The Clinton New Era, 1912-11-07, Page 1*Established 1$651 Vol- 4;
leo;: 59
W. H.'Kerr & Son,Editors and Publishers
N1W ERA Would Like to Receive Budgets of News Each Week From All Its Correspondents.
a.a1 Bank
Head Office,, Montreal'`'.
1CCPita1 Aathoriized
Capital Peid-up
eletterve and 'undivided,
prefits .--.-,
(Wirth world wide consuectionj
Interest allowed on Deposits
General 1Banki¢vg business Itterine-,
Made only with chemically
pure crranx of tatter and bise
carbonate of soda,
GOOD, 25c per lb.
Would be pleased togivel a
Sample t•a t'arse who have not
tried it.
Dtsl euaiul Uhomist.
Auctien Salep,; are iia ely.
„Have. you got the furnace ,going
. Get the Best. It Payr.
Is well known as tlie rigle! place
for buperitor business ,ane Ish rt-.
hand education. Positions worth
.$1100 and $15000 were'recsntl,y fill-
ed by us. Write for .Ca`,.rlogue
Menu for This Week
Sweet Potatoes
Finnan' Haddie,
Spanish Onions,
Fresh Sausage
Peaches and Grapes,
Peaches and Grapes are now
at their best. This will
be a big Peach
W. T.:ON1L
Phone 4S
Incorporated 1S68
Record of Progress. for Five Years 19061911
- CAPITAL, $2,000,000.00 $4• 0000.00
RE RV 1; 8,000,000.00 4,000,000,00
DE00 35.042,3:11.00
LOANS ANIS INVESTMENTS 27,457,000.OU 8574,831.00
'POTALAeeell1; . 33,000,102.00 48,.337,274,00
IIas b5 Brandies in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all
P°,tios in'tile World,
to t0E: fi.:5.I k£esseal €ems !MINIMS' .SS' TRANSACTED.
at all Branches. Interest allatred at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch.
C E. DOWDING. Manager
iC ; an you PFCiCF?
L' Fi. s are two brand new styles for Fall. The
Raglan -shoulder is very popular with tlie
,high-class tailoring trade, arid when styled
correctly, as shown, it is`aa w f smartr
corr..ctly, � y _ .Phe
button-through,'pa;tch pocket style is neat .and stylish
a. n 1 makes a smart travelling or street coat. These are
only two of the twenty Overcoatt stylesles we are showing
in thefamous loth Century Brand make.
Another shipment ment of
Sweaters p S tees. just
heNt0'rIS1 .Clothing
A Square Deal For.Every fiery Man, .:
One Year' As Leader,
`; Much Bas `Been Qone
Provincial Politics Assume a New
Aspect as Result of Fresh
Vigor of Party.
It is
perhaps not known, to' many
that when Mr. N. W, Rowell was' ask-
ed to accept the leadership of the
Liberal party in this Province the pro-
posal was
ro-posalwas made to him that the party
would provide a salary which would
in a measure recompense him' for
the sacrifice' which he would be
called upon to make. This , pro.
posal' Mr. •newel'. without a mo-
ment's hesitation, declined,- insisting
that any public service he might 'ren-
der, if he accepted the position of lead-
er of the Opposition, should be with.
out any personal compensation -to-
himself, and that much. - as . he ap-
preciated the generous offer. he would
not put himself in a position where
even he himself might feel that he was
under even the slightest obligation to
the party or any member of the party:
Mr. Rowell therefore, in addition to
his public service, still devotes the
greater part of his time to the prat-
Lice of his own profession, as it is
well known he cannot afford to make
the sacrifice which he would be com-
pelled to do, by giving up any coesid-
erable portion of his private practice,
What He Has Accomplished
In view of the fact that Mr. Rowell
has entered upon his second year as
leader a review of what- has been ac-
complished in the first year is inter -
The place which the Liberal party,
under Mr. Roweli's leadership, has
given in their proem rn to social fines•
tions, such as curtailing. the evils of
the liquor, traffic, reform in land tax-
ation, workmen's conpensation, the
fight against tuberculosis and for pub.
