The Clinton New Era, 1912-10-17, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 4 , No.
H. Kerr $z San, Editors and Publishers
Would Like to Receive Budgets of News Each Week From. All Its Correspondents.
A second young woman has died
within a few da?s atMontreal as a
�Q�''e`llBapka thin of i a pree operation, and
o Ca a third is in a prceat ions condi
tion at the hospital,
Head Office, IVThntreal Get the Best. .ft Pays.
IC;api al Authorized -.•325,000,000
Capital it p 1.150
Reserve and undiviided,
profits 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000
With world Wiide eannectios4
Interest allowed on Depositte
General tBaacking ,busiuiess tsjann-
R. E. IMO N N I N O, Mgr.
Talcum Pe*0 05
Coigates E'clat
Colgates Violet
Colgates Monad Violet
Colgates Cashmere Bouquet
Colgates Dactylia
Willie= .;Karst
Williams Violet
Williams Carnaftion •
Royal Rase
Royal Vinolia
FUIME-E CL AT. Wo 'thi'nk- it
one of the best.
Jr. El. ]F1(01PTY
,Dispensing Chemist.
e . --0
Is well known as the vigil'.place
for superior bus,Ir,ess and tsh:rt-
hand education, Pot'''ions worth
;$1100 and 315000 were reentry GO!-.
ed by us, Witte for, Catalogue.
Afoul for This Week
Sweet Potatoes
Finnan Haddie,
Spanish. Onions,
Fresh Sausage
Peaches and Grapes,
Peaches and Grapes are 'now
at their best. This will
be a big Peach -
' Phone 45
Te Molso"0
IIncorporated 1355
Record of Propres's for Five Years i906=1911
OA 1'TTA L $8,000,000:00 34 , 0 000.00
RE.oE15V 1=. . 8,000,000.00 4,600,0110.00
DEP() -1.1'428,077,780.00 85,0:(2,811,00
LOAN, el NI) iNVEST-MMENTS. 27,457,000.00' 38;854,501;00
TO l?.,3LA551 'i'S . 83,090,192.00 48,237,271.00
B:.ts S5 Branches in f'aouaia, and .gents and Correspondents in all
thn Principal. s=ties in the World.
at all Itranches. Interest allowed at hi best Current rate.
Clinton Branch_ C E, DOWDING. Manager
Which do-Yo-llPreIer?
l Thef
for Fall. ERE are two brand new styleso
r with the
Raglan -shoulder is very popular with
high-class tailoripg trade, and when Styled
The a ver :smart rhe
correctly, as shown. it isover-sack. ,y
buttan•thrcug1,patch ,
pocket' style is neat and stylish
ani makes a smart travelling 1n or
These are -
only two of the twenty•Overcoat styles we are showinging
in the famous 2oth Century Brand make.
Another shipment of Sweaters just
The Morrish Clothing
A Fquare Deal For Every Man.
To -Night
Original Rural English '
and Concert t' Company
Including the Premier hale
Quartette aid Entertainer
Town: Hall, Clinton
ThursdayEifef il 00,17
Plan opens at Fair's Book
'Store on Saturday, Oct. I2th
Adlnissioaa 25e Jilescrve'Scats 35e
District 'News.
Goderich Township
A concert will be given in St: James
Sunday School, Middleton, uncler the
management of Miss May, Mance, on
'Tuesday, October 2Sth, Admission
25c, Children 15e,
It is reported that a congregational
social will be held in the basement or
St, Andrew's church on the evening
of Thanksgiving day,
Will 1Vlustard has purchased the
auto of the Rev. Davidson. of West
Minister Grove'and clow hes the ma,
chine in good running condition. •;
Mrs Jas. Thomson sustained a
broken leg from an accidental fia.11,
while in a state of temporary dlz i
gess. •
.dr. Whiddon's evaporator is again
severalweeks.decl with apples and. the
Rapidly Extolling:
season's run will be continued for
Rural Mail Routes ;Riblets,
Mrs, Lawrence, of Welland, is spend
ing this week with her brother, Mar
Government Proposes to Provide shall Braithwaite. i
Couriers With -Stamps and GeorgeThonapson and Mr. Hutton
are having the Bell telephones install
Orders for Sale, ed rn their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Philips epent Sun
day with the letters °miser, , Mrs. Lan
Ottawa, Oct, 7.5 --Under the new sing, of Base Line.
