Clinton News Record, 1955-02-03, Page 3THURSDA
FEBRUARY 3, 1955
District Churches `Re ®rt Year, s Work•
Auburn Host To
Rev MacM1l
(By our Auburn correspondent)
The annualcongregational meet-
ing of Knox Presbyterian Church,
Auburn, was held in the Sunday
School room on Wednesday. Rev.
R G. MacMillan, interim -moderat-
or, presided, and Don Haines was
The 'meeting opened with a'.de-
votional. period conducted by Rev.
MacMillan. -Mrs. Edgar Lawson,
reporting for the Lades'' Aid said
there Was a balance of. $102 on
hand for future work. The Ida
White "Mission Band report, sub-
mitted by the leader,- Mrs. Don
Haines, showed a contribution of
$27 for missionary work and reg-
ular study of missions.. Pins and
certificateshad been presented to
some of the members for attend-
;Reporting for the WMS, ,Mrs.
Jack Hallam said a bale of`eloth-
ing had been sent and the alloca-
tion had been over -subscribed.
Mrs W. Good, church treasurer,
distributed financial. statements
which showed a balance of $1,042.
William Watson, clerk of session,
presented the allocation of the
Presbytery for the:general budget
of .the church. John Houston gave
the Sunday School report which
showed a substantial balance on
bend. .
Edgar„ Lawson and Kenneth
Seott were elected managers for a
three-year term. Other members
• of the board are W. Good, A. Leth-
erland, Don Haines, Arthur Yung-
biuit and Major Yungblut; church
treasurer, Mrs.' W. Good; auditors,
Arthur and: Victor Yungblut; ush-
ers, Donald Haines, Gordon Dobie,.
Kenneth Scott, Wes Bradnock
church organistArthur Yungblut;,
budget treasurer, Victor, Yungblut,
;Rev. Madefillan closed the meet-
ing with prayer, Refreshments•
were 'served: by the Ladies' Aid.
Brucefield Will
Pay Off $1,000
Decision was made at the annual
meeting of the Brucefield United
Church congregation last Wednes-
day, to pay off .the "$1,000 loan
from the M. Gibson estate. This
payment, which is to' come from
the proceeds of the sale of the
church shed, will leave the finances
of the church in good shape, with
all debts paid. ,
Due to bliz rd weather,only 23.
u za yY
members of the .congregaion •at-
tended the annual meeting, which
saw goodreports brought in by
the following; Session, Rev. G. G.
Burton. and R, P. Watson; . Wo-
man's Assoeiation,_ Mrs. H. F.
Berry and Mrs, liedleath;, flower
eund, M. E. Swan; Woman's Mis-
sionary Society, Mrs.-_ A. Ham,
Mrs. H. Dalrymple; Mission Band,
Mrs. Ed. Allan; Sunday, School,
R. P. Watson; C,GLT.,• Mrs. W.
Scott; Junior Congregation, Mrs..
C. Christie.
J. A. McEwen reported for the
trustees that, there was $110,000
worth. of insurance on the•,prop-
erties, Mrs. Mac Wilson reported
for the Missionary and Mainten-
ance fund; John A. McEwen gave,
the auditors report and Clen
Christie reported for the Boy
Thanks was tendered the Boy
Scouts . and their, leader for the
gift of a power lawn mower to the
manse and the church.
Repair of the church windows at
an estimated cost ot $30 for each
one; was left to the committee.
A. J. Mustard and Vic Taylor
were re -appointed to the board of
Stewards . and W. Fotheringham
was appointed to. \replace John
Broadfoot. Other Stewards are W,
D. Wilson, C. Christie, . Wilmer
Eroadfoot, Alex MacBeth, Alex
Mustard, Edgar Allan ,and Mrs.
Mac Wilson. Trustees are John
A. McEwen, R. Scott and A. J.
Will Be Closed For Six Weeks
From February 11 until April 1
(For Mid -Winter Vacation)
Clinton Hospital Association
Annual Meeting
CAincil 'Chamber
Wed., Feb. 16
at 8 p.m.
All those interested in the affairs of Clinton
Public Hospital are cordially.
