Clinton News-Record, 1950-10-19, Page 5IPITURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 19, 1950 CLINTON- NEWS -RECORD PAGE-PIYE News -Record Classif ed Adi.ets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed on)ayOne cent a followingword firstsin- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- eequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25monts); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday, ACCOMMODATION for Rent THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT, furnished. Phone 199W. • 42-p ACCOMMODATION Wanted A;CCOMiMODA.TION is urgently needed for RCAF families in Clinton area. Anyone having two or more furnished or un- furnished rooms for rent please "write 'F/L 'Watson, RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, or phone ,Clinton 382 local 52. 42-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'CONN C MELODY Saxophone, 'silver-plated, overhauled recent - 3y, With new mouthpiece. Com- plete with case $125. John Plum - 'tree. 41-2-b LARGE DELUXE Walnut Cedar Cihest, waterfall tient, ,dra . ei' and combination lock. Phonne G. .Atchison, 176. 42-p BABY CARRIAGE, bluer good condition, also equipped with runners, Phone 498W. 42-b 'GENERAL ELECTRIC eight -tube radio, 25 or 60 cycle, A.M. and P.M., built-in antenna for' each, dynepower speaker 51/x.", G. E. guillatine tuner for : F.M. and three gang condenser tuning for .A,M. Rosewood plastic cabinet; also 30 foot ward magic aerial, 'egmpiete with lead-in and guy wires. Both for $100 or aerial 'for $25. L. M. McKinnon, Huron St. .42-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE . 1931 MODEL "A" FORD Coach, -sellable transportation, $85. Phone G, Atchison, 176. 42-p 1938 PLYMOUTH Sedan; cabin "trailer. No reasonable offer re- fused. McMaster, second house -on Matilda St., Clinton. 42-p 1948 PLYMOUTH Sedan; 1938 'Dodgesedan. Jack Elliott, phone •336. ' 42-p 1946 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, good condition Sgt. J. F. Heffel, phone 5888. 42-p CLOTHING FOR SALE GIRL'S THREE-PIECE WINTER coat set, size 2, wine colour, in eexcelleut condition. Mrs. William Norman, phone Clinton 911r41. :12-p FARM HELP R E L I A B LE, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon, Apply to Cde Haan, Belgrave, Ont. 16-b-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT for Sale MASSEY - HARRIS seven - foot binder, in good condition, J. H. Brunsdon, Rattenbury St. E„ 'Clin ton. 42-p HOUSES FOR SALE FURNISHED HOUSE for sale or rent in Clinton. Apply Murray McEwan, Clinton. 42-b SIX -ROOMED HOUSE and lot, with hydro and water. Apply Miss B. Cantelen, Rattenbury St. VD. 42-b SMALL HOUSE, hydro, sewer- age, and large garden, at a very reasonable price. Harvey Ken- nedy, Spencer St. 41-2-'b lea STOREY SIX - ROOMED dwelling, living room, dining :room, kitchen, bedroom and bath- room, downstairs, three bedrooms ,up, sun porch, insulated, brick aiding, good location, possession within 30 days. Apply H. C. !Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 35 -b -ti b HELP WANTED—Male 'ESTABLISHED RURAL Watkins District available. Ii! you are -:aggressive and between the ages 'of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your oppor-, tunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. Tor frill particulars write to -day to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0 -C -i6, 350 St. Roch St., Montral. 40-1-2-3-b HELP WANTED -Female KITCHEN HELP -- FEMALE, 'wanted immediately, $20 a week. "Clinton Grill, phone 297. 42-b "WAITRESSES WANTED im- mediately. Call In person ,at Retherts Coffee Shoppe, Exeter. 42-p HELP WANTED A FAMILEX AGENCY PAYS. It takes little capital to start end operate a Familex agency. Your success is assured if you give the effort. Unlimited pos- sibilties axe offered, Let us tell you how at our expense. "Familex 'Products, 1600 Delorifhier, Mont- real: 42-b LOST AND FOUND FOUND --In Clinton, on Wednes- day, October 18, man's wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property, and paying for . this advertisement. Apply NEWS -RECORD. 