Bell, Bill Higgins, and John Modeland. Bill Thuell was the only nominee for vice-president. C. Cornish and Bert Irwin were nominated for the office of secretary -treasurer. Officers elected by secret bal- lot were: president, Ed Fink, Hensall; vice - president, Bill Thuell, Blyth;' secretary -treasurer, ' C. Cornish,Cli nton. One new member applied for membership. It was decided that each member would pay $12 per year to Dover the cost of opera- tion. • Mr. McMurton requested that he be changed from Zone 11 to Zone 8. !It was decided to send invitations to all mem- bers when the next meeting has been arranged. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and FEED at Lot No. 5, Con- cession 2, Goderich Township,. Office, Veterans' Land Act. Bluewater Highway, 3 miles Mr. Brauer reminded the Small south of Goderich on Holders of the Small Holding Competition being 'staged this summer by the Veterans Land Act on a Dominion wide basis. The veterans were told that they were all automatically entered and all would require a visit from the judges. Mr. Bauer announced that there were 18 prizes for the ereas•covered by the Guelph and Dundas Regional Offices for Small Holders not living on sub- divisions. Prizes were to be in the form of trees,.shrubs, ever- greens and perennials, etc. The first prize is to be worth $20., second $19., and so on, progress- ively downwards to $3. Mr. Bauer emphasized the fact that real benefits to be gained from the Competition was not the winning of a prize but the satisfaction derived from Working in the garden and the subsequent improvement in the appearance and quality of the garden. RETURNS FROM TRIP ,ONTARIO T®'r,:, RIST CAMP OPEATORS Licences Expire MARCH 31st All•licences'issued to Tourist Camp Operators under The Tourist Camp Regulation Act, 1946, expire on March 31st, 1949. Applications for renewal should be made to the Municipal Clerk in the municipality in which the camp is established, or in unorganized dis- tricts,.to the inspector of Provincial Police in that district. If you are in•doubt as to your status insofar as this Act is concerned, please write to the Deputy Minister, Department of Travel and Publicity, .Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 'DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO • Hon: LOUIS'P:"CECILE, K.C. 'Minister TOM C. McCALL Deputy Minister ,.NATIONAL TOURIST SERVICE WEEK From May 2nd to May 91h 'Tourist business is YOUR •business The, Canadian Association of Tourist and Publicity Bureaux has published an informative booklet rhe Visitor lindestry .,which tells what.you•can do to help farther •this important ,national 'Write for your. free copy. 16-9 DASHWOOD—T. Harry Hoff- man has returned home follow ing a two weeks' trip to Absar- aka, North Dakota, visiting with relatives. Froin there he went to Saskatoon on a business trip, accompanied by Everett Heist, Dashwood. They proceeded fur- ther to visit with a daughter of Mr. Haist who lives within 40 miles of the end of civilization: • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 at 1.30 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSE: Chestnut mare, 8 yrs. old, approx. 1550 lbs. CATTLE: Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, recently freshened; Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, due time of sale; Holstein cow, 10 yrs. old, due Oct. 17; Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old, recently freshened; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, recently freshened; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due April 28; 2 Durham heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; yearling Durham steer; yearling Durham heifer; 2 Durham steers, 6 mons. old; 4 spring calves. PIGS: Yorkshire sow, due in May; 4 Yorkshire pigs, approx. 125 lbs. IMPLEMENTS: Deering binder, 6 ft. cut; Deering cultivator; Deering hay rake; M.H. 13 -disc drill; 4 -section harrows; M.H. mower, 51/2 ft. cut; 12 -plate in - throw disc; set of sleighs; wagon and flat rack; farm wagon; Oliver riding plow; 2 -furrow walking plow; fanning mill; 4 sling ropes; trip chain; root pulper; set of breeching harness; horse collars; cutter; logging chains; neck yokes; M.H. cream separator. FEED: A quantity of mixed hay. No reserve as proprietor is quitting farming. TERMS—CASH ROBERT McILWAIN, Proprietor W. R. Lobb Addresses Federation Banquet At the annual ' meeting and banquet of Hay Township Fed- eration of Agriculture at Zurich, u t presi- dent, Clinton, con sL �•V. R. 1 Y P dent, spoke of the forthcoming tour of the visitors to the world conference to be held in Guelph. Other speakers were R. ;Gordon Bennett, Clinton, Huron agricul- tural representative, who spoke on TB. testing in Huron; Reeve George Armstrong; and D. Stauf- fer, whose topic was world co- operatives. o- po erative.c . President, of the Hay organiza- tion is Delbert Geiger; vice- president, Sam Hendrick; direct- ors, Cliff Pepper, Ted Steinbach, Len Merner and Emil thipchase. e—_ Airman Fined $10 For Careless Driving The entire trip was made by EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, automobile. 