Clinton News-Record, 1948-08-19, Page 5HORST/AY, AUGUST 19, - 1948 CL/NTONaNEWS sRECORD' f,•117.' ews-RecordrClass filed' CASH, RATE -(If paid by- Wed "lnesday following date of inset" "tion) -One cent a word- first in- ''aertion (minimtim'35"cents); sub- `sequentinsertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- ' tra for box number or for direc- •!tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION HOUSE OW FOUR OR FIVE - unfurnished rooms • wanted im- mediately by young couple with school age child. Apply Box "F" NEWS -RECORD. , 34-b APARTMENT. WANTED APARTMENT WANTED immed- iately in Seaforth or Clinton,' either furnished or unfurnished, • by Air Force : couple with one child. Apply Box "J," NEWS - RECORD. 34-p APPLES FOR SALE 'DUCHESS. AND TRANSPARENT Apples. Fred McClymont, Varna, phone Clinton 622r24. ' .33-4-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1938 FORD COUPE, CASH ONLY. `Phone 130 Hensall, - • 34-5-b' 1929 CHEVROLET COACH in Al :shape. Harry Watkins Garage. 34-p 1.9 3 7 CHEVROLET MASTER coupe. Apply at corner of Dun- lop and King Sts, 34-b MODEL "A" FORD COACH; also an upright piano. Bdth in :good condition. Apply to James 'Elliott, Dublin, phone 71r8 even- ings. • 33-4-5-b BUILDING LOT FOR SALE BUILDING 'LOT FOR SALE ON 'Maria St. Ideal location, reason- able for cash. James Elliott, Dublin, phone 71r8. 33-4-5-b .' CLOTHING. FOR SALE 'TWO PAIR OF MEN'S WHITE flannel trousers, size 34. Apply Box "S" NEWS -RECORD. 34x 'FOR QUICK, SALE, SHIPMENT oa 'teen age and women's fall and winter coats with ,berets and hoods attached. All leading col- ours, at Exclusive Dress Shop. 34-)i' FARMS FOR SALE 37 ACRES WITH GOOD BRICK 'House, barn, ample water supply, close to school and church. Pos- session November 1, 1948. Price, 54,200. Apply H. C. Lawson, 'Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton '33btfb 110 ACRES WITH 10 ACRES 'bush; eight room brick dwelling; barn 50'x80 ; hydro; water pres- sure system; good soil; small orchard; l.Z miles from church, school and county road. Posses- sion November 1. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, Phone 251W, 'Clinton. 33btfb GUNS FOR: SALE ,22- BROWNING • RIFLE; PUMP action,, i`n !perfect? condition; Ape ply G. Little, ; Bayfield, phone Clinton' .' 631r22: 34-x HOUSES FOR SALE AT GODERICH, IN GOOD WEST end location, a very nice small frame. ,house, new furnace, fully insulated, recently re -decorated, immediate possession, Malcolm Mathers, Real Estate Broker, phone 115W, Goderich. 34btfb TOWN OF CLINTON, 11/2 Storey seven -room brick dwelling, three- piece bath, furnace, barn and workshop 20'x30', 1/2 acre `of land, good location, possession 30 days from date of sale. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, Clinton, phone. 251W. 34btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE DARK RED SHORTHORN BULL, 12 months old. Oscar Switzer R R 5, Clinton, phone 614r31. ' 34-b SIX PIGS, NINE WEEKS _.OLD; nine pigs, six weeks 'old.'- Ivan McClymont, Varna,. phone 622r24. 34-b GOOD YOUNG DURHAM COW, due to freshen, August :2.1; also 100 Barred Rock pullets, ready to lay, these are a good laying strain. Apply Geor'Je Colelough, R.R. 1, Clintonsaphone 805r31. 34-p LOST AND FOUND STRAYED -TWO PIGS, ABOUT six weeks old, from premises of Robert . Stirling, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, phone Clin- ton 906r41.• 34-b LUMBER FOR SALE 14 BUNCHES OF NO. 1 CEDAR Shingles. Charles Brown, Ball and Mutch Hardware. 34-p MISCELLANEOUS. "NO CORN OR CALLOUS WILL mar your joy, if Lloyd's Corn Salve you do employ." _ 50c at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 34-b SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. Will hire day work harvesting, etc, 34-43-p "OLD AT ' 40, 50, 60?" MAN! You're crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run- down feeling many men, women call "old". New "get acquainted" size ONLY 50c At all druggists. 34-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay ' more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich, 11-btfb. NOTICE -45 ACRE FARM, GOOD BUILD- ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING ings, 21/2 miles west on highway; on Part Lots 41 and 51, Tucker- ersey cow with heifer calf; two smith Township, Huron Rd. and London Rd. surveys, at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by the owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd. 1948. 