One hundred years ago on Sunday, +••1M0••••�•••0•NO��•0••
Oct.:lBtb, 1012 -ryas fought the battle , ,o
of Queenston Ilrights.. 4
No'contest of the war• has :so ha- ; BROCK'S LIFE IN BRIEF,
pressed itself on the imagination of I • +
the Canadian people as tbls ; no. de- ` •9'•• w
feat so discomfited the enemy, v, • •
Let us stand on the partiriot of the •
Heighs of to -day and, with the bate •
tlefield around al,d below ooe, visual- o
izs'the long ago scene anti revivify •
the martial actors therein. � •
It is adare autumnal morn atter a
moonless eight. A cold rain falls fit- •
fully, graying the daybreak and be- •
fogging the stretch ot swift rushing •
waters that .diode two countries at •
senseless war, Scattered along both •
banks of the"international stream are •
fighting men with their munitions of •
war alert with the sense of coming "•
clash. Six miles away, ra soldier •
leader takes what is destined to be •
his last.;earthly rest; but ready to •
spring to expected action at a rem' •
ment's warping. v
:111 is quiet. The echo cf the esu-
try foottalls carries not far ; all ria,* •
Luce and her children of men 'are •
quiet, too. No ore hears .the sound •
supervisor of the rural mail deli- Mrs. Albert'Crewin returned. home of oarlocks or the impact ol' boats
very work the extension of the ser on Tuesday after spending two months in water, as a score of seni.11 craft •
vice is .being ar;tively pushed for- with relatives in kluglan i. slip away from the Lewiston shore,
ward, and 200 new route !lave .open ' 501', and Sirs.. George -Thompson re with helfeethousand invaders, who •
ostablishe,l in Ontario and Quebec turned from their honey moon on stealthily prepare to land on Canadian •
during the past six months.- t Tuesday and have settled down on the soil, Van Rensseder
hplan of a sur -
Though. the work became porno- 'groon}'s farm on the:Gravel Road. We prise invasion, under cover of dark -
what disorganiaod for a short wish'them a happy wedded life and flees, has worked well on the start.
period after the change of Govern- are glad to have them in our ' midst. But in war, as in many another her sphere
meat, due to the fart that the new of action, two cul phly a, the game
andehe vetoed seta p avers in the
extension of the ischemo. It is nowEreice€reld great war game cfacentury' ago now
i e good conditzon. enter the contest.
At the beginning of November improvements.-Tlaeroad from our E'er the advance American force has
the:.department contemplat_s hav star or. to Sa'llga'"'tieds corner has been
d d l a 'th
gr aa.e :nn vel. time
gto line up on what was to them
idiingi operation the the rural ails rarrriiersf with I; nils Inst about 340". The Sgtanloy, friend alikn e -the volley
re etee foe end
rberation of ars doing the wank. 1
theyl notes and stamps, n than Thu open drains sae now being filled many to awaken the echoes th .t far
they cath be purchased les, - bi- end tile is being laid. It will certain away day, Itis only a little detach -
tants on the 'different routes, 1 f addto the tappearance of the town, menu of less then a hundred men that
John Mustard is havfilg a new boils. 1 Dennis has mustered to the defence,
put in bis saw mill.
Rev. David Carswell, of McKillop,
will preach in the PresbyterianOhurch
on Sabbath morning. Rev; Mr. Gay
of the Sabbath Alliance' in the even
ing, Rev. al, Wood will preach • the
annioersary service in Duffs Ohurch,
Arlen Douglas is confined to bis
room most of the time by fillies. •
Mrs. McKay, of Hamilton and Mrs.
Bryant, of London, have returned to
their homes. They attended the
funeral _ .02 their mother, Bits. Me
Granted InIuctioo
Against the k oa n.
