The Clinton New Era, 1912-10-24, Page 67:4 77577,177.777:757F;iiiifii7iii-777,7777,5177,Tr?, ...0.73,7777.75.• 7 Lii.03i'13 61 Wh4.0.t"'Flettires':Cieeelstighe' , .eert ChiCago ".Lowere=-Liva." Stock -Latest Quotatlofls. 1WesL had a 114.7re8Sog '' closed easeon wheat. The market ' ' co4; tO 3-8e' .under laet .1lowed a net loss of leSi t.) 1-4c, oat e finished unchanged to • 1-/.6o down and provisions varyIns• • • 'frora 12 1-2'c decline to an advanee of •The L4eerp0o1 market:closed 4(1' to %if Itlgher on wbea.t and Sad to 44d higher (.21 , nOrn, Paris wheat closed %c lower to' 140 higher. Antwerp, ‘740 'higher, Berlin, No lower.. Buda -Pest,: 11Ac Winnipeg Optioni. Clef", Close: Wheat - Oct. „t„, 9014 9014 • 8974 8974 SOVitt Dee. -.... 864. 861,4 eS"k Sask SO% lefaY 9174 9/1/, 9074 9074 ,911Y8s 0808- Oct. ...... 9914 3914 35% 3574 3974 . Dec. ' , 33%. 3373b , Toronto, Grain market. •:Wheat, new, bushel...,,...$1 00 to 3•;.• • Wheat, goose, bushel 0 90 .... R,Ye, bushel 0 60 Oats, bushel ,... ••• . 0 50 .... . Barley, busbel 0 65 0 72 Peas, bushel 1 00 .. Buckwheat, bushel o so 1 Oa Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, Creamery, lb, rolls0 00 0 31 Butter, creamery, solids 0 27 0 25 Butter, separator, dairy, lb0 25 0 30 Butter, store lots 0 25 0 26 pgge, new.laid• • • 05 .•., Egs, coed storage, dozen ... . 0 25 000 Cheese, new, lb .0 141A 0 15 Roney, extracted, 113 0 11.••. Honey, combs, dozen 2 75 3 00 Montreal Grain and Produce. , STOMACH ificeTaltingNa,.Dru:-CoDyspePsiaTablets' Mr. J. Merkhugor, Water1o6, Ont., • enthusiastically recommends Na-Drn-Co Dyspepsia Tablets. Her experience with • them, 00 she (*Alines it, explains why. "I was greatly troubled with my • stoniaclen, she.writes. "1 had,Saken so. much medicine that I might eaY tee -take • any more, would only be making it °worse. My etennach just felt raw. I read ,of Na-Dre-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, and a lady friend told me they were ,yery easy to take, 010 3. thonglit I would give 3120717 (1 trial end really they worked wonders. Anione having anything wrong with his stomach should. give Ta-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets a trial, they will do the rest. My etomach is fine now and lean eat any food," One of the many good featnfes of Na•Dru-Co Dyspepsia 'Tablets is that they are so plensant and easy to take. The• relief they give from heartburn, flatulence, biliousness and dyspepsia is prompt and permanent. Try one after each meal -they'll make you feel like a new person. eoc. a box at your druggist's com- pounded by the Nationel Drug and Chemical Co. of Cauada," Limited, Montreal, MONTBEAL, Oct. 19, -There was 110 traprovement in the volume of business over the cable today. The demand for wheat and oats was good, but the prtees ,bict were so far out a tine that no sales 'were made. The local' trade WaS also qUiet in all lines of coarse m'.ins. The •dornestic trade in flour was fairly good, hut the export demand was dull. • Denuitv1 for butter good at firm prices. Receipts for the week were 8023 packages, 0817. 8054 last year. Cheese quiet and easy. Re- ceipts for the week were 55,174 boxes, against 69,492 a year ago. Eggs active and strong. Receipts for the wool:, 3523 cases, against 4428 a year ago. Stooks : Wheat, 1,025,586; corm 15,872; mita, 310,253; barley, 58,2091 rye, 70,9551 flaxseed, 30,111; flour, 60,694. Gorn-Auterican, N. 2 yellow, 75c to 76c. Oats -Canadian western, No, 2, 54140 to 55c; extra No. I feed, 540 to' 5414,e: No. 2 local white, 48c; No. 3 local white, 47c; No. 4 lodal white, 460. Barley -Manitoba feed, 61c to 62e; malt - 'dug, 7$0 to To. Buckwheat -No. 2, 74s to 75c. Flour -Manitoba soring .wheat patents. firsts, SSA: seconds, 35,30; winter patents, choice, 35.05; straight rollers, 34.95 to 05; do., bags, 32.85 to 32,40. Roiled oats -Barrels, 35.05; bags, 90105., 902.40. IvInifeed-Bran,• 328; shorts, 027; mid- :dlings, 328 to $30; mouilde, $30 to $35. Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots, $13 to 413.60. Cheese -Finest wdsterns, 1373c to 13740; idnest easterns, 130 to 13740. Butter -Choicest creamery, 2.90 to 2974c; ;seconds, 273.2.0 to 200. Eggs -Selected, 230 to 300; No. 2 stock, 21c to 220, Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 60010 705. Dressed hogs -Abattoir limed, 012 to 912.50. Pork -Heavy Canada short cut 111055, barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, 825; short cut backs, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, 325. Lard -Compound tierces, 875 lbs., 39.75; wood palls, 20 lbs. :let, 310,25; pure, tierces, 375 lbs., $16; pure. wood pans, 20 Ms, net, 315,50. Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 19. -Closing -Wheat - Spot steady; No. 3 -Manitoba, Ss 457. Fu- tures steady; October Is 1014:0, December is 91/213, March 7s 754.13. Corn -Spot steady; American mixed, nmv, 101n -dried, 71 457. Putures steady; October 20 2$3.5, December 20 2030. Flour -Winter patents, 29s 657. Plops -In London (Pacific Coast), 85 120 to 06 10s. Hams -Short out, 14 to 16 lbs., Gas Gd. Bacon -Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs„ 73s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., Us; long clear Middles, light, 28 to 94. 113E., I3s Gd; heavy, 16 to 40 lbs., 702; short backs, 16 to 20 lbs„ 69s; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., nominal, Lard-Prtme western, in•tlerces, GOs 60: American refined, 615 657. Cheese -Canadian, finest white, now, 0:35 05; colored, new, 62s 613. ' Tallow-Printe city, 42s 3d; Australian In London, 361 90. Turpentine -Spirits, 31s 613. Rosin -Com- mon, 16s 3d. Pctroleum-liefined, 97491. Dineeed o11 -35s. Cottonseed oll-Hull 8e- 21ned, spot, 265 71457. Duluth Grain Market DULUTH, oot. 19. -Close -Wheat, No. 1 hard, 59e; No, 1 northern, SSc; No, 2, 86c; Oct., 87%c, 11089118951; Dec., 87%o; May, 93c bid, • .CATTLE MARKETS. RAID WAS REAL ONE. Becker's Defence Witnesses Say the Charge Is "Framed Up." " New Yotli, Oct, 21.-Witnessee in the triaf of Police Lieut. Becker testi- fied yesterday to two points which the defence coneidered vital to its case. These were: , First, that the raid on Herman Rosenthal's gambling house on A.pril 17. was made after evidence against it had been obtained by the police. The state charges that the raid was a "fake" one. Second, that "Bald Jack" Rose and "Bridgie" Webber, two of the self- confessed accomplices to Roeenthana mueder, who have turned state's evi- dence, threatened to •12311 Rosenthal weeks before he was murdered. Another witness,, Louis Plitt, beothee of Becker's so-called press agent, swore that Rose heel gone down en his knees in the Tombs and said: "On the grave and on the memory of my dead mother, I say that Becker had nothing to do with ,this. Police Lieut. Becker will take the witness stand in his own defence in his trial on the charge of instigating the murder. of Herman Rosenthal, according to Iolm P. McIntryre, 1114 chief counsel, lie stated last night that he had yielded to his client's de- sire in the matter, and that Becker'e story would be heard within the next two or three days. r :114',' tit° 0(53111001 1,7111 h1. he' '.1111,e10''ake 81 71/1I9be1( 01,411O4/111:7)9,: 001 I 1tilerlde „three new.' .""oenstailpes ' haYei 'already; 'been Sworn; -it is uhdersbOod: eight men .ief the. (..)algarY force will be leaned,. tenipotarilY. • It is ziot inorS tlean three weeks ago that ex -Inspector Davi( ef Toronto ac-, cepted the, position as chief of police of ,Lethbeidgie. • Shortlynafter he • re- ' bothmended to tile authorities there that a fleet -Mese eonstoble from Toe rept() be appointed ite' inspector. Davis, it is declared; leriew.Cbnstabie tb.he an .41 man -with 'five or six years' experience., council consulted'the new chief, with there- stilt - sult that Skelton got the job. ' Many of tile other 31ee11 one tile force had their eyes on the ,va'eancy, a.nd did not like it when another Toronto man 'was dppointed over theix heads. fIence-the seikee Skelton is to leave Toronto for Lethbridge to -day to taS.e up his new duties. GOO NY FROM COM --- The mother 'can guavd her little ones from, colds during the damp, cold fall days by the use of Baby's OWn Tablets, The Tablets oct as a gentle laxative, leeoping the bowels working freely and the roneach sweet -that is the secret of prevent ing colds, The Tablets will 1101 01711' prevent or banish colds, tut will cure constination, inelie,restion, expel worms and make teething easy, They are sold under the guarantee of a government analyst to contain inCv harmful drugs and may safely be given to the new born babe. Sold by medicine dealers or by Mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., lerockeille,Ont ROOSEVELT GOES HOME. He Is Well Enough to Leave Chicago For Oyster Bay. Chicago, Oct. 5 I. -The advienbility of permitting Col. Roozevelt to de- part to -day for Oyster 13ay was debat- ed at length yesterday, and not until after his phyeiciane: had held a con- sultation last night did they enside definitely that he might do 50. He left for New Yorle 01. 08.02 a.m. Col. Roosevelt's condition was deecribed as normal thro-agliout yesterday. It was learned that his wound had bled considerably and that he was suffering from nervous exhaeetion. The ex -President's physicians insist- ed -.'that both of these developments were to be expected, and there was in • them no cause for alarm. The bleed- Ohicage Live Stock. Ing, it wasexplained by Dr. Alexam, • CHICAGO, Oct. 19:-Cattle-Recelpts, der Lambef,t, necessarily eccompanied Vooi market slow and weak. Beeves, $5,50 the dischaege of serum which is pare to 310.95; Texas steers, 34.50 to $8.50; of the healing peocese. western steers, 05.75 to 30; stockers and feeders, 34.25 to $7.50; CONN% and heifers, "1 wish you would emphasize the 42.90 to 37.50; calves, 07 to 39.85. fact," said Dr. Lambert, "that Col, '- is getting on well, -but that Hogs-Recelpts, 8000; market strong; Roosevelt light, 15.30 to $9.10; mixed, $8.45 to $9.20; • heavy, 98,45 to $9.20; rough, 35.45 to $8.70; any patient who ha,s been in bed as • iM,. $4.75 to $7.75; bulk of sales, PM to glee of neevousnees. If Col. Reese - long 8112 he, will suffer front some de- • sheep and Lambs --Receipts, 2000; mar- Ve1.3 is kept 'Perfectly cp.ket. it w11-1 be • ket steady; native, 93.60 to 90; western, :safe for him to take the trip." $3.85 to 34.85; yearlings, 04.75 to $6. Lambs, native $0.00 to 87.50; western, 05.50 to 37,50. "There is no cause fm. serious mis- • givings ' said Dr. A. D. Bevan, if 11 '''wee .1-)verpool Cattle Market, • Col, Roosevelt is kept quiet." • -r.avnRpool.,--, Oct. 179.-501131 ringers & Dr. Sfurphy and Dr. Terrell gave •. ,co„ Liverpool, cable today that supplies - • . the same (minim. ..qf Irish stock were cp.ifte as heavy and • - '''' the -1'e Vero also eome gene -Wan steers and In spite of the assurai,ces of the effeafern eveth'ell 1110 ±710 13ii*kenhead mar- physicians, it Was apparent that some ket Quotations are : Canadian steel's, conceen was felt as to the effect upon Cuzv quickly stops coughs,: cures colds, heals the 01270:17 and 01020. • • 25 cents. soizoLl 6,030 Yards of Nets. , Belleville, Oct. 21-3.010 Provincial (loverninent petrel steamer Navaech hao arrived here with tebeut. 