Clinton News Record, 1955-08-11, Page 571TIURSDAY, AUGUST 11 955 ews-Recor+ CLINTON, NEWS RE00RD' CASH RATE •(If 'aid P by • CLASS IFL,ED RATES l BABY CHICKS ' W ednesday following. date .of in- W :A N T E D . TO PURCHASE -- pellets, all ages and breeds. High- est prices paid, State breed and number for sale. Box 251, . Clin- ton News -Record. 25 to 32b ertion) Two cents a word first •assertion (minimum 50 cents); .sul'isequent insertions 11/2' cents a 'vwcerd (minimum, 35 cents); 15 wants extra for box number or for 'direction to NEWS -RECORD . -Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT -UNFURNISHED' DUPLEX, vac- ant September 15; private bath. „,;Phone Clinton 94W. 32b SEI:F-CONTAINED Apartment, available around September 1. Ap- plyWR2 y Tyndall, phone Clinton FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, hall and bath; oil heated; unfurnished. • On Albert Street, Clinton, phone , Clinton 765W. 32p TWO APARTMENTS, both self- ematained. One recently complet- ely redecorated. Contact O. Swit- zer, phone. Clinton 397. 27tfb "'THREE ROOM APARTMENT, ,unfurnished, private bath, central- ly located. Heated, Phone Clirr- -ton 64311 after six o'clock. d2 -p FURNISHED, STEAM -HEATED, –well -located apartment, for elder- ly couple, or ideal for one person. 1'. R. Cuninghame. Phone Clinton -176. 32-tfb LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for rent. ' Two miles south of Bayfield. Three bedrooms. August 20 to Septem- 'ber 3. $30 per week. Phone Clin- ton 626r22. 32b HATCHING EGGS WANTED by one of Canada's largest and old- est established hatcheries. Eggs taken every week in the year, Big premium paid: For full de- tails write BOAC 280, Clinton News= Record. 28.35-b FARMS FOR SALE :, NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. -G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Lowy down payments. 33-tfb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone Goderich 1108. • 25-tfb FRUIT FOR -SALE PEARS, "CLAPP'S FAVOURITE", Bring your own containers, early next week. Lucy Levy, James St. 32b Furniture .Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone • Clinton 7613. 18b-tfb LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderfeh, Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb Accommodation Wanted UNFURNISHED HOUSE, adults. 'Reply by letter to Box 310, Clin- ton' News -Record. 31-2-p "TWO ROOM, APARTMENT for mother and two children, needed -immediately, Phone Clinton 117R, 32-b HOUSE IN CLINTON, unfurnish- ed, wanted by adults. Civilian residents, Box 321, Clinton News - Record. 32-b TWO OR THREE ROOM apart- ment, in Clinton or district, by September 1. Preferably furnish- ed. Apply Box 320, Clinton News - ".Record. 32-b ARTICLES FOR SALE STRAW STACK -FOR. SALE. Best offer. Phone Clinton 613r14. 32-b "520 FEET, 1% INCH, USED, black, water pipe. Phone Clinton '85w3. 32-b `RANGETTE--TABLE TOP; rea- ^ sonable. e Mrs. Thompson, Batkin Apartments, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. 32b 'ONE QUARTER HORSE POWER nwtor, 60 .cycle,. good condition. Phone Clinton 196 or contact W. M. Nediger. 32b, RCA VICTOR "DEEP IMAGE" `Television, new low prices on all models. T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, Ont. Phone Clinton 634r4. 19-ttb USED THRESHING DRIVE belt, 1" wide, with steel lacing. 120 ft. long. Price $65, W. H. Middleton, " Phone Clinton 645W4. 3e -b 'LARGE SIZE TECO OIL SPACE ''heater, in good condition; . used > one season. Also lady's station wagon coat, size 14. Contact Sgt. `R, V, Smith, phone Clinton 222M. 32p TV FIT FOR A "RING" - We Rent —Move — Install. Complete service' on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb ' TELEVISION SALE ends Satur- day. Three only, 17 -inch RCA -Victor table models, reg. $199.50, on sale at $159.50. T. A. Dutton, 'RCA Victor Dealer, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. 32b BICYCLES—TOP QUALITY AT reasonable prices, $39.95 up. Tires, tubes, batteries, tools, etc. West- -am Tire and Auto Supply Limited, (associate store), Clayton Dixon, -'proprietor, phone Clinton 349. 31-2b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1952 METEOR SEDAN, in good condition. Would trade on ?/2 . ton truck., Phone Blyth 167. 32p 1948 PONTIAC, in A-1condition; new tires, motor like new. See this one. Has many extras. Pric- ed to sell. Contact Doug. Garrett •or phone Clinton 143W. 32p 1951 STUDEBAKER SEDAN — privately owned; overdrive, excel- lent condition. Will accept older car as part payment. Can finance. balance. Phone Goderich 418W. , 32p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, '%.High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb LADIES; Do you like meeting people? Would you like to make money equal to a man's weekly. pay in your spare time? Alter noon or evening from your own home to pre -arranged appoint- ments. Car an asset. For inter- -Aim reply to L. Gibson, Box 71, iichvale, Ontario. 