Mr. Justice Riddell Said, Grand
Lodge Should Have Submitted
Proposed Rate Advanpe
to,Subordinate Lodges,
Holding that theproposeu in- I,ondeshoro
crease in rates. should ;have been
There is a great rush 00 sugar beets
to the station and will be tor some
eubmitted for consideration to
subordinate lodges ,previous to the time.
Grand Lodge meeting lost summer. There are several Indians Come hero
Mr, Justice Riddell iaet Friday to take up beets. They -pulled a lot
granted an lnjuction, until the of Masson the 18th and 14th Ooncession
trial of the auttnn, restraining the some time ago.
Ancient Order of United Workmen The W. F.e1., Society of Barn's
from putting into elleet the ad- 'x'nox churches held a •meeting in
anced rates. His Lordship's deci Knox Oliurcb on Wednesday and Mrs.
elan is an 'interim one, unless the (Rev,) Laurin, of kSconetb gave them
nine applicants for he;injunction an theintCoast,
bilk conceraiug her trip
aid the , members of the tsrand to the toast,
Lodge..involved consent tosanotion. Johnston's big. show is on every
night this week in Peffer`s Hall and is
'very amusing.
R. J. Martin and W ,Cdri'ffiths have
,retunned trop the West,
H. Longman and wife; end faail'v,
of London, came, here lest -week to ae
tend Mrs, Loegman's ferher's funeral.
H. Hill and wife returned from
their Western trip.
Geo '!'ho,npsen and ,his bride re
turned from their wedding tour and
oval settle down to the stern. realities ,
of 1tfe
"Therearenow McKillop phones in
0..onaesbarn, The following Save
teems, J. eletton Dr. Allison, R, A.
Adams, 13. Brunsdon: and S. Wood
A ear of cattle were shipped rfeom
;here on Wednesday. .
The price ref •hogs has dropped f8:;
•gents a cwt.
for judgment, in which event the
applicants get judgment.
Domestic Remo ,les 1Cxhausted,
The text of Mr. justice Riddell's.
d.••ision' is as follows;- • '
"Were' it the case ofan, iri orpor-.
ate vompany and 'were it certain
that the proper number of votes
would be secured lo carry the a-
mendment, the Court migl't not,.
probably would not, interfere„" eays
the Judge. "I do not lose_ sight of
the principle laid ,down in. many
cases, that the !Court wi'i not in-
n-terfere unless and 'mini all the do-
mastic •.remedies are exhausted.
There are many provisions for .ap-
peal Teethe const; tution of this
order, hut none of an appeal. from
the •action of the Grand Lodge it-
self, and that is w' hat the plaintiffs
complain of,
f1'cannot entirely 'disregard the
consideration of _evil. effects upon
tbe order whichmay result from
this order any more than' I can'•die-
regard the hardsaiP on old and age-
ing men from the amendment of
held ;valid
The Two Positions.
".That the order may suite' if the
present pian is retained is clear
enough. Assumptions of antiquity.
ar•euphonions, weal-so'rtadingname.
the enthusiasm of 'fraternity, ars'
well enough, bilk when it comes to
paying a death claim they are
found wanting. ` Tile cold, grey
light of a failing bank account
makes perfectly
cheap lareurarace is sin .against ac -
science, and the wages of this.
too„ is death.'
the other hand, these aged
and dgeing men ha, c .aid' for
years money .Which went to pay for
the support of triose left behind by
comrades, thelies ing :that,; so long,
as they, during their owai lifetime,,
paid their' fees as 'finery for thein
their widows end orphan would ,be
provided for in like mariner.
Old Members' Let Bard.
",They are now told thft thh,ey
must pay an increased_ iamoatiit,
which many of them will find most
difficult, some i'mpoesible to pay,;'
or Iowan 'the benefit of their past
paymept of money which they could
ill spare. St would be hopeless for
them to expect to be admitted to
another benevolent society, .Their
let is a hard one, Truly, those
who organize such societies nor
• dertake , a tremendous reeponsi-
bility. ,The failure of any sea al- , O,ne, hundred'" chit no of Toronto
ways results, in tragedy. decided to boll ainns s:m • 41 a
I cannot ,but think that these ing the result of the, prosecution) elf.
dividuals have the higher claim to Rev. it:Be St IC0lalr.
consideration. I, cannot think the
The Methodists of Casuals will
order is so t.
ro teo ' o near s Sault
found a university is �A ea. China,
ruptcy, that it will go to plebes bes tt ben,odell' d 'upon the 'University
fore a regnnar meeting, held, of Toronto,
at which will a g fully Managers relcrtr;l at the annual,instructedPPear,dele ates.