0,000 yinele of net sehied in the Bay cif Quinte etween leoint Ann and the Shannonvilln Riyer. A motor • boat fouiol coneenled in a rush bed WAS al- so Vi89(09s011 Led. The department is de- termined te eleon the Ilay Quiute et nets evh:811 ere illeselly used. Children. Cry FOR FLETCtIER'S ASTORA Vinson IntErroptEd. Now York., Oct. 21, -bike Maud Ma- lone, a Suffrimette, tr341 to break up the spriecili uf Guvernoe Wilson Satur- day night, and after a seene of con. ineion, in which tile Deumeridie can- iliJata tried to peony an angry erowd, the police interfered and arreeted her on a charge of diettabieg the peace. The jlineernel' WaS til 11218919 ebout [no- eimoly when _Mies ;Slaloms who. 11110 been conep:cuous in interrupting an aildrees by Governor ,i,enuson can. fernia here reeeetly, 7 oeii iroin the beleony and. shouted: "1-lew ebout 11/0. Mall 5/111:r11.10, GOVv11101 Wilsen? 311011 line a inenumily ef suffrage." Criee o "Put her alit, put her out," ai 1 an tiproar rif peoteet agninst the 120to 1214° per lb.; Trish steers, 1140 to 121/20, and Western wethers, 11740 to 12c. The demand- was moderate and market weak. Cheese Markets. ST. HYACINTHE, Oct. 19. --Butter sold to -day at 28 3-1c; cheese at 12 9-16e, BLILLEVILLE, Oct. 19, -About '2055 said yesterday afternoon, however, boxes of cheese were offered, 210 sell- ing at 12 7-8:3; 1025 at 12 13-16c, and that if finel aerangements for the balance refused at 12 3-4c. trip liacl been made, she would not CANTON, NSF., Oct. 20. -Two huna insist en a (mange al Plans. &err -and seventy-three tubs of butter Once back at home there will be sold at 31 1-4c; last year 300 at 21 1-3c; little relaxation in the strict regime 2876 boxes of cbeese at 170; last week • of the physicians for a week or ten for 17c and last year 2300 at 13 3-4e. dais. Col. Roosevelt believed, how- ' LOnDON, Oct. 19. -The offerings on ever, that he will be•able to spell; in the London cheese libarcl today are as Madison Square Gaeden, Now oil, follows: Ptidgetree 190c 5 w; Blanchard on Oct. 30. He hopes to make one and Niseourl 90 c; AVonbank 200 0; speech to sunimarize all of his rea- • Pond Mill SO c; 565 boxes offered, o 00330 for seeking support for the Pro - •sales. 'Bidding from 13c to 1374c. COWANSVILLIS, Que., OM. 19t -At gressive party, 8(1(1 has begun to plain anaddress which he can deliver in the meeting of the Eastern Townships twenty minntes. Dairymen's Association, held here thiS ._ , afternoon, sixteen factorie'i boarded aro going to the meeting 511y- 436 packages of butter and 49 boxee .of cheeSe. Five bUyers were present. The ruling price for butter was 31 1-80; • One factory sold for ill 1-40, and one factory unsold. Cheese sold 81 35 11-160 Col. Roosevelt of a day and 1112123 on the train. Mrs. Roosevelt aceepterl the judgment of Dr. J..13. 'Sleepily and his associates, although tor 0 tirne , after her husband's setleack last night, elle was doubtful whether it woul41 be safe to attempt the journey so sbon. She interruytion 0:11110 from the crowd, -Do net be rmle to the lady," urged the goverour. and the crowd liecame quiet, while the goveener adillid: "Wo- man suffrage, imulam, is not 5711118- (1,1(1 that is dealt with by the untie:tat GOVerniliellt at all; I am enly here as a representative of the national party," • riflessts. Bourassa and'Monk Hotd a Lengthy ,Session. HON. MR. BORDEN, IS SILENT' Nationalist Chieftains Discuss Situa.. tion at neeeew and Ate Is Electric With Hints of Changes In the , 'Dominion'Cabinet, But .Nothing • Except Rumor Has Issued to Clear Up the Mystery, Ottawa, Oct. 21.