The Clinton New Era, 1912-09-26, Page 8Established 1865, Vol. 47, No. *I.3
LiNTCif'il ;ONTAR6�' `P,HURSDAY SEP ..........EM26 P9B2
O alga
."end Offaco, Montreal
fiap1ta�l Author ed,,....•..$25,000;000
«Caa:pital Paved up .. 11,500;000
Reeve ,and undivided!
12,500;000 �- TORONTO, ONTT,'
P3''oifitts ,
'TOTALzs wall Vii.
c it
rnow t
n a. he lar. ac
1 e
17 000 0D .. pP
.' .for 8upet;itot bus,itesg ,and � slr;r;t-
.�.�,_-_._� FL Kerr... Son Editors and Publishers
Like to I�ece,ive Budgets of 'News -
Each Week' From AH its Correspondents.
The L:vdnes Aid of'Wesaiey ellairch (I�I U(1 Students �
intend heath)* entertalmlm,en¢
pap •the town h;tli on 14th. 'MoreStratford � ���•
rtiicw;tars w,i/ given! later,
Get the Best. It Pays.
fR'" w
a,th wromld wide connection
.!bitterest allowed on Derposilte
Genlera1 pa/bailing busioesli ititjanls-
a acted. d.
hand, education. Pott .ions worth
91100and! ,
S15000.were recst„
by us. Write for Catalogue,
Have yen tried the new
Potato Flom Cure? It has
-CLINTON RANCH been tekteld and dJeclared rex-
ee1le,nt by some of the bleat
• cooks
t , n !Clinton. r
TdiCURI Powders
Colgates E'elat
'Colgates Violet
tOodgattee Monad Violet
,Colgattos Cashmere Bouquet
Colgates Dactylia
Williams Karsi
Williams, Violet
Royal Rose
Royal Vinolia
PT31-17'CLAT. We (think It
one of 'the beat.
Dispersing. Chemist.
Potato Flour Cake '
!Break 2ogle's into abow0.; 1
tablespoonful cold water, beat
untie liabt add gradually 1-2
oup sugar; m!;: and-•eift haat
cup potato flour, teaspoonful
baking powder, gna5ter tea-
spoonful salt; combine mix-
ture; quarter teaspoonful va-
' nriva; 1 tablespoonful melted
butter; .spriekt-• with powder
ed sugar. (Bak r 10 to 20
Whore do you get it? Why
.ae O'NeilVe, only 20c package
Phone 48
Th.e MolsOns Bank
Incorporated 11555
Record of Progress for Five Years 1906=11911
CAPITA!,: ' 1,06
, SP„00(},000.eO Si 0 000.00
REs U1V li . $,000,000 00' ' 4,600,000.00
DEPO'ITS 23,617,730,00 35,0.12,311.00
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS , 27,457,090.00 38,854,80L 00
TOTAL•ASSE'PS . . 33,090,I92,00 48,237,274,00
Bao 85 Bra,seise€ in Canada, and Agents and Correspoudestts In all
the Principal "ties in the World.
at au Mandates. 7lnterest allowed at What rrent rate. . ,
Clanton Branch, C E, DOWDING. Manager
do You PFtieF?
ERE are two brand new styles far Fall. The
Raglan -shoulder s very popular with the
high-class tailoringtrade, and when styled
..� Y
p c
,correct,y, shown, it is aver smart over—sack,-
• y? �The
button -through, patch pocket style is neat and stylish
•,and snakes a smart travelling .or street coat. These are
only two of the twenty Overcoat styles we are showing
in the famous aoth Century Brand make.
Another shipment of Sweaters just
The Clothing„�
Square Heal For Ever i Mao.
The Stratford Normal School , open-
ed this morning, altbongh very little
work could be done except asst ning
the pupils to their various rooms,
Following are the Huron Stud tints
at the Normal.
Myrtle 1. Draper, Clinton
_.Edna M. Turner, Clinton
Florence G. Aitcheson, Bluevale
Anna Bell, Seaforth
E. Bdovri Londesborq
Jennie 131,.Oluff, Dungonnoia.
Uizzie M. Currie, Wingbani
Ella J. Chesney,, Egwondviile'
Mary J
. Curtin, rG Seaforth
Ada W. Gardener, Walton.
