Clinton News-Record, 1949-03-24, Page 5'111URSDAY, 7VMARCIi '24, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Resufts CASH RATE -(If paid by Wed ROUSES FOR SALE meaday following 'date of , 'mom- TOWN OF CLINTON one -floor 'laser- 0011)—One cent a word first in- •rertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- insul brick cottage, nearly new, averment .insertions one cent a word living room with dinette space, (minimum, 25 cents); 15 Bents ex -modem kitchen with built-in ova for box number or for direc- cupboards, two bedrooms with lien to NEWS -RECORD Office. closet space, three-piece bath, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. with built-in tub, hardwood DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday floors, fully insulated, full base ment, furnace equipped with oil AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE burner, good location, immediate possession, Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251-W, Clinton. 9bftb 1948 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan, 'under 8,000. miles. Apply NEWS- -RECORD. 1932 BUICK SEDAN, in fairly good'condition; Ice box, nearly new. Apply M. DesJardinee, above Superior Store, Clinton. 12-p 1940 DODGE Five -Passenger Coupe, newly painted; 1939 Dodge -Sedan; both in good condition. J. E. 'Howard, Bayfield, phgqne Clinton 6241'31. , lobtfb BOARDERS WANTED CAN GIVE ROOM and BOARD to one person. Contact Mrs, Harry Riley, Fulton St., Clinton. 11-12-p BUILDINGS FOR SALE LARGE FRAME HOUSE; must be removed from premises on which it is located. This building contains much valuable building .material. Harry M. Ford, Gode- } 11-13-b CLOTHING FOR SALE 'TEA BLUE . WORSTED SUIT, •three-piece, size 15 year old boy, in good condition, only worn a few times. Apply Box "3," NEWS - RECORD. 12-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE SIMPLICITY WASHING Machine, good as new, guarantee not ex - Tired, reason for selling owner leaving town. Apply Box "G", NEWS -RECORD. 12-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'TWO WINDMILLS. one 50' Brant- ford, self - oiling; the other 20', Phone 905r14. 12-p RENFREW CREAM SEPARATOR 600 lb, capacity. C. Campbell land Son, Bayfield, phone Bay- field 58r41, 12-p SPECIAL PRICE ON NEW Rub- ber -tired wagons, with or without tires; also come end see the new -Curtis combination locker and 'deep freeze and cooler. 3, H. Brunsdon, phone Clinton 15. 12-p FARMS FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 85 ACRES sof clay land on Concession 10, Goderich Township, never failing well with windmill; must be sold -to close estate. Harry M. Ford, Goderich, 11-13-b HIGHWAY, 81 ACRES, 24 wheat, •20 ploughed,seven-room red `brick house, wired, furnace, bath, pressure water, garage, bank `barn, spring possession. William. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 11-13-p FOR RENT 'PASTURE -100 ACRES, in Stan- ley Township, fenced into fields, •drained, plenty of water end • shade. Apply Box "L", NEWS - RECORD. 10-12-b FURNITURE FOR SALE 'FOLDING PRAM, grey in color, ,cheap for quick sale. Mrs. Ron •112acDoneld, phone 338W. 12-b A FEW FIRE EXTINGUISHERS left at the old $5 price. Joe Mc- Cully, Brumfield, phone Clinton $25x14. 12-p ONE BABY CARRIAGE, approx- imately one yeer old. In good :shape. Apply H. Macivot S/ o Mrs. Charlesworth, Rattenbury St. Be a linton, 12-x HELP WANTED—MALE LIGHTNING RODS LIGHTNING RODS and EAVE Troughs, work promptly complet- ed by competent and licensed workmlan. For guaranteed prices write or phone A, H. Steep, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 906r12. 12-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NUMBER OF LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. Fred McClymont, Varna, phone Clinton 613r24. 12-b YOUNG REGISTERED BOAR, seven months old., C. Campbell and son, Bayfield. phone Bay- field 58r41. 12-p LOST AND FOUND LOST—MALE COCKER Spaniel, honey colour. Finder please contact Clinton 191W. Reward. 12-p MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS are effect- ive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5; at Pennebaker's Drug Store. SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, various lengths. Enquire. 