Clinton News Record, 1954-12-16, Page 7cents e�,tra for 'bos_,numiber or dor direction to NEWS one :year old, Ap lyao Bill Harris; pp R,R. 2, , Ba ield, phone Clinton on a es ay,. December 15 .1954, to C 1 an , P . d Mrs; Arnold n acro inceUnited Church held them Christmas meet= ,,, .. THE GLASS WALL ° Wayne ^, Geraldine Page and Ward Bond NOW—Thurs., -Fri Sat. , -RECORD. d7EEice, }CHARGED , 908x3. 49-50-b Smith; Holmesville; a dAughter. S public Clintonursda ing on Thursday evening, Decem- ber 9"in the church Saturday at 2.30—FREE SHOW dor children under 12 At first she was afraid h would sta a y, then she was afraid he would' Paulette Goddard and Jean I'ieri•e, Aumont ONE REGISTERED Shorthor bull. Apply Walter Ecicel;'Varna, IF -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- 'Pita], , n y'opened , 16, 1954,,`to. Mr, and Mrs. James president, Ntrs; W. B.pOldeuo �a the meeting .with the:, singing 'o£ �• Mon.'. Tues.a Wed., Dec. 20-22 n't. A ro us "s b t tory 'set in the rugged' Southwest. • , An epic story of the Crimea i which a beautiful n,, gypsy,grrl ai'd.4 9 - Phone HenL1 699r25, 49-50-b Snell, RA. 1, Clinton,'d son. ' WEEJES—In; Clinton Public Hos- a hymn. A prayer 'followed. Mrs. • Ruth Knox, in, charge of b6 BOY FROM .' ;� 99 HONDA the allies m capturing a' Russian fort —. 7echnicalor. CO MOD'ATION for RENT 4 pital, on Friday, December _10, 1;954, to Mr. and Mrs. Weejes, Zurich, a `son. WIPER—In Clinton Public Hos- the worship service, gave a read- 'Ing of Peter Marshall's "Let's, Keep Christmas".. Mrs. Colciough led in..,prayei whmh. was followed QKLAH " OMA Wall Rogers Jr: -=. Nancy Olson In Technicolor Charge 7_ `^DZ7e O �ii� '7 Lancears ;, . HOLSTEIN BULL CALF Por veal- Ing;, also two ''Holstein heifer calves, suitable for raising. Apply • 7ROOM AND BOARD 'FOR 'TWO ;ixien shag ng;� ,•Phone Clinton 424. MON., TUES. & WED. 50-b Jrm.Lobb,.phone Clinton 904r3: 49-50-p-,-1954,rt pital,,on Sunday, December 12, LA, and 'Mrs. Albert by -a reading' from the' scripture The sung 1-14by Mrs.cKaos_ An easy-going cowboy sheriff out- wit s Billy the Kid and other Adult Entertainment' - r " TOilii l?OOIYIAPARTMENT, vac -ant np unfurnished. Hot water �Y•.ed ONE HALF JERSEY HALF Dual=• • pClinton, a daughter, ;, an & y the devotional service., desperadoes:'` William Lundigan- Rhonda Flemi ng - (Cobert Ryan MON., TU,ES: &WED. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec. 23-25 Heat, Phone Chntpn,376W. ,. Purpose heifer, due January 1st: Dual bull, DEATHS'; Miss. Grant gave,the secretary's A tale of infidelity, in which a husband Robert Mitchum 6, Myrna 50-b' one -Purpose 15 ,months Old. Clarence Sturdy, phone Clin- ton 901x13, 50-b HOLLAND — In Clinton Public ' Hospital, report: The treasurer's report was given by Miss Emma Plumsteel. �� "Mister is deserted and left maim- ed in a desert canyon but recovers l and solves his problem Presenting in Technicolr t e r 'issue of a k the ie+. Popular and entertain. -FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, heated„ no .objection to infant, Phone Seaforth 4763 between 5 .and .STATIONERY 47-tfb on Monday, December 13, 19541, Noble William Holland, The election of officers for ,the, forthcoming year was conducted SCOutmaster"l �� Ing adventure, 4G�1 (j p�jr% LIVESTOCK WANTED and Z 50-b L.O,L. LOT --- 76'x126' — Located on Blyth Huron Street, C]lintorG TI30MA8 beloved wife of Ruth Switzer, in his 69th =year, Funeral from the 'Ratten-' by Rev, A. G, Eagle: ,1,i Mis. Radford entertained at the "Christmas Clifton Webb co-starred with Geo- \�EpN 1L1\O - ilEl9 i'Ol\ 1 WANTEM FURDIISHED THREE-ROOM' a- downstairs, OLD HORSES, AND dead: 'cattle. GilbQrt Bros. 