The Clinton New Era, 1912-10-31, Page 3# .4*******...41410++++4440+++++++++++•••••• +++tit • f++++++++++++++••••••••41 ••••••1
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ECZelha Cilrable= PrOOJ Novi al, -2$c0
are best for nursing
mothers because they do
not affect the rest of die
system. Mild but sure. 25c,
a box at your druggist's.
' Mr. Rowell Answers Points Rais-
ed by the Premier.
Liberal Leader Deals With Issues of
the Campaign on Their Merits and
Denies That Candidate Was -Chos-
en Without Consulting Chief—
Wants 014 Licenses, But Un-
der Local Option, He Says.
We notice in this week'o issue of.
!be Venally :Herald and Weekly.
Star, that the publisher's have se-,
cured, as a prenaium picture for
subscribers, 'another esautiful sub-
ject, e•Mitled "Mother's Treasures",
o,a to tee t eeutiful
picture "Home Again," which they
gave last year. .• .Herald
pictures are Mamas good, and it is
said that "Mptilees Treasaresa is
the best yet. It is faille. woader-
luil what great value one iteceivele
for one dollar a year in The penoty
eraid and •t el v Star. It is a
Paper no home in rant da should be
without. 'Every member of a 'family
will lied some pat Of it interesting,
and alone Well worth the year
subscription,. The preenium picture,
'Mother's Treasrinee," is 23't by 29
inches, 'all ready for deeming, and
alone would sea an airy art store at
tee° dollars.
The Family Herald should do aig-
ger bus seas thau, ever this eeaota,
Thorndale, Oct. 26, --"If convinced
that we are wrong, I have nothing to
sae; but if you think 1.: are right,
then fight for the Liberal party till
the leg vote is polled."
This was the way. N. W. Rowell,
C.X., leader of the Opposition, finish-
ed a speech here last night in support
of William Sutherland, the Liberal'
oandidate in East Middlesex.
• In reference to the Premier's state-
ment that Mr. Suthetlend was chosen
by the Liberals without a word from
him, Mr. Rowell said that three days
before the convention be had held a
meeting in Toronto and decided that
Sutherland was the right man to carry
the "abolish the bar' bannet.
Be seloureledge that the Vie:irking-
men's Compensation Act brought
about by the Whitney administration
would be a great benefit to the pro-
vince. He said that he had taken the
oterne question up four years ago. Sir
William•Mereelith's report he consider-
ed was the only completa knowledge
of the question the Government had
ever obtained.
Hon. W. J. Henna's statement that
Mr. Rowell would only eat off hotel
licenses and not clubs, was denied
by the Liberal leader. Mr, Rowell
said that he wanted clubs 'abolished,
too, but local option would have to
be put to use in order to do so.
He had nothing but good to say of
Sir Limes' action in levying. a greater
fax on railway. He said, Though, that
the Liberals were first to impose tax-
ation in 1890, and SP: James had
made amendments to the act since his
coming into power. ,
"Another statement made by Sir
James Whitney was that I desire to
retain shop licenses, giving as the
reason for it that I Wee a shomholder
in The Globe, which sometimes pub.
lishes liquor advertisements. This
statement of Sir James is typical of
the man and a striking commentary
on the Character and political meth.
ods of the Prime Minister.
"He knows I. am not, in favor of
shop licenses and he knows that I
have supported every caraphign 10
1 secure the adoption of every progres-
sive piece of tempera-nce legislation
whichhas come before the electors.
I want, with greet pertinence, to ask
when Sir Seines bao ever lifted Ids
hand to put an end to shop licenses."
My Valentine
-You young people nowadays don't
seem to make much .out of St. Valen-
tine's day -that is, you don't seem to
use it for matc'hinalcIng,. When I was
a young man the girle and the fellers
Used valentines /or practical purposes."
"How as that, grandpa?" asked a
,girl of fifteen. "Teleus about it"
"Wben I got tired living in the
homestead I wanted to branch off. But
a man can't filet up a house without a
weenan in it. In the first place, he
don't know how to go about it; in the
seconcleehe couldn't take care of it if
Ise did, and, In the third, if he could do
•both it would be the lonelMst place on
"Welt, I looked over the girls to see
If there was any one of 'em I would
lIke fOr a helpmeet, but they were all
such good girls and so attractive that
I couldn't make a choice. I thought
that if there was only one of 'em I
could do the trick easy enough, but -
with so many I just couldn't. I lual
about given it up when St. Valentine's
day came around, and when I went to
the postale° the clerk handed me an
envelope covered all over with cupids
and hearts with knives stuck into 'em
stamped In the paper. Several persons
were looking at me, and, feeling, the
blood getting into my. cheeks, I stuffed
the thifig auto my pocket and got out
as soon as I could.