32b'. BOARD AND ROOM • ROOM FOR FOUR MEN. Break-. fast and lunch if desired, Phone. !Clinton 7648 after 12 -noon, 32b HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Atwood 153 collect. 32to46b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 11 CHUNKS, NINE WEEKS old. Allan Neal, phone Clinton 802r.22. 32p 8 PIGS, NINE WEEKS OLD. Five pigs, seven weeks old. Apply to. Wes, Hoggart, phone Clinton 8021133. 32-b THREE PUREBRED "Canadian" Yorkshire boars, almost ready for service. Contact James Lobb, Clinton, phone Clinton 75831. 31-2-p SEVERAL PUREBRED Yorkshire boars, serviceable age of show -ring quality, Apply R. E. McMillan, RR 2, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 844r4, 32-b REGISTERED Shorthorn Bull- Royal Edwin Supreme, red, born March 12, 1954. Sire: Sunninghill Edwin 56th; dam, Cluny Secret Rosebud, Apply Frank Falconer, RR: 5, Clinton. 32-3-b LOST and FOUND LOST—Since August 3—Two sows strayed from barn • of Harry Oakes, Goderich, phone Clinton 518W3. 32b LOST — Pole Angus x Hereford, black with white head, about 600 lbs, • Howard McCullough, RR 1, Goderich, phone Clinton 40334. 32b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prdsecuted. By order of the owner A. E. Parry.. 27-37-p MISCELLANEOUS - JUNK FOR SALE.. Lots of junk about farm and house. Call after 10 a,m. ' Phone Clinton 273W4. 32b VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and- Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W, N. Counter, 32-p WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of : cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m, on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on ,Sundays. 6-tfb PERSONAL HAIR STYLING, COLD WAVES,• full line of cosmetics, lotions, etc. Next to Simpson -Sears Order Of: - flee. Charles House of Beauty, phone Clinton 529. 22tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE SMALL 'WARTIME HOUSE --- completely furnished, including Coleman heater, $65; bedroom suite, $75;_ chrome kitchen set, blue and grey, $50; Kelvinator frig, etc D. Surbey, 145 James St., Phone Clinton 539M, 32b NEW FOUR BEDROOM HOME, all conveniences. Amazingly low down payment. Balance on mcn- thly basis as rent. Anyone can apply but special offer open to veterans. Monthly payments can be further applied as down pay- ment for veteran's loan in . two years. Let's talk it over. Call 363 for appointment or see A. J. Deseck, Base Line Road, 32b POULTRY FOR SALE. 50 RED X ROCK PULLETS, five months old. Started to lay. Phone Blyth 28r13. Don Kennedy, Lon- desboro.r 32b 900 SUSSEX x RED PULLETS 61/2 months 016, ]ayhig50 percent; 500 New Hampshire x Sussex pullets, 4'i'2 months old. William Bakker, RR 1, Auburn, phone Blyth 21,23 32-3- SALESMAN 2 3 SALESMAN WANTED , MAN WANTED for RAWLEIGH business. '' Sell to 1,500 ' families, Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. H -169-8A, Montreal, P.Q. 32b STOVES FOR SALE RCA RANGES — You can buy a new 30 -inch RCA Electric Range With big oven and speed elements for $199,50. See T. A, " Dutton, RCA Dealer, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. • 32b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN WILLIAM SHAW, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Physician, deceased, > All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the, same with the undersigned Solicitorfor the said Estate, on or before the 1st day of September, A.D. 1955, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 8th day of August, A.D._1955, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ont., ' Solicitor for the said Estate. 32-3-4-b IN MEMORIAM DOWSON—In loving memory of a dear son and brother, who passed away two years ago on August 12, 1953; In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. Two sad and lonely years have passed, Since our great sorrow fell, The shock that we received that day • We still remember well, God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to face•the blow But what it meant to lose you John, No one will ever know.". —Fondly remembered by Mother and Dad, Bill, Marion and Earl. Gasoline s ■ ■ THAT IS BEST FOR YOUR CAR Cities Service Premium and Regular TRY A TANKFUL TO -DAY. Our Station is spotless. We invite all ladies who , drive cars to come in and let us service your car. There is no chance of soiling your clothes in -our clean station, Come in