Edna A. Hickingbottom, Auburn
-Emmeline Holland,' Holmesville
V. Johns 'Vin ham
Genevieve Jones, Seaforth
-Edna If, Lyon, Londesboro
Eva M. Love, Seaforth
Mary A. Stewart, Bluevale
Jessie R. Scott, Seaforth
Mary L Shaw. Bluevale
Gertrude C. Stewart, Winghanr
Eunice P. Sothern, Ford wich
Gladys M. Stinson, Gorrie
Grace C. Weir, Seaforth
Marguerite Williams, Seaforth
Norman M. Geddes, Ielgrave
A. total of 24 ladies to 1 man from
Huron Co,
A light Docket.
Sir William Mulock Hears Drain-
age Case from Hallett
Only two cases were entered for
trial before Sir William Molock, Chief
Justice of the. Exchequer Court, at the
assizes which were held on Monday,.
One of these-•Kurschinska v. Swantz
et al. -was postponed to the next sit -
tinge of the High Court, owing to the
illness of the defendant Swantz.
The other case was that of Potter v.
Township of Hullett, which was tried
without a jury, The action was for an
injunction to restrain the construction
of a drain under the Ditches and
Watercourses Act, 0. Garrow and
W. Brydone for plaintiffs ; W. Proud.
foot and J. L. Killoran for defendants,
After hearing several witnesses His
Lordship suggested that all parties
should come forward in the court, and
they having done so His Lordship ex-
plained to them the position and prob•
able history of this litigation, and
after the counsel had conferred and a
petition had been signed by ail parties
agreeing to change the nature of the
action from one under the Ditches and
Watercourses Act to one under the
Municipal Drainage Act His Lordship
made the following epitome of judg-
ment to be issued in the matter
"It having been agreed between the
parties that instead of the drainage
sought here being carried out under
the Ditches and `Watercourses Act it
shall be had under the Municipal
Drainage Act, the judgement shall di-
rect (a) no further proceedings to be
taken or continued under the Ditches
and Watercourses Art ; (b) the parties
to proceed under the Municipal Drain-
age Act and none of the parties who
have signed tbe petition to the town-
ship council, a copy of which is filled, ,
shall withdraw therefrom ; (c) the
costs of all parties between solicitor
and client shall be taxed and added to
the costs of the work and be paid to
the respective solicitors,”
• •,
Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell acted as
organist in this Church on Sunday
last in the absence of Miss Bently.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W, F. M. S., was bold last Thursday
evening. The devotional topic was
taken by Mrs. Chambers and tbe Mies-
ionary topic by Miss Luella Welkin -
!thaw,. Mrs. L, Paisley sang very
sweetly, "Guard While I Sleep:"
Next Sunday afternoon the annual
Children's Oay Service will be held in
the Church. The special program pro-
vided by the Assembly's Sabbath
School Committee will he used and an
address will be given by Mr, 0, S. 1
Beeek, Principal of the Model School,
It is hoped there will be a large attend-
ance of parents and friends.
Last Sunday Prof. F. D, Bristowe
began his duties as Organist and
Choirmaster in Willis 'Church. lie
created a most favorable impression,
his rendering of several olaseical num-
bers being admirable. while the hymns
and anthems were played with 'fine
taste and feeling. The congregation
is to be congratulated on having
obtained the services•of so thoroughly,
talented an organist and so competent
a conductor. Mr. Bristowe comes to
Olintou with a fine musical record,
For 15 years he held the position of
organist in Christ Church Cathedral,
Fredericton. Since that time he has
served Presbyterian Churches at Nia-
gara Falls and Oriilia. He has given
organ recitals in most of the promin-
ent cities and towns of Eastern Can-
ada and in not a few places in Ontario.
We understand that besides being an
efficient teacher of music, Mr, Brie-
toweis fully competent to carry on
the advanced work of a0horal Society.
There ought to he a place• in Clinton
for a gentlemen ° of such talents and
we trust that he will meet in this com-
munity with the success to which his
abilities entitle him,
Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Brussels, " will
preach morning and evening nextSun-
day. Tne pastor will conduct Anni.
versary services at Brussels.
It will he Missionary Sunday in the
Sunday School and the junior League
will assist in the program,
�Binton ��li�e�y Ope��ngs � �ucc�ss
'How dear to my heart was the old-
fashioned bonnet,
The old fashioned •bgnnet we all
used to see,
'.Phe simple old bonnet, the oft re
trimmed bonnet,,.
