Clinton News Record, 1955-06-16, Page 1Moe jf irot "
(By W. D. D, )
items lost, found, and now rest in
the police office waiting for their
owners to claim them . Included
is a pair of lady's plastic rimmed
sunglasses , . two girl's watches
a wristwatch found in .the
Rorty Theatre . . ..three strings
of "pearls and a double string of
pearls , .. earrings variety of
children's purses and wallets
a brown leather purse ... a pen-
dant chain . two signet rings,
one with the initials "CRS" , .
keys . . a red purse and
light coloured shell rimmed glas-
ses . . And some money found
in various places at various times
• A call at the pollee office to
identify ,your loss is all that is
necessary ;
CDCI Students Are
Already At Work
Some of the graduates from the
Special. Commercial Course at
Clinton District" Collegiate Insti-
tute already have found work,
Miss Patsy Murney is in office
work at. RCAF Station Clinton.
Six of the girls will commence
work with London Life Insurance
Company, London, this • week:
Misses Marion Makins, Edith
Jones, Anna Medd, Doris Cooper,
Doris Hutchins . and Jean Mc-
Douglas Shobbrook and Miss
Marilyn Ashton axe joining the
staff of the Royal Bank, Clinton'
Branch, and Miss Roni Waldron
is to be on the staff of the Clinton
Branch; Bank of Montreal`
Miss June McClinchey is work-
ing with John A. Anstett, jeweller
here and .Miss Delphine Erb has
taken a position with a trust
company in Kitchener. Miss Doris
Postill will work with Mutual Life
in Waterloo.
God'rich Township`
Council Approves
Plan To Subdivide
Members of the Goderich Town-
ship Council meeting in Holmes-
ville last Monday, approved a plan
for subdividing lot 104, Maitland
Concession, as presented by Stan.
Youngblutt, and the plan was for-
warded to the Department of
Planning and Development.
A petition from a number of
ratepayers; requested changes in
the boundaries of polling subdivis-
ions five and six, but no action
was taken. Accounts authorized
included a $25 donation to the
Clinton and District Chamber of
Commerce, for purchase of a resus-
citator for the fire department;
$100 for a fire call to the Clinton
department; $315.. for a sheep
claim; $260 for warble fly powder;
$368 for warble fly inspector; $157
for spraying cattle, and $1,542 for
the road superintendent's monthly
At a special meeting held last
Friday, June 10, it was decided to
purchase a heavy duty dump
truck, a tractor and other equip-
ment such as:. snowplow and trac-
tor loader,
Temporarily . Fred Trevena has
been put in charge of the streets
work in Clinton, following the re-
tirement of Jack Woods from the
position of Streets Foreman on
Monday of this week, Permpn-
ent appointment to the job will be
made in the near future,
No. 24—The Home Paper With the News
Mayor Receives RCAF ,Gift
Willie Group Captain. H. C. Ashdown, CD, MBE, Commanding
Officer at RCAF Station Clinton, holds the Union Jack, which
he has just presented, WO1 S. Jones makes a retreat from the
reviewing stand at Station Clinton last Saturday afternoon. Mayor
M. J. Agnew stands ready to receive the flag from the hands of
the Commanding Officer, an behalf of the Town of Clinton.
(RCAF Photo)
Pryde Sweeps RidngWit1,494
James Ii,. Thomas �_
• e• SCOTT PRYDE Majority
791 347 (P -C)
967 581 (P -C)
1437 169 (P -C)
503453 27 155 (Lib.)
232 59 (P -C)
2 6 191 (Lib.)
451 241 (Lib.)
59764 240 =C))
5055 280 "(P C)
GRAND TOTALS 6351 7845
—Majority for Pryde 1494
Majority for Pryde in election June 7, 1948 .... 106
Maority for Pryde in by-election Feb. 16, 1948 654
'Majority for Pryde in election Nov, 22, 1951 .... 1428
Standing by Parties , 1948 1951 1955
Progressive Conservative ................. 53 79 83
Liberals 12 7 10
CCF 22 2 3
Labor -Progressive
Liberal -Labor
Independent -PC
2 1
1 1 1
1 -
Totals 90 90 98
POPULAR VOTE --Progressive Conservative, 47 percent;
Liberal, 33 percent; CCF, 17 "percent; Others, 3 percent.
(Official Count will be made next Thursday, June 23.)
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paterson,
Wiarton, were renewing acquaint-
ances in town over the weekend.
