The Clinton New Era, 1912-11-14, Page 4t' li // Ready Wear, , Phone , 78 MILLINERY $3 9 We put on sale Satur- • day T5 Ladies' Trimmed Flats, all new thissbason • ,and trimmed inour own work room, and are up to the minute as regards' style. These hats regu- larly sold as high asbS7 and $7.5o. Satuiday 3.98 eoAT TN's MIMI .A woman wh,i .i nts a Full Coat that's different from oth- ers Wen rt 1 v to come here and see what we have to eqer. Tee are exclusive, and you will' not meet a dr zen s,niri, ereesecl in the same style of coat. The accom- prnying i insir 'teen shows one of the many good styles we ate sho n, . Whet her or not you intend to buy we special- ly invite you to 0.01 and inspect our display. ip L'' , ofIL:1_31LI(TY ' „,„,of ni, We invite a careful inspection of our Fart. We have 'values that cannot easily be equalled, Any customer who chooses prom ptiy will realize the satisfaction .of getting the hest. It is needless to look for a duplieat ion of our present sariety later in 'the season. SPEIRL. for theehildren. . the right thing to make into the right kind of e hirer coats for children pen bard to ()brain. i e have special goods tt special m ices. , .nesrley of "ex t week: ATI interestinr program has been arranged': includ, SOCial and• Persoria ,,Ktgiriddrofsgb 3tsidily Ii3rci.1.41sesrzt§itiirMefiy The second, meeting of the young •is+++.4.•••••••••••••++++*+.444 Men's Club will be held oln Monday Mr. lames Scott of Blyth, was itl + , * 01'011414 ' at eight o7 clock. An in- toWn last week. • , • pgm consistinof a of Aee you going away ? Are • teresting rora Ms, Elliott, of Goderich, agent Of the Obildren's Aid Society of Huron Oct, was in town last Friday. Public School Inspector Field, was in town last Friday. Bodgins Bros. establishnient. b ayes 1 t ocietannoun,sd in The + for a trip to his home in Eng'and, ; It ,40 kindly ., + Goderich Signals --"Jas. 'bowler, ot where he will ,pend a vecation" Mr. + NEW ---------''' • ' ' • ' 'T telePh Fowler was to resident of CliritOri for t onssso,S,Sandaskfor the , : • 6 • • dresses andm, unto and all, the men • ysu enasrtaining out.° - own .4, of the congregation arse invited to + friends or relatives? Are tt mid . , t Yo" gbing t° entertain your + CHURCE1 ONTARIO ST ' club niembers .1/0 YOU ' • : that next .tneeting of your •so‘:sr,b,„esvt:airtiwe h, ;1?(lTurkeytr tahned piabsei 01 res. discourse last Sunday evening, The st,'-etigg e for liherty 'and for protection from the itittderance and cruelty of Turkey os well as the moral gaounds ter interest in the outcome of the WAI., On the parb of Christiiin; people were clearly piieetrtied. Belot e t he ensse of the service Miss, Permits A 1 IT 8/32lig "0' Hastily Day's , S' • tbe League meeting on 'Monday ,Miss Shipley presid,ecl and the Aortic l'er the, evening was introdnesd sbY Wes Courtice. Miss Akata rendered ti. solo, !lie Bradshaw a reading and Mrs, Glen' Otttimbell and•rMiss Tebbut ii instrumental clnetts :the S 1.1.11iOr League on Friday , even firs will have a court' to try "Mit, Lierint. man", The boys of the .1..ertgos, win choose a Judge. La.wyers, etc; and will carry out the trial in the most tip to date rnan 5151, The monthly missionary meeting of • the W. M, S. was held at the home ot a few weeks, lltr, W. Brydone ',vas in Toronto , of Mrs. Robb oril.`nesday afternoon. last weelc IVIr. and Mrs. Wessman, G ()rich Ire :1 1.1 the .wort; of London ,speint the week' end'here. a short time prior to Goderich, + Editor, We will appreciate •13arrister Hadley Holmes of Wit g greedy fevers of this kind.• 4. :LANs MargareA tleown, who has been 4. visiting hes. sister, Mrs. 3', Ltslie Kerr +++++++++++44444+++. +++++++ for the' past week, retained to her hair, was in town this weei. ). ,..ee,eet--....