, wbi'le„ if I permitted the,• meeting of St Andrews Society : that
new rates 'to go into operation, very, n calls , for reliei5' had been theleast
great hardship might result, in rnany� yearg> � "i• . •_t•
but it does deadly work, wounding_
the leaders of the invaders, killing and
disabling many of his men and caus-
ing a scattering of the fleet, the re-
turn of some of the boats to their
starthig place and the capture of
others, So the Smile of Queenston
Heights has heeler !
The song ot the musket on the
Canadian shore wins an immediate re•
ply from the United States artillery,
stationed high up the estar•prnent,and
oeoeetb etzweeetomeaeeeesesee•
Men arid Events. •
640(42** W o0ccmmzeiame secesto
Lies' in 'hospital as'a result' of ,an attempt made on his life Monday
Some of our mei hborbood attended by a Sokialist named Sehrank, at
g Milwaukee- According to press
the.funeral on Saturday afternoon o1' reports the Colonel's campaigning
tyle late John The Christian
'•who was `weld is•at an 'end this. year.
knower hers. The Christian^�ladea'asrr
have +remembered him by sending a
Wreath of flowers he 'being once .a
President of the Society here.
Mr. Mahn Famish is pattiing asp .a
small straw shed'to his barn
Our sympathies,goes out to Sllr, ;and
Sirs, Gorge Ashton, who loottheir
'barn by fire on Tuesday evening.
Mies May and Elsie Linklaterdrorae
to ;Bayfield un Sunday to call on their
Meter Jessie.
Mise Lindsay from near Clinton was
a guest at the home of Mr. and Melee
Pen Stewart over Sunday.
of the W. F. ifL S.,
held - their regular Thankof€cling
meeting at the Church on Monday
alteration. The day was fine and
,gtaite.a number were present at the
meeting among therm were several
ladies from Caelow and two • ladies
from 9Dengeneon. Maas. Larkin, of
Seaforth gave tee addrese which was
very interesting telling of her trip to
tne- Presbyterial meeting at Vancouv-
er. Mrs. C. Robertson, of Oarlow,
very kindly sang a solo and Mete, R.
Davidson and Mrs, Rev,: Gomm, of
Dungannon, sang a duet,: Afterthe
meeting lunch;: was served and all
were made acquainted with one nn
other. •
Clv AN NEWS. ' •
Many Shareholders Will Be Ruined
if Compelled to Pay Double of the strategic height.
Down at the half-moon hattery' (a
Liability, , cairn marks the spot today) a brave
little band of twelve men, working
the small gun, with Brock and his
Toronto, ,Oct.11.- Farmers Bank staff at their side, are startled bythe
. d rs Y o. gad this
.arenrt a w'41 e t �
nes actedas the are
tta d
h '1 ire ung
v a eke from
week that they will be required above. The battery is soon taken and
der the Bank Act to pay the double 150 men are more than a match for a
ins.hiity, which they` have been • score as the score retreat, Reinforce
'dreading. An order has been issue meets! Push on the York Volunteers!
ed by Geozge Icappelie, official Retake the batcery l is the rallying'ery
.referee, ., calling 'upon all 'lehare of commander and men, and mark
holden of the wrecked hank to you, the battery was retaken. Back to
pay "the ,ala punt Unpaid upon their the summit rush Wool's American
shares, the meant of all dieid'end,s forces ; again bis men reform ; again
wrongfully paid to them by the a volley of musketry is aimed, only
Farmers' Bank, ane? 100 per 'cent 00
too well, and Brock falls 1
the a'mouirit due them by this share- The Death Of A Hero, '
holders under the provision of
Section 125 of the bank act" It is.a costly musket ball' that. In
The or. der will be slnhbrireIy re-, at the tight breast out by the left
elated by many of the shareholders, .thate .ail, and the towering ftir
several v of when., are pee o'f,but crumples up in its death agony. Tamme
moderate means;` wed- who might for just afew- final words are ••given ;
he ruined if compelled to pay double "Don't let my death be noticed, or the
the =mint of the face value .of the' .troops might stop their' advance ; and
a token to my sister,
and b .Bien ,the
stock for which they subscribeQ. ;'silence that will never be broken this
The general defence is that the side of the river•and the valley.