29-Soptfb Holstein cows; new colt stove X75; combination electric and wood stove $15; chicken shelter; '-new oil brooder stove $10; five acres standing corn; neW milk 'can; 50 yearling Leghorn hens; blower cutting box; rubber -tired wagon, rack, $45; colony 'house; 'hay rake; 4 geese. W. B. Thomp- son. 34-p FURNITURE FOR SALE KITCHEN SET CONSISTING OF buffet table and four chairs, white with black trimming. 34-b •CHESTERFIELD SUITE, VERY good condition; Congo, rug 9'x12'; 'wardrobe, hardly used; all cheap. Apply Hutchings, % W. Middle- ton, R.R. 3, 'Clinton. 34-p ' 'IIIELP WANTED, MALE 'EXPERIENCED FIXER ON BAN- 'ner machines, capable of chang- •Ing and making own patterns on 73anner 12 step and 8 step wrap. Please state experience. Box "H" NEWS -RECORD. 34-b BECOME 'AN INDEPENDENT business man and your own boss, 'I1 you are ambitious, industrious •and a good salesman, apply at once to 'SIZE BRAND PRO - :DUCTS CO.,'7227 ALEXANDRA, 'MONTREAL, QUEBEC. 32-35-b 'SIGNS 'FOR SALE OUTDOOR HANGING SIGN, approximately five feet by three feet, complete with bar attach- ments. Reg. Smith, phone Clin- ton 797W. OFFICE SPACE WANTED OFFICE SPACE WANTED TO Rent. R. G. McCann, phone 4763, Clinton. 33-34-p PET STOCK FOR SALE COCKER SPANIEL. PUPPIES for sale. Phone 475. 34-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes, Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton, 2btd PROPERTY FOR SALE EXETER, 41/2 ACRES, suit fruit grower, henhouse, five room house, furnace, town water, partial bath. Immediate possession. Wil- liam Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 33-34-p TROUGHING FOR SALE RAVE TROUGH1NG FOR SALE, Apply H. W. Charlesworth, 34-p DEATHS CLARK -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, August 19, 1948, Thomas Henry Clark, in his 84th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch Funeral Horne, High St, Clinton, at 2.30 pm., Saturday, August 21, to 'Bay - _p field Cemetery. Are You in Need of A, New Furnace We have a complete stock of CLARE BROS. HECLA "Saves one ton in seven!" Buy Yours Before Prices Advance Buy Your Beatty Washer on the weekly payment plan if desired HUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470 BIRTHS. BLACKER - In Clinton Public r Hospital, on „Wednesday, Au- gust 18, 1948,..:tb.IVlr• and Mrs. 41$lliam Blacker, R.R. 1, Clin- ton, a daughter. JONES -In Clinton ' Public Hos- pital, on. Monday, August 16, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Philip Jones, Clinton, a son (David Glyn). McCULLOUGH-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on, Sunday, Au gust 15, 1948, ealVfr. and Mrs. Sidney McCullough, Blyth, a , daughter (Margaret Azelea. IBelle), WRIGHT In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, August 14, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank •AUCTION SALE' of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Isaac, St, Clinton' (opposite` the 'Bowling •Green)•; on SATURDAY AUGUST T 28 at 1.30 p.m., consisting "of: 3 -piece Chesterfield suite, oc- casional chair; 2 arm chairs; 2 rocking chairs; Morris chair: an- tique walnut chairs; Axminster rug 71/2'x9'; hall ,tree; hall mir- ror; wall mirror; oak buffet; magazine rack; large chest of drawers; 3 small tables; congol oith rug 71/2:x9' (nearly new); 4 dressers, beds, springs and in- zrer mattresses; daybed and mat- tress; Norge refrigerator, 6' cu. it. capacity (nearly new); Gilson Wright,Ki washing machine (nearly new); Kippen, a son (James Electrolux vacuum cleaner; De- Arthur George), MARRIAGES HILDEBRAND-WIGHTMAN_ In Knox United Church, Auburn, on Saturday, August 14, 1948, ers c.u,,,i• Ing utensils and sumer- by Rev. A. G. Hewitt, Marg- eve other articles. TERMS-CAS1? No te:erve as propertly is sold. eIRS. ALICE LOBB, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 34-5-b Auctioneer CARD OF THANKS Duncan C. Cartwright, 36 Pat- ricia Boulevard, Timmins, wishes to extend to the townspeople of Clinton, his thanks for the gift in recognition of war service, recently received. 