Clinton News-Record, 1949-03-31, Page 9'THURSDAY, MARCH .'31, T CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE NewsReCordC1assified Adiets Bring Quick Re.sult.s CASH RATE—(If Paid by Wed- esesday following date of laser- iV1imi--One cent a word` first in- vertion • (minimum 35 cents); sub - :frequent insertions one cent•a,_y9os l (*minimum 25.cents); 15 ,vents ex- tra for box number or"'for dime - lien to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15„ cents eXtra, ,HEADLINE -6 p.m. 'Wednesday ACCOMMODATION• AIRMAN EXPECTING to be'm'ar- xied requires apartment by June 1:Contact Sgt. L. W. •Elliott, RCAF Station, Clinton. 13-p PERMANENT RESIDENT (not RCAF) requires:houae ilm Clinton by first of May. Contact Eric Sime• ''lihone"328J 13-p AUTOMOBILESJOR •SALE 1948 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan, under 8,000 miles. Apply NEWS- RECORD. 13-p 1947 MERCURY 118 with low mileage, new car -condition, pri- vately -owned, equipped .with cus- tom-built radio, sun visor, deluxe heater and other eattras. If in- terested, phone 803r2, Clinton. 13-p 1941 CHEVROLET COACH, new -tires and newly painted, motor in good. condition. Price cheap for quick sale. D'Arcy Rathweil, Brucefield, phone Clinton 627r6. 13-p 1940 DODGE 'Five -Passenger Coupe, newly painted; 1939 Dodge Sedan; both in good condition. J. E. Howard, 'Bayfield, phone Clinton 624f31. lobtfb BICYCLES FOR SALE CCM BOYS' BICYCLE, in good condition. Gorden Grigg, phone "74W. 13-p - FARMS FOR SALE YOUR CHOICE -100 or 10 Acres with buildings; 10-20 tractor plow; John Deere tractor with two -furrow plow, $925, -half cash. 13. Thompson, Clinton. Apply Monday. 13-b HIGHWAY, 81 ACRES, 24 wheat, 20 ploughed, seven -room red 'brick house, wired, furnace, bath, pressure water, garage, bank barn, spring possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 11-13-p FARM EQUIPMENT , FOR SALE TIHREE-SECTION McCORMICK- Deering spring tooth harrows, nearly new; electric cream sep- arator, McCormick -Deering stain- less steel bowl, nearly new; also female collie pup about four months old. Wesley McBride, 11,R. 1, Varna, phone Hensall 871.21. 13-p MASSEY-HARRIS SPRING Tooth Cultivator; also set of spring tooth :harrows; both in good condition, D'Arcy Rethweil, Brucefield, phone Clinton 627r6. 13-p 12/20 TRACTOR; two - furrow tractor plough; two section of spring tooth drag harrows; seven foot stiff'tooth cultivator. R. E. Thompson, R.R. 2, Clinton. 13-p HELP WANTED,'' MALE GARDENER, "'WANTED. Apply C. H. Epps, phone Clinton 264. 13-p HONEY FOR SALE BARGAIN IN 'HONEY—Lack of +dollars in Europe has temporarily ruined export markets for honey and caused ; surplus in Canada. This gives you opportunity to piirchase 65 lb. tin of mild ember honey for $7.50. If this quantity is too large we can supply smal- ler amounts, amber at 15 cents •or clover at 20 cents per ib.• T, G. Scribbins, Victoria St., Phone 315. 13-14-p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with .cooking privileges, central loca- tion, opposite Clinton Grill. Phone -461, '13-15-b FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE BABY CARRIAGE, approx- intately one year old. In good shape. Apply H, Maclvor, % Mrs, Charlesworth, R:attenbury St. E,, Clinton. 12-x FOLDING PRAM, grey in color, cheap 'for quick sale, Mrs. Ron 'MacDonald, phone 338W. 12-13-b -o HELP WANTED—MALE A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY •of becoming your own boss! Retail our 250 guaranteed house- hold necessities including the full line of Insecticides, in a territory of•your choice. Part time egents •considered. Hundreds of success- ful Familex agents started with .a borrowed' $25 or $50. No risk -- it is worth a trial. Travelling ,equipment essential in rural dist- Tide. Business is good — Write 'today for details and free catel- •egue—FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimer, Montreal. 