42-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C: Hoare's /orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 42-51-p UP TO $5.00 'FOR DEAD OR disabled horses, cows, hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect William Sproat, Seaforth 655r2, William Stone Sons, Limit- ed, Ingersoll, Ont. 40-1-2-3-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. Ifsuitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. ` If dead, phone at 'once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros.. Mink' Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Code - rich. 2btfb NOTICES CUSTOM WORK. Anyone want- ing their corn picked this fell apply to .Arnold Rathw,ell, phone 905r32, Will pick one acre or 100 acres. 41-2-p CUT YOUR LOGS and WOOD now with e Pioneer or Super Twin Chain Saw. Contact Robert W. , Cole, R.R, 3, Clinton, phone 906r24. 40-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'TAM HOG, clioice bacon type, :about 18 months old. 'Hog priced reasonable for quick, sale. Phone .J.' W. Crich, Clinton,o 617r23. •42,-'3-p 15 LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. '`StewartSohoenhals, phone 903r12. 41-2-h SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 867J, 42-bti!b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550E. 42-h 17 CHOICE PIGS, six weeks old. Apply George Cantelon. 42-h PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor, New "get acquaint- ed" size only 60c, all druggists. adv. ,POULTRY FOR, SALE 40 ROCK X NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets. 61/ months old, laying. Arnold Jamieson, phone Clinton 616r33. 42-b 175 HAMPSHIRE X ROCK pul- lets. George Leitch, phone Sea- forth 841r24. 42-b -TWO DURHAM STEERS, about 800 Ibs. ' James East, R R. 4, 'Clinton, phone 807x6 '42-p 12 LITTLE PIGS, seven weeks • old; Hplstein cow, Trash one 'week, five years old. Lorne-Tyn- dal1, phone 904r4. i 42-p 'SHOIIOE GOOD CALF, ten days old, suitable Tor vealiug. Charles 9.S, tewart, phone Clinton 8071'3. STOVES FOR SALE ELECTRIC STOVE, one year old; also 40 gal. jacket' heater, used three months. Phone 577R. t 41-2-p QUEBEC STYLE HEATER, large, small air -tight stovepipes, some linoleums. Apply 42 Edmonton Rd., RCAF Stetion, Clinton. 42-p "WARM' MORNING" Heating Stove, one year old, guaranteed condition. Reason° for selling— furnace has been installed. Bill Fcttheringhram;, phone Clinton 628r11. 41-2-p WANTED A COLLAPSIBLE BABY'S Play Pen . Mrs. Cecil Elliott, phone 326. ' 42-p In Memoriam KEYS—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Amos Keys, who passed away one year ago, October 13, 1949. "To -day is a day of remembrance With many sad regrets, A clay we will always remember When the rest of the world forgets." —Sadly missed by the family. 42-h. TRIi - mmy, -- "COSTS ONLY 6 BIRTHS BALL—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, /October 17, 195, to 'Mr, and Mrs. ,Douglas G. Ball, Clinton, a daughter (Barbara Ellen). BALL—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, October 18, 1950, to. Mr. and: Mrs, Stanley Ball, R.R. 1, Auburn, a daugh- ter (Brenda Marlene). COLE—In-.Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Saturday, October 14, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son. COOK—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, October 18, 1950, to Mr. ,and Mrs. Russell Cook, R.R. 3, Blyth, a daugh- ter (Linde Grace).. ELLIOTT—In, Wingham. General Hospital,. on Monday, October 9, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elliott, Blyth, (nee Dorothy Peck), a daughter. MURPHY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Octo- ber 14, 1950' to Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Murphy, Clinton a son (Wilbur Paul). MARRIAGES AXON-ROACHAEWICH — On Saturday, October 14, 1950, at five o'clock, in Islington Unit- ed Church, Islington, by Rev. S. B. East, Mary, daughter of Mrs. Christina Rochecewich. and