Clinton News Record, 1955-06-09, Page 8'THURSDAY, JUNE;'9; -1955, CLINTON NEWS-REO1 D CLASSIFIED RATES CASH _RATE(If paid by Wednesday following date_ of in- sertion)—Two cents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); subsequent insertions 1Y/ cents a word (minimum 35 cents) ; 15 cents extrafor box number or for direction to NEWS -RECORD Office, 11' CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- •der ACCOMMODATION for RENT .FURNISHED APARTMENT, -three rooms and -bath, suitable for two people, Phone Clinton 618r14, 22-3-p 'FURNISHED NINE -ROOM house, with all modern conveniences, for -July and August. Phone Clinton 447W. 22tfb TWO APARTMENTS, both self- contained. One recently complet- ely redecorated. Contact O. Swit- zer, phone Clinton 397. 18-tfb 'FOUR ROOM, SELF -CONTAIN - ed, heated apartment, available Tune 15. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone Clinton 251W, 23tfb - AT LANE O'PINES BEACH — •three bedroom lakefront cottage, modern conveniences, shady lot. 'Fred Wallis, RR 1, Bayfield, phone Clinton 107W1. 23-4-5b TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR family to a week at the lake. It will be good for your moral. Deer Lodge Park, Bayfield, phone Clin- ton 107W4. 23-4-5-b ' "THREE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, in modern home, suit- able for two adults. Phone Clin- •ton 769 (business) or 17111 (home). 'TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE, Hruce Peninsula, Gillies Lakes, no "linens supplied, electricity, refrig- eration. $35 weekly. Mrs. W. R. .Archer, 640 Carnegie Ave,, Osh- 'awa, Ontario. 20-1-2-3-p FOR RENT FOR PART of JULY, two bedroom lakefront summer cottage, in charming location, 43s miles north of Bayfield at Iron `Springs. Hydro, running water, good beach. Apply to F. Caning - 'name, phone Clinton '176. 23b Accommodation Wanted ' WANTED TO RENT—HOUSE in Clinton, adults. Apply Clinton 'News -Record. Box 220. 22-3b ARTICLES FOR SALE WASHING MACHINE, General Electric, in good working condi- tion, Phone Clinton 6483, 'SINGER SEWING MACHINES as low as $39.50 for reconditioned machine. Terms as low as $1.50 • a week. Write J. A. Reed, Gode- ' rich or phone Clinton 387M. 23p -24b ,RCA VICTOR "DEEP IMAGE" 'Television, new low prices on all -models. ' T. A. Dutton, Baugefield, :Oat, Phone Clinton 634r4. 19-tfb 'TV Hi ' FOR A "KING" — We Rent —Move —Install. Complete ',service on all makes of rotators nand antenna. All work fully guar- •ranteed, Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M, 6tfb "SINGER SEWING MACHINE can rive you a machine cheaper than rent. Terms to suit every budget. Any style' repaired. Write J. A Reed, Goderich or, phone Clinton 381M. 239-24b "WANTED: 10" and 12" Television 'Sets as trade-in on new RCA Vie - tor television, Special this week, • one only, brand new RCA Victor '21" floor model, in mahogany cab- inet, regular $339.50 on sale '4279.50. T. A. 'Dutton, RCA Vic- tor dealer, Brucefield, phone Clin- tor 634r4.; - 23b ARTICLES WANTED -TWO AND ONE-HALF HORSE 'gas engine preferably "Clinton". Box 221, Clinton News -Record. 22-3-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE `1950 OLDSMOBILE, C 0 A C H, Phone Clinton 1627W. 22-3p BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO MEN. Phone Clinton 6953, 23-4-5-p. ACCOMMODATION FOR TWO boarders, gentlemen, Phone Clin- ton 246R, 23-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact, L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb RETAIL BUSINESS, selling fuel, builders' supplies and farm sup- plies. Large turnover. Other int- erests, reason for selling. Box 232, Clinton News -Record, 23-p BUILDINGS FOR SALE TWO STOREY FRAME Building, 14x22. Double garage doors on one end. Apply George Levis, phone Clinton 240W. 21-2-3-b CUSTOM WORK WEED SPRAYING, Special prices on 20 acres or more. Apply Lloyd Medd. Phone Clinton 801r41, 21-2-3-b GRAVEL HAULING FOR FILL, lanes, or choice cement gravel. Contact Bud Chamney, phone Blyth 43r5, 23-4-5-6-p CUSTOM DELIVERY SERVING CLINTON AND RCAF Station, Contracts on local house- hold moving. Evening contracts if desired. Safe handling assured. Reasonable rates. W. G. "Bill" Riehl, phone Clinton 68511, 8tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABY SIi"LER. Phone Clinton 347. 