Clinton News-Record, 1950-08-31, Page 5TI%'tRSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1950' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adkts :B CASH RATE—(If paid by' Wed- nesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a 'vlrord first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word•, cents ex- trarforlbox numbeum 25 r�or5for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office..,, IF CHARGED/a-15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION for Rent 'THREE -ROOMED FURNISHED apartment, heated, modern con- veniences. Available September 15. D. S. Cantelon, 35-b' TWO UNFURNISHED APART - merits over R. L. Jervis' store. Apply R. L. Jervis, phone 194. 3,5-p COMPLETELY FURNISHED two 'or three -roomed suite, available. with modern conveniences, de- sirable location. Ideal for busi- ness couples or students. Apply Post Office Box 383, Clinton. 35-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED BUSINESS GIRL would like room and board in private home. Apply Box "R", NEWS -RECORD. 35-b ARTICLES FOR SALE • VIOLIN AND GUITAR for sale. Mrs. C. B. Anderson, Maple St., Clinton. 35-p FRIGIDAIRE—used three years, still two years on guarantee. Size '7 Cu. ft., 25 cycle. Good as new. May be seen at front apartment over "Fitzsimons' Meat Marker. 35-p ARTICLES WANTED BABY'S PLAY' PEN OR'CRIB. Phone 78W, Cameron's Apart- ments, Huron St. 35-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1941 DODGE COACH, all new •tires,=new motor, gone 4,000 miles, body in good shape. Price $850. Apply Box "D", NEWS -RECORD. 35-p 1941 HUDSON COACH, built-in radio and air conditioning, $750. -Will. sell or accept pick-up truck lip to $500 in trade, C. Woods, .12 East St., Goderich, phone 867J. 35-b-tfb 1931 HUDSON, in good running order, with heater, two new tires, end good paint jot+; windows and •doors all in good condition. See 'this car and make an offer. Any reasonable offer accepted. Phone -Clinton 191W. 35-b BOARDERS WANTED "WILL TAKE GIRL ROOMER OR 'boarder. Apply Phone 482J af- ter 6 p.m. 35-p COUPLE OF BOARDERS want- ed. Mrs. Reg. Smith, phone '797W. 35-b CLOTHING •FOR SALE 3.ADY'S WINTER COAT, large size, black with persian lamb Teller. Can be seen at anytime at Mrs. G. A. Walker's, Rotten - bury St. E. 35-367-p COMPANION WANTED COMPANION, middle-aged lady, able to care for self, comfort- able furnished room and good board in . return. Good home. Apply Box "3", NEWS -RECORD. 35-b COTTAGE FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE, three 'bedrooms, fully modern, in Sea - 'forth, oil heat, available Sept 1 'Phone 337R, Seaforth. 35-367-p FARM HELP R E L' I A B L E, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Cde Haan, Belgnave, Ont, 16-b-tfb HOUSES FOR SALE `TWO-STOREY BRICK HOUSE, living room, dining room, den and kitchen, down, five bedrooms .and bath up, good basement, furnace practically new, garage, tideal location, possession Sept. 1. Apply H. O. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 35btfb 11/ STOREY SIX - ROOMED elwelling, living'room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath- room, .downstairs, three bedrooms up, sun porch, insulated, brick siding, good location, possession within 30 days. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 35-b-tfb 'SMALL HOUSE, hydro and sew eerage, large garden. Apply after '3.30 in evening. Harvey Ken- nedy, Spencer St. 34-35,-b 11/2 -STORE Y, INSULBRICK, seven -roomed house, bathroom, furnace, sun porch, garage and small barn, large lot, fruit trees. Immediate possession. James E. .Johnston, Box 412, phone 485W. 34-5-p. SIX -ROOMED GREEN Shingled house, with sunporch, large gar - 'den, fruit trees, hen house, rea- sonably priced. S. Welbanks, phone Clinton 552W. 35-37-b TN ' HAYFIELD, seven -roomed frame house, desirable location, ,garage, hydro, immediate pos- session. Mrs. L. G. Bassett. 34-5-p 11/' STOREY DWELLING with "three three -roomed apartments: one apartment vacant; presept rental income $40 per month; house fully insulated; 'large gar- den with fruit trees; garage; :price $4,000 -half down, balance in monthly payments. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 35-btfb LAUNDRY SERVICE CLINTON LAUNDRY, quick ser- -Vice, laundry picked up 'arid de- livered twice a week. A, Caron, 'Phone Clinton '312. 33 -34 -3p -b HERBS' FOR SALE DILL FOR SALE, in perfect shape right now for your cucum- bers. P. R. Cuzvingheme, Huron St. 35-b HELP ' WANTED'Female EXPERIENCED WAIT WAITRESS above school age; wanted im- mediately. Clinton Grill, phone 279. 5 35-b WAITRESS WANTED. Good wages and board. Hotel Clinton. Phone 793. 35-b BIRDS FOR SALE BABY BUDGIES, talking «strain. Apply C. Woods, -12 East St., Goderich, phone 867J. 35btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN, COW, six years old, recently freshened; sow due in two weeks; 19 young pigs. James Leishman, Brucefield, 35-p FOUR HOLSTEIN HEIFERS to freshen soon. Bill McGuire, phone Clinton 900r3. 35-b SOME CHUNKS about 60 lbs.; 20 pigs six weeks old; also 12 pigs eight weeks old, Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4. 35-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 35-43-p UP TO $5.00 FOR DEAD OR disabled horses, cows, hogs, at your farm. Prompt' service, Phone collect William Sproat, Seaforth 655r2, William Stone Sons. Limit- ed, Ingersoll, Ont. 31-2-3-4-5-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R, 35-b POULTRY FOR SALE ABOUT 350 HAMPSHIRE pul- lets, laying. Ed Boyes, R.R. 2, Brucefield, phone Clinton 625r2. 35-b 100 PULLETS, Barred Rock X Sussex, ready to lay, Bob Harris, phone Clinton 908r32. 35-p STOVES FOR SALE RANGETTE, automatic oven con- trol, price $30, Anply 16 Ed- monton Rd., RCAF Station. Clin- ton, 35-p "GOOD CHEER" COOK STOVE, coal or wood, $15. Mrs. Fred Arkell, phone Clinton 906r25. 35-b SEED FOR SALE 1,000 BUSHELS CORNELL Fall Wheat, cleaned for seed and treated if desired. Gordon Flax Ltd., phdhe 114, Blyth. 33-34-35-p ' TENDERS WANTED WRITTEN TENDERS will be received up until September 12, 1950, for an 80 -acre farm, 50 acres suitable for cropping and the remainder in bush and cedar swamp. T barn in good shape and 11/2 -storey brick veneered dwelling, good cement cellar. Plenty of good spring water. Phssession October 1. Highest or best tender, Adam Steep, R.R. 3, Clinton. 34-35-b WOOD FOR SALE DRY WOOD, 200 CORDS, 12" long, prices from $3.25 to $6 a cord, delivered in four cord lots. W. J. Forbes, phone 904r31. CARD OF THANKS Miss Careen Howson wishes to thank her many friends for cards and gifts received while a pa- tient in the hospital. 35-p CARD OF THANKS Mrs. 3. E. "Dick" MacDonald wishes to take this opportunity of expressing her appreciation to all those who sent, flowers, cards end other remembrances while a patient in Clinton Public Hospi- tal; special thanks to the doctors and nurses for their kindly min- istrations 35-p CAi'f1 OF THANKS Mrs. Tough, Clinton, wishes' to take this opportunity of expres- sing her' sincere appreciation to all the kind, friends who called on her in the hospital, and also to those who sent such beauti- fy] flowers and cards. She also wishes to express her thanks to the nurses and to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison. 35-p adds zest to'the .hour RADIO and SOUND SERVICE Repairs to all types and makes of radios • All work guaranteed Bob Weeks, RADIO and SOUND Clinton Electric Shop • Phone 479 35- BIRTHS GRENVILLE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Aug- ust 23, 1950, to. Mr. and Mrs. John Grenville, Clinton,' a son (Mark McIntosh), KIPFER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital;, on Wednesday, August 30, 1950, to Mr: ar 3° Mrs. Cecil Kipfer,. Hensall„ a daughtter. SPENCER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, August 26, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Spencer, RR. 1, Clinton, a son. TINNEY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, August 27, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs, Homer Tinney, Hensall, a son (Greg- ory Lawrence), MARRIAGES PALMER-DINNIWEL%. -- I° St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville, b y Rev. Harold' Turner, Patricia Helena, dau- ghter of Dr: and Mrs, R. E. Dinniwell, Bowmanville,-to lir. Donald Bradney Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Pal- mer, Clinton., DEATHS AUSTIN — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Sunday, August 