Clinton News Record, 1955-04-21, Page 1Vie 'Jiro Q oiu liil=, SMALL SOLACE IN OUR TIME . A Stratford columnist records the fact that if Niagara is bombed in the next war .. level -crossing warnings,such as the wig-Wago n Victoria Street here in town, will continue to wig and wag quite normally for about three days . , Reason being a heavy-duty storage battery which will take over the operation of danger signals in an emergency ... Rather a nice thing to know about even in the case of a relatively minor emergency .. • * * m AGAIN AND AGAIN WE ARE told that to progress, we must have industry in our town . . again and yet again we are told that to attract such to our town one of the very best methods is to have some suitable land readily available to a prospective buyer . Yet Clinton, instead of using money to buy up a few such prop- erties in an obviously industrial area, along the railway tracks has this week contributed $500 through the PUC to three mem- bers of the commission to attend a waterworks convention in. Que- bec City.. . a k * THOUGH A'rrENDING A WAT-, erworks convention is no doubt :a marvelous thing in itself, as all such types of meetings are . still it woud seem a strange thing to consider it a necessity when so Manytruly necessary things are 'being ignored and treated as a lux- ury with which we can do without Even stranger it all seems, when confronted with the oft -re- peated statement in PUC meetings ,that after all the waterworks sys- tem here is self-supporting perhaps sewerage conventions . . or good sidewalks conventions . or paint the town hall conventions would be more to the point for Clintonians . * TW ONLY WOMAN SPEAKER at a commercial travellers' dinner in Watford, England, said: "Every man is a born, collector ... first he collects beetles and toads then girls, i,:isses andfancy ties then money, troubles and a family .. later come golf cups; after-dinner stories, old pieces of string and nails .. , lastly: aches, symptoms and miseries — poor man . ." (Continued on Page Ten) THE NEW ERA -90th YEAR No. 16—The Home Paper With the News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1955 ByLiberals James ScottNamed. THE NEWS -RECORD -74th YEAR 6 cents a copy — $2.50 a year Guest Is Missionary To japan The ladies of St. Paul's Anglican Church Woman's Auxiliary had as their guest on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Richard Start returned missionary from Obuse (pronounced O-bew-say), Japan., Above are, left to right: Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel; Mrs. Start; Mrs. Clifford H. Epps, past -president of. the Auxiliary; Mrs. Fred Hudie, president; Mrs. L. M. McKined tea. (News RecordsPhoto) Public Speaking Contest At Legion Hall, Here Accor'ding'to Zone Commander J. Douglas Thorndike, the Clinton Branch No.' 14,0, Canadian Legion, is sponsoring` a public speaking contest next Wednesday evening, April 27, in which more than a dozen pupils , from the .'public schools of the district and from CDCI will compete. The contest will be held in the Legion Memor- ial Hall, Kirk Street at 8.30 p.m. Topics are from a prepared list recommended by the Minister of Education, Dr. W. J. Dunlop, and the first three winners in senior and junior classes' will be awarded certificates.prize will be given the best speakers in each class, Winners will compete in early May at a zone contest, which also will be held in Clinton, and to which will come top public -.speak- ers from other centres in this zone The public is especially invited to the contest next .Wednesday. Legion officials urge support of the youngsters in this endeavour. Family Theatre Night. To Be Sponsored By Kin and Lions ....ti m> v +, o iWnmily N1eht of Clinton voted unanimously to hold a sports night on May 17 in honour of the PeeWee hockey team that represented Clinton in the Young Canada Week at Gode- rich during Easter holidays. The team which was sponsored by the Kinsmen will be treated to a ban- quet and it is expected that an appropriate 'speaker will be on hand for the occasion. It was also decided to forward the entry fee for next year's team to. Goderich immediately. Life In Japan Portrayed In And Picture At St. Paul's Scor Mrs. Richard Start, returned missionary from Obuse (pronounc- ed pronoun ed O-Bew-Say), Japan, brought the story. of her life in post-war Japan where she and her husband work at a sanatorium, to ladies of the Anglican Church Deanery on Tuesday afternooh. The meet- ing • was held in St. Paul's Church Parish Hall, Clinton. Mrs. Fred Hudie presided over the meeting, at which won'len at- tended from Wingham, Goderich, .Middleton, Hensall and the Clin- ton churches. Mrs, Clifford Epps read Psalm 46 from the revised atandarg versi9l1 of 011e Bible, Re - 'ports frohl committees "were post- poned until the next regular meet- ing. Polio Vaccine Doses Offered To Grade