' invited to attend,
President Secretary -Treasurer
Turner's AnnuY
Veld Monday
Following a chicken dinner serv-
ed, by the ladies of the Woman's
Association the annual congrega-
tional meeting of Turner's United
Church, Tuckersmith, was held in
the church on Monday evening,
January 24, with a' good attend-
, 'Rev. A. Glen Eaglepresided,'
opening the meeting with a short
devotional period after which the
minutes of the last meeting were
readand adopted.
Reports from the various organ-
izations shoaled: good progress dur-
ing the year. The financial report
indicated a substantial increase in
givings over the year befos-e, both
in the church and Sunday School.
The session . was re -appointed,
also the Board of Stewards and
members of the various Commit-
tees of the church and 'Sunday
School. The meeting was closed
by singing a hymn and repeating
the Mizpah benediction.
Carmel Church ,
Annual Held;
(By our Hensali correspondent)
Presbyterian Church Hensall was
The annual meeting o Carmel
Ste Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Holds Annual Meeting After Dinner
The annual business meeting of plan for re -wiring the auditorium
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, of the church for 1955, which
Clinton, was conducted on Wednes- might well take the form of mem-
day, January, 19, following .a tong- orial lights as suggested to the
regational supper, served by the congregation.
Women's Association and en.
JJ o +ed Mrs. James. Turner read the
by all present treasurer's statement for the
The customary period of devo- church school: Attention was di -
tion was observed, according to rented to the need for a new sup -
the custom of the church, after erintendent to replace the former
which, the congregation voted one whohad moved away from
Royce Macaulay to the chair and Clinton area. The congregation
Frank Mutgh as secretary. expressed joy that the school had
The chairman called for reports grown four -told during recent
for 1954 from' the various organ- years,;and expressed appreciation
izations, following the S•eading of, of the faithfulstaff of teachers.
and the adoption of the minutes Theeneral treasurer of the
of a-sinriliar meeting for the prey- church general
of the
bus year. -- financial statement of receipts .
Mrs. R. L. McEwen submitted expenditures. All .bills had been
the secretary's report of the: Wo- met, in full ajud a gratifying' bale
men's Association and the treas= ance of $1393,83 was reported.
urer's statement, which was most
encouraging, and showed a bale
anee'for future work of cash 'on
hand .$325, with other , assets in
safe keeping, as ,investments. The
association had contributed to
many useful projects, including
$250 to the Board of r Managers.
The work of the Girls' Club was
outlined by the secretary, Mist
Ann Shaddock. Thevaried activ-
ities of this rapidly growing organ-
ization, planned at their, monthly
meetings included educational pro-
grazhs of an inspirational charac-
ter; catering for several -banquets,
baking sales ;and bazaar, together
D. J. Lane, Clinton, Moderator of with •'personal - contributions en-.
Huron res to acting as chair-
r- abled the group to contribute•$350
towards the general, expenditures
of the church, to decorate the prim
ary class room, and to set aside a
splendid fund for future helpful-,
ness in the church work.
The Mission' Band work was re-
potted by the leader:Mrs. Lane,
who informed the congregation' of
the regular impartation• of miss-
ionary knowledge to the children
in the. group, through a study of
the Year Book for Mission Bands
"Fig. Tree Village. Mrs. Lane
reported 30 members and a con-
tribution of $24 to the presbyter-
ial treasurer. .
Mrs. Robert Scott summarized
tho dtivities of the WM Society.
A bale of good clothing had -been
sent to the church hospitals, sup-
plies to Indian Schools. under the
care of the church, delegates from
the society had, attended confer-
ences :on Christian education, a
study had been continued of the
missionary endeavors -of the fields
supported and staffed by the
The treasurer Mrs.. J. Makins
reported the contributions for, the
year as equalling those of 1953.
The managing board reported
through the secretary, Kenneth
Colquhoun, who stated that to-
gether with the. general work un-
dertaken, the following special
work had been cared -for during
the year, painting rooms in the
church school, repairing windows
ant roof of the church, and paint-
ing verandah of the manse and
other requirements of the manse
property. The report included a
an.. Presbytery,
lenpBell clerk othe Ses-
sion, . took 'the minutes. Good 're-
ports, were heard from all branches
of the church..
Substantial surpluses` were at-
tained in both missionary groups.