to -day, RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products • Raymond Hoggarth, Prop - "Tire Place Where You Never Have To Blow 'dour Horn" Clinton : Ontario BIRTHS PAGE FIVF3 jdjackSch,oOI(jsk!T COLEMAN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, August 4, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, William Coleman, Kippen, a son. FABER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, August 6 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius Faber, RR 3, Exeter, a daugh- ter, FERRIER- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, August 6, 1955, to CpI. and Mrs. Lewis Ferrier; Clinton, .a son. HAY -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, August 6, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hay, Zur- ich, a daughter. RUNNING — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, :Aug- ust 10, 1955, to Mr. and -Mrs, Joe Hunking, RR 1, Auburn, a daughter,'' MICKLE In South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on August 3, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, William Miclde. (nee Taylor), a daughter (Pain- • ela Ann): TAYLOR—In Clinton Public Hos- pital„on Sunday, August 7, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. James W. Taylor, Clinton, a son, MARRIAGES DYI( VALKENBURG—I n t h e Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, on Friday evening, July 29, 1955, by Rev. J. G. Hoytema, Trudy Valkenburg, daughter of Mrs, Valkenburg, Clinton and the late P. Valkenburg, Holland, >to Leo Dyk, London, son of M-1'. and Mrs. J. Dyk, Holland. GABRIEL—HOWARD — In St, George's Church, Sarnia, on Sat- urday, July 30, 1955, Kathryn Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howard, (niece of Dick McCabe, Kippen), to Robert John Gabriel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gabriel. GLIDDON—MITCHELL-In Ham- ilton, on Saturday morning, ' July 29, 1955, Georgina .Mitchell, and Carman Elgin Glidden, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Glidden and brother of Coun- cillor Bert Glidden, Clinton. ROGERSON STEVENS — In Duff's United Church, Walton, on Saturday, August 6, 1955, by Rev, A. Glen Eagle, Clinton, Margaret Jean Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens, Walton, to Kenneth Lorne Rog- erson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Rogerson, Tuckersmith. ROSS—TRANT—In the_Church of Transfiguration (Anglican), Tor- onto on Saturday, August 6, 1955, by Rev. Gordon Baker, Sarah Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John F..Trant, Font Hill, (formerly of Toronto), to Donald Hugh Ross, son of Mrs. Ross, Auburn and the late Fred- erick Ross. ROY—LANE—In St. James' Ro- man Catholic Church, Seaforth, by Rev. Fr, E. P, Weber, Marg- aret Frances, daughter of Mrs, Charles Lane, Brucefield, end the late Mr. Lane, to Neil Alex- ander Roy, New Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roy, Vict- oria Harbour, SMITH—PETzI p,,_ t the home of the bride's parents, Hensall, on Friday, August 5, 1955,.by Rev. W. J. Rogers, Lyndhurst (formerly of Hensen), Marlene Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke, Hensall, to Ed- ward Wayne Smith, Barrie, sop -- of Mr. and Mrs.. Everett Smith, Egmondville. EXECUTRIX' SALE Of Household Effects Of the Estate of the late Mrs, L M. Nay from Ontario Street, Clinton, on Saturday, August 20 at z p.m. Studio couch; dining room suite of buffet, china cabinet, table and six dining room chairs; end table; foot stool; two small tables; man- tel radio; desk; three rugs; linol- eum; two footstools; hall mirror; bedside stand; clothes hamper; electric washing machine; Quebec stove and pipes; Astral refrig- erator; utility table; kitchen buf- fet; 50 feet garden hose; wash tub; electric dutch oven; electric grill. - Two 3 -piece bedroom suites; two innerspring mattresses; 2 trunks; vacuum cleaner; kitchen chairs; cooking utensils; eight -piece set matched dishes, other dishes;. cooking utensils, etc. Terms --Cash Mrs. Margaret E. McCartney, Executrix of the Estate. E. Beecher Menzies, Solicitor for the Estate, Edward. W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 32-3-b peoweeeeeeener J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches , BLUE . RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS - • Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26 -tib” ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING $iOOoo A Week or more in your own Honore. Town, as a if so, contact by ietter or phone appointment. MR. A. McDERMID, General Sales Manager, salesman? for Royalty Food . 