'Mink , ,Beattie funeral home, bury Street Clinton, Piano by playing Fan lasie" sge Winslow, the little boy with Technicolor — Coming: Coming: Richard Conte and Linda partnient, c e n't r a 1, available immediately, Phone Clin- Ranch, Goderieh. Phone 'collect, east, to Clinton Cemetery, by, Rev. H. C. and Wooden Soldiers".the Mrs. Eagle presented two humor- fog -horn voice. Also Edmund Gwenn, 'ton 73J. 50-b 936r32: or 9361.21, 9-ptfb Wilson, on Wednesday after- noon, December 15. °- bus skits which were thoroughly enjoyed, - Guessing games were then con- Coming: "WALKING MY BABY BACK HOME" REAR WINDOW" In Technicolor -- Jarnes Stewart` and Grace Kelly Christian in SLAVES OF BABYLON" " Dolor FEMNISHED APARTMENT. One mile. 'and one-half from Clinton. ;LOST'AND FOUND Also unfurnished apartment. Ap- Happy Doubles ducted by Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Dut°t, after which a delicious FOUND -HOUND DOG, BLACK ply Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton and white. Phone Clinton 621x22. lunch was served by the officers o4r4:' 50-p 50,b, Ntiame Officers- of the club. L I SIX ROOM HOUSE' IN Bayfield, LOST ---$20 BILL LOST between g� —~ Ladies Club ,17�b n 'three' piece bathroom, Two stoves. Herman's and Beattie's' ' funeral Mold Yule Party - 'Unfufnished. Phone Bayfield 53x2. home on Wednesday afternoon. The regular meeting of Ontario . WA At Ontario St. Summerhill Possession immediately. Finder please phone Clinton 617x2 50-tfbor tape to police station. Street United Church' Happy Will Pack field Meeting ' Doubles Club met Monday even - FOR 'RENT OR SALE. TWO 50-b ing, December 13, in the, church Shut-in Boxes The December, meeting of the ru'om furnished cabin trailer. Apply LOST—SMALL BLACK and white hall The meeting opened with � Summerhill Ladies' Club was heIc to north apartment in Jordan terrier, white paws and chest, the singing of Christmas carols. Ontario Street United. Church at the home of Mrs. Keith Tyndal: .home on Victoria Street or phone Child's pet. Answers to "Skippy" The Christmas story from St. Women's Association met on Tues- with 18 members and four visitor. "-Linton 661-W. 50.51-p Last seen in downtown Clinton on Luke, chapter 2, was read by the day,. December 7, with president Present. The meeting was opener NEW' December 4,' Finder please phone president. - Mrs. J. Radford in charges The by singing Christmas carols, fol. NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment, My First Canadian Christmas", lowed b &M,ath; .modern. kit- Clinton 50932. 50-p meeting opened by singing a new Y the Lord's Prayer. TIrE written by a Czechoslovakian wotheme and tlseme prayer, followed roll caA was answered by a dona- ing,unfurnished, man also was read by Ross Mer- by -Lord's Pra tion to'the Children's Aid Society, ession. W,N. MISCELLANEOUS rill.. hymn Yer in unison and ae Clinton 230. _ Business followed and it was de- The program consisted of read- ehE,L. PIONEER" CHAIN Saws, Mrs. C. Elliott took devotions, ings by Mrs. Fred Vodden, Mrs. 50-p tided that the club send out the using as her topic, "The Christmas George Wright and Mrs, Earl strongly built, dependable, low in Christmas Family Service" to Message" g g 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- price, Five and ten horsepower the members of the church. g � and different, parts were Blake, and a "Name the City" -monis, Heated, private conven- models. Robert Glen, phone Ciin- The new officers for 1955 are read by Mrs, F. Townsend, Mrs. contest conducted by Mrs. Norman fences, private entrances. Rent by ton 907x25. 