The Clinton New Era, 1912-11-07, Page 9',37-174 7 f we WOMEN TESTIFY hatLydia E.Pinkham'sVeg- ^able Compound Did For Their Health—Their own Statements Follow. Haliburton, P.E.I.:---" I had a doctor xamine me and he said I had falling of e womb, so I have been taking Lycliii . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and t has done me a lot of good. All the earing-down pains have vanished. I ave gained ten pounds in weight, the ischarge is all gone, and I feel better han I have for a long time. I think any oman is foolish to suffer as I did for the sake of a few dollars. "You can use my letter 80 .8 testimo- nial. Itmay encourage other poor women who suffer as I did to use your Vegetable Compound." — Mrs. GE0. COLLecurr, Haliburton, Lot 7, P.E.I. Read What This Woman Says: New Moorefield, Ohio.—" I take great pleasure in thanking you for what .your VegetableCompound has done for me. I bad bearing down pains, was dizzy and weak, had pains in lower back and could not be upon my feet long enough to get a meal. As long as I laid onmy back I would feel better, but when I would get up those bearing down pains would come back, and the doctor said I had female trouble. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was the only medicine that helped me and I have been growing stronger ever since I commenced to take it. I hope it will help other suffering women as it has me. Yo tt can use this letter." Mrs. (LAssig LLOYD, New Moorefield, Clark Co.,Ohio. r Rif M ON:I:REAL:4 frrrHESTANDARD is the Nfitiiin-di ittreekly Newspaper ;et the Dominion elf Canada. wIt is national * all ite It uses the' most 'expansive' hnkrifeee lugs, procuring the photographs from ifl beer -the world. • 0 Its articles are carefully selected and ;Its :ealtorial. policy, is ,therolloily Independent. .A. subscription td The Standard posts $2.00 per year to any addreege panada; Pr Great Britale. TRY. IT, FOR, 1912.1. •IC) •1B ittli Lbloatreal Standard Publishing esiii Limited, Publisher!, ' DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH •A WATCH is a delicate piece •Of Machinery. It calls for • fess attention than most znachinery, but must be cleaned and oi:ed occasiclially to keep perfect time.• 44' With proper care a Waltham • Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. It will pay you to let os clean your watch every 12 or IS months. W. P Counter 1,e 0 Jo, weler and (D p ti ei an . Issuer of Marriage Licen,cs, j 47$ ehaufleur Than His Stornach BY 140uis Tracy Copyright by 'McLeo d & Allen, rl`oronito No Man is Stronger toderilet her own confusion of ideas when stunned by the discovery of ham offer to lead Cynthia to Glarrick's iMedenham's position, but she only sue. birthplace. Not forty-eight hours, but iceeded in stringing together a series long years, as measured by the seem - ref ill-natured innuendoes. Sandwitch- ing trivialities that go to make or mar be- d between each paragraph Of. the ex st enee, spanned th e lotOrval .tory were the true goesip's catch- ' tween Bristol and Hereford. They words—thus. "What was I to think'?" chafed against the bonds of steel that ,"What would people say if they knew?" yet sundered them; they resented the 'My dear, just picture your mother's silent edict that aimed at parting predicament when midnight struck, them: by a hundred little artifices each made clear to the other that the coming separation was distasteful, ;while an eager interest in the com- monplace supplied sure index of their embarrasment And so, almost as a duty, the West Front, the North Porch, the Close, the Green, the Wye Bridge, were duly snap-shotteci and recorded in a little book that Cynthia carrie Once, while she was making a note, Doctors .Only Relieved Her Medenhain held the camera, and hap- nened to watch her as she wrote. ,At arid there was no news!" Of course, 'one makes allowances for an Ameri- can girl," and the rest. Though this soured woman was a letterwriter, she was no reader, or in days to come she might have parodied Pope's "Eptstie to Dr. Ar inithnot:" Why did I write? What sin to nie • unknown Or Dipped me in ink.' ray parents', my own? ' Not content with her out pouring A strong mars is strong all ovpr. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from 6 -nee other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im- pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right," when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in tbe stOmaoh after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond- ent, be is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Stich a man should use Dr. Pierces- Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and ether Orgill: of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, - Invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes ct. a, the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BOD" You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a 'substitute for this non - emboli° :medicine OF KNOWN comrosznorg, not even though the urgent dealer May. thereby make a Little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. _,,....••••••••••••••••••••.....• . • • Had pains in Her War received -Al Inparie,F to Ills ."'" d he a b colla sed a 466 'West King stteet, T ,tonto, Sat- urday afternoon. Capt -in Cunningham of the strand- ed steamer Bellona, suffering fi ore a paralytic stroke, was taken to Quebec Saturday evening. and placed in Jef- fery Ralee Hospital. The new church edifice of St. Jean Baptiste, now 'nearing cc tnpletion in eNew York at a cost of $1.000.000, is the gift of Thomas F. Ryan to the Fathers of the Blessed Sacramei Mrs. Tuna Williams, aged 30. 72 Ann street. died in St. Michael's Flospital, Toronto. yesterday afternonn, as a result of drinking chloroform about 12.3e Sainrday nicht at her home. Three girls are believed to !mete per- iseed and eight were badly injured carry yeeterclay toorn:ng in a fire which lee Ire test in the steres of the John Barker Co. in Kensington, Eng. Governor Woodrow Wilson had a Inotor car mph lee on the way home fiern Bel 131111t. yesterday, His automobile etruelt a mound in the rr.:d and joie d him up against a s.teel itE 11tEtt rEttEt r.f II,' I1nin'in the top of a page he saw "Film. 6, No. 5: Fitzroy poses as the Stet Earl of • Chepstow." Cynthia's left hand hid to Devar she dashed off a warning to the entry just a second too late. Ifirigny. She imagined that the • "I couldn't help seeing that," he !Frenchman Would grin at his broken said innocently. "If you will give me ,fortunes, and look about for another a print, 1 hall have it framed and 'heiress! And so, abandoning a meal 'place it among the other family nor - :to the fever of scribbling, she pack. 'traits." ; ed more mischief into an hour than "I really meant to present you with any elderly marriage -broker in Europe en album containing all the pictures that day, and waddled off to the letter- which turn out well,' elm Said. box with a sense of consolation, strong in the belief that the morrow 'would bring telegrams to guide her in ;the fray with Mrs. Leland. IVIedenham sent a short note to his lather, saying that he would. roach London about midnight nett day and asking him to invite Aunt Susap to lunch on Tuesday. Then he waited in vain for sight of Cynthia until, driven to extremes by teatime, he got one of the maids to take her a verb- al message, in which he stated that the climb to the summit of the Yat could be made in half an hour. The reply eves deadening. "Miss Vanrenen says she is busy. She does not intend to leave the ho- tel to -day; and you will please have the car ready at eight o'clock to -mor- row morning." Then Medenham smiled ferociously, for he had just ascertained that the local telegraph office opened at .eight. "Kindly tell Miss Vanrenen that we had better make a start some few raiu- utees eatrlier, beau -Ise we have a long ray'sTheiorfla," Slid: And he hummed a verse a "Young Loebinvar" as he moved away, there- by provoking the nutid-servant to au expression of opinion that some folk thought a lot of themselves—but as for London snuffers and their man- nere—evell there! — — CHAPTER XII Masques, Ancient and Modern The clouds did not lift until Cyn- thia was standing in front of that re- markable Map of the World which re- Piano urchwers shad taws,* ad" nihe fed &DOHERTY As hex' mit; eagh One _f the Best • Equipped Piano Factories in Canada W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co , Limited • raotoriee and Head Office CLtNTON, ONT. n h poses behind oaken doors in the south aisle of Hereford Cathedral. During the run from Symon's Yat, not even a glorioue sun could dispel the vapors of that unfortunate Sunday. Cynthia had smiled a "Good -morning" when she entered the car, but beyond one quick glance around to see if the dep- uty chauffeur was in attendance— which Medenham took °are he should not bo—she gave no visible sign of yesterday's troubles, though hes self- contained manner showed that they were preeent in bei' thoublits. Mrs. Devar tried to be gracious, and 1 only succeeded in being stilted, for the :shadow