Three TV For Wingham Has Approval Of CBC • Board Harry McEwan reported that through the .courtesy of Robert Marshall,owner of the Llashar Drive-in Theatre, the Kinsmen, in conjunction with the Lions Club would hold a family night at the local theatre on -Monday, May 9. The picture will be "The Advent- ures of Robinson Crusoe. Tickets will be sold by the two service clubs at $1.00 per car and will go on sale approximatey one week prior to May 9. Nomination Night Main feature of the meeting was the nominations for all executive offices for the' coming year. Elec- tion for, the 1955-56 executive will take place at the next regular meeting on May 3. Car Bingo Kin Don Palmer, overall chair- man of the car bingo, reported on the progress made. The bingo will be held in the Lions Arena on Friday, May 13. President Don Colquheun was in charge of the meeting. He wel- comed Don McCaughen as a mew member and guests Jerry Holmes and Bud Burgess. Bev 'Bray act- ed as sergeant -at -arms. —o seas interrupted by the war; but Dr. and Mrs. Start returned to their post in 1946. She described the difficulties occasioned when she first tried to learn the Japan- ese language, and said that all missionaries must go to language school before they go into the field. She mentioned particularly a Miss Harris, from Hamilton, who has just recently finished her course in language school, and has joined Miss Frances Hawkins (for- merly . of 'Clinton) in the kinder- garten training school work. Mrs. Start reviewed the troubles of the sanitorium staff during the war ,Gars When food Was scarce, and it was impossible to get prop- er soaps and cleaning materials to keep the building clean. Then, in 1950 fire which began in the kit- chen destroyed the main part of the building, and a new one has been built, which now accommod- ates about 100 patients. Mention was made of the dean- ery meeting in Wingham on Thurs- day, May 19, and of the shower of towels for the Huron Church Camp. Arrangements were made to see the study book slides in Hensall on Monday, May 9, at three o'clock following an exec- utive meeting which was arranged to begin one hour earlier. Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel introduced the guest speaker, who has re- cently returned from 15 years ser- vice in Obuse, Japan. This term Shots of - the anti -polio' Salk Vaccine have been authorized for Grade Three pupils in the public schools of Huron, according to word received yesterday by Dr. R. 1VI: Aldis in Goderich. 1 The offer, to these additiona children has been made possible because Dr. Salk has recommended a "longer waiting time between shots of the vaccine. At the pres- ent time it is not known when this second dose will be administ- ered. On Tuesday, the children of Bayfield public school and those of schools in Stanley and Gode- rich Township, went to the town hall in Bayfield for their initial dose of the vaccine. Approximately 90 children received it. Dr. 3, R. Leitch, Goderich, Was in charge and nurses Barbara Sauer and Norah Cunningham were in at- tendance. Participation' by 100 percent of the eligible children from the Bayfield school is report- ed. Seaforth Teacher Stands For Huron Riding Will 'Contest in Predicted' Acid -June Election The Huron Liberal Association took first decisive steps Tuesday night in the election campaign, to at least try to insure that. there will he a smaller, majority in the House for the Next few, years. As "Doc" Campbell said during the' meeting, ''The, government has been in too ;long, and the opposition has been, out too long," and this theme was 'adhered to throughout ;the, nomination meeting at Hensall town hall, when speaker after speaker stated that he felt the Liberal party had a much better chance at winning now than they have had for many Tears. The boar d of governors of the CBC has recommended approval of Wingham's application for a television station license, it has been announced.' In the opinion of the board, the application made by W. T. Cruick- shank on behalf of radio station CKNX Limited, at Wingham, was satisfactory. The board said the station would extend national cov- erage as well as providing local service. Technically, the proposal was acceptable. The Wingham station will oper- ate on channel No. 8. It will have a directional antenna at a height of 793 feet. The transmitter will be erected about three miles southwest of Walkerton in Carrick Township. The Wingham station is intended to service Bryce, Grey, Huron and parts of Dufferin, Perth, Welling- ton and Waterloo counties, Conservatives To Nominate In Hensall, May 5 George C. Ginn, Goderich, presi- dent of the Huron Progressive Conservative Association, has an- nounced that the nomination meet- ing for this riding will be held in Hensall Town Hall on Thursday, May 5 at 8 p.m. This decision was made at an executive meeting of the association