Clinton News-Record, 1950-01-19, Page 7TRIIRADAY, JANUARY 19, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN ontrac ar ey We are taking contracts for barley e y asalrthis year; it looks like another year of good prices for barley. I think it has prospects rosects of being as good of a cash crop as any for '1950:' Have .in stock:. No. 2 Kiln Dried Corn, Molasses in barrels, and Beet Pulp. We are in the market for Wheat, Oats, and Barley. ) ?Lb, FrEd 0O. Phone 123W GRAIN and SEED Clinton NEWS OF ,BAYFIELD R`eniresentative: Phone Bayfield 45r3 Miss Lucy R. Woods Farmers, Attention! If you want your . CONCRETE SILOS put up by us this season -- Get your order signed at once to ensure work being done this season. Jonathan Hugill IS Sons Phone 784-W Residence 616r34 • IN„ tial IRs I fie EV 7 'l 4. ',Itor 10E00° AT�U Is;IrI:� is ,�, irli AntiY�I to uil`;ili .i '.,li]Ilyi;r lit, oplik it it tic .,y PTiyl.lartx , u•j,4 �I : i i ,.. 1 ilMplj fll iti,„.li !, illi4011011f,11 j�! lilailii til �� !Ilii k ,, upT a4 ii 1fIlI> "111t N( iFn i 1 llra Pt'E5 !nl;ra io6;, idG Feed a "fresh -mixed" feed and watch your chicks fight for morel "Fresh -mixed" means tastier feed, less loss of valuable nutrients. Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix Concentrate gives the feeder dependable feed for less money. Don't order rnq, a chicks than your brooder can 1, 1 I le '8 :1 handle. Allow a square foot of floor space for each 2 chicks. Remember, a chick increases its weight twelve times in the first 8 weeks. For vigo:•ous, fast-growing birds, allow plenty of room, good humidity and fresh -mixed Chick ;Starter made with National Chick Mix. See your local NATIONAL Feed Dealer today." • Ii '4Lte m m b m m m m m m sm.m•m ow Ito we e, mm mmmw rad WILIiAM STL? SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO Na.' Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Larson spent noon to Jack McClinchey's,. Varna, the weekend at London. Miss Beverley York, Lucan, spent the weekend at her home. E. A: Featherston, •London,. spent the weekend at his home. Mrs. R. McClinchey, Preston,. spending two weeks with Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, Mrs. Walter 'Harvey, Landon; spent Sunday with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon, Mrs. George Reid and grandson Wayne Reid; Verne, spent a few They were able to extinguish both files before any serious damage was done. Attended Funeral ?(}(rose from a distance who at- tended the .funeralof the late Mrs. James Scott oe Wednesday of last week were: Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull, Listowel; Dr. and Mrs. L, Duffy, London; Dr. and Mrs. " W. Mitchell, Birmingham, Itlich.; Mrs. N. W. Woods and Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Hensail; days with Mrs. Charles Parker. Mrs. R: McClinchey, Mrs. Al Mr. and Mrs, J. Atkinson an Holm' and Roy Holm, Preston; Mrs. Wesley Morse, River Forest, Ill.; and Mrs. J. W. Wescott, Evanston, Ill. The annual meeting of the Marion St. Clair Shores, Mich., spent the weekend at their home. Mr. and Mrs, D. Baird and son Carl, Mr. and Mrs, J. Anderson, London, spent Sunday with Mr. Bayfield Cemetery Board was and IVZrs..Edward Sturgeon• held on Saturdayf January 14, at' Trustees Elected the home of the president, Lloyd A nomination meeting for the Scotchmer. Trustees of the Police Village of. The chairman for the meeting Bayfield. was held on Friday was D. H. McNaughton. The min - evening, January 13, in the uses of the last annual meeting Town Hall. were read end adopted. The Insist•on NATIONAL well -cured, properly -blended fertilizer. The following trustees were elected by acclamation far the coming year: John Sturgeon, Fred Weston, J. B. Rathwell, Chimney Fires Bayfield Fire Brigade has been called out twice within the past week to two chimney fires. On Tuesday evening of last week they were called to J. M. Mc - Ash's, Varna, and Monday after - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LOND'ESBORO Kenneth Armstrong visited with fnends in Chatham over the weekend. ' .c Fred and Edith Moore, Forest, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford over the weekend. Died in Paris Mr. and Mrs:. W. ^ E. Meriting, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, S. P. Manning and Clarence Montgomery, were in Paris on Sunday, having re- ceived word of the death of their