"I took It to the store -I was the
only one yet down -and, going to the
back window, stood looking at the
handwriting on the envelope for two
minutes trying to find out who It was
"The handwritIn.g wasn't disguised,
so after awhile I remembered wiles° it
was. -Then I opened it and there was
a picture and some printed poetry, but
uo penwork. If it badn't been for the
address I'd' never have known who was
the girl."
"Wby didn't she write crooked?'
asked a little ,g1r1 of seven.
"'Cause she didn't want to. I tell
you she was mighty 'foxy, that Oil
s.e. She wanted a home as bad as I
did, and she gave herself awo,y ou pur-
"Whnt's the use of sending valen-
tines and keeping the sender a se-
cret? •
"That's all well enough for the
little tots, but for those wbo are okl
enougb to itnow tbe ineauing of a val-
entine it doesn't do. This girl sending
me a valentine and letting me know
who sbe was just gave Inc a delicious
pain about the heart- That little piece
of paper with the picture in it seem-
ed to me just the nicest thing I'd ever
come across, and when I thought that
It hacl been sent Inc by a real girl I
just chuckled all over. But what good
would it have done if I hadn't h110 \re
wbo sent it?
"The first time r saw my valentine
girl after that was on the street. I
saw bar coming and she sew me, too,
for she tried to look careless, and when
nny one tries to look careless they're
very likely to look just the opposite.
I was watching her and by the time
she'd got a few yards from me she
was red as rose and looking all ways
at once.
"I pretended not to notice any-
thing unusual and walked on. I just
wanted to see how she'd look the next
nine I'd meet her. A. few days later
I met her doing some marketing. I
just said 'Good morning' kind of care -
'ass -like. You ought to have seen the
way she tossed her heatt up and beard
the short crusty 'Good morning' she
gave me.
"I've always believedeliat instead of
the feller seeking the girl the girl
should seek the feller --that is, if the
girt does it right. If my valentine girl
hadn't done as sbe did probably I'd
have been undecided as to which one
of 'em I Wanted all they werei all so
old that I wouldn't have wanted any
of 'em, or they ase. As it was that lit-
ieniece of paper and especialle tbe
handwriting on the envelope separated
her from all the rest of 'cmledecid-
ed for me What I eouldn't decide for
myself. And from the moment I took
lt-out of the postoffice and learned who
• it was from I began to feel different
toward that particular girl from all
the rest,
"After bothering ber awhile I began
to think how I could reciprocate in
some such delicate way, as sbe end
let on she need me, for I don't believe
In this blunt love making, • Tbe bird
sings to his mate, but I couldn't sing
for shacks. I .could appropriate the
beautiful floevers nature, has provided,
especially for lovers, so I Sent my val-
entine girl a lig bouquet. A woman
can nlways understand flowers and
knows mighty well what they mean.
I. followed eem up with myself the
same evening and found my valentine
girl expecting me, dressed. in her best
bib and tucker, evidently ready to car-
ry on the work she'd eegun."
"Pop," called a 70100 from the etext
reom, "you ouglit to be not:tamed of
yearoelf to be tellingthose claildren
stsch a yaps, Ies made out of whole
cattle 'You know very ' well you were
the 1330et persistent"-
Bvidently the old Indy wbo spoke
these words had Aot intended to _ear°
herself away, a sbe had done half a
century before, and stopped short.
The cbildren laughed and clapped their
hands, and a imall.boy cried out:
"I believe grandpa's story, grand
Ma, every weed of it," .
"And I believe grandma." retorted
How A. Sufferer Veen! Sciatica
Found Pernannent Itelief
Fietee darting peals panes like
red hot needlee being driven thro-
ugh the flesh in Ute thigh:, pethaPo
down the legs to the ankles -that's
aciatica, None but ti e victim can
realize thetorture of this tiouble,
and many safer from it hopelessly
le the belief that it cannot be cured.
