The Clinton New Era, 1912-10-31, Page 8Ladies and I Misses New Fall Suits and Dresses THE • CLINTON Naw 'ass.. • ***••••••••••►•♦000oo♦•o•000•e•o�roqt.s000Ootrsis Thvraday,"Oatobee' th, 1012. • W1E• ARE showing a.large range of New Fal V I Suits, and Dresses for ladies and misses, of the very newest styles, in plain cloths, colors,'navy, black, brown, green and grey, •' Also Fancy Tweeds. These are right up to the minute and well worth in- vestigating. Priced trove $15.00 up New Novelties -in -Cadres Lace Neckwear ow our stock of novelties in Lace Neckwear JUSTn - for Collars, Cuffs and Lapel wear. The very newest in accessories. Values that will surprise you at 50c up New Fall Rugs and Carpets UR stock of Floor Coverings, such as Mats, Hall O- Runners, Rugs. Carpets, Mattings, Oilcloths and Linoleums is most complete. We specialize in Axminster, Wilton and Velvet Rugs of good quality and also carry a large range of Tapestry and Brussels in all sizes, - From $8.50 up Z,zer 2rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON • 000s0000•••••••••000N0000 TO. NIGHT'S: THE NIGHT I'aie4 t' 4'•1'•l"''.t"t+1'+t+4 4-1 ++4 awned -no cfornr ethteo noiauhntgstelt is"gihoapleod• 11 4..t.,lC ogINION bIARSET.30 4.That festival of much merriment 4. that in the midst of the fun. the - boys + Eggs 2b� to 27c + and, girls will remember the rights of T Butter . 2.eio20e h others. and notperform anydestruc- + Barley ath Y .bile to 55e Live acts. - QOe tci 3bc 1 Wheat-...55eto 900 CONDITIONS FAIRLY GOOD + peas lUc to 7c [Goderich Starl -License Inspector + Bram ...--. .-. $1,25 i. Godei$1.40 Oliver Johnston, of Clinton,: was - in d• Shorts town ou Tuesday last. He reports conditions' in the Inspectorate, as fair. h•t'�7D•d•d 1•�.1-1.d'4'e'�"1'd'�"g'h'e'h'�+++� Iv good, the law being observed to a much better degree than formeriy, GOLD A FINE PIANO now that several severe lessons have 'been taught. WRITE LOCAL NEWS FOR US A • Pleat SANT EVENING, Th3-rastiw•,e Cluo herd a success- ful assembly it: their club roume on Monday Might Guests were. pre- sent from nearby points and an en- joyable time was spent by all. r;RATTIC iIA3 I1EAVY, Ilk people who took 'advantage of , Correspondence from the country sidefor the columns of the New Era is always intereeting and persued by. all. We desire correspondents at every point not all already represented in our constituency. In return for this work the New Era will be sent to regular correspondents free, also. stamped envelopes ani paper. All correspondence will be treated as con- fidential. PLAYED TO CAPACITY Perry's Peerless Players opened last' evening at the O'Brien Opera House in The Princess of Patches. Every avail- able space in the house was taken up. AU seats were solders early as 5 p. m. As late as 8;80 p. m. a steady stream of people tried to gain admission. The Princess of Patches was more than pleasing. The vaudeville alone being worth the price of admission.- [The Renfrew Mercury.] HURON FRUIT EXHIBIT The committee in charge of the fruit exhibit to represent the County of Huron at the Provincial - Horti- cultural Exhibition in Toronto next month acemaking every effort to have a collection worthy the occasion and the good name of Huron as a fruit growing section. The design they have selected for their display will include 800 boxes of apoles in 6 rows of 50 boxes each, the whole 40x10 feet zn size. The outer row will make a border of russet apples and the inside rows will be made up of spies, The committee are searching for good samples of apples, either in large or small quantities, and calculate to be able to sell the whole exhibit when the show is over at a pike that will cover the cost of its collection and preparation. MORE THAN THREE SCORE YEARS AND TEN, f1"i0 ,BOOST HURON) COUNTY. (Tuesday evening the Town Coun- cil and Board; of Trade met to dis- cuss the proposed, campaign - to '-.Boost Huron County.' Mayor lib- hinge ib•• Yin, a was in the chair, and Presi � h�Ra>�eio rd of Clinton'i 4 J it 9 oard: of Trade, geed, en outline of the proceedings at the, 'County I ;Conn :11 tthle year when a 'eienuta- t,4r0 waited on tlie-council, asking ":fora grant to ''assist in /'.Boosting! Tea on County." .Anv;ng those who iepoke on the subject were Reeve rantelon, J. B. Hoover, Dr, Thomp- isoni T. Jackson, H. Ti Rance, {grad Jackson D; A For -roster. A T. ICooPea' and S J., Andrews. 'rrhe council were in favor of 'giving a ,suitable grant if ilial other munici- Dir, C l,Floare aold a Every -fine piano near Kippeae the other day, to Mr. William. 