Clinton News-Record, 1948-08-26, Page 5,a,.i, "THURSDAY; ..AUGUST,,26; 1948 CLIN'CON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Pews -Record Classified Adiets Bring: Quick Resufts 'CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- HONEY FOR SALE .-calif following date oft inset.- LIMITED QUANTITY OF Clover ^tion)—One, cent a word first Hoirey. BringFIEYWOOD—In Clinton, on Mon-; • aertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- your containers. da Sequent insertions one cent a word H. L. Wise, R,R, 3, Clinton, phone y, August 23, 1948, to 1Vir, and 35-b Mrs, Jack Heywood, Clinton, a (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex -907-24. tri for box number or for diree- daughter (Elaine Adell), ' Office, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE McASH-,In Clinton Public Hos Rion to NEWS-RECORD IF CHARGER -15 cents extra, pitai, on Saturday, August 21, . DEADLINE -6 pan. Wednesday, 30 PIGS, ClX WEEKS ox R.R. 2, OBayfield,� 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. William ply Ray T. McAsh, Varna, , a daughter phone Clinton 903r25. 35-p (Peggy. Louise). MARRIAGES BIRTHS ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ..APARTMENT SUITABLE FOR Air Force couple. Apply Phone 461, Clinton. 35-b ACCOMMODATION PUREBRED SHORTHORN HULL, I7 months old, red. 'Price rea- WANTED sonable, Apply Bob Peck, 'Zurich, 'W ANTED • IMMEDIATELY— phone Hensall 96r15. 35-p 'Three rooms, ma house, furnish- ed, 'no children. F/0 Harris, Officers' Mess, RCAF Station, 'Clinton. 35-p TWO DURHAM COWS, recently freshened; also set of double discs. Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4. 35-p • 'TWO OR THREE-ROOM APART- ment, furnished or unfurnished, wanted by first of September by Air Force couple with no child - 'ren, non-drinkers and non-smok- ers. LAC Waters, RCAF Station, Clinton, 35-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE "1930 WHIPPET SEDAN; ALSO 'Man's bicycle in good condition. Phone 633r4, Clinton. 35-p 1935 FORD COUPE, IN NUMBER One condition; 'four new tires, radio, motor recently overhauled. Apply Harvey Boyce, Varna, phone Clinton 626r4. 35-36-p BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. BUILDING LOT FOR SALE ON Maria St. Ideal location, reason - .able for cash. James Elliott, Dublin, phone 71r8. 33-4-5-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE 'SMALL BUILDING, 16x20, TWO rooms; plastered inside and wired, Apply Thomas Churchill, phone 241, Clinton, 35-p' CLOTHING FOR SALE LADY'S RAINCOAT, SIZE 16, in good epndition. Apply Mrs. A. James, Victoria St. 35-b REGISTERED S Ii OR THORN Bull, 2% years old; son of 0.A.C. Milhill Bridal Archer (Imp.); quiet, easily handled. Apply W. P, Roberts, phone Clinton 614r22. • 35-p LOST AND FOUND STRAYED—TWO PIGS, ABOUT six weeks old, from premises of Robert Stirling, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, phone Clin- ton 906r41. 35-p FOUND — PURSE CONTAINING sum of money, on Saturday even- ing. Owner may have same by contacting C. 3. _Livermore, phone 214. 35-b LOST—PUREBRED St. Bernard dog in Clinton, on Wednesday evening, answers to . name of "Rex"; Clinton license No. 122. 3. • St. Amens, corner Albert and Princess Sts, 35-p LOST — BLACK MANCHESTER Terrier with brown markings, answers to name of Tiny, last seen, on Sunday evening. Will pay for any expense involved. Harold Tyndall, phone 905r2. 35-h MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EF- fective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done CUCUMBERS FOR SALE at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- QUANTITY OF CUCUMBERS. ious lengths. Enquire. Will hire Apply Frank Bennett, 11. R. 5, day work harvesting, etc. Clinton, phone 619r14. 35-b 34-43-p FARMS FOR SALE FARM -60 ACRES GOOD LAND, large barn in Al condition, real good house, never -failing water supply, possession immediately. C. F. Chapman, real estate broker, phone 18, Goderieh, 35-6-7-b 67 ACRES WITH GOOD BRICK house, barn, ample water supply, close to school and church. Pos- session November 1, 1948. Price, $4,200. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton 33btfb 110 ACRES WITH I0 ACRES bush; eight room brick dwelling; barn 50'x80'; hydro; water pres- sure system; good soil; small orchard;- Iva miles from church, school and county road. Posses- sion November 1. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, Phone 251W, Clinton, 33btfb 20 OR 45 ACRES, 21/2 MILES from Clinton, $3,000 cash, bal- ance terms: blower cutting box; -two colony houses, $60; four geese; 35 yearling hens; fresh cow; part Jersey cow; 2 cook - stoves; space heater, $20; Hart Par tractor, half cash; rubber_. 'tired wagon, $45: cash paid for 'old horses and tractors, any size. 'W. B. Thompson. 35-b FURNITURE FOR SALE 'ONE PARIS ICE BOX. CALL any time between 6 and 9 p.m. 'Baroid Crittenden, phone 173. 35-b XITCHEN SET CONSISTING 01' buffet table and four chairs, 'white 'with black trimming. Ap- ply 'Elmer Finch, Victoria St., :phone 231. 35-x FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE '`WOOD ELECTRIC GRINDER, as good as new. Apply Roy Lawson, two miles west of Seaforth on Highway No. 8. 35-p 'ONE 12 -INCH MASSEY-HARRIS coim box with self feeder, in 'good condition. Apply NEWS - 'RECORD. 35-36-p 'HEATERS WANTED, WANTED—LARGE COAL burn- ing circulating heater, 14 -inch 'firebox or larger. Box "S" NEWS - RECORD. 35-b HELP WANTED, MALE 'BECOME AN INDEPENDENT business man and your own boss, If you are ambitious, industrious and a good salesman, apply at once to BLUE BRAND PRO- DUCTS CO., 7227 ALEXANDRA, MONTREAL, QUEBEC. 32-35-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE `GIRL FOR PART TIME WORK in store. Dixon's Pastry Shop. 35-b 'GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK. Ap- ply after September 10 to Dr. 'W. A. Oakes. 35-6-7-p -YOUNG GIRL, NOT OVER 21 'years 01 age, as bank stenograph- 'er. Apply giving references to P.O. Box 340, Clinton. 35-6-b HOUSES FOR SALE 'THE RESIDENCE 'OF THE LATE Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke, Town- send St, Clinton, is for sale. For information write • Mrs. Harry 'Barltrop, Hanover, Ont. 35-6-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ieh. 11-btfb. MEN ! WATKINS DEALERS earnings average minimum $40.00 to $75 weekly. Do not delay any further in requesting free infor- mation for the vacant Rural Dist- rict in your section. This fine opportunity of being your own boss, without investment on your part, is limited to those who act fast. If you have a car or can purchase one, write today. The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept, 0-C-16, 2177 Masson St., Mont- real, Quebec. 33 & 35-b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker - smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd. surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by May owner, A. E, Parry, M Y 3rd. 1948. 29-30ptfb WILL THOSE WHO HAVE SEW- ing at the home of the late Mrs. Harold Crittenden which was to have been done by her, kindly call and claim same at the earliest conveniende, Harold Crittenden, phone 173. 35-b PEACHES FOR SALE ANYONE WANTING CANNING Peaches in bushel lots contact immediately Alvin Bettles, phone 900r13. 35-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinttoon. PLUMS FOR SALE PLUMS 3. D. WILSON, Isaac St., phone 53M. 35-b POULTRY FOR SALE 850 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, ready to lay. Choice stock, Ap- ply Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Hen- sall 96r15. 35-p 130 WHITE LEGHORN x NEW Hampshire pullets, beginning to lay. Contact Elam W. Shantz, Hensall, phone Zurich 91r13. 35-36-b PRAM FOR SALE BLUE PRAM, IVORY LINED, in good condition. Reasonable. Ap- ply at the home of Mrs. Will Lyon, Londesboro, phone Blyth 37r8. . 35-p STOVES FOR SALE . — EMPIRECOAL AND WOOD Range with water front, good condition. Apply L. Haughton, Welding Shop, phone 41. 35-b. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE DUCHESS AND Other Varieties. Fred McClymont, Varna, phone Clinton 622r24, 35-6-7-p IN MEMORIAM CARTERIn Ioving memory of a dear husband and father, S. Stanley Carter, who passed away August 27, 1943: "His life was love and labour, His heart for his family beat true, He toiled so hard for those he loved, What more could a father dol AT'GODERICH, IN GOOD WEST Your presence is ever near us, end location, a very nice small Your love remains with usyet, frame house, new furnace, fully You were the kind of a father insulated, recently re -decorated, Your loved ones will never immediate possession. Malcolm forget." Mothers, Real Estate Broker, .-Sadly missed by his wife and phone" 115W, Goderieh, 34btfb sons, Ivan and Percy. 