hed here in Clin- ton on Monday evening. Guest speaker for the nomina- tion meeting will be Hon. James Allan, Minister of Highways. Thomas Pryde, MPP, has in- formed the executive that he will allow his name to stand before the convention, Tea was poured by Mrs. L. M. McKinnon from a prettily decorat- ed table lit by tall golden tapers, and centred with an arrangement of spring flowers, which included forsythia, daffodols, blue and white hyacinths, water -lily tulips, pan- sies, ivy and evergreen. --•-o— Council Meeting Postponed To Monday, May 9 The regular council meeting for May has been postponed, and will be held on the second Monday of that month, May 9, in the council chamber of the town hall. James Scott, Seaforth, has been chosen to represent the Liberal party in Huron during the next Ontario general election, which it is predicted will be held in mid- June, of this year. There were seven nominees, but ,JAMES SCOTT Public School Teachers. Resign Board Accepts 1955 Estimates only two of the seven permitted' their names to stand, Tames Doig,. reeve of Tuckersmith, was elim- inated when the vote was cast. Mr. Scott, or "teaching Jimmy" as he is known locally to distin- guish him from four other James. Scotts living in the area, is a na- ,tive of Seaforth, He attended the, University of Toronto and Har- vard, and then taught English at the University of •Saskatchewan,.. the University of Toronto and is; now teachingat the University oli Western Ontario. He spent three' years as super- visor of public affairs for the -CBC and four years as book editor of the Toronto Telegram. Recently he was chosen by Huron County Council to write the history of Huron' County and last year a small booket containing his pre- liminary work on this subject wasr published. In speaking of the coming elec- tion Scott recognized that it would be a strenuous fight. He said,, "Under the present slipshod gov- ernment, though we in Huron County faithfully send down some- one on the Government side, we've been getting the small end of the stick. Both Mr. and Mrs. W. L. "Nick"' Whyte, Seaforth, were named as candidates. Others named were John Armstrong, Londesboro, for- mer warden of Huron, and can- didate in the 1952 election; Earl Campbell, Dashwood, present war- den; Hugh R. Hawkins, Clinton. Hawkins stated his pleasure in being nominated, and said that he would be tickled to accept if he were ready for the job, which he was not at present. He recalled that in the past they had named a lawyer, and then a farmer, and did not succeed "but I'm a sports- man, and I hope sometime in the future to stand for an election. t hope that we'll someday be able to, select a man different to what we, have had—and we'll win." Speakers included Frank Har - ben, president of the north western,' division of the Ontario Liberal As- sociation; A. R. Campbell, A.V.M.,. Guelph, formerly of Hensall, and a former president of the Huron Liberal Association; Senator Wil-- liam Golding, Seaforth; A. Y. Mc-. Lean, former Liberal MPnfooroHr o-. ron; fo dran P. Grresident of the On-. Stratford and p tario Liberal Association. Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, presi- dent of the Huron Liberal Assoc- iation, was chairman for the meet- ing, and, secretary was W. G. Cochrane, Exeter. 0 been totalling 583,645, an increase of 57,600 over the expenses in 1954. About 54,000 of this is accounted for in the cost of instruction which is raised from $36,000 in 1954 to 540,000 this, year. 51,000 is ac- counted for in an estimated capital expenditure of $3,500 instead of 52,500 that was spent last year. The estimated receipts of $32,000 rant inc this yea in approximate. 51,6ovincial 00 in includes the aPP the most recent per -pupil grant announced just last month. A. F. Cudmore questioned the high requisition, and asked if it could not be pared anywhere, He said that he thought the estimate on the. stage was+high, Seeretary- treasurer H. C. Lawson replied that he didn't see how the amount could be lessened, and George Levis explained that the capital expenditure included cost of addi- tional furniture for the,classrooms, seeding, etc., as Well as for the stage. president R. S. Macaulay stated that We are all aware of the DV rate in town, and would not like to burden the taxpayerany Three resignations have received by the Clinton Public School Board to date. Mrs. Reg. Ball, Mrs. Harold Wise and Mrs. Williams, all have signified that they are resigning as of the end of June. So far there have been no replacements hired to fill the 13 -teacher staff, The Board, at their regular metting last week, gave approval of estimated expenditures for 1955 Public Demonstration Of Resuscitator Friday Hight A demonstration of the resucit- $10 'ator which has been purenased Friendship Club of St. Paul's through donations made by 27 dif- Anglican Church; Ontario