Mayor Agnew Receives Flag
As Gift From RCAF Station
Nearly 2,000 persons, both civil- Station, and in commenting on the
weather, which threatened rain
throughout the proceedings, he
said that "If we had good weather
the people of Clinton, who had
such a poor day for ,the agricul-
tural show last month, would
think we had a direct line with
up above. That is that we are
more Christian -like than the civil-
ian population."
Special guests of the day in-
cluded L. E. Cardiff, MP for 'Hu -
ion,• Brussels; Torn Pryde, MLA
for Huron, Exeter; Mayor M J.
Agnew, Clinton; Dr. E. A. Mc-
Master, Mayor of Seaforth; Mayor
R. E. McKinney, Wingham; Ken-
neth McRae, Clinton Lions Club
president-elect; D. C. Colquhoun;
president of the Kinsmen Club of
Clinton; Bert Gliddon, chairman of
the Clinton and District Chamber
of Commerce; A/V/M J. A. Sulleyy,
Goderich; Jim Scott, Seaforth,
Liberal' candidate in the recent
provincial election, Seaforth.
A .precision squad drill by 37
airwomen was something new and
impressive for this year's • display..
The march past and display by
the Band were well executed and
were interesting for the visitors.
Many ,.took. the opportunity of
viewing the cooking displays in
No, 1 School of Food. Services,
and the airmen's dining hall, which
were open for inspection.
Because of the low ceiling and
pending rain throughout the after-
noon the air display had to be
cancelled, The Neptune craft made
a flypast shortly after two o'clock,
and a Harvard taking, part in an
fans and airforce personnel took
the opportunity last Saturday to
visit RCAF Station Clinton and
see what goes on in Canadd's only,
and the werld's largest'
radar and
communications school.
Highlight ofthe event for Clin-
ton folk was the ceremonial pre-
sentation of the Union Jack to
Mayor M. J. Agnew. To martial
music by the RCAF ' Trumpet
Band, and accompanied by an
armed guard, WOl S. Jones, ad-
vanced in slow march to the re-
viewing stand and presented the
flag to Commanding Offieer H. C.
Ashdown, CD, MBE, who in turn
handed it to Mayor Agnew.
Last year, on Air Force Day,
Station Clinton presented ' the
Mayor with the RCAF Ensign,
which sinee then has graced the
Council Chamber of the Town
Hall: This year, as a "mark of
harmony that prevails between the
Station and the area" it was de-
cided that a Union Jack should be
presented tohelp decorate the
Council Chamber,
As a special mark of Air Force
Day, .the RCAF ensign was :erect-
ed on the Library Park flag pole.
in Clinton on Saturday morning,
by a specjal ceremony conducted
by the Station Personnel during
their annual parade through the
streets of the town. It flew from
the pole throughout Air Force
Day, the Sunday following, and
for part of Monday,
Commanding Officer H. C. Ash-
down welcomed the visitors to the
The Weather
1955 195
High Low High
June 9 75 50 85
10 72 51 84
1 1 71 55 82
12 68 51 89
13 54 49 82
14 65 49 88
15 76 43 88
Rain:2.67' ins.
endurance flying display made its
4 , appearance.
Low The :exhibition sports on the
56 Sports . Field . had -to be cancelled.
62 because of the wet, but basketball,
50 volleyball in the recreation centre;
64 and a swimming exhibition in the
57 outdoor swimming pool went off
59 as planned, A fire fighting display
64 also was carried out in the field
Rain: ,28ins, north of the Sergeants' Mess,
Town of Clinton
Scott Pryde
75T vote (Lib) (PC)
1. St, Andrew's ... 121 201
2. St, James' 122 212
3. St. John's 105 194
4, St. George's 96 184
Totals. 444 791
Majority for Pryde ,...... 247
Township of Goderich
78% vote Scott Pryde
1. Orange Hall " 77 94
2, Sturdy's house 36 72
3. Hopson's house 50 87
4. Rathwell's house 19 68
5. McCartney's house 85 78
6. Rowden's house ..• 29 54
Totals 246 453
Majority for Pryde 207
Township of Stanley
82% vote Scott Pryde
1, SS 1 School 49 61
2, SS 10 School 54 44
3, SS 14 -School . ..,31 54
4, Twp. Hall, Varna 22 . 160
5. SS 5 Schools.. 30 66
6. SS 4 School 65 65
7. Denomme's Store 21 19
8. Twp. Hall, Bayfield 53 125
Totals 325 594
Majority for Pryde ........ 269
Township of Hallett
Scott: Pryde
1. Constance 86 62
2. SS:2' School 50 35
3. SS" 6 School . 52 32
4. Hall, Londesl►.ro 59 119
5. Hall, Summerhill"" 18 27
6. Hall, :Londesboeo 66 46
7. Hall, Auburn 57 66
Totals 388 387
Majority for Scott 1
Township 'of Tuckersmith.