Ob 1 bring back the bonnet that
costs but a "V
The, window decorations displayed
et' the different stores, on Thursday
evening n
Wer sneaked
g ern
and dainty. At
h '
the U
B `
t window,
]r W de.
coratedin whiteand 'pink; -'with a huge
basket eto
was declaredby many
o he one of the prettiest ever seen in
Clinton. In dozer and Brown's win -
do irs were shown the daidtest•of even -
in own fabrics, tastefully, arranged
and ori'
a u u 1
aster a added much to the effect; Mass.
Cant don's window was he white and
green, the background 1 'cleverly ar-
ranged to represent a brick wall with
windows, At Mr. J. A. jrwiq's, the
ea w with itsli,.
th autumn
tints and shaded lights formed a pleas-
ing contra st to the lighter hues of the
the north window was a
lay of ladies' in the
t fashionable styles.
others. In
splendid dls
eeasons's mo
Despite thinc'emency of the wea-
ther, the millinery openings en Thurs.
day evening w .re well attended. Nor
could anyone visiting the millinery
pariors marvel tat the fact. Gaily
lighted and decorated rooms each with
a countless arra? of hats -and such
bats. Big hats, < little hats, beaver
bats, satin hats, high bats, flat hats,
street hats, dress hate, simple hats,and
elaborate hate, all calling forth
"Oh's 1" and ' Ah's 1" of delight from
an admiring throng of, womankind,
The most popular sha.dpa this year,
appear to be black and *bite, rose,
pink and brown, the latter including
tan, carrot, burnt orange and rhe
fashionable cinnamon.. shade. The
hats are made of a variety.of materials,
the best pattern hats being, in plush,
velour, satin and heaver. Fahr trimm-
ing ostrich mounts, ospil'eys and
willow plumes adorn the mot elabor-
ate models, while quite often single
Dower in the fuscbia shade Ives a
note of color to an, otherwise dark hat,
In many cases this trimming is elow
the brim.
Irwini & Co.
At J. A. Irwin's store, the millinery
Parlors, in charge of Miss Horne ay, d
Miss Hill were artistically decorate 1
with autumn leaves and festoons o
wbite. Here many handsome hate
were shown, One that aroused much
enthusiasm among the young ladiet l
was a large white beaver with rolling
brim, the only trimming being an
exquisite pink willow mount. An-
other mach admired was a black plush
with "'MD!' edging, trimmed with
gold applique in collar effect and ,a
gold rose. Exquisite) in,ite simplicity
was a charming model of rose velvet,
the rolling brim veiled with chiffon
and trimmed above and below with
«two flat mounts.
Couch & Co,
Of the decorations at Couch and Co's
it to say that thedecorator
oo ra for
was Mr.
Percy Cotton, whose skirt in
this art is well known. Here were
shown many nettle" models for street
fwear,one most
smart bein
Persian nLamh toque with an mi�urled ostrich
spray: `cry graceful, indeed, was a
black beaver picture bat with a pink
ostrich bandeau. Beside it was a
white beaver with a flower wreath in
sh des.
Bair the cynosure of all eyee was a
downlink simile] in black velvet and
white lace with the rim slit so as to
give the ion hack •to front line do
fashionable this
is season. - like most of
the best hats it was simply nut richly
trimmed, having only' two exghisrte
black and white osprey mounts.
At this store it was not only the,
hats that aroused interest. In the.
ready to wear department were ex-
hibited many' fashionable suits and
coats. The latter are made chiefly of
chinchilla, blanket cloth and revers-
ible tweeds„ Most of them are so cut
as to fasten at the neck when required.
One very handsome model was of
doable faced blauket cloth in brown
and green with a shawl collar, unique
in design, faced with novel shaded
silk and piped with cerise. A rever-
sible coat -the latest New York fad -
was much admired, Some handsome
coats of near -seal were shown, one of
them with the collar and back in 'the
One sided effect and. lined ,throughout
with satin"
Mies .Cantelon & Co.
At Miss Cantelon's the decoraions
were in green and white with softly
shaded lights. Many original and dis-
tinctive models were here shown,
many of them imported from Europe.
In fact Miss Cantelon's great' success
in the millinery businees can he large-
ly attributed to the carob]] study she
has made of imported models. Some
of the most admired hats were :-A.
small soft black velour with cerise
ostrich spray falling off left side,finish-
ed witheerisecordite linksand buttons,
the whole effect being ,cry attractive
to the eye, One of the most recherche
models was an Elton shape the top
covered plain with black couch: velvet,
he facing of white velour trimmed
ith a superb Paradise spray. Very
st dish and becoming was a large black
be ver with slight roll across back and
wit h flat trimming of shell pink mara-
bou. It was finished with pink velvet
1`ed' y bows.
took as his sermon "An ahalysis of the • t slated .by Mr- C. J• Pink, lea -
burden of sin." 1 at ea London quartette,
On Monday evening the League Friday Forenoon.
entertained the Model School students
and a very enjoyable time was spent 14 -RI, af'.0,Iilcers.
by all. 16-Flnand�ial Statement.