13-b Auctioneer Cpl. Jean Raincourt, RCAF :Station, Clinton, was convicted on a charge of careless driving in a 'judgment reserved from the previous week, and was fined $10 and costs by Magistrate Dudley Holmes at Goderich Thursday af- ternoon last. The charge arose out of an accident on King's Highway 4, two, miles south of Clinton, on February 19, when a car driven by Cpl. Reincourt was involved in an accident with a truck driven by John T. Nethery, Blyth. ''M1111111111110 EMlNTllllllll lllMllllll@IIIIUVMIIIIUnllmEllllEllmlBEm11111191NuluIIIIIIIIIIIVIIfIII ;III Illlllltll llllu ono,. 0 Farmers!! Attention!! M RUBBER TIRED WAGONS Rugged! Speedy! and Safe!• Built to take the shocks of cross -field travel up to 40 miles per hour, without whipping. See it before buying. Spray Equipment Soil Testing Kits Power -Driven Manure Spreaders Hamilton and McFarlane ---- Albert St., Clinton PHONE 475 PHONE 620r11 lu11,1111IIIIIIAiii III 11 13-p ilmu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIOVIIIIIIIIiIVImIIIIIWI1111 11111!IIVIVIIIIIsIViIIIIIIonIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIVI!Illllulllllll rr MORE 3HUR'�7AIN IS FED IN CANADA THAN ANY OTHER A Yes—more SHUR-GAIN feeds are sold in Canada than any other brand. Surely this is simple proof of their quality, the satisfaction. they give to the farmer in in- creased profits and healthy livestock. If you haven't been a steady user of SHUR-GAIN feeds, we feel you owe it to yourself to find out how you like them. We know that if . you do try them you'll keep right on. using them. ' SEE US TODAY _ ® • • •— FEED THE BEST FOR LESS!! Clinton Feed Mill PHONE 580 _ - CLINTON 1 AUCTION SALE —• of — FARM, FARM STOCK and and IMPLEMENTS at Lot 27, Concession 3, H.R.S., Tuekersmith Township, 4 miles west of Egmondville on FRIDAY, APRIL 8 at 1.30 p.m. HORSES: Matched team clyde geldings, 3 yrs. old, well broke. CATTLE: Registered Shorthorn bull, 2 yrs. old (Pepper breed); red cow, fresh 4 weeks; roan cow, fresh 6 weeks; roan cow, due middle of April; roan cow, due end of May; 2 red cows, fresh; 1 farrow cow (young): These are choice Durham cows. 10 Dur ham heifers and steers, one yr. old; 4 young calves; 2 wintei calves; 1 fat calf; 6 fat steers weighing 1,000 lbs.; 2 fat heifers Fat cattle are ready for market PIGS: 11 York pigs, 7 week old; 2 young sows, due April 3 pigs, 100 lbs. each. IMPLEMENTS. Farm wagon 3-sectioh diamond harrows; D Laval cream separator; ridin plow. FARM: 76 acre farm. Lot 26 Concession 4, H.R.S.; frame hous covered with asphalt shingle bank barn with straw shed; goo water supply in barn; 30 acre plowed; 9 acres wheat; remainde in hay and pasture. Sold sub ject to reserve bid if not sol previous to sale,. Immediat possession. Terms: 10 per cen down, balance in 30 days. TERMS on Chattels—Cash. ESTATE OF LATE ROY BROW HAROLD JACKSON, Auctionee E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 13-14-1 7 tQ. r. �s .a e g t. N '��T A qe �3�. � ..��a;y' v F r II {rax g�Ru�e i 0E SPECIALSTHISWEEK PEAT MOSS MOLASSES, 5 Vitamin A. and 3000 A., 400 CHICK STARTER (In SPECIAL MIXED SALTS SULPHUR It is NOT too late for April per bale $1.90 2.75 Oil, per gal. 5.00 ... 4.00 in bags 2.70 5 lbs. 25c 6 lbs. 25c your Chicks NOW. gallon can D. Feeding D. ... PELLETS Cotton Bags) CHOP, • • • to order or May . -...oir Jervis Hatchery PHONE 194 CLINTON, ONT. FARM FOR SALE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to the 9th day of April, A.D. 1949 for the Farm of the late John A. Mills, being the South Half of Lots Numbers 4 and 5 in the 14th Concession , of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, containing 160 acres more or less. e The said Farm is good Clay Loam land, well drained, and no waste land. Water is supplied from an Artesian Well d and a spring creek. On the said farm is said to be erected - s a Barn and Strew Shed, 40' x 60' and 30' x 50' on a stone r foundation. Also driving shed with steel roof, 24' x 40'. - Also a seven -roomed Brick House. Also on the farm I are .15 acres of excellent hardwood bush, and five acres I of young hush. Hydro available. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. F. FINGLAND, I.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Es -late r 13-14-b edirWAYMELIstseerealteilltaSSIOIWAR Co`, - as a nickel 11( (plus deposit) ( `"'' Ask for it either way ... both P-52, trade -marks mean the same thing. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY Authorized Bottler of Ooea-Cola under contract