22-3-4-p LADY WISHES HOUSEWORK in afternoons; experienced, Phone Clinton 802r34, 23b RELIABLE BABY SITTER will work either day or night. Phone Clinton 347. 23-4-p YOUNG DUTCH GIRL WISHES housework for Fridays and Satur- days. Experienced. Apply Box 233, Clinton News -Record. 23p VERY CAPABLE MAN WOULD like part-time farm work. Will do any job. Contact Jim Boyle, RR 3, Clinton. FARM EQUIPMENT For Sole INTERNATIONAL HAY Loader, drop head; used three years; rea- sonably priced. Lloyd. Johns, RR 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 44r15. 23-4-p USED MASSEY-HARRIS Engine - driven Forage Harvester, First class condition. Bargain price: $999.00. Murphy Bros,, phone Clin- ton 465. 23b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G, Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. •Low down payments. 33-tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. • Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 18b -tib LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 13 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Ap- ply Ross Hoggart, phone Clinton 802r33. 23-b 16 PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS OLD. John G. Mann, RR 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 801r2, 23b 11 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Jim Turner, phone Clinton 546W. 23p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 9361.21. 9-ptfb LOST and FOUND WRECKED 1950 VANGUARD for sale for storage, Westlake's Gar- age, Bayfield. 23-4-p '1947 PONTIAC FOR SALE. Phone Clinton 175 for information, Price 'to be reduced $25 each week untel -sold. 21tfb '1.949 PLYMOUTH Five -Passenger Coupe, A-1 condition, radio, heat- , er, good tires, new seat covers. Reasonable price, John Salvos, • phone Clinton 754r2, BABY CHICKS 23-4-p BRAY CHICKS, MIXED, Pullets. Dayold, started. Order July broil ers now. Prices, etc. — Agent: ' Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield. 22-3-4-5-6-b WANTED—FLOCKS to supply a large Canadian Approved Hatchery 'With hatching eggs. Premium up to 33c per dozen over the market.) price of eggs. Eggs taken every • week in the year, Write for full, ,'details. Apply Box 202, Clinton. 'News -Record, -20-1-2-3_b, DON'T PASS UP THESE Summer Bargains in Kitchener Big -4. Chicks. Mixed, pullets. Broiler chicks. Dayold and started. Prompt shipment. Excellent values in this high grade Canadian Approved. stock, Agent — Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23, 23,b. WOULD YOU LIKE 'TO SELL hatching eggs every week In the year at a premium up to 33 cents per dozen more than market price for your eggs? If you would, write us immediately. We are one of HAIR STYLING, COLD WAVES, Canada's oldest - and largest Can- full line of cosmetics, lotions, etc. adian Approved Hatcheries. Ap- Next to Simpson -Sears Order 01- i ply Clinton News -Record, Box 234. fice. Charles House of Beauty, 23-4-5-6-b phone Clinton 529. 22tfb LOST — ONE TRUCK 't'i1E and rim, size 750x20 10 -ply, between Clinton and Blyth. Reward, Ap- ply Box 231, Clinton News-Recor3d.. MISCELLANEOUS MRS. JOE CARTER has been re- cently appointed your British Knit correspondent for the Clinton area and is now prepared to fill your orders.' 22-3-p VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter, 23p WATERLOO ,CAri'LE Breeding Association, "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 aim: on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on LotS 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the owner — A. E. Parry. • 23to29p PERSONAL MYETT'S REMEDIES—ECZEMA remedies, Asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are available at Pennebaker's, the IDA store, sole agent. 23.28tfb POULTRY, FOR SALE 300 PULLETS, THREE, MONTHS old. Raymo,'id Pepper, Brucefield, phone Clinton 627r13, 23p 250RED ROCK PULLETS, start- ing 'to lay. G. Vanderhaar, RR 1, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r24. 