Clinton News-Record, 1950-08-03, Page 14PAGE TWELVE
(Continued from Page 11)
ones had a sort of chocolate taste.
if you didn't lick it too hard.
Donald Ross gave me one that
Was terrible. We might have
learned a lot about pills, b u t'
Bigger Wilson batted in and
made us turn out our pockets
and she confiscated the lot
along with a wastebasket full of,
sling shots, nwtches, cubeb cig-
arettes and sundry souvenirs
picked up from the gutted drug
store . some of which were
interesting. She took my six
rubber nipples that would squirt.
Those Doctors
I don't like Dr. John Shaw.
Elsie Finch told me he was go-
ing to bring a baby to our house
and Grace Cook and 011ie Fitz-
simmons backed her up. The
thought was intolerable for the
house was already too crowded.
I didn't broach the subject to
Shaw . , my nerve failed .
but I sat in his buggy at the
e Home!
A Familiar Landmark
The Management and Staff of
Extend a Hearty Welcome to Visitors,
both Old and Young, on the 75th
Anniversary of the Incorporation
of Clinton as a Town.
Ruth Groves Leotta Freeman
Shirley Proctor
A familiar landmark in the old days of Clinton was N. Robson's
store, located where H. W. Charlesworth now has his feedstore.
It was in Mr. Robson's day that a grocer used a sidewalk as a show
window as the picture will clearly indicate. Harry Stanbury and
Mr; Robson are shown standing in the door.
station and held the horse for
him while he went into the ticket
office. Then when he drove off
uptown instead of down our
way, I thought he understood as
man to man and the danger was
over. But he sneaked back that'
night when I was asleep and I
feel he put one over on me.
Ethics. Hellt Since then I give
most of my busines tq,,,chiro-
praetors though there used to be
some real good doctors come to
town selling Wa-hoo that would
cure tape worms . usually
tape worms chopped up so you
never knew you had one. And
there was a still better doctor
that came to town with a free
A Short History of the Firm
1902-3. B. Hoover and Nelson Ball formed
a partnership as fuxtniture dealers and
undertakersi loving purchased a n
existilg business.
1908 or 1909—J. B. Hoover sold his interest
to D. J. Atkinson and moved to
Guelph, the firm name being changed
to Ball and Atkinson.
1921—,T. J. Zapfe, Owen Sound, joined the
firm which changed to Ball and Zapfe
on the purchase of Mr. Atkinsons
share by'Mr. Zapfe. •
' 1922—The firm purchased Harland Bros.
hardware and the firm became known
as Clinton Hardware and Furniture
Co., with D. J. Atkinson returning
to the partnership.
1931—D. J. Atkinson sold his interest to
the other two ,partners and firm again
became Ball and Zapfe.
140—Nelson Ball died and his interest
passed to his . son, William N. Ball.
1946-3. J. Zapfe sold his interest to Doug-
las G. Ball, and the. firm became
Ball Bros.
1948—W. N. Ball disposed of his interest
to. W. J. Mulch and the name was
changed to the present designation,
We Extend A Real Welcome to Old Boys!
�i ; Phone 195
Phone 361-w or 361-j
show and had Indian snake oil
that would cure a lot of things
and besides the free show if you
bought a bottle of the oil he
gave you another bottle free and
a cake of soap. He gave mei and
Jimmy Perkins ' free bottles for
letting him rub the soap on one
side .of our faces to show the
public that it would make one
side clean. It did.
That doctor had a wife who
sang a song that made just the
men laugh, and wore a dress that
had at least a thousand diamonds
sewed on it. Shaw never gave
away anything free, except
babies, and his wife only wore
a common ordinary dress that
rustled when she walked into the
Presbyterian Church.
Church Going
And that church wasn't much
of a church either. It only had
a carpet in the aisles made of
stuff that looked like straw, and
in our church we had a red
velvet carpet and a window of
colored glass that you could look
at when C. R. Gunne preached
too long. Unfortunately the
nicest kids went to the Presby-
terian Churchi " though I must
admit that the pretty Peggy Mc-
Caughey went to St. Joaeph's,
but with that except=n^ and pos-
sibly Creta Ford who ran a sort
of Epworth League in the church
near the school the nicest kids
were all Presbyterians . . I like
to think that years of discretion
made them all turn Anglicans.
If there is still a Trick's
Creek out the Bayrield Road, I
shall go there ond look at the
spot where I caught my first big
fish. I snared 't with a piece of
stove pipe wire. I had a string
of rock bass and shiners some
fully five Inches long. At the
mouth of Trick s Creek, Bert
Hovey and John Walton were
fishing for a trout out of season
starting to study Greek and Heb-
rew at night that he might be-
come a priest. What a fool impos=
Bible dream, But H. B. Chant told
me it could be clone and bluntly
told me that if I had' any sense
I'd go and apologize to A. P.