11-18p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, :8 Ontario St., Stratford. Mt; SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 a! $36x32, Goder- ich. 2btfb PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb POTATOES FOR SALE POTATOES, $1.25 PER BAG; nine pigs, six weeks old on March 28. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clin- ton 904r4. 12-b PROPERTY FOR SALE IN TOWN OF CLINTON, Six - roomed cottage with hydro and town water, 1 acre land in good location south of CNR tracks, Matilda St. Possession middle of April. Apply to NEWS -RECORD. 12-13-p SPECIALS _ STOP, LOOK end SECURE Your share of weekly specials on dis- play in our windows and store. Phone 286, W. L. Johnson and Son, 12-p STOVES FOR SALE TWO BEATTY COAL -BURNING Brooder Stoves. In good con- dition. Roy Bros., Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r6. 12-p FOTRAILERR R SALE O GOOD TWO -WHEEL TRAILER; quantity of haled straw. Reymond Cantelon, phone 620r21, Clinton. 12-p a°. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY •of becoming your own boss! Retail our 250 guarahteed house- BEAUTY SHOPPE hold necessities including the full ;line of Insecticides, in a territory of your choice, Part time egents <considered. Hundreds of success- ful Familex agents. started with .a borrowed $25 or $50. No risk= - it is worth a trial. Travelling -equipment essential in rural dist- ricts, Business is good — Write today for details and free cabal- ETHEL THOMPSON •ague—FAMILEX, 1600 Delorin-er, 1Vlontreal. 10-15-b Princess St. East Phone 585 Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents i eilAtaZn?fteifela i:teett . e : ale ; ees ;Heli, teteie ; elet teles», :4-94+ Sr is se 4 YOUR HEADQUARTERS for Plumbing • Supplies Plumbing now in stock: • TOILETS -priced from $45 to $75 t. BATH TUBS — on feet and Recess tubs $55 and urs PEDESTAL .BASINS WALL BASINS KITCHEN SINKS Order now before. supply 'gets limited s F, • 11 V 11)1 it.illi � E ItH LJ 2 Plumbing and Heating Business 244—PHONES-Residence 470 .44IR.444:4: Z µ:HFt«gnrR43+`F4+F+'.7# •' BIRTHS BAYNHAM In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, Marcia 20, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, Hensall, a daughter. ERB—In• Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, March . 17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb, Zurich, a son, HOLLAND — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 21, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil - Bain Holland, R.R. 4, Clinton, a son. STRAUGHAN — In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, March 20, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Straughan (nee Marie Miller), Auburn, a son. , DEATHS GUNN—In London, on Tuesday, March 22, 1949, Mary Gunn, aged 85 years. Funeral from Killingsworth Funeral Home, London, to St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, for Requiem Mass, on Thursday morning, March 24, to Goderich R.C. Cemetery. MASON—Suddenly, at her resi- dence, 34 Spring Grove Ave., Toronto, on Monday, March 21, 1949, Mary Jane Heidemen, be- loved wife of William Andrew Mason, formerly of "Clinton, mother of Blaine, Mrs. Frank Ruby; Jean, Mrs. John Wood; Margaret, Mrs. Albert England; Mildred, Mrs. Joseph Nash; Catharine, Mrs. D. DuBoulay; Edythe, Mrs. E. Rippington; Dorothy, Mrs. R. A. Gibson; and William. Funeral from A. Roy Miller Chapel, St. Clair Ave. W., to F.ospect Cemetery, To- ronto, Thursday afternoon, March 24. MacKAY—In Beyfield, on Fri- day, March 18, 1949, Lillian L. Elliott, beloved wife of Hugh R. MacKay, aged 77 years. Funeral from her late residence, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Sunday, March 20. TRICK Following a lengthy ill- ness, at Mrs. Rogers' Nursing Home, Landon, on Thursday, March 10, 1949, Gladys Walron, wife of the late Thomas Arthur Trick, Funeral at London to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Lon- don, on Saturday, March 12. 