Clinton News Record, 1955-12-08, Page 9Talk By 4‘ Radio To The Ashton family had an un- scheduled chat with aft`a. T. Ccanerford (nee Shirley •As)ton) right to Los Angeles, Californ- ia last Sunday, through the co- operation of a pair of ham radio Fred Bissett in Getlerichsliad. • learned of a "ham" fan in • the southern city, • and also that Mra. Cortierford who lied near the Los Angelea set had rela- tives in Clinton. BY means of a few telphone ealls, a time wa• s arranged when Mrs. Comerford could talk via radio to Goderich, and froni there, by telephone to her parents home here in Clin- ton. lyfrs. Ashton, Marilyn and Keith all took part in the Con- versation, and the cost amount- ed only to the charge for the overtime telephone call to Goder- • THE NEVV ERA -91st YEAR No. .• 49—TheHonie 'F'ciper With the-NeWs ••,'.CLNTONONTARlO, THURSDAY, 11;iECts4;BER 8, 1955. ; Second•-Sectian Party Tuesclay • s Plan A S pecial Awards Presented. RebekahC011116110rS At the „regular ,meeting „of the Huronic Rebekah Lodge No, 306, plans were made for the annual joint Christmas party for the Re- bekah% and Oddfel•lows, to be held Tuesday, December 13 a 8 p.m. There will be a Christmaatree and members are asked to bring Christmas 'treats that could be Used in making up Christmas parr eels, lVfern.bers were ,also remind- ed of a baking sale to be held December 17 in the Council Chain - Herbert JenkinsWins$49 From Saturday's Treasure 'Chest Draw Richer by $49.08 because he at --4 A fiwther announcement regar- ding those who may piek.up win- nings waa made. In the case of a widow, or widower, the oldest child in the family may accept winnings for its parents, tended the Appreciation . Day Draw in Clinton last Saturday af- tereoon, Herbert Jenkins, Clinton, accepted a cheque for that amount from chairman of the steering committee of the project, R. B. Campbell. Winnings were the re- sult of a ten percent coupon drawn from the Treasure Chest. The withdrawal of this amount from the fund, phis the regular increase of $75 from the particip- place in London on November 25, ating merchants, will make a tor- when Rev. Joseph V. Clarke united al of $516.73 in the Ohest for this in marriage, Ruth Margaret Arth- coming Saturday. 'Someone may ur, Reg. N., youngest, daughter of win as much as $258.37 if a 50 Mrs. John Arthur, Auburn and the percent coupon is drawn from the late Mr. Arthur, and Robert Har- Chest—and the smallest winnings old Davies, son of Mrs. H. J, possible, will be five percent, or Davies, St. Thames, and the late $25.83. Dr. Davies. • , Rin-cee Bob Campbell was last The bride looked lovely in gold • week assisted by Charles Proctor, satin with bronze accessories with of Charles House of Beauty (one corsage of yellow roses and bronze of the participating businesSes), chrysanthemums. and both Doug Ball and Mac Cam- The bridesmaid Mrs. Lloyd eron were on hand in charge of Raithby, London Chose a frock of the truck provided by Ball and navy silk with grey accessories Mutch frozn which the draw is and corsage of red roses and white made. Before the time of the clirysanthemtnns. draw, a sound car went through For a wedding trip to Detroit, the streets of town announcing Cleveland and Buffalo, the bride the time of the draw and remind- travelled in a brown gabardine Mg shoppers to be present. In suit with brown accessories and charge of this were Kenneth Me• Muskrat jacket. On their return Rae and Orval Engelstad. they will reside in St. Thomas. Davis-=-Artnur (By .our Auburn correspondent) A quiet but pretty wedding took CASH SPECIALS -- for Dec. 8-9-10 MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT 2 ib. tin 42c REDPATII ICING SUGAR 2 lbs. for 23c STOKELY'S (FANCY) TOMATO JUICE -20 oz. tin 2 for 27c AUSTRALIAN SEEDED RAISINS 2 lbs. for 39c WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE (Family Pack) 49c EATMORE CRANBERRIES -1 lb. bag 25c SUN MITE • MARGARINE , • 2 lbs. for 55c W. L. JOHNSON & SON FREE DELIVERY PHONE 286 Nereeeteeteleillielelelele -tateie titeimeaveleieleteleeetaimeteletateer 1 0 • FRESH CUT SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE - BALSAM • 13ALL-IVIACALILAII; • LIMITED • Lumber, Lime, Cerraent, Sash a CLINTON • SEAFORTH • 97 PHONES 787,' • Anr.,,grorzazarareanPonaasanizawasimeamOmIgatautiNviDamixwozat‘0104441 • Friday To 4 ' S Kiel awards made included the T. Px'ycle, Trophy -toMurray Gaunt, RR 1,, Lucknow, for the highest number of points th 4-H Club work., The Winner had tot- alled 947 out of the possible 14100 points. Murray Gaunt; who was the Queen's Guineawinner at the Royal Winter Fair, also won the J. A Anetett Award, for the high- est number of 'points in 4-1i Beef Calf Club Work; the Senator Golding Junior Showinaeship Tro. phy, for. the Grand" Champion Showman 1/1 the county.„ • This year the Els-ton Cardiff Citizenship Trophy for the Flub member showing himself to be outstanding in 4 -II work, as well tiS an community life, was won by Larry Wheatley, RR 1, Dublin. The Warden's novice trophy, pres- ented by Earl Campbell, for the 4-11 club new raember obtaining highest standing was received by 12 -year-old Donald Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknovv. • The Harvey C. Johnston Tro• phy, to the 4-11 Club member un- der 16 years of age, obtaining the highest number of .points, was won by Patsy Marshall, RR 1, Kirkton, who also took home the A. Y. MoLean Trophy. for. the grand champion showman, hi 4-11 Dairy Calf Clubs in the county. Marilyn Marshall, RR 1, Kirk - ton, won the Bank of Commerce A:Ward for the highest standing in 4 -II Dairy Calf Club work in the county. Keith Coates, RR 1, Centralia .won :the Huron Here- ford Association Past Presidents' Trophy for champion showman- ship in 4-11 Beef Calf Club work and. Tom Whyte, RR 2, Seaforth, H Youn lers .. . g I won the Savauge Tr for hav- ing the Champion wie Club gilt 01 Huron and Perth counties. • Robert Broadfoot,"RR 1, Bruce- iteld, won the Hareld Jackson • Trophy for showing ALe chainpioq sample of oats at the Seaforth. Fall Fair, and Done the G. W. Kirkland was presented wi tirontgoreery Cash jAward f o r Grand Champion Swine Showman in the county, alsd competed for at the Seaforth FallFair, Hunter Charged After Shootiligs A charge of criminal negligence causing bodily harm has lieen laid against Norman Tyndall in con- nection with the wounding of two other hunters on November 23, Crown •" Attorney Glenn Hays, Goderich, reports. Nephew Wounded Mr. Tyndall will appear here December 20 before Magistrate Dudley Holmes, Goderich, to face Ihe Charge resulting from wound- ing of Keith Tyndall, RP.• 4, Clin- ton, and Clark Ball, RR 1, Clin- ton. Keith Tyndall is a nephew of the charged man, and a cousin of Ball. Appearing .in answer to a sum- mons before Justice 'of the Peace Mrs. Mabel Gray, Goderich, Tyn- dall was remanded until Decem- ber 20. 0 PUC MEETS 'WITH ENGINEERS TO DISCUSS NEW SERVICE At a meeting here on Monday afternoon, Public Utilities Com- missioners and representatives of McLaren Associates, Tor onto (Consulting engineers), prelimin- ary discussion was,held over re- quirements and possibilities. of in- stalling an eight inch water main from Clinton. pumping station to RCAF Station Clinton. Another meeting is being planned for early in the new year, when more data on the situation will be available. 