Clinton News-Record, 1951-08-02, Page 5DAY, AUGUST 2, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE VIVA e'�s-Record ��as ' ' _____,...,. _ si ied Adlets BFin SH RATE:—(If paid by Wed- sday following date of inser- EMPLOYMENT WANTED — n) --One cent a word first in- CUDMORE In ClintonClO WeeklyPress Clearing WILL MIND BABY BIRTH ion (minimum 35 cents); sub- from 8 a.m, ion insertionsntone cent word to 6 p,M. Mrs, BYhaud, 24 Re- nton Public Picnic at Ba FieldREGENT` THEATRE iarimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- gina Rd., RCAF. Station, Clinton. Hospital, on Friday, July 27, y AUCTION SALE ROXY THEATRE for box number. or for direr- 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Western Ontario Weekly Press i of FARM STOCK •and C L I' N T O N S E A F O R T H n to NEWS -RECORD Office. 31_p Cudmore, 'Clinton, a daughter. Association held its annual Sam HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Now: "MA AND latest KETTLE F CHARGED -15 cents extra. FARMS FOR SALE JONES—In Clinton Public Hospi- 41y pinnae in Jaweht's Grave at Lot No: 33, concession 4, East NOW(Aug.BACK ON THE FARM"— Re DEADLINE -6 tal, on y Wawanosh west miles north and ( g? -4) "DALLAS" in sure to see the theme of P.m. Wednesday. Saturday, July 28, 1951, Hayfield, on Saturday,t Jody 21. Technicolor, with Gary Cooper the Kettles. The best of them all! FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, This beautiful vacation spat on 3 miles of Blyth on and Muth Roman ACCOMMODATION ConiSdential information, Leon- RR. 2, Hensall, a son. the shores of Lake Huron formed Tuesday, August 7 MON., TUES., WED. WANTED testi G. Winter, Real Estate, MaoDONALD--In Clinton ,Public a lovely setting for the picnic, at 1.30 p.m. sharp, consisting (Aug 6-8) "The Fuller Brush phones: business 448, residence Hospital, on Sunday, July 29, bat rainfall during the day re- E OR TWO LIGHT House - ping Tracy, Katharine Girl" rooms or small furnish- MacDonald, Exeter, a eon. ed thees ROUSES: Matched black team and Judy Holliday apartment, Apply NEWS- 50 ACRES—Ten acres bush. Good MARTIN -In Clinton Public Hos- However, the membersotof�tthe yof ears old; bl kePew:h 4 and 5 g he way and hilae with Lucille Ball & Eddie Albert CORD Box "S". 31-/s buildings. Land in good abate of pital, on Saturday, Julr years aid; black Pew:heron of b geld - comedy spats is this comedy The same 'brand of mad -cap oult4vation. Drilled well. Sit- 1951; to Mr, and Mrs. Alberti and staffs and their families who lirnvgshll years old; set of breech- Man, domestic and f comedy as in the Fuller Brush ACCOMMODATION uated 12th Hallett. Lot west hall Martin, Zurich, a son,Man, but much prettier.neYou will were reportedg 'harness "ADA FOR RENT of 29. Apply Murdde' Young.REYNOLDS—In Middleton Hos- splendidtimehad by thatall a PUREBRED and GRADE CAT- M fall nor her line, toot' for she hes Phone Blyth 20r6. 30-1 pital, on Monday, July 23, 1951, lSponts featured, including bath- TLE: Purebred re Hereford cow, 4 a whole string of new laughs. GM AND BOARD at edge of GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot to F/O and Mrs. D. A. Reyn- tog and swimming,softball and yrs, old; 2 purebred Hereford 'SITURS„ FEL, SAT. vn, Phone 802x16, 31- 15, concession 5,Hallett. Thomas wood, RN.S., a son and thla(aged);4 BLUE BLO® "Gallant Bess" p Station, Green- fishing,yrs. old; 2 purebred « NTER'S BEACH—Pour-room-2x16.Si-p Carconc R.R. 1Clinton, phonek� Ygsovmds Hereford cowspure- with were , filled with the Younger fry bred Hereford' heifers, ricin 2 Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, Frederick). who "swang" to their heart's con- Colour -- An with Marshall Thompson cottage, spring -filled mattres- 2,VODDEN In Clinton Public tent.s Yrs, old; purebred Hereford bull, and George Tobias screened porch, hydro. Mrs. R.R.Blyth, phone Blyth 31x9. Hospital, on Saturday,28, calf, 10 months old; 4 purebred his besn It's a very moving and emotional once screened er,porch, Rb R. 3, GodeMrs. 