The Clinton New Era, 1912-08-15, Page 7lp111.1111rSCtay, ..a.ligliSt 'letn.....tat4 , , ". • • • ....-,, •••• .-. .• ' - ' ',",,,.' -
SUFFERED - leytithia s
By Leafs Tracy
ooPYright by MoLeo d & Allen, Toro o
Per Years,RestorealTo Health
by Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound.
1 '
Canadian women are continually writ -
I' ing us such letters as the two following,
Which are heartfelt expressions of grati-
tude for restored health:
Glanford Station, Ont—"I have ta-
ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and never
fourid any medicine
to compare with it.
I had ulcers and fall-
ing of womb and
doctorif did me no
good. I suffered
dreadfully for years
until I began taking
your medicine. I al-
so recommend it for
nervousness and in-
digestion. " — Mrs.
HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont.
Chesterville Ont. — "1 heard'your
medicines highly praised, and ayear ago
I began taking them for falling of womb
and ovarian trouble.
"My left side pained me all the time
and just before my periods which were
irregular and painful it would be worse.
To sit down caused ine pain and suffer-
ing and I would be so nervous some-
times that I could not bear to see any
one or heir any one speak. Little specks
would float before my eyes and I was
always constipated.
"I cannot say too much for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Liver Pills, for there are no medicines
like them. I have taken them and I
recommend them to all women. You may
,publish this testimonial." --Mrs. STE-
PHEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario,
Ittate: tit
STANDARD is thli NEtitlailif
:Weekly Newspaper bE the Dominion
Of Canada. $. It is national in 'all its
It uses t5 insffxrCensivg ank-Kriv,
ings, procuring the phOtographa from
ell over the world.
0 Its articles are carefully' sale:Med find
its editorial.„ policy is thoroughly
10 A subscriptioti tB Thei Standard
ec7sts,S2.00 per year td any address in
,rdinada. or Great Britain.
4, TRY IT FOR 1912!
lippntreal Standard Publishing. ed..
Pe- Limited, Publishers.
A WATCH is a delicate piece
of machinery. It calls for
less attention than most
imachinery, but must be cleaned
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With proper care a Waltham
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• Id -us clean your watch
12 GT TS months.
W. R. Counter
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Marriage Licenses.
Iiii si.E course?"
Who you are?"
"I sincerely hope not." Lord Fairholme WaS Very angry, and
She caught her breath and Peered -not without good reason. He had
at him again, and there was a tight traveled from London at an absurdly
in her eyes that would have •infurin- early hour in response, to the urgent,
ted 1Vlarigny had he seen it. It witc, representations of Susan, LaUy • •
wll, too, that Medenhaaverted, since he slinply dared not Millicent Porthcawl had -Written a Little Li4or Pill&
em's head was Maur, to whom. her inthuate. friend,
meet her frankly inquisitive ga/0. thrilling account of the goings-on at
Bournemouth:. It happened that the .
overlooked the carriage -way in front
Cen u !net
a rte r
Ig [00 exPr'esced oS to the ort,
age of farm hands in the Wrest to bat,
vest. the great crop. '•Ilimy men will
no doubt be regnited but unless the
distributing is clone on a'better system
than some tormer occasions there, will
be room Tor great disappointments on
both sides. The lessonsi_learned by
Of some Ontations have lasteW-Them up
to the present on he question of stay -
"You know that such a thing would
be horrid for me—for all of us," she
"Yes," he said, "I feel tint very
keenly. Thank goodness, the French-
man felt it also."
Cynthia tnought fit to skip to the
third- item in her list.
"Now as to Captain Devar?" she
cried. ''His mother is dreadfully an-
noyed. She hates dull evenings, and
the four' of us were to play bridge
to -night at Hereford, Why was he
sent away?"
"Sent awai.?" echoed Model-111am. in
mock amazement.
Countess of Porthcawl's bedroom . Bear Signature of
or the Royal 13ath Hotel, and, when
she recovered from the stupor sit re-
cognizim, Medenlaam in the chauffeur
of the •qttnrenen equipage, she grati" See Par -Simile Wrapper Below.
fled her spite by sending a lively and •
wholly distorted version of the tour viz,.
to his aunt. la lake as algar4
The letter reached Curzon Street
a remarkably resoratiVe effect on the ERS FOR.DIZZINESS.
during the afternoon and exercised CART
now convalescent lover of forced ITTLE ran BILIOUSNES3.
