Clinton News Record, 1955-12-08, Page 13"T1-IURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Sam Ranme Made President Of lensall Legion i01y pin• liensali correspondent) Officers for 1956 elected by the Ilensall branch of the Canadian Legion on Monday evening, are: past president, Robert Sangster; president, Sam Ronnie; vice-pres- idents, Jack Simmons, George Vaaley; sergeant -at -arms, Richard McCabe; executive, Wesley Ven - new, Fred Beer, Roy'Srnale, Syd- ney MacArthur chaplain, Rev. C. D. Daniel, ' The sum of, $25 was voted to Second Night For Nominations Set A " second 'nomination meeting will -be held in Exeter on Decem- ber 8 to nominate men to fill three council seats. Should an election be necessary it will be held December 19. Election for mayor was held Monday, and R. E. Pooley was returned as mayor'with 401 votes, a majority of 99 over his _opp'on- ent, Andrew Snelgrove. the annual Christmas tree fund. Rev. Mr. Daniel addressed the members' briefly, .A. el ieken din- ner was served by the Legion les' Auxiliary. Don't Forget a The CLINTON LIONS CLUB DRAW Saturday, `tarda December 17 1st PRIZE: Child's Car 2nd PRIZE: Plate Glass Mirror Draw • to be made at Lions Arena TICKETS•,' 10'c each; 3' 'for 25c;'15 for $1.00 PROCEEDS • FOR. CLINTON LIONS ARENA EUND elates tet +ZI mel Oven-R-iady TURKEYS DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME; Order NOW For Christmas. Delivery Phone or Write: ALEX WELLS, Londesboro PHONE BLYTH 25 r 17 ta8tarar ` atstnruelete tietatYia^tht`t8r aee:eteevtaiatsr r arseiL 9r;tailals4. Do-lt-YourseliWorkshop Super Powered' by Famous CUMMIN'S 1/, " Geared Chuck Drill Do All These Jobs and Many Mora- • POLISHING • BUFFING • GRINDING • SAVING • SANDING 56 PIECE Only $54.95 �� Clayt. Dixon PHONE 349W CLINTON ++s+•�•�y-� o+wry-�+sr•► Suffragan Bishop Confirms 17 At Middleton Church (By' Grace, Middleon) The Rt. Rev: William A. Towns- hend; newly consecrated Suffrag- an Bishop of Huron, conducted the ; Order of Confirmation or "Laying -on -of -Hands" for 17 . can- didates at St. James Church, Mid- dleton, on Friday evening, Decem- ber 22. It was to this church that the Bishop's parents brought him for infant : baptism and therefore very fitting that he return thence for his first official act, as Suf- fragan Bishop. • The fallowing candidates were presented, to the Bishop by the rector, The Rev. Warren S. Out- erbridge, B.A.: John Stuart, Jain - es Rouat, Douglas - J. Carswell, Wilfred J. Heard, Joseph W. _Heard, David Corrie, -Alice M. Hall, Edna May Cole, Ethel I. Cole, John T. Cole, Sybil Anne Wise, John William South, Robert. James Smith, William John Smith, Joel R. Larson, Jean Turner, Wil- fred John Turner. The Bishop was assisted also in the service by his old friend The Rev. Ronald M. P. Bulteel, of St. Paul's Church, Clinton. The Rev: A. C. Jennings was to have --acted as Bishop's Chaplain at this service and it was a mat- ter of keen regret to the Bishop that illness prevented' Mr. Jenn- ings'being present. He was rec- tor at St. James in the early 1900's. " • The Bishop' preached a very im- pressive sermon •on the text as found in St. Mark's account, chap- ter two of the man sick of the palsy, • which was borne of four and let down in -his bed through the roof. He chose this text as he remembered the Rev. Jennings preaching on it in this same church nearly 50 years ago." • "I present this story to my first confimation class as a challenge, a challenge to do good and be good," he said. "The four men who bore the palsied one set out to perform a task and did it nob- ly, These men believed that the Master could heal. They also had a spirit of daring and initiative.'