The Clinton New Era, 1912-11-07, Page 4IdilY,' I� v rl'eF (t11, rt .r � ."A r ft. ee 1)r; - *44+ ''+4 + • •• * t . ` , ti ti• ++ t + +•+•. � +fit+ �+t+t++t+ tt 4 � tt+ ►t* '� t t �M it+ ++4+ ++++++++++++00.++••••••+•••••••••••1++ • • ++++4+4+4:4 ++++ II , • *ttti4ittt�t#1•••N�••ii♦i•i••i4+t1t�44t+#tNtttt+�ttt�"'' +iN+4+NN++++++++4+tint•+♦••• 1•♦ •b�►•i•••••••1♦♦O♦• •♦ • • • ••*•••t•bi••••N•++•+++•N••+•i0++i++4+4t+t+t++ 'urkey Officially Admits Defea Note Is Sent to the Powers Asking 111tervenfiion. ARMY IN' FULL RETREAT Official -Acknowledgment Is Made In Constantinople That the Turkish ^Army Has Been Defeated In the. Great 'Battle on the Plains of Thrace -Action of the Powers Is Full of Uncertainty. London,.Nov. 4:—The Turkish army is in full retreat on Constantinople, and the Turkish Government has ask- ed the powers to intervene. An official bulletin was issued by the Government at Constantinople last night, admitting defeat a' the hands, of the Bulgarians in the great battle on the Thracean plains. Application was made to the embassies 11 Constan- tinople last night for mediation by the powers to end the Hostilities and ar- range a peace agreement. The official bulletin acknowledging the defeat follows: "Tire fortunes or war are variable, abet it is not allvnyespeseible to be successful on all sides. A peep e wliieh accepts war Most submit with resignation toall its consequences. To overlook this obligation is to fail in (. ,,�mrv. tel,. 1 would be unwise to be unusee,.-ariiy pioud over victories, it Irl ewise would be incorrect to be elevated at want of euecess, "For instance, in the present war with the four federated states the inn' perial troops are defending themselves with success in the environs of Scu- tari and Janina, but the eastern arrriy, in the neighborhood of Vine- and Lula Burgas, felt obliged to retire to the lines of defence et Tchateljl, "In 'order to facilitate' a successful: defence, it has naturally been decided - to exert all efforts to safeguard the interests of the fatherland, The ambassadors, prior to this, had asked the Porte to grant permission to each of the great powers to send one warship through the Dardanelles, and this request hadel.been complied with. The only guarantee of safety f • the native Christians, and, per- haps the foreigners in Constantinople, is to be found in the presence of the warships of the great power; ie the harbor of the Turkish capital. It is the general belief that Bulgaria will refuse to listen to anything in the way of intervention until the Bul- garian army is at the gates of Con- stantinople, and' will insist that Tur- key make au appeal direct to the allies without intcrferelice Inen the power The power have not been able to agree upon the Fieneh Pr'ut:u her. mete of ' Im„In. ,1 nese,"wliieh is not aeceptabie to.eitl- er Austria or Germany. ;)`hey are talc - leg titch`, however, Inv the protection of Ohrietians and their own interests in Turkey. Beyond the statement that the Turk- Be3yi nig the asst line i h army id i'etreatug to of fortifications outside Cunstenti-. nople, there wile little dews received from the seat of e'sr last night, light- ing was 'reported along the line ,frorn Tchorlu to Sethi, which was the out- come, doubtless, or, the efforts nf the defeated Turks to retire within the tl'chatelja lines, whieis the l3ulgarians1 are'doing their utmost to prevent. The besieging forces are tightening their grip liround Adrianople, and the bombardment is becoming more vigor - Otte. In other directions the allies are consolidating their occupation of Turk- ish territory. The Greeks have taken. Nicopolis and Prevesa,' eel have. land- ed a division at Stavros, which ie marching to attack Saloniki. An un- censored despatch front the latter town.. intimates the llkolihood of its eurreu der without resistance. In connection with the Servile') co-, cupation of .priebrend, a warning from Austria appears in the official Vienna Fremdenblatt, wliieh, in the supposf- tiori that the Servians have now at- tained the object of their rtperation, toward the