5trawberries,- Lady St. IVIaur ordered
her carriage, and was driven in a lit- IVER R
"Oh; come, you knew him quite fy to the Fairholtne mansion In Caven-
Well. You said so in London, I ant . dish , Square, where she and her
pot exactly the silly young thing brother indulged in the most lugu-
look, mr, reitarey, and Count Marig- brious opinions as to the future of
ny'a coincidences are a trifle far. "pool' George." They assumed that
fetched. ]loth he and Captain Dever he would fall an easy prey to the wiles
fully understood what they were do-
ing when they arranged to meet in
Bristol, and somebody must have
tred a very big gun quite close to
the fat little man that be should be
scared off the instant he set eyes on
of a "designing American.N1tli
Price I
maarirroxrunt ausee701,,ese,
ge eels 'Purely 'Vegetable. uce—
of them had met many eitieena of the ----
United Stales, and each shared to theEdito-iai Notes -
fullest extent tbe common British clis-
like for every person and every thing
that is new and strange, so they had
visions et a. Countess of Famholrae
Then Medenham resolved to end who would speak in the -weird tongue
catechism that opened no illirnit- r,o chteago, whose name would be
able vistas, for he did not want to "Minnie," who wopld call the earl
ose Cynthia just yet, and there was
no knowing what she might do if utterance with "Say," or "My land!"
lioppa number two," and prefix every An early session of DominiOn Par-
liament is mooted.
She suspected the truth. Although, Both brother and sister had laughed ---o--
This is the day of the revival of the
lightning rod.
lf the situation were strictly dissec-
ted, IVIrs. Devar's chaperonage was as
bseful to him as the lady herself in-
tended it to be to Marigny, there
Was a viral.difference between the two American is equally ludicrous in its
Sets of circutustances. He had been .
olundere. In devising means "to save
pitchMrked by fate into the company Geor e" they flew into a panic. Lady
Many a time at, the stage version if
a Briton as presented in Paris, but
they forgot that the average English.
nian's conception of the average
IA a charming girl whom he was learn-
ing to love as he had never loved
woman before, -whereas the members
of the money -hunting gang whose that she was already sufficiently coin-
acheme he had aecidentally overheard
St. Maur telegraphed a frantic appeal
to Lady Porthcawl for information,
but "dear Millicent" took thought, saw
/flitted, and caused her Maid to iepla
that she had lett Bournemouth for the
week -end. .
A, telegram to the hotel manager
produced more definite news. CYO-
thia, providing against the receipt of
any urgent messege from her father,
had given the College` Green Hotel as
her address far the night; but this
ittelligence arrived too late to per-
mit of the Earl's departure till nest
morning. Lady Porthcawl's hint :that
the- "devoted George was traveling in-
cognito" prevented the use of wire
or post. If the infatuated viscount
were to be brought to reason there
was nothing for it but that the Earl
should hurry to Bristol by an eatly
train next morning. He did hurrY,
and arrived five minutes too late.
Marigny, of course, saw teat lightn-
ing lad darted from a sunfiner sky.
ht Brighton were engaged in a de-
liberate intrigue, outlined in Paris as
Soon as Mr. Vanrenen planned the
Motor tour for his daughter, and per-
fected during. Cynthia's brief stay. in
So he appealed to her for forbear.
knee on a plea that he imagined was
Sure to succeed.
"I don't -wish to conceal from you
that Captain Dever and I have fallen
out in the past," he- said. "But I am
genuinely sorry for his mother, who
certainly does not know what a ras-
Pal he is. Don't ask me for further
details now, Miss Vanrenen. He will
hot cross your path in the near future,
and I promise to tell you the whole
-story long before there ie any chance
of your meeting him again."