49-4- Ed Welsh and Mrs. W. Wise. Wrielit. P as follows: presidents, Mr. and Different reports were given and The Januar g week or month. Pierson's Motel, - Mrs. Don Symons; vice-presidents, callers named for 'different wards y meeting is to be Bayfield Road, Goderieh, phone DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. See p' held at the home of Mrs, Fred Goderieh 980. 49tfb thr large selection of Blue River Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler; secre- and it was also decided to pack Vodden. The roll call is to ed .c-- be and Blue Bird Diamonds now•on taxies and press secretaries, Mr. boxes for shut-ins for Christmas, answered by "The Best Christmas ARTICLES FOR SALE display in our show window Terms and Mrs. Cecil Elliott; treasurers, Those in charge are; Mrs. N. Car- I Ever Had". The lunch commit - can be arranged. John A. Anstett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aiken; so- ter, Mrs, Brown, Mrs. Venner, t'ee will be hors, Lloyd TRICYCLE; LARGE SIZE. Phone jeweller. Phone Clinton 562 for cial; Mr. and Mrs. George Col- Mrs. Holmes. yd Stewart, clou li; assistants, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. Fear gave a.report of Mrs, Ivan Hoggart, Mrs. Chester Clinton 524. 50-1-p evening appointment. 50-b g Farquhar and Mrs. Charles Mer - Willard Aiken; membership, Mr, the WA convention at Centralia BEATTY ELECTRIC IRONER. In SAY IT WITH MINK: and Mrs. Ross Merrill and Mrs. E. Radford favoured the rill. The program committee is Buy her a mink stole this Christ- An exchange of Christmas gifts ladies with a'piano solo. The elec- F q Mrs, E. Ellise Mrs, Chester good condition. Phone Clinton 95, g gr Farquhar, Mrs. Percy Gibbings 50-p mos made from our top quality took place, Lunch was served and tion of officers took place and the and Mrs, N. Farbes, pelts also order your dressed tur- a social half hour followed, meeting closed with the Mizpah ONE PAIR HOCKEY PANTS, keys now from E, Trick,, phone The January. meeting is to be benediction and a nice lunch was brand new. Blue. 34" waist, Clinton 907x5. 49-50-p held at the parsonage with the served by the ladies of St, -George's xriii :t c#cxee+ ererr Phone Clinton 555, 50-pexecutive in charge of the pro- Ward. Electroltm Sales and Service gram, WHEEL CHAIR and COMMODE Cleaners and Polishers o Chair fox, sale, also battery radio. Local Representative Phone Clinton 471M at Tright or , R. E. RU'ITAN Canada's population increased Ray's ��IU� Hospital 222R day time:. - 49-50-b 17Z Picton'^Street West ' ` by 2011000 in the first six months ® .: jj Goderieh Ontaric3 of lamtedtImmigration8576 in 1:he per- C RAST �S BRAND NEW ADMIRAL 17' 50-1-2-1-p iod amounted to 85,765. 6 ■ W- ILL BE CLOSED table model $199.50, Also RCA 'Victor and Motorola floor models, LIVESTOCK FEEDERS, Farmers See them at T. A. Dutton, Bruce- —here's good news. We now have IN MEMORIAM �{ from .field, phone Clinton 634r4. Spec- available Egmont Minerals for all af��R Ial this week: Crown Rotators livestock,, which supply all mill- SNOWDEN—In Loving memory �ECE1Fa1& 1+� 23 $39.95., 49-50-b orals that your animals could poss- of a dear husband and father, Serving ibiy require at a price which will Thomas M. Snowden, who ass- g O10 until SEE THE. BEST DIAMOND En- P surprise you. Guaranteed analysis, ed away one year ago DecemberDec. Count a 's Ring Values in Lown at fully registered' with the Depart- 19, 1953. 