The Clinton New Era, 1912-06-06, Page 3, rr.77 • •
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1)r OsiO .1 . ,0 , ' : fir 1
arl n afttenteas., erle be/ieVecl the
thel - seeal, evath traffic WaaVes,.
...aee clue ,solely to al draeased• ton- OIHU , Ul• 1111:bil „ , plan. tofthe ,chincia was 'effective(
• , (-Ittion .ofthe leidneys ."'Pheae is a end he)advised the .cleildeen taking'
"" E p h epeetly, ..enee rant` •Uric: t p e
or.Very OPIS Kidney -1'111s. J E 'Hovey pelle ^ . •
J. .• , Wentyseene make it forty.". ., •
• : ' (then( arid gtiarentees them , to.give. • , veries. . . _
i: dsedwesolitst, :Conte. Bal)y's'Own Tablets ,
and get youe •money if you' ^•(tile• ' . • • •
Bishop of Huron, EX.peCItes to Have noit 'pegfeetly 'Retest:led Be.- auve ' ' . • ". A 1tother's Staiidbv
Full Force With the ACceellolls ARION on every.package.
f This Year
:, • „
The isynod Of the Diocese o lime"
one will. meet .in .Cron Hall, Lon- .
, dare on .TueadaY, june 11, and. will
:continue 'about three days), 'nee
. synod met in St. Jantesi• Church,
. Steatford, last. yeae ()Wing to the.
fact that 'the 'Genetral Synod was: to
meet in Landon late] nthe eeason.:
'P1i sermon at.the opening ofthe
synod! sessionnevill be preachteel by
. Rev. R. WaNeawood, X, A., the new
reeler of :the ',Creny». •Bleanaial '
Church. The miesionary meeting,
which • is alwaYs the sWedneedaY
night feature -oa.synad ,weeek,
have as speakers this, year Vea.
Archdeacon CO dy; o•f To.donte,
end- Mr. alarniaberen heather of 'the
giewlY-aPPOentid Bishop 'Hamilton,
Who was appointed for work in J..Y f
- A eer o- Progress.
• Tho re.port of diotrasan pregress;
pree elated in'ilse charge of the
13iehop of Huron, wail show a year
of excellen't work. With 'the Men
who are Ito -eater 'ilea diocese this
year, the 'Bishop of Huron( ex.petets
that the diocese will have eyeay
pulpit' supplied, for Ithe first time
in lee lustoey.
The Diocese of Huron, like •all
either: dioceses in Bastonn (Can'ada,
and' like ,all other denominattions in
the Elia has ,suffered Irvin thd
drain to -the Weetewtheee the call
fOr men has been so uagetna. 'Under
ea:lid/bone such as have -existed for
' the last few yoaars 'et has 'bean
. great taak f or 'the bishop and-synr
od to provide mese fog all :the:parr
Ender the auspices of 1:116 West
Huron Fanners' Institute.
L eai-e lene adult- child
t3 oderich 7.20 aan.$1.e5 $ .80
IVre•Claw 7.33 1.55 .80
Auburn 7.43 1.50 .75
Blyth . 7.55 1.40 180
Walton 8.07 1.20 .60
nleNaught . 8.10 1.10 .55
W. Monk -toe S.30 1.05 .55
Slilverzon 8.45 .85 .45
Isifllbank-. .80 .40
Linwood 9.05 .65 .35
Wel I enseele 0.15 .55 .30
Elmira 9.25 .50 .25,
Arrive at Guelph 9.55
Returning the epecial train will
leave Guelph 7.00 p.m. Excursion-
ists from stations Go derackto Mc-
Naught (Lnclusive) have privilege of
remaining (over and returnang by
any regular (train Alanday, Juno
This is the popular erip of the
:Season Come with us and seqe the
famous Provincial Agrieulcurai Col-
lege ; the Experimental Flavin, fa
place of neverendenig attra,etion
foe agriculturists ;and horticultur-
ists; MacDonald Institute and Mac-
Donald Hall, two no led educational
contrea of special inaerest to wo-
men; the ponsolidah(d Rural
School and School (Gardena; Hon.