27, 1950, Albert E. Austin, beloved husband of Catherine Brown, in his. 54th year. Funeral to Maitland - bank Cemetery, Seaforth, Wed- nesday afternoon, August 30. CLARKSON—On Saturday, Aug- ust 19, 1950, at Toronto East General Hospital, Margaret Steep, beloved wife of Arthur C. Clarkson, 77 Kingsrnount Park Rd., and mother of John, James, William, Robert, David, Mrs. R. Robb (Nell). Mrs. C. MnGale (Margaret), and Mrs. William Lee (Ruth); and sister of Edward Steep and Mrs.. Harold Fremlin, Sr., Clinton. Funeral from chapel of Mc- Dougall and Brown, 1491 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, on Tuesday, August 22. CURRIE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on 'Monday, August 23, 1950, Agnes Nicholson, widow of Samuel' J,;mes Currie, in hei 83rd year. Funeral from her late residence, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on -Wednes- day, August 30. ELLIOTT—In . Goderich Town- ship, on Sunday, August 27, 1950, Alexander Elliott, in his 80th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Tuesday. August 29, to Clinton Cemetery. ATORNELL — bn St. Thomas Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, August 27, 1950,' Edith Halli- day Combe, beloved wife of 4t B. U. Latornell, St. Thomas, Fi„neral from Trinity Anglican Church to i't. Thomas Mausol- eum, on Taesday afternoon, August 29. McEWAN—At his late residence, Hensall, on Thursday ,August 17, 1950, Almond Douglas Mc - Ewan, beloved• husband of Inez Sparrow. Funeral to Exeter Cemetery, Saturday afternoon, August 19. IOOF NOtES Clinton Lodge 1.O.O.F. will commence its fall activities on Tuesday evening, September 12, when a regular meeting will be held. Nominations for the var- ious offices will be received. 1' 4, ,6 I-Iuronic Rebekah Lodge will reopen for the fall season on Wednesday, September 6. Pro- ceedings will get under way with a pot luck supper at 6.30 o'clock. GRANDMOTHERS. HAVE BIG DAY AT WI MEETING Clinton branch of 'the 'Women's Institute met on Thursday, Aug- ust 24, at the home of Mrs. Alex C',udrnore, Princess- Std, where about 70' members and visiting grandmothers had 'an enjoyable afternoon together. • With Mrs. Sturdy, president, in charge, the 'meeting opened with repeating the Ode and the Lord's Prayer. The president welcomed all present. The min- utes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Adams, and the treasurer, Mrs. Hanley, gave a splendid ni'onthly statement. Several were extended a vote of thanks for their untiring efforts in helping with the booth, sale of history books of Clinton,, float, etc., in the Old Home 'Week. .. The roll call was enawered by some remembered sayings of grandmothers. The conveners of committees reported and ' then Mrs. Batkin, convener of the sports committee, took charge. Mrs. C. V. Cooke gave a read- ing "Origin of Scandal" end Mrs. Fear one on "Neighbours Gossip." Mrs. Glew conducted a contest "Things our grandmothers missed," Mrs. Inkley being the winner. Mrs. Glew also gave a reading "The Courting of Paddy and Nora." The oldest grandmother"`pres- ent was Mrs. William Connell, end the youngest, Mrs. Inkley; the tallest grandmother was Mrs. Leppington, and the shortest, Mrs. Charlesworth, and t h e stoutest, Mrs. Inkley; the grarrfi- mother with the whitest hair, Mrs. Radford, Sr.; with the neat- est hair -do, Mrs. Sam Castle, Sr.; with the darkest hair, Mrs. McNeil; with the neatest ankles, Mrs. Ginn end Mrs. Trick; the grandmother with the largest number of grand children, Mrs. David Steep; the most recent grandmother, Mrs. Inkley; and the grandmother with the brightest dress, Mrs. Ed. Cook; the grand- mother coming the farthest dis- tance, Mrs. Colbert; end giving the best dinner call, Mrs. C. V. Cooke. The laughing contest caused many laughs. Lunch was later served by the social committee. Several copies of .the ' books "The History of Clinton and Com- munity" are still available and can be secured from any mem- ber of the Institute as well as from various stores in town. o ' New Livestock' Barn Features Western Fair There are so many good things in store for visitors to the West- ern Fair, London, September 11 to 16, that it will be almost im- possible for