13-15- tbf July Officers of the Western Ontario Hereford calves;Holstein cow, 7 who both came b d youngtory of the intense love of a p 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, William Press Association are as follows: yrs. old, milking, bred again; f ght g hearts Phone Dungannon 19•x6, HELP WANTED—Female Vodden, Paris, a daughter. president, R. S. Atkey, Clinton brindle cow. 9 boy for horses. You will 30-1-2-p WEBSTE.2—.In Wa�gham General News -Record; past preside t Jack coif, 1 month old. old; Durham appreciate this smartly -trained YFIELD—Housekeeping cab- A WAITRESS WANTED for Hospital, on Thursday, July 26, Pickett, Paris Star; trice presidervtand horse with. the 'almost human on the lake, Everything fur- Hotel Clinton, Daytime work with 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Welling- E. C. Davis, Elmira Signet;see PIGS: 2 Yorkshire sows, due Coming: `A KISS FOR Temple and S' OUST mind' ped, Newspring meals supplied, Apply Hotel ton Webster y from 3 to 4 weeks; 4�ohuaiks. g: "BLOSSOMS IN THE mattresses.(nee I9abi`r eon Fetor A, W. Carr, Palmerston POULTRY and E UIFMENT: starring Shirley and DUST" with Greer Gerson and AtEUXIMIESINIMMINIMMINIIMINSMOWINIIMP +ro, good beach, lots of shade. Clinton, phone '793. oloo Martin), R,R, 3, Lucknow, a Observer; treasurer, Willard A rox. 125 LeghornDavid Niven couple weekly. Dining room. son (James Martin). pp pullet`s �rsns� Walter Pidgeon rte G, Hazelwood, R. R. 1, HOUSES FOR SALE,�CMardiner, Harristan Review; ex- (starting to eoutive — Miss Grace Wright, lay); colony house, PARK old. 26-35-b filt 10 CAR: brooder stove,eTHEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE ATRE A.ouBi hn,e Georgetown Herald; 1937 Dodge coupe (in GODERTCH —Phone 47 YFIELD LOVELY SHADY SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK duel- good condition). ling, bathroom, full basement, George L. Ellis, Goderich Signal- WOOD: Approx.GODERICH Yhorre 1150 I, three bedroom housekeep- stoker, two lots with good barn. Jam A gl Church Mid- Star.entity 25 cord of cottages, for by week Leonard G. Winter, real estate, Mid- dleton, o Saturday, d hardwood; gwarntity of soft wood. Now: MG1VI's great war story— Now: "The TEXAS RANGERS" month, good rentea6h hydro, 5I b HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Elelf a- "GO FOR BROKE" with Van Gale Storm & Geo. Montgomery d water,phones: business 448, residence y Rev. H. E. Webb tutomaster eloctric control; Sunlight Johnson Inside toilets, and 599J. 24-b{fjy automatic oven Sunlight ing-filled mattresses. Write McCullough oil space heater; other household noon's Deer Lodge, Bayfield. SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE the lot B and f end brother, MON., TUES., WED. ne Clinton 909x42 between and balm, lots 211 and 212 in Goderich Township, t pa se effects. Penny Singleton - Athur Lake ht and ten a.m. 30 -lab Hensall. Apply Albert Wolff, son of Mr and away August 2, 1941. TERMS—CASH AT and Larry Simms i Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb Mrs David Bean Callow, journey No reserve as the farm is sold. new Technicolor ver Dogwood learns a little more a - Fro bh world to the new. DONALD SNELL, Proprietor stun of J Fore Kerns musrcai bout the perils of matrimony as F{, furnished, for Where EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, g A lively liltin the blundering Bumsteads van - Auctioneer story of g tore into another misadventure, K. W. Colqulioun, Clerk along the Missrssnppi River �� Blondie" Beware of 31-b MON.,TUES.,'WED. y, a