10-15-b HOUSES FOR SALE TOWN 6F CLINTON, one -floor insul brick cottage, nearly new, living room with dinette space, modes -a kitchen with built-in -cupboards, two bedrooms with closet space, three-piece bath ith built-in tub, hardwood oors, fully insulated, full base- eiet, furnace equipped with oil ner, good location, immediate cession. ' Apply H. C. Lawson, tor, phone 251-W, Clinton. 9bftb -ROOM HOUSE, one -and - storey, size 26 feet by 30 od frame and roof. Sit rear of Northside United eeforth. To be moved Price $750. Apply nail. lumen, chai.rnnan, or F. ecretary, of Trustee 13-14-b. LIGHTNING RODS LIGHTNING . RODS and SAVE Troughs, work promptly complet- ed by compotent- arid .!licensed workmen, For guaranteed prices write or' ,phone A, H, Steep,; R,R, 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 906r12. f.,, 13-14-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE GOOD HEREFORD CALF, one week old. Apply George Colclough, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 805r31. , 13-b. BAY GELDING, four, years old, well broken. Fred\ Arkell, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone: Clinton 906r25. 13-14-b MISCELLANEOUS ' NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet end portable electric, also 'treadle machines; repairs 'to all makes. Singer Sewing 'Centre, 73 Ontario St., Stratford. ltfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, If suitable for mink' feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936x21 .e 936r32, Coder2btfb• - PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write ar phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb PROPERTY FOR SALE IN TOWN OF CLINTON, Six - roomed cottage with hydro and town water, 1 acre land in good location south of CNR tracks, Matilda St. Possession middle of April. Apply to NEWS -RECORD. 12-13-p • SEED FOR SALE 200 BUSHELS SEED OATS, Beavers; also seed potatoes: 100 begs Katandin potatoes, 75 bags Chippewa potatoes, a few bushel Netted Gem, which is a nice red smooth potato that cooks nicely. Fred Eels, R.R. 2, Goderich, phone Goderich 934r22. 13-14-b SEWING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Dressmaking done. Apply Mrs. Desjardins, above Superior Store. 13-p SPECIALS OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS Save you money. Ask for them. On display in our windows and store. Clerk Wanted. W, L. Johnson and Son, phone 286. 13-p STOVES FOR SALE FINDLAY COOK STOVE, about two years old; hot plate. Wilfred Denomme, phone Clinton, 459W. 13-p TRUCKS FOR SALE 1938 DODGE TRUCK, ton, hay rack; 1941 Ford sedan; both in good mechanical condition. Harold Glew, phone 355J'. 13-14-p WANTED GARAGE WANTED, preferably in- central business section of Clinton. Phone Clinton 133T. 13-b NOTICE ALL ACCOUNTS 'NOT PAID by April 30, 1949, will be handed in for collection. 7'. R. Thompson, phone 692M. 12-13-p NOTICE — HURON FISH AND Game Club, Clinton, requests that any public school children in the townships bordering the Town of Clinton who wish to hatch pheasants, contact by let- ter, John Smith, Clinton, cheir- man of the Game Committee. 