-ts-xnteY-Y----ee-nesrer=_setesscemeertmk/ Pithy Pars About Mr. Wilson Dark • •Where Is Your Child After He is 30 years old. He has; a charming and beautiful wife imd theee charming daughters. His daughters ell look much More like him than like their mother. They are all mown and unmarried. His first name is "Thomas,' but he has not used it for many years. They called him Tommy In college, He does not use tohacco Drinks a, little wine sometimes and a Scotch highhalt when very tired. Butter. stink is his favorite beverage, He is nearly blind in his right eye as the result of an accident in youth. When rearing he holds a monocle in front of the damaged eye. His favorite recreation is golf, but. I be walks much. He never drinks ice water. Sleeps from I/ to 12 hours out of .;svery 21. • 'Likes automobiling, but often goes to sleep in the motor. He is a s4,ortha,nd and typewriting expert. Writes all his speeches, lec- tures and books that way. He uses the Graham System" of shorthand. He is 5 feet, 10 Males tall, weighS. 177 pounds. He can run hs,lf mile at a good ner,I3 Witbellt inglhg Ivind, Dislike's military clisplay. Except for a few thousand dollars 'which he saved from Isis salary as 'president of Princeton, he has no 'money or property. .0onsiders '13' his luck • number, ''.1.`l\ete are 131etters in his name and ' •h' thirteenth year as a pisofess r *4 at Princeton he was elected its thir- teenth president. • Likes to go to the theatre, Prefers ,........ comedy of light opera, ieweekneWStkiweeekiekeerkireitikaAAAANN His light speeches are impromptu. > lie has enormous ears and a large P mouth, with large, irregular, sonat. i NoiAt „• what discolored teeth. y. 1, Be wears eye glasses all the time. Was a good haseha,11 and football• player when a young ruan. 3 >' Is the Time For DEAR EDITOR The a,bove question which headed an article in a Toronto paper,as 1 eead, it rather startled me ; and I wondered if it might not apply to some parents in Clinton. The writer's answer to toe question, as coming from the parent, "1 don't know". Is that the case concerning the groups of children (some of tender years) who are seen - often to a late hour -roaming our stesets 1 often think of what a depraved man once said : "My street education ruined me" Mothers, Beware! An Interested Resident 'lunch May Get Clothing Factory. home in Brussels stn Wecinescia . MI'S, J. Leslie Heir is spending a few days at her home in Eh ussels.. Mr, Time. Oraig leaves en Saturday f, r Indianepolis where he has a' Losi lion awaiting , Clinton People Want $200 Borns and no Taxation—By-law Slated Shortly, Zurich Nov 12, -The Lusiness men I ' ' sof the town met representatives ef the Jackson Manufacturing Company, of 0 inton, the other d ty in connection with the latter establishing a clothing factory nere. The Jackson people ask a bonus of 5200 and exemption from taxation, agreeing to start, operwatiflohnes with fifteen hands. .A hulaw voted on shortly. it is expected, Plumbing, MUCI1 ilamap ily Eavetroughing . Recent Raill 11. Stove Moving } Wingharn Partly Submerged r I• Wingham, Noy. 8 -As a rein& of the heavy rains of the past few days the river here has reached quite a height, and the flats in the lower per. Lion of ,the town are partly under water." Bad At Blyth Myth, Nov. 8 -The creek here is swollen to almost as great an extent as it was during the spring freshets. Many of the fields are badly flooded; and the farmers are experiencing great difficulty in lifting them sugar beets. 'Varna Parnaers Delayed Varna, Nov. 8 -Farm work here is being greatly delayed at the present time owing to the heavy 4 npours of the past few days. r f„, 3 ALL ORDERS will receive. prompt at- tention. Prices given On all kinds of - Rooting, Siding', and Contract Vtork. Byani &Sutter Sanitary Plumbers MAAAWAWAAAANONOAAAA ?dr, :Win. Moore, Wingh am, Ont, Tuesday evening an•honor of Mrs, announces the engagement of his Frank Hall, who leaving town this eldest daughter, Edith Pearl, to Mr. The many frkends of Nt.' Fred. Runsball will be sorry tolearn that he (sin very poor health at pre,sent Invitations are out for the ' Mc- q3ride-Cluff wedding which takes place on Deceniiber 4th: .. Mrs, A.J' Geigg entertained on Alex, J. MacDnugall of Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex MacDonka)l. Gresham, Ont. The marriage w take place the latter part of December 'Mrs. Fred Wasman and