of impending disaster lay black upon • her. Medenham's only i thrill came when Cynthia asked for letters or telegrams at the Green Dra- gon, and was told there was none. Evidently, Peter Vanrenen was not a man to create a mountain out of a molehill. Mrs. Leland might be trust- ed to smooth away difficulties; per- haps he meant to await her report ' confidentially and in silence. •I But that square of crinkled vellum on which Richard of Holdingham mid Lafford had charted this strange old world of ours as it appeared during the thirteenth century helped to blow away the mists. "I never knew before that the Gar- den of Eden was inside the Artie Cir- cle," said the girl, gazing awe-strick- en at the symbolic drawings of the eating of the forbidden fruit and the peplusion of Adam and Eve from Par- adise, • "No later than yesterday I fancied it /night have been situated in the Wye "Valley," commented Medenham. The oast was skilful, but the fish fdiel not rise, Inetead, Cynthia bent "nearer to look at Lot's wife, placed in situ, "Teo bad there is no word about 'America," she said irrelevantly, "Oh, even at that date the 'United !States -were on the ether side, You bee, Richard was a person of intelli- gence. He anticipated Galileo by mak- ling the earth round, so lie would sure- ly get ahead of Columbus guessing ht a Nlew World." • They were the only tourists in the cathedral at that early hour, so the Ipnattuecndant verger tolerated this flip y ' "In the left-hand corner," he recited, "you see Augustus Caesar delivering 'orders for a survey of the world to ;the phileeophers Nichodoxua, Theodo- Itus, and Poliotitus. Near the -center' you have the Labyrinth of Crete, the Pyramids of Egypt, the House of Bon- dage, the Jews worshiping the Golden "Oalf—" • "Ah, what a pity we left Mrs. Devar at the post-office—how she would have appreciated this!" murmured Medenbaan, Still Cynthia refused to take the fly. "May -we visit the library?" she ask- ed, dazzling the verger with a smile !in her best manner. "I have beard oo much about the books in chains, and :the Four Gospels In Anglo-Saxon char- acters. is the volume really a theta nand years old?' From the Cathedral they wandered !into the beautiful grounde of the Bishop's Palate, where a braes plate, ,set in a boundary wall, states in equivocal phrase that "Nell Gwynne, Founder of Chelsea Hospital, and Mother of the that Duke of St. Al- bans," was born near the spot thus Marked. Each remembered the irres- ponsible chatter of Saturday, but taelther alluded to in nor did Meden- Fitzroy poses as the first Earl o Shepstow "You have not changed your inind, I hope?" "N -no, but there will be so few. I was rather lazy during the first two days." "You can trust rne to fill in the gaps with exceeding accuracy." • , "Oh, don't let us talk as if we would never meet again. The world is small —to motorists." For A Time. lea w t When the liver is inactive everything. seems to go wrong, and a lazy, dew or torpid liver is e terrible afffictione as its influence permeates the whole system and causes -13iliousness, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Floating Specks before the Eyes, Jaundice, Brown Blotches, Consti- pation, Catarrh of the Stomach, etc. Milburn's Laxa-Liver •Pills stimulate the sluggish liver, clean away all waste and poisonous matter from the system, .and prevent as well as cure alt sicknese arising from a disordered condition of the liver. Mrs. Wesley Estabrooks, Midgie Sta- tion, NH,, writes:—"Por several years I have been troubled with pains in the liver. I have had medicine from several doctors, but was only relieved for a time by them. I then tried Milburn's Lees, - Liver Pills, and I have had no trouble - with ray liver since. I can honestly re- commend them to every person who has liver trouble" Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for $1.00. For sale at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, 'Poronto, Ont. C.P.R. Trains In Fizaci On Collision. tli 114:7, , Nov. opvta- ter's 1111-1:::: eau 011 1,vo tia:•ts to It in a h• 131:11 :r ' nti ha, at St,t-r, :a, ; srea, .10.1.0 0 .0 100 r • 1 t,. 11 :1 1 : :'• : 1 1.- lbw.d a t pleau faLe trail llu 11. 1 ' I, other 1,y ii.te -- I tracks. N.. ole ; :.:"'05 tile• ol the engineers wae injere I. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. The first snow c.f the 1112-13 winter season in Iianii:tore fell Saturday evening, -when neerly an inch of the beautiful o ,leposited there. '111,11104 \ViI,n, 1.177, Devereourt "I tad the exact contrary in mind," he said quickly. "lf we parted to -day, and did not meet for twenty years, each of us might well be doubtful as to what did or did not happen last Friday or Saturday. But association strenghtens and confirms such recol- lections. I often think that memories held in common are the most solid foundation of friendship' "You don't believe, then, in love at first sight," she ventured, "Let me be dumb rather than so misunderstood!" he cried. • Cynthia breathed deeply. She was profoundly conscious of an escape wholly due to his forbearance, but she was terrified at finding that her thank. fulness was of a very doubtful quality. She knew now that this man loved her, and the knowledge was at Once an ecstasy and a torture. And how wise be was, how considerate, how worthy of the treasure that her over- flowing heart • would heap on him! But it could not be. She dared not face her father, her relatives, her host of friends, and confess with proud humility that she had found her mate in some unknown Englishman, the hired driver of a motowhar. At any rate, in that moment of exquisite Cynthia did not know what she might dare when put to the test Her lips patted, her eyes glistened, and she turned aide to gaze blindly at the distane Welsh • hills. "If we don't hurry," she said with the slowness of desperation, "we shall never complete our programme by nightfall. . And we must not for - ;get that Airs. Leland awaits us at Chester." 'To -night I shall realize the feelings pf Charles the ',First -when he witnes- eadttitheof droe‘avtto'loif :oleo troops at the' ," Was Meden- ham's savage growl• . Hardly aware of her own words, Cynthia murmured: 1 "Though delentee, the poor king did lot lose hope' "No: the Stuarts' only virtue was `their etubbornnees. By the way, J am a Stuart" "Evidently that is why you are fly, ing from Chester," She contrived to say with a little laugh. 'I pin my faith in the Restoration,' he retorted. "It is a fair parallel. It , took Charles twenty years to reach newton Moor, but the modern clock moves quicker, for I am there in five days." I am no good at dateff----" she bo - Western Bra c , colitiguto Week 280 HA.RGRAVE STREET, -a NITINNIPEG, MAN • 0-66t) • -eaota.ofes -Ated;hizii eepirepai askat iezymexeo ONE DYEisAll, It's the CLEANEST.SIAMLEST,.cl essT HOME PTE, ono can buy., -Why you don't even hove to knovrwhat KIND of Cloth your Coeds are made of, --So Mistakes are Impossible. Send for rice Color Card, Story Bookkt, end Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors. iTho JOHNSON-RICHARDSON CO., 1.Intited, Montreal. Canada. Only Results Count The one thing above all else that you want to know about the range you buy is this—that it will cook and broil and bake with absolute satisfaction. Other features of a range, such as convenience, economy and appearance, are, of course also indispens- , able, but the prime necessity in a range is results in cooking. The Gurney -Oxford gives results—not now and then, but always. Every Gurney -Oxford is a source of continual satisfac; tion to its owner. Day after day, year after year, it enables her to produce pastry, bread, • roasts that Contribute to the pleasure of housekeeping. That is why the Gurney -Oxford finds its strongest support among those who have had actual and intimate experi- " ence with it. You toe, will number your Gurney.. Oxford among Your best friends. lit + . "e elintori Onts SIJNDA'l SCHOOL, Lesson VI.—Fourth Quarter, For Nov., 10, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Teet of the Lesson, Hos. vil—Memory Verse, 2—Golden Text, Isa. v, 11 (R. V.) --Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. I inn in doubt about this chapter f)e- ing the one assigned for the world's temperance Sunday, but it is the one on the printed slip of lessons for the year, and we will find a profitable study by taking some statements` from the whole book, which we must consider in order to understand this chapter. There being no memory verse, 1 have suggested verse 2, because our great failure, as well as theirs is that we do not consider lea. 1, 3; v, 12; ally, 19; Mark IA 52. As to our own doings, they are the great hindrance and keep so many from turning to God (Hos, 4, and margin).