13-16-b NOTICE — ANYONE 'FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 13-15ptfb HELP WANTED, FEMALE FEMALE—CLERK; Stenographer. Required for Utilities office. Clin- ton Public Utilities Commission, A. E. Reenball, superintendent. • Apex. $149.50 GROVES ELECTRIC PHONE 274 'BIRTHS McBURNEY-1n Clinton Public Hospital, an Friday, March 25, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mcfurney, R.R. 4, Clinton, a daughter (Virginia Beatrice), LOUCKS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, Merch 30, 1949, to Mr. and.. Mrs, William Loucks, Varna, a daughter. MARRIAGES FORRESTER—WEST—• In Park St. United Church, Orono, by Rev A E Eustace, Donna Eliz- abeth, daughtee of Mr. end Mrs. Albert West, Orono, to Roy Clarence . Forrester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Forrester, formerly of Clinton. HARRISON—WAYMOUTH — In St. ,George's Anglican Church, Goderich, on Saturday, Merch 19, 1949, Doris Irene, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weymouth, ,Clinton, to Roy Gordon Harrison., only son •of Mrs, Harmsen, and the late John, A. Harrison, Gooerich, DEATHS • BUCHANAN—At her late resi- dence, Hensall, on Friday, Mar- ch 25, 1949, Mrs, Alex Buch- anan, in her 90th year. Funeral from her home to Hensall 'Un- ion . Cemetery Monday after- noon, March 28. HAIR•LAND—On Thursday, March 24, 1949, at her home 320 Ron- cesvalles Ave., Toronto, Marion Harland, beloved sister of Amelia, Mrs. George Hill, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Harland, formerly of Clinton, Private funeral from the Turner and Porter Funeral Horne, . Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, to Scarboro Lawn Memorial Cemetery, on Satur- day, March 26. JOHNSTON--In Regina General Hospital, on Sunday, March 20, 1949, Herbert H. Johnston,.for- merly of Bayfield, beloved husband of Kathleen Forler, in his 77th year. Funeral from the Alliance Tabernacle to Re- gina Cemetery on Tuesday, March 22. MORRISON—In Hullett Town- ship, on Wednesday, March 30, 1949, Michael Morrison, in his 36th year. Resting at the home of Bernard Tighe, Concession 6, Hullett Township. Funeral Mass at St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, on Friday morning, April 1, at nine o'clock, to R.C. Cemetery, Hullett. STIRLING—In Melita, Man,, on Wednesday, . March 16, 1949, Edward Stirling, formerly of Londesborough, in his 88th year; uncle of Mrs. Stanley Lyon and Mrs, J. Shaddick, Londesborough,' and H. Mog- ridge, Auburn, Funeral, Sat- urday, March 19, Interment in Melita Cemetery. SWINBANK—At his home, Mary. St., Clinton, on Thursday, Mar- ch 24, 1949, Walter Joseph Swinbank, beloved husband of Mary O'Brien, in his 77th year. Funeral from the Beattie Fun- eral Home, Rattenbury, St, E„ Clinton, to St, Joseph's R.C. Church for Requiem-lWass, to R,C. Cemetery; Hullett, on Sat- urday morning, March 26. FIVE' -PIN BOWLING NOTES (As at March 30) CLINTON MEN'S LEAGUE W L HT.Pts. Hawkeyes . , 33 24 11 77 Spitfires ... 29 25 13 71 Roughriders .... 29 28 9 .67 Autumn Breezes , 28 26 8 64 Steeplejacks -,,,. 19 35 5 43 High .single, Bert White, 352; high three, Tom Steep, 800, ST, 'JOSEPH'S CHURCH W L HT.Pts, Nimrods 46 23 ' 14 106 Supersonics 38 31 11 87 Volcanoes 32 37 13 77 Skyrockets , 22 47 8 52 High single—J. Cadieux, 322, Reta Cerbert, 315. high three— L. Matthews, 786, Reta Carbert, 726. CLINTON GIRLS W L HT.Pts. Beetle Bombers . 49 20 18 116 Hoozier Hotshots . 34 35 10 78 Mighty Atoms 33 36 11 77 Cracker Jacks 22 47 8 52 High single, Shirley Hattie, 337; high three, Shirley Hattin, 806. W—won; , L—lost; T—tied; HT.—high total; P.—points. 0 ZURICH—Zurich Lions Club hes voted a cash donation to- wards purchase of an artificial limb for an unfortunate member of the community. The club's boys' end girls' committee is studying the posibiiity of form- ing a local band. o ROBBERS SOUGHT BY POLICEMEN IN KEEN SEARCH (Continued from Page Five) alone, into a shambles in their frantic search for money. Battle Robbers Jonah Kessell battled the rob- bers as long as he was able, tos- sing one of the trio onto the top of .a stove in his effort to protect his life and his property. When the .trio overcame the battling brothers, the aged men were thrown into chairs back to back and securely bound with three-quarter inch rope. Jonah's hands