34-x Forest Crosley radio; tri -light; electric iron; 3 2 -burner hot plates; kitchen table and 8 chairs; camp hair; wheel barrow; lawn mower; garden tools; dishes; scal- a ret Anne, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Wightman, West Wawanosh, to John Hilde- brand, Jordan Station, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Daniel Hilde- brand - Charity, Man. SCHNEIDER-THOMSON At the home of the bride's parents, at 2.30 p.m., Saturday, August 14, 1948, by Rev. G. 3, Minielly, Blanche EIaine, youngest Bang- hter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson, Kippen. to Lawrence Henry Schneider, Stratford, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider; Bornholm, and the late Daniel Schneider. WALLACE-MARSH - In the United Church, . Blyth, by Rev. W. J. Rogers, on Saturday, Au- gust 14, 1948, at 2 p.m., Norma June, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Marsh, Kitchener, to How- ard Newcombe Wallace, son of Mr, and Mrs. Irvine Wallace, Blyth. DEATHS CRITTENDEN- In Clinton, on Saturday, August 14, 1948, Lulu Mann, beloved wife of Harold Crittenden, in her 52nd year. Funeral from her late residence, Orange St., to Clint- on Cemetery, Tuesday after- noon, August 17. NICHOLSON-- •At his residence, lot 30, concession 6, Tucker - smith Township, on Sunday, August 15, 1948, John NichoI- son, in his 90th year. e IN MEMORIAM WOODS - In Ioving memory of Mary Adele (Polly) Woods who passed away four years ago, August 21, 1944. "Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upon the earth we stay." -Sadly missed by Milton, Irene, Jim, Isabel and Dob, 34-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. P. V. Elliott wishes to thank her neighbours, friends, and relatives for the floral trib- utes and acts of kindness extend- ed to her during her recent be- reavement, with special thanks to Rev. F. G. Stotesbury. 34-b CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity of expressing our sincere appreciation to all who sent floral tributes, cards, loaned cars, or extended sympathy in any way during our sudden sad bereavement, with special thanks to Mrs. Norman Sly and Dr, W, A. Oakes. -HAROLD CRITTEN- DEN;, ROY MANN and FAMILY, 34-b. Notice to Creditors And Others All persons having claims' against the Estate of Samuel Kemp, late of the Town of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, Machinist, are required to furnish full particulars thereof, duly verified, to the undersigned, by August 31, 1948, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate. Frank Donnelly, Ii,C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Execut- ors. 33-4-5-b T-1 w'TaerM etM4.: t t ace aaee a S .moi w :stat to + f ae . e aaeet t * sees as learance 'WELL KNOWN BRAND • •' • • • Overalls Strongly sewn llleu's Over- alls, gond roomy make, bar tacked at points of strain, witb bib and sic pockets. Colour: Navy or Black. Smocks Good fitting strongly made Men's Smocks. ' Non -rip double stitchetl seams,. non - rust buttons, three enema pockets. Colour: Navy or Black: Special .. $2.98 Special .52.98 r..,.r These garments guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship. OWO..NWYY..ND fl4'#SflSfl#N.h AIKEN'S 3) PHONE. 2 CLINTON ,t, siw»: . Sq«d ; .Ne :+0.4+#«4»:«;1,44 4.4 4t»::014-o,.:4.0r.,,v44...704 r»;;�C: 1 a4 Something New Has Been Added Ever hear of PLATFORM SOLES and HALF-TRACK TREADS? We have them now in a new line of Men's Oxfords, styled south of the border, in a rich Ox -Blood finish in plain, brogue or moccasin vamp lasts. The Half -Track model has a thiek red rubber cleated sole and heel, just the ticket for golfers. All under $10 REMEMBER: If you are needing a new suit this fall, we are well stocked with ready-made suits, ,and are agents for such well-known Tailored -to -measure lines as: Warren K. Cook W. R. Johnson Tip Top Tailors Regal Park Pickett Ca.... Abell Your Store for Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 25 - - - - - Clinton ring ROXY THE C L I..N T 0 N auk Results Now Playing (August 1 "The Wistful Widow of Gap" with Abbott & C 9-21) Wagon ostello Mon., Tues,, Wed. (Aug. 23-25) • "THE GREAT WALTZ" A rare treat for music lovers as they thrill to the magnificent drama ably enacted by Louise Rainer and Fernand Gravet Thur., Fri., Sat. (Aug. 26-28) June haver, Lon McCallister and Walter Brennan -A heart-warm- ing triangle of a boy, a .girl and a mule team. A tender and human story that you will not forget. `SCUDDA HOO! SCUDDA HAY!' In Teehnicolor Coming (Aug. 30 -Sept. 1) The hest picture of 1947! "GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT" Shown at. 7 p.m, and 9.15 p.m. } Matinees Wed Sat. & Hol„ at 2,30 CAPITAL THEATRE G QD E RIC Now Playing (August 19-21) In Technicolor