Clinton News-Record, 1948-12-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
for 1949. ¶I e'treasuier .reported:
.i.tW yarioida, ggoups ;,dor ,this year
had handed $574.14 to the tress-
q:F.ragtures Axgr ury and the bazaar had netted
$83.03. Carol singing featured
Missing a step While :coming the .closing exercises and 'Grow
:downstairs in :TherT•Mrs.:2 served lunch• •
Frank Beninger, Blyth, fell and
fractured .her deft aim above theNewIY,W+els. Feted.
,elbow. Dr. •Der n'ia Draper took ' Aleettt Z00 friends .gathered del
.the injured Woman ,to Clinton !Memorial hall ,to:honor Mr. ,and
.Public Hospital where toe brok- Mrs Malcolm Pease,gvho, Were
,;fir, mini ,;was ,set and put into aniar7•ied' recently. • .Daneteg was
east, !enjoyed .to -.the music ,of Pac$-
:United ,Charon WA I sejn s . erehegtra,. , peeing the
"The Christmas ;meeting .of the evening Pare and Mrs. Pease were
-Vernon's .Association of ,the Unit- ! presettted,, with a ,purse ,of ;money.
ed ,(church vas held in the school Eddie Bell made the presentation
•roam of the .church. Miss 'Ida and Hilt -Appleby .reading :a con-
Petts and Mrs. Margaret •Waods,',gratulateey address, :Mrs. lease
.eacl't ;contributed readings and ,was 'formerly Lois Brown, eldest
'Mrs, Sadie Cumming sang a carol. 'daughter of Mr, and 1 rs; George
• • Fear''new groups were formed Brown, Hallett Township.
AlMtgaga'.SJ aV 245* a7► Jc76yls,J0
5r °
We are. joiziulug' with
all your many fiends to
wish you a glorious.,
joyous holiday.
Phone 40 Clinton
A Happy, Happy
Yuletide to all.
May iyour ,every prayer
today be answered.
Clayton's Ice Cream Bar
Rattenbury St. E. -
Phone 134
e J u
We pause in the day's
occupations to send you
our wishes for
L. Haughton
-o • �Board and N, W..Trewartha as Claus,
'Excellent prgoress was peport
ed at the . annualmeeting of
Huron County Crop Impropee people attendance. meat AesQQiatien, which ewes, held speaker' at last week's'dinner
in the Board Retina Ontario, Del: The assistanta.e. agrieultural meeting of Clinton' Lions Club;
pertinent ;of Agriculture; Clin•representative, J. Clarence ,Ren in St, Paths Parish Hall, de
ton, with •a good attendance.
- tie, Clinton, acted as chairman caned that be was impreeeed by
the interest taken in the Royal
Canadian Air, Force at Centralia,
wine he is the new commending
officer, and at Clinton.
"The members .of the Air
Force wotild like to look on
themselves as pert of the .com-
'munity," he stated. "First of
alt, they ape conscious' of 'being
a citizen; second, they are con-
scious :of
on-scious:of being a ihetiiber'of the
,Air Force;,"
W/C', VanCarnp described the
various types of flying training
conducted at Centralia RCAF
North Hu rdon.Juniors
Organize at Belgrave
'The ',first meeting ,of :,North
Huron Junior Farmers Was held
in Foresters -Hell, Belgrave,
with. about 70 district ''young
Wing Cominander W. C. Vane
Camp, DEC, who was the .chief
The , Aesaciation: has made
great strides forward in the past
two years since it was organized
president Harry :Strang,. Exeter,
.declared in his remarks from
the chair, eo
Following the general meeting,
a meeting of the directors was
held when officers were elected ,
as follows: honorary president, nominating committee Officers
file 1949` chairman bf the eget= 'are, honorary presidnt, C. R.
Coultas; president, Jack
cultural .committee of Huron 'Currie;;
County Council; .-past president, vice-presidents, Frank ' Nesbit,
Harry Strang, Exeter; president Audrey Brad•
burn;_ secretary-
Elmer Rober qn, 'Colborne; 1st treasurer, lViinriel Anderson; ung;
Fly -
vice -president, Alvin' Betties, plani'Ruth Bradburn, Bill Young; Station, including InstrumentFly-
Bayfield' 2nd vice president, Rusanist, Elaine' Walsh,assistant, ing School, School of Flying
for the business. He •stressed
the 'importance of junior. farmer•
activities in the county and ex-
pressed the hope that the great-
est possible co-operation Mould
be :given by every youiig person
in the community,
Murray Bradburn presented the
Slate of 'offiders 'chosen by the
sell Bolton, 'Dublin; secretary-
Marjorie Watt; Township .direct-
ors Harold Pocock; Mauride Hal-
treesurer, Gordon Bennett; '•Clip- lahan Patsy Anderson', Wallace
ton; assistant, J. C. Rennie, 'Clip- Bell, Marjorie Watt, and Harry
ten; delegates' to Ontario conven- ,Lear. •
tion, Eimer Robertson and Alvin
Betties; alternate delegate, Rus-
sell Bolton.