iie health, the decline in' rural pope
' gr
lation the
growth of congested areas
in ourcities, the hours of labor of
working men, has forced to the front
the consideration of the whole social
.problem in a way that it has never
been pressed to the front in this Peo-
vince before. The fight for better
conditions of life and labor for the
masses of the people is in line with
the best traditions of British Liber-
The exposition made hy Mr, Rowell
and his colleagues of the autocratic
and unconstitutional methods now
being pursued by SirJarnes Whitney
has recalled the struggle tlrough
which they passed to secure the right
of responsible government,
Tne Cause of New Ontario
Mr. Rowell and his colleagues have
manifested a deep and intelligeut ire
terest in the whole problem of the
opening up and settlement ofNorthern
and North-western Ontario, This
territory was woe for Ontario by the
heroic efforts of Sir. O,iver elowat and
his colleagues. It was explored and
opened up for settlement by himself
en 1 hie successors, Mr. Hardy and Sir
Coe wee Ross, Apathy and indifference
to the development and settlement of
Northern Ontario is charged against
the present Govern mao 1, e en by such
supporters as the Toronto Telegram,
To the efforts of Mr.Rowell and his
colleagues must be largely traced the
advance move made by the Govern
rnent during the present year. .The
visit to Northern Ontario last sum-
mer of representative Liberals was a
new and important departure in the
lr. litical life of the Province.
The opposition offered by Mr,Rowell
and his colleagues to the proposal of
the Government to transfer thel3.ydro-
Electric development, wbich is a great
trust for the municipalities of the
Province, to the control of a Cabinet
Minister, where it would he subject
to the spoils and patronage systems,
forced the Government to abandon the
Tbe proposal of Mr., Rowell for the
abolition of the bar has forced Sir
James Whitney to recognize that ad•
vanned legislation is necessary and
has brought forth his anti -treating
The proposal for an eight-hour day
for underground miners has compelled
the Government to appoint a com-
mission to investigate the matter. and
it is hoped will result in legislation
during the coming session,
Their pressing ,on the attention' of
the Legislature and the country the
importance of the battle against tuber
culosis and the promotion of public
health has assisted in compelling ;the
Government to make an'importaet ad
vance in this imatter by the legislation
of last session.
Mr. Rowell's advocacy of reform in
lend taxation has been at least effec
Live to this extent, that the Govern
went has appointed a committee to
investigate the matter.
During the year Mr. Rowell has won
the loyal and enthusiastic support of
all his colleagues in the Legislature
and has awakened in the Liberal party
throughout the Province a new epirit
of optimism and courage.
Interest in I er"
mp gal Affairs;
Mr, Rowell has not only devoted his
thought and attention to these matters
of Provincial concern, but his address
at the Borden banquet, his address to
the students of University College on
"Canadian Autonomy and' Imperial
Uoity," and his address at the Empire
Club last week on 'The Imperial. Con
ference and the Ooromittee of Imperial,
Defence." are evidences of the, deep in
terest he takes in all matters of Ina
perial concern.
With the first snow fall has come
the melon Boal y days for many of the
Clinton Citizens, whose bins are gap.
ing voids.
Now is the time to take advantage
of a trip to a milder climate and es.
cape the cold winter months. Round
trip tourist tickets are issued by the
Grand' Trunk Railway to California,
Mexico, Colorado, Pacific Coast Points
and the Sunny South, at low rates
giving choices of all the best routes.
Features in connection With this route
only Double Track Line to Buffalo,
and Chicago; Poet 13ervace; fiiodern,
Equipment; Unexcelled Dining Car
Service;Palatial Electric Lighted. Pull-
man Sleeping Cars; all elements to
safety and - comfort.' .Ask nearest
Grand Trunk Agent for full partioelsrs•'
or White A:,. el, Deft D. P.
A, 'Melon'
I Stetjttna Toronto, Ontario '-"t `•
-Publicity Camp`aig
Planned for ` Ouron
Public Meeting To Be • Heid In.
Clinton, on Thursday- Nov,
2(st, Question of 4dver..
tising the Fertile' +
County, ...
