Clinton News-Record, 1951-01-11, Page 5`'S14t1111SDAY, 'JANUARY 11, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE; NCwsRecord Classifie0 Adiets_Bring_QuickResults LtvEToctc FOR sAL BIRTHS WOAA 'Midgetltaon) One E -(If paid by 'Wed SASH RA owing date of looser- PUREBRED SHORTHORNS, one Schedule •Relleased �HHOI.MESVILLE ROXY THEATRE x RE REGENT °THEATRE,. emsday fell t ' cent a word first in- red bull of serviceable age, one pejespIDGE-In 'Qlinton Pu'iillllc S E A' F O R T• It •aeition (minimum 35 cents); sub- red heifer due in January, two ' , Hospital, on Saturday, January • The WOAA Midget hockey Mrs. Emerson Hesk, Landes- - NOW PLAYING Ir 'equent insertions one cent a Word roan,cows due, in February and 6, 1951, to Mr, and mei, Jahn series opened at Goderich Tues boro, was a visitor for a few Dan DaileyNow: "THE 13Ri AIiTII Agar (minimum 25,cents); 15 cents ex•, March, .some bred heifers. AP- Burridge, Clinton, a son(John clay evening. flour teams are days last week at the home of " Anne Baxter David Brian and John Agar 'okra for box number or for direc- ply to George L, Reid, Varna. Soott), competing in the growA Ticket to 'tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. 2-b group -Clinton her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.,MONDAY and TUESDAY IF • CHARGED -15 cents extra. LANDSBOROUGI3 - In.. Scout Lions, Goderich Lions, Seaforth and Mrs. Bert Lobb. Tarnaka cvk" Adult Entertainment HOLSTEIN AND,DURHAM cows Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Lions and Wingham Lions. Mr. and Mrs. Lobb spent a Olivia De ITaviland -- Celeste DEADLINE -0 p.m. Wednesday.Thursday, January 4, 1951, to John W. Nediger, Ceinton, is recent weekend visiting at Port ( Technicolor 'Iola -- Mark Stevens a and calves; also pigs, for sale at me and mos, James Lands- convener off the group, The Clin- Stanley with Mr. and Mrs, Gor- 'MON. - TUES. - WED. .great star 1n her greatest role ACCOMMODATION all times. 8i11 Burdge, on high- borough, R.13), 3, Seaforth, a ton games are all part of double- don MacFarlane. Mrs. MacJar- Linda n , way 4, south of Brumfield, phone Richard ..the blue-ribbon winning classic 'WANTED daughter, (Helen Margaret, a headers with the Bantams at 7 lane was the former Bernice DARN�rE+LL v Clinton 625r6. 2-5-ptfb sister for Donald). p.m. and the Midgets at 8 p,m. -Lobb. ".�jf,j#y i TER ll SVVIDMARIS ROOM"FOR SLEEPING or small MOORE-In Clinton Public Hos- Jan. 9=Clinton at Goderich Cxoes to Woodeden :apartment. Box "K", NEWS ONE HEREFORD HEIFER due • to freshen in February; also two pitai, on Sunday, Jamuary" 7, 10-Seaforth at. Wingham Miss Zona Newton, R.N.. eau- „; WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NEWS - RECORD. 2-i? Durham and Hereford• yearling - 1951, to Mr. end Mrs. Martin 15 -Clinton at Seaforth ghter of Rev, and Mrs. M. G. HURRICANE Richard Conte - Colleen Gray ACCOMMODATION for Renu steeats. Merrill Switzer, phone'Moore, RCAF Station, Clinton, 16-Wingham at Goderich Newton, Ieft this weekend to ac- Adult Peter Dow Clinton 900r23. 2-p a son: 78-Goderich at Seaforth ceps a position with the Society THUR. - FRI. - SAT. A thriIlLing, adventurous drama ROOMS TO RENT. Apply RATIpWELL-In Clinton Public 18-Wingham at Clinton' for Crippled Children. She will Jan. I8-19-20 "TheuRh a unique story value Al 0 OMS TO . y THREE CHOICE JERSEY pure- Hospital, on Sunday„ January23-Seaforth at Godenioh serve at'Woodeden, the inetitu "MICKEY" Sleeping 'r bred cows, T.B. tested, registered 7, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- 24 -Clinton at Wfngiram tion for the cerebral Palsied t= g City THREE -ROOMED 'self-contained and vaccinated , cans tattooed, don Rothwell, R.R. 2, Bayfield, 29-Seaforth at Clinton children in the London area. We Starring Lois Butler and Bill FRIDAY and SATURDAY impartment. Phone '363. 