W. J. Hanna's celebrated Farm Col-
ony : and the many noines of in dus-
le fel and conamacial ieterest with-
in the city of Guelph.
A day of (Education, Inspiratogn
Recreation. Do not miss it.
J, A. Mall ough, Dungannon, Pres.
Wm. Bailie, Dungannon, Secy.
Steamer Greyhound
Going to Detroit -June 14,
Return from Detroit -June 17
234 Days in Detroit -
Detroit Tigers and Pen-
nant Winners Play
Ball, June 15-16
Crescent Club of Stratford Special Train
- to the
GOderiCh Pala Moonlight
Thursday, June 13, 8 p. m.
For particulars see small bills or write
'E. H. AYER,
'11. P. .Sr E. Age., Detroite
Tile Detroit Excursion '
'MilleTV31 ElleaMP/neint5 8.0, o•re
has completed ,arrangenients• evilth
the G. T.S., f -ox (the eat part of tha
Oreyhteund excursion, Goderich
Detroit onFriday, Jun e 14th.
• A, ;special teethe. Wilt, leave Slf-alte
ford, (Thrliclay,7.30 a.melatopping at
11 etetigens, ,
Returning speeial Valli Will 1eDV4
(+0dierilebi on4VIOnclak, Jultae171111 at
11.30 pane•running through rto
'Wieegha1 dnd Stratfolral, Ask R. R.
ishes. That lt -will be accomplished
during the commg year, unless
something unexpected happen
will be a matter foe general con-
gratulation at the synod.
War On The Fly
Kingston Whig : The Whig re-
loice)s in the discovery of a vaccine,
ono ennoculanon lwith which ILS: a
,Sure 1PrOteCii011 against typhoid
rover. Thal paper now magnifies
the information, which comes from
5cSestilit sources, and to the platect
that the disease may is sprtead or
carried, and an a matter of fact is
spread and carried, by the flips.
ln The Weald's Work for June
appeare an article of special Merit,
lt is headed 1"How to Make a - (Fly-
less Town." The Indianapolle
hoard of llealtle iasued a kind of
catechism, the essence of which waa
that flies were hatched out In man-
ure piles, that they multiplied in
filth, that they invaded the houses,
ee walk. on bread, fruit and vege-
Vale% tonvipe their feat butter,
and bathe in the milk and cresms
Tho city of Wilnaington had an-
nually such an epidemic of typhoid
that itesaraitarY • bOaad making
inveitigations, decided (that, out-
sede of the ;water, the/ flies were
tho ,souree of diseiase, and a elaro-
paign wee 'undertaken Lo exter-
minate thorn. The process was
easy. A chemist prescribed liquid
.smoke, or Pyroligneous acid, a bye -
Pre duet pp turpentine. A plenkiful
supply was proaueed, and on a cer-
tain day tcarta bearing) each two
bareela el the liquid, were put out.
Four men accompanied a cart, and
had large lsprinkling cans. The in-
struction; was to enter yards and
peamie,es, and sprinkle with, the
acid all apets where thee could tp
found.. and especially (the tuanktre
heaps. •
This sprinkling was done 'eh toe
time,s. After the first application
the (flies became visible scarcer.
After, the iseco:nd application, they
ecaraei ,ecarcer stints After the.
third application they disappeared.
Wilmington had a great object
lesson, and - its board of health
profited bY it, and bank:Led. rt11
:surface, privies and surface wells,
and: all caws and hogs from wilth-
lethe :city limits. Manure had to
bemoved regularly And treated
with acid. There da in -this exper-
ience 'something suggestive to
KingStan'sa.board of health. '
CA la, 3
For Infants and fraikiren.
The Kind You Have Always 8ought
Bears the
Signattv:e -11440,
utaiimanuso somecernmemcmck
1e the Flydro:-Electric power eer-
ie S latfol d a farce? This
,st! Net) ilaS been one of remission.
-emo:ng :inang local .citizens 'for
,so -mel t ane-sinee , the inauguration -
:et the ;service In:fact-and egother4
prantical demenateaton was given
..: mcl early risers whonfireed 1.1 en
water 'taps, o,ia Fricla"eniorning, and
instead of the esnal stream no 'ea-
ter was 'forthcoming. A call to the
Penning (station elicited the pleas-
ing. intermation that the, power was
off and [the •Ototurt pump Was te,1:0-.