This is a mistake ; sem ti:a is a anerye
tiouble, end if' the starved nerver
are proPerly neuriseecl 1it1) rich
red blood the trouble will soon dis-
appear. Dr. Williams' pink pais
make just the new pure blood
tneade.d to fecs.c1 the sciatica neeve,
and drive out the racking pain. it
has been proved ON' Or and over
again that they can do this meta we
carer now the following additional.
piece of 'eyed cm 2 2, Mr. E In. s-
torious, Barrow, Ont., says: "Some
e &aro ago I was terribly afflicted
with sciatica, starting juet in my
hip and theta 'es:landing through
the leg tfoot. Attlee Itimej
was attacked T was away from
home and had to be 1 ronght home
on a anattress in a spring wagon
and the agoneoath° trip was al-.
most than. I Naiad endure. Bomb-
ing home I was eot able to sit up
and remained in 'red or six weeks.
Tbe doctor did not help me and
tried a number of me aicine.s recom-
mended by neighbois. I paid 85 a
tottle for one preparation, but it
was no better than tee lest, and I
began tit think there was no euro
Dor Ime. While so. Tering, this tie -
told misery Dr. Williams' Pink Pil's
wee recommended, and my wife got
nip a supply. In the course of a few
weeks I ,began to feel better and
ccalcl got around with the aid • of a
cane. 'kept ou taking the Pills mi-
tt all the pain` disappeared and I
'elt as well as ever I did. I have
never hod any attack of the treuble
binCC, and although I am now 65
Years of age I feel as vigorous as
did at 40, all of which I fl seri))
to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
If you are suffezing from sciatica
or any nerve or bloou trouble, begin
to cure yoursellf by the use ot,
Williams' Pink Pills, which wi'l
e suredly do for you what they
have done foe othets, if you give
them e'fair trial. Sold by all medi-
cine dealers or by mail post paid at
0) epees a box or six, boxes for $2 60
from The Dr, eicellichee
Co., Brockville,, Ont.
Energy of Allies Is a Surprise
eo the Powers.
Mr. D. M. McBlaine, Niagara Falls,
Oat, writes: -"It is with pleasure
testify to the sterling qualities of your
Burdock Blood Bitters. After the Boer
War, through which I served in the
ist I. L., I suffered from boils, con-
stipation and 'sick headaches, and
tried many preparatious, but got relief
from none tin an old comrade of mine
got me to try the Burdock Blood Bitters.
To say I got relief is to put it mildly. It
made me myself again, siz.,. a man who
knows not what itis to be sick, and who
has beer', and is still, an athlete.
"To anyone in want of purified blood
and the resultant, all roend vigorous
health, 0 can conscientiously recommend
'Burdock Blood Bitters is nianufac-
tuaed only by The T Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
liberals HEN •Ircholieu
• Board Is Refused. '
Ottawa, Oct, 26.-71e Labor Depart.
ment has eefused to grant a -lard 01
0011eilia11011 lP the dispute between
the C.P.R. and the Canadian Blether.
hood of Railway Employes, which cote
trols five thousand men in the serviec
of the railway• .
A cornmemication' to this effect has
• been sent President Mosher of the
brotherhood by the Minister. This
decision, the -representatives el the
men state, will not be accepted as
final, and turther representations will
made to the Department.
, The company has so far refused to
treat with,. the_ men as a union.
The Speed With Which the Balkan
Forces Have Mastered the Situation
Thus Far Raises the Proposals to
Check the War—Servians and
Montenegrins Are Vigorous
• In Thkir Attack on Turks.
London, Oct. 26. -After -a fear dale'
heavy battle the Bulgarians are rest-
ing. There were no reports of fighting
yesterday along the line from Kirk-
Kilisseh to Adrianoplak The Bulgar-
ians have not yet decided whether
they will attempt to oapture 'Adria-
nople by assault or to starve out ita
garrison by a siege. The full extent of
the Turkish disaster at lairk-Kilisseh
is still unknovn, but it is almost cer-
tain that the bulk of the gam/aeon
there effected a retreat from the town
before it fell into the hand o of the
The early capture of' leirleleilisseh
was a great sulprise even to the BM.'
garian staff officero and their allies,
and the swift progress of the war un-
expected by Europe generally. It has
been only nine days since Turkey
declared war, and yet events have
marched to the point where the pos-
sibility of intervention by the powers
already is talked of.
Mita interest centres in the nature
of the alliance of the Balkan states.
It is said on good authority that one
of the provisions of that alliance is
that no one state shall conclude peace
without the others agreeing to do so.