23p PRODUCE FOR SALE TOMATO, CABBAGE, Ceuliflow- er, peppers, brussels sprouts; also flower plants. Fred Gilbert,Hu- ron Road, Goderich, phone ode - rich 148331. 21-2-3-p. PROPERTY FOR SALE NEW HOMES—with or without acreages, in Town of Clinton Budget terms can be arranged. Also two -acre plots in town. A. J. Deseck, Base Line Road, Clin- ton (North End). 15-tfb 12 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, be- ing part of lot 83 and 84, Goderich Township. Situated on lot is one cement block building 44' by 29', new. Apply to Charles Williams, 354 Bruce Ave., Windsor, Ontario. 23p SHORTHORN SALE JOHN OSTROM & SONS, HONEYMEAD FARM Lot 15, Con. 7, Stanley Twp. 1 mile south of Varna, Ont. Tuesday, June 14 at 1.30 (D.S.T.) 28 FEMALES -- --. 2 BULLS We have built up a good herd of Purebred Shorthorns. Unfort- unately, because of personal health reasons we are forced to drastic- ally reduce our herd. Fully accredited and vaccinated. THE BLOOD LINES of such noted bulls appear at the top- of the pedigrees; Bantaskln Top- notcher (imp); Iflaymer 'Mentor; Ransom 22; O,A.C. Rosamond's Lad; Shorewood President and other noted bulls of the breed. Many of the Females are young cows with calves at foot and re - bred again. .A few bred and open heifers, Families represented are Augusta, Rosewood, Selina and Lancaster. 2 SERVICEABLE AGE BULLS are offered also. The services of these bulls are featured: FAIRACRE'S SUPREMIST by Elaymor Monitor;, KLAXMOR OUTLAY --a $2,300` son of Calrossie Formula. Lunch will be served by the'`WA of Varna United Church. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer J. E. McKinley, Clerk Ringmen: Edward W. Elliott and Harold Jackson 22-3-b ESTATE AUCTION SALE Property & Household Effect In the village of BRUCEFIELD o Wednesday, June 15 at 1 p.m. Coleman oil heater; McCla electric rangette; coal and Woo heater and pipes; two 45 -gal. of drums and connections; piano case organ mahogany finish, in excel lent condition; several rockers an small tables; 2 rugs, 10x12 an 4'/x7; extension table; kitche cabinet; kitchen table and chairs Bedroom furnishings; New Wil Hams drop -head sewing machine in first class condition; large covered quilt box; bamboo verandah screen 4 54 ft. wide, like new; lawn mow- er; 2 bundles asphalt shingles; a quantity of dishes, tools and small articles. Property: At the same place, at 3 p.m„ if not previously sold, the property will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid; approximat- ely one-quarter acre lot; six -room frame house in good repair, with asphalt roof and siding and good cellar; hard and soft water inside; good well; hydro; also a small garage. Terms: Household effects, cash; property, 10 percent down, balance 30 days. Immediate possession, Estate of the late Margaret A. Steven's. For further information apply to E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Solicitor for estate, or Robert A. Cleland, Listowel,' or John A. McEwen, Brucefield, Executors, Harold Jacleson, Auctioneer. 22-3-b s n ryd a n TA RG E TC#)F`REEDOM RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond noggarth, Prop. Clinton Ontario BIRTHS .GARNISS—In Clinton Public Hos- totMr. end lVt Mrs, Har June 5, 1955, Blyth, a son, y Gt)riiiss, McLEOD LIn Clinton; 1;:s. blic'Hos. 1955,' ton M e and dJune 8, McLeod, Bayfield, a daughter. aid 1V1URPIIY-••In Clinton public Hos_ pital, on Tuesday, June 7, 1955; to Flt./Sgt. and Mrs. Arnold Murphy, Clinton,,a son, POTTER In South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on June 5, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Potter (nee Mary Ann Forbes) a daughter, Lorna Darlene, a sister for Lois Ann,' TAYLOR—In Clinton Public Hos- Pitdo 1)2al, r, onand, SaturdaMrs.y,HJunearvey 4,Taylo1955; ' r, Varna, a son. TAYLOR—In Clinton Public'Hos- pital, on Saturday, June 4, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Taylor, Brucefield, a son. THUOT-In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, June 5, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Joseph Thuot, Clinton, a