' posarily out of order,
1 . At that time a thundeeetoma was
in pangrois of sich iintegesity that a
large roof was ripped off as clean
ale by e •gegmatie' hands and the end
of- the building was shattere cf.
, Fortunately no buildings wens
: struck by lightning at the time, but
; hadthere been -what• then?. Then
I eircuntstances are easily iina.gin:e,d
IA black in'ther uptown bee/geese sec-
tion Atruck by lagatning low water
ipressuro or practicelly none from
4.10 a.m. until 6.10 a:ma-the probe, -
lie demolition of an entire buainess
section before anything could he
done to cheek the conflagration by
.getting . 'the emergency ateam
pumpe in commission, for such fires
renal) be -nipped in Ithe tedding. A,
pretty „state of ,affairs is it not?
But, aaone bf the pumphouse em-
ployes remarked cheerfelly, "Note -
leg happened." How about the
next time? The business men and
property owners de not take any
particular liking to a gambler's
chance -and' yeleat neoae asit than
In adclgtion to a fire Tisk such as
that outlined, causal by line !troub-
les" (whatever they May be), the
Hydro -Electric ,service has of la:e
been moat :annoying to power
users, particularly to -some of the
emal lee faetories, repair shops
and newspaper offices who are de-
*penclen t :solely upon ;electric Power.
and what with 'trouble at the local
Station, 'the aforementioned "line
to oublee" and breakdowns et the
hydre dtation, the service has been,
to.say the least, nary unearsfac-
ti'T1711.0 much -Imaged ' 'Hydro -
Electric :service, so highly in-
flated by aorne of the papers,
Lae :fallen rather fliut; and the
pro,speate is not a cheerful one. -
S tratfoed Beacon.
The World Knows
the best preventive and cor-
rective of disorders of the
digestive organs is the gentle,
harmless, vegetable, always
effective family remedy
Sold everywhere,. • • In boxes, 25c.
Forty Years' tiastension.
Bishop Fallen Thinks This Should
be the Term for Extending
Pledge to Abstain from
• Liquor.
London, gray 27. --At the cogclu-
sion !of confirmation at St. Peter's
Cathedral 'yestaclay morning the
t,sual pledge waa giVen, tothe
boys; and girls, who promis'ed net
to touch, - intoxicating hqsoasun'-
twenty-one. In the comen cif an
• address te-the :candidates, his
LLordshipBishop Fallen severely
arraigned the jiver evil, point -
Leg °let how widspreacle had been
the cOur,ge of it, and declaring that
rie had -y,olf to learn of a an an who_
bad ever been benefited by being
addicated to. the liquor habit. In
wear countries the problean of how
The recurrence of Victoria Day atogetner of the different parte of
asi a reminder that for seventy-five the Empire in closer and mere al -
y eau) Canadians have eelefintated f eat ie e hoc s The wise tactf
the birthday of her late Gralcions noes ef &awed was a powerful 'fan-
MaiesiY Queen Victoria. There are toe in the maintenance of the peace
but, few alive who ;emir her conne to oa Europe, -and King George has
the throne; but the holiday coming shown that he -possesses' in a large(
just on the threahold of, the sued- degree the' qualitiee which marked
met' season bas ever been popular his distinguisbecl father. Theneei•e
in Canada, and if Weo are to cel- eome who would impose in written
brate) King -George's birthday, the ties which bind the diffigrent
which occurs on June 3rd, we will auxiliary nations of the Empire to
probaory prefer to take the earlier, the cenn e and head, but past ke
dale, foe- this Manifestation of our; perience shove that wp -should
loyalty. Mean:gime Victorla. Day is I tuakei haste slowly, •and, that the
01k !Fitatutoiry holiday, and will bete% ' eiecedent (if an tanevrittlen British
such is repealed. In (the r United consietetion is a. wise one. If - an
lirngdond and several of the other aittempt bemade to force a closer
colonies Feapire Pay, Which we cel- union 61 defeats the object for
ebrate'inthe oehools onth)e 23rd of which et wale intended. To -day