2-b KE.LEE Basil's Lynda 210898, a daughter. 31-Goderich at Wiinghaan wish her every success as she Goodwin - (Color) William Holden - Colleen Gray ,caving three yrs.; KE,LEE Dawn TAYLOR - In Clinton Public Feb. 3-Winghem at Seafprth pursues' this worthnwhile calling. Jan. 22-23-24 and Jane Saumders ARTICLES FOR SALE Rose 217550, coming four; Glen- , hospital, on Monday, January 8-Goderich at Clinton Ilolymesville YI'U Meets Claudette Colbert One of the years outstandm'g 'FOUR SOUP SPOONS "North- cRcket's Spot 119251,forsale, aged 8, Georgel, to F/O and Mrs. c given re Molly Cox and Reta to ,y ? comedy hits built around a cow; take pick, one for all E. Taylor, Clinton, a The regular YPU meeting was Three Came Home" heart-warming experience 'Rose p" sterling silver, Normandy fres; also Golden's Lula Lady, daughter (Wendy Leigh). Cards o T hanks held on Monday at the home of Coming: Rose pattern. New. Reasonable. nice Jersey heifer age eight 'l Ewan and Esther Ross, with a is "Father is a Bachelor" 4pply'Bbx "A", NEWS -RECORD. months, T.B. tested, with vac- MARRIAGES The Outriders" „ good attendance a o£ members. 2_p cinatian certificate papers. Would MRS. FRED TROTT wishes to group'svZi Teal: WABASH AVENUE" Missionary worship per- Joel McCrea In Technicolor with Betty Grable consider taking two loads good.JOHNSTON-VANDERBURGH _ thank Dr. W. A. Oakes, Dr. A. ied. Kathleen Holmes read thesereateaseeaseammetseassoo k'OLDING CARRIAGE, blue, new allele hay as part pay, Thomas At the Victoria St. United Buhr and all the nurses of Clin- ton Scripture, and readings were �1;TRF 'condition. 52 Winnipeg Rd,, p gPARK Tl i Adastral 'Park, •l?CIAF Station, Leppington, phone Clinton 587W. Church Parsonage, Goderich, ton Public Hospital for their Rota Yeo was in charge of the CAPITAL THEATRE kind administrations duringher GODERICH -Phone 1150 GODERICH - phone 47 Clinton. 2-P 2 p by Rev. D. W. Williams, on recent illness, and her ran Yeo. Kathleen Holmes conduct- -LEARN TO' WEAVE. Loom, table LOST AND FOUND Saturday afternoon., 8t rn,Jessica,eau lz' thoughtful friends for their kind period contests,d A. katingand 1pa tso y, weather business Now:Albert inl "THe E FULLER, g g remembrances. model, 27 inches wide. Phone FOUND -HOUND, part beagle ter of .Mr. and Mrsl. Albert ,; 2-b permitting, will be held this Fri- BRUSH GIRL" "n3. 1-2-p Vanderburgh, Goderich, to clay evening on a local pond. * and part fox hound, strayed to Charles Franklin son of Mr.We would like to take this The regular meeting wild take BUSINESSES FOR SALE premises on Saturday last: Owner and Mrs. Leslie Johnston, R.E.opportunity of thanking all those place on Monday et the home'of MON. - TUES. -WED, may have same by proving prop- 1 Port Albert. . who so kindly remembered Reg Ila Grigg, with Alex Glenn's "A Life of Her Own" RESTAURANT, Fish and Chips enty and paying for expenses. in any way at Christmas, special group in charge. 'Specialty, apartment attached to W H. Weeks, R.R. 4, Clinton, DEATHS thanks to the Legion. -(Signed) + 0 In which a lar -seeing blonde building, gas 'pinups, roomy gar- phone 633x3. 2-b MR. and MRS. WILLIAM COOK. The'Girls' Club of Ontario St. takes matters in hand and be- •age, area for building tourist 'LOST- THREE -STONE Diamond ALLEN - At the home of her United Church will meet at the carnes the undeniable life of the cabins, situated on highway two ring, on Christmas Eve in Clin- daughter, Mrs. Reg. Bali, Clin- MR. WILLIAM MAIR and Mr. home o£ 1VIrs. D,. M. Maltby, on ply' blocks west of main intersection ton. $25 reward for return of ton, on Tuesday, January g 'and Mrs. A. Richmond, the bus- Tuesday evening, January 16, at starring in Clinton. Reason for selling- ring or information about same. 1951, Sarah A. Jones, beloved. band and family of the late Mns. eight o'clock. Lana Turner & Ray Millard 'health, Leonard G. Winter, Real ,address replies to Box "R", wife of the late Thomas G. Ze1La A. Mair, wish to take this - - 'Estate Broker, phones; business opportunity of expressing their •NEWS -RECORD. 