-He'11'i Bcurassa arrived in the capital yesterday morn- ing and yesterday afternoon_ held a lengthy conference with Hon, F. a Monk. It is assumed that this wiee relative to Mr. Monk's attitude on the Government's naval preposals. ' • In the meantime Premier Borden seems to be adhering most closely to the good old constitutinnal practice of saying nothing -until he has something of a definite nature to say, and no- body outside of the Cabinet knows just what the next few days will bring forth. The neareet approach to the true situation seems to be thete it Mr. Monk hae resigned, during the coerse of the next few days his successor will be named inernedietely, and no shetfile of any kind will take place. Hon. Bruno Nantel who, it is said, is yet undecided as to just what atti- tude he will take, left Saturday lor his lumen at Si.. Jerome to attend the marriage of his deughter. The sea of politics since the up- heavai ,of Thure-day 'net ie rienning as milmly se the watere of the Rideau Canal. The etniospliere is thick, however, with every conceivable kind of rumor. which Jr they add nothing to the sum of knowledge, of the actual Dote of the situation, certainly trail -Hy to the great interest which is being rate:died tc the resignation of the Min- ister of Public Works. The very .latest story, which, of course, lacke confirmation, ie that when mr. null; steps nut Irian the C'abinet. there will billow a shuffle, in which Hon. L. P. Pelletier will go to the Department. of Alarine and Fieller- ies, while Hon. J. D. Plezen will he sent to achninieter public works, and • L. T. Marechnl, K.C., 01 Mentrual, to sitcceed 1\1r. Pelletier, C.N.R. Shops at Ottawa. Ottawa, Oct. 21.-11. is stated in railway cirelee here that the C.N.R. has finally decided to este-WW1 its main ear shops at Rideau Selection, a euhurb of Ottawa, where the company a few months ego purehesed several hundred Hems of land. 11 has been known that Sir William msekonzie Iftvorvd Toronto, but it is elated that the engineering department of the company, which all along had hold the view that the strategic point of the system wee Ottawa, eucceeded laot week in satisfying the directors of the reasonal&ness .1 that Opilli071, and it, 9r213 deo;(kd aetinitely 11101. ar- ralleinclii, 3111111.1 IR fe ethevith to that end. -- , Qok's Cotton• Comp Root opiod, • Lethbridge, et„ 21; -Te • poiel: force of this city has i sighned .41 tit great Uterine Tonle, and ,congress week. The members ..----'s• °My Safe etreetnal Monthly 7,0„ _°1 "-ii--" -1 Residataronwhichwomen can or ban nerce protested against the ap- is .f e)depend. Fold/it throe degrees poifitneent of Constable Skelton of To- - s strongerIsii. of strengeh--No. 1,e3 tl ; leo. ea rwito 5,, inspedor en pedeeenoe fee a 10 degree: ; No. 3, . ' for special eaeee, ,.5 Per box, Iro0 al !neap, and 1,11reatened resign. a1,1°-," Sold by ate druggists, or sent urileSS the appointment was resell:macs •arepaid on receipt of Price. wq, „ , 1 - I to .1 t bi , Free pamphlet. Address: IH0 /giy,...rnaY•cg .19 l?,o_ec__, , apcii,„..e. So 1 , noettlIfeteiN100.,TeiteNTO.ONL (formolituri*1°"'" , way," Ile said, "even if I can epeak enly theee evords." PO,LICEIVIEN RESIGN. Lethbridge Force Are Pinued at New • Chief's Importation. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonoll restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Thosphouel will make you a new man. Price 641a hex, or two for :55. Mailed to any address. The Scobell.Dret5 u20,. MAIM/tar/nes. Ont. Boy 1 -lit Cer. Toronto, (1e0. 21,---eieer3e I 189311, 11 01,1, 111731 13:10 10:4 «r' :00 ht. stre0., was Itneeked (lewd by a. ,r,1 t)(1 ori 551118(1.11' 2.1,1189(00, 7915, eavried by two nom in: o Iho Calf/ 7111.r1. nt the (-4,1:::e1' (;,:yy,,I. 1 0(7,38 11001 10821,11(31 avoilue omt .:;: retie:Om' to -tie, Generel Floepital, ev'evee it eves found be 11115. 511IliTil0 jewel J1 bridom arm end eeveral eine ancl breiees. 1-lonting Trip Costs Boy Flis. Arm. Welland, -Oct, 21.-Claretiee 101712 1 Lon. aged 13, eon of Sesepi. 'Alitterteis Montrose, 3111;13 out shoetitie Friday, aceidentiilly dischnrged his title,. 1s89. crating his left men so it had to he anmutateel. It ieeXiected he \%iii live. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST() Ft Jot> ciot•rovall 50271 Drowned. Cornwall, Oct. 21. -As the result of the- diebstrous etorrn on Lake. Ontario winc11 caused two coal barges helong- ine to the Ogdensburg Coal Co. to 01 1110, Ste ph en 1,0 311)0119. f 0 on r1 y of Cornwall, was among those 31810 bet their lives, . Mr Leboeuf, who WkS a baker, left his home here eight years ago for Fulton, N.Y. EIe eves on his way to Cornwall to see his parente, Mr. end Mee. Stephen Leboeuf, when the barges beoke loose from the tug Prec- tor in a severe gale, and both event to bat= of the lake. Leboeuf leaves besides his parents, • a wife and nine children, also three sisters. Reputation proves value. Tested throughout three generations -known the world over as the most reliablepre- ventive and corrective of stomach, liver, bowel troubles -all unequal- ed reputation has been secured by EeflA1V19 AIMS Iffe quickly stops coughs, cures colds. heals the throat and lunds - 25 cents. SENT FUSE BY POST. McManigal 'Used Mails to Transmit High Explosive. Indianapolis, Oet, 2 1. -The delie.ery throe:ell the mail of a peeltoge (('11 1(01 (Sovernment chareee eentri i nod fuse used to leliew np 15 hodilimt tit Akron, ()leo, on July 4, 101157, eves Me is:spied by R. 0. Floyd, poetwaeter. ,o. Clevidatul, Ohio, im the witimos eta 11,1 in the "dynalMte eri115p18ne3 trio: 04, Saturday. 'leo:Lille:I from le, tluit the pad:elms Fent le; Orlie IS. SloSianietel, 31114 13177' 1 hy spooial ileliVery ill. 010 '1117111i, , 1 Peter .1, Smith, an irmiwarkere' Union official .017', ('1115 to the (loverliniont bort S. Ifordiin and SleNtattieol 1,1 taken to Cleveland, fie in 11.7.wheeler, Pa'nt nasesneer train, 17 1111(2' 7) 11itrolflyecrille, to carry tq11 r - Irmo J. J. l\feNemera, that "thee; :meet he 11 Fourth et' Jule. eidebentimi nt Akron." SleSianigel in 1i1111 said. Ile had I1V011 5010011,11 1•7 d the Work, but that Smith eivisrli (12' 81'' ("Nipper" i 12ndo10,11. 11f171 dont, proteeted, se ying. they had prom- ese fee of $2011 fee doing it le. 01;Ci. 11 11'1113 discovered, sail MoNleMe.al's c mfeesion, whiell 1,7 ent- binned tie part of the, charges, that unly 3110.11rinigal knew how to wie nitro-elyeerine, Sr it 7901 determiteid. to use dyeamite, but (het there liehig 110 fuse, Me.lanigal was sent to Chniego te. forward 'bee trete his home. irelas G qulekty stops coedits, cures colds, heals the throat and lands - 25 cents. REVOLT 'IS GROWING.. - 1R AY‘ Until Re'Took WNP1LS •• "I have been a Penman conductor on the 0, 1'. 17.. and alichigart Central for tho last three years. oAbout four ye.ars ago, I was laid up with intense pain in the groin, a very eere hack, and suffered most peveeely wheu I tried to urinate. treacid with nu family physician for two months for Gravel - In The Bladder but did not receive any benefit. About that time, I met another railroad man who bad been similarly affected mid who had been cared by GIN PILLS, after haying been given up by a pro- minent physicians who treated him for Diabetes. He is now running on th'e road and is perfectly cured. He strongly advised me to try GIN PILLS which I diet -with the result that the pains left toe entirely," FRANK S. IDE. eoc. a box, 6 for $2.5°. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada Limited, Toronto, lay ; o83o iotr, e/tel'ilVaii, Wile lett' aia•Ifi foe•his Saaleatelleveali inetne on; Setup day night, intimated that 12e sopoees to gO on with, the ease oritU he goblidO formal discharge. The •case agairnet Captain W. B. iftriti of Minitonae, arrested at St, Laurent., is in the sante condition, and Captain Siftoo sifs ine tends Pressing for a forinal disposition and discharge,' • students Besiege Theatre. Champaign, 11!., Oct. 21, -Many par- eene .were injured last night in a riot caused by an attenept of University of 'Illinois students to force their way into the °pose house, where 11 vaude- vifie show WaS in progress. Celebrating the football victory over Indiana, nearly 3,000 students laid siege to the theatre. They were