Next in importance to the operations
in Thrace is the struggle between the
Servians and,Turks in the Kurnanove
region. Constantinople at Met admits
the success. of the Servian arms. The
Servians Thursday captured two
towns, Vuchitrin and Gilan, on the
road between MitTOVitZe and Vranyan
The Montenegrins are pressing their
attack ma Scutari. It is reportea that
the Turkish garrison at, Scutari has
retired to the "heights of andante south
of the town. This action is interpreted
as a preparation to evacuate Scutari.
The Greeks are continuing their
northward march and yesterday occu-
pied Kosani, about 12 miles northwest
of the town of Servia.
Servians Chased Turks.
Majority Of 801 Over Mr, Morgan-.
Conservative Strength Shown
.Chiefly Around GovernMent
Shipyards and R, & 0,
Navigation Docks.
Fox Infants anti OhilkIren,
Th Kind Yeti Have Always Bought
Beare the
Feeignatuxe of
Montreal. Pet, 24, --The bye -elec-
tion in Ttichelieu to -day restated
1,r. a Liberal victory. Mr. P J A,
Cardin wingtuin from, Mr. E. A D
Morgao by amajority of 301. It
was the first byeadleetuions in
Quebec since the ,defeat Of Sir
Wilfred Laurier la the general elec-
tions, anti the, lilt CeSS Wee tine
,cantse or analeh elaeloni among eir
Wilfred's dollowers to -night,
Returns by Districts:
The majorities by ritsti leis were:
-Cardin-Sorel 264, St, Joseph 43,
et.Ours 48 St at abert 67, St
Louis 47, St. Alma. 18,et 'Marlette.
Morgan -- 51. rsrictorie 14e. St,
Anne 52., St. Pierre 25, St. Roeh..
alhe ether. Cons aerativel gain was
in Sorel, where the Government
qh ipy ards are located. At the
general elections Mr. Carclin's ma-
-,ority there Was 532 against 264 to-
day. ' • ,
Campaign on Ceineral Lines.
HON. D MONK, Minister of
Public Works in the Borden Gov-
, .
ernanent who has resigueu 011
account of the Naval question.
comediaws Story of a Little Shat -
lander Which Saved His Life
Harry Lauder, the Scottish crram•
dian, presenting prizes to the owners
of the best eared -for donkeys at Black-
pool, related why he took so greet in-
terest in the dumb animal.
'I was a pony. driver in a coal mine,
and one day' I was driving into the
'coal face. I was going through what
they called a drift, and my little eony
stopped whore the roof was yery hleb
and very, very dangerous. 1 wpm:wed
what the pony stopped for a second
Belgrade, Serve', Oct 26 -Telegrams
received here from Pristine, ten miles
west of the Servian frontier, in the
Turkish Province of Kosoovo, say that
the 'Mohammedan nrnauta and Turk-
ish tronpe are retiring southward, fol-
lowed by the eervians. who are press-
ing their pursuit without intermission.
The entrance to the town. of MS -
Una by the amine advance guard on
Wednesday was preceded by desper-
ate fighting at Teresh Pees and the
positions around the town. The in-
habitants greeted the victorious Ser-
vians with enthusiasm. When the Ser.
vian eommatider and his staff arrivea
they were receival by the autherities
and clergy of Pristine. Replying to
an address, the commazder said be
had larouglit liberty to all sects and
nationalities and guaranteed the sate-
ty of life and property of the populace.
Many of the arnauts gave up their
arms and ammunition, but others of
their Beet who are hiding in cellars
occasionally fire shots at the soldiers.
The Servians found in Pristine large
quantities of war materials.
At the general election in 911 Mi
Cardin was elected by a majority of
131, but Tesigneta when his election
was 'Protested. The election cam-
ealan Was carried out pretty much
on general lines, the naval queetion
/rot figuring prominenity as an
issue. Sir 'Wilfred Laurier, with
two former M113194 PT% lion. P,o-
dolphe Lermieuxeankl Bon, DreBe-
laneL took pare in the fight, butt
none ef the Government 'Ministers
vetntureel into the, riding,
Most Pressure in Sorel.
Sir Rodolphe Forget led the fight
for the Goveramtelt 'forces and ex-
etted most of his pressure in Sorel,
where tho Richelieu and Ontario
Naeigation ompany, of which he
ie President, has a largenumber of
etniPloYees. IThis and the, influence
exerted on the Governm,ent Ship-
Fought With Knives.