Huron County Citizens, Board's of
Trades and Councillors are awakening
to "the need of . advertising iRurcn
County and a public meeting has bean
celled for Thursday afternoon,) Not a
ember 21st, at Clinton to discuss; was s
and 'means promotion an advertisii g
' cemoaign
The meeting will be open to anyone
who may desire to attend and will Le
cordially welcoined.
We -hope 'there will be a good
Following is the circular that hos
bsen sent to all Boards of Trade and
Councils: -
It is -a well known fact that the
population in the County of
Huron is decreasing. In 1901
the population was 61820. In
11911, 52983 or a loss equal to 15
per cent. This is a serious con-
dition of affairs. It affects the
well doing of the whole County.
It tends to depreciate the values
of farming nin landand town pr
1 perty. In the opinion of experts,
the land in the County of Huron
to -day is purchasable at a price,
that makes it the cheapest land
in Canada,coursetaking , of tak ng its
quality into consideration.
The value of advertising is con-
ceded by all. It has been deemed
a wise policy and an opportune
time to advertise the County of
Huron, and in that way endeavor
to direct a part of the stream of
immigration, and consequent
wealth, that is pouring into Cali-
ada to -day, into our own County.
In order to stir up public in-
terest, to fully discuss the subject
and to arrive at the best way
of carrying it into effect, a meet-
ing of representatives from all
over the County has been called
to be held in the Town Hall,
Clinton; on Thursday, November
21st at 1 p. in. sharp to which
your honorable body is hereby
requested to send one or more
delegates. Will you kindly in-
timate as soon as possible what
attendance we may expect from
President Clinton Board of Trade
Clinton, October 31st, 1912 -
More Coal Is Cry
Of . Northern Towns
•S••••iif S••S•SSN!ls••lt/•.
It Men and Events. -
mssaoe•a®sat 0setesse.•getra
• 4,
WILSON, who was elected Presi-
dent of the United States on Tues
day. The standing up to Thurs-
day inthe Electoral Collegewas—
Wilpon 415; Roosevelt 104; Taft 12.
Ottawa Preparing
for Opening of House
p �
S:ason Promises to,he One of The
Liveliest Since arliament of
Oteite it, 0.1. Ol.-Officials of the
Fluuse. of Coronions ate now pi epee-
ing fur the -o 'e t
i utt.g of Parliament o i
Nestle' es 21.
No session far years has excited to
much interest, auti already the gentle-
man usher of the black rod is being
overwhelmed with applications for
tickets fur the fl icer and dress galler-
Many use corning from the �i est to
uteenu Ito'. peeing, end the drawing -
r.3011,1 heal reservations are already
being wade for the anticipate)) ctuwd,
The opeuing promises to be an un-
usu illy t.t'illisnt affair.
PuHt-)turns are lookiti forward to
the liveliest and most imprn•tant ses-
sion since the famous seer ion of 1893.
and thea nrnni'so to to some um -
ms: tour' deletes..
Bu;sic: es nt'' in 114011ng re/ hu end
are already pretutrme. for a red hot
A frad ildriowirploomelt
A pe, nlfariy frank ecknnwlee 'e
tn('ut, apes:Lt's In iht lame. i5Slie ef.
Canadian Textile Journal, one of , h,
organs iel rest enif the: 1'mai eti,n''ea
interest tt is acknowtedgod I y ,111+.
journal is mimeo 11i.t rnannfactt,r-
mg interests "are the main ineipi, rt
far d1 bounty"; that the Nest, "which
be p" play the pipet in educes chit }
go ,d, which call receive no bunt til.
from ill prot active envies," and that t rte
to My of ni'otet trot for man—am
Meets tt' uid smile ir u t c h floor of
th List at .1,0 et on eof t' Z' est''
Th r st ns',i,apeclhnlvtr,nik
acenuwlcci.,enrcnt 1t is au adw:ssiu, pre tremou is for the hen Kit in
man erecters "; •hit protection is in
the teeule ora t "bWucrty ", orf', a' d
th t pm Mather is of no egienelit to de
ho fort Sh the chief products of the
GVeet, that is farm products.