young son of Nolan, New •Mexico, are -visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 3' F. Wasthan for MteShoenhals visited his old home Miss Lynch, of St 'Col-emit:tan, is inPortsklbert last, week. Visiting her sistir Mrs. P.A Bey - Mr. W. N. Manning of London was nolds. ' Mrs, (IL W Coo . khas.returned in town last Friday. Mr. G. D. MacTaggart was in Tnr Isom Ypsilanti, Mich. ,where she has , onto last week. been for Iseveral weeks; the guest GPO. ilfcfennan is in Toronto this vofepymili13.ister, Mrs. Howlett, who was. week. Mr Mr, HalpennY was the Oust or Co., was 111' town on uesday, Mr. Brown, .of the Gunn -Langlois Me anti Mrs. A. T. Coo; et' over Sun day? Miss EI:V.,.ii?th Whitely rocently pnrchesea s 111 0111111:Mt fi., m ..Hoover days illness. ger mother, 1VIrs. and BAH and it -is being- put in the Swartz, has .,..,a,ls„cl,b,ee,..!:,.,...11,1.4.,,,,..,.. was Titultersteith cemetery for the memory . Mr. G. a" Elliott '' '''""`"*" ., of hes li titer and mother. ' in to -ern on iersday, mt.s, -winiam masa,,, acca,..p.,.,k,,i Mr. Hudson has taken a position hy her three daughters, Dorothy, in the local .branch i f the Molsons Edith rind Katharine are spending two Bank. weeks in Exeter, vistling the fortuer's Dr. 3.111 Field of Goderich made parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Belt, his oftficial visit to the Model man. School this week. tlecovitting the Au- itorintn on !rues day moreing. Next tinday the pastor will mearlt a special sermon to young into, and young women, WESLEY CHURCH. The pastor, Rev, J. E. Ford wil preach morning and evening next We are piena.,;t1 0 see M. 'The *Iiinior Leagnemeets at 7p a le, on Friday Rumball around again after • and Mrs. James Smith wish to • Mr, T. Jackson, 31Was in Tor - hid good bye to many or then. friends onto last week ail noel\ lir New 'Era, as they were Mr. and Mis. J Uptegrove left .on unatill Co see an their friends. IC is Mcrnrlav , Tcttoflto. Mr. upte_ 4erved and a. pleesent and profitable Rev, Mr, Hal penny. Secretary of the Sunday School Association of On tarit preached sp cial Sunday School An niversary sermons in Ibis church of Sunday last. His sermons were height and instructive to all 'Sunday Schoo teachers and workers. Xis the atter. noon he addressed the Sunday Schoo scholars. '1 he Le tette meeting Monday even jng SaS 1,, nimrge or the Literary and So :ial Department, Miss Beatrice Greene occupied the eller and the folio a in.; interest' ug program was gi yr n after \\hich t efreshments were nearly on years so -,'e sir apt iilr, Smith (none nom Woodstock here so giove has sold his interest in tha Psincess Theatre to Mr; Vannor- that hey werit gett ing among 11,' old eveni ne 5", 1' spent by alt preset\ 5, hall owing is the program :- tnstr ime til solo••M ssitlarionIrw n sessis, si rewn Theo. uddress • Sp rilemt " I ne lovencton or the be 121) Dundas Sir. Wood. Miss Grace Chit! entertained last Plionogregh"-Mr. John Watt. Violin stock. and 1, v 1 hat 011y (1)1r0111, r.harsday eveninz. s Gertrude Ohant. Speech on " the 1liveiltam of the Telephone"- 111 111151 Kist Instrumental solo - Mks Hill. Si 1.ech on "The Invention of Specteelee"-Mr. Russel Harlend. e Qur' et e plisses Cite elys Camelot Marion en fin tug; Messrs Garilil ist enc Steveno sm Speech on "The luvelitiot 1 ,,ii e X.Rey" wellington Ouok t, De ul 1,5 t:itsa ses 0 dys Cantelot 1-111(i 1.44±r1,1.11,1e (Ina tit, Next AlOnds.y evening 1/0 51“) the! 4410 expectscl ti he present.. 8crangers 1100visitote al tv ys m4(41,115. inns culling at, Woodstopk, will InoIc Mr, .1.., .Sultter re.urned to his them up. The N'w Era washes them- home in Glencoe last Friday. nein v he, pl, 114(1 in their nee. 3 ille. . . Mr,S, S. G aistles and children were visiting Mrs. B. Cricht of tt, 0) 0 0 a to 0 N 0 avow a 44 a a tz a 0 a Brussels. The late Mr. Crich was G t'd 'Mrs. Cosies father. 