'Fairburn. It was a fine instruaneint being aLouis XV 1at31ei ANOTHER SALE, !Me sale conducted; by Thomas' Brown, in, Brucoliold wee ,fairly' well atteinidedr. All the stock offer- ed was sold. The sale netted close to $1700. ` h'Ir. lo:land has (gone south to purchase stock for their annai,al sale which' takes place in Clinton_ sometime in N Watch, for bills giving fuller par- ticulars. COMING EVENTS. Oct SI -Halloween .. Supper in Ontar ' St. Cbureha Oct 31 -Perry's Peerless; players for three nights Nee el -Local Option petition, Tj o;•, -4- -Voters List Court N o v , --Council Meeting. Nov. b. -Horticultural meeting. Nov. 6,Guy Bros. aninstrei$, the Thanksgiving holidays were many and consequently trains were 1 ate, ,Owing to Friday being such a [ . disagreeable day the buss men had a heavy day, 1IOEE BE.RRILS, Mr, John ycruton brought into the New Era office a handful of raspberry stalks laden with fruit which r Mrs. Chas. McGregor, of Goderich town- ship, had sent in. Mr. H. AN. , Watts also brought into the office on Tues day anothez supply of raspberries. WORTHY .CITIZEi4S, p,aliitios were .favorable to o scheme, and It was jdecided that the Board of Trade unite with the Goderich Board of Tr ide and invite the representatives of the °thea municipalities to meet in Clinton at u 'this 'im- portant o 'dive ss e date' t future _ tm atter. rortan BALANCE OF YEAR, FRET. As especial lindncehient to Many subscribers the Nw Era will be seat to any address in Canada or the British -"Empire until January 1, 1'914 -over 14 months for $1 paid in advance. somusiminammigme Notice t0 AMIC ISers t Ali "Ads," and copy for the "change of ads" . must ,be in this dfffee not lator-'than MonaaY evening of each ° week, other.vese t'hiey willbo too late. If a holiday falls . on Monday the ,advertisexls should then - see that theta. coPY ie In on the Saturday be- fore, as this papal goes to press o,n Thur;eday . afternoon -so as to catch certain maple. This as,also to your advan- tage ,as i+t ewes you a couple of' days - longer to adveetise goods. This rule goes' tanto foace at once, Bread ! Bread ! Bread ! The principal part of our diet! How carefu,t hen, we should by to use only tie best and purest that eau be procured, Conner's Breads Are excelled by none. In fat mo other Bread °o'm,es neerly up to the ortasten 3ueo the Rota- ries 1aetidiou:e, CHAS, CONNER Mrs. Pay, one of the oldest residents of St. Catharines, died on Wednesday last, while adjusting a screen to a window. Althoughmore than ninety years of age, she was quite active and took part in her household duties right up to the time of her death, Her husband, who was the manager of the Welland Railway. predeceased her by several years. Three sons .sur- vive her, Albert, now city c'erk of St. Catharines, but at one time con- nected with the store of Searle and Davis ; Geo, E , for many years a hueiness mad, in Clinton ; and, Will. tam H., now with the Niagara Oen tral Railway. Mrs, Pay had frequent- ly visited in Olintou in her younger days. She was a Methodist for about 70 years. ST. MiICHAEL S BAZAAP The Exeter Advocate has the follow- ing complimentary item which refers M Clinton's new cit,zensi-Mr. John May, London Road, South, who re- cently sold his farm in Usborne, mon. ed last week with his family to Clin- ton, where they intend making their future home, Mr, and Mrs. May have been long and worthy residents of the community and their departure from our midst will be very much regretted by a large circle of friends. , DAN',,; MISS I.i', Guy Brothers famous minstrels is the attraction booked to play the Opera House next Wednesday this company has always made good in Clinton and are one of the few shows that are always welcome This season The Great- Ludwig is appeariug with them and was engaged by Mr, Guy at. a veryhigh salary for this season only. This is only one of the feature acts with the show. Watch for the Grand Street Parade at noon. Seate now on sale at Fair's, -prices 35 and 50 cents, WILL GIVE ADDRESS HERE. Tuesday's Daily i - obe had the fti - lowing: -Dr. Margaret MacKellar, who will give the address at the ar • nue) meeting of the Canadian Auxili- ary of the Womens'd Christian -Medi. cal College at Ludhiana, has spent over twenty years in wn,k iu led 'a and knows the life of the women there as only a medical woman can know it.. In recognition of the ser- vices she has ren lered to India, Dr. MacKellar was incited to the Corona- tion 'l oronation' amber as a guest of