Scott Pryde
1, King's, Egmondville,. 100 71
2. School, Egmondville. 108 92'.
3a. SS 4 School 144 70
3b. County Home 18 40
4. SS 3 School 67 79
5. SS 1 School 53 76:.
6. SS .9 School 55 47
Totals .... ..., 545 475
Majority for Scott 70
Mr, and Mrs. VIra Merrill, Mr.
and Mrs. George Colclough, Elwin
Merrill and Miss Violet Phillips,
Toronto, attended the Phillips-
Josling wedding at Mitchell on
Saturday. Miss Phillips visited
with relatives in Clinton over tee
Lions Street Frolic
Has Good Night;
Prize Winners
The Lions Street " Frolic' last
night was attended by a large
number, and officials of the club
report satisfactory receipts. Stag-
ed on Main Street the events offer-
ed various types of games and a
large bingo .table, as well as a -re-
freshment booth.
Winners of the six draws made
were as follows electric washing
machine,, value, $229,50, G. M.
Counter, Clinton;camera and pro-
jector for coloured slides, value,
$125, Mrs. A. G. Grigg, Clinton;'
lazy -boy chair, value'. $115, Harry
Proctor, Mitchell; 58 -piece • chest
of silver, value $80, Clifford Law-
son, Victoria Street, Clinton; 5
piece chrome kitchen set, value
$60, Jack Scotchmer, Jr., Bay-
field; boy's or girl's bicycle, value
545, Mrs. .Alvin Cox, Clinton.
Chief Honoured
By Friends Prior
To Departure
An informal gathering at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ceriel Van
Demme on Saturday evening hon-
oured Chief .Constable and Mrs.
Joseph Ferrand on the occasion of
their departure from- Clinton, They
intend going to St. Marys some-
time next week. A cold buffet
supper consisting of told chicken,
roast beef, and other cold cuts!
was supplemented with a - variety
of salads, cake, coffee, etc. About
25 persons attended, and others
dropped in during the evening to
wish the couple good luck.
Home 'Economist
Named For County
Mrs. Dorothy Filsinger haebeen
appointed home economist for Hu-
ron and Bruce Counties. Her
headquarters will be at Walkerton..
Mrs, Filsinger took her first three
years training at MacDonald In-
stitute, and graduated this year
with honours from Toronto Uni-
This appointment will fill the
vacancy made when Miss Jean
Steckle, resigned last summer to
take a position in' the United
States, The work of the girls'
homemaking clubs in the county
has suffered during the past year
without an econoni)s�„ n, charge.
Sherry 'Cochrane
Writer Of
Silver Dollar Essay
Winner of the Silver Dollar Es-
say contest conducted in the
Clinton Public School by the eng-
lish teacher, Mrs. 3. D. Thorndike,
was won this term by Miss Sherry
Cochrane, with her essay on
"Canada's Welcome." It is based
on the adventures of a 17-year•old
Italian girl in Northern Alberta.
Her reward was a certificate, and
a Silver dollar.
Runners-up in the contest,'which
was entered by students of Grade
eight, were: Sylvia Bell, Patricia
Pegg, Patricia Irwin, Catherine
Carter and Sandra Addison.
6 cents a copy -- $2.50 a year
Juniors Blank Dashwood
Boost your home town base-
ball teaml Friday evening ell/
be your last chance to secure
seasen,'s tickets at the reduced
price of $2.00. Encourage our
young team by your interest and
attendance, Dashwood play;
here Friday at 6.30 p.nt, ,
Nomination Day.
Monday, June 20
Next Monday night nominate
ions are being received, to fill
the vacancy left on town coun-
cil by the death of Dr. H. A.
McIntyre last month. 'There are
still six months of. the council
,year left.
The period for nominations is
from eight until nine o'clock on'
the evening of June 20, and if
more than one of those named
qualify, an election will be held
the foIIowing Monday. John
Livermore will act as returning
officer and clerk.