son. ZINGER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, LAC aon nd Mrs. Bran e Zinger, a daughter. DEATHS INKLEY--In Clinton, on Sunday, June 5, 1955, Mary Jane Gloush-' en, beloved wife of Alexander S. Inkley, Sr., Clinton, in her 74th year, Funeral from the Ball and Match funeral home, High St„ Clinton, , by Rev, H. C. Wilson, -Clinton, to Blyth Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, June 7, SPENCER—At his home in Hen- sall, on Saturday, June 4, 1955, Albert A. Spencer, in his 82nd year, Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home,. Hensall, by the Rev. R. A, Brook, Bluevale, for- merly of Hensall, on Monday afternoon, June 6, to Exeter Cemetery. Soil And Crop Group Tour County, Farms Thirty-six members of the Hu- ron Soil and Crop Association went on the annual county bus tour: on Monday, June 6. Included in the trip was a visit to the 1800 - acre farm of Bill Ellerington, south and east of Exeter. Here they saw 900 Hereford steers and heifers, a method of storing grain corn in four cribs each 100 feet long, a root cellar to accommodate 20,'000 bushels of turnips built with a 100 by 32 foot machine shed over it. At Elgin Rowcliffe's 450 -acre farm near Hensall they saw 7,000 layers in 50 percent production in five months. They visited the General Coach Works at Hensall where 70 em- ployees finish at least two trailer homes per day. They saw the association's de- monstration hay pasture plot at Scott Cluff's farm at Seaforth and visited Jim Scott's 500 -acre farm where 10,000 pullets are on range, Mr. Scott has a 12x40 -foot silo just recently filled with grass silage. Proceeding to Blyth the tour visited the cheese factory where employees work seven nights and six days a week to produce an average of 90 forty -pound cheeses per day. They produce almost two tons a day and the cheese is spec- ially wrapped for Kraft. A visit was made to CKNX; they heard of plans for the TV station to be open this October. Then the tour went to the farm of Bill Cruickshanks and saw his loafing barns and milking parlours, a barn hay drier and a commercial pig feeding operation which feeds 500 pigs. If E I IIIIIIIII✓I IIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIiII lllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIII1111111111011 "PAGE SEVEN BOXY" THEATRE 0LINTON NOW--.Thurs., ;Fri. & Sat. "Rear Window" Technicolor James Stewart Gruee Kelly Thelma Ritter Expertly plotted suspense story, with superb cost and directing. .A must for mystery fans. MON., TUES. & WED. 4L Technicolor 1i Duel in the Sun' (Adult Entertainment) Jennifer Jones'–.. Gregory Pec)[ Whether seen for the second time or as a new experience this re- issue of a great picture is well worth attention. Coming: "MAN WITH A MILLION" "RUN F COVER" in color with Gregory Peck - Jane Griffiths OR Viveca Lindfors sa�wi. Station Guides and Brownies Entertain. At Parents' Nicht ATPARK TELEPHONE THE 1150 Goderich ' NOW Th F lege at urs„ Fri & Sat. "The S' Red Diver" In Teelmteolor Two raiders, masquerading with a travelling medicine show, pick up a nurse and make off for a thril. ling encounter with gun -.hungry Indians: Van Johnson — Joanne Drs and Richard Boone MON:, TOES. & WED. "Three for The Show" Musical comedy at its Technicolor best! Featuring Jaek Lemmon as a missing wartime husband who returns to untangle a riotous matrimonial preblein, Betty Grrablo with Marge and Gower Champion COMING: James Cagney in The annual Guide -Brownie par- ent night of 2nd RCAF Clinton Pack was held on May 30. The president of the Guide group com- mittee, Mrs. Deline, opened the program by welcoming the parents and introducing the Brownie lead- ers, The Brownie program consisted of the regular opening ceremony known as the Fairy Ring, followed by the Brownie prayer. The Brownie leaders inspected the pack. . A relay game "Dress the Brown- ie" provided a keen contest to determine which six displayed the most _skill and speed in properly placing ties and pins, etc., on the Brownies. An interesting skit, "A Brownie Promise", featured good acting ability by Sharon Young, Nancy Dewar, Karen