Mayi isnow observed as al holiday Canada lereloicing in the fact that
by hundreds of thousands ot Brit- she is'a part (Attie great British
este suljeets, besides Canadians axe Empire, yet enjoYing the freedom
an the the 24th honoring the Mem- to make her own laWie and 'even- her
003r of mu 'late Queen. own tieaties, Bile is (ready and
Thei period' of almosit six1Y-fotr#, manifeetett „the disposition to help
yea'ra which the good Queen- reign-, in (the{ detencie of our oWn coasts ef
eel We're Yearie, 00 man ellousexpanr there! • :should unfortunately be
mon In the British Empire, in add.- need., which we hope there neven
tinge totereetory and populanonein Will, and also intim) ot war to send
ineroa,so of commerce and' naanu- her eleery unit to the assistalnice of
efacturesa in literature, in science, the mother land, At the demand
in art, in big entkiOn, Vat 'probably' Of the Nationalists ot Quebqd. that
moaft of•all inthe development of has been tempareghly Net aside,
Up oast free institution re whieb have but- aleere are evideuce,s that the in-
everemarked lthie,Angle-Saxon peo- fieesspa oeahes, body • mouice createe
. •• sectional strife ie about spent, (and
The( nine years followidg of tills( +that weishall 1a18e our proper share
reign) of Edward (the Peaeiernaker (the buedleses and mesponatibilitaele,
and the two Years of our Presient of being ,,stuarn(tegmai pot authet
• ,soveroio, 'Bing GetaVeS, • reign Erapik•e, not , by bargain, butt of Our
have werleasseti tbe continuation O osvnvOIiftson,Wt11the approval of
Mrs 1Vni Kernaghan Cart -
wriglets 'Man., SaYs:"I 'alkvaYs' IC136
„Baby's Own Tablets and find them
an excellent remedy for little
• ones." 'Thousands' of other ,Inotha
eel say the same -thing simply be-
eatise they have found the Tab-
lets the best Medicine t'o'give thole
• hale ones to make teething easy;
• 'CD expel woe/nee relieve conatipa-
• ton and to make baby plump, heal-
thy and 'strong. The Tabletsr are
sold by ntadicin,e dealers or by mail
, at 26 cents a box frona the
Medicin-e Co., 13rockVille, Ont.
Mr. Johnston, restaurant keeper,
left recently for Toronto' to have an
operation performed on one of his
eyes. Mr. Dave 13e11 accompanied
him and came home Tuesday, stat-
ing that Mr. Johuston has much in,
proved. A cataract formed on one
eye, and it was feared be would lose,
the sight a both before the operation.
Jack Alasen is again .on the river
with his gasoline yatch Viola, which
wasedinited eti much last season,
Mr. Peter Linklater .has much im-
peovecl and is out again attending to
his stores
The condition of Mr. Harold Webb
remains unchanged.
Messrs Hayles and Much spent
holidays with friends iu Londou,
The boarding houses here are being
filled up by help, and all kinds are
coming in. All vacant houses are
being takenup.
Reeve McDonald, who has been laid,
up recently with a sprained ankle has
much improved. ,About three week
ago he was at a sale of cattle in Luck -
now and ;jumped from e hay mow,
spraining hie ankle.
quickly stops coudhs. cures colds, heals
the throat and !maks 25 cents.
Andrew Williamson a retired lake
eneel neer dropped dead on North street
Wednesday morning opposite the
residence of Mrs. McKenzie. Mr.
Williamson came to Goderich ou the
gunboat at the time when Goderich
WAS a Daval station for the inland
lakes, ancl has been engineer on a
number of lake steamers for years,
He was a member of the Catholic
Church and 0 M. B. A, He leaves a
widow and two children.
His Lordship Bishop -Williams of
London visited Goderich ou Sunday,
his first official visit to St, George's
Church since the instalment of the
new suecessor of Rev Mark Turnbull,
who was pastoe here for a number of
years, and left for Mexico. The bishop
preached at both services, morning
and evening, to a large congregation,
The new incenibent, Rev. Mr, Faller-
ingharn, assis•ted at both services.
