Clinton News Record, 1954-12-02, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD PAGiC THREE
da and dely- 7islned was a crude outline of an WORD THAT' H> NSALL urday after, branches of the Ba
day School on Sun y, original photograph, Mr,, Forster BANKS CLOSE. WITURDX of. 'Montreal at Lucan, • Crediton,
Eben sir Church eyed a very fine address; ..NFle al- ct rer explained. K. K. Christian, manager, of the Hensall and Zurich will he closed,
so spoke to'the Biblo class, during' , ,ell Telephone-`M.e"� �+ _ He said it was 'not until 1915, Bunk of Montreak Hensall, ;'reports As a convenience to customers
• . p g
.the School .session. ;Triers, were ' ■ -when the vacuum tube was de- that commencm Saturday, Jan= the branches will open' _ extra
Enj YS �����'� velo ed and electronic tubes were uazy 8, and each subsceuent Sat- hours Friday from .4 30 to 6 p.m.
J oyer 40 "present: Special music; �e��r�bes The TV S': ®s ., P
brought ?it° play: and unproved, '
(By our Ebenezer Correspondent) included a solo, and a `-quartette, that the television camera as we 'gip ti's W' � ' P iv'v� ' v P^R a�tZI
Rev. A. W. Watson, Blyth, was had been prepared by the organ You with'the TV set ..: Do you see spots before your eyes9 know it came into being.' It picks°x,
guest speaker at Ebenezer Sun- ist, Mrs. M, Lobb. No? , Well that's where you're wrong, because you do- up more than 250,000 spots of Personol Service it Prices
whether you know it or not
light as it scans or views an en- .:
` It's not ani hallucination, 'it's a principle the very, prin- tris picture.
ci al upon which television is based. A model of the early "Nipkow -
- _ p disc" .and- of later. developments '
E. C. TORSTER work, but he established the from it w@re on .display to, illus;-
of the Bell Telephone, pomp sp°t" principle as ,the working rate what Mr, Forster was saying:
any explained the "spots" in
p- basis from which-modern televis- Because television, teletype I and r
ion has developed. tele be into
television last Thursday right' electr'�al lin impulses tlieymbecome -
Dr. Nipkow, who knew the pos-
zn ontario Street United p
Church in. a lecture arranged• sibrlit-el tri electricity and the part of a' logical development s- 4
' = Photo,,a scientist, a. ncvial �a11Y8S;,a`LIICI POTII!]1dCTS
by the Girls' and Men's Club the` telephone business, Mr. Fors; F
knew the peculiarities °f the 'hu- to said, "Just as we carry speech;
His address was entitled F
„ man eye as a physician. He res= "so we can carry photo ahs, . Jtor'Tiiilii'SGIa � I+'i'ida & Saturday
Your . Telephone Company P y y �'
and Television soned that if you tool; a picture punted .riiessages and television
A brief, program .of music was and shone light on it to illuminate pictures,"
p g one small spot at a time, then The latest 'medium in this -type' ) BRANDS A r �+ ' g
presented to introduce alis even- these spots: could, be translated ,SfJCCitIS Q11 I.D.A.ADl\fYl V J
Ing, .Miss_ Elva Wiltse provided. into, electric impulses by the. of transmission is microwave radio
piano music, Leslie -Pearson sang; photo-electric cell, • relay, developed primarily to y
accompanied by 1VIrs. Don Symons, i csrry long distance telephone con _ 4 oz., 8 oz.,
/ By reversing the process t)ie versatzons, but it is readily Cocoanut Oil ShaIn o 23e 39G
and •Mrs. J. Willis VanEgn and •y adapts it reg. 33c, 49c ...
played a selection, on the ' acdord- el , tmfe :?irzpulses were, translated able to television .transmission. •
back into spots, of light. at the Mr. Forster illustrated the Bell's � Theatrical style
- ' ion. ne• Wilkins acted, as chair- . ,Disc",400-mile, microwave system be-
reg. Evelyn �IOW2Y'd Cold Cream
? 1 receiving end of the circuit. Y 16 oz., reg. 89e �i9C
lU� y
Ile invented the Nipkow tween Buffalo Toronto Ottawa
man for the evening. The speaker a flat circular piece of metal per-; and Montreal, using two miniature Milk
Of Magnesia 16 oBc:,2 oz 29C 49e
was thanked by Mrs. W. B: Olde, forated by tiny . holes arranged microwave towers set 'up before reg. 35c, 60c ...:,.. t
and her he rim of the disc to the his audience. 100's 300's, „
'Fletcher thankswereseconderdi a from t in a concentric curve: It .; NLicrowaves, he explained, travel 1 agneSia Tablets reg. 39c 89c ...:.. ...:...: 29Ct rJ9e
During the afternoon, a s was through this disc that a light
talk, had been given -to the stud- shone to illuminate a picture one n straight line,' and that is why,
r ants' of the science classes at Clin: ^ microwave towers are mounted on "Economy"
spot at• a time.. hilltops in lie of sight with •each o. '' IDA's Own ..