Vranya, Oct. 20. -An incident of the
battle which resulted, in the capture
of Kumanova by the Servians indi-
cates the desperate character of the
conflict. A company of Servia.n infan-
try charged the Turks with bayonets
and the band -to -hand struggle develop-
ed into individual cembats in which
many of the soldiers dropped their
rifles and drew knives with which they
hacked and slashed 0130 another.
It is reported tbat in the Turkish
ranks the worde of command given by
the officers -were in Germain.
Bayonets Used In Fight.
Constantinople, Oat. 26. -Stories of
desperate hand-to-hand fighting be-
tween the Bulgarians .and- Turks are
told in newspaper despatches Teach-
ing here hem Adrianople. Great
losses were snstained by both ermies
in the battles around that city on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Bayonets wee used freely in the
fight for the peseession of the banks
of the Tanclja River and hundreds
were killed and wounded.
Eight ba,tealione of Bulgarian troops
attacked the village, of Mares Thurs-
day and:were repulsed by the Turkish
troops with heavy losses.
The Turks have 150,000 of their fin-
est troops on the line from Kirk-Kilis.
sell to Adrianople, which is garrison-
ed by another 60,000 men. Still anoth-
er 60,000 guard the line baa to Dube
Burgas: Abdullah Pasha, the eem-•
mender -in -chief, some time ago declar-
ed that his troops were sufficient, and
sinee then the great stream of fresh
troops have been directed. toward
Salonilci. ,
or"I gave • -atm a craelt with .my whip.
Immediately I struck him with the
whip he turned round to the side of
the little tub I was sitting in, and I
am not exaggerating when I tell you
that about 10,000 tons of stone fell.
Had it notbeen for the cutene-s of
the hearing of that pony we shcadd
both have been buried alive.
"I owe my life to that Shetland
pony. Instead or licking my pony te
cause he didn't go on, when I sew
what happened I jumped out of the
tub and put my arm l'ound leis neat,:
and I kissed him."
It le usually very costly to con -
salt a ispeeialist in any disease, but
for 25 cents, on a special offerewe
can now give those suPfering from
Eczema or any form Of skin disease
Resolutely instant relief, with pica-
speet of an early cure.
A epeeial trial glee aottle pf Oil Of
Wintergreen, Thyneol and Gly-
cerine, etc., as compeanded in the
Laboratories lee the DD.D.00m-
pany, may. be had la on
or etore o
this lartemet 26 eent offsr. Tam
one ,bOttlle will eonvince you -we
keow it --we vouch for it.
Ten years of bueeesa with thsia
read, soothing wash, D.D.D. Pre-
acriptiony has convinced as, and We
tope you will accept the apecial 26
cent otter on D.D.D. Prescription
so that you also will be convinced.
atad by W.S.R. Holmes.
Roosevelt's Friends Are Organizing a
Strong Guard.
Oyster Bay, N.Y„ Oct. 26. --On ac-
count of _a number of threatening let-
ters received by Col. Rcaosevelt and
the presence in Oyster Inty of a strang-
er who attempted yesterday to make
his way into the colonel's house, steps
were taken last night to guard the
life of the ex -President, A tentative
decision was reached to engage one or
two menet) protect Col. Roosevelt dur-
isnegit the remainder of the campaign
and for a time thereafter if the col-
onel had not recovered sufficiently by
election day to be able to delend him -
Gel, Roosevelt's condition continued
to improve yesterday, and his physi.
cians said that he would be able to
speak at the Madison Square Garden
meeting in New York on Wednesday
night if no unfor-een ermnlications
arise. But they said that he would be
Birds as Scavengers
Ash Council passed EL resolution
aelang the President of the )board ot
AgrIalture and Fisheries to use las
influence with the Government to en-
deavor to induce foreign countries, In
view of the increase of blight and
small winged insects, to protect swat -
lows, martins., and wifts8 was
pointed out thee no fewer than three
millions of these birds were it year
killed in Irene, eame,
yard employees - were t lec.,hrel the girlie
lactors contributing to the reauc- And grandpa gave In,
tion p0 the Liberal eattiority.
Cl:tap-Mother Brutally 111 -
treated Eight Year Old Oirl
- At leverpool, Fraimee Shaw wee
,einreed with cruelty- to her step -child.
•-l• Pretty. little.. girl of eight.