Bill McDonald Hurls 4 -Hitter, Fans14
Return Game Here FridayEvening
13111 McDonald stole the show as team is
playing excellent base-:
Clinton Juniors downed Dashwood ball Let's give them the support
6-0 in Dashwood on Tuesdayeven- they"
ing The young pitcher hurled a
four hitter, fanned 14 batters and
helped his own cause by banging
outa single and double, 1 -le also
scored two rune, the last one all
the way from second oil an infield
lapse by Rader, the Dashwood sec-
eaand baseman, McDonald was back-
ed by sound defensive effort, only
one . error was committed, a wild
throw by Hartley, on an attempted
double play. The Clinton team
collected nine hits, mostly in blus-
ters when they were needed. Bob:
McDonald and Ken Porter each
had two hits.
The next game for the Juniors
will be in Clinton on Friday night
with Dashwood making their first
appearance. This young Clinton
Pryde Introduced. to Voter
Staunch Conservative and one who cast his vote last Thurs-
day, even from his wheel -chair, George Mathers, Blue, •Water
Highway, Goderich. Township, here shakes hands with thel ginner,
Tom Ptyde, Exeter, in the Clinton Conservative rooms,: n i'
(News -Record Photo)
1,100 Rasing Fans Saw Hotly
Contested Heats Yesterday
It was a perfect day for the
annual Clinton races held yestei'
day afternoon. Close to 1,100 peo-
ple were on hand to see one of the
best cards ever presented by the
Clinton Turf Club and although
the track record of 2.10 was never
endangered, each heat was keenly
The track, which looked to be in
perfect condition just didn't have
enough time to dry out under-
neath, Consequently the going
Was a little heavy "and was one of
the reasons for the slower times.
Another factor that affected the
times was the new rule adopted
by the Canadian Trotting Assoc-
iation. This rule states in part
that the starter must send the
horses away at least 200 feet from
where the first turn starts, .As a
result of this the horses were aet-
(continued on page ten)
Judge Fingland's Daughter Weds
are pictured here on the lawnat the residence of the bride's.
parents, Judge and Mrs. Frank Fingland, Ontario Street, Clinton,
following the wedding which took place' in Wesley -Willis United
Church last Saturday, The bride is Catherine Elizabeth Fingland,
and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude McKnight,
Oakhill Drive, F3rantford, (Photo by Victor Aziz)
2.30 Class (non -winners of 5200)
1 Bonnie Blue (Tiffin) 1 5
2 Royal Grantee (Gardner) 8 1
3 Annie Jean (Holmes) 2 3
4 June Axworthy C (Jerry) 4 2
5 Jack Scott (W. Campbell 3.4
6 Princess Admiral (Kerr) ., 5 8
7 Aage Harvester (H. Feag-
8 Gertie Hy (Kirkby) 6 7
Times: 2.23 1/5; 2.22 1/5.
Second Race
First Division 2.24 Class`,(non-
winners of 51,000)
1 Nyda Hal (Yearly) 1.2
2 The Monarch (Adthorpe), 3 1
3 Silent Knight (Gardner) ,2 3
4 Donna G. (Young) 4 4
5 Red Grattan (Campbell)6 5
6 Peter Bars (Hughes) ....,,., 5 7
7 Warren Dillon (Holmes) 7 6
8 Ada McLellan (Oke) ..,8 8
Times: 2.17; 2.16 3/5.
Third Race
Second Division 2.24 Class (non -
winners of $1,000)
1 Valen Chips (Frame) 2 1
2 Belle Adios (McDonnell),1 2
8 Floating Rythm (Gibson)3 3
4 Gertrude Grattan (Nieh-
7. 5
5 Hal Boy B (Xnch)
6 McLellan Boy 2nd
(Kirkby) 5 6
7 Benson G (Broome) 7 5
8 Pearl G. Grattan
(Manzer) 8 x
Times: 2.15; 2,14 1/5,
Fourth Race
2.02 ()lass (non -winners of $2,000)
1 King Peter (Holmes) 1 2
2 Jimmy's Champ (Gard-
ner) 6 1
3 Merry Brook C (Haney)2
4 Johnnie G (Inch) 3 4
5 Darlene Day (Yearly) 4 5
6 Paul Brook (Nichol) 5.6
7 Day Star (Perkins), 7 7
Tunes 2,20; 2,15 4/5.
Fifth Race
2:16 Class
1 Lena's Boy (R. McGee) .,2 1
2 Richard Hal D, (Holmes)1 2
3 Now (Hughes) 3. 3
4 Charlie Chips (Mcalann) , 4 4
5 Bonnie G Lee (Perkins) 7 5
6 Silver T Lee (Yearly) . 5 5
7 Ima Chips (Jerry). 6 7
Times: 2.15 2/5; 214'3/5.