'ton, District_ Collegiate Institute. The idea, then,: was to revolve g WRITING P ElDS TOILET TISSUE
In 1884, Mr. Forster said, a Gem� the disc at such a speed that the other. Hundreds • of long distance NOTE °
man. scientist and medical,. doctor spots .'would ova; too Trickly for conversations can be carried $ 2 �15c
'n 9 SIZE, reg 10c C 7 r Extra Strong Reg. 2/25c ,
named Paul Nipkow turned his the. eye to separate them and so simultaneously on the Bell's, rS
knowledge in both fields xe they would farm. on a screen the wave system. Ladies lz 13 C, 2 /25 c Extra ;Soft , 2 23 C
•' search to the problem of trans- outline of the picture ;on which Letter size 750 Sheet Roll for
' i.. ,. seg: 15c
mitring a picture by electrical -theywere beamed.
��- impulses. Dr. Nipkow never lived The principle was sound, but in, (j g (�jj B. P. 16 oz.
to. see the present result of his practice all that could be accomp- CVD LAVER Oil standard reg. 89c 0c
Capsules .
.r lWspeg1.19 S9c
1 •
.� Obituaries
I�r f r Buy Your CHRISTMAS CARDS Nona!
Mrs. R. Stephenson Mrs. C. E. f 1' > i �F. make sure you meet the egr(y mailing dates
(Sy our Hensah corresponds ) � C1 g • .
f Mrs. Robert Stephenson, highly Mrs.. Hannah Nary : Cunning- 1 , Fifty, lovely colorful cards in a wide assort-
ham, 83, «died Sunday, November went of attractive Christmas designs.. You will
esLeemed resident of Stanley 28, at her home, 66 Barker Street, ® i be pleased.w
ith this fine selection.
Township for the past 60 Years, London. 8C
Take advantage of. this special 'offer ... Trade in died at her home on Tuesday, Nov- She was born in Clinton. Sixty EiOX
ember 301 in her 91st year. years a o she married Charles - g550RiI11Elli
your old sewing.. machine for the new fully .Better quality cards in a colorful assortment
The former Agnes Alton, she Eugene unrungham, who died in � equal to many muchmoreexpensive,
automatic NECCHI BU MIRA and receive the was born in Belfast, Ontario and 1920. Mrs. Cunningham had re-. : t:
i ' sided in London for the past 20
following her marriage took up re- years and was a mbmber of Cen
highest trade-in allowance. � � k
silence with her husband in Stan- tennial United Church. r" -
ley Township. Surviving are a son, Charles O., JUST A FEW OF THE MANY
,. Y, •yy�•�y
THE' NECCHi'°BU MIRA embroiders completely and a daughter; Miss- Edna Cur-
automatically, sews on buttons, makes buttonKi
.. She was a member, of St. An- ningham, both of London.
drew's United Church, ppen, and Funeral services were held at ( (IT1A l t( 4 Ct 1
holes, blindstitches hems, darns; monograms and took -an active part in church or- the Needham Memorial►i►6 4 �rWW A
elimiliates all hand-finishing work. You cgtt maks ganizations in earlier years. Her Wednesday afternoon. In
yermenl aau, ad
husband. predeceased her some was in Woodland Cemetery.
a' complete wardrobe without effort. Don't miss years ago. ��r P z4x' : 'Certified" 1'I$II,ISIIA�I+ '
Phis opportunity to save money, • Surviving are two sons.Herb at �%m� 11 310 k��>°�+`�!IG I'�DS ELECTRIC SHAVER
PP Y Y home George, Walkerton; Rena, Mrs. 3' J S< tl ti 3 `
at. home; one brother' Albert Alt- Mrs• Ernest Jackson received e- v t3 l i t movable wash-
on, Lucknow, and ons sister, Mrs: word from Michigan on Sunday, tk a ; x able cover.