The proseeution elated that the tir
Nits. Syrtcriurileelly beaten, generale-
et-canard and burned in all parts 0"
9. betly. The WM got up at five
Every morning. did the ito•:'
roes: and washed up arter meals. 0
ine neenstan the mothor sent ber t.) ber• both, and when the ehi'd
eas tudrrared the 3.:0111£11, it Vas al.
rw,rtLtitid her hands, behind hcir bort
tr eeticd her vrIth a red -hat poker
'retr. of the ea.te• to her bins.
Thtit (thy the eittlil ron away and NVe't
• f,..t,7,:t^ti in a Pelt. blie Wes re,
note d to n ItrYirital elwIter, wi.ere
1,!.1:,1clal1y the whole re' the
trst tee foe,.
ea.tee wee etennitied the Alla
0) 1 h2ey' was a masa of
1,117!fit.e 4,11d bultiS lIel left arm
mean ed to be fractered and. there
✓ FIle 111e.h.:3110115 that a handrui of hair brae mince out of her heatl. The
:mean was yew,anded mall her sanity
.culd be dame -led Mem.
Oecision Is Delayed.
Washington, 1).0., Oct. 26. -The
lotus court has granted the Govere-
merles application for a.n indefinite
postponement of the wood pulp and
paper ease involving the right of Euro -
Patin countries under the "most favor-
ed. nation" clause of their treaties with
the Unt.ted Stales to send into this
country'wood pulp and paper tree of
duty. , •
That privilege is n•ow granted only
Le Canada under the Teciproeity act.
The isite thus will be stayed for Sev-
eral months.
Friction, on the hemorrhoid veins
that are swollen, inflamodeendgerg
ed with blood, is what causes the'
terrible pain, and etinging and
smarting of piles. ZaineBek ap-
plied at 'night will be found to.give
unable to do any turther campatgn- esse before, Imorning. Thousands
1 of persons have proved. this, Why
The attempt on Col. Roosevelt's life not be guided( by the experience of
was said by Dr. George NV. Faller of others? 1'
Oyster lley,-one of the colonel's phy-, Mr, Thomas Pearson', of Prince
sieians, to have stirred up "cranks' Albert, Sask., writes • "Imust thank
and tobe responsible for the letters 7011 101' the lienefit itave received
which Cul. -Roosevelt has received from Zam-link Lest summer 1
sinee his return to Oy.titer Bayin sufeered greatly fro*, piles. I
some of them threats have been made started to use. Zam-Buk and foarel
against Col. Roosevelt, and it was de- it gavetne relief, sol continued it,
eitled that the clanger of another at- and after using three meanie boxes
tempt te aesassinate him was suffi. I am pleased to say ithas elenctea
eleat to make it necessary in guard a complete cure.•
Mr G. A . Du'resne, 153455 St.
Joseph Street, St. Borah, Quebec, P.
Q. writes. "1 ean bighly reconr-
Mend Zam-Buk to everyone who
guilfers from piles."
Magistrate Sanford, of Weston,
King's Co., 91,5, says; "I sugared .
.long from itching piles, but Zem-
Buk has now area me."
Mr. William Kate, of Upper Nine
Mile River, Hants. Cp , 5 says; .
suffered terribly'from, (piles, -
the pain at times being almost un-
bearable. I tried 'various ointments
but everything I tried failed to do'
me the slightest good. 1 Wee tired
of trying various remddies, Wheal
heard of Zam-Buk, and thought as
a het resource I would give tilts
balm atrial M tor a vory short
time Zara -Bak ettected a omplete
Zane Bubo is also a auxe cure f or
skin injuries and diseases, eczema,
ulcers, varicose Ve13:6, elite, burns,
teulses, chaps, cold sores etc. He.
box from all druggists and stores",
or Poet free fecm; Zam-Buk Co.,
Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful
Try Zam-Buk Soap, 23c. tabl et,
hit». The colonel s physicians wish to
have -Min get out of doors as soon as
Possible, .believing that he will be
benefited by cluing so, but they are
unwilling to risk the chance of anoth-
er attack. It is probable that Col.
Roosevelt will be kept in the house
until adoquate protection has been
Grain Going To Minneapolis.
• Mineeapolis, Oet 26. -Congestion eti
the Port Arthur and Fort William
docks, combined with a refusal of the
railway companies tik make the same
rate on grain from Winnipeg ta Port
Arthur may result in much larger
quantities of Canadien grain being
stored this winter in Minnesota cleats.