2-p Allen, in her 81st year. Funeral heartfelt thanks and appreciation AUCTION SALE THUR. - FRI. - SAT. THUR. - FRI. - SAT. 448, residence 89TJ. e2 -,b "from the Ball and Minch Fun= to all those who so thoughtfully of 25 BEEF and DAIRY COWS William Holden -- Colleen Gray Donald Woods - Bobby Blake FOUND - LADY'S RING with eral Home, High St., Clinton, to ,showed their sympathy to them at Lot No. 31, 6th Concession, Jane Saunders and Claudia Drake AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE stone, found in Clinton a short Dungannon Cemetery, on in their recent loss, for the many Goderich Township, 1 mile A minstrel men with a travel - time ago. Owner may have same Thursday, January 11, at 2 p.m. beautiful floral tributes and oth- south of Porter's Hill, on ling show becomes the unwilling A popular old favorite returns 1941 'DODGIE SIEDAN, black„ by contacting finder, Wingham CREE-In Westminster Hospital, er expressions of sympathy and Tuesday, January16 guardian of a six-year-old, with with a new cast and an unusual 'good condition, good rubber, phone 717 W 1, and paying for London, 00 Wednesday, , Jan. . 1 , help received, and with particular at 2 p,m., consisting f: m and complications aplenty, story about an unusual dog. nxust'be sald'by Saturday. Phone advertisement. 2-pbe-thanks to the Rev. S. H. Brenton "Father is a Bachelor" "Return of Rin -tin -tin" Bayfield 53x3, 2-b loved husband of Annie Parker, for his kindness and understand- Dunersey Herefords, Holsteins MISCELLANEOUS in his 78th year. Resting at ing, to the and Jerseys. Some cows recent - EMPLOYMENT WANTED Ba61 and Mutch Funeral Home, g pall bearers for their ly freshened, balance •springing, Comity " SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT Highservices and to all those who so and due in February end March;, g: MINES" SOLOMON'S Coming:, town. are�Vallchard, mile northd days, Friday. Clinton,rfSturday, noonn'thoughtfully supplied cams.. 2-b All cows are young, of good MINES In Technicolor • "ENCHANTED 'VALLEY" C. Quante, with Deborah Kerr Iu Technicolor harvesting, etc. 51-7-p 13, at 2.30 pm, to Clinton MRS. MEREDITH Y O U N G T.B. Tested. good condition andosorressessmemessei Cemetery. wishes to thank all her friends DUFF -In the General Hospital, and relatives who remembered Leamington, on Saturday, Jan- her with cards, flowers and uary 6, 1951, Jean Sturdy, be- treats, while a patient in Clinton loved wife of the late Earnest Public Hospital, special thanks to O. Duff, formerly of Dungan- Dr. J. A. Addison, Dr Newlands, non. Funeral to Evergreen Dr„ Brady, and to the special Memorial Centre, Leamington, nurses and nursing staff of the Tuesday, Jan. 9.hospital, 2-p LIPPH ARDT-In Everett, Wash.,• +r. 5 * Louis C. Lipphardt, 80, form- MRS. FULFORD wishes to erly of Zurich, brother of Mrs. thank her many friends and George E. Fee, Hensall, Fun- neighbours for the kindness and eral from Bonthron Funeral sympathy shown both to her - Home. Hensall, to Exeter Cern- self and family, in their recent etery Tuesday afternoon, Jan- sad bereavement; special thanks uary 9. to Dr. Shaw, Rev. Bulteel, the RATHWELL•-In Clinton Public flower bearers, and to all who Hospital, on Sunday, January loaned cars and helped in any 7, 1951, infant daughter of Mr, way, and for the beautiful floral and Mrs. Gordon Rothwell, tributes and to the Ball and R.R. 2, Bayfield, Mitch Funeral Horne. 