west, says: "Slide are neither military 101national nal n otives for the 5i rviau army to penetrate the Metriata i .vena Pres)re-ud. whish .v'1) exclusively :Inhabited by Alhpnia•ns, that le, therefore, into the undeniable territory of another'Balkalupeople-" Constantinople In Panic. Constantinople, "Nov, 9. --Constanti- nople is in a fever of excitement over the alarming reports from the field of battle. Foreigners and natives alike are suffering Irani the tension caused by the series of military disasters, and, although the city is in a state of siege, crime in some quarters is ung checked. .Ivlany families are leaving tete city. The people fear, first, an outbreak of Moslem fanaticism by the turbo - lent elements, the lowerclaesee, arid; second, a rising of hordes of madden- ed soldiers, will are beilig driven by the Bulgarians to make their last stand a. few mile.: Outside of Constan- tinople and then, perhaps, to fall back on the capital. GreekForces Lane. Saloniki, Nov. 4.—A complete Greek division under Gen. Smolensky landed at Stavros, on the northeast of the ChahS Pei,insn1a 1) 1111 occupie,l the vil- lages and ntinnt r des. et •te well, as the c epital. Poligyro, trout which the Turkish cfficiss were 1xtall,'d, Tile division is a now marching -ori Galat- sieta and Salgnil•i, accompanied by 3,000 well-ar,lied (:ruck ern=ants, many of whom me d_:ertro trent the Turkish teeny. - RUN-DOWN PEOPLE ii FIRE IN MONTREAL, Made Strong by Vinol. Run-don=n conditions are, caused by overwork, worry, too close. con 1 filament, a chronic cough; or cold which it is difficult to cure. We want to say to every person in 1 this condition—you need Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic :vithout oil, the great strength cre- ator. It will supply iron to the blood in the most easily assimilated form, create a good, healthy appetite, strengthen your digestive organs and make you eat better, sleep better and feel better. A. case has just crime to our atten- tion frons West Scranton, Pa., Mrs. Chas, Proper says: "For three years I was all run down, weak and, had no appetite, and after all that time I am glad to -say Vinod has brought back my health and strength, which is just what I was told it -would dol' We are confident that Vinol is the best body-builder and strength -creator we have ever sold. Try a bottle on our guarantee to refund your money if it fails to benefit you. 'W. S. R, HOLMLS, DRUGGIST. 1 CLINTON.ONT, The (: riveruinent ,teitiner Minto wiaich spent the sinunlr t eurveying at Tort Churchill soil Port .Nelson, in connection with terminal; loathe Hudson Bay Railway, 15 safe. The Minto •arrived et 'Woletenhnlm on Oct. 4 and is returning to llndeen Bay.' Wheat Consignment Breaks Record. Fort \\ illiam, Nov. 4.—When the steamer Willis `L. hing departed for Buffalo Saturday, she carried the larg- est cargo of Wheat that has ever been taken from any of the lake ports. Tito King weft under ins elevator spouts early Saturday morning to load t epereti It is expected. that her ear- - go will lie 05,000 bushel:, The pre- ti„u$ the :lid wae, ,405,0110 bushels, in- cluding put o: the flax taken by the et:a nae) Jules at Duluth. The biggest Calan previously car- ried from Fort \\'illicui was 334;000 bushels. 1i,G CCM LET A NASTY, Ay COUGH. Doctors Cour ; Da No Rood. Mrs. A. Mfinwright, St. Mary'e, Ont., writes: "I (eel it ney duty to write and tell you the good your Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup did for my little boy, Ile had whooping cough, which left him. with a nasty, cry Bard cough. 