The Clinton New Era, 1912-10-10, Page 4cid t Wear . .P➢►alike 78 iftworentrenseeemeersiumpasseneesieserneasse That are Different There's something iiistingtive about "Northway" Coats. Not only are they natty, smart and stylish. but they possess an individuality that instantly appeals to the averagewell dressed • woman. There's another point -a strong one - it's about the fit.. Watch •'Northway" Coats of the same style tried on women, of different figurers, you'll he surprised how well theyfit, at the ease with which they adapt themselves. Just NOW is an excellenttime for choosing your coat. A complete showing of'tbe newest models awaits you. We are Showing as large a range of coats as any city store -OVER ONE HUNDRED DIFFERENT S1'Y•LE8. Lower prices than ours Means ii'SS quality ocia an MILLINERY TIBI TOP NOTCH -Last week we reached the top notch in millinery selling, and on Saturday had the lar gest individual day's sales in the his tory.of this store. There must be a reason for this record. Is it too couch to say that the discerning women of Clinton have found out that dais store leads all others in high class Millinery FURS FURS FURS We have this season a collection of designs in all the fashionable and • wanted Furs that easily lets us hold the leadership in variety. Whether you are on our regular customers list, or one of those who are looking about, we invite you -before you decade on your fur purchase -to visit our Fur Depertwent. 00.00••••••••••••••• • • WITH TBR, CHURCHES. • • ••••••0•••O••••••••• WILLIS CHURCH The Annual Thank offering meeting of the W. F. M. S., will be held on the evening of Thursday, October 17th, at eight o'clock, Mrs. Larkin, of Seas forth, will addreee the meeting. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ' will be observed on Sunday morning. Preparatory services will be held on Friday.' The afternoon service will be conducted by Rev. J. Richardson, of Kippen, and the evening service by Rev. Elall Woods, of Brucefield. ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Anniversary services will be beta on Sunday next, Rev. W, J. li'ord, •a former pastor will preach morning and evening An offering will be taken in aid of the organ Fund. The attendance at the Rally service on Sunday afternoon last was the largest on record. R. J. Miller pre- sided and the Superintendent, Mr. Hooper, after an absence of several' months was present and gave a Spirit ed address to the scholars of the school, The pastor also gave an ad. dress on "Climbing the Ladder." Margaret Walker gave a recitation, , "Welcome Song". by the Primary Class, Miss Kerr's and Mrs. 'Rand's classes gave interesting exercises, A choir of senior scholars under direc- tion of filer. Whitings rendered two chorons_ee and Mies Grace Walker sang by ropiest a Rally song to the shine of "The Old Oaken Bucket," The. Junior League will hold a camp -.fire meeting on Friday night. A good Uprogram is being prepared, ,'" - T •p 6 PAUL'S CHURCH. :The Annum Harvest Festival in tehnection with et. Paul's Church will be held (D, V.) on ;Sunday next, October 13th. Services will be at '11 a. m. and 7 p ni, The Church will be grain, decorated with rain fruit and flow- ers b and special music will 'be • rendered oe choir. A Thank offering bythe ho ern of $00.00 is being asked for and will'he devoted to the general expenses of the Church. The' Rector will preach at both services, The muste on Sunday will be as follows :- Morning. Processional Hymn- "Come, Ye: Thankful People, Come." e ite-Mornin ton. Vn Te Deana -Woodward in E. flat, Proper Psalms -145. Jubilate -Turner. Hymn -"We plough the fields and r scat er. ' IRymn-"To Thee, 0 Lord, our hearts we,raise." Anthem -"0 Lord, How Offertory An o manifold are thy works.", ' E. A. Clare. Recessional Hymn -- "Praise, 0 Praise our God and King." EveningPrayer Processional Hymn- On our way rejoicing." 