re- pulsed by stage hands and policemen armed with revolvesr and clubs. Edgar Dillavon, a high school stu- dent, was knocked unconscious. A chorus girl was sturcle on the head 1V 189 brick hurled through a dress- ing -room whitlow. The other choeus glide 'fainted on the stage aiel were carried off. The. audience thceight it pert of the show and did not become greatly excited. Peter Andrews, 'a stage hand, suffered a blow on the head from a stone that -came through a window. Them were many students slightly injured, bete...their friends quickly re- moved them. - Nati ROW IN COURI Winnipeg Magistrate Sentences Two Liberal Lawyers. TRIES TO CLEAR ROOM TELEGR APH I C BR I EFS, Hon. Clifford Silton is confined- to his roeme et Ottawa with pneumonia. John Saunders, for eixty Years a resident of 'Whitby, ()ne., died yester. clay morning atter a long illness. Word was received in Toronto Iasi night of the drowning ot Alfred 1. Thomas at Dane, Onto cm Saturday afternoon. Walter Mantel, need 85 years, a evealthy resident of Whitby, was kill. ed Saturday by felling from a 13416101 while picking applee. , It is rumored that Hon, Hugh NIchlicken of the Manitoba Provincial Police Court 'Adds Another Chapter to the Trials Arising Out of Con- servative Corruption In Macdon- ald by Charging Lawyers With 'crying to Steal Court Papers.. Winnipeg, Oct. 21.-e-Pr0vi118101 Po- lice Magistrate leleMicken Saturday seinenced two Winnipeg lawyers, to ten days in jail on the charge of as- sault and attempting to steal a court document, but later released them on their own eecognizancee mid lamed them over to appear next Fricke morning. This 11715, the 01174,1111 rit. 11 g011tiral 111 10-1117 in which the magis- trate, the two lawyers and the police were engaged. The trouble started 0801' 1111 Sullivan ease in connection with the Macdonald bye -election, Mr. Truetunn roso to address the court, and, after seeming posseeeion of the intormetion paper, said be wished to Make a copy ,,reit, The magistritto then ealled on the provincialpolice to arrest the two lawyere and handed out the above sentence. Not the least exciting incident of the eessioOt. eame wiled the magietrale ettempted to (deer the room. EIe op- proaelied Mr. Hugh Sleckenzie, the lawyer alio iea leading figure M the proceedings aaninst McMicken himself 111 eminection with the trial of confeese Lel Coneervatiye personators on elec- tion day. After several times ordering lefackenzie -from the room, 'Mackenzie Mending his grreiticls, as he had jest been asked by Mr. l'reminan to act for him in the• minter of his arrest., the magistrate ie said by Mr. Maclieuzie to have geasped a elude aud lifting it in the the eahl: "Yoni get out of here; if you don't I will 1211. 3031 on the head • evith this chair. There Was a rush cf constebles and the. Magistrate was hauled away into his private office, 'No disposition wits made of the Sol. liven 005e, and 'Sir, Sullivan is stil4 without the formal certificate of die. charge, which his couneel demanded. As it ineev Le, no one knows how the eiese -steeds. The Magietrate point blank refused to make any Official no. -Hee onhisbooks of the wi,thdraaval tiu Mexican Federal Battallen Deserts to Diaz Party. Vera Crire,- Mexieo, Oen 21. -The seldiere cif the twenty-firet ha ttillinn garrieening at Fort located on an Wand in the leen' herboe, have -revolted and joined the revolutionary forcre of Felix Diaz. The genbeat Bravo and Morelos opeued fire on the refingeees- killing S0\'0651 and weuncline othere. The sol- diers of the Fort Unice garrieon 10' 1(011181(1 inert, refasing ta• return the fire of their connerlee. The' eitnation at the ieland lo espacially serious as Fort Clime ie else used i05 11 -peniten- tiary, The British, French, Italian, 513011. 