Next Sunday will be Rally Day at 16 -Muse 'E; May Hunte, "GoideT
the Sunday School and a special S5',ene arad Silver Spc4ch,"
service will be held at 2;30, The 17 --Mr. B.A.,' Percy, "Nature Study"
school is asking for a sum of, $50 to 18 -Song, bbI':ra McKenzie.
pay off the balance on the school 119 -Mr. S. Pixdtles, "Manuel Train -
is like Dydrr
FOwcr t oderich
Maitland Sheme Likely to De-
velon-Commission's En-
gineers Meet Council.
Goderich, Sept. '24 -tor some time
back the town has been waiting some
definite report on hydro power from
the comtnissioners,' Yesterday En
gamete Gahil and Yates met the town
council in the courthouse. There were
representatiyes from the municipali
ties of Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter,
Hensel!, Zurich and Blyth.
The proposition which they put be
fore the
meeting was that if 1,500
horsepower was , guaranteed they
would develop the Maitland River
Power Company and sell it at $27 per
horsepower, In the meantime, if it
was wanted at once, they would con
street a line from Seaforth for the
same figure. No difficulty is felt,here
as 700 horsepower will be used here
alone. Clinton, Hensel! and Exeter
making up the balance. ,
When Maitland power is available.
and the horsepower is increased to
2,400 which it will be in two years, the
rate will he reduced to about twelve
dollars, Definite' figures will be on
band on Thursday night, and as far
as Goderich is concerned it looks as
though hydro is here.
Teachers' Convention,
The teac'hers of East 'fruited In-
spectorate will meet ,6n ca'ewor(tjop
ilu Wlmgh,aiint olntTliwrsday +sand+l}ri
day, October ..17, 18, en the ITowai
Hall, On flimenday eveluitivg . there
wird be,a'gran,d co,neert, The 1o11-
Lowing is the progi am foci the 'two
Thursday Forenoon.
1-Openting Exercises,
2 -Reading Minutes.
3 -Appointing' Comm ittees.
4-141r. A. Posli;fd "School Sports"
5 -'Mika !Myth; '!Art."
6 -,Mr, Scott, subjectto by choisent
,Thursday Aftea(noon,
7-111r. S. Puck+lies, ''Man,wel tjain
E -Mfrs IB.111. Beynod;ds, 'I,Choruls"
class of girls,
9 -Mr. G.R. 'Slntitth, 't'Methode in
Arvtband tSc.
10 -Mr. ,E. p, Lo,c"a,nt teachert of
Writtng,,`f'eteaibotro ��Q7orhulall
School, Penmanship
11.-Address, Mat A. 111, ,Mustg+rove;
M. L. A,
1.2 --Mr. Holtman, ''MY Ideal.School:"
Thur'aday 'Evening,
Last Sunday night Rev, Mr, Void , 13 A coxycert lby, Mzas B. MayBa(uce
Pride, Afternoon
20 -President's . adrees.
21 -Mr, J. M. Fie d, 'Odds and. Ends'
It le hopod 'the all the teachers
of Beet H
uronwn ;1 remember th '
duty regardin(g reular attendance
at convention. \
Preiedent, Mr,. G. \W. Holman,
tat Vlee, Mr. J. Ta Curtis.
2nd Vied, 'Miss ;P, 1. 'Hull.
Secretary, J. Stalker, pro teen,
Executive 'Commis la•e, Masers,
Scott, Stalker, Higgins, and Misses.
Brock and 'Thompson,
Births, Marriages It t Baths
GOSLEIGH-ln' Clinton, on Septem-
ber 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Alex. G'oe.
leigb, a son.