For some reason, deep hidden yet
delicately distinct, Cynthia extracthd
'a good deal More than from that simple if the despised chauffeur bad proved
hpeech than the mere words implied. such a tough opponent, 'what- would
The air of the downs 'was peculiarly happen now that he turned out to be
fresh and strong in the center of the a sprig of the aristocracy? Ile gues-
liridge, a fact which probably ac. sed at once that the Earl of Fairholme
pounted for the vivid color that lit appraised Cynthia Vanrenen by the
her face and added luster to her Dever standard. He knew that five
bright eyes. At any rate, she .drop- minutee in Cynthia's company 'would
ped the conversation suddenly. ' alter this doughty old gentleman's
"Mrs. Dever 'will be growing impa- views so greatly that his present ,fury
tient," she said, , with an admirable would give place to idolatry. No'mat-
assumption of ease, "and I want to ter what the cost, they two must not
buy some pictures of this pretty toy meet, and it was very. evident that if
bridge of yours. ' What a pity the light Hereford were mentioned as the
Is altogether wrong for a snanshot, night's rendezvous, the Earl would
and it is so stupid to use films when proceed there by the next train.
one know fs that , the sun ia in the What 'was to be 'done?' He decid-
What about all those Agriculture
representatives the Provincial Gover. -
ment were to send to Huron Co?
Why is the question only. mootEd
when a politieal campaign is on deck
President Taft in capitulating on
the reciprocity question displayed the
political weather vane without
any doubt, Ile is between two great
wind storms and to trim hie sails pro-
perly in the coming 'Presidential con-
test is no easy job. Possibly his de-
sire to please the insurgents in his
ranks may lose him many votes for
his enange of front.
Today there are now nearly 1,000
free rural mail routes in the Dominion
of Canada. With. -this 20th Century
improvement coupled with the rural
telephone and the electric railway
great changes have been wrought in
farm life. Now the tillers of the sod
are in touch with the uttermost parts
of the earth as the daily mail and
electric wires bring the history of the
world to their home- circles.
ed. promptly. Lifting his hat, and of -
Whereat Medenham breathed freely fering Lord Fairholnae his card, be
again, while thanking the gods for the made up his mind to lie, and lie spe-
delightfully effective resources that ciously, with cirourastantial detail and
every woman—even a candid, out- convincing knowledge.
spoken Cynthia—has at her fingers' 1 "I happened to meet the Vanrenens
ends' in Paris," .he said. "Businetlet brought
The shisplest meane of reaching the me here, and I was surprised to 'see Vanrenen without
Glouceeter road was to run back past
the hotel, but the goddess of InIFFY Miss her father.
-You 'will pardon my reference to Your
thence elected, for her own purposes, Bea, 1 am sere: His attitude ie ex -
that IVIedenharn should ask a police- ; plicable now. Be resented my offer
man to direct hilt to Cabot's Tower,
and, the man having the brain of friendly assistance to the Young
Surveyor, he was sent through bY-
01 a• lady.. Perhaps he thought she might
avail herself of
streets that saved a few yards, per-
haps, but cost hini many minutes in "Assistance? What is the reatter?!'
stopping to inquire the way. Hence, "She had arranged for a car to meet
he missed an amazing sight. 'Fhe her here. As it was not forthcoming,
merest glimpse of Count Edouard she altered her plans for a tour of
Marigny's new acquaintance would Oxford, Kenilworth, and Warwirk, and,
surely have pulled him up, if it did has gone in Viscount—Viscount—"
not put an end to the tour forthwith. "Medenham's."
But that was not to be. Blissfully "Ah, yes—I did not catch the name
Unconscious to a dignified yet strange- precisely—in your son's car to Lon-
ly perturbed old gentleman. that the don." . ,
tar Number X L 4000--contriAning EY this time Lord Fairholme had
it young American lady wad her friend ascertained the Frenchman's descrip-
and driven by a oenceited puppy of lion, and be was sufficiently well ac -
a chauffeur who suffered, badly from quainted with the Valley of the Loire
tete montee—had just gone up the hill" to recollect the Chateau Marigny as
to the left, 1Viedenhana at last reached a house of some importance.
the open road, and the Mercury leap-
ed forward as if Gloucester would
hardly wait tilt it arrived. there.