Directors for 1949, elected at
the general meeting Friday, are:
Ashfield, Heber Eedy; West Wa-
wanosh, Walter Washington; East
Wawanosh, Horry Sturdy; Tum -
berry, Nelson Underwood; How -
ick, Robert Gibson; Grey, W. J.
Turnbull; Morris, Richard Prbc-
tor; Hullett, - Oliver Anderson;
Colborne, Elmer Robertson; God-
orich, Alvin Bettles;=Tuckersmith
Dick Jacob; McKillop, Russell
Bolton; Usborne, Harry 'Strang;
Stephen, Allan Walper; Hay,
George Armstrong; Stanley, Mur-
ray Grainger; county seed in -
Spector, W. R. Dougall, •Hansell: cellar steps to the basement of his, G. G. Agnew announced that
In the main address, Dr. I. R.
Weir, OACGuelphstated that home as a' result of a weak spell. the 'Lions would entertain the
, ; people at the County Home on
TWO TRUSTEES (Thursday, December 30, with the
Control, and advanced training.
The speaker was introduced
by Flt: 'Lt. G. G. Agnew, a Lion,
and was thanked in behalf of
eThe officers were accepted by W//b C C1 Hull Frank
DFC, .F commandinganding
the group and took charge of the officer, RCAF Station, Clinton,
remainder of the meeting. It was was a guest,
decided after some discussion to President J. G. McLay was
call this branch of • the junior chairman, V. D. Falconer, Health
farmers the "North Huron B,B.'s," committee chairman, ported
as It includes 13elgrave, Blyth, and that sale of Christmas seals up
Brussels. It was decided to meet •to December 14 was $442 and
on the second Thursday of every that clothing had been delivered
month. to five needy children.
F. 'B. Pennebaker reported
- FATAL HOUSE FALL that the tag day for the Blind
had netted $154.50.
Admitted to hospital at Wing- E. J. "Dick" Jacob, 'arena. coni -
hem Wednesday unconscious, a mittee chairman, reported repairs
74 -year-old Lueknow resident, had been made and miners en -
William T. Gardner, died tWd' larged, and that ice would be
hours later, Gardner, Itpof thewas re- , provided for 'the kiddies behind
ported d, .fell from the top
Ontario farms, on the average,
are carrying only one animal on
three acres of pasture whereas,
with :better management, the
Ind might be made to carry en
animal an acre. Better manage -
merit of pastures comes at the
beginning of any program to
make • Ontario farms produce at
lower cost per unit, Dr. Weir
aid of several personnel from
1 J. A, Sutter was the winner of
BY TOWNSHIP the draw. There will be no
meeting December 28. ,
Goderich Township . Council'
held its final meeting for year StanleyTownshi
1948 on December 15, at 1.30 p m . p
in Holmesville. I `—'�-
GOU wit, 11!ILItrIE l)
'The ',second nomination /,;meet-
ing 'tor the Village of Brttssels
held''Monday, ,provided a eonitilete
cotin'dil by !acclamation. At•, the
t' meeting only two nominees
;THURSDAY,, D EIV It 22,• M0
quafltl , Henn. ii stud
WUf ed Watli The ;:t oil"'aietma-
tounctllors, , elected 'by •tion ' were Adrian McTaggart and
Wii1Yein "Spear, Phew 'four, al],baeg
vial $teelre Roy B. Couslrts; cola -
prise the 1949 council,
The ' belts 'tCfII o 4
the happy message mf
Ohristnns joy and merit -
Meal fila atL
ROP -sired Blood Tested Chicks
"Big Fluffy Chicks That Live, and Grow"
Phone 194 - Cliaton
atir3rewear.;alarel ner3t l +ai€eeietereteaBn nt
` L Cattcla tonal welmott satemaztatet ttateest
White Rose Products
A seed -drill sefrvey made In Appeals from the United Einer- a:cnooi voneera
Huron County in 1948 revealed gency Relief Fund for Britain,' The pupils and teacher of
that much of the seed that was incl one from the l,lother craf$1Baird's School presented a splen -
being sown would be graded as Society were read and :filed. I did programme to a full house
"Rejected" said Kenneth Murphy, A sub -division Ian for ton .Tuesday, December 21. The
cf lot 32, concession 1, was des- school was beautifully decorated
cussed at length, Council givin for the occasion. A varied selec-
g ti f
Heldman for the crops, weeds,
and seeds branch of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture, and approval of the plan and instruct- °n o songs, dialogues. dances
drills and recitations filled the
W. R. Dougall, Henson, county
ing the clerk to vening's progranvne. The chair -
weed inspector, when they re- information from .obtain further ehe Department ma'n moved 0 heartyvote of
ported at the meeting on the 01 Planning and Development thanks to the teacher, iss June
results of the survey, in which before drafting a by-law. Miller,• and ail joined in giving a
samples were drawn from seed- Gordon Grant was appointed i g
drills actually at work in the as Township representative on hearty handclap. Miss Miller I i+
fields, the Goderich High School Arearesponded briefly. The evening I:
closed with 'a visit from Santa
H. E. Kingswell
`eas8s2s7rile�hras2l�rarStarArzrasarx,i3s3trro�•rzr5rar9rrs?s:aatara.'r�, •r,�,� sui2•i::s2ey,2s9s��sv;�
$ We hopeyou're ou're snowed
Aunder with all good
ii things this Christ -
' rias.
tor to
"°611 -EMM: alkgMOIV.'M
��G+".".�'S'•Pr�'�J%:'.+FS6.rr�',.v .u�'N'`.�V, yrs•,,. ,;".�t�,�•`�:��'*•�t��••«ro �t���''�"
e representative on Clinton
SGoshen W11i8 Meetseaforth to Charge District Collegiate Institute Board a The Christmas meeting of the
50 Per Fire CallThe election fees were set at '. the same rates as epplied in 1946, Goshen W was held at the
home of Mrr s, William Hayter
that is $94,
Seaforth is prepared to respond The incoming reeve, James R. with Mrs. John Keyes' group in
five miles of town, at •a basis year,
to fire calls in the Township of Stirling, yeas selected as Relief charge of the candle -lighting pro-
Tuckersmith within a radius of Administrator • for the coming gram. Mrs. Elmore Keyes open-
'ed the meeting on the piano will
charge of.$15i1 per call, as result The Road Superintendent re- "Silent Night.' Mrs: Clare Mc -
of an agreement made by Sea ported that the District Engineer ride read the first Scripture
forth councillors at a special had approved the terms of the Luke 2:4-16, the second Scrip-
meetlnng tare from Matthew 2. Christina
g• the rates agreement and at carols, "Angels from the Realm
Tine basic charge covers any the same as applied for last df' Glory," "0 Come all ye faith -
call that result's hi the brigade winter
being on duty up to an hour. For
each hour or portion of hour be-
yond the first hour, there will
The following accounts were 'ful", "Silent Night" and others
ordered• paid: Signal -Star, printwere sung. The offering was re
ing, $28.50; Township officials for sewed and then the candle -light -
an additional charge . of $50, Police Village of Bayfield rates, ing by five members;
The agreement becomes effective $10,25; Fred Watson, Stapley, our Mess Hern offered prayer and
upon acceptance of Tuekersmith,• share of Bayfield taxes, $113.713: the minutes were read by Mrs
William Hayter and roll call tak-
A delegation, compbsed of Miss S. Acheson, use of home
Reeve Arthur the Nicholson and for meetings, $15; Eric Speiran, en, Mrs Russel Erratt gave the
Cour, Harold Jackson met with fox bounty, 83; Albert Oke, fox treasurer's report. Election of
S-,:afarofficers th Council to discuss the bounty, 33: Austin Harris, fax f cars Mrs. Elgin McKinley
matter, The matter had been bounty, $24; N. W. Miller for resigned the presidentship ands
brought to a .head as a result of M. J Young hospitalization, Mrs, William Hayter being the
a recent fire in Egmendville, 333,75; N. W. Miller for RT. Little new president: Mrs. E, Keyes as
which is' in the Township of weed spraying, 368; A. H. Ere- secretary, Other offices are nate
Tuckersmith, and since Tucker- kine, tax collections, 33.46; Olin- the seine. Hymn 568 was sung
smith has no fire protection, Sea- ton News -Record, advertising, and the meeting closed with the
forth brigade answered the call $6.30; R. C, Hays, for legal ser- Benediction and a dainty Christ -
for help. vices, 15; Municipal World, forms mas lunch was served by 1Vtrs.
