Clinton News Record, 1955-06-16, Page 8Miss M. Ellis is confined to the house with a sprained alible. Miss Elizabeth Slavizi is a pa "BUSINESS DIRECTORY" INSURANCE J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield. Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance °' If you need Insurance, I have a Policy Insure the "Co-op" Way W. V, ROY District Representative Box 310 Clinton, Ontario Phone Collect Office. 557 Res. 324J H, C, LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building • Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 251J Insurance Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. Be Sure • ' Bo Insured R. W. OOLQUIIOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative Sun. life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res; 703w2 THE M'eIULLOP MUTUAL FIRE RN'SURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1954: President,' John H. McEwing, Blyth; vice-presi- dent, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; etary-treasurer and manager, A. • Reid, Seaforth. • Directors: John H. McEwing; Robert' Archibald; Chris. Leon- tardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- ton;, J. L. Malone, .Seaforth; .Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; 3. E. Pepper, B field; Alister Broadfoot, Sea - forth. "'Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. INVESTMENTS Get The Facts eau. VIC DINNIN Phone 168 - Zurich Investors Mutual Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada,'Ltd. OPTOMETRY • G. B. CLANCY Optometrist - Optician (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderieh J. E. LONGSTAFF Hours: Seaforth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday -9 a.m.- to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Clinton: MacLaren's Studio-Mon- days tudio- Mon - PHO E 71 only -9 a,m. toSEAFORTH , , A'UBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY Bublle Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South St.) Telephone 1011 GODERIOH . ONT. RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant 1Itoral Bak Bldg., Phone 561 CLINTON ONTARIO 455 4-tfb REAL ESTATE LEONARD 'G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker High Street - Clinton Phone 448 tient in Clinton Public Hospital with hip injuries as the result of a fall. - Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge sponsored' a successful bake sale in the bake shop on Main Street last Saturday. A. E. Carlile Who has been 'a patient' in St, Joseph's' Hospital, London, returned home on Monday much improved in health, ' Ross Kercher•, : liensall,`'has re- turned from New Yorlc;,as a radio television technician where the has been furthering'his studies in electronics. - Mrs, James Lavelle and son George, and grandchildren Kathryn and Jimmy Lavelle, Palmerston;` Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Flynn, Sea - forth, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. ' B. Shaddick and Billy. Members of the Forrest -Love clan held an enjoyable reunion at Turnbull's Grove on June 11. Ro- bert Love, Thedford, was elected president and Fergus Turnbull, Grand Bend, was named secretary - treasurer for 1956. The 1956 re- union will be held at, Turnbull's Grove on the same date. • WI Picnic The June meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute will take the form of a picnic at the home of Mrs. R. D.--'Elgie on June 22, Children will be welcome. Anyone desiring transportation may con- tact Mrs, W. O. Goodwin or Miss Greta Laramie. Bingo Held A share -the -wealth bingo was held in the Legion Hall on June 11, sponsored by the Hensall Ground Observers Corps, was very successful. Winners were Mrs, Jean Morris, Goderich; Mrs. Tay- lor, Mrs. Gould, Clinton; Fred Kennings, Mrs. Jack Munn, Mrs. Orville Smith, Mts. Wes Venner, Wes Venner, Mrs. E. Chipchase, Wilbur Parker, Mrs. Mae McLel- lan, Ed. Munn, Henry Adkins, Mrs, Wilkinson, all of Hensall; Mrs, R. Taylor, Jr., Kippen. Student Hurt Miss Gladys Baker, 16, grade ten student at South Huron District High School, Exetrer, underwent surgery in War Memorial Child- ren's Hospital, London, on Wednes- day for fractured bones and injur- ies to her left cheek. While playing basketball at school, she and another player were making a jump for the ball and collided. Gladys wastaken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, where•x-rays were taken, and lat- er was removed by ambulance to the hospital at London. GIadys is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Baker, of Hensall. Banquet General Coach Works tendered a banquet for their employees, wives, and girl friends at the Im- perial Hotel, Grand Bend, on June Electronic brush saves money on costly wire - promotes trouble-free telephone service In little ways as well as,l)ig we're always on the search for trouble-shooters that will not only protect your telephone service but keep its costs down, too Here a Bell technician is testing the telephone lines in your neighborhood. Carefully and quickly his hand brushes the circuits in the telephone building with an electronic "line patrol". He is hunting for weather -worn wires which may