arine 'Hep- burnAmusin allthe ious in manyy professional life, 'S RIB" THURS., FILL, SAT. (Aug. 9-11) D" — In action -packed story of two s, a man and a horse, back with fighting Rill Williams, Jane Nigh Arthur Shields MARRIAGES BEAN-M°CU.LLOUGH — In Sit. James' Anglican n a. ur 'ay, July 21, 1951, Grace, daughter of Mrs, Benson e Benson McCullough, . o Verne David Bean, av HEARD -BRANDON --At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Bayfield, on Saturday, July 28, 1951, at 3 p.m., 'by Rev. Gordon A. Peddle, Knaliwood Presby- terian. Church, London, Juan Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Harold N. Brandon and the late Mrs. Brandon, to Gordon E. Heard, elder son of Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Heard, Hayfield, HIUSSER-STIRLING -- In St. Andrew's United Church, Hay- field, by the Rev. Peter Renner, on Saturday, July 28, 1951, Ann Marie Stirling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stirling, God- erich Township, to Francis John Hiusser, Seaforth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hiusser, Seaforth. IN MEMORIAM FAIRSERVICE—In loving mem- ory o a dear son Glenn Fairservice who passed It is; a wonderful From olde sere golden gates have open- ed wide To let our loved ones through And there, with just the same glad smile And the heart we cherished so Dear Glenn awaits until we meet In the land where loved ones go. MON., TUES., WED. "SHOW BOAT" The brand Jerome success. colorfulshow people Kathryn Grayson - Howard Reel and Ava Gardner TSURS., FRI., SAT. "FORT WORTH" This outdoor action story of the Southwest Tech- nicolor and is enhanced alue-Ribb n winner amongst Westerns. Randolph Scott—Phyllis Tiraxter and David Brian Coming: "Goodbye My Fancy" Joan Crawford & Eve Arden 31VS 80:I S3'lddV LIMITED SUPPLY of Duels - apples. D. Canteion, Raglan UTOMOBILES FOR SALE 8 CHEVROLET, four -door, s in fair condition, good mot - Will trade for older joar. les N. Aikenhead, Brucefield, ne Hensall 686r4. 'Ship ARTICLES FOR SALE =X CARRIAGE, $10. Phone W'. 31-p tLIN AND GUITAR. M. And - Maple St. 31-p RHEAD GARAGE DOOR hardware, $30. Apply Bay - d Hardwlare, Bayfield, Ont, 31-32-33-b DLAY COAL RANGE, almost ftwo large rugs; odd pieces urniture. W. J, McMillan, site Shell Service Station, ne 67751, 31-p BICYCLES FOR SALE V'S CCM BICYCLE, complete chrome rims, in excellent ition. Phone Bayfield 4. 31p ILDING. LOTS FOR SALE YOU THINKING of build - a home. A number of fine for sale, Leonard G. Winter, Estate, phones: business residence 599J. 7-btfb BUILDING SUPPLIES RICAN CEMENT fox sale, e Harold Emerson, phone 30-31-b GARDEN PRODUCTS FOR SALE. Pine crop now y; extra early. If wanted, re soon; no second lot. F. R. 'nghame, Huron St., phone on 176. 31-2-b 'URNITURE FOR SALE T IN BATHTUBS $60. The Martha Washington and edge three piece bathroom complete with lovely chrom- Sttings white $179. Colour Illustrated catalogue, Help- nstelthation diagram. Lustrous er-of-pearl plastic top sink ets with stainless enamel and thorned swing faucets Air 'conditioning furnace $295. Refrigerators, stoves, ,urners, pressure water syst- Satisfaction guaranteed. Buy confidence and save many rs. Special offer to plumbers builders. Write or visit son Mail Order Division, tsville Hardware, Streets- , Ont. Phone 26. 24 -26 -2i -31-b M EQUIPMENT FOR SALE -FOOT INTERNATIONAL ibine with pickup. Gladwin hake. Phone Hayfield 60r12. 30-31-b IN DEERE one -row Corn •er, nearly new; I.H.C. Corn ler with power take -off, near - ow; M -M Disc Harrows, new nearly new; Massey -Harris, O. and Cockshutt Manure eaders, priced to sell. New Corn Pickers, Side Rakes Manure Spreaders; Boom's on Unloader•s; Fairbanks - % Hammer Mills;Pax Hag Pers; Lang Plow Cotters. Ask or descriptive folders and s. New Idea Distributors, 'rich. Phone Carlow 2821. 31-32-p BRICK HOUSE Bayfield; hree piece bath, Possession August 1. Phone Bayfield 53r2. 29btfb SIX -ROOMED COTTAGE, one- piece bathroom, sunporch, gar- age, insul brick aiding. Reason able price, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993. 21-btfb ASPHALT SIDING SUMMER cottage, furnished, hydro, goad water supply, wonderful beach, 10 miles from Clinton. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 24-btfb THREE -ROOMED and modern bathroom, 11/2 storey dwelling, full basement, I/2 storey second floor to be completed, one acre lot, Clinton suburbs, Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 24-btfb HOUSE in the Town of Goderich. Centrally located, not too large, not too small—just right, in good condition. Frame construction, covered with Insulbric siding. Apply to Graham Inglis, Goderich, 30-31-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN PIGS, seven weeks old. Flarold Howard, phone 904r15, 31-'b TWO GOATS FOR SALE, one milking, E. S'tettler•, R. R. 4, Clinton. Phone 807r13, 31p TEN LITTLE PIGS, just weaned, over six weeks old. Wilfred H. Glazier, phone 911r4. Sib NOTICES SEWAGE DISPOSAL, pumping out septic tanks and disposing, Have up-to-date power pump and tank. Prepared to clean out schools and public buildings. Irvin Coxon, phone Milverton 75r4, 28-39-p WHITEWASHING end Cleaning. Victor Hargreaves, Brucefiedd, phone Clinton 625r23. 28-37-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots No. 41 and 51, both sides of the River, Tuckersmith Township, at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted. By order of owner, A, E. Parry, May 3rd, 1951. 27-31-p PIANO TUNING 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed, E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 20 -21 -gift YOUR . PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb POULTRY FOR SALE 50 PULLETS, five month's old. Phone S. Wellbenks, Blyth 39r7, 31-p 300 PULLETS, Sussex end Red, three months old. Wilbur Nott, phone 619r31. 31-b TRAILERS FOR SALE ONE TWO -WHEELED TRAILER, complete with stock rack. Phone 148 or 564R, 31-p 1942 CANADIAN HAYES 20 et. trailer, excellent condition, ac- companying lot available oil beating electrie brakes for trav- el; reasonable price. Must sell immediately. Somers, % A B C Ranch, Clinton, Call after five 'during week. 31-b DEATHS HUNTER—In Clinton, on Sunday, July 29, 1951, Robert Hunter, in his 85th year, beloved hus- band of Mary Stanbury and father of Mrs. V. Loucks, (Em- ily), Minden, Ernest W. Hunt- er, Toronto, Mrs. Goldwin Smith (Marjory) Helen), God- erich Township. Funeral from St. Paul's Anglican Church to Clinton Cemetery, Tuesday, July 31. -------o Cards of T hanks I would like to take this op- portunity of thanking all who so kindly sent me cards, flowers and fruit, while in Victoria Hos- pital, London,—MRS. WILLIAM COOK. 31-p MRS. GORDON HOWES wishes to thank all the friends who sent cards, flowers and fruit, while a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital, also 'thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses fox their kindness. 31-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if passible. 32-40-p FOR TUPPERWARE, vacuum - sealed dishes and beautiful six gauge plastic table cloths, please call Mrs. Fred L. Miller, Rattan - bury St., Clinton. Phone 334W. 30-35-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer Prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. Just received' word that pukes are slashed in half. Wonderful bar- gains beginning now, , In . Du Jour Men's, Women's, children's and baby wear. Buy Kendex ny- lons guaranteed for a period of three months or money refunded, 'School days will soon roll around agates. Why not outfit children at half the price and save. I also have lovely wrapping paper and beautiful every day cards to suit your needs. Why not drop around end see for yourself or phone. 689J and I will call and see you. Mrs. Roy Mann, 30-31-,b His memory to us is a keepsake With which we will never part. Though God has him in His keeping We still have him in our hearts. Laain and troubles are o'er he dwells with Christ above. Oh, what glories he discovered In the Saviour whom he loved." —Ever remembered by Mother, Dad and sisters, EXECUTORS' SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of Mrs. Annie M. Fothergill, on. No. 4 Highway, in the Village of Londesboro, °n Saturday August 4 at 2 p.m., the following: Nine -piece ovadnut parlor suite of chairs, platform rocker and settee; 2 bedroom suites, inner spring mattress, single had, inner spring mattress; cherry drop-leaf table; kitchen extension table and six chairs; kitchen cupboard; kitchen table; small tables; bar- room chair; music cabinet; vict- rola; coal oil heater; 3 trunks baby's cradle; toilet set; pictures dishes including antiques, sealers 'cooking utensils; step ladder; gar- den tools; and other tools, wheel barrow, wagon jack, quantity of lumber, and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH Mrs. Margaret Crich, Executrix Edwin Fothergill, Executor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 30-31-b For Lease Major Oil Co. has Service Station for Lease, main High- way in Clinton. Fully equipped. APPLY Box "R" Clinton News -Record AMMINIMMIlft CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS Build or Repair Chimneys GUY IVES Phone Carlow 1612 14-15ptfb Qp1« ( COURTEOUS Li, 5ERVrCF Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI Send Flowers Worldwide K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phones: Greenhouse 66J Residence 66W Farmers, Attention! Anyone wishing to buy or order stocker or feeder cattle, get in touch with me. I intend to leave shortly for the Western Provinces. (Signed) W. J. MILLER , Phone 46 31-32-b THURS., FRI., SAT. Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette and Gloria Henry With a song on their lips and a quick finger on the trigger the boys of the Bar H rout some gangsters from the valley, "Lightning Guns" Coming: "OPERATION X" with Edward G. Robinson and Peggy Cummings IT'S A REAL TREAT IF YOU BUY IT AT Schroeder's Bakery (Successor to Dixon's Pastry Shop) PHONE 364 RATTENBURY ST. E. CLINTON WHY WAIT? Come NOW, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: though they be red like crim- son, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1-18 REPENT ye therefore and be CONVERTED that your sins may blotted out. Acts 3. 19 CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST 25 -Cycle Equipment Specials on 25-Cyle Equipment in Stock Changeover Costs ,You Nothing BUY NOW AND SAVE! 1 only—BEATTY WASHER Regular S l $ 189.50 $ 17070.0,00 1 only—BEATTY ELECTRIC STOVE 220.00 180,00 1 only—BEATTY APARTMENT ELECTRIC STOVE 299.50 280.00 1 only—BEATTY ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER 69.50 59.50 Buy Now' and Save! Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 Pao CLINTON moomm Reg. to $55.00—Special at $39.50 WEN'S SUITS MEN'S SLACKS. ,.SPORT Reg. to $65.00—Special at $49.50 SHIRTS 3 groups $4.95 $7.95 — $10.95 Sizes S M - L — $2.95 ea. ® Other items on sale are Shirts, T -Shirts, Ties, 'Boys' Shoes, Men's Shoes, Work Clothing, Swim Suits, Sport Coats, Boys' Suits, etc. SALE ENDS SATURDAY, AUGUST 4. pbel during the last 'few days of our VaID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALEcertain lines ata We have regrouped� h a m greater :Saving to our customers. icke WPHONE 25 (opposite the theatre) ... �. CLINTON i