the Govern- ment, and the King conferred upon her the Kaleer-,-Hind rneilal: Dr. 11IcICele •'will give an address at the Presbyterian W. P. M. S. in Willis Church about the zniciele of Nov,. THE HYDRO POWER QUESTION. WAS A GREAT SUCCESS. Tuesday :a 's Lo nd on F re e Prose had the following local, -Father Hanlon's estimate of tbe.proceeds of St. Mic- hael's bazaar, made katat Friday night, proved much too conservative. Al- though the books have not been to- taled up yet. The Free Press was 1 PreiSpCCI as �>�s COAL' HEATERS' �� �T Q� t RAN r ARE WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL OIL HEATERS We have a complete assortment of of the celebrated HappyiThoaght Ranges, Pandora Ranges Canada Steel Range, 'Welcome National, Etc. All in the high 4rade (;lass The orbs to depend on for reliabilii:y and durability. lines, guaranteed to do good work, only Wehaveo also cheapern nott so heavy and of course not eE arable, as low in pries as $28.00, with reservoir and high sll Owing to the Success of our 'Bargain- Sale of Defective es of overstock, we and ads, and continue defective goods. Everythain table in anglinot of ht up to o. right up to the mark will ubes Pint of Cget what they want at smaland marked in l cost lain figures, This will enable customersto g A Roofing Bargain to Clear Out 195 6=onlsquares Amatite, regular 52,50 for $1.95 y " Mohawk, regular $1.75 for 5 " Lone Star, regular 6125 for , L00 75c ew allons of genuine Carbon Roofing Paint, ¢emenent.for OOe A f Above roofing is complete with nails and ARLAND BROS. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties SOME ADVERTISING. The Saturday 40 pages, oronto Telegram aggregated f which were small classified "ads," and the Saturday editionof the Itrunllton Spectator contained seven pages of advertising for the 00th anniversary sale of the 'Thomas C. Watkins Right House," besides half -page and full page advts:. for e.t least half a dozen other firms. And yet some people, business men they call themselves; think ad- vertising doesn't d-vertisingdoesn't pay. 01 course these liermiton men are under a delusion. HAD A STROKE, Wednesday morning;, Mr. E. Crich of Brussels suffeaald a [strok e of apoplexy. He was driving a cream collecting van for the Harris But- ter Factory anA eras at Reeve Shortreed's, Morris To'wns'hip, when overcome. Medical help Was at once summoned and his wife sent for, but at time of writing he was very low. 'Mr. Crich is well known in this locality and spent his youth ful days in Tuckersmith Town- ship. Flo hope .he will soon be re - Stored. His mother and sister and c brother reside here., THE GTJYS COMING, George R. Cory Proprietor end' Engineer Leacock of thcr Hydro Commission steal, was in town last week with an assistant, looking up the requirements of the town. equip went, iu case ofa our town being served ext or by Niagara power, He ex- pects to be tba 1, this �reclt a is when he will rnlb on all power users, manufacturers, light nears, , ete., and place before them the cost etc„ of power. If enough, power can be guaranteed' at 'a seasonable price and the; selling price of the Stan „*ter of the Famous Guy Brothers electric plant here is not too high the council will then ,brig on a Big Minstrels promises this season to. lay -law to purch'i5e. same, 'Moen sir, give Hie -many Friends and patrons a 1 eacock gets herewith ret orts, ete big f urprise in the way of a Grand rothing definite can be done, ,Entertainment. Several big European. Specialties have been secured and TWILIGHT lYi;,rSICALE, will positively appear The- Solo Sing - The twilight musi•.ale held in ers and Quartette ,will be worth Willis Church on.'khan kegn Mgaf- d' utile the price of admission. The ternoon, under the auspices of the Eight Funny End, Men are certainly Girls' Club was a musical tre'tt not. O"medians and you will have to smile soon to be forgott,-n. The church out loud when' you see and hear ahem,. This is the largest company that tit andas der oratedl with pal while pans, comes to your city and will appear in ha autumn leaves softly the Clinton Opera House .next Wed - shaded lights added much t o the nesctty day Nov. 0, so you can depend effect. A splendid Pogram,was on getting your moneys s worth when given, the number betr,g as follows you buy tickets for the old Favorites Organ' `±old ' Grand: Chopin" Prof Guy 13rnthers, Don't miss seeing Bristowe, them this season as they are the top Previously sold at $1,00, 01.2,5 and $150, for 50c cloth binding and all popular titles, such as David Harum The Foreigner Lords of the North The Doctor The Trail of '98 The Prospector The Second Chance The Man from Glengary Sowing Seeds in Danny Glengary School Days Rose in the Ring Sky Pilot Black Rock The Frontiersman Mrs, Wiggs of the Cabbage' Patch, ......