'I took him to several doctors; but they did him no good, and I could see. my 'little lad failing day by clay. I was advised to take him to another doetor,_which I did, and he told me he was going intoa decline, II was telling a neighbour about it, and she told me to get a bottle of I)r, Wood's !Norway Pine Syrup, and give it to him regularly. She then got to ,tell mo how I much good it did her children, so I got a !bottle, and gave it to my little boy, and i was so pleased with the result that I I bought another one, and by the time he had finisher] it he had no cough. Ile is now fat and strong, and I would not be without a bottle in the house on any account:” Whooping cough generally begins as a common cold, accompanied with cough- ing and a slight discharge from the nose. It is, its a rule, moreof a ebild'e trouble -but also affects adults; - Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is a sure preventative if taken iii time, and is also a positive cure for any of the after effects, a "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark; price 25 and 50 cents, Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. -e---eeeeeeeeseaeeeaeek NO MORE DANDRUFF Two 'Big Manufacturing Plants Suffer Heavy Loss. FALLING HA 'R . WATER SUPPLY WAS POOR FireDepartment Battles For Three Hours With the Blaze, But is Un- able to Do Anything Because of Low Pressure—Lc_s Estimated at $300,000 — - Prefontaine's Lumber Yard is Saved. Montreal, Nov. 4. --Fire Jail night destroyed the premises of the Con- sumers' Cordage Co, and the Cana- dian Bag Co., on St. Patrick etreet, Point, St. Charles, rensirg damage roughly estimated at $300,000. No fig- ures as to insurance have as yet been given out, For three licurs the full lighting strength of the city's lire department battled with a weal: water supply to save neighboring structures and lead it not been for a. favorable wind the loss would have been far greater. Tho fire broke out a few minutes after eight o'clock in the factory of the Canadian Consumers' Cordage Co. and by •'ie nine the firemen of the Point St. Charles division had arrived it was rushing through the long, low building of the company which rims from Charlevoix to Poperty streets, and •lad spread to the lumber piles, along the banks of the Lachine Canal. Owing to the low pressure it tens im- possible to throw a' stream of water any distance and the lite spread 'with startling rapidity. Only when pump- ing engines were hauled to the bank of the canal and the water pumped directly frons there instead of from the hydrants were the firemen able to make any propose. Before, Ions the entire building of the cordage com- pany was in flames, except a small section which included the offices, and before the fire could be subdued the entire building with that exception Was destroyed. I'lle flee else spread to the Cane lia.0 Bag ('s , e three- storey building which fell an easy prey to the flames. The firemen were early cloven from the building owing to lank of water. The firemen then secured better pressure Ly pmnping '-direct from the canal and were able to prevent the flames from spreading :Maass St. Patrick street to the num- eroue factories there. Fortiuiately the wind was blowing directly towards the canal' anct fanned the fiamee in the one direction they could do no harm. Prefontaine's lumber yard, adjoin- ing the Canadian Bag Co., was saved although several times the flames reached its limits. The cause of,.the fire has not yet been definitely deter - GRAY HAIR Men and women—do yea Want splendid head of tuswl:'nt hair free from scalp itch and dandruff? Do -you want hair so bewitchingly radiant that it compote the admire-. tion of all who see it? •o you want a.scalp as immacu- lately (clean and bright as anew'. tainted coin? If ylou do, get a 50'eenb bottle al PARISIAN Sage to -day, at dealers everywhere, Th'7s girl with the ' Anbnrn hair is o 1 every cartons and ;bottle—Ask for PARISIAN Sage and see that you get it, Holmes guarantees it. Wi11 Salute t Camden, N.J. Nue, d,' neeree in„ the ten -year -eh! I 1' 11 1 i •• ir.,l- imy,with Iva, ,lt n>i-•.,I I •"li 1+ , l because he rebus 1 , .: t:, t tee .1 n:,•r- Mean flag. ie hetet' t et I ie 1 -en•, (icoree, anll tilu e'er ill') e t 1 t4; ;:l r lie had talked t t man- r• r i, 1S1 MS l'nth r he wee rd ole elee 1 , hie teacher and to tim sta. .1 ;t'ile re lies for hie tailor„ 1„ elarve the rules, and that her,vrt •r he would salute the stars and stripe,. Lt is probable that Geeree will sa- lute the flag today mei mute more patriotism will le: triuuil'linrl in the: education of Cafndeu's youtliful citi- zens. SALIM ' SKIN Liver pots, riaU€);t's, Dark (:/rdes Under the Eves ore all signs of the system: being clogged. The Liver and Bowels are inactive, and tie Stomach is. weak from undigested foods, and £ou1 gases• the great fruit ramedy, will make you feel like anew person, • 1 1Vintelpeg Juitie 27,101.1' After taking throe boxes of your, Fig Pills for stomach, and .liver troubles Lfee1 st:'ong and will an'.