organizers of the concern never Now it is mammies chance. Two
complied y ,)with the bank act, and hundred men are yours, and the ,base
he certificate was nut l.cga,Sy lean'- of the cliff ; 500 are pointing their
aid, Sfost of the objection are set !anuske"ts at you from far aloft. . But
forth by the Halton. County share- bier death call bas come as the gallant
holders, who have started an agi- aide -decamp ' receives as shower: of
Cation for the repeal of the doubio buliets and falls, .mortally .wounded, poet; Charles Sangster, sang s
liability section of the bank act. It The Tainted States force is driven "Ohs voice, one, people, one in ha+•aa'rie
•s stated that an'effur i
t K 11 he back, however, spikingthe historic And soul, :and feeling, and .'desire iV",
made toieeure the repeal at the gun as they retreat, but they hold the Relight thesmoulderingmartial Sue,
coming Session of Parliament, which Heights fol a time. Sound a mute trumpet, strilsm tlat
opens next' month; and to have the A fete hours pass in •a lull. 'It • is lyre,
legislation' aetroact'iv e so far ". as thus far a drawn battle, but onl • until- The; hero deaid cannot expire,
t}re�eobtributorIe9 of the k'nrmere' �Sheaffe and hie,reigforcements,of• 800' '.Che, dead still`play,their pat.'"
Bahr are'clincei el, • m,. • t_ men reachkhe scene and: assail 'the ,' ( coatitnued " on Page 84,
Born -St. Peters Poch, Island •
00 Guernsey, Oct, 14, 1769. e.
Entered Army -March. 2,1785, •
Purchased Lieutenitncy-1700, •
Gazetted Captain 1701, and or- •
defied to West Indies, •
17911793- Quartered Barba -
does atm Jamaica., •
Obtained Commission as ilia- •
jor'while.on,sick leave. •
1707 -.Became iseuier Lieut-
Oplonel of 40th Regiment, e
1302 -Ordered to Canada. e
I805 --Mede full Colonel,
I808 -Created Brigadier Gen-. O•;
eal. '.
1Ei11=-rMade Major -Genera; of j
the staff of North Ameri- •
1511O-Appointedanada. President •
and Adeanislrator of the •
Government of Upper •
Aug; 10, 1812 --Captured De- j.
trout. . • • ,
Oct, 10, 1812 -Knighted. t
Oct. 13. 1812 -Killed at •
Queenstou Heights, . •
two British guns add their voice to
the clamor, though definite aim is im-
possible in the impenetrable- semi-
The First Cannon -Shot
Down in : old Niagara, within the
shelter of Fort George, there is con-
current excitement. The first cannon•
shot telegraphs its arresting message
through the still air. Brock, coo,hears
it Never off guard is tbe comman-
der-in-chief, thorough soldier that be
is, trained from early youth in the
armies of iris Motherland,
One does not need miracle eyes to
pierce through the intervening hun-
dred year span, to see . the shadowy
horse and its to
rider emerge from
the fort through the low -arched gate-
way, to see -them strike the highway
at a trot that soon is merged into' a
gallop, and I o we teb'the chief rushing
tq the battle scene, rushing to his
death. But who would stop the hut.
Tying feet of the steed merely because
a Crave might be at the end of the
Yes, Isaac Brook, major -general of
the King's fox ces, capturer of Detroit
beloved leader of a pathetically small
force, England's gift to her eblld in
the west, you have scarce an hour or
two left in which to finish your task ;
to write the finis of your young life.