- As to the king, made glad by lies and wickedness, joining bands with scorners and giving him- self bottles of wine (verses 3-7), Ahaz Would fill the bill perfeetly (II Chron. axvill, 1-4, 19). Pride, drunkenness, re- bellion against God, giving strength to strangers and unconscious but mani- fest physical failure (verses 9, 10, 13, 14) are some characteristics of tbe drunkard set forth in these verses. In verses 11, 16, we see reliance upon human help instead of upon God, and we are reminded of the many'eures for drunkenness tried in homes for in- ebriates,- when there Is only One that can really deliver. He is always ready to have mercy and may be beard say- ing to the drunkard and to every sin- ner, "Then least destroyed thyself, but in Me is thine help" (vi, 6; x111, 9). Is- rael, here called Ephraim, is spoken of in meny ways and by many figures re- garding their turning away from the Lord, and these words -are true also of all sinners: "Destroyed for lack of knowledge, forgotten the law of God, left off to take heed to the Lord, have sown the Wind and shall reap the -whirl- wind, have plowed wickedness and shall reapeiniquity" (iv, 6, 10; viii, 7; x, 13). The cry of the Lord to the wan- dering' ones to return to Him is beard in such words as these: "Return unto the Lord thy Geicl, for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity. Take with you words and turn to the Lord. * * * I Non hal their paelislkling; I will love them freely ' (xiv, 1, 2, 4). Two remarkable figures describing the professed people of God in their wanderings frono Hilts are, "A cake not turned," "An empty vine bringing forth fruit unto blinself" (vii, 8; x, 1), sug- geeting the life that is right outwardly, but wrong on the other side, and else the life which seeks ouly its own hap- pinesa Drunkards, opium Bends and such like are, of all people, apt to be the inost selfish and unreasonable and rebellieus, coveting all others foolish and mad, joined to their idols, and desiring to be let alone (Le, 7; iv, 16). Yet for even such there is deliverance if they will only turn to the Lord, Prophecy has become to me a fascinat- leg study since I began to receive it es a light shining in a dark place—the words of the Holy Spirit by holy men, that we might know what God is do- ing and is going to do, written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures 'night have hope (II Pet. 1, 10-21; Antos 111, 7; Rom. xv, 4); since I have also found that He, Jesus Christ Himself, and 111s. people Israel are the center of all the prophecy and that everywhere His and their glorlotte future is predicted as bringing blessing to the whole world (Acts x, 43; Rev. xix, 10; Isa. lx, 1-31 1-3). In all prophecy He tetra Israel plainly their sins, rebukes them, pleads with them, chastens them, but always tells of a glorious' future, when they shall see evil no more, after they shall have truly repented and received their Messiah. DYSPEPSIA MADE HIM MISERABLE • Suffered Agony Until • "Fruit-a4ives" Cured Itim We might not have thougbt that Hos. xl, 1, had any reference to Christ, "When Israel was a child, then 1 loved elm and called my Son out of Egypt," if WO bad not read it in Matt 11, 15. But everywhere there are such plain or hidden references to Him. See His and their glorious resurrection in chap- ter vi, 2, 3: "After two days will He l'e. vive us. In the third day He will rase us up, and we shall live in His sight, * * His going forth Is prepared as the morning." ", - In the revised version that last clause is "sure as the morning." Rotherham translates it, "Lite the dawn is His coming forth assured." And another translates it, "His coming is as certain as the dawn." It is perfectly in accord ance with Hab. ii, 3; Heb. x, 37, "Though it tarry, welt for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry." "For yet a little while, and He thet shall come will conte and will not tat- ry." In the contest of these two and in two other places we have the four times repeated saying, "The just shall live by faitho (Flab. II, 4; Rom, 1, 17; Gal 111, 11;Heb. x, 38) May we follow on diligently to know the Lord until we see Hini face to face. The words in Hoe, x111, 14, concerning death And the grave take us to raft. xxv, 8, 9, and on to 1 Cor. xv, 20,154, 55; Rev, xxl, 4, when tbe last enemy, death, shall be destroyed and from such words as these I feel authorized to say that God hates death. What more im- portant word could we have for our souls then Hos. x11, 0: "Turn thou to thy God. Keep mercy and judgment and wait on thy God continually." The message is not Hosea's, but the word of the Lord by Hosea, who wits con- temporary with Isaiah (Hos. 1, 1, 2). Itundrede of people gladly testify te the wonderful emative powers of the famous fruit medicine, "Vruit.a-tives". To those now suffering with Indigestion, Dyspepsia or other Stomach, Troubles, this