`. do my own work Mrs, A,C{ Sao t>r Solid at all daaters in 25 and 00 cent bored or mailed by The Fig Till Co St, Thomas Ont. Sold in Clinton by J,'E,:rlovoy Druggist. $100;000 Fire In Detroit. Detroit, Nov„ 4.—Fire that Broke out unit nicht on the thiril floor of the P B .Ravi ° (e 's hardw u" stoic \\-i'el er1 at•ri;11e and Congress 'Fight to Unionize City, Isidianapolis, Nov. 4•—Extracts from The Ironworkers' Union Magazine concerning a demand' made upon the American Federation of Labor to raiaa a tax of one cent a month on all its members to unionize Los Angeles, Cal„ three ,years before James .13, elle list, in :the les r1 irf the dexo Mown' Mien, did n -:tee Its y $1111.0(13 (2;.1.r;2:1;;.2. bo -ire it i:..). 011 1, control. Hall® "` ILS Namara, a brother of the secretary of' 'AC AND B® the Ironworkers' Union,' blew tip The e Los Angeles Taves building, were WAS TROUBLED FOR d YEARS. read by -the Government at the "dyna- mite oonspiracy" trial Saturday. One"a.bstract was a copy of a reao- lntion adopted, by the International Associations of Bridge 'and Structural Ironworkers in September, 1007, It asserted that Los Angles was a "breed- ing place for strikebreakers of all eeafts and trades," soil added "if unionism is oouslled in Los Angeles it will he but a short time before the scone methods are applied to other cities. The struggle is national in scope and: should be financed by the American . Federation of Labor." - Prominent Kingstohians Dease. Kingston, Nov, 4.—Death came Very suddenly to two prominent:residents, when Captain Johialllaclt and Andrew Keyes passed away. Captain Black sailed' the lakes for more than twenty- five years, Andrew I{eyes was been its Kingston sixty years ago and was the father' of Dr. Stanley Keyes. Boils in themselves are pot adangerous trouble, but still, at' the same time are very painful. They are caused entirely by bad blood; and to get rid of them it is absolutely neditcessa ion, ry to put the blood into good con - For this purpose there is nothing to equal that old and well known blood medicine, l3urdock Blood Bitters, Mrs. James Mageean, Floral, Sask.; writes:—"I was soubled for eight years With boils on my face and body, and I tried .everything I could think of: My neighbors told me to drink water off of sour corn meal, but I kept getting worse until ono day a womanin townasked me tvhy I didn't try Burdock Blood I3ittees. IVfy husband got me two bottles, and before one wasgone my boils had•all due- appeared, and I' feel like a different. woman. I can't tell you how thankful I r1m for your medicine. T will recommend it to all suffering women." 1Vlanufadtured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont - - • • BRITAIN PREPARES Destroyer Fleet Will Be Rushed • to Seat of War, ACTIVITY AT THE STATIONS Excitement Prevails at the' Naval Ports Along the Channel, Where •the Active Service Men Are Being - Assembled and the Sixth Flotilla Is Under Sealed Orders to Sail Immediately, It Is Said. Portsmouth, Eng., Nov. 4.—Unusutil activity in the Portsmouth dockyards is reported in a special edition of The 'Evening Now of Satueday, which says that preparations are being made to get the sixth destroyer flotilla ready for sea. "The official explaeatiun," says Tile News, "is that tide ie being done mere. ly •to be in readiness for t .e quarterly mobilization un Monday, but Ivo uu- deretaud that the preparations are 51 ti, much more warlike nature. The active service ratings have been 10 - called by notice anti special messenger since two o'clock in the -afternoon, arid 'the men have been directed to proceed aboard ship by 8.15 this even- ing." Tlie New, ad is that 11 is rumored that the flotilla will sail under sealed orders.' Notices have been posted or- dering all submarine leen to return to their boats at once. The.paper also states that men on leave have been recalled by wire to other naval ports. Thirty -Five Ships. Devonport, Nov. 4.