'Proper Psalms -05,150. Magniftcat-Wesley. c Dimittis-1Ci1tz. • Brun -"No thank we' all our Hymn w God."' so er went fort sow• - ing". l;he wh ow. OffertoryAnthem-O taste and see how racious the Lord is." Sir John Gose. Reccssionral Ryfnn; "The day Th;u 1-" gayest Lord is ended." An organization rpeetiog in connec- tion with the'Woman's Auxiliart?.''ta. the Missionary Society will he held in, the Schoolroom next Tuesday after-. noon at 3 o'clook when Mrs.0alined,of London,a member of the GeneralBoard, will be present and give an address" It it expected that Mrs. C, M. Walker. of Wingharn, will nlso be present,,,µ nd address the gathering. All wornen kre; heartily invited to thin conference. The weekly meeting of the A.Y.P A.,, wee held ou Monday evening when is large number gathered to hear en` ad- s dress by Mr. Houck on '"The Union`' Jack". And they were not disappoint. ed for the address was delightful. and. exceeding profitable. Mr. Boucle traced the growth of .the use of erne/ems from the time of the ancient Jews to modern Englund. He clearly outlines ' he process whereby t he Union Jas k came to its present form, giving information.. statistics and dates m it very interesting fashion. The meeting next week will his alias - fernery in chnea.cter and will be led by Miss Oleta Ford 'with .a paper on. °'Ind,a", WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. T. J. Snowdon, of Verna, preached both morning and evening last Fuuday. The iVitssionary box of clothing is being packed today, Next Sunday Rev. 3. 0]. Ford will occupy his own puipit, , Surday School meets now at 2.50 p. nt. The Gerrie Methodist Church re- port has been issueJ, It is a gtati- fteing and encouraging report show ing a,growth in membership and an increase in contrll utions of $762.60 over the previous yeaa',, $324.23 was i,'ontributed towaras i ussions, Case 01 Eczema Explained After years of debate, Medical authorities are now 'tgreed that Eczema c let eum and other � skind et esiease;s erg •clot seated in the blood, : • but are caused ,bymyriads pf microscopic • anianalls gnawing the flesh just be- ' low the epidermis. The ti t; is I perfectly healthy, it is only the •} skin that is diseased. • - I Hence, scientists are now agreed' , that ;yen must cure the ekintthro-, , ugh the skim'. The medicine Must bei'n liquid Foran. in, order to,penes/ , trate properly. And we can say i with confidence' that we have, the , true remedy for eczema in our store -the D. D. D. Prescription, I' The instant you wash with this: ;'soothing liquid you will find - the , itch relieved. •Wie positively assure you'of this. Will you try, a ,bottle on o recoanane n dation ? 13 id oar 1n '7 e,si s e the regular Dollar Bottle w can g n a i' now 0331er you, through :an arrange ment with the D. D, D.Let ,,ratortes a, special large trial ,bottle at only 2bc. We are not sure bow tong this offer WilLbe opens -but it is open to -day, and ,by taking it up you can get blatant relief from. that awltd:itch, and an early cure, W. 9. R. Ho". mes, Dru'; gi t Ties Mabe'1.Cluff is in' Goderieh' this+;'week, t s3ra. Walter King went the week std `u11 13lyth. Mrs Wt33rydone• is visiting , in Toronto't this: week, Miss Edith Jennison is'•visiting,in Bayfield this. week, Miss Leila Ford spent the week - nod in Hol'mesville. Mr, C.E. D,owding spent the week en(d in 'Owen soused. Miss Margaret Nichol, of Blyth, re turned to town tins week. 'Mr. and Mrs, Tortance Duniop were in Bru'pefie d on :Monday. Mir Frank O'Neil :returned Iron a trip„ down East ;last Saturday. 