81 Freezer Plan Gurnmer Building -- GUELPH, Ontario This is an Opportunity of a Life Time 30-1-2-b AMINIMMINV ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW--THURS,,. FRI. & SAT. Three Ring Circus All the attraction of life and love under the big top, plusa first rate comedy team, make this a picture you won't want to. miss. Joanne Drlt - Zsa ZS (labor Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis MON., TUES. & WED.-, " Road To Pah A search for lost treasure--canni- bals—wild beasts—beautiful wo- men. It could only happen to Bob and Bing. BOB HOPE BING CROSBY DOROTHY LAMO1R Coming, , "RACINg; BLOOD" Bill tivilliams — Jean Porter Jimmy Boyd IN MEMORIAM + t : HAT TELEPHONE NOW--THURS., FRI. & SAT. In Cinemascope-Technicolor "King of the Khyber Rifles", British -Indian army captain copes with 'a holy war and •a romance with his conunander's'daughter. Tyrone Power - Terry Moore and, Michael Rennie MON., TUES. & WED "Reaching from Heaven" A down-to-earth motion picture that knocks human selfishness into a cocked hat. A story based on Faith and Prayer.:• with John Qualen' and Cheryl Walker Coming: "THE DAM BUSTERS" with Michael Redgrave and Richard Todd SCOTCHMER--In loving memory of dear mother Alma G., who pas- sed away six years ago; August 10, 1949. "What Would we give to clasp her hands, Her happy face to see; To hear her voice and see her . smile, That meant so much to us. —Ever remembered by family. 32-b CARDS OF THANKS - I wish to thank my many friends for their kindness to me in my recent bereavement. MRS. DALRYMPLE. 32-b The relatives of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Zapfe wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the kindness shown her during her illness and their recent. sad bereavement, also for the floral tributes and cards of sympathy. 32p We wish to thank all those who were so kind during our recent sac[ bereavement. Special thanks to the neighbours, Dr. Thompson MRS,, GEORGEL CARTER CAR 32-b I wish to thhnk all those who sent flowers, cards and other gifts, and those who visited me while I was in the hospital last week. Also wish to thank Miss Sinclair and all the nurses, Dr. Newlands and Dr. Oakes •for their kind at- tention—MRS, MEL CRICH, 32-b I wish to thank the friends and patients of the late Dr. 11. A. Mc- Intyre, whom I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with, for their kindness and co- operation, and also their prompt- ness in regard to closing the busi- ness. — MISS DORIS TYNDALL, Dental Nurse. 32p During my recent illness I re- ceived gifts, flowers, and good wishes from L.O.L. 863, the W.A. of Londesboro United Church, the Women's Institute, and many friends..and neighbours. I hope that this notice will convey my thanks to all of you, ROBERT M. TOWNSEND. 32-b 1 HE TCAPITAL. TEL,EPP'HON( Goderich RE -OPENING MONDAY, AUGUST 15th Mon:, Tues. & Wed. --- Johnny Weissmuller with Buster Crabbe-'and ;Anita Lhoest Terror stalks the jungle as Jungle) Jim and a village chieftain carry, on a search for the fabulous Leopard Woman - "CAPTIVE. GIRL99 Coming: "TROUBLE IN THE GLEN" Tn color with Margaret Loekwoosf and Victor McLaglen. SALES LADY WANTED Excellent opportunity for unmarried girl, Must have pleasing personality. GOOD HOURS—PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS Reply to: CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Box 322 Give age, salary expected, references 32b SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING * Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Courses Approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association. * Modern Equipment. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6 GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE East Street Goderich, Ontario Phone 428W 31-2-3-4-5-b GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT JOHNNY DOWNS AND HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY WEDNESDAY is SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with Clarence Petrie and the Nighthawks LABOUR DAY MID -NIGHT DANCE Sunday, September 4 FRIDAY NIGHT TEEN-AGE RECORD SWiNG Friday, August 5, with Johnny Brent as M.C. FIRST ■ ■ ■ IN ALL CONSUMER SURVEYS NORGE SAFEST AND EASIEST WAY TO WASH AND DRY CLOTHES. NORGE AUTOMATIC. WASHER (Model AW 426) ' 9 ib. capacity, safety spin, porcelain tub, water temperature selector, five - way rinsing, super spin extraction, NORGE DRYER (Model APl620) Four way drying "heat -air" selector switch—super smooth, super capacity drying action, automatic interior tight, giant size lint screen; knee action door with safety latch, baked enamel finish, large '!s h.p. motor — OZONE GERM- ,1CIDAL LAMP. • GALBRAITH xu urc�r Radio and TV Phone 482 Clinton