From qqur lofty outlook, above the
slope andtthe trees, we can trace the
river road all along its picturesque
winding way. There is Pi rown'aPomt
guarded by companies twain of the
Famous and faithtul' old York militia ;
-.there is Vroomen's Point too, - nearer
the Quednston hamlet, the- earth-
works of which aze still traceable
•across' field and orchard,, the earth -
ridge carrying a 21 -pounder that did
valiant service.
We'cen watch the rapid approach
of the Man in Command for the day
is breaking. Naw he has . crossed the
little stream hard by, now he 'sweeps
into view of the wooded heights, the
primitive hamlet at its base,the deep -
hearted river of the rapid •currei2t,and
the scene of action. So he traces the
soundofthe cannon to its source,e0
he discovers that the long•exnected.
rivet attack has been made' on Queen
Ston instead of Niagara,as anticipated.
• A scene of action is it ? Verily a
time of action too. Midway up the
cliff a solitary 18 pounder is shriek -
1 ing out its angry challenge. Down by
the water•regular and militia men are
guarding the landing to discourage
the coming of reinforcements, To the
mid -hill battery hurries Brock, after
diagnosing the situation in the village
below. Does he know what has been
happening around' the corner of the
cliff'? -something that is going soon to
cost him his life t Does he see a long
than line of soldiery, repeating Wolfe's
eealirig feat in the steep Quebec cove
by making its way up a disregarded
or forgotten steep path to the ;sam
mil? Sixty mer. make the climb;
sixty of the enemy look down on tbe
attenuated Canadian detachment and enemy on the Heights, who anxious/t
on the stalwart, soldiery figure of its await the militia reinforcements Deux.
leader. Other sixties follow until a never Dame. At last a British bee -Tenet.:
relatively strong force is, in posseesionhat
c ge, to the accompaniment of a,_
dian war cries, and the foe ; breathe'
rank and Plies. Many are forded ocean -
the cliff ; many more drown, Mee
current of the battle is turned, - three,
American officers app
white hand rchiefs on the points
their swords wo ds that spell aurreynena-
Thus the attempted: invasion at Came
ada accross the Niatzara comes tea
naught, nearly a thousand prise -mete
of war are captured, vfbile the enamor
lose 800 in killed end wounded•.
In an old stone mili, by the side cif
the Niagara turnpike, tem po::a M
rests the body of Brock; carried tae--
to from the spot where he fell. is •
was the'great,and irretrievableloss t ,
the battle. What would have veliniasifa
during the remaining ` months '.of ice
r had be lived ?
History ,a H r can
y nxarr".
ply, but soldiers, who fight mast rave Sis
die, and the Guernsey general, en las
early manhood. gave his fullest Ines-
flee for his King and country,
His character and heroism stili 8,mae,
end".speek. His is a name with' wipers
still to conjure, and the noble ruse us-
'inent'that rises so dramatically f oar;.
Queenston;Leights'keeps alive,tia
a hundred years have slipped Seete
sea of time, the memory of ,a gnat"
soldier and a noble pian.
At the inauguration of the name,
pent on the anniversary of the baa.
on 'October 18th, 1859, the Canarznete•',;;
ti vL
If you feed run down, 1'0 you
are not enjoying: the gsacHit
health 'that should beyourla,:
we 'know that in a very 12hoS4t
:,lune El battle of
RescaIl Wine of Cori
Liver 001
will make You Well and stretnC
Take, our guarantee if oil stn
there is 1/10 ,better body bttilei
er. Sold only at the
Phm, B,
Now in ,Stogy,':
OR the past nine year
` we have catered .for
Men's Custom-made Tailor-
ailoring, producing style anal;
workmanship fully guaratl-1
teed. Keeping none ham:;
1> a ;a;al
competent . _ �
to any - in large cities, and
at -prices consistent with ex-
pense, and much below city
Why pay big prices for
factory -made clothes. when
you can get a suit made t
your measure at home, b>ly' l
an experienced cutter end
practical tailors, from
$20.00 10 $25,.0
We've seen others com.
and go, but we are here to,
stay. Using the same motto
as when we started:
Men's Tailors an.(E.Jurnisiitlw