Mrs. Richard McQttillin, Lucknow..November 21, of the sudden death a € '" 3 control heat, rotary n e w
Resting at the family residence, of her sister-in-law, Mrs, W. M. l 9a 1 year guar. shaver
ha v t y p e '
• • Lot 6, Concession 6, Stanley Town- Hyslop. 6.95 s shave s av a
shi , where public service will be Mrs• Hyslop was a daughter ofd closer shave
y� o E,1 fie* [q� p p "" OTHERS �� fir, without
JJi�C�i iC ir,/o held on Thursday, (today), Dec- the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Saeli- z
ember 2 at 2:30. p.m. `Rev. N. son and was born in Clinton acid g � 4,05 to 8.9.5 burning.
D. W. OORNISil McLeod,' IUppen, will officiate. lived here until her marriage. BA I T 5 27.95
'Wour Westinghouse Dealer" Burial will be held in Bayfield Mrs. Hyslop has made her home WATERMAN'S �.
PHONE '479 OLAVTON cemetery. The Bonthron funeral with her only daughter, Mrs, m /r+47 PENS and SETS
home, Hensali, is in charge Of fun- Walter Karat, at Grosse Pointe ��1:✓J1��J�+
eral arrangements. Woods, Michigaii, since the death Yr - Friendship's TOILET
of her husband: a few years ago. I 1 l f 'i Garden WATER
She is survived by her dough �f p INCH "y' m
b U Lr �i - 4 oz 1.r5
ter, a son, and a sister Edna (Mrs.. -1 �, c""�.,��,� „ .,
° John Peel), Buffalo. Mrs, Hyslop„r ai r r R o
has visited here for several sum- w , f� ! Bubbling Bath rl sI
niers with Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. . Crystai•ciaor I y ' O:ystals-8 tubes
James Livermore and has, many $349.50 in a box .... 1.25 s i
friends here. pieturos.
The-funeral took place-£ram. the •.Exclusive I ! In walnut finish, n Blass Salts, . .65 ��K ry
FREE,Foz.REE 11356 Pen :...... a $8.96 lass bti ... ,. 1.65
6' J. A. DeSantis funeral home, to "Golden Throot ! slightly.ho .i y o In 1135611 Pen trill ,Pencil .. 5.45 g.
Grand Lawn Cemetery and was tone system. limed oak fins 6s. "Crusader•' Pen 5A5 Body Sacbet, 1 oz i
in. the charge of Rev. Willard ! "Crusiuiert Duo-Pen glass btl__ 1.50
See the difference in a and Pencil .:.,.. ...... 10.25
Ball & Mutch Furniture
Lampe, E. Routly m. side-6y-side demonstration'at
Guy E. R,outiy, Bright, Ontario, T A. DUTTON urIIQuE F. • B. PENNEBAKER PHONE
.�11TIOlX1dCC5 its Annual. C�i!YlSttrtaS DYQtU formerly of Clinton, died in Wood PHOTO
stock Hospital, on Tuesday, No- BRUCEFIELD . SERVICE DRUGG19T
vember 23, after a two-day illness. �)fEOEie Clinton63�T4
Commencing December Ist IHe was in his 65th year.
B IHe wasborn near Kirlcton and
received his education in this area. --
Ire joined the staff of the Canad-�rsr,•tzzarar�r,,a��,la,�,,b,9 ptr+2r;,,�agrr rz,srrHiar
Ti his year we .are giving away absolutely ian National Railways and was
free a 5-Piece FOLDING working in this capacity when he
• moves to inton, He was employ-
* SET, $31.50. The public is invited ed here for seven years and 'was
then transferred' to Bright where
to view this, Prize and be convinced of the he has resided for the -past 40
T , extra value you will receive with every pur-years: He married the former
Gladys Cook, Clinton, who pre- s
chase in our Furniture Store• deceased. him 15 months ago,
' Funeral . service was held from °
his late residence on Thursday, `
For e�ery cash purchase of $5.00 worth
P November 25, conducted by Rev: TV M=
of merchandise from our Furniture Store, kf. Watt, Chesterfield. Interment'
was in Chesterfield Cemetery.
you will be given one 'free chance oi%,this
y g Surviving are two sons, William, ”
useful Bridge Set. ' i living in Bright; Jim, Tavistock,
and one daughter (Margaret) Mrs. o
Blair Graham, Bright..