'Nr. Hawke, left ou Friday tor' Essex Co„ where he will reside. Rev. and 'Mrs.: Osterhout, of Lon-; deaboro, were in, town on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Taylor visited friends an Bensall for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. L Doherty and fawn fly, of Goderich, were in, town on Saturday. Miss Jennie Taylor, of London, vas in town for a couple Of days, this week, , Mils Mande Dowzer, of MacLeod, Alta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Nelson Ball. Mrs. R. Jennison returned trona anlextepd•ed visit out West on 'Thursday last Dr. J. C. Gaudier who has been in Chicago for the past rise/Alt return- ed to,town on Tueeday. Mr.' Albert May who lists beein visiting in town for the last month returns to Montana this week. ,Mr„ and Mrs. D. Feil, of Seadorth, spent Sunday, in town the guest of the latter's sister, Miss Mason. 'Mrs. Combe, Mrs. Paull, Mrs. Rat- tenbary and Mrs, Jackson motored to Seaforth on Friday Afternoon. Mrs. Holloway sr., leaves this week for Exetler•, where she will spend the winter with her daughter Mrs. Rowe. , Mi•. Robert MacKenzie retuned to queen's 'University, .Kingston last Thursday' after spending his vac- ation at home. Mr: and Mrs. James Howson who hat a been the guests of mfrs. J. Howson) sr„ leaves for their home in Medicine ;Hat '• this week, Mr. Frank Anderson, of Spokane, .Wash., and an old Blyth boy and a former C. C I. student was .10 town We,itnepday. He was cane. 'home 't r. aecount of his father's death: Over The Teacups Mrs. J a/IasLead gave a thimble tea on:Tuesday atternc on. The Pastime dance last Friday "evening in hanour of Mr. W... A. McConnel, was a great success: The ladies of Ontario Street choir met last Friday evening at the home of 'Mrs. E. Wiltse to ''shower" Miss Effie Jackson, whose marriage to 111r .Edgar East took place yes terday and: who has :been a.inember of the choir dor' sometime. The shower was of the miscellaneous satiety and contained many dainty and useful grits in 1lnFn and china After the bundles had been opened and the card's read iy the bride- elect, a pleasant hour was spent in music and light refreshments were served.' The horns of Mrs. W. J. Tozer was I the scene of a pretty reception on Thuo•sday afternoon. Little Physis i Tozer in.a dainty white frock open -I ed the• door for the guests. Mrs. Tozer gowned 'in a haadlsdmse c o5- turne. of cream'serge. was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Ogden, of Tca.- onto, in whose honour the reception, was held, Ni',sOgden, wore a gown of King's -blue silk with baby Irish late. 'Mrs. Wiseman was in charge of the tea-room and wore mauve pongee, She was assisted :by Mies I es Winnie O'Neil and Elizabeth ;Chid1ey,' erspna ▪ Are you going away ?" Are you entertaining out.of-town s. • friends or relatives P Are s you goingtq entertain, year 5 • club members 710 you' want s that next meeting of your society -amounted . in1Th e se' • NEW ERA? It so: kindly 4' telephone No. 3Oandcask ter the • Editor. We' will, appreciate ',z • greatly favors of this kind. s se ♦ 444•**4444i4444e44.4444**4. Miss Eva Sparring ,spent the week end in Seafortb.:. Mrs. J. McCreath, of Goderich, was Mrs. Want Cantelon visited in Mitchell this week Mr. Tiros, ' Jaekson jr,, was•;in Goderich this week. Mr. L. F Killoran, of Stratford, was in town on Friday last. Mrs. John Wiseman was a week- end visitor at Goderich. Miss Sadie. Cowan left on Mon- day for her home in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs T Jackso n jr., re- turned on Friday from.IOttawa. Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr returned hems Saturday after speeding a week et Brussels: Mr. and Mr', Wes. Walker went over to Brussels Fair last Friday in their auto. in town' Saturday. Dr. Sellary and Mr. H. P. Madden, of Hensel], were callers in town on, N'riday of last week. Mr. Archie Kayy, Of Stratford, and ouein of the Edtlor was elected President of the ,Boys cabinet at the Y.M.C. A. last week, Misses Lela and Etleon Hoover have returned from . 'spending the summer at Field and' Laggan. Miss Lela has entered upon her duties at Ifaverga' i College while. Miss Eileest Is visiting ether home here Mr..Tarries Wylie who has. worked in the New Era office for the pest year. during the holidays sand after school hours is now employed at J. E. Hose 's Drugstore. F o At the annual meeting of the 'Huron t0nunty Rifle Association, Mr. J. Johnston, of Dungannon, formerly a well-known Olintonien was reelected Vice•President. Mr. Johnston is an enthnsiastic rifle man. Mrs. Thos. Walker and son Tay- lor, of London, are visiting in town this week. They leave, next week for Winnipeg where Miss Delia Walker has secured a very lucrative position. ' We are pleased to know that, Mrs. Hill, of Oxbow, who underwent ,.e serious operation at the hospital it now able to be moved to the horse of her daughter. Mrs, W. Plumsteel. Her many friends wilt hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs. John Acheson, 291 St..George street, Tnrontb, announce the endue. ment of her 3 oungest daughter, Irene, to Dr. Charles, Lane, of Detroit, Mich , second son of. William Line and Mrs. Lane, of Goderich. The. marriage will take place very quietly the tiara week in October. Mr. Jas. ' Dodds. who is assert -ant manager for Gordon. McKay, 'Tor- onto, visited his home here last week, leaving on Wednesday for Toronto, and from there on a three months' trip through Western,tanedse in the interest of the tirru.-(Blyth Standard) - The gentleman referred to .above; is a cousin of Mrs, A. J. Hollo- way. .. Bishop Fallon', of Si, Peter's. Cath edral, London, was called away on Saturday morning to the bedside o bre father, who is seriously ill with pneumonia at his home in Cornwall, Ont, As the old gentle-, man is 77 years of age the doctors in attendance.hold out small hopes for his recovery. e kr, c, E Dowclintg is tbis week. Miss snnie McCorvie war to Gltdi;. rich last week Miss, A. Wallace was a Sattreley visitor at. Cjrodericlt, ? lyfr. ,',lobo Vincent, of Blyth, was in town hist i i iday, Mrs. S. J. Alliin wast visitor With her atelier at London a few days 'het week,: Mrs.; W Ross left for Toronto to, day co'mlbixuing, business with plea- eats. Mrs. (Rev.) Geo E. Ross, of Gode rich, was a guest at the Manse Lett week. Mrs, R, 3. N, , Plat, is ibis guest of hereal»mofother, ]Vire,tsvilleGil; Muriel. Mr. and Mfrs: Geo, Roberton' and children spent a few days at Brussels last we. k. Mies E.,Chidely spent the. week and at Londesbt•ro the guest . of Miss Barr.. Miss Jennie' Robertson returned on Saturday from a month's visit in Brantford. Mrs`. 'rreleaa: a and Mrs, ,B J. Oibbings are spending a ,few days in Toronto: in Tor(nto; We have received two large advance shipments of the' f 9 i 3 Paper, and they are ready for your inspection. Is Special sale on Small Lots and Remnants, • Window Shades The kind that neither fades, cracks or curls Rollers guaranteed.' Special orders sent for. shades of all sizes; and colors. Dress Patterns We handle the celebrated— Ladies Home Journal Pat- terns—recognized as Amer- ica's best patterns. Up•to- date in every way. roc and r5c"each. Quarterly Style Book 20c • Monthly Style Book free: Mies Kate MacTaggart acted as one of the judges of fancy work at Bayfield Fair. Miss L. Logan, of Toronto, is spend- ing. a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Rat ten e bury. • Mr, A. T, Miller of Chicago was visiting his sister, Mrs. W. R.,Coune ter, this week, Miss 