2-p "The. SNAKE PIT" Now, "PALOMINO" Beverly Tyler and Technicolor MON. - TUES. - WED. Johnny Sheffield -- Arlene Roberts - Chas. Irwin The screen's newest Tarzan brings to Life a ,colorful adven- ture on a remote jungle isle. "Panther Island" -FARl\2ERS- Be sure to get your help in time. 'Small and large ' Dutch families are available for 'this corning sprung. Apply now. UP TO 85.00 FOR DEAD OR C de'Haan, 'Belgrave. 1-9-ptfb disabled horses. cows, hogs, at 'FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE your faun. Prompt service. Phone collect William Sproat, Seaforth NEW IDEA SPREADERS. mow- 655r2, William Stone Sons, Limit - ens, rakes, etc., supply limited; ed, Ingersoll, Ont. 'order now. New Idea Distribut- ors, Goderich, phone Carlow 2821. ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD 2-3-4-p animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer FARMS MR SALE OR RENT prices. If not, will pay fertilizer FROM 50 TO 200 ACRE Farms, prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink confidential information. Leonard Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: rich. 2btfb 'business 448, residence 5991. 2-b NOTICES FARMS FOR SALE 13 ACRES with good brick house. 'two-storey hen house, cinder 'Mock, 24'x48', accommodates 800 hens; two brooder houses, seven shelters; barn 14'x48'; water 'pressure system, hydro; located •an county road. half mile from village. Ideal for poultry farm- ing and market gardening. H. C. 'Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 43btfb 'GARAGE ACCOMMODATION `GARAGE WANTED in business "geotion. Gordon. Herman, phone 'Clinton 224W. 2 b HELP •WANTED --Mlle YOUNG MEN, 16-19 years of 'ssage, preferably with four or five -years High School, wanted for position with financial institution. A»ply in writing to Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. ' 1-2-b 'BIG EARNINGS with a future. `Now is the time to act if you 'would like to establish yourself in a business with a real future, ?f yon are a reliable man, under '55 years of age, and you have 'a ear, you can make excellent money and safeguard your future as well. You don't need to have oapital or previous experience in this pleasant work selling far n and household necessities, Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O -C-15, 850 St. Rosh St., 'Montreal. HOUSES FOR SALE SIX-ROOMEDFRAME HOUSE •and 'barn, Sots 211 and 212 in. Hensall. Apply Albert Walff, "Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb SIX -ROOMED BRICK dwelling, 'good condition, modern conven- iences, new furnace, about half acre land, good barn, some fruit •tress. Possession within 60 days. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, 'phone 251W,.' 5lbtfb 'TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE in Clinton, ceilings insulated, modern conveniences, connected to sewer, three lots and garage, 'half cash, balance in rent. Apply Box "C", 'NE WS-REM:SRI). 2-p SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable, work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 867J. 42-btfb PROPERTY TO LET COTTAGE FOR RENT, Highway 8, five mules east of Clinton, hot water, refrigerator, telephone, li dho. For further particulars apply Jonathan Hugili, your Aus- tin and Hudson dealer, phone Clinton 616r34, or Seaforth 667r6. 2-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb SEWING WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE IN sewing, children's or lady's wear. Mrs. A. St. Amens, phone 677W. 2-p STOVES FOR SALE LIGHT DUTY- RAN G E T T E. Phone 320J. 2-b OIL BURNER, almost new, for sale. L. G. Winter, Clinton (office). 