them to cover the fair adequately in one day. The new $400,000 livestock barn will be a mecca for all farmers. It is the last word in stock barns and at the rate ent- ries are pouring in, it will be jammed to capacity. There is room in the new barn for 700 head of cattle and 500 horses. T h e championship Holstein "Black and White" show' will be held September 14-15 with some 250 entries from ten counties and $4,000 in prizes. Nine all-star acts will compose the greatest grandstand perform- ance in the history of the fair. Mail orders are now being re- ceived for grandstand reserva- tions. IT IS BETTER TO TRUST IN THE LORD THAN TO PUT CONFIDENCE IN MAN. Psalm 118 : 8 "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh fresh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. "—Ter. 17 : 5. "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked."—Jer. 17 : 9. "I, the Lord, search the heart; I try the reins even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings:"—Jer. 17:10. ' "SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE, HE MAY BE FOUND, CALL YE UPON HIM WHILE HE IS NEAR." Isa, 55:'6. CHAS. E. FULLER, 5 p.m., (DST) Sunday, ABC Network c'ooL 1 Even though your boy is singing those "Back to School Blues", now is the time to see that his school clothing needs are looked after, BOYS' LONGS BOYS' SHORTS Tweed and Gabardine all sizes from $2.95 up BOYS' JEANS Tough Denim at $2.50 up BOYS' SOCKS Cotton, Wool and Cotton all sizes 45c up PICKETi Arrow Shirts Brown & Blue Gabardine elastic back $1.59 and $1.95 BOY'S' T-SHIRTS Short Sleeves easily laundered BOYS' SHOES Strong sturdy Oxfords, Black or Brown all sizes CAMPBELL Stetson Hats PHONE 25—CLINTON:, 'Quick lting Quick' Results REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH—O NTARI.O. St. Paul's Group Hold Delightful Party The Little Helpers of St. Paul's Anglican Church had a very de- lightful party on Friday, after- noon last. Rev, R. M. P. Bulteel conducted a short service during the first part of the, afternoon. Mrs. 'Walter Smith presided at the organ. Mrs. George McLay gave a very interesting report on the work and responsibilities of the Little Helpers. Later a 'party was held on the Rectory lawn when mothers and children ?enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Bulteel. Games were con- ducted' by Mrs. L. G: Winter. Dainty refreshments were served, PRESBYTERIAN WA The W. A. of Clinton Presby- terian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. George Rober- ton on Wednesday afternoon, September 6, at 3 o'clock. 0 LEGION AURILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will hold its September, meeting on Monday, September 11, in the Legion Hall, at 8.15 p.m. The members are, asked to bring in their com- pleted articles for the Bazaar. 0 AUCTION SALE -- of — 40 YOUNG COWS and HEIFERS and 25 YORKSHIRE PIGS at lot No.- 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, September .5 at 2 pan. 15 Durham and Hereford cows to freshen this fall; 12 Durham and Hereford heifers — 3 with calves—balance springing; 3 Holstein cows, freshened ; three 2 -year-old Holstein heifers, milk- ing; 4 part -Jersey cows, milking; some young calves. All cattle are T.B. tested. 25 Yorkshire pigs, six and eight weeks old.1 TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND and SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 35-b AUCTION SALE — of— HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and FARM MACHINERY at the home of , Frank Wilson, on the Mill Road, quarter mile east of Brucefield, on Saturday, September 2 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Brass bed and springs; studio couch; 2 occasional chairs; lazy boy 'chair; dining room suite of buffet, table, and chairs; smok- er's stand; book stand table; fernery stand; dresser and wash stand; small antique table; cane bottom chair (antique); Edison phonograph (antique); 3 phono- graph record albums; electric radiator heater; oak rocker;' Sparton mantel radio; solid wal- nut cupboard; kitchen suite of table and chairs; display case; card table; table 'lamp; electric washing machine and tubs' cop- per boiler; clothes rack: Clare Jewel range (like new)• Quebec heater; 2 -burner hot plate; elect- ric toaster; 8 -day clock; Eureka rubber tire lawn mower; CCM bicycle 'balloon • tires;. pillows; iinoleums; dishes; cutlery; cook- ing utensils, Farm Machinery, etc.: Inter- national 13 -hoe drill; bean pul- ler and scuffler; cultivator; wagon box and rack; wagon; set of harness; 2 hqrse cellars; harness maker's last; 36 ft. extension ladder; 13 ft. ladder; pig crate; power saw; jig saw; power bench emery; 2 boxes of roll insulation: garden tools and other tools. TERMS—CASH No reserve as farm is sold. FRANK WILSON. Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer A. W. Colgnhouu, Clerk l,"Y! 34-35-b • $c „snutgn,o!!;;ui,ifownox. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j 0,1114,4 'PROMPT `Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 110 Adhi'd c?a .ROXY THEATRE C •L I,N T 0 N • Now Playing • Bill WILLIAMS Jane NIGH -IN "BLUE GRASS of KENTUCKY" in Colour PARK THEATRE GODERIC H --Phone 1150 Now: "THE OUTRIDERS" Joel McCrea and Technicolor — MON. - TUES. - WED...-.. June, Haver—.Mark Stevens and S. Z. Sakall Lively, brilliant and amusing a Technicolor entertainment— , special with most of your 'favorite old songs "Oh, You Beautiful Doll" — THURS..- FRI. - SAT. — Bill Williams --Jane Nigh and Ralph Morgan • Into the enchanted land of the thorobred for a Technicolor story of the racing oval "The Blue Grass of °Kentucky" Coming: "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" with Clifton Webb NOW: Robert Taylor and John Hodiak in "AMBUSH" — MON. - TUES. - WED. — Dean' Stockwell—Stanley Beckett and Leon Ames This is a story of youth, of carefree days and of advent- ures untrammelled by conven- tion. A show for all. "The Happy Years" THURS. - FRI. SAT Jean Heather—Wallace Ford and Arthur Franz A Cinecolor outdoor drama in wlhich two circus !performers turn ranch hands to capture an unspoiled wild stallion. "The Red Stallion of the Rockies" i CAPITAL THEATRE G 0 D S 'S I C H—Phone 41 NOW: Humphrey Bogart and Florence Manly "TOKYO JOE" — MON. -- TUES. -- WED. — Robert Walker—Joan Leslie and Edward Arnold MGM's greatest laugh, frolic, the funniest comedy ever made - of Home Sweet Home 'The Skipper Surprised His Wife' — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — Ann Blyth—Robert Cummings Percy Kilbride They've got ZAZZLE, the great- est discovery since Eve found the apple, and it's fun for everyone "Free' For All" Coming: JOLSON SINGS AGAIN Coming: "SECRET GARDEN" Technicolor and Larry Parks In Technicolor ®n1 ATTEND Goderich Business College "Huron's Centre of, Modern Business Training" DID YOU STOP SCHOOL TOO SOON? Has your education been interrupted? Did you stop school before being suitably prepared for a vocation? We offer courses to assist you to enter new careers in which the work is challenging and profitable. In a year or less you can enter business or an office profession, Lack of education need not be a handicap. be- cause your age and experience will more than compensate. Right now is the time to start when the Fall Term commences Tuesday, September 5. Office will be open daily from 2 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday,, evening for interviews and registration, Registered as a teade-school under the Trade -Schools Regulation Act, and member of the Canadian Business Schools Association. Goderich Business College PHONE 428 or 166W F. M. WEAVER, Prin. G. DONNELLY, B.A„ Inst. The' Gar Wood lineincludes oil fired Tempered -Aire units, Boiler Burner units and 'Conversion Burners. Duet and dirt filtering up from the old-fashioned furnace in the cellar meant lots of extra work. But now those days are gone forever with the new Gar Wood Automatic Beating Units. Silent; smooth and super -clean in • operation, a Gar Wood unit brings you healthy, even heating in every room of your home .. AND ... it eaves up to 40% of your forther fuel bills. Get the man in the house to look into all the details today. Manufactured b_yp Engineering Industries Co. Limitedi Toronto. Famous dor Oil Economy Sold and Serviced by .WISE and BATEMAN -Phone 147- . PLUMBING and HEATING — SHEET METAL WORK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Successors to Sutter-Perdue's Shop Work