Street ferent organizations in Clinton and Girls' Club; Summerhill. Ladies' district, has been planned for Fri- Club; Clintonian Club; Tucker - day evening, April 22, in the Town smith Ladies' Club; London Road Hall at 7.30 o'clock, Club; Stanley Township Ladies' A special invitation is • given to Club; Happy Workers' Club of every member of the Clinton Fire Huron • Road East. Liberal Leader Lashes Frost in pko ,s r5 at highway contracts. He said the reason they had not was plain: They did not want the facts to be laid bare and the public know the truth. They didn't want the pages to be opened out . for • all to see and understand,. The speaker. said that the gov- ernment had refused to call wit- nesses whose names had been pro- vided by the Opposition, He said, Farquhar Oliver, speaking to a full housein the Hensall Town Hall on Tuesday night, termed the highways .scandal. "the greatest political scandal ever known". The Liberal leader compared the situa- tion this spring, on the eve of a provincial election, to 1934, When "the government lead by Henry was old and tired and its political armour tarnished by scandal and graft." He said that in 1955 the scandals have grown to even greater size, - In four years in one division of the Department of Highways at Fort William, went on Mr. Oliver, the government paid out $27,000,- 000 27,000,-000 more than the face value of contracts. He said that he would. not suggest that all of this money bad' been wrongfully spent, "But no one knows to this, day how much of that $27,000,000 was wast- ed," asted " he said: - Oliver said it would not be cor- rect to credit 'the Government with finding out the irregularities. _He said the lid blew off the pot by chance, when one of the clerks. in .the division felt he had not received his proper cut, and, re- vealed the true facts which had escaped auditors and inspectors paid to uncover such irregularities. Mr. Oliver criticized the govern- ment for not setting up a Royal Commission to investigate the Department, the constables and chief of the Clinton. police depart- ment, and the doctors of the town and district' to come to this meet- ing and see the machine in action. Also, the Chamber of Commerce would like to see as many Cham- ber members out as possible, and as many as can come from each of the organizations Who so whole- heartedly gave their support of the project. ' This will be a public meeting, and anyone interested will be welcomed. Contributions for the resuscit- ator have been promised by the following groups: $50 -Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce. 530 ' Clinton Loyal Orange Lodge No, 710. $25 Clinton Fire ,Department; Clin- ton,Branch No. 140, Canadian Le- gion; Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion; Kinsmen Club of Clinton; Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306; Huron Fish and Game Conservation Association; Clinton Garage • Operators' Association; Township of Huliett; Township of Goderich. 515 Good Will Club of Wesley -Willis United Church; Clinton Women's Institute; Loyal Orange Benevol- ent Association; Township of Tuckersmith. over meat the contractewliich are more than sufficient to cover the amounts of the unpaid fines. "1 predict that when all this is over, the Government will be ow- ing the companies," said Oliver. "The fines that have been levied will dwindle like snow Ander the rising sun, when the mathematic- ians at Queen's Park get through figuring.", Municipalities . Again he noted the • similarity between 1934 and this year, when he said the Conservative Govern- ment .did not deal fairly with municipalities. He said that though grants are higher, as the govern- ment claims, still the provincial taxes are four times higher than they were in 1943. He mentioned that Drew had promised 50 percent grant on all education costs, three and a half, years ago, and that now the grant being paid is 31 percent. "Muni- cipal'tax-payers cannot go on be- ing subjected to the ever-increas- ing' taxes levied for schools. More andmore of it must come from the province and the federal gov- ernment." Oliver stated that the grant for county and township roads was still being paid at the rate inaug- urated by the Liberals in 1943. He said that since the Conservative Government has been in power, there has been no additions to the provincial road mileage 'taken over from counties. „ The Weather 1955 • 1954 High Low High . Low April 14 70 • 55 65 50 15 56 3S 57 ` 39 16 55 - 35 63 36 17 59 42 51 30. 18 . 61 34 56 38 19 56 45 57 42. 