0 WITH THPI CHURCHES. o The many frends of Mr. James McMichael will be pleased 0101110 hat he shows slight signs of im- ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. provemen, but is still confined to The Lord Bishop oftde I 1-.li 0rese will his residence. . visit this totrish on Sunday teeming Mr. Wilbur Manning of London, next at 13 n'clock. The seryistt will n calling on old friends in own Rev. Mr. Greene w 11 preach at Gcrrie on Sunday. A former Clintonian is to be mar- ried in Toronto on Nov.27, In the person, of Mr. Allan Conlif l', at one Sons employed with the Jackson Mfg. Co, ,but latterly connectecl the Eaton Co., in Toronto. The lad is a resident of thc city. Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn , of old Orchard Beach 41 the guest of her sister, Mrs Wm. Gunn. Rev. lytr. Islet...see, of Drumbo, form erly .of Baptist church bele was in town on Tuesday'. Mrs. Osborne, of Kippen, visited Mrs. John. Torrance on Tuesday., Miss A.1VIcCorvie entertained a few friends on Tuesday evening. Mr. Thos. jacksonwas in Zurich on Wednesday. Mrs. Jackson, of Wring's= visited her grandmother Mrs. Swarte this week. Mrs. S. S Cooper was in Toronto this week. Misses M. Wheat lry and M.Forbee were in Kincardine over Sundriss Dr. Gancher spontsa few days in' Toronto Ulla week. Mr. T. Shipley has taken a position with W. T.O'Neil i'"t "The Hub Gro - new." Mrs. Tozer entertained a few of her lady friends at cards Monday evening, Mrs. P.T..Eloss 18,10,,Torernto ofri bass MOBS this week. 1VIessrs. John. and James McClach- erty, of Goderich, were renewing old acquaintances in town on. Toes- consist i.f he snored rite or laying 0,1 of h tecle with (45(11 (111 by Bittce) \vil 71trt1'71.1" We Are Gettirig Ready for This gig Event Chinaware The first tine you have a half hour to spare come and look over our selections , and you will see some of. the nicest - goods that yu would wish to see and select from—English, French German, Austria. arid Japanese makers. hams. A gt odly number of candidates have been prepared and will he present w60"m..6f" vAm,./ V4,7 ed to Cll. Bishop to be confirmed All are heartily welcome to this int prirt int 'else Christ, and solemn set vice. or dedication to Local News Th ; Ladies the St. Pull'., (hind wel hold their annual sale of woe.; aoce the schnel MOTU Thersuay, No v, 23 /AV -,r,1",fSfSSVINSPSS,"" Skins"St.Str Refreshments will he doting the afternoon til/ 7 o'clock. Fancy ' work, apron booths also hi reernade W. Candy and homemade conking. The W, C. T U. will naect on Fri - BAPTIST CHURCH. clay afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Anniversary servic-s be held in home of 15155. Henry Plumsteel, Ont - Auburn Baptist, ohnts,h on Sahli, th ario street. All the ladies arc c05 - the 21••.b. The preacher will he dially invited to attend. Albert Hughes a brilliant student of McMaster Universsty ancl 11, triii0, A. WARNING, and offeative speaker. A etarcial see It. is not the most pleasing sen- vfre or music; will tie given Friends sation in the world to find onesel. 111 e requested, to note 1 Ilk date. locked out of one's own, honee at WILLIS, CHURCH late hour in the night. Such was Two splendid eet mons were preach the experience. of a newly snarrisic ed on Sunday last by the pastor and e. ; man, who being in the habit of .stas pretty anthem given by 1110 a OW ing ant late in the evenings was a the evening serviee in which De. mazed and surprised upon hurry - Gaudier took.the solo part. ing home, a few evenings a g.o in the In the afternoonat the close of the I pouring rain to find his ilInce of si.msa,y sesoot service so a,thltess waS abode securely 'bred for thenight Secretary of Inc Ontario Sunday shouting were 05 1)0 avail. around given by Rev. E WHaloermy, G'eneral All the poinn.din hciromering one School Association, Mr. lIalpenny is I and around theimase he went Ish - a deep thinkee and a clear sips ksr and ing to find 1301110 means of entrance words. delighted his hearers by his weBchost n to his ower eitackl, Bitt all in 'vain the. wind howlecl, the rain fell, and The regular monthly meeting of the all was darkness inside and out W F M 5 will beheld this evening at Finally however a bold and dessper- 8thor'ctlhoeck.comAisngtheyeeal r twioini 1 , ttilisectilloreres. to the residence trom a rear winSloss ate scheme was piannecl to break in A large attendAnse is requested. Very cautiously he approached' i The !tunnel Presbyterial et the W F sealed the wall and raised the win- ' AI S will he held on Tuesday and 'Wed do ti '' . w expec ng atany minute to ho day. nts••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'• 6**44,•$••""is********* 04,44* 4 . . 