• His efonor Justice Garrow, of To
ronto, and Mrs. Garrove ,pent the
holiday at the residence of their son,
Charles Garrow, LL. B.
Mr, Mrs. and. Miss Lillian MacDon
alt spent the race week in Torontoat
the King Edward,
James B. Reynold has purchased
the British Exabange Hotel from Alr,
Swaths, Mr. Reynolds is one of the
hotelmen who was cut off bY the
town council.
The opening of the tennis court was
afashionable function. A tennis tea
was served on the grOunds by Miss
Claire Reynold a,nd Miss Helen Doyle.
A large number were in attendance,
and the first game of bowls was play
ed by Mr. H. Roberts, of Toronto;
Rev. Mr. botheringhatu, Mr. V. M.
Roberts, and air. Stanway.
Good Health
For Young. Girls
They Need the New Blood Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills Actually
Pentland you have noticed (that
e our (daughter in her "teens" has
developed (a. fiftful temper, is rest-
•hese end excilteable. That 'sale
complains( of weakness (and de-
pression; feels tired out after a
ilt.tle, (axe/g6ee/1; Iappetite
complalna 6f headaches) and is
growing pale, tithe (cape re-
member that tihe march °a teme le
leading? hoe o,e (to wonacliclod, and
that at this periled e great eapon-
sibility rests upon hnother'S. frheSe
are aymittoms' of anaemia(-thalt is
bloodlessness, (and no time should
elost in increasing and enriching
Le blood supply. Unhealthy
hoosi Slino,st always leada to un-
healthy, evoraenhood. .All Young
gi-rls an their teens need the help
of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills, which
enrich and increase the blood sell:1-
ply, and give ackty drooping girls
'the brightness -and _charm a perfect
health, In. proof. ofthis Miss Zola
Gordier, Mor disburg, Ont., say -s:
"I was pale 'and bloodless estn:d iaf-
feresi frben 1 erquenft heaidach es
MY apPeitete was poor 'and I Was
very (pale and easily discouraged.
The medechee I was taking did Met
seem, to help Me, and:then ontiday
I read Mr, (story of a young girl
Who auffered similarly (and was
cured through the use of Dr.,Wil-
Rams' Pink ,pills. I get three boxes
of the pills and started to take
^them, Before (they 'were deem I-
aegan to (feel ,better and look
nenter • r.Chen 8 g,ot half a dozen
more bOxees, and before they were
• all ueed I was :enjoying 'the loesitoe
health', and have conlegned to do
ear situ*: My yoeng brother was
treubledwith thetimatasni, and
they .completely cued
Dr. WilliattneY Fink Paige iresoid
ay all medicine d.ealers ,or eani be
had' by mail a(t 50,eento la box or
sex holtas for $2,SOE from_
'Medi,eine 070., BroekV111e6
1 i
' -„ • ,
Me, jeteeple SProat, timber,k1sPeaa
'ter, has returned from the Magee-
etaWate River (lestect, (a.nd
:spend -a. week here before leaving
00• .mr »A.1,gropoine 4s. ro. ivrt, 01he Dom
Bank .1s:tail, is holiclaying, in, De -
„Kr, Jeahn Rudolph, of Tereinto,
lellelf. , i ing
Mrs:. R. E. and Mrs,,
McMichael have ,retutined from," a
visit with friends in Totonto..
• Alex, M1.11r and 1Mc, Frank
IVIurray, lea today for .
havIng aectired ,goo'dpositions in'
the furniture factory there,
krE., Hannah Laidlaw --o
l'• n g' her. sister,' Mrs. fGepalge
Whiteley,' John Street, . has
been suffeting /with
for awn& time. ' Mrs. WhiteIe3t in-
tends going,to Detroit fwhen. her
.sister returns in hopes that the
change will be beneficial.
'Air. Wm , Stobie of Edmonton; its
visiting his father, Mr. Alex. Stobie
Goderich Streett.Stoble baa.
a e,signed his position in thelEdmon-
ton pont office, and gone into the
reel eskg.te business.
The following were ;ticketed to.
the West to -day by 111r, Somer-
I file, G.T.R. city (agent,- Mr. 'and
Mrs. Win.. Douglas, Blakei to Edi -
mouton; itir, and Mrs. Arch. D.