—Tire officers and men attached to the seventh destroyer flotilla were (adored to return to their. ships Saturday night et the latest; \Vitll the parent ships and :uhmarines, altogether 35 vessels ace affected. T1,eee were ready tie sail yesterday, and oth- ers to -day, it is believed, for the near eitst, Men Ordered Aboard. Plymouth, Nov. 4.—All officers and Hien of the war rraft he . were or- dered Saturday to be aboard their ships at 7 o'clock yesterday morning Later an Admiralty despatch ordered those of the fifth destroyer flotilla aboard their ships by 11 o'clock Sot- uriay evening ret the latest. Men Recalled. Chatham, Nov. 4.—Great ese:teme;t was calmed bete Saturciay by the re- ceipt of urgent A :miralty telegram's, recalling offleous end men to their ships. Messengers on bicycles were despatched in all directions. The au- thorities are reticent, but it fs'. elieved that the orders relate to the battle- ships Russell and Outman, now in the Medway, British Cruiser For Levant. Gibraltar, Nov, 4—The British an er Dartmouth peed 0 here yesterday bound for the Levant. The ,third bat- tle squadiron ill arrive from Englanrl early this ' morning and will proceed eastward after' a stay of only one holir. Greek Squadron Sighted. Contantinohle, Nov: 4,—It 1 report- ed from Kavala, on the Aegean Sea, that a Greek squadron has been sight- ed elf Enos, at the mouth of the Maritza river in the Gulf of Enos. The Greek warships were convoying a number of transports and it is believ- ed that a lending is contemplated. His Death a Mystery. Toronto, Nov. 4. -Tho body of John Grind til, aged 43,'27 Herrick street, was found floating in Ashbridge's Bey, at the foot of Leslie streat,,'about five o'clock Saturrlsy' etcr'ne. i by Jack Robeon, aged 10, 00 Login avenue, Constable Morris had the remains re- moved to < the morgue 1 ed ° Coroner Dr, Lynd will open an inquest to- night. Two brothers of Grindall, who Iden- tifier the `corpse as that of'theie eldest brother, Knee completely mystified over his death. They say that two weeks ago -he did not go iii his worst at Hees' tayed3H.otory on Davouport 'road, but stay- ed home with his mother. On Tu_scley lie started out as usual with his lunch, seemingly in good, spirits. He lead .uttered iso complaints to thea knowledge. Since Tuesday he hes been- missing until the body was found Saturday evening. Grindall was a widower, M0TI1E113 REUBU11IIN1), . i BABY'S I)WN TABLETS TS Mothers having orae used Baby's Own Tablets for their, little) ones will always .besounhl using thine ao lon'g: as -their is a baby Bei the 'home. ;;The -Tablets are askrn w- lr'dged-by thousands of mothers as ,bei;nig thea,' best friend in keep- ing thee' little 00101) well. Whether it becolstipat'ioi, colic, indrgasti;on or worms; whetr'.er baby is s'uf'fer-- iiig from coil or has ein-pbo ifovarl or weather his teething is diffi- cult, the Tablets are the one eafei rctmiedy winch well dPeedily euro him, Other are Iguaganteed-.by a governmentanal yet 'to contain rot one partir;ie of •'harmful drug and Inlay begiv':,n with benefit to the mew -horn babe or growing child old by allrniedicine dealer's or by Mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, •Willia5np' (Medicine Oo,i Brockville,. Cant, quickly stops coughs, t2res colds, and heals the throat and lungs. :: • 24 cents. One pint of sour cream or butter - Milk, one-half pint Of ,sweet milk, two eggs with yolks: anti whites beaten separately', and yery light one large tablesn.ton fru of Melted butter, one salt -spoon of salt, and enough ,sifted 'flo ir to make a moderately stifl batter. Dissolve 10 the sour 'cream one-halfi tea- spoonful nt soda, Mix in a'deep owl, the flotir and the Sweet milk slternatin nntil smooth, then. add the beaten yolks of the ,oggs then the melted .butter, and lasel'y stir in the web beaten 'whites of th,e egg.S. In baking, fill the waffle iron (illy hal( full. Th. irors must be hat and well gractse'd, the fire' unda the irons clear and strong and the waftles will rise twice their size. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S '2%) ASTORIA Tea Rusks, Two .ep:gs one-lalf qui) sugar, one cup mill: two tablepoonet :hitter, two and one-half cups flour, one teaspoon cream or tutar and one-half teaspoo, soda or two tea- ripoons !baking powder. Beat eggs well, add sugar, beat again, thew add butter melted andl the flour with baking powder sifted in it, Dr. de Van"s Femate Pills A reliable French regulator ; never fails. These pills ore exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations, Dr. de Van's are sold at 05 a box, or three for 110. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co.. St. Catharines. Ont. Cinnamon Dune. Sift together ems pint of flour ene tablesfmon oils teaspoon salt, one heaping teaspoon: baking powder. mix wIth milk to a soft dough roll out 11,41-f. inch thick, snar, cinnamon and flour, roll. up like jelly roll, mit in • inch slices close together in a greased pan and bake in quick OVr."11.r . yhe family remedy for Coughs and Cold 'Shiloh costs so little and does so much!' OUR FOREMOST SCULPTOR. Mr. Walter Allvvarcl I -las Had an" In- teresting Career. No man of his ege in the Dominctin hos had 0 more intereeting earner than II fr. Welter Allward, of 'Toronto, spealeing Canfirle.. Ile was born in thot city ia June, 1375, end with a eturly architr,efitre- at 111e eye af four- teen. Ileit reeving and clity modeling came natural to end wore his Chief hobbies. Ho etnyed four years in the erellitect's office, arid then be- gae hie work of sculpture. in earnest. At flint time lie cmidel not even study this art in a" school, and, as a pro- fessiOn, it seemed. to offer small pros- pects. Mr. Allwarrl, however, 'wont on with his well; u i scours g,sel, couldn't go awov tn etre-Sy—he liacl to earn e Inge So lint made busts end sold thorn and seurliecl easiduously the time, getting ell Go, poesible On tile methods of such Fretich settle tors as Frerniet ;led Northwest Rebellion inonien.,'“ Queen's Parlr., Toronto, TItni le produced the stethes of flovierme BUSINESS AND SIIORTIIAND Subjects taught by expert instruotore at the gelketa Students assisted to positions. College in sesSion from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue ' free. Enter any time. ole marriage N7r AJ.lward spent. some time in Lurope,'and since then no has been eonstaptlyi employed on larger and more important worke% Chief among these probably, is his Impressive :memorial to t',e Canadian heroes of the South African wer, Cl which stands in University avenue, Toronto.' Among his other now lam, ous ` outside statues, are the John. Sendf>-eld Macdonald) monument in Queen'; Park, Toronto the Nicholas Flood Davin memorial, in B'achwood. Cemetery, Ottawa; the 1,ialdwin-Le- font:eine group on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, and the memorial to Di•. Bell; inventor of the telephone, at Brantford, Ont, lbrr. Allward's studio is 0m. -Walker avenue, Toronto: When he begins a statue he first records bis inspiration in a small figure of daelc'green wax. Then he ,makes' another' with more detail, in either wax or clay. If the design 19, to be submitted for approval still another figure is made—in the case of a single statue—of one-third or one-half life size. If the work f1' a group a cast in plaster of Paris is arranged in the shape ofa complete model. Weeks and months are spent in this preliminary work. Then, if his' life models have been setisfac. tory, the monument is commenced "in large." This is done in wax on a large skeleton of iron and wood. Then it is boxed up and sent to the United States to be cast in bronze. There are no bronze -casting works in Canada able to do such work. He goes - down to Providence, R,I., to inspect the 'casting. Then from Mr. Allward's blue prints the contractor builds the