Clinton News-Record, 1950-12-21, Page 11""rI UE$DAy, .D CEMB1 2.:24, 1350 .St; Paul's Ladies' Guild Hears Full Reports St. Paul's Ladles'.Guild n>4et in rrl3wen Memorial Hall ton Tuesday, December 5. Twelve -members answered the roll call. The treasurer gave a very full .and -interesting report dea�iing. with various activities: $44.06 Was realized from the Travelling Ap- rons and . $120;90' 'from •t h e ;Claristanas Auction. Satisfaction ever the auction was expressed. Fend the secretary was instructed to write letters of 'appreciation' to those non-members 'Who help- eed so generously. The Flower Mission reported flowers sent to two during No- vember and two messages of thanks have been received. There was no report from the Qtuiting committee. The Property committee 're- ported on minor needs and sug- gested that we replenish some 'of the silver and dishes. This mat - 'ter was gone into very thorough- ly and it was moved, seconded and carried .th'et the property ' osmnittee be given authority 'to purchase the necessary silver- ware, but to hold the purchase of the china over until 'a later date. The bill for the silver' is to be presented and paid before the end of the year. The newly - formed Men's Club has already justified its existence 'and is to be highly commended for the wonderful transformation it has '=.made in the Sunday 'lel ool room. There was a most interesting 'report front the Board of Man - ::,agement. The Guild members will now Icnbwe'little•more about the running end management of Mrs. G. B. Beattie' their Church, Heads W -W '-WA A partially made quilt or spread of sparva cloth has been donated to the Guild for finishing and sale, This was gratefully ac- cepted and is to be brought in after Christmas. It was pointed out that there has been overlapping on the parts of the Guild and the Friendship Club in sending Christmas flow- ers to the sick and shut-in mem- bers of the paris+h.. It was sug- gested that the Guild look after the flowers at Easter and leave the sending of the Christmas flowers to the Friendship Club. A motion of Mrs. J. M. Elliott's, seconded by Mrs. Zapfe-outlaw- ing the practice of putting a full slate of officers in on a motion was carried. A cordial invitation was ex-, 'tend'ed to the Guild members by the Friendship Club to attend their Christmas Party , in the Parish Hall on Wednesday even- ing, Dec. 13, at eight • o'clock. As our next gathering is, the annual meeting, a striking com- mittee was appointed to bring in the slate of officers for the com- ing year. The two ladies acting in this capacity are Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Draper. ' After the offering, Mrs. Butted closed the meeting with the' Benediction. 0 SIX VESSELS WINTERING GODERICH-Six vessels will winter here with storage cargoes:. Saskadoc, 241,000 bushels of wheat; Soodoc, 339,000 bushels of oats; Windoc, 329,000 bushels oats; Bricoldoe, 236,000 bushels of wheat; Fort Wildoc, 272,000 bus - TOWN OF CLINTON Proclamation In accordance with a resolution of the Town Council, adopted at its'tneeting on December 4, 1950, I hereby •proalciiim Boxing Day Tuesday, Dec. 26 Citic Holiday and call 'upon all citizens to observe it as such. (Signed) ROBERT Y. HATTIN, Mayor, Town of Clinton Clinton, Ontario December 11, 1950 50-51-b police Notice Parked Vehicles In accordance with Bylaw No. 30 of the Town of Clinton for 1949, and at the request of the Town Council, d[ hereby 'call upon motorists to keep the streets free of parked vehicles at stipulated periods for the purpose of street cleaning ;and snow removal. May I emphasize the following provisions of the Bylaw: (I) No personal shall leave a vehicle of any kind parked on the streets of the Town of Clinton between the hours df 12 pen. and '7 'a.m.; (2) That for the purposes of street cleaning and snow removal, the Chief of Police is hereby em- powered, at any time during the day or night, to remove any vehicle from -any .street; (3) That .any costs incurred in removing a vehicle shall be borne by the owner thereof; (4) That any person contravening any of the pro- visions of this Bylaw shall be liable to a fine of not more than $10, 4exelpsive of costs, for each In- fraction thereof. 