'C. Ma Knight, of Sealfortii, spent the week end with Miss Agnes Chid'.ey, 'Mrs. Watt, Cooper left on Wednes day foe Ontario, Cal, where s'hie will spend the winter. Mrs. Jas. Shepherd who has ,berm visiting ,her daughter at Lamlbetli(, returns home this week. Mrs. •W, N. Latornatl and little Miss Edith returned last week to their home in St. Thomas _Nfrs Gifford Crich 'eaves on Saturday for her home in London( after a two weeks visit in town, . ens: 11 Plumsteel and Miss. Emir a s Plurnsteel no limed home. from a ph a• sant visit in alichigau last Thursday, Mr. James Watson, of Sea`forth, was in town on Tuesday ail ending the funeral of the late 'John Leslie."' Mrs. Thompson. and Miss Jessie i'Thompson, Albert street, attended the 'Thompson_Hutton wedding at Londesboro on Wednesday. Mr. Gillis Gilchrist, of Ayr, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Gfl- chriat, of Rattenibury street ' on Thursday. Mrs. Ben,. Cole left on Friday dor Ypsilanti, !Mich., ,where she had beeen called on account of the ser- ious illness of her sister, Mrs.How lett. Mrs. W. R. Counter was called to Brantford ou Monday owing to the illness of her sou, Morley, who was able to return home• and is now taking a rest et home. Misses Marion Irwin and Gladys Cantelon assisted at both rer'vices in the Methodist church, Bayficad, on Sunday. They went over in Mr. C. Wallis' car, EAST -JACKSON. A very pretty wedding took place in Ontario Street 'Methodist ehnech on Wednesday afternoon where Ef- fie Maria, dausnler of the late David Jackson was married to Mr. Edgar Thomas East,' Tile cere- mony 'was preformed' by Rev. S. J.' Allis, pastor, assisted by i'ev, Ford, President of London Colnlier- f ence and the wedding 'tm]aic was played by (Miss Boles. The bride, who was given. alt ay by her brother Mr. Harry Jackson, wore a becom- ing' gown of white embroidery and' carried a,boquet of bridal roses and fern. Her tulle veil was arranged in cap effect. Alter the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride, only the Immediate re- latives of bride and grooSn being present. The yoii�ng couple left on the 3.07 train • for Toronto.t he .bride travlleing ina,blue suit with a large ,black: velvet hat with plumes OD their return they will l'eside in the hone on Ontario street at"pres est ocoupied by the bride's sisters. Many handsome and valuable gifts attested to the •popularity ,pf both bride and " groom. Among them was a clock with chirnce, the gift of the Sunday school,: cL oir and lea- gue of Wesley ohne 'lr, The New Era joins with a host of 'friends in wishing Mr. arid Mrs Edgar East a long and happy married lifee NOW N 3 Is the Time For [Plumbing, Eavetro u h'n I 9 g Stove '1% Moving s Clinton. ALL ORDERS will receive e� .Eve r p otnFt at- tention. Prices give b. n on all kinds of g, -Si Siding, Roofing, �►dlu and Contract Work, B am Sutter Sanitary Plumbers The Rev. George Smith, of Mit- chell died' on, Tuesday of this week His funeral takes place on Thurs- day. He had' been snperanuated for 20 years, having made his home at Mitchell alhthst time, Rev.,J,E Ford,. President of the Lon,doin Conference and Bev. S. J. Al1in, olf Canton attended his funeral. After six weeks' conifinernc t in a semi -private ward of the Toronto General Hospital, Mr, Horace Pos- ter, of Brampton, torr-terty of Clin- ton, was able to be removed to his home last week. 