aunt, Mrs. Joseph Morris, a for- mer resident of Hullett Town- ship for many years before mov- ing to Paris. Mr. Morris pre- deceased his wife some years ago, and was a brother of Mrs. Marg- aret Manning, Londesboro. Mission Circle Meets The Aimwell Mission Circle held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Brenton on Jan. 9 with the president. Lois Wood, in the chair. The meet- ing opened with hymn 637, "The Lord is My Shepherd," followed by the Lord's Prayer, in unison, Vera Lyon gave the treasurer's auditors report was discussed report. The roll calf was answer - and adopted and the directors led by paying of fees. Hymn 311, were well satisfied with the fin- "0 Love that will not let me ancial standing of the past year and appreciated the grants re- ceived from Goderich Township; Stanley Township and the Vil- lage of Bayfield Officers elected for the corn- ing year were: President, Lloyd Scotchmer; vice-president, Alfre* reported that $395 was sent from the Auxiliary to headquarters, this included the $50 donation from the Alice Fingland Estate. The lifl5slon Circle have sent $271.06; Mission Band, $64.90; Baby Band, $40.70. All exceed - lit their allocation. Rev. S. Brenton was present for the in- stalling of the officers for 1950. The February meeting of the WMS will be combined with the 1 Worlds Day of Prayer, which is Ion February 24, when the Worn- ad's Association and Mission Circle' will' assist with the pro- gram, Please note this is a com- bined service on February 24, I commencing at two o'clock. All the ladies are cordially invited to attend, Group No. .1 will lave charge. go," was sung. Mrs. Brenton read the Scripture, followed by hymn 448, "Through the night of doubt and sorrow." The offering was taken up. Gail and June Man- ning favoured with to duet. Mrs. Edwin Wood read a story. Mr. Elishe Townsend, a mis- Hudie• secretary -treasurer E. A sionary in China, who is home Westlake; auditors, John Parker on a visit, was guest speaker, and Leslie Elliott; directors, C. B. Middleton, D. H. McNaughton, R. S. Reid, E. A, Westlake, A. Hudie, L. Elliott, Willner Reid, L. Scotchmer and Russell Heard. The meeting closed with a re- ee the WMS was held in the who is e for Cen inBMiddleton Sunday School rooms of the Unit-. who is at present a LOrr. who ed Church on Thursday, Jana 12, hospital and for Robert Orr, whom a good attendance. Meeting has retired after 21 years' ser- opened with Mrs. Fengrad, group vice as sexton of the Bayfield leader of No. 3, in the chair. The ACCOUNTANCY Cemetery. program was followed as in the INCOME TAX RETURNS Missionary Monthly; theme, "The Private Business Trinity Church Hods Bible, our Guide to Christian Farm Reports Faith and Conduct," Hymn 183 Bookkeeping records installed and Annual Vestry Meeting was sung. The Scripture lesson checked monthly or as requested was read by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook ROY N. BENTLEY and Mrs. W. E. Manning. Mrs. 36 Regent St, Box 58 T. Allen sang, "Beautiful Isle of Goderich Somewhere" Mrs. Fangnad Ied in -prayer. Mrs. Ivan Carter took up the offering. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. R. Townsend, the first vice-president, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, took charge. Hymn 571 was sung; psalm 737 was read alter- nately, followed by prayer by Mrs. Tamblyn. Minutes and cor- respondence were read by the secretary, Mrs. Govier. The year- ly reports of the numerous sec- retaries were given, which were very encouraging. The treasurer who told very interesting ex- periences in China. Meeting was closed with .hyymn 576. Londesboro WIVES The regular monthly meeting The members of Trinity Church, Bayfield, met on Monday, Jan- uary 16, for their annual vestry meeting. The meeting began at 7 p.m. with a pot -luck supper served by the ladies. The business part of the meet- ing was opened with prayer led by Rev. L. Morgan, The rector expressed his regret in the pas- sing of Charles Gemeinhardt, former vestry 'clerk. Mrs. W. E. Parker was appointed to fill the vacancy. After the reading of the min- utes of the previous vestry meet- ing, the following reports were given: Women's Auxiliary, by Mrs. B. Larson; Ladies' Guild, by Mrs, Alma Bassett; Trinity Church 'Club, by Mrs. T. Scotchmer; Sun- day School report, Rev. Morgan; church and rectory report, by Les Elliott. Rev. Morgan