The statement, to i;s'cawple to sh
go t little Furtlt+'r. 'Thera :t ,ti10 hr'
an admission of the fact that 10
fanner of the East is in lee wtme
position a5 the teener of the Wee..
The chief prod ems of farmers Me
East and se est are enjustly taxed to
provide the bounties out of which,
those who clo enjoy the benefits of
protection are amessing profits to
which they have no Loral righe
ripeFle taes,•sesS0casate0 AGGIOraa
p. p
SVinghnm—Several inches of snow 61615)1514)°451411vJf95t80?67‘29s3t„19
fell here last Friday evening, and for
the first time this, season downtown
people found themselves living up to
Mayor Spotton's bylaw regarding the
oleeniug of the sidewalks SVingham
hasa foie supply of coal on hand at
Sunday S heeI annivetsa v a',ex't
Sunday. !Rev. 11 W, eialpena.y, B.A
general ,secretary' 01 the Ontario S.
e, :0 ssociation, will conduct the see-
s ices
er-sices morning and es ening and
also ,talk to the rain lay S^liool in
Blyth-Tbe first fall of snow of the the afternoon,
season came Iast Friday night and There will,be amoeting of Sunday
several inches of the beautiful covers School Workers ir, G4illis Presey-
the country around Blyth. It is not terian Church at 3,45 p.m
at all welcome,as there is a general WILLIS CHURCHscarcity of that ail through this dis
trict, and dealers have been unable to
get much satisfaction regarding fur
ther supplies se large amount
pp g of rats
farm work remains to be done.
(:COTe first rogolar meeting df the
1onung Men's Club avis held on
1onday eveniese with a,.aod
tendance prelselnt, The chief fen -
t -are of tht, everting was an 'address
Brucefield—The descent of whiles by Rev. D.K Gr'ant
finds many people in this district The annual Pr•asbyteria' of the
more than usually apprehensive as to l'i'.HiM S, will be lxeid, in the and) -
their supply of fuel for the coming toritun: of the e.b arch ooni Tuepday
cold menthe. (foal is selling here and -Wednesday, Nos 10th and ZUth
today off the ears at $9 per 'ton, and 'lie principal ft'•tturc;s will be ad-
supplies are not particularly ellen dresses by Dr. Masgarct McKellar,
dant, When the present stock is gone medical missionary of India, and
it. is not known when more will arrive, 'Ma l' t
Nt. Merrier', of Bayfield; bas received eMro chy of Tor o.
s car. ,The regaular m.euthly meeting of
the Women's Association -eves, held
on We.dtne{sday of this week.
ICo8nn1un,on ,eIOe,•vicesTCweU'Cheld do
Sunday last The poster preaclie I
in the morning on "Life iit'Christ"
andin the a•semiog en 'Mee ,w.ho.,
,t:elieve, but do•not confessCetrist."
The "Parable of -the Great Sop -
E'er the 'lengoe tophi on ivlonday.
Owning. wee itiken by Mr. eaco'
T'aybor, mliss Sh,pley, the ,presi-
dent, cone -meted. the Breble question
comprised the fairly ,large audience, contest.
All through the program was strictly "Some peases of the present war
free from irregularity and was beyond ,between Turkey and the. Balkan
criticism hy the most discrete in that 3-roviheeS, and the'Moral T.easoas
regard. Barry Prince, the silver ton to ,be Ilearns)d," will tee Bev. 1rlr,
ed tenor was. well received and his Arlin' topic of discourse eext'Silo-'
rendering of "Mother Maehree" and day eventing.
o. dusnob
"TheBest Friends toY'ou"brought forth ,T I,c;a Will - ,o .
Ox g :e wrll � awed a
contest, and the firstrograxrtrwill
A d
lifis�teea• en Friday nalgl,t, se,he'
b ee, are asks o meet at a
'gua1tel' td ,jiev'eini sheep.