44011111111111, ''(Signed) LEO KELLY, CHIEF OF POLICE sommamairoosoomemotroorsismos etereceercace -tee t,: sou'HR`it4rmereta'tatesteotetetemact seassareetece as temesei What Better Gift! A Subscription to 'Your Favourite Newspaper CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Just like a letter from home -of interest to Mother, to Dad -to the whole family. All the local and district news brought to you every week, One year's subserip tion just $2,50.., anywhere in Canada, with extra sub- scriptions at a discount. We Provide a Christmas Gift Card Clinton News -Record "The Home Paper With the News" 2 p A sosoteceseelteeeleasSaheilaei The December meeting of the Woman's Association of Wesley - Willis United Church took the form of a Christmas Party on Thursday,taiiternoop, December 7. In spite of the bad weather there was a splendid attendance . of ladies. The president, -.Mrs. George Beattie, opened the meeting by reading a Christmas poem, and leading in • a prayer for Peace. The carol, "Joy to the World" was sung. Mrs. Will Pickard reedthe story of the birth. of Jesus from St. Matthew's gospel chapter 2. Mrs. James. McGill offered prayer. A short business period was conducted. Mrs. Hugh Wilson was asked to take the chair for the election of officers and called for the report of the striking com- mittee, which. was given by the convener, Mrs, A. T. Cooper. The report was adopted and Mrs, Beattie, as president for 1951, a- gain took the chair. Mrs. Charles Nelson conducted a very beautiful programme en- titled "The Holy Story in word and song," This was interspers- ed with a number of carols, Mrs. H. Charlesworth was accompanist, Mrs. M. Nediger sang very sweet- ly "Star of the East." The meeting was held in the lecture room but tea was served in the Church Parlour which was prettily decorated with wreaths and coloured lights. The table was covered with a hand -made lace cloth. and centred with chrysanthemums and lighted red' candles. Mrs. E. H. Epps and Mrs. Pickard poured tea, and the' assistants were young ladies of Mrs. Epps' group, who served e' delicious tea which included Christmas cake and home-made candy. Officers for 1951: Honorary president. Mrs. Hugh Wilson; president, Mrs. George Beattie; first vice-president, Mrs. M. Nedi- ger; second vice-president, Mrs, Frank Andrews; treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Shaddock; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Frank Fingl'and; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Cliff Cooper; press secretary, Mrs. A. T. Cooper; group leaders: Mrs. J. Nedigor, Jr.; Mrs. Reg. Shipley; Mrs. William Murch; Mrs. Doug- las Bartilff; Conveners: property, Mrs. Wilfred Jervis; flower, Mrs. Fred Gatden; sewing, Mrs. D. Laidlaw; Manse, Mrs. Will Pick- ard; programme, Mrs. Norman Shepherd; : pianist, Mrs. Harry Charlesworth. 