the late . Mr. Clement Rochacewich. to Fred A. Axon, Toronto, formerly of Clinton, son of Mrs. Catherine Axon and the late Dr. Frederick Axon. MAWSON-TREWARTHA In McDougall Memorial Chapel, Edmonton, Alta., on Saturday, September 30, 1950, by Rev. Bernard Theckeray, Bentley, Alta., Eleanor Wilhelmine, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, to Harold George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mawson, Vilna, Alte. PATTERSON-WELSH — In St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, by Rev. B. H. Farr, Evelyn Edith Marie, grand- daughter of Mr. and 'urs, Lof- tus Welsh, Goderich, to Ross Nelson Patterson, Auburn, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest Patter- son, Auburn. ROBINSON-HESK — In Burns United Church, Hullett Town- ship, on Saturday, October 14, 1950, at three o'clock, by Rev. S. H. Brenton, Velma Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Em- erson flask, Londesboro, to Glen Newton Robinson, RCAF, Station; Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robinson, Leth- bridge, Alta. SHAW-HIOLMES — In Wesley - Willis United Church, 'Clinton, on Saturday, October 14, 1950, by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Alys Marion Holmes, London, for- merly of New Delhi, India, daughter of Mrs. Holmes and the late Dr. B. Holmes, for: manly of Ireland, to Robert Allan Shaw, youngest son of Mrs. Shaw and the late Robert Shaw, Lions Head. SHOBBROOK-WHITE — At the United Church Manse, Londes- bore, on Saturday, September 30 1950, by Rev. S. H. Brenton, Ferne Isabel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, Brussels, to Kenneth Rae, son of Howard Shobbrook and the late Mrs. Shobbrook, Clinton. WILLIAMSON-ROE — In Duff's United Church Manse, Walton, by Rev. Gordon Hazlewood, Kathleen Ella, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Roe; Blyth, to Roy Milliken Williamson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Williamson, Walton. DEATHS BROWNe-In Mitchell, on Sunday afternoon, October 15, 1950, Mary Ann Bletchford, Hensall, wife of the late George Brown, in her 94th year. Funeral from her late residence, Hensall, to Exeter Cemetery Wednesday afternoon, October 18. HARTLEY In London, on Tues- day, October 17, 1950, John Hartley, beloved husband of Clete Ford, in his 79th year. Resting at the Beattie -Mc- Roberts , Funeral Home, Ret- tenbury St. E., where the fun- eral service will be held, on Friday, October 20, at 2 p.m. to Clinton Cemetery, under auspices of Clinton Lodge, AF and AM No 84. as ns for Fall Chilly evenings, falling leaves, flying ducks and honking geese all remind us that Fall is here. BUT ARE YOU READY FOR,.FALL? _. You will be if you wear one of our Fine English Gabardine Topcoats. Full range of shades and sizes. from $39.50 to $49.50 * * * TOP OFF YOUR TOPCOAT with a HAT by Stetson • or Crean. . All, shades and sizes, $5 -to $10 PICKETT #' CAMPBELL "The Doorway to a Man's World" ARROW SKIRTS STETSON HATS (opposite the, theatre) PHONE, 25 CLINTON morioniminisomm. BOY SCOUT ACTIVITIES Good Progress The Scouts are making good progress in their Second Class Badge work. This includes first aid,{ morse and semaphore sig- nalling, campfire making and cooking, use of hand , a x e and knife, etc. It is hoped -that most of the boys will pass these tests before Christmas. Beverly Aik- enheed has been appointed the Patrol Leader, and Arthur Tyn- dall . the Patrol Second of the Cougars. .,: '5 * Successful Apple Day The Boy Scout Apple. Day held on Saturday, Oct. 14, was most successful, and both the Cubs and Scouts will benefit materially fror)r this notable addition to their treasuries. The leaders and boys want to say "Thank -you" to everyone who helped make this event such e sdecess. * a Autumn Church Service The 'Autumn Church Parade for the Cubs and Scouts will be held in Wesley -Willis Church at 7 pan. on October 29. All par- ents and friends are urged to attend this service. Plans are HUNTER—In Hullett Township, on