Guy Bros. Minstrels, who appeared
in the town on Wednesday igght,
put on a show the equal of which,
would be hard to find in minstrelsy,
There was good mOsic,berm tiful songs,'
new jokes, and excellent specialties;
which all pot together made it an
evening of it n'rteuse enjoyment to
those who had the good fortune to
rounds of,epplause, ,quy Bros. Mine!,
trels will alwaye,be welcomed in elle-
ten, and those 5e1ho„miss them on.thbir
else ileit'Mime re,p eat. !.
the\ Suffragette
:+Written By Christina Ross Barltey'
For The Clinton Travel Club,
When my friend, Mrs. Grant, ask-.
0d me to write a paper on "The Shf.
;fregette Moven:Mat," the Mattersv'aa 'so easily disposed of that I
cemiselentd tieedr,with an alacrity that sur-
There ie no suf'feegette mor einent
in Canada The Wont en's Social
'aid Pur teal Unien in England-
were derisively ,cielc,iin;ed "Suf'fra-
;gettee'i when thea' ' adopted what
they call "militant method's,'' bee
Hewn. time to obtain the right to
ycite .quicker thaw by the timehon-
ored means of talkiugs in low smart
�ton:ee ovoc the teacups. I am not
one, who advises or defends
t iolein,ee as a means to an end, but
to the hitt<'7n,sa of int ne.nun.ia-
1'ron of, these women let as be fair
enoug'heto look uack to tee time
;tvhetn hien• were ag.tating for self-
fr..age. In 1832 when a bill for broad
ening the franchise for men was
held up in the P,nglish Parliament.
Oid they throw stones? Did they
,Break windows ? - They burned) the
t.aetle.atNotting basu; they, burned
the Custom House, three prisons,
end .42 private house in Bristol,
eta there was widespread aotung
end bloodshed, Irn't that terrible
Isn't it most ,unmanly 9 Doesn't it
show that men are hysterical and.
not to be trusted with the ballot,?
i•erhaps so—tut the,. gut ;t. But
you may say "that was 80 years ago
MOM would not use, such methous
to -(day." Let 'c4 see. e have; be-
fore me a copy) of the New York
Times of May 23"j, :t9:2, which con-
tains a column ane a hall article on
the Budapest riots cabled from
Vienna. A strike was arranged at
Budapest as a protest against the
action• of the Gcvein:sent in post-
e oning the ihotroduetion o: the Uni-
versal buffrage 13i11. Fifty thous-
and persons marched to Parliament
Square and throw stones at the
. 7 di
n ows.
When the. police
he -me-
tered the rioters opened fire with
ievolvere and ,rragered mounted
Constables from thee[ hoxses The.
police, unable to scope with 'he sit-
uation, called out the entire Buda-
pest garrison of 10 MO men The
troops charged Jac rimers With
fixed bayonets. elle parliament
buildings resembl•itl a host ital. al:
the wounded being carried there
end laid on the floor. The crowd
cie,molishecl shop., plundered their
contents, overturned the tram cars
and tore down the cables us the
tramways, clest of ed the electric
street lamps, ria eng the streets
in darkness, A. bomb was )brown
near the Cuetnms House, etc., etc.
1:-ilteen persons we'c killed and
250 were Wounded, 30 serionay,
There isa stoles 01ene day'sntil-
itant methods by melt desiring sue-
t] age, and the 'asultI Were the
leaders sentences to 9months' in
Mil while the world r.:verberated,—
'berver 10 :111 right 1" Cacie say-
eth not, but it does say-- lis' en,
"Peace was restored late at eight,
the government undertaking to
introduce manhood sulirage',' An
awful mimetic,: of life and 0 0-
perty-but they t of ,' Whereas,
the maligned suf'ragettes; in Eng-
land have tt on noosing yrt except
land this is value blel th;;t they
have brought the. subject to 'the
notice not only of the, .English gov-
erment but of all the gem:tnmente
t the world.