'While in the hospital he umde'wcnt an operation for kidney trouble, from, which he has mitered intensely for cone siderable time. Although'very weak when taken home, his Manly, frielnds will be pleased to know that he is tea. fair way to recovety although it will be some time, be- fore he can resume his' tris ordinary duties vt s 1 e Although t uu haat under the are o gc f a professional nurse while in the hospital, his daughter, Miss Letha also remained in constant attend - Mice. i!1l1111 Births, Marriages & Deatl s IRTHS. SILLEY-In Clinton,B on October 5th, to Mr. and Mrs; Seiiey, a daughter;. MARRIAGES., FA9'T--JAOIKSON- At Ontiario. St, Church, on Wednesday,Octoler 9th,, by Rev. 8.3 Allis, assented by Rev. J. E. Ford, Mr Edgar T. East, to Miss Effie M., daughter of the late, David Jackson. THOMPSON HUTTON -In .Hallett, on October 9th, at, the bonne of the brides, parents, by Rev, Pearcy, Mr, time Thompson, of Clinton to Miss Carrie Rotten. only daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton Ontario Bank Will Soon PayDividend Defunct Cnstitution Has $200,000 -Surplus From Double, able.. Liability. Toronto, Oct. 5. -Though lost to sight, to ciretnory dear, . the liquida- tivO et the Ontario Bank goes steadily un Since the order rde> t placing the bank in liquidation on September\\ 28, 10OS, the liquidator hatheen realizing on the sset ae a e that have fallen into his hand., and has been nursing along the securities that have been turned over to. satisfy the demands of the,double Bahrhty. The capital stork of the bank at the of liquidation on October 113 1906,. was 51„500,001. ;0f this sum,all but $200,800, belonging to the officers' guaranteed fund, was in the hands'of private individuals. So far there has been realized en' the double liebllity call the, sum pf 911,140;000. This is more than enough 1 to meet the liabilit• res, and there is already in hand in the neighborhood of 1120h,000 that will be paid to back to the share- holders in the form of a dividepd. There is likelihood that' such a div; - deed will be paid within the next year. DEATHS. LESLIE -In Clinton, on Sunday, October Oth, Sohn Ingle aged '73 years, • ., iVIaCUw AN -In ,gtanlny, on Wedn & Mary day, October 9th, MMerm y y pellet of the late r John McCoif aged $0 years, .E cooper & eo eLINT©:\T mammoimmionoimmor •••••••••••••••0••00••00•• Local .News •••••••••••••••••••••••••• WHAT OTHERS THINK. `tA Hassan' Bird, Divinely Voiced; is the way the P,iterbaro Examiner expressed its valued opinion of the Alto, Mr. Charlesworth No other Male Alto has ,been heard in Cann ata since the tour of the original Westminster Abbey Choir, twelve years ago; --'Musical statistics prove that only one voice in every five thousand male vocalists remain alto in quality. -Here him. with. the Bell Ringers next T airsday night ,Oct..l7th. As Busy Eyes See It All, WHOLE EARTH IN SIGHT Canada, the Empire and the World in General Cut Down to a' Col umn. The German Foreign Minister stated that war in the Balkens may break_ out at any moment, hut that the powers were united in their determine Eton to prevent any territorial changes as the result of the war. Ron.,George E. Foster sailed for England on Government business. The five victims ofthe drowning tragedy at Oniewee were buried to- gether. Samuel R. Norcross, a resident of Port Colborne ter fifty years, died at the age of seventy five. . Tha crowds were so great at Peter - bee o, eter-bele, where Sir Wilfred Laurier spoke last nighi, that several overflow meet ings had, 10 be heid, Samuel Street Fuller, son of the late Bisnop fuller, and for more than half a century a pr,,imnent resident of Stratford, died at the age of seventy four. The International Commission be gen its sest,ous in Ottawa, taking ups the goesLinoe of pollutiuri of boundary waters, and level's in Lake of the woods ttibatari, s The licenses 01, Capt: Fred Shon- e art tow-wart and his son Richmond G. ' Stewart second mate of the steamer A .E, Stewart, were suspended be- esuse of (negligence in operating I the vessel at nigh speed during smoky weather; causing