cause a noisy line or snap during a storm. Forewarned by this periodic testing we send a roan to change the faulty -line which could be the "drop line" running from your home to the main telephone cable. Because of this electric detective we can use expensive wire until its service life expires fully, without sacrificing material or manpower. And that helps us to keep your telephone costs down. THE BELL TELEPHONE'COMPANY OF -CANADA N ,NEWS-REICORf 10, 160 were present. Included - 4 -1, -•-*++**S in the guest list were the, presi- ' dents, vice-presidents dud?direct- GOderkh TervnShMp ors from Marlette, -Mich. During .the evening, profit-shar- ing cheeties were handed out, and many beautiful . and costly gifts were given to lucky ticket holders. Prizes included ; hostess. chairs, blankets; electric percolators, spot dances, etc. Each lady was pre; sented with a corsage. The •de- lightful affair cpncluded with a dance, Legion Auxiliary Ladies' Auxiliary to the .Canad- ian Legion, Hensall Branch No. 468, met in the _Hensall Legion Hall on June 7, with.president Mrs. D. MaKelvie in charge. Mrs, S. Rannie made a presentation of Mrs., McKelvie (from the Zone).' Mrs, R. Mock received a corsage, S. McArthur and William Brown Legion . members, attended. Ac- counts were read by Mrs, J. Sim- mons. Secretary Mrs. Mock read correspondence. .Mrs. . William Clement won the mystery prize. Mrs. E. Shaddick submitted' the sick committee report and Mrs. Brown the recreation. July 31 marks a special drumhead service in Seaforth to which the Hensall Ladies' Auxiliary is invited. Aux- iliary members ,have decided to send a parcel to Wes Robinson who is in. St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Mrs. L. Sangster offered to forward parcel; Mrs, Roy. Smale will attend to packing of same. General Coach Works of Hen- sall have donated a cadet mobile home to the village. Mrs, Brown, Mrs, McKelvie, Mrs. Rannie have volunteered tao look after distribu- tion of books of tickets and the draw will be held on the day of the Bean Festival (Labor Day). (Intended for last week) Miss Gladys Luker has accepted a position at RCAF Station, Cent- ralia, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Van Dyke and family, Clarkson, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Sim Roobol and Maja. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Pres- byterian Church realized $70 from the booth they operated at the Hensall Spring Fair. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden, Bobby and Jimmy, Dresden, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Cath- erine Hedden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Redden, Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bal - ford, Terry, Timmy and Shyne, Port Dalhousie, spent Sunday With Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Ann, Mrs. Florence Joynt and Mrs. William Mickle attended the grad- uation tea last Friday at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. Miss Betty Miekle, B.Sc,N., was one of the graduates, ' Members of the local lawn bowl- ing club have started to bowl and are looking forward to a good sea- son. The -green is in excellent con- dition and tournaments are being planned. Anyone wishing to join the club is asked to contact the president, W. O. Goodwin, or secre- tary E. R. Shaddick. R. H. Middleton and William Hyde made a good showing for themselves on the guest spot on Panorama on CFPL-TV on Wed- nesday of last week. They were interviewed by Pat Murray in con- nection with the annual Ontario Grand Championship Fiddlers Con- test held here last Friday night. United Church Services Service in the United Church, Hensall, will be held at the usual hour of 11 o'clock, Sunday, June 12, at which time Rev. T. Head, Granton, speaks. On Sunday, June 19, Rev. W. J. Rogers will dispense communion at 11 o'clock. 'Baptis- mal and communion services will be observed in the charge of Rev. W. J. Rogers. Graduation Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle at- tended the graduation exercises at the Spring Convocation of the UWO on Saturday when their daughter, Miss Betty Mickle, re - Here's a year-round present Dad will really love: -li:eep Kira looking trim and well- tttiated out every day by sending his coats,, snits, slacks to us -. for regular dry cleaning.. It's easy on his budget. Easy on you, too - prompt service: LQDRYS. CLEANERS ''LET ONE CALL p0 /TALL CLINTON ' raw Master Terry Warner has been visiting his grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred . Warner. Mr, and, Mrs, James Barites, Miss Alma ,Bar nes, London, had as their guests their daughter, Mrs. A. Thomas and, children, Chatham, at their Lane O'Pines - Beach home. Willard ,i 'Welsh, qtto Wallis, Charles Wallis and Reg. Wallis, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., called on many friends and, spent the week- end with Mr. and. Mrs;Fred. War- Coming to attend the funeral of their :cousin, the late Wilmer C Wallis, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Kimble, ac- companied by the lady's mother, Mrs, Milner, London, spent the weekend at , their cottage, Mr, Kimble