1 I.O.O.F. NOTES Huronic Rebekah Lodge held e very successful St. Patrick's Party on Wednesday evening, March 16. Progressive euchre and "500" were played, winners being: euchre—Mrs, Harold. Glew, Mrs. Frank Glew, Roy Mann and Cecil Ashton; "500", Mrs. Ronald Mac- Donald, Mrs, Thomas Churchill; Jack Sturdy and W. M. Nediger. Noble Grand Mrs. Vivien Knights welcomed the guests. Vice Grand Mrs. Mary Sutter was chairman for a short programme which followed the cards. This includ- ed solos by Miss Gloria' Palmer with Miss Mary Joyce Strachan, Goderich, accompanying, piano duetts by Misses Joyce Andrews and Anna Glew, and solos by James Corran with Miss Eileen Glidodn accompanying. A de- licious lunch was served at the close of the evening. Clinton Lodge No. 83 initiated five candidates into the order at the regular meeting on Tuesday evening. This wes the first time that the lodge has had the priv- ilege of receiving as members at the same occasion a father and son. In this case it was Clarence Sturdy and his son, ,lack. De- licious refreshments rounded out a very full evening. • NEW RINK PLAN, AWAITS DECISION OF TOWN COUNCIL (Continued from Page One) were pretty sure it would be paid for. A. J. McMurray said no one wes more favorable than he and there was great need for such a building. It would help the Agricultural Society-. He was not convinced this was the logical time to do it. It would take a lot of money, and the first half was the easiest. Mayor R. Y. Hattin said he would say that if we can pro- duce $100,000, let us go ahead. He thought it rested with the committee to see where the money could come from, It might be o easier to secure free labor than CARD OF THANKS money. Mrs. David J. Stephenson and laborowasl McAdam saidufree P hard to sort out under family wish to thank their many a contract. friends, neighbors and relatives Could Erect for 3100,000 for their kind expressions of • Hugh R. Hawkins stated that sympathy, acts of kindness and one company gave its word that beautiful floral tributes extended this building could be erected in to them in the loss of their dear Clinton at 1100,000 complete. He husband and father. Special cited Paisley, to indicate what thanks to Rev. A. W. Gardiner, could be done in a small town Rev. Reba Henn and Mr. Whit- of 700 population, Clinton didn't ney. 12-b need a big showy place like o Goderich wanted. CARD OF THANKS N. W. Trewartha emphasized A. L. Shanahan wishes to take the need of a community centre this opportunity of expressing his to keep young people occupied. sincere appreciation for all cards, The boys and girls must be edu- flowers, and other thoughtful cated. We couldn't afford to be acts shown him when a patient in without it if we could afford it Clinton Public Hospital, special thanks to Dr, W. A. Oakes and the nurses for their kindly min- istrations. 12-p CARD OF THANKS Mr. Hugh MacKay and family Wish to express their sincereap- preciation to friends and rela- tives for the sympathy and kind- ness shown them in their recent bereavement. 12-b At a meeting of Huron County Children's Aid Society on Wed- nesday last, Rev, R. G. Mac- Millan, Goderich, was appointed secretary. 0 Notice ROXY THEATRE C L I N T OeN Now Playing (March 24-26) "RACHEL ` and the STRANGER" Loretta Young & Robt. Mitchum Mon., Tues., Wed. (Much 28-30) "THE SIGN OF THE RAM" Susan Peters returns to the screen in a brilliant drama about a wom- en who wanted love more than honour. Truly an unforgettable story— Alexander Knox, Peggy Ann Garner and Phyllis Thaxter Thur„ Fri., Sat. (Mar. 31 -Apr. 2) Van Johnson, June Allyson and Thomas Mitchell—Whether they go down tc the ,sea in ships or planes men still carry their secret thoughts of a Utopian paradise with the women they love. "HIGH BARBAREE" A thrilling saga of the sea and air Matinees:. Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE !REGENT THEATRE, G ODERICH S E A F O R T H Now Playing (March 24-26) In Technicolor "Summer Holiday" Gloria De Haven - Mickey Rooney Mon., Tues., Wed. (March 28-30) Susan Peters, Alexander Knox & Dame May Witty—There's a salty tang to Margaret Ferguson's story ebout a woman who dared be- cause she loved. "THE SIGN OF THE RAM" Thur., Fri„ Sat. (Mar. 31 -Apr. 2) Loretta Young, William Holden & Robert Mitchum—A rugged and romantic story, of men and wom- en who dared to march beyond civilization. `RACHEL and the STRANGER' Coming—(April 4-6) "Thunderhoof" and Now Playing (March 24-26) Randolph Scott & Sally Filers ni "CORONER CREEK" Mon., Tues„ Wed. (March 28-30) Fred Astaire, Judy Garland and Ann Miller—A Blue Ribbon win- ner, in glorious Technicolor, brings a seasonal dance and Music show to the Regent. "EASTER PARADE" Thur., Fri., Sat. (Mar. 31 -Apr. 2) Yvonne de Carlo, Dan Duryea & Rod Cameron — Technicolor and terrific action feature this 19th Century \tale of logging camps and a gambling ship. "RIVER LADY" Coming—(April 4-6) Susan Peters in "Singapore" "THE SIGN OF THE RAM" 4�t_i1i _2 urt et"' etneenteesee CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. ♦ .COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Farmers Purchasing Good, Seed Grain "Many farmers are taking ad- vantage of the adequate supply of good seed grain and are pur- chasing a large percentage of their seed grain requirements," R. Gordon Bennett, agricultural rep- resentative for Huron, stated to- day. A few farmers were starting to make inquiries about summer help also, he said. Mr. Bennett commented that hog marketing is down and that the quality also is lower due to too much fat. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS CHAPMAN, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or Rev. W. J. Woolfrey said that before the 9th day of April, A.D, if we could set up something here 1949, after which date the assets to build character, it would be a will be distributed • amongst the fine thing. We know the need but where arewe going to get the money It was possible to do it with the right organization. Dr. F. G. Thompson suggested using the present arena and in- stalling artificial ice there. He felt the cost would be pretty hard to meet and it would be wise to look into financing very carefully. A discussion took place, after which a standing vote decided that the committee should con- tinue further with its investiga- tion in the matter of raising suf- ficient funds. —o— ALL ACCOUNTS NOT PAID by lidding Trap Shoot April 30, 1949, will be handed in Kippen Gun Club is holding a for collection. T. R. Thompsone trap shoot at Kippen, Saturday, phone 692M. 12-13-p March 26, at 2 p.m. 150: Suit WHAT A CHOICE! Definitely the Biggest and Best in Town. Newest cloths and styles— • GABARDINES • GLEN CHECKS • SERGES • WORSTEDS 0 TWEEDS FROM 6 YEARS TO 46 SHORTS 40 REGULARS • TALLS Bogs' 2 -pant Suits from $1.2.50 up Men's Suits from $29.50 up TPCOATSfor Sprin GABARDINES and COVERT CLOTHS Newest Shades and Styles Pickett efg Campbell Stetson Hats Arrow FShirts PHONE 25 CLINTON parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notirce shall have been given. DATED et Clinton, this 18th day of March, A.D. 1949 F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 12-13-14-b Notice to Creditors' IN' THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY WILLIAM GRARAM, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pur-' suant to the Statute in that be- half, that all persons having claims against the late Henry William Graham, who died at Clinton on the 12th day of Jan- uary, ua 1949,notified to send are o d i dulyverified, their claims, ied ei f , to the undersigned before the 2nd day of April, '1949, After that date the estate will be distributed and the executor will only be liable for claims; of which she hes then received notice. DATED at Walkerton, Ontario, this 8th clay of March, A,D. 1949. Lorene Gardner, R. R. 3, Clinton, Ontario, Executrix of the estate of Henry Wil- liam Graham, deceased, by her solicitor, Cambell Grant, K. C. Walkerton, Ontario. 10-11-12-b 0 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES B. LOIDP„ latc of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- ictior for the said Estate, on or before the 2nd daysof April, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 15th day of March, A.