BRUCE-POT'TS-At the residence of
the bride's father, Mr, Geo. Potts,
by the Rev. Jas 1, Peed, nn Wed-
nesdey teeptember 255b, Mr. Clar-
ence L. Bence, of Fort 'William, to
Miss Leona 11. Potts, of Clinton,
Th c I' catcrh Crops
IA special, despatch to the ,Globe
last night from. W:1n 5peig. says, —
Threshcing is in .felt swing through
I out the three Westey;n Imovilnces,
following the clear weather, mad
high drying, Winds of the past , 3
1 days, .The flew points wherelhaeal
slating had not ;been. resumed ,to -day
report tb,at waft:t continued ; dry
weather the 1arjn,ers well «hie horsy
toam'ortow, Frost of ',x(eeord Icer
verity lb';Jthis titm,e b1 year le ileo
ported dueling the pest ;two nights
It r,anigedi f5iofn 5 to 15 'd'egrejels, bull
the actual, damage Is sdigInt,. as
tut kttle grain . nemn ain% ;dt a(n dinlg.
that could have ocetn• of any wove
even, with warms wealthier& The
bu91c otf,reposti to-neghttindicaie
thalt emeditions to -day have '
as favorable arcould be asked fotl,
and the;graitw thaieshed istuirleiln(g'
out a very, good ealmple,»
District News.
Wm. 1Bmlggh of Brussels, has
bough a hetet Ja Whitewood, Seek,,
and will ,bema,ov4 'e' West ' shortly,
An old and well known ;res4dent
od,Brivsso'cs, paaci Nature's Idebt,
last Monday ipt the Person of Vatter
J Jackson, an hie 78th yefar. Der
teased was ,horn ;i)n Wlateirtoo !Cb
At-,aanoeltdmtg of the ,board, elf ibhiei
Standard Bank of Canada hold at
!Iior+omito, on Tuesday of haat week
G,1" Sehofd ld was elected p,direct-,
or, to fill the vacancy caused'by the.
death . of Frederick W .tide I1I'x.'
Schofield will ,beg'euntetn red :(is:
the /hest/' agent oit the ,Sftandarld
Bank in Brusai4ld and ll,e;is;now the
Grener sill '5 aln,agoai With he'
q.-f�flpce htiT, glbot . , ,
Ethto,iat Notts
1+oot Ball 14s'still at thettop bf ,the
heap riniErtglkalnid and Scotland,' Ai •
war ps,30,000 peap,e ass+ennblq to.
Witness eo�me of the ;big snatches,
!Camadia a notelets will visit; tho
Bzaltish 'slue !next Suinnnert and 'give
exhibitions of (t)sei,r pep:fieieneyin
c ss
g Mr Kitty. would
y. We wo
not ,be ,B,urprn3ed at ;Olintonpans
mil ht t'
an0 I
(be incl �d
g' uea a
•B 3"
Ph R
err, It will "ibedififievl't to
get any ,better, •
"Sitz 'toe -story •stru,cturos undee
construction "
n nret�lour down ''towm. This is
tho heading of a co�uumnn in a (Moine
areal Idanly +newspaper ,tndieatitalg
what itsdolling there. T'hee'er'61)0 of='
f' g
.ice ,bui1dun,bs- and may coat (theta
an'ilhlioln. cacti as they will ,be fi)ttekl
out alnmodeen, ,style.
A million dollars amonitle islet/ad
to .be tho gross eatatingsl of the
Intereolond>al Railway. There was
a day not long past when ,thl ,bat-
ince sheet mtglht have bjeten 'appro-
prilatekr ?rePaued oav;black boradeald
paper abut Hon Geor!g•e P. Gr,a eanit
got steaini upend the day of dejf±e-
its is gone, never to return we hope,
In! view of the .tact that the
weather pmognostica'tions occas-
ionally go astray we ventvrie the as-
sertiom, that when Noah ,issued his
probabilities, centuaues ago, he had
no ,bottom, they would apply so
closely to 1912, A.D. Genesis' 7 and
12 "And the railnwas upoln)fheeaxjtlh
4U days 'and 40 nights," verse24 of
the same chapter says "And the
waters ptrlevaaled capon the earth
an hundred raid lefty days." We
al a no't up to the roto: d yet as lair
as ,bane limit is concerned, ,but
there ns time yet.
There acre .now three vacancies in
Da{ctrftnion House seats, the, Meet
being ,that of Carleton Co„ the rlep-
resein,tattve, Edward Kidd , being
called away last week 5y...tcleathi,
Carleton arra very strong Conseao
sative siding with little hope, of
change of licca t laditoe Ross, of.
Ottawa, es Mentioned as a probable
candidate, His bretluon of true
quail, irrespective of polities,
would like to ,see him in, the House.