0 Melvin 1. Crich was in Toronto on Tuesday and Wednesday at- tending a meeting of the Ontar- io Barbers' Association executive. • Honoured after fie years cluarsobt voluntary service a 4 - Leader, the following were pres- ented with cel by R, G. Bennett: Ronald McMichael, Jam- es• W. Smith,' Thainas Penhale, Maurice K. Hall:Men, Simon' P. Hallahatt, John. W. Deeves, Char. les Coultes, James Coultes. Other awards inchided gifts and cash, awards from t, the various breed associations ad agricultur- al groups' interested' in particular clubs and types of lubs. Mrs. F. Andrews Once More Heads Wesley -Willis' WI a • Mrs, Frank Andrews,- president of the Woman's ,Asseciation • of Weeley-Willis United' Church, was in charge of the 'meeting last Wednesday, 'When the devotional based on the theme, "The Hope of the World," was presented by Mrs. P. Fingland reading from Scripture; Mrs, A. Shaddock giv- ing the lesson thoughts and' pray- er offered by Mrs. E. Miller. Mrs. N. Shepherd was at the piano. Two numbers sung by the trio, Mrs. Reg. Shipley, Mrs. J. Innis and Mrs. W. Jervis, were "Star of the East" and "No Room for the Saviour." Mrs. James McGill is the con - yeller of the committee in charge of 'Christmas boxes far shut -Ms. Mrs. W. Jervis and her group ser- ved a Christmas lunch following the. meeting. Mrs, II, C. Wilson received tie report of -the striking committee which named the following offic- ers for 1956: honorary president, Mrs. H. C. Wilson; past president, Mrs, George Beattie; president, Mrs, F. Andrews; first vice-pres- ident, Mrs. E. Hugill; second vice- president, Mrs, Matieren; record- ing seeretary, itlrs. ivrsteei)e, and assistant, Miss W. O'Neil; press, secretary, Mrs. G. Maiming and assistant, Mrs. J. IVIcGill; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. W. Holl- and and assistant, Mrs. McLaren; treasurer, Mrs. A. Shaddick and assistant, Mrs, G. Beattie. Committees, flower,' Mrs. C. Nelson, Mrs. Potter; property, Mrs, 14: W. Trewartha, Mrs. II. Adams, Mrs. William Pinning; social, Mrs. E. Hugill, Mrs. D. Andrews, assisted by Mrs. R, Shipley; sewing, Mrs. Laidlaw, as- s isted by Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Lockhart; names, Mrs. F. ring - land, Mrs. G. Beattie, Mrs. Hearn, Mrs. F. Andrews; program, Miss 1. Walkinshaw; fellowship, Mrs. M. Addison (to choose her owe assistants); citizenship, Mrs. F. Fingland; pianists, Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs. Charlesworth; group leaders, Mrs, C Cooper, Mrs. W. Jervis, Mrs. L. Ball and Vire 3. Nediger, Don't Be Late... IT DOESN'T PAY TO BE LATE FOR WORK, and that could happen to you if you -rely on your present battery. With the cold morning starts coming on it may let you down. WE SELL TOP QUALITY BATTERIES, WITIVALL THE PLUS FEATURES INCLUDING: • High Capacity Super Active Plates * Genuine Hard Rubber Cases * Tri -water * K Metal Grids - All that plus guarantees up to four years. PRICED • to AR FROM ARCTIC WIPER BLADES -- J -.Flexible- Ice Repellent Hood De -Ices Itself as it Wines Recommended for winter use only Goodyear Suburbanite Tires both new and recap ELLS AUTO , ELECTRIC "The Originel Tune -Up Shop" ' PHONE 762-) - CI.INTON • • gromemetarowskYrogi,rwalsam• treads The Poll • Conn. GEORGE BEATTIE Second Year Man Coun. ROBERT N. IRWIN '40.VC00:04g, ale THE NEWS -RECORD -75th YEAR , 7' cents a copy — $3,00 a year W.A. Townshend • Consecration At. • St Paul's London (continued from page one) Western hearts by the progress- ive decay or religioei belief, "But there is evidence," stated Bishop Wilkinson, "of a spiritual renals- • same, a great awakening, due to spiritual hunger in the world to- day." Bishop Wilkinson concluded, "If we turn to God in repentance and pray foe and, expect another Pentecost of the Divine Spirit, the day of scientific inventions should give place to en age • of spiritual, intellectual and cultural creativity. At the conclusion ,of the ser- vice, Bishop Luxton presented his new assistant with his staff of office; the president of Huron College Alumrd, the Rev. J. Houghton, placed an episcopal ring, (a gift of the ithurod) ors Bishop Townshend's fourth finger of his right hand, the Rev. Ongley of the church of the Redeemer in London (where Bishop Townshend ministered for several years) in- vested him with the pectoral cross, a gift of his former congre- gation; on behalf of the clergy and lay delegates to the Synod, the Rev. Nelles presented him with a chequer the Rev. T. Park- er of the Anglican Book Centre, Toronto, presented Bishop Town - !tend with a Bible. As the service concluded a sud- den authorative blare of many trumpets summoned the huge crowd to its feet as the Doxology was su:ng while Archbishop Wright, taking the new bishop by the hand,displaying the episcopal ring aloft, led him out of the cathedral in the long' processional; a second fanfare of trumpets sounded as these men left the cathedral's west door, signifying the end of the impressive service, Bishop Townshend's first offic- ial duty was to return to the country church of St. Tames Church, Middleton, where he was baptized and there conducted his first confirmation service two days later. (Story on page 13), Elected To PIJC Veteran PUC Mesnber Commit. WILLIAM R PERDUE, New To PUC Comm. HAL E. ELeRTLEY STANLEY TOWNSHIP George A. Baird returned home from Regina, Sask., on Saturday. Mrs. Stewart Baird visited Mr and Mrs, Grant Love at Caro, Mich., over the weekend. SHOPPERS!• Newcomer Conn. JOHN A. SUTTER, For Your Christmastime Shopping convenience -- Most Stores in Clinton will remain OPEN ALL DAY Wednesday • during the month orDecember RETAIL MERCHANTS Committee of the Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce Returns To Seat Conn, NORMAN LIVERMORE Several Accidents Result From Last Weekend Driving Cars reported driven by George W. Feagan, RR 4, Goderich, and Elmer Potter, RR. 2, Clinton, col- lided at a driveway on concession 9, Goderich Township; last Qek- end, doing a total of $225 damage. A car reported driven by Victor Errington, RR 2, Auburn, was in collision with a bakery truck, said driven by Jack Vadies, 'Walker- ton, ,on a hill on concession 6, West Wawanosh Township, east of St. Augustine, doing about $250 damage to the car. 4-4,-4-•••••••+44-4-41, 1956 Right Up Front Tuning MOTOROLA 'TV SERVICED FREE for 3 Months Year Picture Tube Warranty GALBRAITH Radio and Television TV SERVICE SPECIALISTS Call 482 • - • - ••- Clinton .0-4.4-4H-1,-04-414-14+4 • Santa's Coming To Clinton On • Saturday Afternoon, December 17 • WITH TREATS AND CANDY • FREE MOVIES • FOR ALL CHILDREN OF AT ROXY THEATRE ON TWO • CLINTON AND DISTRICT , SATURDAYS—DEC. 10 and DEC. 17 • SPONSORS: Clinton Linn a Clluti7Kinsinen Olub of Clinton, Huron. Fish and Game Club, Clinton Branch, No, 140, Canadian Legion ikeeeeteteetemeiereugietViletaraltMtagientiltaliatataateekeratateirOaseSileateaMletaraiHealetteareireleatreategdorWertortiO)