Gundry and get back to school.
After that my $3.75 per week
didn't seem too fascinating. If
H. B. Chant hadn't heard two of
us sneering at Herman's crazy
vice and told me there werebig
fish •down the river,
It was just then I saw the
sucker. I hoped they wouldn't
see it too until I got it. It was
a beauty . it broke the best
ten -cent bamboo pole that ever
carne out of Ab Cooper's store,
It pulled me in. I will go into
any court and take oath that it
weighed twenty-five pounds and
was three feet long and maybe
four, though John Walton said it
would weigh nearly two pounds.
That's, because he wasn't catch-
ing any. My sucker weighed
thirty-five pounds and was six
feet long and maybe seven.
Yes, I'm going home. Going
justto inquire if Frank ever did
marry that black-eyed skirt he
pursued had searnestly
t and
kids,didtheyhhave ave jefblack
hair and flashing, eyes too.
Organ Iactory
And ask what happened to Her-
man. I worked at the organ
factory when A. P Gundry re-
moved me from school . un-
fairly, unjustly a n d without
cause, of course ...and that year
Herman worked in the finishing
room with pots of paint and var-
nish and had a fantastic idea of
gathered like unto a crowd on
Horse Show Day; the red fire
engine came galloping clown pul-
led by Bob Cree's team and
belching fire.
Elaine's father came with, his
prancing horses and fine cutter
and the last I saw of Elaine, she
was being bundled in a blanket
and plumped not too ceremon-
iously into the cutter and driven
furiously up High Street.
dream, he wouldn't have jump-
ed on me so bluntly and I might
have grown into an expert organ -
Fire at Iee House
I shall go home for Old Home
Week for it is later than we
think. I shall look up Elaine
and Geneve and Johnny_ and Al
and Clarence. They will remem-
ber the ice -house the old
red one that stood by Doherty's
The ice was not safe and when
it broke we got wet to the knees
and then some, in the ease of
Elaine. For us it made little dif-
ference but for Elaine! How.
could she go home wet and in
the winter time.
There was no danger of the
ice -house burning, for the saw-
dust was wet and with bits of
tar -paper from the walls we made
a fire and with willow sticks
we Sir Walter Raleigh's were
toasting clothes to dryness and
Elaine was keeping warm in my
red sweater ... a dandy sweater.
The ice house would not burn,.
but just as in so many of our
Plans since, we overlooked a
factor. We did not think of the
smoke. All at once the crowd
and they hadn't even sense
enough to 'put a worm on their
hooks. I offered them worms
for all they had was a red thing
on the end of their line and they
didn't leave it hi the water long
enough for fish to bite , . they
didn't even have a sinker and
they could, at least have tied a
nail or a stone to their lines.
They had no fish at all. They
did not care much about my ad -
I want to see Elaine and ask
her what happened next. Also,
I want my red, sweater. Surely
what happened to me when I
went home without it couldn't
have happened to her. Perish
the thought, for. what she had
on was thin. But now it can be
Let's all go home to Clinton
. Elaine and Pearl and Annie
and Margaret and Cela and Grace
and Edgar and Carl and Elgin
and Harold.
After Church
On a Sunday evening when
there were arc lamps and all
back streets were dark, the five
congregations from five churches
came fi{om evening service at
about the same time and before
going their way those who were
young would walk several times
from Wiltsie's store to the mar-
ket square and back the. other
side from Colonel Hoare's Music
Shop to the Clarendon and some-
how Les and Ruby and Bob and
Toady and others would pair off
in a shameless way and some-
times not get home until nearly
ten -o'clock. Some, it is said,
would walk on John Ransford's
(Continued on Page 13)
[Formerly A. T . Cooper]
Old Boys and Girls of Clinton
Reunion 1875 - 1950
Make a point to come in our store and browse around
at your leisure. We carry a varied stock of quality merch-
andise . on two floors at reasonable prices.
Ladies', Children's and Men's Wear
etc., etc.
Again We Say
L. E. Martin
T. W. Martin
"'",517001104111%1401%0111104 INIPIARION~00461101111019Evilitaitotiobe
Your General Motors Dealer and Staff Say
"Welcome Home"
May Your Stay Be A Happy One!
Left to rigght—(above)—LORNE BROWN, Proprietor; PERCY BROWN, Car Sales and Parts;
BILL CHOWEN, Apprentice `Mechanic; • DON SMITH, Licensed Class "A" Mechanic; JACK
INNES, Tire . Department; W. M. "MAT" NEDIGER, Carburetion and Electrical De-
partment; GEORGE KNIGHT S, Accounting and Parts
Since 1933 we have catered to the needs of the motoring public. We'll be glad
your service
y r car, assuring a trouble-freejourney home.
Lorne Brown -Motors Limited
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Sales and Service
PHONE 367W Chevrolet—The Thrifty Car for 1950!"