. They co-operated in a good com- mon cause and also had the fine quality of persistence." "Wheat the crowds' pressed in on Chrtist, why did they not fall back and let the four men in with the sick one?" Townsend queried. "Either they -were so selfishly ab sorbed in thenrselves•that they did n't grasp the situation or else they were indifferent to the needs of those less fortunate, But they persisted." Bishop Townshend paid great tribute to those who encouraged bis boyhood desire to be a minis- ter of God. First of all his moth- er, who taught hilar to persist, saying, " to despair is treachery." He expressed his happiness in re- turning to his native County of Huron and also paid great tribute to the late Dean Jeakins, who en - BLUE SPRUCE FOR SALE FREE DELIVERY In Clinton and Adastral Park. A. G..Grigg & Son Opposite CNB Station Phones: 74W 782M ;ening Ou' ;:ale COMMENCES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 Our Stock Will Be Soli At Terrific Savings to You Ladies Pumps Children's Shoes Boys° Shoes=, RUBBER FOOTWEAR FORTHE E• WHOLE 'FPIMILY MEN'S SHOES, Etc. COME IN TODAY AND SAVE - Husty'sShoeRepair HURON' STREET4111111111.111.1111111111111111111 CLINTON' couraged him as a 12 year old boy by saying, "If God wants you in bis ministry, no obstacle will, keep you from it."- Later Dead. Jeakins installed his "ploughboy" . as a Canon of St. Paul's, Cathedral, London. . "To return to the four men," went on the speaker, "Christ saw their faith and healed the sick. man. In their dilemma we see that of the world today. We must bzinga morally,, economically and spiritually paralysed world to Christ." "We are sons of God through Me Cross se God mast' be Lord of our time, our thoughts, talents and substance, consciousness of, this would _ clear up the 'world's problems." One of the weaknesses of our educational system is that empha- sis isput on getting rather then on giving," he went on, "Bishop Stringer said; 'success •hi life is only the by-product of doing one's, Christian duty day by day.' To the newly confirined I` say you. have your marching orders: Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. ••The church army is blocked by indif- ference, ignorance and cowardice." After the church service the Bishop, his wife" and son met in- formally with all the congregation in the basement where the ladies served lunch, 00S•41+4 - Bazaar And Tea Successful At ,Ontari.p St. Church A huge gaily decorated and lighted Christmas tree in the centre, of the stage in the new as- sembly hall s-sembly:hali' at Ontario Street Un- ited Church last Saturday after- noon formed the focal point for the annual joint • bazaar and tea of the Woman's Association and Girls Club' of that church. , Receiving •guests at die door were M'rs. A. G. Eagle, Mrs. J. E. Lavis and Mrs. W. Brock Olde; Pouring tea from a table taste- fully set with a green damask table cover, with centre -piece of red and white- carnations flanked bysilver candlesticks with white tapers, were Mrs. Melvin Crich; Mrs. 'Olde; Miss Sybil, Courtice and Mrs. J. B; Lavis. rR . Conveners at the tables and booths, were, decorations, Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, assisted by Mrs. Norman Tyndall and Mrs, George Lavis; tea tables, Mrs. Ruth Knox, Miss Gladys Habkirk, Mrs. Jean McBean, Mrs. Wilfred Parker, Mrs. Orville Stanley, Mrs. Don Switzer, Mss, Cale Doucette, Mrs, Harold. Swan, Mrs. George Lavis, Miss Winnie Gray, Mrs. Carman McPherson, Mrs. Ed. Dale, Kitchen, Mrs. R. Holmes; fancy Work, Miss L. Grant, Mrs. Louis Dutot, Mrs. W. Ross, Mrs, C. Ven- ner; aprons, Mrs. M. Carter, Mrs. News of HensaD Correspondent — MRS. M. REDDEN ' Phoue' llensall 6 Bill Elliott Montreal, was the guest "on'Sunday aJ Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Cook and Beth. Dr. and Mrs. Janes W. Bell left last Monday for Orlando, Florida, where they