0 Mrs. A. J. McMurray Heads Ont. St. WMS The December meeting of the WMS of Ontario St, United Church was held on Tuesday, December 12, at the home of Mrs. Brock Olde with 29 ladies pres- ent, and the first vice-president, Mrs. M. Wiltse, presiding. The meeting opened with an appropriate introductory poem followed by the Christmas story from Luke 2, interspersed with the Christmas hymns, No. 64, 65 and 60, The devotional exercises were taken by Mrs, Wiltse from the Christmas programme in the Missionary Monthly which in- cluded the caiidlelighting service and the readers for this service were Mrs. N. Carter., Mrs. C. Martin, Miss E. Plumsteel, Mrs. J. Radford and Mrs. F. Town- send, The Lord's Prayer closed this part of the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were received as read and business arising oust of these minutes was attended to, viz. -(l) It was decided to have the Sch- neider demonstration on January 23, Mas. Maltby to supply them with the requited details. (2) There is to be a shower of garments at the January meeting for Miss Courtice's eleven -pound gift parcel to Japan. (3) Mrs, N Carter reported having the required quota for the Presbyterial bale; (4) Clmistm'as cards were to be sent to the sick and shut-ins of the church. The treasurer, Mrs, George Wheatley, reported having re- ceived $12.85 from the November envelopes, $93.35 for Autumn thankofffering, $12 from Group 1, $36 from Group 2, and $11 from Group 5. The Community Friendship sec- retary, Mrs. Webster, reported seven calls; the visiting committee s reported 19 calls; the Mission Band secretary reported 25 boxes of Christmas cards on hand. Roll call was responded toby a verse containing "love." The Christian stewardship talk was ably given by Mrs. M. Aiken, using 579 as a Tlhanl;sgi ing prayer and "Christmas and Gift Giving" as her theme. Mrs. R. G. Bennett favored with a solo, the Christmas h n, "It Came Upon a Midr igh.t Clear." The nominating comm ttee brought in a slate of officer for 1951 after which the new p esi- dent, Mrs. McMurray, made her maiden speech. Mrs. Fear and Mrs. McMurray extended avote of thanks to Mrs. Olde for the use of her home for this mea ing. Ai v ym 7 i 5 r v t The slate of officers are: hon- orary president, Ma's. G. Shipley; past president. Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; president, Mrs. A. J. Me - Murray first vice-president, Mrs. M. Wiltse; second vice-president, Mrs. R Fear; third vice-president, Mrs. C. Elliott; recording secre- tary, Mrs. F. Townsend; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. D. M. Maltby; treasurer, Mrs. George Wheatley; Christian stewardship, Mrs. M .Aiken; community friend- ship, Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Jos- hing; visiting cosnmattee, Miss Courtice'and. Miss Pickett; assoc- iate members, Mrs. Glazier, Mrs. J. Johnston; missionary monthly, Mrs. Radford; temperance, Mns. A. Farnham; expense fund secre- tary, Mrs•, N. Carter; supply, Mrs. Sly; press and literature, Miss R. Pickett; pianists 'Miss F Wiltse, Mrs. J W Treleaven Mission Band, Mrs. R. Fear, Mrs. C. Stewart; Baby Band, Mrs. Hog-. gait; study book convener, Mrs. I3. Olde; audi:sgs, Mrs. D. Si. Maltby, Mrs. 3 W. Treleaven. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD a Presbyterian Minister Called From Ireland A unanimous can, from Mel- ville Church, Brussels and Knox Church, Belgrave, was Sanction- ed -ply the Presbytery of Huron - Maitland alt its recent meeting. Rev. W. H. T. Fulton, now lab- ouring in Latter Kenny Preaby- tory, Donegan, Ireland, was the recipient of the call et -a stipend of $3,090 with use of Manse which has lately been renovated at a cost of $2,500. The call bore the nacres of 273 members and 73 ad- herents. Mr. Fulton w,ill accept the call,' He has' gone to Ireland to arrange for bringing his family to Canada. Aid department of the church, gave the Presbytery a fine dem- onstration of the use of projec- tors, films, film strips and lant- ern slides, in the educattionel ef- forts of church work. She stated that this form of educational method had increased many times during the past five years,though- out Canada. The minimum stipend f or Presbyterlas ministers having been set by the General Assembly at $2,400sthe