-....., The W. D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest—Always the Best ..... j AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAM AANVVVNAAAAWAAAAAMAAAA E . Solo "Plaine of Peace" Miss Boles notchers and no mistake, secure your told t St Peter's that the re- Violin Solos "Saha d' Annear ceips were between $3,C00 and $3,500., "Tratuneree" Miss Chant This grand total reflects great credit upon those in charge. The fact that such a sum was rolled up in the short space of one week is nothing short of wonderful, and `many business men might take pointers from the thrifty way in which this bazaar was con• ducted by those in charge, The state. ment that "the bazaar was most suc- cessful" was superfluous in the face of the -figures given above. -The old friends here of Er. Hanlon will be pleased to learn of his success. AS SEAFORTI.1 LADIES SAW IT 1 The Seaforth Lady Bowlers received a challenge from Clinton Monday a m. to play the return match in that town on Monday afternoon. Many of the players were eitber into the house cleaning or the wash tab, but such is the sporting blood in them that they dropped everything and hurried to Clinton on the noon train, The Bus was waiting to take them to the Bowl- ing Green, where the Battle Royal was fought. And it was fought, and fought, inch by inch, but victory perched on the banner of the visiting team, and the Seaforth Bowlers came home, triumphant winners: 8 up. What cared they if their . hair was. towsed and their hats on awry 1 Had they not won, and won from two male skips at that l But they found Clinton Bowlers' foe=women worthy of their steel, and anticipate some really ex- citing gamesanother season. Our Bowlers cannot speak too highly of the treatment accorded them by the Clinton Bowlers, who served them with lunch, escorted them to the train, and did everything they could to make their visit a pleasure. -[Sea - forth News,) MINOR LOCALS. Patronize Home trade, Council meets next Monday night, Have you got your coal supply in yet Advertise your auction sale in the NEW ERA. Parliament meets at Ottawa on Nov- ember ovember 2lst. Perry's Peerless Players are at the Town Hall for three nights. Advertising pays. Insert an adver- tisement in The NEW ERA: and get results. Found -A purse. -Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this local, Don't forget to do your Christmas 'shopping early. Only 54 more days till Christmas. Why is coal the most extraordinary article known to commerce ? .Because, when purchased, instead of goipg to. the buyer it goes to the oellar. The Ontario Government bas fixed November 12th es election day to fill the vacancy in the Legislature caused by the appointment of the sitting member, A. A. Mahaffy to be County. Judge, Organ solo "A Symphonic Poeni"' Prof. Iiristowe Solo Kt Perfect Day" ,Miss /Olin Solo It is Enough" Dr. Gandier Organ solo "An" Lullaby" Mr. 0 Organ solo ' Trelotle and Fugue" Prof, Bristowe "Doxology" The proceeds of the musicale which amounted to about twenty dollars, v ill go toward the piano fend ;of the Girls' Club, tickets now at Fair's store, prices 85 and 50 cents. THE 13A7AAR. 'f'he nrembersof the Girls Club of Willis. Church are to be cor gratulated 'TIE TINNING QUESTION may ben eerie/11B one to y ou pretty soon If there are nny leaks it your roof or defects in your leader the WINTER STOPMS WILL FIND 11'HEM. Be prudent and Lave us .attend : to all such matters, iiaat now. What we can easily r, pair to -day may grow into arca-elite' ,expense e job neglected elglected Every day yo'u put ref •sending for de itncieasto the chances of its being leotlate Thos. i-awkins Agent For The Reda Furnace (Phone 53) .00eso•tt000se nito.00••••vo" • EDUCATION• • • THAT 'PAYS • • on the sucese of their. Bazaar which was held last Thursday afternoon in the Town Hall, The booths were arranged in a: circle around the hall while in the centre were a number of small tables where dainty refresh meats were served by members of the club prettily dressed in white with cops and aprons. The tea was superin- tended by Mesdames 'Young, Saville, Miss J. Robinson and Paisley. One of the most attractive of all the booths the mother goose market in charge of laic s. Grant, were to be