Clinton News-Record, 1951-04-12, Page 67I3AGE SIX CLINTON nws-RstoRD TaltIRSEkaaY, APRIL 12, 1951 News of Bayfield , Representative: 1111111sa Lucy R. Woods Phone Hayfield 45r3 • Mrs. IL A. Lawson opened her cottage on Saturday. Miss Ethel Blair, Goderich, wap home over the weekend. Pat Gtehern, Toronto,, was in the village, over the weekend. Donald E. Kingsbury, Hamil- ton, spent the weekend at his home in the ;village-. •• Lawrence Fowlie, London, spent Sunday with his sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey, Kitchener, were •at their home in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stephens, London, were et their home in the village, "Shangri-La" on Sat- tirday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Deacon and Carol, Brantford, were the geepts of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. It was .decided tt hold a paper • colection on Thursday, AprIl 19, or in ease of rain, on the fol- lowing day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr., were with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bail- ey, the "New Ritz Hotel" over the weekend. Thomas Orr, Jr., and family, Stratford, were at the Orr cot- tage on Bayfield Terrace over the weekend. William L. Cameron, Detroit, spent the weekend with his sis- ters, Misses Elizabeth and Mild- red Cameron. Mrs. F. McEwen returned to her home in the village on Sun- day after having spent the win- ter in London. Mrs. S. Sturgeon, Jr., and baby son returned to 'their home from Venice. Alexandra and Marine Hospital, Mr. and Mrs, James W. Sturg- Goderich, on Saturday. eon, Galt, visited the former's Dr. and Mrs. R. Hunter, Mary Alice and Sally Beth, and' Chas. Rogers, Jr., were at their home in the village over the weekend'. Mr. and Mrs. Malemn Madaeod, Port Dover, Caine on Thursday to spend a week with *ie.:formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mac- Leod. ' Sgt. A. G. and Mrs. Ross anal two children, who have been oc- cupying William, L. Ferguson's house, left on Saturday for Chat- ham, N.B. Mr. and Mrs. J. Keen, who have been occupying "Trail Blazer cottage", moved into R. W. Stephens' home, "Shangri-La" on Monday. Mr. end Mrs. Hugh McLaren and Miss Chriatine, Port Elgin, visited Mrs: MaLaren's sisters, Misses A. M. end E. J. Stirling, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cam- eron motored to Toronto a week ego Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Evans Cameron, who were their guests during Faster week. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hayman, London, were guests at The Little Inn over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. Heiney, London, were also their guests on Sunday, Mrs. Lloyd Medians and Miss Elane Denby have returned home after having attended the Hair- dresser's convention in Toronto from Monday until Wednesday. Mrs. Donald MacKenzie, Sr., returned home last week after a most delightful trip to Florida where she spent a month with Miss Ruby and Alex MacKenzie, HULLETT Goderich Township elommimarowa, - Farm Forum Meets Fireside Farm Foams had a very successful euchre ancF dance in' Constance Hall on Friday evening /est. Winners included: 'most games, Mrs. Jack Hesselwead and Wes Haggett; lone hands, Mrs. Charlet Hogged and Bob Dalton;. consol- ation, Mrs. Frank Riley an,d Charles Hoggart. Music for dewing was furnish- ed by records supplied by George Hoagart, and 'by Miller Adams, Sword MeRden, Bob Grurnoldiby with Mrs. Grumoldby at the piano. • TENDERS FOR SCRAP METAL SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned will be received until Twelve Noon, Wednesday, April 18, 1951, for the purchase • includes two Tractors Implements destroyed 15-b of 10-12 Tons -of Scrap Metal. Scrap and, the balance mainly Agricultural by fire. (Signed) A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron Goderich, Ontario TENDERS Sealed Tenders for the construction 'of an Imple- ment Shed will be received by the undersigned until Twelve Noon, April 18. Implement Shed 24 feet by 48 feet to be built on a two -foot wall supplied by the owner. One double door on side each door eight feet wide; one double door on end, each door six feet wide; two windows; six lights 10x12; one Ventilated First tendier—Cement bock malt eight feet high with roof and ends 28 gauge steel, sliding doors. Second Tender -28 -gauge steel sides, roof and end, sliding doors. This shed is to be erected at the Huron County Home, Clinton, and site and position of doors, and windows can be obtained from Mr. E. J. Jacob, Manager. (Signed) —A. II. EltSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario MeareateslairteasaetaatatestartsteleastaellettlelifleatilettattelettataztalMalanak1919111 • v; iFfeerg-1307 Ef?.