gave the rector's. report. All organiza- tions reported a satisfactory bal- ance on hand. Election of officers for 1950 were as follows: Rector's Warden, Lloyd Scotchmer; People's War- den, J. E. Hovey; treasurer, M. Carrie; delegate to Synod, T. M a c k; assistant delegate to Synod, M. Corrie;• ushers and sidesmen, T. Scotchmer, M. Corrie, W. E. Parker, T. Mack, Alf. Scotchmer, Jr.; S. Parker; organ- ist, Mrs. E. A. Featherston; Board of Management, L. Scotchmer, E Hovey, M. Corrie, Mrs. W. Stur- geon, Mrs. E. Heard, Mrs. M ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Ann Street Phone 355W Exeter ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto R. G. MCCANN Accountant and Auditor Rattenbury St. E. Phone 783-W Clinton CHIROPRACTIC D. II. McINNES -Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton., Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Goderich Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 am, to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a,m. to 5 p,m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed, & Sat -9 a.m. to 11.30 •�.m. Vitamin Therapy, Electro Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia .Road. Phone 341. INSURANCE Be Sure. : Be Insured K. W. COLQUIIOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative; Corrie, Mrs' T, 'award;superin- Sun Life AssunTnoe Co. of Canada tendentarker. of Sunday School, Mr, J Office: Royal Bank Building P Office 50 PHCINES Res. 9W A letter from the Bishop was read regarding mission grants re- ceived by various parishes, ex- pressing hope that these mission grants might be cut down. After some discussion the vestry moved that they assume $36 of the mis- sion grant now being received. The rector expressed a wish that the grant might eventually be dispensed with entirely. Committee's were 'fo'rmed and plans made for the One Hund- redth Anniversary Service to be held this summer on June 25 and ,July 2. The meeting was closed by J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Clinton 624r31 Car - Fire _ Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need insurance, I have a Policy. H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res, 251J Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. LOBB INSURANCE AGENCY Cor, William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Dom, of Canada General (Life) Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. R. L. McMILLAN, Bayfield Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household • Phone: Clinton 634r15. prayer. PORTER'S HILL. Friends and neighbors of John McCowan, who is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, join le wishing hie) a speedy recovery. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Congratulations! FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ' Congratulations to Mr, e n d Head Office, Seaforth Mrs. Ray Cox on the birth of a Officers 1949 -President, C. W. daughter, January 14. Leonhardt, Bornholm; vice-presi- Church Meeting dent, H. Alexander, 'Walton; man -1 Th e annual. congregational ager end secretary -treasurer, M, meeting of Grace Chinch will be A. Reid, Seaforth. Other directors: I held in the basement of the' S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; E. 3. 1 church on Friday evening, Jan- Trevtea'artha, Clinton; R. Archibald,i.iary 20. Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth; Undergoes Operation F. McGregor, Clinton, J. L. Ma- Mrs. Reid Torrance has re - lone, Seaforth; H. Fuller, Gode-'turned home from Clinton, Pub- rich, Agents: J. E. Pepper, Bruce- Inc Hospital after undergoing an field -G. A. Watt, Blyth; R. S. Mc -,appendix (mention. Her friends Kercher, Dublin; J• F. Prueter, I loin ie wishing her a speedy Brodhagen; S. Baker, Brussels. recovery. ' Grace Church WA MEMORIALS Tee WA of Grace Church held T. PRYDE and SON l its January meeting on Thursday Cemetery Memorials ,last at the home of Mrs. Alvin Showrooms open be appointment Bottles. The president, Mrs. Aus- See .1. 3. Zapfe, rhone 103tin Harris, was ill charge of the OPTOMETRY 1 meeting which opened with a A. L. COLE. R.O. hymn Mrs. J. S. Lockhart . of - Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted terod prayer and the Scripture Goderich - Phone 33 ,was read by Mrs, Les Cox. Roll call was answered 4by a New Optometrist RUTH loEARN, R.O. Year's .resolution and the paying us, Huron St:—Phone 69-.