Decoration Day
' t For June 26
Decoration: Day at Clinton
Cemetery will be held on Sunday,
June 26, under the auspices of the
Clinton Cemetery Board, Invita-
tions have gone out to Clinton
Branch No. 140, Canadian Legion,
the Auxiliary to the Legion, the
Clinton LOL No. 710, and the
LORA, the Clinton IOOF No. 83
and to the Huronie Rebekah
Lodges for the members to take
part in the ceremonies.
-Mrs.R. B. Sutter Is
Honoured By Post
Mrs, R, 13. (Mary) Sutter, of
I•Iuronic Rebekah Lodge here, was
one of 46 district deputy presi-
dents elected in Toronto, yesterday
by the 30,000 -member Rebekah
Assembly of Ontario, IOOF, during
the sessions currently underway.
Clinton scored all their runs in
three innings, In the first Bob
McDonald led off with a single,
Bill McDonald followed with an-
otber single. Both men advanced
when'Regier, the Dashwood cent-
refielder was slow ina retreiving
the baII. With Rick Elliott at the
plate Guenther threw wild and two
runs scampered home. Bob and Bill
McDonaldstarted things off in the
third with a single and a double.
Rick Elliott 'bounced a slow roller
to second that Rader had trouble
handling and the two M'eDonalds
again dented the plate. Elliott
was safe on the error and he scor-
ed" later when Wade errored on
Porter's smash. Three straight
hits in the seventh produced the
final run, Bob Carter and John
Hartley singled and Porter doub-
led to deep right sentre. The ral-
ly ended when Murray Colquhoun
flied to short right and Jerry Hol-
mes fanned.
Dashwood made' their most ser- ' •
ions threat in the third. Regier
led off with a single over second
and moved to second on a pass
ball, Ray Wein struck out and
Jim Hayter flied to Porter in left,
Storm slashed a long hit to right
centre. Regier attempted to score
but was thrown out at the plate*
when Porter whipped the ball in
to Murray Colquhoun who made a
perfect relay to Carter to nip the
runner at the plate. In the sixth
the Dashwood team loaded the
sacks with two out but McDonald
rose to the occasion and fanned
Page for the third out..
Drumhead Service
Held By Legion
Zone At Brussels
The Bannockburn Pipe Band
was one of .,four Highland bands
taking part in the Drumhead ser-
vice held in Brussels on Sunday
by Zone C-1, Canadian Legion,
B.E.S.L. It was the first such
service held in the Zone since the
First World War.
A niassed choir of members of
the three churches In the village,
with piano and cornet accompani-
ment led in the singing and also
presented an anthem.
Presliient of Brussels Branch,
Gordon Kreuter, introduced Zone
Commander J. D. Thorndike, Clin-
ton, who introduced the guests
present, which included Major J,.
Vallely, London, army chaplain.
of the Western Ontario area; L. E.
Cardiff, MP for Huron; John
Hanna, MLA, for Huron -Bruce and
R. B. Cousins, Reeve of 'Brussels.
Rev, Andrew Lane, chaplain of
the Brussels Legion branch was
chairman for the remainder of the
Aberdeen Angus
Field Day At
The Ontario Aberdeen' Angus
Field Day is being held at the
farm of Stewart Middleton, RR 3,
Clinton, on Saturday. Dinner at
noon will be served by the ladies
of Trinity Anglican Church Bay-
field. An afternoon program of
judging competitions, sports, etc.
is provided.
Principal speaker will be Lee
Leachman, co-owner of Ankony
Farina, Rhinebeck, New York, an
internationally known breeder, who
will put on a type deminstration.
The other speaker will be Aif
Hales, Guelph, who will demon-
strate quality in meats, cutting,
Kippen goy Leaps
Clear Of Tractor;
Before Train Hits
Ross Faber, 19, Kippen, wee
forced to jump for his life Thurs-
day afternoon and the tractor he
was driving was smashed to frag
meats by a speeding through train:
Mr. Faber, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Rochus Faber, was crossing
the raIiway tracks that cut
through his father's farm half a
mile north of .Kippen when the
train took him completely by
The young man had been cutting
grass inneighboring fields, and
said that his view .of oncoming
trains had been obscured by dense
brush and trees surrounding the
track. His father reports that his
sor is still suffering from severe
shock as .a result of his narrow
Small" fragments of the tractor,
which was struck square in the
centre, were found es far as 79
yards from the scene of the col-
lision. Apart from shook, the driv-
er was miraculously uninjured. His
feet were still in" the air When he
heard the train strike the tractor.
The train, southbound to Lon-
don on the Clinton -London CNR
line, was held up for 25 minutes,