The old gentleman had only that
shad nonemak
eskep I** /ad
One ef the Best
Piario Factories
in Canadd
W: Doherty Piano and
Organ Co., Limited
r Factories and Bead Office
Westin -Di Branch,
- "I beg your pardon, Monsieur le
Counte, if I seemed to speak brusque-
ly at first," he said, "but we all appear-
ed to be mixed up in a comedy of er.
minute alighted from a station cab, rors. I remember now that , my son
and a question he addressed to- the telegraphed from Brighton to say that
hall -porter led that .civil functionary he would return to -day. Perhaps my
to refer him to Marigny "as a friend journey from town was unnecessarY,
of the parties concerned."
But the newcomer drew himself up
somewhat stiffly when the foreign per-
eonage spoke of Medenham as a
, 'Before our, conversation proceeds
any farther I think I ought to tell you
that I am the Earl of Irairholme and
that Viscount Medenham is my son,"
and he May be only engaged in some
harmless escapade that, ig „TipW near-
ing its end. I am very mach obliged
to you, and---er—I hope you will call
when next you are In London. You
know my name --my place is in Cav-
endish Square, Good -d." .
So IVIarigny was left a secotd time
on the steps of the 50101, while the
he said. , cab which brought the Earl of Fair -
that the Earl's explanation took fresh holme from the railway etation took
1 "I mean," be went on, perceiving
lthat hie hearer was none the wiser,
"I mean that the..chauffeur you allude
him back to It.
The Du Vallon came panting from
the garage, but the Frenchman sent it
away again. Hereford was no great
to m Viscountedenbam. istance by the direct road, andhe,
Marigay, though born on the bent!!
d ,
lied already determined not to follow
Pt the l'ac'ir", was. 6 B"thern Pl'enen' the tortuous 'route devised by 'Cynthia
matt by descant, and the hereditary for the day's Pan: Moreover, he mist
tint of olive -in 'late esktil heortuie promi. new reeemaitierlyie sabono..
heat only *hen his emotions were
nrourferi. Now the pint and wilite of
his complexion we thsged' with yet-
tovriehdrsen.' Never before in hie life
had he been visite so surprised—never.
"lie—be Raid his natne tvae 'Pits-
roy," was all he could pap.
*9110 It te—the dog, !rook the family win, 31 was well that the hall -porter
name and dropped his title in order did not underiitand Prepeb, or the
to go gallivanting about ,the countrY verde *at were, muttered by 1Viarigny
'with this yOusil- Perla* . • • ea en he toped 0P.bbi kieel and re -en -
American, I am told—ould with that %rod the betel Might- base iho'oked
detestable oreature Mims. Dever wax And, todisid, they were roost un -
long telegrams which he had just dis-
Datched th Dever London and to
Peter Vaarenen tn„Parle alight de-
mand istsy. • -
, And to—Think 01' that accurfied chauf-2
Sour belha a illoount1 Flis gorge rose
A that. The thodest almost choked
Imperial Year
Imperial Cadet Review
Cadets from all the Overseas Dominions
Exhibits by the Provinces
Dominion Exhibits
Band of Scots Guards
From Buckingham Palace
Paintings of the Year from Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
American Artists
Imperial Cadet Competitions
Boy Scouts Review .
Everything in Educational Exhibits
Siege of Delhi
Besses 0' Th' Barn Band ,
Britain's Best Brass Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries in Operation
Butter Making Competitions
America's GreatestLive Stock Show
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Prettiest Pussies
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races
Hippodrome and Circus
Four Stages and Arena all going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers
Aug. 24. 1912 Sept. 9
A Miss Bannister, 'GOsilehd,
township, Essex Co., was,marriecl
to aMr. Chatterton, •WindSOn
We hope they' will prov* 'a. pair of
stayers. ease reaclieml!i) or the,
New Era Might not 'see it, that•is
ioke. Sonfetirmes ours have to be,
labelled. •
t osev•sa
iert y,s he
ia going to presv the baltle -tolhe
gates. William J. Bryarts,, the Dem-
ocratic orator, will fallow "Tedd
1 the campaign and will Iposasb 7
; rundind him .of (Mel charge off the
Light Brigade as he fires his,hatial
sides ,a ainet the irrepriedeible
Roomy . ,
There are Many, riontes ,biwhich
people can, make their exit from
this terrestInal sPhere without self
infliction. Only last week 61weue
summoned as the, result of &cloud-
burst in Pennsylvania. At onetime
there appeared to be favoied
nations where few of t5� wholesale
wreckIngs were known but with
the changes beioag wrought in clim-
ate and the mad rush after wls'alth
and pleasure very fle3v lands uVe
Immune from disaster that often
cause people to pausie and consider.