were tied behind his back while William's hands were tied in front. Trussed to Chairs The robbers thee trussed the chairs together and wound the rope around the legs of the stove. After the men were bound, the three robbers made a swift search of the kitchen and left.' Ten minutes later, the men were back and this time they started at the top of the house and worked down, visiting every room. In each room the trio ripped open drawers, tossed con- tents all-over the floor and then 'stripped the beds in their search. Money Found The money was finally discov- ered in a china cabinet in the kitchen, within a few feet of where the brothers sat helplessly tied to their chairs. After grab- bing the money, the trio picked Y§' SUITS Your boy likes • to be just. like Dad. So why riot dress him up for Easter. Our stock of Boys' Suits covers a full range of shades and• sizes from 6 to 16. 10.95 to 24.50 2 pr, pants to each suit BOYS' WEAR Shirts, sweaters, underwear, socks and shoes MEN = Plan your Easter wardrobe around a New Suit, Topcoat and Hat from Pickett C'F 01 Arrow Shirts CLINTON Stetson Hats PHONE 25 Is Your Home In Need Of Repair v PLUMBING,, SEWERAGE INSTALLATION, or REPAIR on any of your immediate needs. . Full line of Coucrete Equipment, ready to operate. Rates and contracts available upon request; all work done accord- ing to specifications. Make arrangements now for concrete installations; cement is now available to store for future. use. - Upon request, we will furnish you the amounts needed for individual requirements. McKay Contracting Co. Phone 373M -- , Clinton. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (March 3.1 -April 2) HIGH ISARBAIIBE with Van Johnson MON. TUES, WED. (April 4-6) "I LOVE TROUBLE" If it's mystery you're after this film was made for you. Five women up to their lovely necks in murder. Can you pick the guilty one—Franehot Tone, Janet Blair and Janis Carter • THUR., FRI,, SAT. (April 7-9) Walt Disney's "B A M B 1" The story of the enirnal people of the forest and the fun -loving fawn who became their king. A Technicolor gem that ell children should see and all adults will enjoy. • Coming (April 11-13) Mark Hel- linger's last and greatest screen triumph "THE NAKED CITY" Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE _ G O, D E_ R I C J1 Now Playing (March 31 -April 2) "RACHEL and the STRANGER" Loretta Young, Robert . Mitchum MON. TUES. WED. (April 4-6) — TWO FEATURES -- Fred Fred MacMurray, Ave Gardner and Roland Culver—Take us East for a thrilling romance • "SINGAPORE" Preston Foster, Mary Stuart and William Bishop—The story of a horse with a personality "THUNDERHOOF" T1311R., FRI., SAT. (April 7-9) "8 A M B I" One of the greatest of all Walt Disney musicals, Full-bodied en- tertainment for young and older. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (March 31 -April 2) "RIVE1i LADY" with Yvonne De Carlo and Dan Duryea MON. TUES. WED: '(April 4-6) Susan Peters, Alexander Knox & Dame May Whitty — There's a salty tang of the sea-coest in Margaret Ferguson's story of a woman's courage. "THE SIGN OF THE RAM" THUR.; FRI., ' SAT. '•(April 7-9) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo and Steve Cochran—A riotous, hilar- ious, Technicolor musical with the clown -prince of laughter as its star. "A SONG IS BORN" Coming (April 11-13) HILLS OF HOME". In Technicolor Mats,: Wed., Sat., holidays, 2.30 Coming (April 11-13)' Barry Fitzgerald in "THE NAKED CITY" Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 pan. CARD OF THANKS We take this opportunity to thank those who in any way showed their sympathy in our recent bereavement, with flow- ers, mass cards or taffy' other acts of kindness. We also wish to thank Walter's many friends who, during his long illness, helped to cheer him in so many ways, This is all much appreciated. MRS. SWINBANK AND IRENE. 