letter of Mr. Stirling, the well known real estate operator of Western. Ontario, shows the way to a speedy and certain cure. . • Gemecon, One., AUtO. I5111t 1911 "FrIll1-0:4111eS were so beneficial to me when I suffered with distressing Dyspepsia, that I wish to informyou of their satisfactory results. Although I have, in past, suffered agony with Dyspepsia, I am now 111 perfect health. ''Fruit-a-tives" accom- plished the desired result" N. C. STIRLING. "Pruit-a-ties" will cure every trace of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach Bloating, Pain After Rating, Bilioueness and Constipation. "Pruit-a-tives" is the onlyremedy in the world made of fruit juices and valuable tonics, eoe a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, eec. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Vruit-a-tives Limited,' Ottawa. Kingston Grows Ambitious. Kingston, Nov. 4.—Kingston wants to be on the main line of the Grand Trunk, end will' make every effort possible to get the company to put the main line into the city. The council will ask the company to ennsider the ... proposition. WW1 the mein 111111 of the Grand Trunk in the city, it Li then proposed to have the G.T.R., C.P.R. and C.N.R. erect a union sta- tion. • WEAN STOMACHS Need New, Rich Blood le, Restore Them To a Healthy Condition Actually in need of lOod o nour- ish the body and: yet afraid to -eat because of the racking pains that follow, That is the condition MC the sufferer from indigestion-- a choice' between starvation or merciless torture. The urgent need Of all dyspep- i;es of every,bolyv:hoso organs of digestion have become unfit to per- form their important duty, islor Atronger stomacns that can extract nourishment frau food, Dr Wil- liams' Pink Pills give weak stomachs •.just the s.trth angthey reed by enuch:p3 the blood kuppl thus giving tons, and strength to• stomac.a and its nerves,and en- abling it to do thework name' in tended jtto do, ,ThousandS of case of indigestion ha,,o neon mired b Pr.Williarris' Pink Pills, of which the following is but one instance. Miss L. A. Brown; Port Albert, Ont says: "For a number of years alas a terrible sufferer from, to- cligestioo, and as a result I became completely run down, and sufferer from backaches and n ervons trou- bles as well. Iliad to force my - beg to eat, but never enjoyed a meal owing to the awful pains that folllowed eating, Life was becom- ing a burden, and es medicine after Medicine failed to help real :felt I was doomed: to go through life a constant sullferer. Filially a married sister strongly ur„„&e.di1110 to try Dr.Williams' Pink Pills, and rhave reasonto be thankful that 5 ollowod her advice, as they have Sully restored my health, and I can now enjoy all kinds of. food Without the least discomfort, and -my friends say I am looking be.tter than I hayro done for years. At an ev ents I know I feel like a new per- son, so shall always praise Dr. Wil - barns' Pink Pills." Sold by all mecheine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a bos. or six boxes for $2.50 from The( Dr. Williams Medici -11'3 Co., Brockville, Pnti Vrood.'sraospb.o6.41a The Great Rnotish itentechA Mi Tones and invigorates the whola nervous 0)01010, 1110,k00 110W Bioodin old Veins. Cures Nerv. vegone aDencvebil ,itv Sc,x.,LerwaleaerzteZnes.63.1.14 IsTirsio.rry,, 3Des par: matorrh(ea,.anel Aireeti) of Abuse or likteesses. PACO $1per box, eixfor 85. One4wilitleaso,six will °tire. Sold by all druggists Or mailed in plabn pkir. on receipt of price, .1krew pamplart • wenawiliaedriturewe. o'kuvrrheY111XIC/ Medicine CO. 00eat. Burglary at Belleville. Belleville, Nov. 4.—The residence of D. Tweedie, situated in Thurlove'• Township, was burglarized on Fridays .night, the burglar finding easy access , to the premises, as the :kitchen door 'was unlocked. Missing fiom the pre-- misee are a gold Atoll, §,g1p9,4kr,1h.- 111g,Si 'haL,.-anc..., a 110 01 tabled receipts, and some insurance policies. Although there was a sum of money eimcealed near from where sense cf the articles were taken, it was not temshed. 1 yOU is probably due to uric acid in the system—the blood must be purified— the poisonous acid driven out and general health must be improved. , Thousands testify that Scott's Emulsion lids the system of poisonous acid by enriching the impover- ished blood, and its con- centrated nourishment is converted into red blood corpuscles which drive out rheumatism. It is especially valuable to aged people. Ask for and insist on SCOTT'S. soon & notroe, Toronto, °Mario it• -60