Toronto Is putting in a nervy pic•
for titin Piovencial goveiemm�elnt to
present the cilty wills the Noat'm,al
Schoo'l'eligibie site for a city pack,
:The properety is very valuable and
would make a an Al ,brea0ll'nrg spot
but why tare elty should desire 'to
to emash tho Golden Role to atoms
and have the Province of,O,nfiastao
play Santa Claus is cheeky, even
for.lTooion,to. Sie James 'Whitney
should tell theta in his ,bluff way
''where they Of: gfet`tinlg. o0f ,et."
Onter•3o es not in rho mood of m,ak-
a,rig the presentation.
Presicleattial electlan c'amtpaign
the United Sltates is warming up as
the date draws near. 'Roos'evieP,;t,
the Eua moose, is into the fightiai:
has usual robust style. Taft, as+the
Republican nominee, is ,between
two flies, and will certainly have la,
/tot time. Phe Democratic stand-
ard ,theatre's, Governor 1Woodlrow
�4 v1 omy .says bele nreeti,ng with
many encourag)og. featuayes, In ,a
tri'anguliar contest itis melt` easy
to count noses but it looks a little
as •( ,Taft iviU be She man squeezeat
out and the root battle +betivlefen
Roosevelt and Wilson,
Iron, Mr. ,Boatlee has been asked
by alargely s+ilgned petition) fettle
the West to' take the. navy giuleavloote
out of politics. We have no doubt.
the Hon. Premier Would Jangled (to
trade 4t,oti 40 somebody who would
guarantee at would never eomle
back. It's something :like the Dut-
chman's• gun. whose "kick" was
about as dangerous as, the volliiey
that preceded' it, One thing is cans
tate the navy q'ues'tiojn is'a (Uhor(n.
In ,rho ,side .ef'tlhel present Doiaii*
nom, goverinmepilt Who appear( to be
,at sea, where, we suppo,t!e. the navy
ought tribe,
Poor old TutrIltey has ttoubles of
ate awn and, the bones will hi4telly
be well picked before Italy de a+at-
isfied, lid ;the 'l,atter is peatnittied'to
do the cervi;n,g, $nmdtimntes ,thle,
day of i'btriibution seems loarg, ate
rayed ;but ;Mr.;Tuctk should :be'hav-
intg had 'dmeax:te as he endeavors to
steal iaifeay hours of ,a'letetp, .ill vis
inns ofithe, past area the Isbeptac
nightmares, presented Whim vijelw.'
A ,bwlllyihngi nation, like stn ieddv tdis
ual Ofrough-eliding : ptopensitiele
wall have 4,itt'1•e !sympathy 'wasted
We're Bound to IUt
Customers who have used!
our Paris Green. 'tell us
very quickly and .,euceet
folly put th.e potatto'hug mut ''
of business, t 3
Now G t� h
Let's �l�a, t c 'Fly
You cant kill more Flies in the. ,1
quickest time
than b,' any other 'Mealis.
In 5e and 10e packages. re
n efoo
S la" i
eft '1
Pa ek Paper
fWalsons Fly Pad
Dr. Wil8iaans Fly, and :In-
seat'Destroyer for your stock
Parisian. Insect Powder. '
W. A. McConnell
Notify Us
I£ you 'feel runt d Neu of you
;are smolt em�oydng the • glop)
health tthat should +beyoura,.
we know that In . a very shodit
time a,bottle of
Rexali Wine of Cod
Liver Oil
will Make you well and strong
;Take our ,guaa!aavtee !foie lit,
there lsno,better body build -
or. Sold only at the
.c.R. Holmes
Phm, B.
Now hi Stock
FOR the past nine years
we have catered for
Men's Custom-made Tailor-
ing, producing style and
workmanship fully guaran-
teed. Keeping none but
competent workmen, equal
to any in large cities, and
Clothes for Mt
at prices consistent with ex-
pense, and much below city
Why pay big prices for:'.'°tl,
factory -made clothes wlseri'
you can get a suit made to,:;
your measure at home, by
an experienced cutter. and.,
practical tailors, from,:
$20.00 to $25.i � p ,;
We've seen others coma.
and go, but we are here to
stay, Lasing the same motto
as when we started;
fi 9
[[��_U A LI TY
filen's TailorsandFurnishers
Three chief Wdtnetues in .the •;'
Kyo,sluk murdcrl trial, eonfeesed to.
perjury 1nthe flotimer tenial of +the.,
uporV jtheina! .Whelp ,fho'Y a 41( Id
end of Omar tether,. They, gen al e
by,' dltegrte
ypang hndnaaa,
The Social Democratic Corn,grlese
%u, Ger'm,any detuowpces courpet}ltto
it}tL'T4att1R ts,