20 51 42 54 46 Rain: 2" Rain: 1.08" $5 h Wesley -Willis • United Church more than is necessary. Young People's Union; Clinton Subdivisionof the Catholic Wo- men's League; Christian Reformed Church Young Men Society; mem- bers of the Clinton Revolver Club. Mention was made of the fact that one of the cupboards in the kitchen had come loose from the wall and when it fell a number of dishes stored in it were broken. "When the boys pleaded guilty un- der the gentle prodding of a clever attorney . . The Government moved with , great speed and cleverness to cover up their tracks, and to prevent the people knowing what had gone' on in the Depaiet- ment of Highways. Fines levied upon the four con- tractors who pleaded guilty, still have not been paid, charged Oliver. H.e said that the explanation given is that there are holdbacks under Hensall Kinsmen La.. Plans For Bean Festival "Everything that has a merit mark they (the government) claim as their own. Everything that is troublesome or costly, they lay to Ottawa." The Opposition leader was. in- troduced by Hugh, R. Hawkins, Clinton, and thanked by A• Y. McLean,Seaforth. Reid Kirk, Fairgrove, Michigan, was guest speaker at the Hensall Kinsmen Club's Ontario Bean Festival planning meeting, Mr. Kirk is the -organizer and chair- man of the Michigan Bean Fest- ival held at -Fairgrove. He spoke and showed pictures to the club of past bean festivals in his town and remarked that over 10,000 people were present at their festival last Labor Day. A discussion between the club and Mr. Kirk brought forth many ideas to be incorporated in the Kinsmen's Ontario Bean Festival to beheld Labor Day In Hensall. President Doug McKelvie con- ducted the meeting. Jack Drysdale and Bill Mickle introduced and thanked the speaker. An appropriate meal Was. served by the ladies of, the Ladies Auxil- iary, namely "beans." Bartliff Accident Car This is the car which ;careened into the ditch on Highway 4, south of Hensall last week, injuring Mrs. • Joseph Hart and Mrs. H. Bartliff, who remain in. Clinton Public Hospital, suffering from fractures and bruises. The driver, Mrs.ed (Dorothy)Alfred th dornjur Crozier and Mrs. H. S. Stoff edge the highway'. and the The car wheels slipped ditch, where vehicle went out of control across to the opposite it ended in this position. Celebrates Her 87th Birthday (By our liensall correspondent) Mrs. John Consitt,':: Brucefield, celebrated her 87th birthday on April 16 at the home of. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Farquhar, Hensall, Mrs. Consitt has a family of two children, Roy Consitt, Tucker- smith;,Mrs. C. Farquhar, Hen - salt; also seven grandchildren „ six great-grandchildren. During the evening members of her fam- ily, ;sisters and friends gathered to express their birthday congratula- tions and honor her on this happy occasion. Mrs, C.onsitt.. takes a very keen interest in her family and enjoys her many friends. Two Men Held In Connection With Vandalism Yesterday two young men were picked up by provincial police connection with a number of cases; of vandalism in the Auburn Area. They are being held in the County, ggaol at Godertich. Almost certain disaster to the, train crew of the CPR freight be- tween :Goderieh and Auburrung,. aa averted last' Saturday when two boys discovered a 33 - foot length of railway steel, weigh- ing 840 pounds across the rails. The boys, Gordon L. Gross, RR; 1, Auburn and. his Cousin, Donald Mugge, Seaforth, ran down the track to try to stop the oncoming freight. Meanwhile J. Franken who happened to be crossing the tracks at a railway crossing man- aged to move the obstruction from the rails. The efreight ere stopped, ststeer most on top f had been. Other acts of vandalism in -the immediate area were . _ also dis- covered on Saturday morn- • ing. A roll of snow fence was found strewn across County Road No. 25, , and a tractor left in a nearby field had been reeved and tampered with. Airman Climbs Uninjured From J Demolished Car Stanley Jenkinson, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, crawled out of his demolished two -.months -old car af- ter it turned over in a ditch at a curve on Highway 8, east of Mit7 chell on Saturday. The top of the car was flattened down almost to the seats. Jenkin- son had difficulty crawling out through the narrow space but he was uninjured. He told police lights from another car blinded Jenkinson was returning to Clin- ton after dr.v"n a friend to Strat- ford as a favor. Transient "Joe": Still Has Not Been Identified Provincial police are still trying - to identify a man who was picked: up late , Saturday night on Con- cession 4, Stanley Township, acid: charged with vagrancy. The man, who said his name is, "Joe", appears to be suffering' from amnesia. The police describe him as an immigrant, probably. Polish, about 45 to. 47 years,. weighing 160 pounds, dark com- plexion. He was wearing knee- high rubber boots, dungarees,. brown shirt and blue -grey topcoat.. He aroused suspicion, when a� passing motorist noted that the man went into the ditch as he drove by, and apparently turned his face away as if to avoid re- cognition. The man is being held in the county gaol at Goderich..