The draw will be made at 9 p.m;. on
Christmas Eve,- December 24th, 1954. Mrs, Mary Sell
G Word has been"received by YOUl- DO
friends in Brucefield and Hensall 2!-inch
Here. are a few suggestions for Christmas s • of the death in 5t. Pauls, Minn.CAN YOUR
of Mary Burton; wife of the late
Dr. Sell, and cousin of Mary -Gib WIN CHRISTMAS
on, Brucefield. p�
•' • - -! • , Born and raised in Mitchell,
Mrs. Sell trained a sa nurse in SHOPPING
Jamestown, New York, . and after �,>x <:`{. 3 •�
hdU1S BEAUTIFUL :kh ?°,,,, ', HERE
For The �Kid yes dor T � �� � r -Sell .the :moved to t:M: •:>,<Y�:!•::: ';.%'>�%?'>
marrying D . Y
St. Pauls to live. Her husband; a ,MOTOROLA
Toys .. died -some years age. t:0:,,>.:>.. :.:^:•>xky-„a'a.;r"<,•,.,�a
o s of ` all kinds Lam
y _ Surviving are one adopted son, TV
and Coffee TS.bleS living in New York; two sisters,
Cuddle I7011S sill Animals - g can Vlore Mitchell, and . :i'c 't:„ •,;���°��:i:v�; :�sa,,,.`,�,y.,. , • �`
Y Mrs: J Y, SET
Sarin 'Cushions
Salome, •Toronto..
S e died on 'Friday November .1 s .tt . • . >,, s.:a• .,;, sem.,"< ,t.: 01
Doll. Carnia
ages h, r, z c a r
g Alrfoam Pillows. a ;;>$.
26, and was buried on Monday; ti ;•i• M :1kaS
Noc°ember 29, at St. Paul's.
Childs Rockers occasional Chairs FREE
Hostess., Chairs� o< x t' � �<::f t, A
Tndergarten SetsAW :,:> :'.aG; S
Mrs. John JohnstonJ.oh>�ston
Platform :R.oc} ers- <' >; # ,. NEW
4 ;: s,,..
1�eSliS and Chairs Mrs.' Hattie -Johnston, g5; wifa� TICKET S t,, ...; .,�<a.*,. • n ,
Recliner Chairs of John A. Johnston, passed away 1955
,^ WITH r~
p � on SrFturday, evening;. November Hf
Blackboards :.::. �<..::.
mokers "
. ,. A 27 * at .her hems on'Regent St., ”. .. ^„�,�„
ill= V
:.M.a:�:ai'�:u�„>?i�°,., 21 INCH
• Hampers Goderieh, fallowing a lengthy EVERY .,.•;;w< "'` "'"""'"'"" •E
Clothes Hamp
,Shoofly Rockers ness. � `".,11,,,.x.-•-. �'' MOTOROLA
• She was born in Ashfield towin-'�"
Mirrors $t.00
.. •ship, the daughter of.tlie late John
Sleighs, Cedar Chests; Willis and the former Martha Mc- PURCHASE
Connell. She lived in Ashfield Tv
Toboggans magazine RaCliStownship until moving to Goder
ieli about five years ago. She was
,-a member of Knox Presbyterian
UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Surviving, besides her: husband;
are: one son, Harvey Johnston,
a Goderich; three daughters, Mrs. R:
C. .13ean) Scott, Wingham,. Mrs.
Edgar (Beatrice) Stoll,, Clinton;
Mrs. W
andM`v G.'(Re Doak, Goderichen) Williams, God-
erieh; two sisters„ 'Mrs. Robert
r I.a die and Mrs. Bert .
TCH Grimmett Saskatoon "C'h.a
g * 1
Funeral services were held s-
' ,R V' 7• the T:,odge funeral home on Tues- '
C CJlll10C1 Iday afternoon: Rev. R: G. Mac- • ;'1
Phone 195 I Miilan officiated. Burial was in xvtt�t�Cataiar��EUEkCsac3 ���If !4�K�1tECt e�'c t ,. ^s�"i¢°t tate* c? t+a�u2i +a z�w uta?�at�r �s°t w[��
�iA'rrn�rb:�°u�2�,X�im�ii�"r�4aa>ami:i't�t2iav,�rraHrp,,�r�t�rzrri�Ynr%,Ps%a��Yi�,�rYaarlaz�ar5a,9ri�i+t7dibt�c3�artra'�a Maitland cemet,ery. Ilii�tlNiti5ulli3za g7nIDi➢ti1�r?aisuAsx,flnpglpaa,PirBitmilx3ko,b19WAifoil,l,3ti„31,O,pi�t8q+¢1a71ilk1M