9 LIEE Of MR. WOODROW , • 9 WILSOil 11 TABLOID i • 004.44044+44•4t. +++•••,4$,+••+ oo•••••••••••••••••••••O 1850 -Born at Stauntom, Va, to Joseph R, Wilson,' a Prelsbyteptinn minister, and Janet Woodrow.Wilson, his vv,ife. 1858 -Token to Augusta, Be., by parents. )€i8.70 -"pent boyhood and began schobl at Augusta. 187073 -'Lived with parents and attended school at Colombia,. 5. tl, 1875 -70 -Attended Princeton Unison College, Davidson, 8 0'. 117475 -Lived with parentS qt. WE'VE i n gt on, N., 0. 1875 -70 -Attended Princeton University end was graduated tberefrom. Estab- dshed reputation AS 0 -bate,' and welter 013 political economy. 1879,80-Tuok law couelse at University ©t Visgiuia, Ohtselotteville. Extended fame clehator, Won Writel'S' and orators' prizes. 1881 -83 --Practiced law at Atlantic, Ga. • 1883.85- 'rook ocurse in history and pcilitical economy at Johns Hopkins Uni 1885 -At Savannah, Ga., married Miss Ellen Lou se Axton, daughter of Presbyterian clergyman ,at Georgia. 1885.88 -Taught politicial economy and history, at Bryn.Mawr. 1890 -90 -Was professor of history and political economy at. Wesleyan Univer- sity. Middletown, Conn, 1800 -1902 -Was professor of jurisprudence and polities at I'rinceton University. 1002 -Elected president of Princetown. 1.203 1910 -As head of Princetown, attempted, and . partially succeeded in democratizing university. 1910 -Became involved in controverw with Princeton trustees over efforts to democratize college, was overruled and resigned. 191,0- hIlected governor of New Jersey. 'Let fight which ousted bipartizan machine and restored popular government. 1912 -July 2, nominated for ptesident hy democratic national convention, at 1912-Novernher 5 -President-elect of the United States, 1.1 captured a,n,c1 arrested for house proaking. Nib alarm was given how ever, and all was well. Zed not the g.entleman, being of no small di_ menstoos., .ound jt imPositle to Pro coed further. Then suddenly the window casing gave way, the plast or fell, and down assns Mr Mann, window ,blind, window curtain, all in the centre of Inc kitoben ,flbor 1,e itnecessary to add that now the gentleman comes, home early, and all is peace and quietness in the family once more. 1.C.ROCKWELL'S SUNNY sSOUTII COMPANY. J.C.RockwelEs Sunny South CO which is annoitnceci to appear in the Opera House, Clinton Friday even ing, November 22nd is the colored organization that aPpetired here a- bout two years ago and at that time it gave unbounded satisfaction in fact it was generally conceded to be one of the most pleasing performara ces ever presented on the local stage. Mr. Rockwell does not be- lieve in, putting the greater part of `his salary allotmont into one or two acts and anowing the balance of the performance to suffer' through the employment of cheaper ones which alWays disgust the exReriene ed patron,. but he' has found that the expenclitiure of money for the purPose of making each act and de- tail complete pays twice over lathe box oldies receipts. This explains why the performances given by *as company are always up -to -the min ute and Gonda" the audience home feeling satisfied that they, have hi ci 5em1 value tor their reoney. . Quite often 5h0peed limit in fuavia • Santa Claus says :--- "Books are among his most popular presents" We have henew 1912 Books including "Cor- poral Cameron" the iiew k3onnor boo k, and many others. Thr: ehristrutls. Globe Will be rci,dy soon, and will be bt Iter than ever. Price 50C Leave is rout Order Private 'reeting Cards Printed with your cw:‘, name on, and as low as t per dozen, Ali 19 See the Sample Rook 1110=118111111M1===laSSISISIalt2M1=1;2== ,SS,S2..