Friday, October 13, 1950, Nancy Elizabeth Mann, be- loved wife. of the late William Hunter, in her 86th year Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, October 16. NEILANS—In Hullett Township, on Monday, October 16, 1950, Thomas Neilans, beloved hus- band of Ellen McGill, in his 81st year. Funeral from his late residence, Lot 2, Conces- sion 11, Hullett Township, to Maitland Bank Cemetery, Sea - forth, on Wednesday, Octo- ber 18. PATTERSON—At his residence, Auburn, Peter, Patterson, in his 77th year. Funeral from Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn, to Ball's Cemetery, Hullett Township, Tuesday, October 17. Work Guaranteed All types of .ADIOS REPAIRED Bob Weeks RADIO and SOUND Phone 479 Clinton Electric Shop us.vov.n.o.ws WOODWORKING and GENERAL "FIX IT" SHOP 40 Band and Jigsawing t{t Repairs to Furniture, Toys, etc. w PHONE 797-W REG. SMITH (end of High St.) (Shop open evenings Monday to Friday) "Signs for every purse and purpose" 40-btfb underway to form a Scout Moth- ers' Auxiliary to aid in the work of the Troop and it is hoped that, this group will sponsor a Father and Son Banquet sometime in November. MRS, RICHARD L. TANNER After en illness of 18 months, Mrs. Richard L. Tanner passed away. in hospital in London on October 11, in her 91st year. Mrs. Tanner made many friends in Clinton during her' visits to the home of -her son-in-law and dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, John- ston, now of Walkerton. Cards Co f T hanks Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freeman and, family wish to express their appreciation for all aloral tributes, messages of sympathy, cards and other kindnesses shown to them in their' recent bereavement. They also wish to thank the doctors and nurses on the staff of Clinton Public Hospital. 43b 'a a ,. . The family of the late Mrs. William Hunter wish to express their sincere appreciation to all who sent algal tributes, loaned cars,' or help 'd in any way dur- ing their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a beloved mother; special thanks to Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Rev. G. G. Bruton and Dr. F. G. Thompson. 42-b Mrs. Ivan Hoggart wishes to take this opportunity to thank the many neighbours and friends who sent cards, letters, flowers, fruit and candy during her recent illness. Also many thanks to those who visited her while a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. 42-p a a: , The family of the late Mrs. William L. Mair wish to thank their many friends, relatives, and neighbours for their acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, and beautiful floral tributes sent to them during their recent sad bereavement, with special thanks to Rev. S. H. Brenton for his consoling and inspiring message. a x a 42-p The brothers and sisters of the late Malcolm Montgomery wish to express their heartfelt apprec- iation to his many friends and neighbours for the many kind- nesses shown, for the cards and flowers sent while in hospital, and to those who helped to cheer him in any way during his long illness. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses who attended him, end to Mrs. Wilfred Free- man who was so kind to him during his stay at her home.— Mrs. G. Crich, John and William Montgomery, and Mrs. Margaret Williamson, 42-p a * :R My sincere thanks ere extend- ed to ail my friends and neigh- bours for the many acts of kind- ness drown me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, also special thanks to all nurses and Dr. Oakes and Dr. Buhr,—Elmer Hayter. 42-h astolmousPamesombegawsweporms T PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 1 1 0 Asidefrett `'.144r4 TEEN -TOWN Monster IIallowe'en Dance HARD -TIME Friday, Oct. 27 8.30 — ? Come and Bring a Friend! 