recentlyreceived a certifi- cate of merit for his work with hjs ham radio during the hurri- canes ';Carol, "Edna" and "Hazel", last year. He operates station VE3NI from his Dorinda^ Street home in London and mobile from his car and cottage. ceived her B.Se.N. degree. Betty is a graduate of the Victoria Hos- pital School of Nursing, London. She graduated from South Huron District High School, Exeter, after which she spent a year and a half at Western Uniyersity; 32 months in training at hospital and this past year did post -graduate study at the university. Decoration Decoration services were held here, Sunday, June 5, under the auspices of the IOOF and Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion. A short service was held at the Ceno- taph with Rev. D. McDonald and Rev. N. D, Knox officiating. Flags were placed by members of .the Legion. Following the ' service members motored to Hensall Union Cemetery and were addressed by Rev. D. McDonald. Percy Camp- bell of the IOOF gave the charge at the graveside; Rev. N. D. Knox offered prayer, and S. Rannie con- ducted the singing of hymns. Flags were placed on the graves. If You're TIRED ALL THE .TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, fired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wanes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids" and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. GetDodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dedd'a. 52 PORTER'S HILL Mr, and Mrs. Dick Snell . Bramp- ton, were weekend visitors yuitli Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Betties. • Anniversary .Despite the rainy weather on': Sunday last a good crowd turned, out for the Sunday School anni- versary at Grace United Church. Albert Martin, Zurich, es a guest, speaker, °delivered a ver, inspiring; sermon. •The choir; made up ofi the Sunday School pupils, `sang, their anthem "Glory to God", and Bruce and Janet Harris, with Mrs. William Cox at the organ, : sang "God will take care of you"." Community_' Club The Porter's Hill Community Club, met last Wednesday at, the home of Mrs. Ray Cox. The presi- dent, Mrs. Peter Harrison, was in charge of the meeting -which open- ed with the Lord's Prayer. Secre- tary's and treasurer's reports were read. Roll call was answered by giving "my maternal grandmoth-' er's maiden name and nationality." It was planned to sponsor' a benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance (who lost their barn by fire) in the Bayfield Town Hall on Friday, June 17. Each members was asked to supply one loaf of bread, made into sand- wiches and an article of groceries for a basket, on which tickets will be Sold that evening. ,Music will be supplied by Dallas and. Aubin's orchestra. The afternoon was spent quilt- ing and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess, The July meeting will be at. the home of Mrs. William Cox. To aid disaster in any part of the world your Canadian Red Cross stockpiles emergency relief supplies in Switzerland, Australia, Turkey and France. GIFT FOR THE JUNE BRIDE- TO-BE Schuett's of Mildmay have for you a free BRIDE'S BOOK also a Valuable Gift for the Couple with each suite of Furniture purchased Godfrey Schuett Mildmay, Ont. - - - 23-4- TuunSDAY, JUNR 16,,1955 To All, My Friends and Supporters who worked and voted for my re-election at the polls election day. John W. Hanna s e?atr/ta ,eai,,.40(a0 '54 HUDSON Super Wasp— 11,000 miles --Y equipped '53 PONTIAC SEDAN '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN '50 PONTIAC COACH '50 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR '49 FORD COACH . '52 G.M.C. 1/2 -TON PICK-UP ANSON GILBERT MOTORS Pontiac — Buick — G.M.C. SEAFORTH PHONE SEAFORTH 461 18-trb Ih 2ruck: your money can bay New concealed safety step - An important safety feature stepsstay clear of ice and mud. Out of sight when doors are closed. 1 More durable frames -Of 34. inch standard width, with com- pletely parallel side members - built to take tough going. Xing -size 12 -volt electrical system -Count on quicker starts even in cold weather, and etill have a husky reserve of power. The latest in cab comfort and safety -More •durable eon• unction; softer seat action; tt many new 'conveniences. tw 1 New panoramic windshield - For a broader, safer view of the road. And there's more glass area all around. Power steering -Makes driv- ing very much easier. It re- duces turning effort as much as 80%. Available as an extra cost option on certain models. New Overdrive -Saves gas, cuts engine wear -you can have Overdrive on t/.ton models. A real value for its extra cost. Truck Hydra -Matic -Is unbeat- able for .stop -and -go driving. Available at extra cost on all half, tbree-quarter, one -ton and forward -control models. Power brakes -They're stan- dard on heavy-duty models, op- tional on some other models. Power brakes greatly reduce driver fatigue and effort; add to Safety.. Come in and see the most advanced trucks for any job... New Chevrolet Trucks CANADA'S NO.1 TRUCK WstrWV CT- SSC A GENERAL MOTORS RAW' LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED PHONE 367 ' CLINTON, ONT