=.12====6. inmattsamirsmastecenurwrommeasemmereemannentat exceeded and the audiencethrown into convulsions of laughter. It: is a swiftly moving panorama of mirth of mirth, music and melody, never lend, never vulgar. There is every ingrediant of gayety and melody, The Olio is cenipcsed of a strong at' ray of vaudeville talent, equalled .by few and surpsssed by no,ne. Th comedy, -which abounds throughout is said to be of an unusually divert-. ing character and fine from the horse play usually ssen in perfor- mances of this kind. The organiz- ation is accompanied by a solo co.n- (ert band and a,superb, orchestra. The band will head the Koontoren parade, taking place at tocn. The prices of admission have been plac ed. at 25,35, and t-.0 rents. Seats are now selling at Pairls Book store • - Pigeons Wanted —Ur, 1st r Pair 2000,live pigeons wanted onNoy. Iath. and Min N. PITZE111VIONS, - Box 23, Clinton Auction Rale Of Hotel Furniture, furnishings, 4:1r1 i.tges, wagon, etc. Thomas Gun- dry bee received instructions frem It, A. Kohertson to sell et 5314 Auburn Hotel in tip village nf Auburn, on TuPsel+ty,. Novotob,r. 10, colornendng at 1 o'closk p.m., the following: - Sin gle huggy. t1.0-151ted rs,rriage, light wagon, totting box. S o lcl (IOW 1,15)1 5.storm window sash, 5 long benches, 2 extension tables, 3 ice 01.P8,11.1 parlor tables, 4' smal tables 2 rocking chairs, sideboard, glass cupboard, large hex stove and pipes, 12 dinner plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 cups, IS saucers, 12 tea places, 7 band lamps; chandelier with three lamps, 21 veg,e- tabre disheS, pkturet.•12 (hairs settee, diningrooin seseen, several toilet sets, kitchen utensils, several pickle bottles, 5 beds, matresses and springs, large re- friget asnis small rely igerator, 00 wins glasses, 2 bedronm stands, clothes.base het: parlor table, clock boiler, and ether articles ton oetimmonds to mention. Everything (Alert d tle sold withoutr e,Lserve es the proprietor has sold nt and is leaving tha Aeb,:rn Minim. Terms -All sums of 55' and under, sash: ever .thht amcnot six months credit -sill he given 00 furnishing +pprov- ed :101311i motes. A dli,.ount of six 'per cent per aorpard ...dewed for cosh on credit arn mai IP. it. A Rob- erton, props ittoe , T. ,Oundry, arta- LOSt, To Clinton, 00 Thursday evening, Nov, ltll, 11 goil ring with im.ials engraved cm stone setting.- ,Owner oftfers liberal re 'yard for ;Is .covery, Apply at itW 1:2RA OFFICE (Jolt tor Sai, • A general purse olit coming months old, by Voltaire, .Apply ,to '• ctroet Aietisinae A moving e1earanc:1 sale by auc- tion will.bc held by C. 'Scare on Saturday, Noss 33th, at his corner store, Clinnton'Beane Blocx. of a rumber of Iserond-hsnd organ or- gans, and pianos, stools phono- plaphs, viohiss ete. lIne :Art Sou- venir Coaltove, oase burner; nice sideboard, .some :hairs, be isteads, etc, Sale to comnienne al 2 p.111 As 1 Sim mo.ving 10 tm o 10 Ell ott 'Nock, near the New Bra office, all nese goods will he Sold, All am- ounts under five jollars cash : over • hat amount six ninntlis er one year time given if desisted, C. 'HOARE For Salo. I One single steign, one set of bug- ' gie harness, neariy new ; a single plow, a double plow, set of harrows, and one new plainer, and quantity ot cut hay and, green reed. Apply st premises. I • MRS GEQ. I'ICKETT A31 ;sit bt., nlyth Auction Sate A action a 1 0, of Enrse,s, Cattle amid Pigs, 'Mr. D. S. McD,Ougall, at Lot 31, Con, 8, 1Goderich township, on Monday, Nov. 18t1 Gandry, atm tioneer. • F. e. D. 13 RISTOWE IP'rofessor of Minsk. Organist 01 Willis Pres Organ Theory Voice Culture. Priss,'Ss prepared, if desiresd, fon any of the excises sins bodies ip :Toronto ox the London College of Mus:sr. Sbnglan ai grades and nL branches, Special. System for begnmers for 1 lessor or te. Nen .app'sicsation. Studio at Hoare' new store, next to Counter's )e4try store. For Sale A commoche le 'brick hoabe at a 1 argain. Furnace electric lighting Stath room, hot .and co d water, slim a stable on the prem ties. Por in- forixtation apply at Tae ISI1W ERA E MENT For Sale J. IlliTTI)N ondesboro, Ont.