with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly "THE PIRATE" Mon„ Tues., Wed. (Aug. 23-25) "IT HAD TO BE YOU" A romance in which the 'things most people dream about really happen - Ginger Rogers, Cornet Wilde and Spring Byington Thurs., Fri„ Sat. (Aug. 26-28) "The VOICE of the TURTLE" Brings to the screen a zipping comedy that made Broadway a happy street for five straight years -Ronald Reagan, and Eleanor Parker Coming (Aug. 30 -Sent. 1) "THE SWORDSMAN" with Ellen Drew REGENT, THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (August 19-21) Johnny Weissrnuller in "TARZAN and the HUNTRESS" Mon., Tues., Wed. '(Aug. 23-25) "AN IDEAL, HUSBAND" Alexander Korda's tremendous Technicolor production of Oscar Wilde's successful play, starring Paulette Goddard, !Viichael Wild:. ingand Diana Wynyard Thurs.. Fri., Sat. (Aug. 26-28) "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS" Rollicking comedy, heart-warm- ing romance and a feast of the screen's most glorious music - Jeanette McDonald, Jose Iturbi and Jane Powell Coining (Aug. 30 -Sept. 1) "GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT" Matinees Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 AUCTION SALE of YOUNG ' COWS at Lot 31, Con. 6, Goderich Twp., 1 mile south of Porters Hill on FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 at 7 pane the following: 25 young cows, consisting , of Holsteins, 'Jerseys and Durhams, some fresh, balance to freshen,. or milking good. Five young calves. These are all good cows and will be sold at your approval, , TERMS -CASH Please Note The Tine A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 34-b Auctioneer } PLUMS The Great Creator has sent me a nice crop of Plums. Old customers as well as new, wanting a supply bring your contain- ers and • I will supply you, when ripe, a nice variety of canning plums. • C. HOARE FRUIT FARM Clinton 34-5-6-b BEAUTY SIIOPPE Shampoo Manicure Flinger Waves Permanents ETHEL 'THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j LIFE BEGINS -- --:-.WHEN YOU ACCEPT CHRIST AS SAVIOUR, "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature" -II Cor. 5:17 "Ye must be born again," John 3:7 "Except a man be won again he cannot see the kingdom of God" -John 3:3 "He that believeth `on the Son hath everlasting life" -John 3:38 Eternal Life is Yours --Receive it To -day CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. See the "Ex" AUG. 27 -- SEPT. 11 Low, Flat Rates to Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto CLINTON CAB PHONE 44 REG. SH'IPLEY OSCAR PRIESTAP ROY MANN Res. 229, Res. 689J 34-35-36-37-b. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON'- ONTARIO Chartered under the Ontario Department of Education COURSES: Clerical, Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial Register Now . Fall Term Begins September 13, 19'1 8 M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A., Vice Principal Principal 34-5-6-b TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders will be received by the undersigned for Cleaning and Repair Work to the Mitchell and Geiger Drains in the Township of Tuckersmith. up to 8 p.m., August 23rd, 1948. A bond in the form of a certified cheque for 10 per cent of Tender price must accompany each Tender, as a guaranty of faithful performance of duty. Work must be completed by Oct. 1, 1948. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For particulars apply to the Clerk. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith 33-3 4-b BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Parent-Gliddon's Press Shop Baby's Name Gliddon's Pressing Address - King Street, Clinton, Phone 466w Cleaning and f after this I i i Is It A Planned Baby? It certainly is, the best site possible, the latest in equipment, and a plant ready to offer Clinton and district the last word in Dry Cleaning. Everybody Loves a Baby -L -- How about making this one welcome by calling 466W for Pickup and De- livery or by calling at the plant, op- posite V. D. Falconer's. CLIDDON'S CLEANING AND PRESSING Who's going to look Healthy Youngster? Bert, himself, and he promises every- body the type of service they have been looking for, rush orders on suits or woollens can be called for in six hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Our Prices will be the lowest possible consistent with ser- vice and quality of work. KING ST. PHONE 466W CLINTO11