it to ,be stranded, One thousand people engaged in a riot 1otllowieg the appearance of, a,baitier ata Spadini avenue ;es- tablishment, Toronto. Robert Scott,' a patient at Grace Hospital, Toronto was killed by a fall from a thirdstory window at the institution. i ti tion Two ' accid4 c. en c. rr 3 both n e O , without fatahties, on the Bay of Quinate Beltway through cars jump- ing the rails. A life-size statute of Joan of Are, by a famous French 'sculptor, is to uin,veiiled in Montreal to -morrow afternoon. Alexander Ray, aged thirteen, of.Pertb avenue, was shot ,by.a rifle and may . Y,.die. Rev, 'Dr, Sower by announced his resignation from C'>llege ' Steeet Baptist Church. Rav, Dr. Robe( tson will go to f he O. Country for months, OW 3 the owing, to i1] health. x ' Thedeath of Charles Hall, egad a the years, t t e Howse of Providence is to be investigated. Mr. lea thant H.11edinond was vestigafrrd the death o1 Robert Scott conlenvned the Lack of tfncilt- ies at Gracie Rosintali • Toronto Greeks and Bulgariaus helid a meeting 'at their churches in preparation for returning hont,e to take part in the threatened war, Rev. T, Crawford BeoVine addrea- gingg the ,lith Highlanders, said that -under ptsnctit tinsttitio,ns ifs ftvot'^ eki the teaching or Ouilltarism tin ;public and hlgh sohnols. 1 nos. Calvert 1011 aft a load '41 gravel near Moli,fat and was fatally cr'usherl under n Win els Centtral'1Vlethocllal ,Catureb Yoed- stock, lass neared p11its,$t0,0000. defbt and bursts the mortgage, tea night. • ; a Two Polish boys in Berlin tried to get a ehoek from' e'Hydro-elllec- tric wire and were horribly burned ore fatally;, William Johnston, one . of the most prominent citizens pf Belle- ville, passed away i:. Napanei on '•. Saturday even ng at the age; tee aev elntp, lel ,The Methodist General Board bf Missions made final appropriations exceeidinig those of .Last year by nearly $37,000 and covering the present year's deficit. Premier Asquith decla-ed that while the situations in the Balkans was grave there was hope that war wound be averted'. The prospect of peace in the Bal- kans is still in the .balance, and dee pends on the influence brought ,to; bear by the great powlers. There were fierce fighting anti heavy slaughter ins Nicaragua, a torte Of United States marines sup. porting the Federalii against than. Insurgents. Canadian, automobi:vr aro wanted in Rueale. Rev. T. Albert .Moor e commented no the low wages paid to girls in Toronto, CPt4,4N 1�'u.-„ Commencing with Soup and continuing right throagh to; dessert, your dinner will be : the t Etter for having las supply the groceries, We take great pride in :maintaining the reputation as The Little Better Grocery Store We want you It' feel that whn you come here yea get ,better qualities than the ordinarily good. To further cem•er, t your loyalty wo makes prices alittle lower than the lowest. Come anal make us proveit • I4 Groceries and Provisions, Foreign; land Domestic :Fruits, Etc. 'CLINTON, - - ONT.. F.. C(, D. BRISTOWS Professor of Music. Organist of Willis . Presbyterian Church Piano, Organ, Theory, 'Yoke Culture. Pups prepared if /desired, toe any of the exatr,,;ning bcdiee its Toeo'n,to or the Londort Cbliego of Musec'(Engtand;. •sl al' grades and aQ,bran clans. Special System Lor beg',nners for ..a,uoforte. Tames ua applj.ca'tiom. Rouse for Sale coaufortabie frame house, .tn ,good ,repair, quarter acne of lalnidt,' cated. ed. This very comfortable patopith fruit trees, con venaernely lo - pelts)" will be sold saT• Apply to ;MR' JAS. TUCKER, tSl Princess Street Wanted Cook and kitchen girl wanted at. once. Apply to SIRS. J. RATPENI3URY Batten'bury 1louso. Wanted Welded a good loan ani ,a smart boy at oaks, , s 'W' T. O'NEIL;