The' -Ladies' Aid raised over $1,200
for the year. The treasurer, Gar-
net Mousseau, reported a balance
.for the year -and the budget secre-
tart'; Mr. Munn, reported that $660
had ;been raised, ,
Three members retired from the
Board of Managers and two were
re-elected; Melvin Glanville for a
one-year term to fill a vacancy
and Russel Moore was re-elected
for a three-year term.. Newcomers
to the board for a three-year terns
are Messrs John Soldan and Gor-
don Troyer,
Ed Munn was re-elected budget
secretary. Garnet Mousseau will
remain as church secretary. Wil-
liam Brown and K. K. Christian
will be 1955 auditors.
Luncheon was served by the
Ladies'. Aid.
llensall Vnll.age
Anglican Church
(By our Hensaii correspondent)
The annual meeting of St. Paul's
Anglican Church, "Hensel', was
held over the weekend with Rev.
N. D. Knox, chairman. Minutes
were read by R. H. Middletonand
treasurer. W. 0. Goodwin, in his
report disclosed that there was a
nice surplus after *all expenses
The Sunday School report was
Presented by Mrs. R. It Middle-
ton, and the WA by Mrs. W. 0.
Officers appointed were: rector's
warden, John Henderson, Sr.; peo-
ple's warden, Tom Lavender,. Sr.;
treasurer, W. 0. Goodwin; ley
representative, R. H. Middleton;
substitute lay representative,
Frank Forrest; sidesmen, Jack
Henderson, Jr., Tom Lavender, Jr.,
Bill 'Lavender; board of manage-
ment, W. 0. Goodwin, Frank For -
Vest, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Ald-
wlnckle, Mrs. T. Lavender, Mrs,
Middleton; auditors, Mrs, Lavend-
er and R. J. Middleton,
A social hour 's'as enjoyed.
Mr, and Mrs. William Morse,
Brussels, were pleasantly surprised
on Monday night, January 10,
when Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brem-
ner entertained them on the oc-
casion of their 25th wedding an-
niversary.—Brussels Post.
Complete Stock of
[Uippen.Unifed -
Holds Annual
(By our Hensall correspondent)
The annual' congregational meet-
ing of St, Andrew's United Church,
Kippen, was held on ,Tuesday
night, January 18, precededbya
pot -luck supper served by the men
of the church and convened. by
Duncan Stewart, Jack Sinclair,
Winston Workman, Nelson Hood, Time", won by Mrs, Guetter. The
A program' was enjoyed, arrang- meeting was closed by "God Save
ed by Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. the Queen" and a social hour was
Willner Jones and: Mrs. Arnold enjoyed Watching television:
Gackstetter. a The hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Rev. Norman McLeod presided Fred Anderson, Sr., serveddainty
for the business meeting. All or- refreshments. The February meet-
ganizations reported progressand ing will be held at the home of
all financial obligations were met Mrs. Bennett,- when the roll call
in full, including the allocation for will be "A Childhood Memory",
missions. • Hostesses are Mrs.. Bennett and
Appointed to the Board of 'Mrs. Clegg.
Stewards •were: Edison McLean,' addo
Norman. Deickert, Ed.' McBride, Canadians spend about two and
Jack Consitt. An ress of ap- a quarter million dollars a year in
Predation was read to Rev. and ,food stores, less than -a third of
Mrs. McLeod on behalf of the con- the total they pay in taxes to all
gregation, by Emmerson Kyle. 'governments.
Mr. Lane in behalf of the Kirk
Session reported on regular con-
tinuance of worship, seasonal ob-
servance of the Sacraments, re-
movals and additions, arrange-
ments' for vacation month services
and for 'special services and anniv-
ersary, deaths and funeral services,
baptisms, both infant and adult,
the placing of . the Presbyterian
Record in every home, and sum-
marized the strength of the ding
regation numerically.
The Clerk of . Session R. L. Me
Ewen presented the Presbytery
Allocation for `. the General Bud-
get of the church and the congre-
gation agreed to do its, best with
reference to it.
The , retiring members of the
Board of Managers, A. Cudmore,
F. Mutch, E. Gibson were re-elec-
ted and W. Newcombe was added
in place of J. Snider (owing to
the letter's illness).
Auditors appointed for 1955 are
Frank Mutch and L. Rathbun.
The secretary was instructed to
convey the congregation's thanks
and appreciation to Mrs. Morgan
Agnew, organist, and to the choir
for their faithful services.