13b IN MEMORIAM JERVIS—In loving memory of Ellen Grace Jervis, who passed away April 2, 1948: "Away in the beautiful hills of God, , By the valley of rest so fair, Some time, some day, we know not when, We'll meet our dear one there." —Ever remembered by Russell and girls, Mother and Dad, Edith end Bill. 13-p up two shot guns and fled. Both guns, one of them loaded, were found outside the house by po- lice. The unloaded shotgun was broken by the men, police stated. The moment the trio fled, Wil- liam began working on the ropes on his wrists with his fingers and his teeth. For two hours the aged man struggled and fin- ally' was rewarded when his teeth parted a strand of the rope and he was able to reach his pocket and obtain his penknife. Minutes later he was free and had re- leased his brother. The aged men then trudged a half mile to the home of Mr, end Mrs. Jae Wilds and police and medical aid were summoned. `Dr. J, Dunlop gave the brothers first aid treatment and then took Jonah to hospital, Provincial Constable Jack Fer- guson, Exeter, with Provincial Constables William Gardner, Goderich, and Helmer Snell, Sea - forth, launched a search for the robbers who had about a five- hour start. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS CHAPMAN, late of the Township of Tuokersmith in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or before the 9th day of April, A.D. 1949, after, which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall 'have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 18th day of March, A,D. 1949 F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 12-13-14-b -CJ-Y t3 ,1/J' w-ats 1 y ,Freeteeetemesee CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C, V,COO K E FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Wovcs Permanents • ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 PHONE 96 CLINTON COt'f 1,1 lf,P A [WING, r, CARD OF THANKS Cecil T. Dobbyn, Blyth, wishes to thank the Clinton Public Hos- pital staff and nurses, the doc- tors end the special nurses for heir many acts of kindness while • a patient there. 13-p ed to attend. HOSPITAL AID TO MEET The April meeting of the Hos- pital Aid will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening at eight o'clock, All ladies of the town, who are in- terested in the hospital, are ask - FIVE MINUTES AFTER DEATH WHAT WOULD A 5INNER GIV, FOR ANOTHER CHANCE? TOO LATE!! ETERNALLY LOST NO MORE Sermons by godly pastors, NO MORE pleadings of Christian friends, NO MORE chance to accept CHRIST'rS offer of free salvation, ACT NOW, BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," Acts 16:31 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. YOUR HEADQUARTERS for r+ Plumbing Supplies Plumbing now in stock: TOILETS—_priced from $45 to $75 BATH TUBS — on feet and Recess tubs $55 anduI3gi I PEDESTAL BASINS • WALL BASINS KITCHEN SINKS Order now before supply gets limited HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing and Heating Business 244—PHONES—Residence 470 4 Weekend Specials! • BUTTERMILK CAKES • CHERRY TARTS Dixon's Pastry Shop Ratteabnry St. E. — Phone 281W — Clinton APRIL let E1949 25 Years of Service to Canada We Now Offer The' Finest Line of Work Boots We've Ever Hart! See the New PANOLENE SOLE Boot—outwears leatherl— Brown, full grain nipper leather with $6050, Box toe, double sole from heel to toe .. �J Other types with waterproof Ieather• uppers, pence tap soles or full double leather soles. The Famous Greb Heavy Duty Arch Boot for perfect comfort, with or without toe cap, —ALSO — Coinplete Range of HIP BOOTS with the high flange and Goodrich Trout King, for protection and wear at work or sport, • AIKEN'S