vacation for the win- ter months. General Coach Works of Hen - sail treated their employees to a turkey banquet in Goderieh on Friday evening, December 2. Vernon Lloyd and Orville Hed- den, St. Catharines, visited over rhe weekend with their mother, Mrs. Catherine Redden, and their brother Herb, Mrs. Margaret Jones, , Exeter, escaped injury an Saturday when a pick-up truck she was driving left the road about a mile east of Hansen and rolled over in a ditch. O.P.P. Constables Elmer Zimmer- man and John Porde, Exeter, in- vestigated. nvestigated, Damage to the truck was estimated at $300, The Christmas meeting of Hen- sel). Women's Institute will be held in the Legion, Hall on De- cember 14. Rev. Donald NlacDon aid, guest speaker, will present the Christmas story. • A film on the Santa Claus parade held in Toronto recently, will be shown. Roll call will be answered with a cash donation to London War Memorial Children's Hospital. Hostesses are Mrs. George Arm- strong and Mrs. W. R. Stephen- son. tephenson. Program and decorating com- mittee are Mrs, N. E.1 Cook and Mrs. J. C. Goddard. • (Intended for last. week) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hedden and Robin, St Catherines, who recently visited with Mrs. Cath- erine Hedden and- Herb, . returned to their home on Sunday. Mrs, K. Lagerwerf and Mrs. C Gelderland, who visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rcobol this summer, deft November 23 to go back to Holland, A number of relatives, and friends were present at the C.N.R. station, London,. to see them off. . - "` Sausage and Beans Tfie Evening Auxilairy of the United Church sponsored a well patronized old fashioned` sausage and bean supper in the church schoolrooms November 23. Two hundred adults and 20 children were served. Total receipts Were $212.05. The group cleared ap- proximately $150 including don- ations, • Maury' Atkinson Funeral service for the. late Harry Atkinson, prominent dry goods merchant in Toronto, vlio- died sudddenly at his home on Thursday, November 24, were. held in Toronto on Saturday, Nov- ember 26. Surviving his loss is his widow (the farmer Ethel Troyer, Hensall), an33"one daugh- ter Edna, at home. The late Mr. At•kinson;was in hisearly fifties, HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson have re- ceived word, here that F/O Keith McPherson, Vancouver, B.C., for- merly of RCAF Station Clinton,. (who lied in Holmesville) was one of the passengers of an air- craft that crashed in the, sea on November 24. • J. S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE - DISTRIBUTOR For Service Coll 377W After 6 p.m. — 3377) 4 Cannel Ladies Carmel Church Ladies Aid met in the basement of the church on December 5, with Mrs. John Sold- an's group in charge. A pageant, "Good Tidings of Great Joy to all People" was presented by Mrs. Earl Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Troy- er, Mrs. Robert Madge, Mrs. Per- cy Campbell, Mfrs: Lloyd Mous- seau, Mrs. Harold Bell. • Mrs. John Love gave an article written by Padre Young of Guel- ph. The group repeated the - Lord's Prayer. Mrs. L. Baynham chaired the business meeting. A financial statment by treasurer Mrs. W. R. Bell showed that sum of $809.90 had been raised by the group, for the year. Proceeds from the bazaar- amounted to $338. Bills brought before the meeting were', ordered `paid. A donation of $28 was allotted to the choir. • Mrs. Clarence Reid was elected to take Group "one to fill the vac- ancy made by the resignation of Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, Mrs. Clar- ence Reid assistant secretary was nominated to look after the cards for the 'sick, etc. The meetings during the winter months will be held on Monday afternoon. Mrs, L. Baynham, returing president, thanked the group for their sup- port during the past year. There were 26 present. Huron -County Crop Report (By (1•. W. Montgomery, agricul- tural' representative for Huron County) "Two heavy snowfalls were re- ceived in the County this week which brought a halt to all out- side activities The Fourth An nual Huron County Fall: Hereford Sale saw "ten bulls bring an av- erage of $339 each and twelve bred females $250, with 35 head in the sale selling for an average of 5253. 