The railway and warehouse commie.
gnu yesterday received a letter from
Winnipeg complaining that tha rail-
roads would net reduce the Wi-tnipeg•
Duluth rate eto was done last year
and asking what facilities for storing
osrain in Minnesota would be available
this winter,
Tito commission will make all in-
vest; int lion.
Hopes for Peace.
Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct, 26.-"I1 the
powers sincerely de.sire to pacify the
Balkans, peace can soon be conclude
ed," saicl I'remier Gnechoff of 'Bul-
garia, in an interview yesterday morn-
ing. Re contintedt
"The best friends of Tttrkey now are
those who advise her not to prolong
this hopeless struggle. The sooner the
Turks submit the better it will be for
Ibsen and humanity.
"All friends of mankiud rnust depre-
cate the mischievous talk that this war
• is one of extermination. The , Balkan
lareites heye no intention of extermin-
ating the Turkish. populatien.
• "'rim significartee of the fall of the
Tull; ish 'stronghold of Kirlt-Rilissela
lie,s 'in the fact that the Turks had
gathered there the best troops in their
army and their best generals. If they
failed to hold this Stronghold, they
will scarcely be able to moist fufther
south." ,
4 -Tea
Mr. C. Grace, Hamilton, Ont., writes;
"I was suffering with lame back, and for
Iwo weeks was not able to straighten up
to walk, and hcadly able to sit down for
the pains in my back, hips and legs. I
had used different kinds of pills, plasters,
liniments and medicines, without any
relief, Ono day there was a B.B.B. book
left at our door, and I read about Doan's
Kidney Pills, and t decided to try them.
Before I had half a box used I felt a great
deal better, and by the time I had used
two boxes I was cured. I have no hesita-
tion in reeommeacling Doan's Kidney
Pills to alt suffering as I 01(1, 'or from any
illness arising from diseased kidneys.
Price 50 cents pa box, or 3 boxes for
11,25, at all dealers, or will be mailed
lireet on' receipt of price by The 'I'.
Mahan Co., Limited, Toronto,,tOnt.
When ordering direat, specify "Doeues."
Democrats Subscribe $678,364.
New York, Oct. 26. -The Democratic
national eampaiirt fund up to Oct. 24
amounted te $078,364; contributed by
53,303 individuals, wordings to an
official statement, by Henry Mongen-
than, chairman of the ftuionce
osbttee, given out at the Democratic
headquarters here yesterday. '
in a personal statement to, news-
paper men when the report was made
public Mr. Mongenthau said T' omas
F. Ryan and August Belmont, who
have testified at Washington as to
their large contributions to previous
Demeoratic campaigns, had not been
asked for funds this year, and had
contrib idea n oth n g.
London Woman Ends. Life.
London, Ont., Uet. Roch.
lora Nel:mn, agt.,1 43, cennnitted sui-
cide yesterday afternoon with carbolic
aeid while temporarily insane. Mrs.
Nelson hati boon in attendance on a
sick friend and about five o'clock she,,
rushed into the invalid's rpom and
attempted to force her to take poison.
errs. Ball, the sick woman, ran from •
the house end alarmed the neighbors, '
who found Mrs. Nelson unconscious.
aticicstooTtacerow.... .wfamsruarm=coczomunTrwantxmaz.....orsvott.....1.0.3•31.22.1....goggremamenex
tVtallaiManwil r"=P0.3,1M113lelldek 0111. 1* -13A4 lcan1=1520403225MMENMEM
FAL spEelPiLs
sin out Apple Payers at 750 Stock Pails at 800
1,5a,cled Shells at 00c 22 short Cafe idges at Ric
, Draining Spades, Cleaner, Manure Folks large and small,
Ensilage Forks, Eta, Etc
TilllatleY Seed 5 25 -As the season is short, speak few da.jcs ahead
Sugar al Rock Bottom Prices for a few Days
Highest Price for Butter, F,0• ,
04 Etc.
m, -
confined to his rooms at Ottawa
with pneirm onia.
Subjects taught by expert instructor!
at the
• abi.e(v
C. - BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. W -Westervelt J. %lb Westervelt, Jr,
Principal is OVittelligirlit
.l,10 40I
IngagnalMOMMICISMSESOMMW-040101r-ii0"1'4 3,1
To make some clean, honest money, giving information
to those who have requested it, regarding an original
Western Townsite—Pot a subdivision. This is a gen-
tlemen's proposition, and we want only men of good
standing who will not misrepresent. Address