The Fountain Head of Life
Ls The Stomac
A man who has a weak and impaired stomach cirri! who does not
properly digest his food vvill soon find that his blood has become
weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is improperly and
insufficiently nourished.
141akeS the stomzek strung. ArentelleS dee flow* of
&ges-tire juices, restores the lost appe-tite, makes
assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and
purifies mod enriches the blood. It is the great blood.malker,
fleab.bullder and restoratitre nerve tonic. It makes men
strong in body, active in mind and cool in judgement.
This "Discovery" is a pure, glyeerie extract of American medical roots,
absolutely free from aleohol and all injurious, habit.forming drugs. All its
ingredients are printed on its wrappers, It has no relationship with secret
nostrums. Its ,every ingredient is endorsed by the leaders la ell the scboofs of
medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time -proven
remedy or KNOWN COMPOSITION. Aso YOUR NEIGHBORS. They must know of
many cures made by it during past 40 years, right in your own neighborhood.
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y.
Hon, Mr: Mathieson, Premieco of
Prince Bdward Island, is no pessa-i
mist regarding' the eause of sol:,,r'11-.1
ety and affirm t hat' a ri gicl ,en-,.
forcement ol the law,' which is
praotically prohibitory. Powers
that be have niitch to. o
evert• the popular ity1, r Of a laW.
Nothing did so much to give the
Scott Act of other days a black
eye as the want of sympathy • by
governments providing Milts
Many a r-onti act in building in t he
Cities is being r.10 eyed thia aeaon by
difficulty in obtaining the :necess-
ary material'. With the Oafrge ativ-
cunt of work under contract and
the shortage of workmen the de-
lays occasioned waiting tor sup-
plies become a matter of no small
concern to the contractors.
Doit, much is being paid
about Chicago, ft is forging 'ahead
and 'DOW has, a population of near -f
ly 2,182,000. The governing of a
corporation such as that is no small
task and certainly requiirles risen of
clear beads, clean hands and laigh
ideals. There is a great Massing of
'wealth there, imrruense raanufactur--
ing interests and conseguleintly a rush of business net easily
underatoc 0. by a non-afesident.
The Fall Fairl campaign hig and
little, is looming up. If you are an
intending exhibitor it is tirae you
Were busy. Ever ybody Who at-
tends nbig fair Should Make an el-,
fort to improve his visit by Maki'
ing it an occasion' to get hold (of
new ideas that may be worked out
at home. This is one object Of the
Fair and should( not be lost eight
of by the sightseer. Take the hint
and watch out: fOT whalbever your
hobby is. You sayi you have no
no hobby. Well it's about time you
Good should accrue from the
'Jaunt to the Northland this week
eithe Liberal contingent. If Mien
-always knew what they were talk.,
ing about the' sessions of Plarlia4
anent might be cut in two. Knowl-,
edge is power and toattain it Brat
hand gives the iierson &schooling
fie will not easily if orget. A' Man is
broadened by travel and his co,n-
tact with, men of the righ ft ype
should prove lacilpful inerserpising
his judgraent intim time to come.
, British Coiumbla Wood.
Washington. Aug. -I2.—Wood pulp,
print paper and. paper board, mann.
ittetured from woods of British Col-
umbia from which tne, export restric-
tions were recently removed by the
euncil of that province, will be ad-
ultied tn the United States free of
luty 011(151' tlie one operative clause'
if tile Ca reciprecity .Dact. •
Nice Waal No Wolltlor 1,04Y Porth- milted for the • UAW 01 e bell -Porter
oriel wite Chocked. May lUk,eV, who dwelt next door to a cathedral.