found, Jack and Jill, The old woman who lived in the shoe snd many other well known characters dear to the heart . of child- hood, Mother Goose and eight small geese, daintily and quaintly gowned were willing and obliging saleswoman, In nonnection with this booth was a Post -Office from which uniformed Postmen delivered parcels small and big, all "charges collected" The candy booth, presided over by Misses Bar- bara Maclvor, Margaret Chown a.n Bessie Smith was well patronized. It was prettily decorated and the young ladies wore Dutch Costumes, next to the Candy Booth. was a Javanese tea, room in charge of Misses lean Chid• ley and Hazel O'Neil. Here tea was. served to many delighted visitors. In the fancy work booth, Mrs, Raynor, Mrr, Axon and Mies Amy Howson. sold many dainty and useful articles. The vegetable booth was in charge of Mrs. Chambers. Atthe homemade cooking stall the decorations were in green and white. Here. Misses Agnes. Chidley, Maude Torrance acid .'Anna Watt were quite busy selling bread, buns, cakes, pies etc. The'ice•eream was served hy Mrs. Walkinshaw and Mrs. W. Robinson. A. very popular booth was one superintended by Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Elliott where candy, fancy -work and groceries were sold by Mamie Hall, 13 uttie Greg, Bessie Cbowen, ICatbleen Dowzer, Bertha Yates, Margaret MacTaggart, Bessie O'Neil and Mary Chidley.. The steal was prettily de- corated in red, white, and blue with autumn leaves, The proceeds of the Bazaar amounted to nearly $150. A very successful concert was given in. the evening, a large audience being in attendance.The following program was given. 1 Is just the find you get un- .41 n- : der the very ;best eon+Iitiona' • • at awy one of Shaw's Schools • Toronto- The Central 'Bus,- • • ‘meas College, the Central Tel- • ▪ egraph School,, and Fou. City, • Branch Business Scheele. Our .• • mew rieium n - the • practicacurl coursE0 giveexplai,tal. Write :. • for a copy. Shaw, pre - Streets, Toronto ilsommSe.mossisiee ..Somme • sident Yonge and Gerrard 1 selling 0111 SOIC 41110111111011111111 0111111lled We have just received the balance of an order that we placed ;Rat winter for Rub- bers, which will be sold at old prices before the advance. We have also a stock of Winter Goods such as Felt Lined and Men's lteaVO Winter Boots 11••••••11.1. reamememuoisnamtimalr.boammeiworoxsasavaisam. A Special Bargain A special bargain offered is Gun Metal Button Shoes for ladies, which were marked at $3.5o for ........ ..................2.85 Will Either Seli the Store or Rent. 1 1 Jas. Twitchell &Son CLINTON1 I+MMAftw WW1/ vw.s. Vvvvvvvvvvvvvyw .50703104 7101„oae Instrumental Duett Misses Jean Ohidley, Hazel O'Neil Solo 'Rings of the Road" Mr. as Doherty Reading "The Cook" Mise Belcher Solo "'file Irish Girl" Mr. 11. Raynor Reading "As The Moon Rose" Miss + + Belcher 'lt So)o "Times Roses" Mr. McGregor 'rt Reading selected Miss Belcher Solo "Wishes and Fishes" Miss B. McIver God' Save The Ring. Headquarters FOR Walling and Riling Oliver plows I.H.C. Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps ,and Windmills. ALL ANIRIN) EXIERTIINNG.A S CALL ON ate Miller Corner of Princes and Albert streets. ILL NOU CentralBusinessColle ; e Stratford, Ont. Write for "the large free cata- logue ata logue of this school,' and you will learn how You Can Suc- ceed.1t wII then rest with you to decide le You Will Succeed We ,are piacisig students In pos;tione paying - $100 -and $700 per emu= : and we have anany such applications for help which we cannot supply. The best name '_o 'eriter dux' classes is NOW. Write for our faiee catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. prigerrammm ri,..1.4.4.i•,;4.4'l'-'I :44444+++i+i.d4+y4+ i"- i++II•+•F+-F300,1.+04"1.:l:+ iii' 01 : TO O `~ 1..� ��C J4 'w • 1 A� Ti..aJ4. , WANT TIRE BEST 0 • . To those who want the pick of: the finest ',?-, looking,4. 4. best wearing, shoes produced •,++ this season, we say4., ▪ COME EARLY THE NEW 1.14 t STYLES ARE �, RAhI, IN. If you are one of the many who look to us. ' to supply your shoe needs for the coming .4 season, with something, distinctive --En- , tirely different than ordinary --Come and ,ter, make your selection right now. z '4., + t;;.' We want your business, not only for to -day, but .a{ for all future time. Try us once and you will not *desert us, We guarantee everything we sell to' + give satisfactory service at the price you pay, and we always " Make Good." Imo, SONS F R� D► JACKSON'S I_ t �d k3E13 3x E iki3'i'