2-b McCLARY "ESCORT" Coal and wood range, white enamelled, four years old, in A-1 condition at less than hall new stove value. R. To 1VfacMiIlan, phone Bayfield 23. 2 - LARGE SIX -LID STEEL TOP Cook Stove, reservoir and water front attached, white enamel back and front, good cooker and heat- er. Wilbur Welsh, Rattenbury St. E., phone 447J. ' 2-p 'TENDERS WANTED _ 'a'rNDFr;S will be receiced for 14 cords of hard body wood, half maple and half beach, 14" long, to be delivered at school- house, U,S,S. No. 12, Mullett and f4nderirdi (Snmme"•h.ill) not later. than June 1. 1951. Tenders to be in hands of secretary not later than January' 26. 1951. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Clarence Bal, secre- tary -treasurer, 2-4-b Watcli This! NURSES' COURSE AT CLINTON COMMUNITY 'HOSPITAL' A course for Assistant Nurses will begin at once 'for girls gram ,113 to'35 years of age. `Goof! salary., "The realm lasts •one year 'with a •Certificate. You have the yn•iviteg•e oY remaining for 'two years at o much increased 'saialiy, or a three-year 'term as ' peferred, Apply personally to Miss Nettie Sinclair, Superin- tendent, Clinton Community •Hospitail. TERMS -CASH A. E, TOWNSHEND and SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colqultoun, Clerk 2-b WANTED Two Domestics for the Huron County Home. Good pay with board and lodging provided. Duties to com- mence immediately. For further information contact Mrs. M. E. Jacob at the Horne, Clinton, Ontario. N. W. MILLER, Clerk, County of Huron 2-b Mammoth January SUIT SALE 75 MEN'S SUITS Gabardines, Worsteds, Pic-n-Pics Blues -- Greys -- Browns sizes 36 to 46 Reg, up to $59.50 s3� 5® SPECIAL AT ■ 2 Pants Suits Reg, up to $69.50 ,. 9■50 Broken size ranges, OUR or two of a pattern, one or two of a shade, make it necessary that we clear 011E racks to make room for our Spring Suits. Int light of recent increases in wool prices, these suits are good value at • the regular prices. A KNOCKOUT at these Special prices, BOYS 3Pe. SUITS 6 to 10 yrs —Tweed $10.95 11 to 16 yrs.—Tweed $14.95 Students' GABARDINE reg. $32.50 to. $37,50. $19.95 PICKETT A CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS PHONE 25. (opposite the theatre)' CLINTON PIANO For Sale Mahogany case, full-sized scale, beautiful new mahogany finish. JONATHAN HUGILL Your AUSTIN and HUDSON Dealer Phones: CLINTON 616r34 SEAFORTH 667r6 The QUESTION, ANSWER & RESULT The Question—What Shall We Do? Then said they unto Him (Jesus): Whet shall we do that we might work the works of God? -John 6:28, The Answer—Believe. Jesus answered and said unto them: This is the work of God that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent, -John 6:29. The Result—Hath Everlasting Life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life. -John 6:47. Chas. E. Fuller -ABC Network -Box 123, Los Angeles, Calif. General Woodworking • Custom band and Jigsawing • Novelties, What- Nots, etc. Sturdy, well braced FOLDING CHAIRS ea. $3.95 (Cheaper by the dozen) Reg. Smith Phone 797-W - High Street CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 663 8..'.,.. For Speedy SERVICE CALL x110 �d Tazi There's a Pioneer in your past There's a Pioneer in your furture FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER and ,SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR DEALER Robert W. Cole Phone 906r24 Clinton 9-... 0•N1 r•H-1,•;4-m 9•o -1i 0.�1.-p?.4-.+}�:p..•�+.7• SPECT ALS FOR January nly! Reg. Special i only --Beatty Electric Ironer 209. $170. 2 only—Beatty Electric Floor Polisher & Wax Applier 69.95 55. 1 only—Beatty Electric Stove 316. 280. 1 only—Electric Range 169.50 150.00 BE WISE! Buy your Plumbing Fixtures Now We Have a Complete Stock Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 - -. CLINTON