•18C11/Ser4Fletr 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Styline Sedan, air conditioning, undercoating and many extras 1950 Chevrolet Styline Coach 1950 Chevrolet Styline Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan, custom radio, air-conditioning 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan '1949 Chevrolet deluxe Fleetline Sedan '1949 Chevrolet deluxe Styline Coach 1949 Chevrolet Styline Sedan '1949 Chevrolet deluxe Styline Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach, black in, colour 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach Two -1948 Chevrolet Stylernaster Coaches 1947 Ford Five -passenger 1941 Mercury Sedan, custom radio 1940 Chevrolet deluxe Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coach, Special $150 1937 Plymouth Coach 1935 Plymouth Coach, Special $ 400 CASH — TRADE — TERMS OPEN EVENINGS 'UNTIL 10- O'CLOCK Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremast Used Car Dealer Phone 73-X BRUSSELS ; lalaallalafffianlakfffastablaW.F4WitaralaleTe143arePlaraltatatall mother, Mrs. William Sturgeon, over the weekend. Mr. end Mrs. James Cruickshank and Berthena, Clinton, also were with her on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Higgins returned home trecently after having spent six week with their daughter, Mrs. Dalton Smith, Lambton. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and little Janet accompanied them to the village. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twerityrnarr and two children, Waukegon, RI., visited Mrs. Twentyman's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Paul Cleave, over the weekend, On their return, they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cleave who will spend a fortnight with thern. Lived to 100 Years Mrs. Bridget Bacon, who ob- served her 100th birthday Feb. 20, died at her home in Carson - villa, Mich: She was born in Bayfield, and moved to Michigan when she was three. Her 65 sur- vivors include 19 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren and nine great -greet -grandchildren. Her husband, George, died in 1925. Trinity Guild Meets The Guild of Trinity Church met at the home of Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon on 'Thursday last. Mrs. R. J. Larson, president, conducted the opening exercises. The sec- rebary's report was read by Mrs. S. McEwen, and the treaauters report by Mrs. N. W. Woods. Ways and means of raising talent money were discussed, and also plans made for the summer bazaar. Following the benedic- tion the eadetess served tea. United Church Ladies The women of St. Andrew's United Church had a very well attended meeting on Thursday last with Mrs. A. Scotchmer as hostess. This was the Easter meet- ing,and the hymns and Scripture lesson all had to do with this theme. A short address was giv- en by Rev. Peter Renner on the same subject. A pleasing feature of the meet- ing was a solo "Ye Fair Green Hills ol Galilee," and a piano solo "Consolation" 'by Mn. Kingsbury, Also a chorus, "The Old Rugged Cross" by several ladies was enjoyed. At the close of the meeting an excellent lunch was served by the committee—Mrs. Dewar, Mrs. D. MacKenzie, Mrs, Porter, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Watson. Trinity Club Meets Mrs. William L. Metcalf was hostess for the Trinity Club meet- ing on Tuesday 'evening, April 10, at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Dewar, Mrs, P, Worth was co -hostess. William L. Metcalf had donated beautiful set of enlarged photos of Trinity Church which were on exhibition et the Fall Fair last year, to the Trinity Club, It was derided to give the Rector his choice of one to be framed to remain in the study. The remain- ing five will be sold: Mrs. J. E. Hovey, president, was In charge and opened the meeting with psalm and prayer. Roll cell, answered by more than 20 people, was "Helpful Hints" some of which proved quite orig- inal, Miss Berthena Sturgeon' read the minutes of the last Meeting and Mrs. T. Mack gave 'the treasurer's report. The date for the Daffodil Tea at the home of Mrs. Ted Davies was set for May 10, from 3-6. The special speaker was Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner who gave her impressions of a recent visit to Chicago --of the religious revival, noted persons, 17th century art exhibit and theatre performances —ell given in her own interest - Mg and inimitable manner. She ended her talk by telling num- erous tales of her work as a Sunday School teacher in aeriolis Places in the United States and Ilayateld, which revealed the joy and satisfaction there is for those who interest themselves in that branch of church work. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Spencer when Mrs Le Roy Poth, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Sibewart Middleton has, been quite ill With the mlimPs. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Middleton, Clatharine and Charles, spend last Weekend with' Mr. and Mrs., Charles H. 1VLiddleton. - Mr. and Mrs( Harold Bower, Detroit, spent the weekend at their summer hoine, "The Hew- ery," Lane ()Tines Beach. Mr. and liars. Phil Heabolamer, Stratford,, spent. the weekend in "Cedar liollowa their summer home at Lane ,O'Pines Beach. Mr:and Mrs. Cecil Menlcley and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hell, all of Wirigham, spent Sunday in the formers' summer home' at Lane O'Fities Beach, Edward Wise attended the Con- ference of the Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen of the Diocese of Huron in Windsor over the weekend. Mies Elsie Martin and her mother, Mrs. Martin, had as their guests on Sunday at their Lane O'Phies summer home, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Struick, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher and children, Bob, Carol and Jack, all of Stratford. Undergoes- Operation Tom Rothman underwent an operation for -appendicitis in Cline ton Public Hospital last week. His friends wish hint a speedy reenvery. HOLMESVILLE (Intended for lest week) Successful Recital Monday evening the Registered Music Teachers' ASsociation, held a recital in the Memorial Hall, Myth. Each teacher had three of her pupils play, Miss Eileen Gliddon's class being represented by Edith Jones and Eleanor Yeo from the lielmeaville class and by Margot Grange of, the Auburn class. Several' from here attend- ed this fine concert. Ladies' Spring Concert Each year the ladies of the United Church present a concert of home talent which is always anticipated with pleasure. This year the event took place Friday evening, March 80, with an ex- ceptionally large crowd present. Rev. 2/E.G. Newton acted as chair- man, and during, the course of the programme gave two humour- ous readings about the time he tried to lick the teacher, and the little boy washing the cat. Several fine musical numbers were en- joyed, including two solos, "All the Birds are Here Again" and "Night Song" by Ila Grigg and Sandra Williams; solo, "The Old Rugged Cross", Grace Lobb; duetls, "Harbour Lights" and "It is no Seaeta, Rita Yeo and Mrs. Bill Cox; piano cluett, "Nola" with an en -core selection, Kathleen Holmes and Eileen Gliddon, and beautiful guitar selections played by Gordon Stock. A play directed by Mrs. A. Bond, with twelve ladies partici- pating was the final and main event. In the hour and a half play, "Aunt Sophia Speaks", each 61 the ladies did a very fine job of her characterization, with special mention going to the two who carried the heaviest 'farts, Mrs. Walters giving a splendid par- trayal of the old lady, "Aunt Sophia", and Mrs. Bill Norman playing the part of her niece, Mrs, Caroline Care, in a natural and competent manner. Two of the other ladies were invited as entertainers during the afternoon When Aunt Sophia was at home to her friends. These two, the Misses Crow, (Mrs. N. Heard and E. Grigg) kept the audience in laughter with their weird ideas of dress, their rendition of a duet, "The Night Shades Were Falling", and the reading of a poem, "Edward Grey," by Mrs. Heard. Mrs. Heard also contribut- ed a fine whistling selection, "Listen to the Mocking Bird." Guests who "called" during the play included a socially ambitious and over -dressed lady Mrs. C. Freeman); an outspoken matron intent on improving people (Mrs, E. J. Trewartha); a lady who continually puts others to night 'Mrs. H. Williams); a wife whose husband is still her ma -in -thought (Mrs. Jack Yeo); a poor soul who once had an operation (Mrs. P. Palmer); one who still enjoys single bliss (Mrs. H. Cudmore); a lady who tries to keep pace (Mrs. W. Yeo); and a woman fussed over raising a baby ac- cording to a schedule (Mrs. Ewan Ross). The baby was there, too, In a large carriage. The ladies put on en impromptu programme, consisting of the If your ensin is low and you still have hogs to feed, come in and see us about a HOG CONTRACT. Take the feed as you need it—pay when the hogs go! MM M MM MMMMM MASTER BALANCED FEEDS for ALL OLASSMOF POULTRY FARM LIKE STOCK FOR 111SARING ANIMAL') & DOGS MM.MMM MMMMM WE CARRY OYSTER SHELL CONCENTRATES GRIT and SALT Your Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is: S.RIDDICK and SONS Phone 114 - Clinton M • PORTER'S HILL .....••••••••=0.111 (Intended for Islet week) A card party and dance will be held in Porter's Hill school, A Play, "A/la a Mistake," will be presented in Grace United Church.' a Grace ,WA Meets The WA of draee Church was held on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Harrison With a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Austin Harris, was in charge of the meeting which opened with a hymn after which the president led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Mts. Will Co*. The roll nal was answered by wearing something green. A lengthy discussion followed concerning plans for the play and it was else decided to have the next meeting one week later than usual on April 10 alt the home of Mrs. Mien Battles, • Readings were given and con- tests conducted by Mra. P. Har- rison and Mrs, John McCowan. The meeting closed by repeat- ing the benediction in unison. The, hostess and her assistants served a delicious lunch. 0 75 CHICKENS STOLEN WALTON—William Sholdice had about 75 chickens stolen from his poultry house. Provincial Police investigated. MOTORIST FINED SEAFORTH—Robert Morey ap- peared in court on a careless driving charge as the result of an accident about Feb. 25 svheir he allegedly sideswiped a car driven by E. V. Gardiner, Clinton. He was fined $10 and costs. singing of old favourites, a lovely duet, "Mother Machiree" by Mrs. Hill. Norman and Mrs. C. Free- man, and the fine reciting of the old favourite, "Curfew Bell" by Mrs. Walters. "Auld Lang Syne" and the national anthem brought the enjoyable programme to its conclusion. Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor li.Whbat: non otlaalluglitylthiTir. Ilionwts.,f111.rpawn; ,l,eckbonoo loses halt-starvod, sickly ..hean-polo" look. Thou- sands of girl°, women. men, WOO mar Mad goth, be. fore, aro now ptoud of shanelY, healthy -looking bottles, 0103' thank the spa- cial flesh. building tools. Ostrom • its toning, stimulants, inolgora. torn, iron. vitamin III, mi- nium, enrich blood, haltrOVO apPotito and digestion SO tha gives you mora strength and nourishment. put flesh on bare hones. Get Lovely Curves Don't fear getting TOO fat. Stop 01,011 101100 gained the N, 10,10 or 20100, you need tar normal tvelght. Costs little, BOW "Sot acquainted.' size only GO, Try famous 0,1,00 Tinto Tablets for now rigor and added pound:4.11as very day. An all druggists. to shut -Ins had been 'made, The, VARNA • 'treasurer gave a report on tbe first quarter, Mns. Mervyn -ter reviewed the study nook „.•- Japan Begins Again-5tteririg the Opened Dinar. The rneetinig doe - ed by, singing hymn 500, "Take time to he Hely", and the bone- • diction. The April meeting of Varna WMS was head on Thursday at- ternooh, April 5, in the church, The theme of the meeting, "Rea milting for full time service in the Church." ,The meeting opened by gang- ing hymn 358, "Jeans calls us o'er the tumult." The Scripture reading from Matt. 10:17-22, Mat- thew 6:24, was read by Mrs. Ro- bert Taylor. Mrs. Moyer read poem followed' by preyer by Miss Henn Minutes of the last meeting were read anti adoption seconded by Mrs, Robert Taylor The roll call was answered by 11 members. The roll call to be answered in May with a verse relating to a flower. Mrs. Har - yea Hayter -thanked the society for card received. - Mrs. Fred Reid and Mrs. E. McClinchey were named dele- gates to attend the Presbyterial in Exeter on April 27. Two cal/Is Before you dispose of your clip, get in touch with our collector Fred 'Mulholland Phone 910r21 — Clinton WILLIAM STONE SONS, LTD.. Ingersoll, Ontario 15-16-17-h, For Sale By Tender TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, up to APRIL 25, for the sale of a brick building, 30 ft. x 50 ft., with 20 ft. walls, and, a good roof, known as Smith's Hill United Chtiach at Carlow. The building to be removed by Sept. 30. The purchaser is to remove all the building ex- cept the foundation. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, - For further particulars apply to: (Signed)—THOMAS II. WILSON, RR. 5, Goderich, Ontario 15-16-b aaassahaaasaahnsassahohassaga-saas Ms. Gravel Tenders TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY The Township of Stanley win receive tenders for the crushing and hauling of • 8,000 Cu. yards of gravel, to be crushed through 3.4." screen and delivered, on roads, under the supervision of the Road Superintendent. Township to supply gravel, tenders to be in hands of Clerk by 12 noon, APRIL 18, the contract to be completed by October 15. - A certified cheque for $200 must accompany the tender. Gravel to be secured from Holmesville and McLean's pits, and the Bayfield Beach. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. S. 'WATSON Clerk, R.R. 3, Bayfield 14-15-b If 1013 LIVE tisi C I, I lti it 0 14 14240 of,es tioeill /A0 -00,11441, Gs /too ge____L-) -its These are klydro's "inventory men," • . , the men vvito will be calling at your home or place of business soon to check ever your electrical equipment and make a list of all iteras which will have to be altered or adjusted for operation on. the steady 60.cycle yower which will shordi replaCe the 25 -cycle power you ate nsina now.. Kecentla We sent y on a letter, on the reverse side of which. is a check list of certain types of electrical. appliances Which musrr be altero ed beforp they will operate on 60 cycles. °This work will be done by 'Hydro technicians and at I-iydro's expense. Ve asked you to check this list against the appliances in your home or place of busi- ness and indicate on it how many you have of each • .. then keep it in a, convenient place until our "inventory men" arrive. -Dave you done dais? if not, please clip this advertisement as a reminder. Or better still, do it tonight! Remember, wlaen "chaigeover". day arrives ONLY 't1-1.0SR AVPLIANCBS OV VIII,C13- CgR 'HOS A. RECORD CAN RV, ALTERED Volt 60 CYCLUS Keep yea st ndy ill be place ready (or die "ittVerk , tory men". h0,)0 this, and you:waoiagyout self-- in a. ha and your flydro---a great service. FOR YOUR PROTECTION All representatives ol Hydro engaged in "thangeover" work carry a speciol badge or identification cord, For your own protec- tion please ask for it. For information or advice call HYDRO AREA OFFICE CARDNO BROS. BLDG., P.O. Box 369 Phone 570 SEAFORTH THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION