The Clinton New Era, 1912-11-07, Page 2SOLD BY- m & Sutter $ya STRIKE,. IS ORDERED. Fite Thousand Q.P;R'.',Freight filen To Y%a k Qut To -day ol3No�ov- ) , thousand ° he Canadian k'aeific db t. la Y. en employed m p Y Railway, in' s14 parts of the Dominion as freight -handlers,; oh(,clt era and clerks in the freight department age expp��;;ctsd to go out on striae to -day. Tice Men are all members 'i of the Canadian ,Brotherhood ei Railroad Employes, and will cease work n 'ree- sponse to a,telegrain sent out yester- day s r` day by Gra id President A. R. Moshe of Halifax, Nova Scotia, m 1 The order to quit work was pre p bated by the refusal of the-C.P.R. to grant the men an increase of wages. and recognition of the union, Grand , aficers of the brotherhood Flom lay the blame for the strike en l:'io , T. W. Crothers, IVltnister . of Labor, who, it is stated, refused to order a board of eonciliation, It is claimed every possible effort has been exerted by the brotherhood officers to avert a: strike, Between eight and nine hundred men are employed in the freight partment of the 'C.P.R. in Toronto, rand these men, for reasons which. could not be made known, will not untillater in the week leavework. 1 he m- r ed t com- pany. c a by is are d g h_ h iiless they Y piny, In all other;reties and towns , of Canada, however, it is .expected that every member of the br,therii,ond from St. John to 'Vancouver will quit. Letters have beep sent out by. the brotherhood to Boards of Trade in all parts of the Dominion, intimating that there is grave danger of a seri- ions interruption to trade if the strike is prolonged, and urging them to co- operate with the workmen in secur- ing a conciliation board, with a view to -reaching a' speedy adjustment et the differences. The matter will be taken up to -day with the general sec- retary of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. TWELVE DIE IN WRECK. Steamer Goes Down In Gale on St. Lawrence River. Montreal, Nov. 4.-Tweive�'persona perished and four were rescued from the wreck of the steamer Cecilia L. in the narrow channel between Beau- hasnois and Isle Perrot at the mouth of the Chateauguay e gale on Friday evening. • The dead are: Captain E. Leduc, Valleyfie a • Clovis de Bellefeuille, en- I TY Because Be Took GIN PILLS Winnipeg, Jan. 6th, "I Have lieeu•a sufferer from Lumbago for some years paetand during Christmas week had u very Benne attack which confined me to the' house; About the latter part of April, I met your Mr. Flill and mentioned my eontplaint to him. He advised me to take GIN PI1.I.S have been taking them at intervals. during' the early part of the present winter, and up to date have had no return of my old trouble -in fact, I feel ink years and think a I hove for e better thanY � for that my old enemy has :vanished good and all. I;• A. ]UKus. gineer, Valleyfield; Albertus Hebert, sailor, Valleyfield; ` Josep'r Lebo -clef,. ireman, Valleyfield; Mrs. 'Maxillae 1licbaud, stewardess, Valleyfield; tlexina de Bellefeuflle, sister of en- •ineer, Valleyfield; Hiss Leduc, daugh- ter of George Leduc, 10 years old, Valleyfield; Mrs. (Miss) Valerie Va- lois, Montreal; Mrs. Jos. St. Marseille, Cascades; Jimmie Si. Marseille, son 4f preceding, 18 years old, Cascades Jlr.e. Zilda de Repentigny, Valleyfield; Miss de Repentigny, 10 years old, Val- leyfield. The survivors are: Lionel Leduc, second off]cer, son of captain Alex, Gosselin. wheelsman, Cascades; A. E. 13aillarge, passenger, Cedars; Felix Cousineau, passenger, Coteau du Lac, The Cecelia, w'hich was a freight and passenger carrying vessel, running between Montreal and Valleyfield, left Montreal on Friday afternoon with nine passengers, six of them women and children,, a'id a large cargo. After passing through the Lachine Canal the steamer eneonrtered heavy weather immediately on entering Lake St. Louie; causing alarm among the passengers, But the. craft weathered the wind. s 'trek blew in gusto of 50 miles an hour and the heavy sea, un- til she reached the channel, where, in the darkness, she was driven on a shoal and emaslial into wreckage in an incredibly sheet time. of the S' rapid was the breaking up vesee] that all attempts to lower the frail boats in the heavy sea and to get the passengers aboar.l were un- successful. Only four of the sixteen people aboard escaped. Two of the passengers managed to cling to some. wreckage, which consisted of pa heor of the upper deck and some empty barrels, which floated high out of the water, and two of the crew managed to elamber,into one of the boats which had gone ad.:'t after the final de- struction of the vessel. The two passengers floated ashore at Sister's Island, and would undoubt- edly have perished of exposure had not people on shore ; at Ohateauguay heard their cries and at great risk to themselves, rowed out and taken them to the mainland. The two"sailors succeeded in reaching the little village of Woodlands three hours after the disaster. All :the women and chi. _.en, togeth- er with the captain and several of the crew and other passengers, perish- ed. Most of the bodies have been. washed :shore and an inquest will be bald to-rlav Hine Acquitted on Murder Charge. hike Chari. s, La„ Nov. 4.-A. L. Emerson, presidentof the Brotherhood of Timber Workers, and his eight as- soeiatos, charged with /reader, as tee result of the Grahow labor riot, July 7, were acquitted Saturday afternoon. The jury took less than an hour to bring in the verdict. The 'other in. dictinents against all bat six of the accused men were nolle x,rosstd and they were released. GIN PILLS will protect your Kidneys and ;Bladder against the ravages of winter. No matter bow much you may dread cold weather, because you have been subject to Rheumatism orLumbago, you will be free of pain if you take GIN PILLS: le free if 500. a box, 6 for $2.50. Same you write National' Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, :`136 i5 SISTER. °Tele isee Hamilton WamanIderitified Relate .. ed' to Murder4r Hamilton, 'Nev. 4.= -=The body`o> the young woman, who is Supp osecl.to have th rig 13"61r- STRIKE,. er ooniznitted snicide, by," rows self' in front of a switch engine at the Stuart Street Station of the G. ,11., leas identified Saturday evening by her tadaaj4,14 ;,A Mrs Varna Kirby; 82 �Kinrade Menne. Mrs I{irby who *as 23 years old, wase siete' of Frank. Truckle, the young teamster who,shot hie -wife to death on Market street on May 18 last and committed suicide a few min- uses later, after making a desperate effort to eeape. She w , born and raised, in Brantford; wbere she was married to Fred. Ibirby two years ago, rade 2 It In boarded rd od st 8 couple had o The coup about a month, Mrs. Kirby, who fre- quently left her husband fort days at a time, was last seen by Kirby on Thanksgiving Day, when she' said she was going to Brantford. She told an- other woman, it is said, that she was going up in the west end of the city to spend a few days. She had recently returned from a trip to Winnipeg. FATTENING STEERS. Value of Cottonseed Cake as Part of the 'Ration For Stock.. Cold pressed cottonseed cake is the byproduct remaining after the whole seeds have been crushed to extract the Oi1, says Kansas Farmer. It differs 'from the ordinary cottonseed cake in that the latter has the hulls and lint removed, the kernels heated and placed between cloths and then pressed to ex- tract the .oil. Cold pressed cake contains the hulls and short lint, while the ordinary cake does not. For this reason the ordinary cake is richer in protein. The cake is ground into meal for feeding purposes, and, while the ani- mals could doubtless eat the 'eake if broken up, it pays well to grind it. -Being very rich in protein, cotton- seed cake is always used as a concen- trate and cannot be compared with corn, which is not. It is an excellent concentrate with which to balance up .a ration for al- most any farm animal, and alfalfa hay is one of the best things to feed with it. As cottonseed meal cannot be used for a grata ration, corn or some other grain should he used with it. '. The best ration reported by the Illi- nois station for steer fattening was composed of sixteen and six -tenths pounds of cornmeal, two and nine - tenths pound of oilmeal and eight and seven -tenths pound of clover hay. On this ration the steers made again of two and four -tenths pounds per day in a test of 186 days on 1,000 pound steers. Alfalfa hay can be substituted for clover hay. In feeding sheep a Scottish test ehow- James Goldie Dead. Guelph, Nov. 4. -The death tool; place very suddenly in th.: General Hospital here early Sunday n.crniu g of James Goldie, one cf Guelph's oldest and most highly respected eltt. zeds, in his 88th year. Mr. Goldie had been ill for some time but his death was unlooked for. He was the founder and president of the Tames Goldie Milling Co. and during his life- time took an native interest to every - thin;; that pertained to t e welfare or the eity and county. Ile was a Conservative and successfully contest- ed ontested South \Vellingtrn ne fin Donald Gu- thrie in 1976. Three allolnenlJa ileo, Reswe-11 end Lincoln, the firm, survive frint ted the best results from a ration corn- row. funeral will take place to -met= row posed of eight -tenths pound of oil cake, four -tenths pound of hay and thirteen two Airmen Still Missing. and five -tenths pounds of turnips, en Berlin, Nova 4.-A feeling of pro- which the sbe ppgair ed thirty-six Sugarbeets hun- found anxiety reigns in aeronautical 1 . pound circles as to the fate of the two caro: 1 could be substituted for turnips by pants, John Watts and Arthur :lthet . feeding a smaller quantity. holt, who have been missing with the , A Michigan test was made with nine - balloon Dusseldorf Il. since they start. ! tenths Pound of dried beef pulp or mo- od from Stuttgart on Sunday lastif1 lasses beet pulp, tbree-tenths pound of the international race for the Gordon 011 meal and one and tbree•tentbs Bennett balloon cup. iuternationpl. Pounds of dower hay, on ablch the The managers of .tha sheep gained thirty-four hundredths pound per day. Alfalfa hay can be substituted for clover in any ration by using a somewhat smaller amount. Cottonseed meal is a valuable con- centrate with which to balance up the ration for beef or dairy cattle, bogs, horses or sheep, and the rations given above are average rations.' Begin the feeding period with a small amount of cottonseed Meal in the ration and grad- ually increase it Fattening steers may begin on one pound per day and in; Crease to as higb as six or eight pounds. Of 40 inlanttary 111$ wife stands sadly, bye_ tub (Whereiebo, is doomed to abor; IP fact he is- a ,brainless,' 411137" pquph.dreaded•by his noighbor. Thepoliticians:Orris hie hand His worth7essinesrs unneeded, laid, ;praise him'for , hla iiob,�le •tailed," $eeal/se his vote if1 needed. xi .Wanted. Young girl tole-lrn the telephone operating. Apply a t Clinton BELL TELEP30:NE OFFICE Coal Stove For Sale. U. S . To Invest Cuba. Fort Monroe, Va., Nov, 4, -The army general staff has ordered four trans- ports in reserve here to be prepared within four days for instant readiness to carry 2,800 :troops to Cuba. The preparation e4 the army transports at service is one Newport several rosteps taken already by the general staff to have the army in readiness for service in Cuba should disorder arise, demanding interven- tion. The transports are calculated to convey three regiments, and it is believed the soldiers could be landed in Cuba within nine days alter an order for their despatch. lain theey do Officials expect it will be necemake it ssary to despatch the troops, feeling much encouraged at the peaceful manner in which the Cuba election was conduct- ed Friday. But having in mind the past threats of the Liberal leaders to rebel in case the election resulted in favor of the Conservatives, it has been regarded as only prudent to put the army in condition to respond to a call for immediate service within the next few day, Electric Restorer for Men Phosphortol restores evory nerve In the bods to its proper tension; restotee vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. r'hosphonol will, make you a new man. Price 55 a box or two for 55. Mailed to any address, The fienuele Dr% •two., st(Vatharinos. Ont. SWUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. 'Rust. Bear Signature of �.G.c•avr � ' Seo Fac -Simile Wrapper Belau►.', Rlors mu ana=a @l!/ vyT3litrlQ as:lltillt MUCK PR DIIIINESO. rilsoistssivs.. - FOR TORSO mint, ro sTItATIOII FON A tK1N:; FON TIS COMPLEXION e3 Ri5us 55.re551 W6t11 air geyerablo.n� GU -RE eioV6 11EA1JAG1iG. balloon cup race stili express the hope that the two American aeronauts have funded somewhere in Russia. They say the aeronauts may have been made prisoners and are :unable to Communicate. • . teem ('a&e) C e ST. THOMAS. ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The "Ideal College -Home" in which to secure a training for your life a work. Thorough courses in Music, Painting,' Oratory, g School, Business College and Denlestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident' nurse insures health of students. Rates moderate. Every girl needs an. ALMA training. Handsome pro- spectus sent on ktpplicutton to Principal, 42, D Se for Sale,' A coimIorial1le frame house, -an goodg+eppair,:quarter aerie of fandt witch'fruit 'trees, conveniently, 110 ated ,Tis vasycoPa4 0 r,kble. Pin- petty wall be lsold cheap• - 1 Apply to 1VIRS, JAS, TUCKER, r Fgincesa Street Art Souvenir, bare burner heater' for sale, large eizr, 10 first-class or - :der. Apply to C FIOATtE, For Sate • 7-rpon,edhouse e oreer+ of High and Victoria street=. 'Electric light 'and waterworks Cnt of the boost desirable lcat, tons in.ClintYlb. EasY termis if desired. .Apply to Second Body identified. St. Louis, Nov. 4. -The second body found Saturday In the ruins of the Berlin .Hotel destroyed by fire early Saturday morning, was identified through jewelry as that of Mrs. Helen Harrington Shepard Conley Abeles, former actress and divorced wife of James Abeles, son of a wealthy St. Louis family. The body was first identified as that of Mrs. C. E. 'McFadden, a gueet in tl . hotel, and laet .eight the r111118 were searched for firs. 11 Fadtleu's brxly, as sLo li s not been seen :duce the lire. Mrs. McFadden lived in u room ad, joining Mrs. Abeles, and that part of the building collapsed sion alter the starts.l. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST0 R I A HEY, v Is It necessary to use a megaphone to: call your attention to the factthat. every time you patronize a Mail Or- der House in some distant city you take money out of circulation in your own community, thereby reducing to that extent the prosperity of your neighbors, including yourself in the long run ? Think it over carefully and get back into the ALL "HOME TRADE procession. 'F, Bc 'HALL. For Sate One heavy two-year-old colt, lot 35, 15th concession, Goderich town- ship. C. H. ROLLAND, Wanted Cook and leltaben girl wanted gat,'. encs. Apply ho RATTEN.BURY IVIES. J. aRattenbury House Wanted n g � an a 3 a smart Wa ted a' good n boy 'at ol>yce, For Sale &Yi `N0,Y. e , 7i f19. ,$liaYPONI BARRISTER SOLICITOR" NOTA'; PU dLINTOrrTO. 1 wood stove, and 1medimaa size coal heater. DOIG, Marble Works Auction Sale Auction Sale of a car load of first class rnileb cows and young cattle. Mr. I, E, Ferguson will sell by Public Auction at Normandie Rotel barns Clinton, on Friday. November 15, a car Load of good Tench cows. newly calved, and balance due in March and April, also someyearling and two year old heifers. This is an exceptionally good lot of well bred cattle and will be sold cvitboutreserve. Tetma seven months credit will be given on ftri1nishtng approved joint notes. A discount of 1 per cent straight for cash, T. GUNDRY E. FERGUSON Auctioneer Prom ietor For Vale Foundry Is Absorbed. Brantford, Nov 4. ---Tire ?vett & Letshwceth Co. of this city, which employs 51,0 halide in the i11unufaet ore of malleable iron castings, has been acquired by, the Canadian Car ee Foundry Co. of Montreal. The idr.n thus becomes a laurel; Cauadian eon - cern, ite general policy having been formerly directed item Buffalo. Nu change is cullteluplated 10 the operat- ing management Ur in Imine, and ex- tenei;e cilargclueuLs to the plant are now under way. The deal is one of the most import-, nut consummated in Brantford in some time. Drunks In Dry Bdt. Galt, Nov. 4. -The polies magistrate strictly observes the amendment to the License Act making the minimum fine for drunkenness in local option communities $10 and costs, an aver- age of $15. burieg the past month there were over 31 convictions, the drunks stating they got the liquor in Preston or Berlin. Saturday morning in sending ane of five offenders to jail for thirty days, the magistrate expressed a determine - tion to put a stop to drunkards cele- brating in town by increasing the fine or imposing a. prison penalty. Farat tor Sate CHARLES D. BALE Conneyance, ,: Notary Public,' Oommiesioner, etc,.', REAL ESTATE ArNl)1NSURANQK Tastier of Marriage Lioensesi Huron St„ Clinton,;; H. T. RANCE1 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate. INSURANCE;Aranee Cliepresent^n619 Fire re 'nuance Companies,: Division Court Office. Mediit.ai• DR) r:. W. THOMVSOIi- ilsian. surgeon.. Ete aoscial attention given 10 draeaeea ot:ttio Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined. and euitable1' prescribed... Office and Residence. Two doors meet or tits Commerelal mewl Huron St. 100 acres, Lot 18, con, 3, Hullett, 21-2 lrail,es from Clinton, 1 mile from school. Good 'farm soil clay loam, well watered and improvod, 2 acres orchard, good buildings, barn 50x51, atone basement, cement floors, stabling for 22 head of cat- tle and 5 horses, also 3large box stalls; hog pen and hen house 17x 20y cement Uaeemant; 7 -room, two story brick veneer hoase with sum. per kitchen, woodshed, and buggy house, convenient to house. Terms -2-5 of purchase money down, re- mainder on place at 41-2 per cyonit• or otherwise to suit purchaser. Apply on premises. S A. BROWN Aged horse for Pale cheap, Apply to A, D. BEATON Ladies Wanted Employment oftared. in Player ] aeuivatic Department, Light. suitable work amid pleasant sur- roundings, Iu hew Yet lt or Chicago. this is considered employment for [he highest class cf lady operators. Apply at the Office of W. DOHERTY PIANO AND ORGAN 00., Limited. Clinton. Indiah Chief Dies. Brantford, Nov. 4. -Chief John Gib- son of the Six Nations Indians` is dead at his home on the reserve, aged 64 years Jie had been blind for thirty years, his affliction following a stren- uous lacrosse match in which' the chief indulged and in which he over- heated himself. Of late years he plied the trade o1 making lacrosse sticks and. was one of the most eloquent chiefs of. the Six Nations, Ile was a. leader of the Pagans or worshippers of the Great Spirit. He will be buried to -day with Indian rites, Had a Weak Heart. Doctored For Three Years Without Any Benefit. Through one cause or another a large, majority of people are troubled, more or less, with some form of heart trouble. Little attention is paid to the slight weakness, but when it starts to beat irregularly, and every once in a while, pain seems to shoot through it, then it causes great anxiety and alarm. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pillswill give prompt and permanent relief to all hose eafferin from any weakness of the heart or` nervet. Mrs. M. Shea; 193 Holland Ave.; Ottawa, Ont,, writes: -"I write you these lines to let you know that I have used Milburn's Heart and Nerve Palls. After doctoring fo'r the last three years.wlth all kinds of medicines and pals, for weak heart, I beard of your Heart and Nerve Pills, so thinking I had never used any- thing that did me so much good, I kept on :using them, and I had only used four boxes, when 1 was perfectly cured." Price, 50 cents per boxl 3 bone for $1,25 at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. , GEORGE ELLIOTT Life Stock & General Auctioneer l'or County of Huron. Clinton, Ont, Farm Stock Sales a specialty. Orders left at New Era, office, Clanton, promptly •attenfinded ito. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed, ar call phone 13 on 157 Goderich Township. Fame for Sale Farm for sale, being lot 7 in the 1st concession Township Hullett containing 100 aa:res, all cleared but about 7 acres of bush. On the Laren is a uew b^ick house with fur- nace. Large bank barn with ce- ment floors in stables. Plenty of taater; well fenced, and under - drained. This farm ae well rituated being on the Hu''on flood, Will be s'•ld on reasonable ttrnis, Apply ;,n tho farm or ad tress Seal forth post office, MELVIN CLARK Farrel' For Sale CLINTON COAL YARDS His Noble Stoat, Yards Opposite G. T,14. Station A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on con.12, part lot 34,'Hul- lett township, 3miles from Landes - bora, and 5miles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank barn 36 b7 5'6, another barn 36x52, plenty eked 24x40, A brick house, p y of water, about an 6•tere of or - shard. Possession can be given right after harvest. APP1Y to -WILLIAM LONGMAN, (Blyth, P. r.0. DRS. GUNN and GANAI1GR Hr, W. Gann, L. B C.1P.. L. S C. S.. fids* Dr, et, C. candler. B.A. N.B. . Office-Oatarto Street, Clinton. riiaht calls et residence, ,Rattenbnrs St. oral bospital DR. J. W. SHAW p y5tCLAN, SUBOEON. ecoucheni, eta„ office and residenee on R. Wuhan/ St.. opposite W. Farran's residence, Ali kinds of Coat on hand-- Chestnut and-Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke Kenuei Coal and Wood Tile ---2z, 3 and 4 -inch size - 'Ile Tile is of the very best quality. 'Brtek to Order. Q >A` ORB 5. Picone 52. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4r 4 7 4 4 i 1 Pianos E s See' and here our finest New Stylish designs of up. Doherty Pianos and R C Opecial values in Art [lases 4 Pianos and:organs rent ed, choice new Edison t phonographs, Music & variety'goods. i .' Musit Enlporiuln 4 4 Two Valises to Let - DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work aereelanyte Graduate of 0.C,D.S..; Chicago, and 8.0,15.8 • Toronto. Bayfield on"Ilondays, nay set toDeecle*b DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. • Maces over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental trent. meat as painless se aoesible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ie. GODERICH ONT P'armstoos sales a opabialay, Oidets et at NEW Bite otiice, Clinton, prImos,y attended to. Terms reasanahle. Farmers' sale nota discounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar CTagg rt Bross Bait/KEIRS ALBERT ST , Glild'TO a General Banking Enslnear transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned. Interest allowed en deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eoi Perm and Isolated Town PirO1ta erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B, McLean, President, Seaforth, The undersigned has two houses to 1 J. ,Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godei'icb, let, apply to Jacob Taylor Pasture Land Some first class pasture land to be sold in lots to suit purchasere. At tractive prices:- Apply to John Ransford, (3 T. R. City Agent C� Hoare Farm for Sale. The executor of the Southcombe Estate of fere for sale 50 acres - East half of lot 28, eon. 8, Hullett. A first-class farm, well watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offlere for sal*, lot 29i con. 8,Hull ett, 100 acres. These farms maybe bought together or separately. JAMES SOUPHCO\TBE. Clinton. 4lie peek i8 big,. his brow iwiow„ tBi�p ;tats are Iarge:atud hairy; Sts hear# glows ;with abowt th+' n711Wy Ford & McLeod Webs now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standaa•a.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn p-,-_ Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and ,all •Grains. Ford & McLeod �Li Before placing'yonr orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prrree. The very best goods carried be stock and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis do Rowland's Hardware store, or. with W..1. Steveosoklr Et Electric Light Plant. T. E. Hays, Sec.-.Trea s., Sea -foal'.. DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hebei esville; John Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, CIinton; D. F. blcGrogor, Seaforth ; J. Evans, Beechwood; J.G. Grieve, Winthrop J Bennoweis, Brodhagen; M. btIc- Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses an his own district. , AGENTS. Robt, Smith, Harlock; Ed.Hinch- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney,, 'Eg- mondvrlle; J. W. Yeo, Holmesviile, Payments may be „made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton', or R.II. Cott, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR t..WATTS. Boot Maker and Repairer Opposite Posto ffi ce. Repairing done promptly. Suit cases and Trunks re- paired. A trial will convince you of the neatness and ,promptness with which I execute my work Store 'open every evening WATTS (.e LINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real (Estate (bought and sold Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart.,..-. 8.30 a m 4.50 p qu Centralia 9.40 5.43 Exeter , 0,58 ffi54 Hensail 10.08 6.05 Kippeet 10.16 6,11. Brucefield 10,30 6.19' Clinton 11.00 635 Londesboro 11.18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Vingbam, arrive.., 11.50 7.3'5 South Passenger Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p m Belgrave, 6.54 8.44 Blyth 7.08 3.56 Londesboro.. • • .. • • 7,16 4.0,1 Clinton 7,50 4,23 Brucefield. • 8.12 4.39 Iifppen'.... 8.23 4.47 Iiensele 8,32 4.52 Exeter..' 5,48 5.05 Centralia 9,00 5.15 London,'arrive , . • 10.00 6.10 Buffalo and Gode ie is Wee`, Passenger am pm ppm put Stratford.: 10.00 12.20 5,26 10.26 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.4.7 Seaforth.. 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12 Clinton .....1.1.07 1.25 6,40 11«26 Hohneseille 11.16 1,33 646 11.88 Goderieh..,.11.35 1.50 7.05 1165 East Passenger am pm put Goderich .. .. 7.10 2.40 4.50 T3olmesville 7.26 2.57 5.00 Cllinton .. 7,35 3,07 5.15 Seatortb".. 7.52 3.25 5.32 'Mitchell.-- .... . 8.16 3,48 6.555: Stratford........... 8.40 4.15 6.20 NEW NEW ERA JOB DEPARTMENT. rs UTr.'1P-DATE.. -t ;1i