foundation and erects the monument, All Mr. Allward's work is, marked by deep human feeling, as well as remarkable artistic skill. Personally he is one of the most gentle and modest of Hien,' large success in ticular. youth having spoiled him in'no par - A very good story is told of Mr. Allward and an Irishman, who was one of his models a few years ago. The latter was a magnificent speci- men of physical inanhood, but he suf- fered from rheumatism and talked about his malady constantly. One day Mr. Allwerd was taking a cast of the man's neck, but either he or his assistant overlooked putting on the customary coat of grease. On at- tempting to remove the plaster it was found that it had apparently harden- ed there to stay. So they fell to wide knives and other instruments and hammered and cut it away. The I Irishman lost some hair and had, quite an experience. s • to es'" Some time after the model disap• pearecl, and Illi Mltt�'ard. slid not see him 13" tInsl6ii 5 da'. Tlh1e-*?il., @-.?ijtt !}iris anti ltslel;d hini if he° reiljel'fihtred the cast incideni•1 "n "-'".,"•T,, "Remember it!" said the Irishman, "7nitlr, how should I be forgettin' it? An' would ye believe it, Mr. Allward, Pre niver had a touch of the rhea. manes from that day to this." It had been cast out, so to speak. Are you one of those td whor every meal ls another source of suffering ? Nu -Ora -Co Dyspepsia Table', will help your disordered stomach'f$ digest any reasonable meal's, and will soon restore it te such perfect con- dition that you'll never feel that yott have a stomach., Take one after,' eabh meal. 50c. a Box at yottr, Druggist's. Made by the National' Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, - Limited, is Baby Sea Elephant London has a sea elephant which. 1 an object of intereet to zoologisti. tbroughout the world, because this 4t.r` one of the few members of this brane of the elephant family in captivity the sea elephant IS not really a mem, ber of the elephant fraternity, belt a seal and called after the big Iseult pachyderm becaus.e of Its tremendoug size. The London acquisition le only, a babe, but 1: appears ta be in- the best of health and will doubt es grow to the average size or. its kin some of which have been knowet reach ,a total length of 20 feet, wit' Proportionate girth. King George we donor of the animal to the Zoologlo Girdens, his Majesty having receive 'it from the director of the South Afr' can Museum at Capetown. The se elephant is an inhabitant of the 'sea, of the southern hemisphere, and. tht, particular specimen came from thi Crozet Islands in the Antarctic. , ! You won't be bothered by the I blues if you keep your liver active, your bowels regular, and your and always effective family reme4 issiereiracesarramowoltenamir stomach in good tone by timely BEECIIAMS , PILLS ICU Women and Advertisements OME statements are so saturated with, their own moral to tequire no comment. ing on a car during the excitement over the naval battles between Russia and Japan " said Mr. Thomas Martindale, before the Retail 'Merchants' Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the men were reading the war news and the women were reading- advertisements. Those women, I watched keenly, read every line of the advertise- ments, and then turned to the woman's page, Ihis ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the journey's end the women had nor yet had time to turn to the actual news of the day. The women want advertisements to read, and you must present your business in a readable shape to be in the fight these days." Is your Stock Moving? If Then we can Help You, New Era Ads pay—They get right at the people. THE NEW ERA C1N TON TELEPHONE 30. nilatotalEfins FALL SPEel2ALS SEE Otrit Apple Parers at 75e Stock Pails at SOo Loaded Shells at 00c 22 short Cartridges at 180 Draining Spades, Cleaner, Manure Forks large andamall, , Ensilage Forks, lite" Me Seed 5 25—As the seapon is short, speak few days ahead Sugar at Rock Bottom Prices for a few bays Highest Price fair Butter, Dios Etc Pi A MS I EMPORIUM _ D ONDESBOR1