1811arid Portuguese cerise's, realiving the gravity of the situation, have -urg- ently cabled their reepective" Govern - Meddle to send protecting gunboats. Settee a conference with the federal commanders outside the city, Generals Belteon and Valdez., during which Lho extreme peril of the situation to for- eignees in Vera Chu, WaS discussed, the oonSuls returned to the eity. Gen. Valdez informed the consuls that he evould notify them to -clay whether condition's warranted it hasty depar, tare of ell foreignees from Vera Cruz to insure thee]: eafety, The IL S. cruiSer Des Moines steeern- ed into poet during, Saturday. night. An officer from the warship visited Gen. Felix Diiix yesteeday morning , and arranged an interview ou behalf of Capt. Hughes. Gen, Dia7. 311011 1110 ited the Des Moines, where the Amee- Man captain and the leader 00 1.120 new revolt had a long conference, the na- ture of which has not been divulged. While the Diaz ,revolutionists hold ,the city, and the federals have taken 111) positions on the outskirts, there has leeen no cerniiig together of the two opposing forges as yet.The feel- ing of anxiety among the foreign resi- dents has been considerably 'relieved by the arrival 00 1.115 Dest Iv3.oines, and itis considered, proleable that a battre, Bit is fought, Will take place beyond Sold tnterylihere, •Ist ,bosses, 2150. ' _ . . . . , , . , . . • e 'et eSieo e , retire fiom ptetille, life at' the. er ,e4r4411:1011tat^y, terra. , ' A farm harid pained 13(111cl-wider fatallY injured while thrashing neae • HASPFOrill, bis arm being caught lel , the 'Machine and torn The three-year-old son of William Barnes of Galt wandered into 3110 lneekyard and vitei a search was made, his lifeless body was discovered in a primitive well. French avietol., Aincidee I,accrtir, woe killed yesterday while giving an exhibition of fancy flying at Meisel - ciao, Vran.ce. hoevy gust of wind overturlied his monoplane.. A liallome ex Moiled 'while sailing through a thunileretorm over Groseer- ha in, e rote ey, yesterday. The twa oecuponts„ Lieut. Stiohler and Engl. neer (14iehricke, were killed, Kiaroll Peelle, in an interview, fine ;bedewei1. the poeeibility of fl dertals1 greet power alt.' Tinley, and e27e80le,1 Ill.:tide to sove the Otto. - :nun Eincire fr 'It an eventualitaa 511,5,51117 .• • 51', • 14ELI,e tF.RRI BILE 1ERLITY arter's Little LIM' Rh VILMA i3ear sIgnature,st See Fee -Simile Wrapper Selow. )maet".7;;;;;;;;;;Le77sjsi--"'''''''1" Ye wakes irastaal CAitT_ER rp“E" ACH _ _rioizzihtss. pirrLILLEJL, tFoo! ILIOUSOES T019 goNsivAtioN rof!amievrstliiis:, FON` IME COMPLEXION toms , 011,51:14: blex.µAVIt -GUIRE 31101C HE"AD'AGIIC. Sermon by Rev. G. Gcrdon McLeod of Presbyterian Church, Seottand Nvcure (4)0(4 ot this Trnet, from MUM J. MU, - cLINT 4.),N lar•iSSErea=1FAEIRSIMBMIMISMES:2=1Eir2M•9 ALL COMDEALERS SELL faV016:11 ;-1 :ihi STOVES A-, Agil- ItAlsIOES, iiHilnipoill. 4 \ i ,..„.....4, ,, ,111,,;;„4::,,,:,,!,,,o.,,,,, ,,, ,c(iungelloafoiro ... At's 1 -4,:,‘„,„,i,,,,,',, -illeq i.poei0OF tl toogyariailelsooto,,„7,... ... The Gurney -Oxford Enthusiast The housewife who owns a Gurney -Oxford -who has daily experience with it -who knows the way it works -the econorny and efficiency of it --is a Gurney-Oxfordl Enthusiast. The Gurney -Oxford Range is the sum totall of 70 years experience in stove construction. It is a big, up -standing, handsome stove, that works conitantly and unfailingly for its owner's satisfaction. It stands guard over her interests, conserving her time and energy, effecting a daily saving in coal, adding to the household economy and increasing the plea.sure which comes from a smooth -running and well -ordered household. That's why she enthusiastically recommends the Gurney -Oxford whenever the question comes up. She wants her friends to learn, what she knows to be a fact, that a Gurney -Oxford Range is a good housewife's most valuable and cherished possession.