-C'iinton ' veryof Dudrieng the business discussion, RADIO SERVICE i>^?'ty in the school on Friday, it wits decided to hold a crokinole PERSAN and MADSEN January 27, Two contests were Fast Efficient ILatlro' Service much enjoyed after which Ten Years Previous Experience th•a' meeting was closed with of+., all Auto and Home Redinr, e hymn. A lovely hunch was Free FNA Inform.atoin , served by the hostess acrd • her PHONE 472-W, CT INTbh ee islants. The next meeting will • SIGNS '`i be held et the home of Mrs.Sims Por , Erery. Purpose Les Cox. Outdoor Advertising - Trucks e Cut-out Designs - Window Cards . BELGRAV1 Eldon Cook, 14- 27 years' experience year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. KIRBY SIGNSLewis Cook, East Wawanosl� Phone 589R Clinton Township, bad a narrow escape when a hay -fork he had thrown VETERINARIAN into the mow fell back, the tines DE. G, S. ELLIOTT' striking him on the head. " He is Veterinarian neceivi.ng treatment in• Wingham Phone 203 Clinton Hospital. BLYTH (Intended' for last ,week) Mrs. George Hamm, Blyth, re- ceivelt. word Friday morning of the death of her mother, Mrs. Mary Ethel Gillespie, at her home in Ayr at 7 am. Jan. 6. Mrs. Gillespie, who was In her 65th year, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage a week before from which she never 'recovered. Sur- viving are four sons and four daughters: Wallace, George, Wil- bert .and Norman, all of Ayr, and Mrs. George (Saidie) Hamm, Mrs. Wesley (Margaret) .'roman, Mrs.. Irvine (Betty) Bowes, all of Blyth, and Mrs. Everett (Flor- eneee) Hussy, Ayr; also one broth- er, Charles Holdaway, Ayr. There are also 12 grandchildren. • 5 1 HORSES $2.50 each COWS $2.50 each HUGSove lbs.r ea.250 50e cwt. according to size and condition PHONE. COLLECT: CLINTON - - 910r16 SEAFORTH - - 655r2 INGERSOLL - - 21 1!Nlltrm Stone Sons, Ltd. ". •,lliG RSQl4., ONTARIO aiweiA/Jat#4800 4.6 ITS FRAGRANCE IS SEALED IN VACUUM • MMI •N4YIN./.I•I•II'NMI`NIN+IJ MA Tired, Nervous; ‘Pepless Men, Women Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality lay Roodhya W these weak; elwaye tired Seellnge; opmselon ane nervovanesa doe to weak, thin ,food. Oot by fooling fresh, be an atl day hove Llebty ne vltatity nt over by ova ng, ratio dare:, fo�oontood ieee virtu/tin Bt, wetting, phosnphorue prbloodboadtbg, body etrongthenlng etimulniton. nvlgoratee eynteml Improve abeetlte, dJRqeativa ppopwer, dee little, law "g8et etsualnteern this goo, Try Oetre: Tool, Tablets for new, nor- mal pop, vim, vigor, tills very day. At all (resent,, I. OF DETROIT FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Tuller, a modern hotel for those who want the best) Con venient to Offices, Theaters , on& Shops. Friendly, courte- ous ourte ous service and. real Hotel ' / Comfort. The Tuller dbffee Shop or Cafeteria for your Omin4 Pleasure at modest prices. It pays to 'stay at J Hotel Tuller. VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST \\ \ 800 ROOMS $175 WITH BATH FROM HOTEL FULLER eletlARLT e, r,yvi' eeie Mgr. tEI TENDERS MARKED SEALED TENDERS for lot 12, Lake Road East, will be received by the underSigned and opened February 15, 1950, for the above property on which is a shed 16'x30' and approximately 18 acres planted to red, white, Scotch and Jack Pine, and 25 acres which is reseeding itself naturally to pine. } The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. William W. Hill, Bruce St., Goderich 3-4-5-b OJY,IMNnnne Mmd-V. ~~•••NMMNe. 1rf V CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP During Winter Months OPEN BY- APPOINTMENT Contact J, J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER e- SEAFORTH e . FEEDS Blatchford Feeds for every need! For Poultry, Hogs and Cattle, use feeds that make profits. It's not the cost of a feed; it's what is left after paying expenses. So try BLATCHFORD'S and be another SATISFIED CUSTOMER. MASTER — BLATCHFORD NATIONAIL FEEDS and CONCENTRATES Grain -- Shell -- Fertilizer and Seeds S. RIDDICK and SONS' PHONE 114. C1d'NTON k� W. G. Simmons & Sons Farm Equipment Ltd; Goderich • • Exeter Take pleasure in announcing their appointment as District Agents for BELL b'IMPERIAL" THRESHING MACHINES You we cordially invited to droit in ! and' in'spdct these oufl's.iandlog machines an'd' discuss your needs for the coming year. also iohn Deere Quality Farm Equipment SALES and SERVICE