'In spite of poor travelling con- ditions ahnnst 1,100 people atten- ded the Eighth' Annual Huron, County 4-H Achievement Night program, at the Winghatn District 11lJgh School at which time $2,649 n prize money was awarded to the 4-H members who completed their program in the 30 4-H Ag- ricultural Clubs in the County. in 1955. . tIIIIIIiIpIIIIIfIIIIIl011111111111111111111111 ti(iIIIIIIIIIIIIiII(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIVillllllllllllllllll Powerful Appeal. Cities Service Premium Gasoline Try a Tankful Today ..._ 0 TRADE-IN TIRE SALE * High Allowances * Low Prices DRIVE IN TO -DAY RAY'S - Cities Service Cities .Service ,Products Raymond Hoggarth, Prop. , "The Plaeo Where You Never Have To Blow Your Horn" Clinton Ontario Iillllli(i!IIIIIVIIfNIINiIIIfliplflli�IIiIIIIiIiIIiIIIIIIIiIfiIIJIIIIVIIiGIIIiIiIIiIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIgIIIilfiifl PAGE THIRTEEN W. 5., R. Hohres, Mics Emma Plumsteel, IVfis5 Elva Wiltse; pro- duce, Mrs A. Habkirk, Mrs. Rob- erta Plumsteel.. „Mrs. C. Elliott, Mrs. Ira Merrill; baking, Mrs. J. Welsh, Mrs. R. Plumsteel, Mrs; Fred Slavin, Mrs. Tom O'Connell, Mrs. Lorne Brown; children's table, Mrs. Stewart Schoenhals, Mts, .C., W. Pratt, Miss Hattie Cour�tice; candy, . Mrs, Norman Tyond'ali Mrs.: Kenneth Pickett; Mrs. John Lavis; white . elephant boetli, Mrs, Fergus McKay, Mrs. Ray Fear, Mrs D. Carter, Mrs. Wes Shobbrook. Clere-Vu ....« Auto Wreckers "We Buy Wrecks" 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE' `• AUTO LITE BATTERY Sales and Service - DUNLOP TIit•LS -- Regent Petroleum Products Phone CLINTON, :601)2 R.R. 2, Clinton GLEN E. PRICE, Proprietor 48-9-50=1-p TURKEY BINGO -AT — LEGION • HALL, KIRK STREET Thursdct . December 15 8.30 p.m. . 15 GAMES for TURKEYS 3 .Share -the -Wealth Games with Jackpot of $60.00 on 60 Numbers 1 SPECIAL; for $25.00 - — ALSO — DOOR PRIZE OF ONE TURKEY ADMISSION 50e; Extra Cards 25c or; 5 for $L00 Special Cards: 15c 2 for 25e; 5 for 50e Sponioredby LINTON BBANOH No. 140, CANADIAN LEGION Hard of Hearing Free Clinic December 9 from 2pm.to6pan. - at Hotel Clinton SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS See the SMALLEST hearing aid ever made by Acousticon since 1902. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR DECEMBER Huron and Laxnbton Counties Head Office . • ACOUSTICON 152 Victoria St., Sarnia Phone Di 4-8708 3c d 1, Make our Store ' your Store for your Christmas Gift Selection WE HAVE A COMPLETE, NEW GIFT ASSORTMENT. Here are some of the items we hove for "ybu: TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS AND STANDS - POP-UP TOASTERS * SANDWICH TOASTERS MIX MASTERS * ELECTRIC IRONS * STEAM IRONS 9. ELECTRIC FRYING PANS * ELECTRIC KETTLES ELECTRIC STOVES * REFRIGERATORS WASHING- MACHINES * .DRIERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS * CUTLERY • KIDDY CARS * SLEIGHS *. HOCKEY STICKS OUR STORE IS YOUR FRIENDLY STORE k e4au arcus assd `.bich /aca4 • See EXTRA our ELECTRIC TRAIN in our .store window. will be given away FREE on Christmas Eve. A purchase of $1.00 or over entities ' you to a ticket. We have purchased an Electric Scissor and Knife Sharpener—. (guaranteed results) 10c per unit // ' awkins & Jacob HARDWARE and PLUMBING .. Phone 244 .R 4:iorut` 7ia`1 i Q%Y1`b i'd}'�t°rN$t Clinton