Have women a ergot to a t oice in
Use govea'nme,nt of their country
upon equal terms with men? .Opnly
a few years ago this question
t ould ;bepooh-hot eci as a topic dis-
cussed only by uncombed old. maids;
To -day itis a live political question
Loth .nen, ands women who care to
be considered intelligent sill -to-
date thinking persons 'nest tape
their stand en one eide or . Lie other
and be prepared to defend their
position 1 said thinking persons”
I clo not hope, or indeed to lin-
fluewce the don't thinkers. To the
'lamorieg ladies who, when asked
to express their opinion ox1 a sub-
ject, answer,"We alt, I1'om thinks,
or Dick thinks or Dal v thiarks, etc,
etc." :I say meet sweet 1hieg i your
body eanatat behxourishedf by the
food that Tom, Dick or Harty df
gusts. Your soul cannot be Ngteo=
by Tom; Dick or elarry'e faith, and
your mind cannot reach a conclu-
sion. onaliy subjoin until you your -
!self ,begin, to think, There; Is a
great deal of excellent grey mattes'
in the heads of women; particularly
marriedwomen; in danger of ,be
r'oxning:paralyzed Limn aioln-use. It
l5 so easy a'nd' •sa lase to my Tuan
thinks, etc. Do you know the rea-
son why Toini and She rest :of'them
tothe club, b a
gou , nd the street core
rer and the Salo jn ? Because) they.
meet there som:et people who have
opindons of their own, not people
who merely echo 'their opinaon,s
With amid and a yes, dear, The
first and all-important matter aln
considering any vital question is
that each individual shall do his
ox her own 1hie:trine',
Why .then uo we, women want to
ote'1 Why-! For that very reason,
:Because we are separate individu-
als. Because we have ;separate
muds. ,Because w e d;o jbur own
thinking end wish to h'egister our
opinion In the governmentof our
country. Because we pay taxes and
nis'h to say how our money shell
be expended. Because wle are obit-
ge,d to obey' the) laws and wish, to
have a voice in ,malungt the Maws.
Because we earn our living a,'nd'.
have a right to,be, heard in labor,
wage and work -day legislation..
(Because women 'su'llrage nes :been
found good' in all the countries in
-which it ' has been) tried.
Becalle- it' 1 is contrary to
the trend of modern .thought
toward democracy that half' (if
Gm people should ,,bp cleaned repre-
sentation in the go' enhment of all
the people., ' ,
There is ,no public question that
•does not pertaiml to women es well
p mien',The .pi,bhe> rs (merely the
• eontinued osa'Page 4.;, ' '
ABB a sour 'e o£ •rete e;Lue, on
the farm' and off it, and just.
NOW iy.thn time the need a
little extra attention
Royal Purple
Poultry Specific
fused along with oar direc-
tions v5;,1 start your hens
laying In a couple of ,wenkii;
and keen them laying all
winter.. Get it at
W.SR: Holmes
Phut. B.
lis the time to buy
your winter supply
i'<'iten stocks are, complete
We are showing the most
complete range of Hats,
Caps, Ready-to-wear Cloth -
int , Golt Coats, Sweaters
and Novelties in Neckwear
it has ever been our pleasure
to display.
1CL tang
We have just received a
shipment of Boys' Clothing
and Overcoats, in the very
newest styles. Call and see
them as often as you please
Melt's Tailors and forllisbers.
The regular meeting of Council' was
held on, Monday night and all mem-
bet's present.
Minutes of fast meeting read and.
The following Communications were
received;—R. Graham asking for
license for Bowling Alley for8 months
for $20 and on mouton was granted.
From Mr, John Raneford' re Huron
County which we reproduce in an-
other column. Tbe whole Council o
will attend the meeting,
From W, Brydone re Town and
Case for leasing the land where the
Evaporator is situated for a term of
year. On motion it was, granted for a
10 years lease.
The Local Option Petition was pre-
sented with 200 correct names and on
motion of Councillor Thompson and
Reeve Cantelon was accepted and
Cleric was instructed to prepare a by-
law for next meeting.'
Tbe cemetery Bylaw No. 10 was
read three times and passed.
Mr. G, M. Chambers, of Blyth will
sign an agreement for the use of the
stuns crusher at Blyth to crush coat,
Reports from the various coin-
inittees were very short.
The finanoe report 'was read and
,-.:Council adjdubhed. '