Presbytery appoint- ed a visitation committee and instructed it to visit every pa's- taral. charge in the area, with a view of discovering the Shility of the congregations to meet this oblii'gation, or if not, to ascertain the amount required to do so, Miss M. Isbister of the Visual that application might be made Legion Auxiliary Receives Members The Ladies' Auxiliary or the Canadian' Legion held a very to the General Funds of the church, These visits are to be made in December. The treasurer of Presbytery reported on the finances and stat- ed that alter all expenses had been paid the balance was $290. The allocation for missionary purposes • remain as in 1950 fin each pastoral charge for the en- suing year. The standing c'omanittees of Presbytery were appointed for 1951,, PAGE ISI.EVBN' pleasant Christmas party on Monday evening, December 11, in the Legion HaII. ., • , It was decided tobuy a hear- ing aid for a . veteran in West- aninster Hospital, and also to - donate $25. to that hosp'idatl ' and , $50 to the Beck Memorial San atorium. Four new members - Mrs. Thomas Steep. Mrs. Cameron Proctor, Mrs. Frank Ccetk" -and Mrs. Claude Daw-were received into the order in an, impressive ceremony. Santa Claus appeared on the scene and distributed gifts from a well -laden tree, A delicious lunch was served with Mrs. Bert Stanley as convener, assisted by Mrs. Fred Hanley, Mrs. Alex Ink - ley, Mrs. Alex Haddy, with Mrs. J. E. Cook pouring tea. seteR2 emunnIMtom-atmV3tstZsp -ra I'a petzusataro ictF,,g-lutes -u etztese £kv.eta-0eo tteramoc, 10-04:7 revelvezet.porom ^d8t` stmetemantmat4 fs.4{t +%.: Pd a "..+el? t rd• ... ,.�. 't:Ar""i•t:• '�4:.%a.�ji5#r"i,tdT�4ti11i3i.'tii'..S' You'll like the convenience of shopping fo local I.D.A. druggist's. There you will fin your budget. A friendly staff is ready to Christmas shopping a pleasure, Thrill Her with Gifts by r gifts in the friendly atmosphere of your Make Your Gifts Look d a wide variety of gifts at prices to suit, Their Best help you make your decision and make Enclosure Cards, Seals & Tags, Ribbon and Twine, Wrapping Paper 5c, 10e, 15e Beauti-Foil-4 rolls of foil paper and 10 tags .., 49c "Scotch Brand" Cellulose Tape 10e, 25e Gifts for those who travel, picnic or take their lunch - Talcum can. Bath Powder PERFUME 85e, $1.10, $1.75, $3.00 Gold Flaconette (.Refillable) $1.50 Toilet Water or Cologne 95o & 1.75 55 s 65c, glass 1.00 2,00 Soap -box of 2 cakes 1.00 PERFUME'S by iftzeZiaine Williams Gift Box 1,IFavorites with the men -Luxury u Shave Cream and Aqua Velva ;Lotion plus a cake of Lanolin Soap 1.25 $' You're sure to please the mien a on your list with gifts 1 by GILLETTE 49Contains a Gillette Rocket one- piece Razor and 10 -Blade Dis- a,penser, in Styrene case, plus extra 10 -Blade Dispenser and /two 'tubes of Shaving Cream $2.45 Gift Paok of 50 Gillette Blades in Dispenser --colorfully pack- ssaged $2.50 ipiece "Aristocrat" Gift Set - One-J7,�,��rj/f9J1 SWIM ilfl razor & three 10 -blade £ 0.lrilleir/�i'7lNf INJECTOR ILYIaILI a dispensers 6 00 with Look At This Christmas Special! $5.00 value Shaving Brush for only $3.98 Made by Rub- berset. Each brush in box. THERMOS BOTTLES Pints 1.79, 1.89, 2.25 Quarts 2.69, 2.98, 3:79 School Lunch Kit includes 7 -oz. Thermos $3.25 For Gifts or Holiday Entertaining CANDY S Europe's most l discussed perfumer as Handbag Phials 75c "Cracker" Set of 2 fragrances 1.50 FINE BILLFOLDS The OXFORD - $3.85 He'll he proud of this one-piece construction, two -fold billfold in smooth hide. Special -Smooth hideybiilloid, all around zipper, 4 windows, change purse, card case & ticket pocket in box $2.00 Others at $2,75, $4.60, $6.10 Goya Perfumes Phial & crepe de chine hankie in round trans- parent box $1 00 Evans Perfume Atomizers 75c, $1 Iludnut "Purse