Ooldilaiwit neat week
Virood.'s Thos1hodit.00
The Great English Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whoie
nervous system, iake5 new
Blood in old Veins. Cures Nero
1 o•its Debility, Mental mut Brain Worry, Dee.
pondeney, ,Se.ehal Wee loess, Beetesions, Spa,.
I 1riP'egFff: r°Xi tz8e18
f$r,iif. p,Z
,wili owe. Said ity all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt, of price. Neu, Pamriider
-mailed free. The Weed Medicine co.
[formerly Wimisoi,
OODEN cul-
verts are un-
sightly, dangerous,
expensive, short -
enforcement. People talk Lf its
great failure butt ,the, riletason Tor lig
was not far to seek, The 1105
sons learned didi good and have
given point to legislation' since thle
Scott Act battles were tfought,
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; neves' fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
"Sitnabf'aeotlx;, eoirrPnt°ihrlieFfnoasfi5t1V)0.'Nfnd'a;111L13;.:'tetg.aeni.any':eal{6dPessas!
The Soobell Drug Co. ,• AL Catharines, out.
The nerves control all actions of tlae body so that any-
thing that debilitates them will weaken all Organs er
the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses have ,
ruined thousands of promising young men, Unnatural
Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop
te a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- ,
Bags, mentally, physically and sexually. Dow you feel?
Are you nervoua and weak, despondent and gloomy, ,
specks before the eyes with dark circles uuder them,
'Weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation a the heart,
bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples `14
on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex.
pression, poor Memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy d•
and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change-
able Moods, p remature decay, boue pains, hair loose, etc.
Tide its the condition our New Method Treatment is
We have treated Diseases of 'gen for almost a like -
time aud de not have to experiment. Consult
and we will tell you whether you are curable or not.
We guarantee curable eases of
Free Booklet on Diseases of Men. If unable to call
write for
Wonderful Nervous System
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si, Detroit, Mich.
omocwassylisPowsss ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our MediCal Institute in*Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
• DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont.
Write for our private address.
50 000 FARM
Plus half eunatr Will0 Z.% ralliPeg 11P
to MaoLetril, toy. or 0 ton.
AUGUST 20ih--Froni all statIone on all tines on rind South of the Grand Tenni in
Line, Torento to Sarnia, including all stations ori the C,P,11.....TotOut M
h *1_7'104 8100
AALluGolluSs: 223esthd—_11`s,„ztairh 0tonntO, .8bnutt Vutflitil•
1461 Kingston, Shatl3ot Lake 4,Renf..r,
at °al Idris trOn.hirle: Toronto and East;' "11.
nis rtitt Line, Toronto! to Sarnia', sii}d„ kern dome, JoLoui
AUGUST dtIth—dI,gstatfincties-gti
,Yet4'ssiti natio, hall., 011
et117LD PI0,1cn at A
61tl'emr "IP'S Itrifiengik7
b1,44ti Ohly e at rite 0 .00-
Which kind of a culvert
does your waggon cross?
OES the road you use pass over rickety,
dangerous wooden culverts, that are con-
• stantly in need'ofrepairs and often washed
away entirely? Or is it carried safely across the low
places by modern, everlasting culverts? Build your
which not only cannot be washed away, but
actually grow stronger with age and use.
Every farmer OATS it to himself to insist that the
money he pays for road -taxes be spent to the best advan-
tage. As a ratepayer, he is entitled to the best roads that
can be made with that money, When culverts are washed
out; and the road rendered impassable, he not only suffers
inconvenience but may also be caused financial loss by
inability to Bet necessary supplies in tittle for spring plant-
ing. And at best, with wooden cuivests, past of the money
that should in usod to make boner roads must be spent
every year forrepaire, ,
Insist upon Concrete Culverts
It will pay yea and erei.ybody else in your county.
Canada Cement Company bamted
• •
505 HeraldDulisUng, Menweel
'LET vs •e11.1 560
• kopy wl esss tree
bsols, " Whist the
Farmer Can Do ,
Conor$14,,' ' •
IP roe ront to taw
wore stoat Commie
Culrertg, w Ole our
lolowa•Itow Depart-
culverts are
neat, safe, need no
repairs, a n d
ever -lasting.