42-b ICE TAKE NOTICE that the Court Of Revision will be held on the 23rd Day of October 1950, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, in the Council Chamber, re the matter of Assessment Appeals. The Municipality of the Town of Clinton. (Signed) 'M. T. CORLESS, 40-41-b Clerk and Treasurer ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE` SEAFORTii—ONTARIO — NOW PLAYING — "AMBUSH" ' Robert Taylor —. John —.ll Now: "BATTLEGROUND" with Vat. Johnson & John Hodiak MON. - TOES. - WED. -- Richard Widmarli—Linda Darnell Veronica Lake . The flashback 'story of a devil-may-care ex -navy pilot during his experience with a Carribean hurricane. SLATTERY S HURRICANE" — ^' — MON.-TUES.-WED. — "OUR VINES 'HAVE TENDER GRAPES" Edward G. Robinson Margaret O'Brien THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Randoph Scott --Jane Wyatt & Victor Jory A historical West - ern story tells of the ' ad- venturous struggle to set steel rails through the Canadian Rockies. "CANADIAN PACIFIC" — THURS.-FRI.-SAT.— THURS.-FRI.-SAT., "STATE FAIR" Jeanne Crain — Dick Haymes Cooling: "Prince of Foxes" Tyrone Power — Orson Welles Coming: "STATE FAIR" with Janet Blair and a great cast PARK THEATRE GODERIOill—Phone 1150. arossoneromosen CAPITAL THEATRE GOD ERICH—Phone47 NOW: Ida Lupino & Howard Duff in "WOMAN IN HIDING" NOW: Dona Andrews and Marta Toren in "THE RUGGED O'RIERDENS" — MON. - TUES. - WED. Greer Gerson & Walter Pidgeon Two of the screen's top dramatic stars combine to breathe life and color into the pages of an enthralling novel. "BLOSSOMS in the DUST" — -- MON. -- TUES. -- WED. — Lon McAllister — Peggy Ann Garner — Preston Foster • A story of conflict between scen rydineT ehn olorindla marauding cougar. "The BIG CAT" — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Betty Grable -- Victor Mature and Phil Harris A Technicolored tour of Chicago's Columbian Exposi- tion in 1892, with all the old carnival spirit and music galore. 'WABASH AVENUE' -- _ THURS. - FRI. - SAT. —. Robert Paige — Noreen Nash and Jane Harwell Portrayed in the naturally glorious colors of the West, a tale of the famous -Wild horse— "RED STALLION" Corning: Glenn Ford and Janet Leigh in "THE DOCTOR and the GIRL" Coming:, "BUCCANEER'S GIRL" with Yvonne De Carlo and Philip, Friend AMMO. Ontario St. Club Hears Fine Talk St. at- by in a topic on Thenksgiving and led in prayer. Two guests, Miss Luella John- ston and Mrs. Frank Glew, assist- ed with the programme. The former was the speaker of the evening and gave a very inter - esting message on "Conserve - tion." Mrs. Glew gave two hum- ourous readings and Miss Eleanor Plumsteel gave a reading on Thanksgiving, The entire pro - gramme was much enjoyed and greatly appreciated. Thanksgiv- ing hymns were sung throughout the evening. The Girls' Club of Ontario United Church met at the home of Mrs. Frank Tyndall on Thurs- day evening last with a good tendanee. The meeting opened with a cell to worship, read the president, Miss Courtice. The devotional period was charge of Miss Elva Wiltse. The lesson was read by Miss Emma Plumsteel, and Miss Wiltse gave IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK— "TEE HARVEST IS PAST, THE SUMMER IS ENDED AND WE ARE NOT SAVED."—Ser. 8 :20 FRIENDS, WHAT DESPAIR IF OUR SU1VIMER WERE ENDED AND ALL CHANCES OF BEING SAVED WERE FOREVER PAST! "Behold now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation"—II Cor, 6 :2 COME! Look unto ME and be ye saved.—Isa. 45 :22 CHAS. E, FULLER, 5 pan., (DST) Sunday, ABC Network Just Arrived . . . i DUTC TULIPS NARCISSUS CROCUS We will have the above Incidentally it is "`MUM" 3 you to call and look We expect a good show or K. C. 66W -- BULBS DAFFODILS HYACINTHS bulbs for sale until Oct. 23 time again and we invite through our Greenhouse. ' of bloom for the next three four, weeks. Coo FLORIST Phones -- 66.1 r.,.......,........,,,,..........,..,..,,,,,,,,,,,-... .. I Winter will Soon be Here 1 GET YOUR FURNACE AND STOVE PIPES FROM US. Ours are Hand -Made ` We still can give you a NEW FURNACE from stock. • Complete Stock cif ALL PLUMBING' FIXTURES See Us! i Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE wind PLUMBING Z PHONE 2444CLINTON SUPPORTLIONS BINGO FRIDAY! $g