19 DECEMBER Counter's Jewellery Store now, New goods arriving daily. One meat of Agriculture, Ottawa. Com- `The depths of sorrow we cannot Sunday, dollar holds your Lay -Away. Shop Pares as good or better than any tell, inclusive early and save at Counter's. mineral food on the market, re- Of the loss of one we loved so at 12 noon—Evening 5 p.m. 50-p gardiess of price. Egmont Minerals well, are very palatable without the ad- And Mille he sleeps a peaceful `THREE STORM -WINDOWS, ap- dition of highly flavoured mgred- sleep ?FULL COURSE MEAL "o proximate length 56", width 38", lents. Get the facts, Phone write His memory we shall always keep Tour panes glass. One Kenwood or call of the .farm, J. W Van- —Sadly missed and always rem- $1.25 To Our Friends overcoat, one velour overcoat, both Egmond, Clintori'Phone 805x13, timbered by his wife and family. in fairly good condition.- One large 50-7-b 50-p and Customers: five gallon stone crock. Phone Cllildrell ••-- '75e 'Bayfield 471,2: 50-b PROPERTY FOR SALE _ CARD OF THANKS SPECIAL ATTRACTION REST.' WISHES WATCI-IES-17 JEWEL Incabloc, WARTIME HOUSE in Clinton. FOR THE CHILDREN dustproof and shockproof. Un- Phone Clinton 424, 50-b We would like to thank those breakable crystal, Men's watches who planned the benefit- dance We shall be closed from the MERRY CHRISTMAS only, $17.95; yellow gold, $24,95. NEW, TWO BEDROOM' HOUSE, Reid for us in Londesboro Com- 25th to the 28th, of Five dollars down, $2.00 a week. full bath and hall. floors maple munity hall on December 3, and and a' .John A, Anstett, jeweller, phone and tile. George Gawley, Ratten- also our many friends who attend- December Clinton 562, Free engraving on bury Street, Clinton, 50-p ed. BILL MEDD and: GERALD HAPPY NEW all watches cold, 50-b HUNKING. 50-p SEVEN -ROOM COTTAGE IN WISHING YOU 'ALL YEAR. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Clinton, with furnace, four -piece MRS, LAWRENCE JAMIESON bath, a good family home. Early and family wish to thank their re - A SINCERE HAPPY A RELIABLE WOMAN will do possession, reasonable terms. Iatives, friends and neighbours for 'baby sitting, day or night. Rates. Phone Clinton 4333. 50-b their kindness and sympathy ex- CHRISTMAS, ------ 0__ reasonable, Phone Clinton 587J. tended to them during their recent SALESMAN WANTED sac' b t 49-50-P SALES REPRESENTATIVE ereavemen , for the floral tributes, sympathy cards and all expressions of kindness. Special Furniture Re -Finishing y_ wanted by established firm in thanks to Rev. T. J. Pitt, Dr. 3'OR FURNITURE,"PIANO AND Western Ontario. This opening re- Oakes, Dr. Addison, pallbearers, radio cabinet, reTWIshing and re- Irairing, apply W. G. Pickett, quires a man between the ages 20- 30 with a keen desire to build a flower -bearers and the staff of the Ball and Mutch funeral home. : phone Clinton 761M, 35-tfb sound pleasant life -time career, Experience useful' but not essent• ial. Give full particulars in first 50-b We would like to express our FARMS FOR SALE BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS letter. Apply Box 531, Clinton News -Record,' 50-b sincere thanks to friends, neigh - bours for the man y kindnesses 1VICE LIST OF FARMS FOR shown, W®®® 'WANTED sale. L G. Winter, Real Estate. 'Phone during our recent sad ber- Clinton 448. � , 33-tfb Our 'Up- -To -Date Jewellery Store Toddy et; Phone eavement. Special thanks for the wonderful floral tributes. — THE catl6nser- Ice, wet leasant lova ice, p , 1'II�ND SEA RTF( 498 CUSTOM WORK, 10 CORD OF -FURNACE WOOA, SMITH FAMILY. 50-b e '115-52-b `------ J. Howard, phone Bayfield 53x2. 49-50b I would like to thank all neigh - PICTURE FRAMING -- We are FARWANTED now equipped to do picture train-MS,bours and friends who so kindly lug: Good selection of mouldings. ZeLare4's remembered me with flowers, .Studio. 