Petite" Perfumes in Three Flowers, Yanky Clover or Violet Sec 75c Hudn,ut Talcum in "Crackers" 75c Hudnut Hair Beauty Ritual Kit $1 Manicure Sets , 39c, 59c, $1.00 Rosebud Soap -3 lovely cakes in box 59c Hughes Ladies' Hair Brush 98c Cigarettes in 50's 90c, $1.00 Pipes $100 Tobacco Pouches $1.00 PLAYING CARDS Double Decks Claridge Vogue Congress . , $1.25 $1.50 .: $2,25 PARKER. PENS $3.75 - SETS$5.50 - $9.50 FILTER PIPE $5.50 $8.25 - $13.25 4F •4a I 467-1 hotin9 ., ROLi S,'R: ZOR N!O BL'ADES TO BUY 1. in attractive . case blades $1.49 1.49 j Schick TwiriJeetor Seta- razor & 40 blades ono plastic case 2,45 intima Delicious Fresh Assortments of BOXED CHOCOLATES by famous candy makers as Neilsons, Aim Hathaway, Smiles 'n Chuckles, Paterson's, Lowney's, etc. Always Well Accepted- F1NE SOAPS by Taylor ROSE TOILET SOAP - Box of 3 cakes -$1.00 Also in Carnation and Lilac "Canada Twin Pine Cone Soap" 2 large cakes in box 55e "Two Little Girls ill Blue" Set of 2 cakes 45e "Mandarin" Toilet Soap box of 3 cakes -$1.00 Gay Dressings To Make Your Christmas Parcels Look Their Best -- ENCLOSURE CARDS SEALS and TAGS RIBBON and TWINE WRAPPING PAPER 5c - 10c - 15c "Scotch Brand" Christmas Cellul- ose Tape 10e & 25e "Beauti-Foie -four rolls of foil paper (20"x26") plus ten gift tags package 49c rhe RLFriri with tc'n acive Fe a .res '6V Ate I }au n;ki`Din`^1a�r`rYr.� MO'f,"i'2r`�'r`2aS+dOd'1"d-2r r"d'r`iDi-Za Acca 'Yrtlattri'iDtDirailataJz iDaa` DiVt-a"t7`�iiill BILLFOLD A special English morocco billfold in a 2.69 nice gift box, 3.50 value TILLY TOYS Cute, animal toys made of pure liquid latex, decorated with harmless colours .. REVLON Gifts 25c, 50c "MANICURE SETS" $125, $3.95 "Lip-lfit" - 2 lipsticks in case e $1.00 Men's Hair • 'Brushes Hughes Military Brush $3.00 Pro-phy-Iac-tic Club Brush $2.95 v,.�tgtq+R+;.icere'�ervto+e+er<etetcte+��t�e+e;„w.e=ets+we��tat�ct�eae+e{e+e+Yg�z+e Gifts for the Smoker Ronson Lighters, $5 up if Carburetor Yello-Bole i6 $2.50 Rohit ar Keywoodie by Ddinlcless $5,00 others $1 and up CIGARS -Popular brands in 5s, 6s, 25s or 50s Macdonald's a Tobacco Pouches 1.50, 2.50 ¢ Rollmaster Cigarette . Maker 1.00 310 Imco 'Triplex' Lighter $1 pi Imco `Safety' Lighter 1.25 o Dr, Plumb's Perfect sa Pipe $3 50 ggs 4'R o Black Cast, Buckingham, Pall Mall, Philip Morris English Blend, Player's Mild, Sportsman, State Express, Sweet Caporal, Winchester. 20's .. 36c 50's '' 90c i Craven, Gold Flake, Virginia Ovals 20's 40c; 50's 100 100's also available in some brands in gift packages K4 Pipe Tobaccos, 1/ lb. tin -Forret and Stream, Old Virginia, Is Picobac, $1.05; Macdonald's Brier, 1.10; Old Chum, 1,15; Philip Morris, 1.20; Bond Street, 1.40; Prince Albert, 1,60; Picad'illy & Tareyton, 1.75; Edgeworth (jer), 2.05. Fine Cuts, 1/z ib. tins -Daily Mail, 1.10; Buckingham, Philip Morris, Sweet Caporal and Wills, 1.15; Band Street, Export, c Ogden's, Old Chum and Players, 1.20, EXPORT "Canada's Finest Cigarette" 20's -36c w Parker 51 Pens $15.00 - $17.75 SETS $22.00 - $27.50 A Happy Solution to M'any a Gift Problem Ronson Lighters with accessory kits $6.85 and up Always Dry Cool Clean $1.50 A do •o 4 du r, 114 C wed,, OF WITH= 1 er $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 and up The Gift That Keeps on Giving! RUBBERSET Shaving Brushes Pure Badger 3.98, 5.00, 7.50 & up Nylon 3.98, 5.00 & up Others - $1, $1.50, $2 CAMERAS Baby Brownie Special , , , . $3.10 Brownie Ilawkeye Camera $6.25 Target Brownie, box type $8,25, $9.75 Duaflex, with f8 lens. $21.75 Kodak Tourists -- folding $26,cameras00 up Kodak Pony "828" & "135" .. $34.00, $40.00 ANSCO or KODAK FIL 41c, 460, Mac, at. Photograph Albums, 75e, $1.50 up. F. B. Pennebaker ?`pLvalrahlb orzoiEaervrm3a Ssutost r8s ' + asarZeMarms; catatlr t;t rnraMat;nnata-aaeatilrst;fll