Seaforth's Reeve Frank S. Sills re election, 13; J. McGuire, wood Elmer Hayter's group,
suggested Egmondvilte ejoining for relief, $5; direct relief ac-
count, $15; G. R, McEwan, one
flag, $11,15; clerk's postage, of
Seaforth, and then they would
have fire protection automatically
He thought it unreasonable that ,fice supplies and phone calls for ..m „ Feted Ere Departure
residents of Egmondvilte should year 1948,. $20,25; clerk, school Mrs, P, V, Elliott has gone to
want not only the cheaper taxes census reports and Old Age Pen- Sheffield where she will spend
existing in the township, but at Foes, 36,50; election costs, 394. the winter with her sister, Mrs.
the same time all the benefits Superintendent's payroll Ne, 13. A, Sloan. Prior to her departure,
for which Seaforth residents pay, 31,614,73, Mrs, Elliott was the surprised
11 W. VAN EC MOND per statute at l.1 a.m. on Janu- end case, the gift of Gra
EGMOND • 10 1949 t ti h ,Tv
q I o Council adjourned to meet as recipient eta smart black week -
C v
RETUi"NED HEAD S. Acheson;' Hohnesvalle, Clufrb,eh W.A. and the Cominunity
11LK PRODUCERS -- __ .....
M. _
X Tine goodr ela t'roes existing
r'u between the Carnation Company,• , t.
e pro users were
A operators of the l ',
I) en
May your home and 0,
t at i•Ioimes gg
stressed at the annual meeting of
Holmesvaile Concentrated Milk
all yours be blessed g: Board Room, Ontario Agricultur•-
g al Office, Clinton.
with the glory M rj
5 Kenneth McRae, Clinton, new
Producers' Association in the
beautiful Christmas.
Carnation plant superintendent,
who was introduced by President
.1 Willis VanEemend, Clinton,
an exeelleant talk, discussed the
history and development of the
Carnation Company, and -the
r;•u:nlity programme being our
sued by the organization, The
feelit.e. of friendship existing was
Otli r speakers. included ';'rank
rnru',olh p eeident Ontario
4 Concerti +ed Milk Producers As-
Here comes Santa Claus:,
with. a sleighful of good
wishes frit us to—you.
Merry Christmas to all!
Reliance Products --,Firestone .'Fres
Used Cars .
rei,.finn Carl Dance, Aylmer, a
director of that hody; H. G. Web -
Si, T, Woodstock, Heldman' and
J, l;askett: - Toronto, Heldman,
both of whom discussed check
testing. Directors of the local'
organization also .spoke.
When the =lection of nffica's
took place, J. W. Vanlgnnnnd,
Clinton, was re-elected president;
Gordon Grant, ..Goderich, vice-
president; Ross Trewartha,
secretary; and the following
directors Jaynes Feagan, Go e
rich: Colin Campbell, Beyfie d;,
G. Whitely, Goderich; ,and Louie
Rorlges, Goderich,
Vice-president Gordon Grant,
Goderich, expressed the thanks
of the gathering, which numbered
more than 100. •
The annual meeting' of Ontario
Concentrated Mille Producers' As,,
etiolation will be Ottawa,
May Yuletide blessings
remain u•ii31eti long
after today i as pais<ed.
C1rchil and Son
Reliable Footwear
d i•vrw.w.Jnr+a+.oavwwc•�awAw.mwsrme,>auasw.narasaaworwnPn•.rwow.oe::
Santa never received
more pleasure giving;
toys,. . tyhall we in
wishiing you many joys
this Merry Christmas,.
3reeti u
. . . to you
and yours!
May you have the
merriest and happiest
of holidays!
Stanley Bras.
Horne of Fresh and Cured' Meats
Specializing in Custom Killing And Cawing
Store Phone -76 Slaughter House 282W
J, Melelis,
May Christmas open to
you and your family this
year new vistas of joy,
happiness and content-
ofial HoV.c1.I
Clinti.r .^ rill
prop, , Phone 297:0
r � . s
!=rola big cities ,to country
villages . , wherever
"His" teachings are taught
people will gather
to worship. ori' Lord on
His day, Christmas.
jos: Garage