35-b BALFOUR—HAMILTON—At the home of • the bride's parents, by Rev, H. A. MacWilliam, Mary Agnes Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William A. Ham- ilton, Cromarty, to Bruce Le Roy Ealfour, Cromarty. They will reside in Sault Ste. Marie, where the bride is on the staff of the technical school. The groom has been "shortstop of Hensall baseball team. FOWLER-ADAIR — Irl• Main St. United Church, Mitchell, on Saturday, August` 21, Shirley Edith Adair, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F, Adair Camp_ bell, Mitchell, to Kenneth Al- fred Fowler, Mitchell, (of Fow- ler Bros. Photo studios, Mitchell aged, and Clinton), son of Mr, and CATTLE: Holstein cow, 4 yrs. Mrs\ E. W. Fowler, St, Cath- old, recently freshened; Durham ' arines. cow, 4 yrs. old, recently fresh- GLEN—WISE- In St. James An- ened; Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, glican Church, Middleton, on due in January; y yearling steers; 'Saturday, August 21, 1948, by 2 young calves. Rev, LaVerne Morgan, Muriel IMPLEMENTS: M. -H. binder, Frances Amanda, daughter of 6 ft. cut; M. -H. hay.,loader; M, -H. Mrs, Wise and the late William land roller; McCormick Deering W. Wise, Goderich Township, 10 -hoe fertilizer drill; McCormick - to William Robert, only son of Deering No, 2 cream separator; Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Glen, Stan- Vessot grain grinder; 3 roll feed crusher; 3 -Section harrows; 13 ft. hay rake; farm wagon; hay rack; buggy; cutter; fanning mill, bag- ger; .set of double harness; set of single harness; horse collars; electric brooder (300 chick cap- acity); sap pan, pails and spikes; set of small scales; 40 gal. drum; hay fork, car; numerous other AUCTION SALE of IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Thursday, 'Sept. 2 at 1 p.m. at Lot 20, Con. 9, Hullett Town- ship, 11A miles', south and 114 miles east of Londesboro. Including full, line of farm ma- chinery; model "A" 1VIcCormick Deering tractor, culti vision, like new; also two -furrow plow. Full line of household effects. TERMS -CASH MELWA.RD LLOYD, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CIIESNEY, Clerk. 35-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lots 13 and 14, Goderieh Township, 17 Concession (Base Line), 5 miles north of Clinton, on Wednesday, Sept. 1 at 1:30 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES: 2 Clyde - geldings, ley Township. JOYNT-RUSSELL -In the Church of England Rectory, Mitchell, by Rev. A, M. Hunt, Audrey Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell, Hen- sall, to Donald Cleveland Joynt, son of T. C. Joynt, Hensall, and the late Mrs. Joynt. Thegroom is a member of Hensall base- articles. ball team. FEED: Approximately 20 ton PERDUE-SCHWALM — •At the of mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3-pce, chesterfield suite; davenport; Ax- minster rug 9'x12'; magazine rack; extension table; small tables; Ever Ready cabinet' radio; electric Kelvinator 6 cu. ft, ,cap.); Moffat electric stove; McClary enamel range (nearly new); kit- chen cabinet; dishes and numer- ous other articles. TERMS—CASH ROBERT G. SMITH, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 35-b Auctioneer Church of Christ, London, on Saturday, August 21, 1948, at 2.30 p.m., by Rev. Dr. B, C. Eckardt, Florence Caroline, youngest daughter of Mrs. Violet Schwalm and the late Peter Schwalm, Hensall, to Donald Eugene, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue, Clinton. PULFORD—HABERER— In St, Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich, by Rev. E, W. Helmick, on Saturday, August 21, 1948, Gretta Lydia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Haberer Zurich to Charles Malcolm Pulford, son of C. A. Pulford, Windsor, and the late Mrs. Pulford. DEATHS CLARK — Suddenly, on Sunday, August 22, 1945, from a heart attack, Henry Clark, Walton, in his 78th year, Funeral from Duff's United Church to Brus- sels Cemetery Wednesday af- ternoon, Aug. 25. GARDINER—In Queen Alexand- ra Sanatorium, London, on Tuesday, August 24, 1948, Peter Gardiner, London, formerly merchant of Blyth and also resident of Clinton, in his 78th year. Funeral to Woodland Cemetery, London, Thursday, August 26. McEWEN--At the home of his niece, Mrs. Walter Holmes, London, on Tuesday, August 24, 1948, John. McEwen, form- erly of Brucefield, in his 89th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Friday afternoon, August 27, at 2.30 o'clock to Baird's Cemetery: RAITHBY—In AIexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Monday, August 23, 1948, Matilda Lansing, beloved wife of the late John Raithby, in her 81st year. Funeral from the home of her daughter, Mrs, Stanley Johnston, Auburn, on Wednesday, August 25, 'to Ball's Cemetery, . WHEATLEY—At ,his late resid- ence, 52 Wilson St., Woodstock, on Saturday, August 21, 1948, William Wallace Wheatley, for- merly of Clinton, beloved hus- band of Alice Goddard, in his 74th year, Funeral from the M. D. Smith Funeral Home to Hill- view Cemetery,, Woodstock, on Tuesday, August 24. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Dick Noble wishes to take this opportunity of expressing her sincere appreciation for all flowers, fruit and cards sent to her while a patient in Scott Me- morial Hospital, Seaforth, and for all other acts of kindness shown. 35-b Notice to Creditors And 'Others All persons having claims against the Estate of Samuel Kemp, late of the Town of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, Machinist, ere required to furnish full' particulars thereof, duly verified, to the undersigned, by August 31, 1948, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate. Frank Donnelly, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Execut- ors. 33-4-5-b PLUMS The Great Creator has sent me a nice crop of Plums. Old customers as well as new, wanting a supply bring your contain- ers and I will supply you, when ripe, a nice variety of canning plums. • C. HOARE FRUIT FARM Clinton 34-5-6-b F Remember. School opens for the Fail Term on Tuesday, Sept. 7. Is your boy's wardrobe corn- plete? If not, drop in to -day and •ser, our lines of boys' and youths' clothing. ...„......„...„..„ I1 / y 'a 11 „ 4f`ntF,rb MW ` , __�"-"-�' BOYS' SHOES Black or Brown from 2.75 to. 4.95 pr. BOYS' LONG TROUSERS Sizes 6 to 16 years 2,50 to 5,75,p :, BOYS' PLAID SHIRTS Assorted Color. 1.85 ea. STUDENTS' SWEATER COATS White Rings in Left Sleeve 5.95 ea, COTTON ANKLE SOCKS All Sizes and Colors 45c pr, BOYS' Denim OVERALLS 6 to 16 years 2.50 pr. shirts, sweaters, underwear, belts., braces — Carn bell work clothing yy .«. Pickett'+moEel headquarters for Phone 25 - -------Clinton 1 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (Aug. 26-28) "SCUDD'A 11001 SCUDDA HAY!"' with June Haver Mon. Tues. Wed. (Aug. 30 -Sept. I) Jeanne Crain, Dan Dailey and Oscar Levant — Songs, romance and laughter in the topflight tunefilm that you will thoroughly, enjoy. "YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME" Thur., Fri., Sot. (Sept. 2-4) Jeanette MacDonald, Jose Iturbi and Jane Powell—A magnificent packageof the kind of whole- some, laugh -studded entertain- ment you love. "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERI CH Now Playing (Aug. 26,28) Ronald Reagan - Eleanor Parker in "VOICE OF THE TURTLE" Mon. Tues. Wed. (Aug. 30 -Sept. 1) Larry Parks, Ellen Drew & Marc Platt—In Technicolor and cram- med with adventurousaction, sparkling romance, high humour. "THE SWORDSMAN" Thur., Fri., Sat. (Sept. 2-4) Two Features Richard Martin, Frances; Reflex -1w and Ralph Conn — Take us to Mexico for a fighting story "The Adventures of DON COYOTE" Jackie Cooper, Gene Roberts' & Cyril Endfield—offer the screen version of the hilarious best seller "STORK BITES MAN" Coming: "APRIL SHOWERS" Coming (Sept 6-8) with Jack Carson "MAGIC TOWN" James Stewart Matinees Wed. Sat, & Hol., at 2.30 REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (Aug. 26-28) "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS" In Technicolor, with Jeanette MacDonald Mon. Tues. Wed. (Aug. 30 -Sept. 1) Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire and John Garfield—An outstand- ing and timely novel becomes an enthralling screen drama "GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT" Thur., Fri., Sat. (Sept. 2-4) Bud Abbott & Lou Costello with Marjorie Main—The Kingpins of comedy have a rare vehicle in this riotous tale of a reluctant wooer. "THE WISTFUL WIDOW OF, WAGON GAP" Coming: Rita Hayworth in "DOWN TO EARTH" Matinees Sat, and Holidays at 2.30 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Emerson Kyle wishes to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who -re- membered her with flowers, gifts, candy, cards and letters while a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. 35-p LONDON ROAD The Lo"ndon Road Community Club held its August meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Plum - steel on Thursday, August 19. The roll call, "Where my grandmother was born", was answered by eight members and ten visitors. The meeting opened by all singing "Old Folks at Home"•and repeat- ing the club Creed. Reports. were given by the treasurer and flower convener and thank -you letters were read from Mrs. Bruce Cann and Mrs. Fred Nott. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Manning had charge of the programme and she gave a read- ing and also conducted a contest with Mrs, Roy Plumsteel winning the first prize and Mrs. Ralph Scott the consolation. Mrs. Fear and Mrs. Fred Nott won the measurement contest for grand- mothers. A chorus, "When You and I were young, Maggie," was sung by all the grandmothers present. A delicious pot -luck super was served and a friendly time was spent over the tea cups. The meeting closed by singing the Na- tional Anthem. Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 29, Goderieh Town.. ship, 1/ miles south of, Porter's 11111, on ' Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES: 2 Percehron mares (aged) CATTLE: Polled Hereford cow, 7 yrs. old, heifer calf at foot (3 weeks old); Polled Hereford cow, 4 yrs. old, due in October; Polled Hereford heifer, 2 yrs. old; Pol-' led Hereford heifer, 1 yr. old; Jersey cow, 5 yrs. old, milking; Jersey heifer, 7 months old. POULTRY: 65 Leghorn & Rock hens, 1 yr. old. IMPLEMENTS: Frost & Wood mower, 6 ft. cut; Frost & Wood 34 -plate out -throw disc; 12 -plate e in throw disc; 3 -section drag har- rows; hay rake; 3 -drum steel. roller; wagon and flat rack; farm wagon; Cockshutt riding plow (with foot lift); walking plow; set of Manitoba sleighs; 1 -row scuffler; harrow cart; road cart; fanning mill, bagger; pick, shov- els, forks, pulleys, rope slings, set of breeching harness, set of double harness, horse collars, 5 bunches of shingles; 3 gal. sprayer. FEED: Approximately 60 ton of mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Bed- room suite; mattresses; day bed; oak library table; oak rocking chair; buffet; sewing machine; linoleum 9'x12'; linoleum 6'x14'; McClary enamel range; 2 coal oil stoves; kitchen cupboard; table and chairs; battery radio; lawn mower; quantity of fruit and maple syrup. Numerous other articles. FARM; At the same time and place, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the farm consisting of 80 acres of good tillable clay loam, on which is situated a bank barn 50'x50', brick 11/2 -storey house, garage and hen house. Water in house and barn anda never -failing spring. TERMS: On chattels, cash; on farm, made known on day of sale. MRS. PRISCILLA L, ELLIOTT, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 35-36-b • Auctioneer BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. 7.. OOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 LIFE BEGINS —WHEN YOU ACCEPT CHRIST AS SAVIOUR "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature"—II Cor, 5:17 "Ye must be born again." John 3:7 "Except a man be won again he cannot see the kingdom of God." —John 3:3 "He that belieyeth on the Son hath everlasting life"—John 3:38 Eternal 'Life is Yours—Receive it To -day CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. ee the "Ex" AUG. 27 -- SEPT. 11 Low, Flat Rates to Canadian National Exhibition; Toronto CLINTON CAB PHONE 44 REG. SHIPLEY OSCAR PRIESTAP ROY MANN Res. 229 Res. 689J 34-35-36-37-b yr.r..NaeNNrs SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON - ONTARIO Chartered under the Ontario Department of Education COURSES: Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial Register Now Fall Term Begins September 13, '1948 M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist, B, F. WARD, B.A., Vice, Principal Principal • ' 34-5-6-b N10•1NMfWJ.MN• NMPNwYN.NN q NWJN See this Re -conditioned Kelvinator Refrigerator. Five cubic feet capacity; new compressor; good practically new. A good buy at the price asked. APPLY Clinton News -Record Phone 4 Clinton 4 15-36-x .MSN V.NNMNJPNP MMMI.sf,MPPN MMPI.PPPHIPMPINAM w Attention! CANCELLED AUCTION SALE The Auction Sale which was to be . held at Isaac St., Clinton, for Mrs. Alice Lobb, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, has been cancelled date to Mrs. Lobb having bought a home in London. THERE ARE STILL SOME ARTICLES FOR SALE For further particulars apply to EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, . Bok 293, Clinton. 35-b PNYNNM" Are You in Need of A New furnace We have a complete stock of CLARE BROS. HECL "Saves one ton in seven!" Buy Yours Before Prices Advance Buy Your Beatty Washer on the weekly payment plan if desired HUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470