42t1b treats WANTED TO RENT, PULLY patient dairy farm in Clinton dis- for and, carols while I was a in the hospital. Thanks the kindness of the nurses and `SNOW PLOWING, VRIVEWAYS, 'equipped Janes, pate)ting lots. Ken McKenzie, trict. Responsible parties only, to doctors. Special. thanks to Dr. 'phone Chilton 552W. reply.' Box 500, Clinton News- Oakes. - EILEEN POTTER: 50-b Record. 50_p 50-P We wish to express our heart: MONOGRA1VfMED GIFTS SAY "'Thank You'.' and mean it. We fell �OSALE our can give One day service on writ- ' 'ing paper;• envelopes, book match- thanks and appreciation to relatives, neighbours and nd- as, playing ca r d s, serviettes, ends for the many acts of ]rind - Christmas ,cards, wallets, •pen and pencils; zipper cases. Buy a "per- ness, beautiful. IV, -STOREY, E Room Dwelling. messages of sympathy ' and floral tributes tendered sonalized" •gift from McEWAN'S Gn,T STORE. to (lot .water heating, modern eavement .us during our. recent sad ber- in the •loss of a loving' .and .STATIONERY 47-tfb conveniences; • garage.' Early husband, possession, J. and father. Also to Rev. T. White, Rev. Joh,, Buitoni, . POUI;TRY FOR SALE `p_ .; Aubrey. Toll and members of the ' . L.O,L. LOT --- 76'x126' — Located on Blyth Huron Street, C]lintorG TI30MA8 of Londesboro, Clinton,_ and Auburn E, ADAMS, CE ILIA DRESSED, POULTRY, delivered,, ; Phone Seaforth 850x33: 50-1-p and CLIF ORD. 50-1) COMME .0 AL INN HOTEL C)eriel Van Damrne, 1Prop, JbP�a�i,q'd13dY��l�i:�fr+lvd.�•�dsY�r'�j%PY•iiu�L Y HOSPITAL 50-p att�aursrar�t�"h�aru�a;ar`^sat:a'abaa��r9rwi HURON' FISH AND GAME CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION - ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SHOOT 1.00 p.m: — Alma Grove — Clinton Trap -Shooting, Pel lets- in -a -Card, Rifle Competition, 22 and Centre Fire Rifles (high power), Dart Throwing, SPORT AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYONE SPECIAL EVENTS FOR THE LADIES Refreshments , in the Hall TELEVISION RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVICE PHONE 482 -- at — CLINTON GALBRAITHRadio and TV Say "MERRY CHRISTMAS(( - I .uses, Mums o Carnations -'Etc. In Potted Plants: AZALEAS ® POINSETTIAS BEGONIAS — CYCLAMEN ® C. C 0 0 IX.,Js Ed Florist PHONE 66W CLINTON Clinton Community ' Farmers AUCTION .SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.;m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT' Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHUUN, Clerk SHIRTS -- TIES — SOCKS, PYJAMAS SWEATERS -- BELTS ;MATS —. SPORT SHIRTS = 'ROBES JEWEL LERY --JACKETS -- GLOVES LUGGAGE -- SCARVES Etc. POULTRY WANTED 2 -STOREY, 9 -ROOM Dwelling, (sui-ttbie for with ing). Ilio- wager treating with oil:.hard- TE T GIFT BOXES --- GIFT CERTIFICATES 200 PULLETS""WANTED. WILL. 'for with mixed grain. D. P%! wood floors down; well locat- O e q,""� — at —; Bruinsma R,R.. h, Clinton, Phone Clinton 616r31: 50 b. ed. Doable garage. . H C Ljj s86n rteWtlli)i' s4lltl. ItVatcllmalier EXPERT WATCH REPAIR: SERVICE 13u16va, Gruen and Cymo Watches . AND INET CA MIDDELL NURSING HOME T IIrii l'. R O W t AND .A M NURSING'. II016i1�--S9cAsORTH BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Graduate, nurse in charge 24 REALTOR Spode Danner ware -. ours. Coln etent care for con-: y and aant Bank of Montreal BuildingModern 1 �lAOd4sit Clinton' . . Our 'Up- -To -Date Jewellery Store Toddy et; Phone ARROW SHIRTS STETSON f (ATS catl6nser- Ice, wet leasant lova ice, p , 1'II�ND SEA RTF( 498 42-tfb t•s+•s+sa�4so-.rok�+ti2 f 562 Clinton 26-tfb PHONE 25 _-- (Main Corner) —�, CLINTON e '115-52-b `------ r .�,�ii7t8ik�` i�r '°91,"A-9Ap7�t$7zp`�1:"ai27i't'ik'zS�Pa"Ha'is�i'�7�tiFYS�t�Sd�I�7�i2xwAr"ii:. "a�ir�7'r}t9t1S08t�tr�lx' z�rr`�,