Hamill, Dianne Lee, Lynn Brown, Lynn McKenna and Brown Owl. . Nancy Dewar, Pamela Cameron and Mary'Jane Faulkner sang, ac- companied on the piano by Mrs: Young, Following a relay race, "Bal- loon Game", in which an inflated balloon must be carried for a cer- tain distance on a paper plate, the Brownie program was closed with the Grand Howl. Following the Girl Guide pro- gram, the .District Commissioner for Guiding, Mrs. Monteith, Strat- ford, addressed the audience on the general benefits of Guiding, Lunch was served by Indies of the RCAF Station Clinton Wom- en's Auxiliary. The Brownie leaders who pre- pared the program were: Brown s AIR FORCE DAY TARGET FREEDOM You'll pass inspection if you use ESQUIRE SHOE POLISH Try it today and you'll - agree that your shoes have never had a bright- er lustre— and it lasts and lasts and lasts. RAY'S SHOE HOPITAL "Your local Esquire Dealer" II EIi11111131111113111IIIIE11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIIIII111111111111 GALBRAITH RADIO AND Television Phone 482 : : : Clinton VISIT YOUR NEAREST AIR FORCE STATION Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SAIES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 8.00 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W; ELLIOTT,Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk 50 - STRAWBERRY PICKERS Wanted Immediately APPLY F. W. ANDREWS PHONE 33 CLINTON 22-3.4-b • w GAPITAI. TELEPHONE Goderich NOW---Thurs., Fri. & Sat. "1 Ain The Law" — narrated by 3. Edgar Hoover — In which a resolute sleuth 'pene- trates the underworld to eicpose a vicibig-shot, Edward G. Robinson `— Barbaro O'Neli andous Otto -Kruger MON.; TUES. & WED. (Adult Entertainment) "The. Vampire Ghost"' A spine -tingling chiller — designed to warp the vertebrae of those who crave summat different in film fare. With a cost of An -Star Creeps:! Coming: "CHAIN OF CIRCUMSTANCES" Rieltartl Grayson & Margaret Field Owl (Mrs. Harragin), Snowy Owl (Mrs. Brown), Grey Owl (Mrs, Lee) and Tawny Owl (Mrs. Yet - man). The season's program will offic- ially end with a Weiner roast at the home of Mrs. Harragin June 9. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of John A. Webster, who passed away one year ago on the 13th of June: "One precious to my heart is gone The voice I ioved is still. The place made vacant in my home Will never more be filled." '—Sadly missed by Mother. 23-b Cards of Thanks Our sincerest thanks to Dr Ad- dison and to all our friends, rela- tives and neighbours who sent flowers, loaned cars or helped in any way during our recent sad bereavement, — ALTO-LIND and ELIZABETH RODGES. • 23-p I wish to thank all those who visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats; also the doctors and nurses while I was a patient in Clinton Public HospitaI,—FRED PEPPER. The family of the late Mrs.29 S. Inkley wish to express their many thanks and sincere apprec- iation for the kind help given them during the illness and the bereave- ment of their mother. Special Newland, Rev. vThompsonil r.and the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital. P . LEE'S Driving School IN CLINTON • Every Friday Appointments From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For Appointments Call 110 Or drop in to Ash.ton's Taxi Clinton -- . Ontario Per Lesson 1 hr., $3.50; 1/2 hr. $1.75 23-tfb GODERICH PAVILION Dancing every WEDNESDAY & SATIURDAY Saturday Night—PAUL CROSS and his Orchestra Wednesday is Square Dance Night with CLARENCE PETRIE and the NIGHTHAWKS 35th Anniversary Dance --Friday July lst Door Prize: 21 -inch TV Joluuly. Downs and his Orchestra Phone Goderich 675 or 419 for rental or catering information 21-2-3-4-5-b J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR' SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb Suit Sale Tip Top Tailors "Pick of the House" EXTRA PANTS FREE Choose your new Suit NOW from TIP TOP'S Complete Range D FLEET STREET • TIP TOP • CLUB CLOTHES $49.50 $59.50 $69.50 SAVE UP TO 23.50— r4,QC FREED, rA.I R 'FORE SATURDAY JUNE 1 PICKETT j CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 (Main Corner) — CLINTON