- Business having been completed
the meeting was adjourned 'and
closed with prayer,
London Road Club
Receives Fees
From 13 Members
The London Road Club met at
the home of Mrs. Roy Plumsteel
with the president, Mrs. William
Watkins in charge. " The `meeting
was opened by the singing ,of "The
Old Rugged Cross" followed by the
creed. The roll call "Paying Fees
for 1955" was responded to by 13
members. There were three visit-
ors present.
The secretary's report was read
mitt adopted, Thank -you letters
from, sick and shut-ins and a do-
nation were received. The treas.:
urer, Mrs. Plumsteel gave her re-
port and Helen Anderson gave the
flower fund report. •
There will be a sale of home-
made candy at,the February meet-
ing. The members are requested to
carne prepared with ideas for ar-
ranging the program for the com-
ing year.
Mrs. Harry Plumsteel conducted'
the program with a reading, "The
Cook Book" followed by a poem
'Born Cook'' by Edna Jackson.
She then 'conducted two contests,
"Jumbled Letters", won. by Mrs.
Norman Manning and "Guessing
Mrs. George Huli:er
After a lengthy illness at the
ghomehter, 01
Mr. ahernd son'Mris,n-laRw ndShi dleau-
e .
the death occurred on Waednesday,
January 26 of Maude Lydia Potter,
89, widow of the late George Hul-
Mrs. Huller was born at Holmes-
ville where she lived until, 1912
they- moved d to Clinton. o
i. Her
husband predeceased her
in 1937.
Mrs. duller is survived by a sis-
ter, Mrs. George Makins, Spring -
ford, and a brother, Oliver Potter,
Clinton; two daughters, (Florence)
Mrs. Reg. Shipley, • Clinton and
(Violet) Mrs. John Spain, Gode-
rich; three sons, Ernest; MacTier;
Bert, Schreiber- and Leslie, Detroit,
Mich. Two daughters, Ida and
Pearl, predeceased' her. There are
16 . grandchildren and six great
grand -children.
Mrs; Huller was a member of
theesW Te -Willi
Y s United Church
and, a life member of the Woman's
Missionary Society.
Funeral services were held on
Saturday, January 29 from the
Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury
Street East, Clinton, by Rev. H.
C. Wilson.
Pallbearers were: H. E. Kings-
well( Percy ` Livermore, William
Pinning, Lorne Jervis, Fred Pot
John Crozier
The death took place on Thurs-
day, January 20, of a long time
of Vfclrillop Township in
the person of John Crozier in his
90th year. Mr. Crozier had, been
in failing health for eight years
and died at the home of his dau-
ghter, Mrs, Randolph Lowrie, Hul-
Ictt Township,
Surviving are five daughters and
one son, Edna, alis. Randolph
Lowrie, 'Londgsboro; Ida, Mrs.
George Brown, Blyth;.:Nellie, Mrs.
gram;, Vera, Mrs.
James McIlainntosh, ,Tucicersmith;
Margaret; at home and Andrew,.
Seaforthr•' Also one sister, Mrs..
Jennie Bacon, Doe River, B.C.
Funeral service was held on Sat-•
urdey, January 22, from the resi-
dence of Randolph Lowrie,- by
Rev,' J. T. White, of. Londesboro
United Church. Interment was in
Maitlandbank- Cemetery, Seaforth,
Pallbearers, were;:. George Brown,
Edward. Reid, John. Taylor, Wil-
liam Leiper, Lorne -Roe, Willis.
ter and Joseph Wild.
Flower3bearers were: George -
Potter, ,Eimer Po'tter,• Wilfred.
Jervis, Elmer Hugill and Kelso,
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Cod Liver Oil Finest quality B.P. Standard 011— 69c
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Cod Liver' mil Capsules 1.00's, reg 1.19 89c
Epsom salt Fine noz.eedlreg. I5c, e crystals25- 1�
2c 19c
S, 16
Flaxseed IDA Brand—Whole seed, 16 oz„ reg. 35c .:,. 290
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Idol -Agar Mineral Oil & Agar— 59c .1.19
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Seidlitz Powders Box 7 —r23e
Vegetable :�,ag ati 4ze Taofbletssets--36's, reg.29e 45c 37c
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In effervescent form, ensuring quick dissolving action.
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I.D.A. Brand ' LD,A, Brand
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Contains lanolin,
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Whips into a rich
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Vita Diet 4.50
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HAND & BODY LOTION contains lanolin ... 98e
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