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, K.C., • Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 11-12-13-b Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF CARRIE JERVIS, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the sane with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the . said Estate, on or before the 30th day 0f March, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of, which notice shall bvae been given. DATED at Clinton, this 7th day of March, A.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for. the said Estate 1,0-11-12-b FIVE MINUTES AFTER DEATH ~®. WHAT WOULD A SINNER GIV, FOR ANOTHER CHANCE? TOO LATE!! ETERNALLY LOST NO MORE Sermons by godly pastors, NO MORE pleadings of Christian friends, NO MORE chance to accept CHRIST'S offer of free salvation. ACT NOW, BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," Acts 16:31 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cant. D. J. LASSALINE RETURNED HEAD FRUIT GROWERS (Continued from Page One) John W, Armstrong, Hullett, warden of Huron County, and Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton. The speaker was introduced by Stewart M, Middleton, and was thenked by J. W. Joynt. Mrs. W. McGuire, Bayfield, was presented with a tray to mark her birthday, and ten years' service as Association pianist. High Quality Needed Due to the fact that after July 1, fruit and vegetable growers must face competition from free- ly imported products from the United States through the lifting of austerity regulations, Canadian growers must continue to supply a high quality product marketed in attractive - containers, Alex McTaggart, Toronto, assistant secretary, Onterio Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association, told the members of the Associa- tion et their afternoon session in the Board Room. Mr. McTaggart told what the Association was doing in the way of advertising to stimulate •the sale of various products. He also advocated a regrading of apples to get this system more in line with that prevailing in British Columbia. Dr. J. D. McLaughlin, head of the Botany Department, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, dis- cusser) the spray calendar far 1949, and geve valuable infor- mation on non -fungus pests. Professor H. W. Goble, provin- cial entomologist, OAC, Guelph, gave technical details with regard to spraying and discussed various chemicals used for this purpose, end their effects. Complains of "Spread" 3. J.Johnston, district inspector, Plant Protection Service, Domin- ion Department of Agriculture, declared that the quality of Hur- on County apples always has ranked high in the various mar - SPECIALS in 11/4 -Volt BATTERY RADIO SETS to clear at $10 EACH Rogers Philco Phonola Apex Dominion WASHERS Electric Stoves WATCH FOR THE NEW ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR GROVES ELECTRIC PHONE 274 5;, lr ry N kets. He stated that the farmer could not be charged altogether with the high cost of living, and complained of the high "spread" betweend the price to the grower and to the consumer. Sometimes the consumer does not do much to help himself, either. Mr. Johnston urged thet apples he re -graded. Today there were i27 different names to designate 'three qualities. He thought this ;would be a move in the right direction. iJ. W. Joynt, Lucknow, expres- s ed appreciation to the speakers 'in behalf of the gathering. Is Your Home In Need Of Repair 9• PLUMBING. SEWERAGE INSTALLATION, or REPAIR Oil any of your immediate needs. Full line of Concrete Equipment, ready operate. Rates and contracts available upon request; all work done accord- ing to specifications. Make arrangements now for conerete installations; cement is now available to store for future use. Upon request, we will furnish you the amounts needed for individual requirements. McKay Contracting Phone 373M -- CO. Clinton Ettective Immedi tely! Our prices of LUGGAGE and LEAT HER GOODS, even on stocks on hand on which we have paid the Excise Tax will be reduced" accord educed- accordingly OUR CUSTOMERS BENEFIT!! WET WEATHER IS HE For your RUBBER FOOTWEAR Needs — See our stock of Miner and and Goodrich Over Rubbers Men's and Boys' Light Weight Wool WIND•BREAKER'S and JACKETS for Spring ��// �+ To Clear .... . .........25% OFF Rubber Boots AIKEN'S