Soaneryillo 10 Watrous, Sask.; Mrs.
Parkes,' (Brueefield In Asciuith,
Sask.; Mrs. Pobert Smith to 'Winni-
peg; and ' 'Mr. John Sproat, Dg-
monciville, to the Fre,sbyteriae A.s-
,sembly, Ed:month/I,
Rev. D. Carswell of MeKillop left
051 Nedeeaday for Edmointons
attenclt the Presbyterian Asserably,
Ho will go by boae from Owen
Sound to Port Arthur, and C.P.R.
via Calgary.
The electric light committee has
added much to the appearance of
maim -street by removing 'the net-
work of wire along the store freeits
end replacing it with. Oa !simpler,
neater ,system,,
The Morrow livery barn, offered
for, sale on Saturday; was hill in,
and has been leaged, to Mr. W. J.
Byrne, who is at present using 'the
D. Witson barn.
‚Lost Vitality
Caused by Kidney, Stomach
and Bowel Disorders
St. John, N. B., September 18,1911
-My brother was a great: et/Refer
from kidney, stomach Lend bowel
tonbles and was given up by two
doctors. Ho was advised to try
your rig Pills, 'which he did, and
after taking five boxes was com-
pletely restored to health end is
bettee to -day than be, 410 been
foe years. You cannot recommend
Fig Pills too highly. •
J. 'W. Man vers all dealer% 25 and 50 cents or
The Fig Pill Co., St. Thonias, Cat,
sold in,
Roosevelt Leaders Meet,
Oyster Bay, June 3. -The Roosevelt
line of battle for the national conven-
tion was formed yesterday. At .a
"council of war" on the top of Saga.
mora Hill, Which lasted mostly all
day, there was mapped out a cern-,
paign which, it is hoped, will' result
in the capture of the convention.
The first step is to be organization
of the Roosevelt forces throughout the
country. It is planned to send to
Chicago a week or so in advance of
the convention an executive toramit-
tee from every state in which Roose-
velt delegates have been elected, or
in which there is a contest. By this
method it is expected to mobilize and
drill an organization which will act
as a unit on every matter which comes
before the convention.
Important Case Ends. •
Ottawa, June 3. -In the Exchequer
Court on Saturday argument was com-
pleted in the case of the Foss Lum-
ber Co. of Winnipeg v. the Crown,
and judgment was -reserved.
The case, which arises out of the
collection of duty to the amount of
877 op a shipment of lumber brought
ii trona Seattle, is of fgeareachater
be6aTig 'it is i Velefenee
to the Exchequer Court by the Dom-
inion Government. If the ease is de-
cided against the Foes Lumber Co.
it means that henceforth lumber plan-
ed on one side only, but sized to
uniform proportions by being sawn
on the edges will be subject to a duty
of 25 per cant. There will undoubted-
ly be an appeal of the case to the
Supreme Court.
Langlois Again on Warpath.
Montreal, June 3. -The interdicted
members of the Freneh-Clanadiap
citizens of the State of Maine who are
-in conflict with Cardinal O'Connell,
have been refused admission to the
coming 'congress of the French lan-
guage which will soon open in the
city of Quebec,
• G. Langlois, M.P,P., in his news-
paper Saturday pretests against what
he calls this official intervention on
the Part of the congress authorities.
"If .this ooegress for the promo),
ton of the study of French -is a na- )
tonal • movement, says Le Pays,
"every French group in the country
• should be represented, but -if it is sim-
ply a religious gathering then they
should have the courage to says sp."
, •
Women arid Babe Burned.
„. Berlin; June 8.-A fatal fire occur-
red yesterday morning at No. 16
Ahrens street, Mrs. Henry Reinha.Edt
• was working over a gas stove p ur-
• i
' ing ID gasoline, when it ex ed,
and the woman was soon enw pet
in flame, She ran' into the open,
and ill/wing lierself on the lawn,
trid to extinguish the flame% but she
haby this tines been severely Mun-
e . The Woman Was reradeed tb: the
ttesp4a1, where she died yetterday
The qhild 'is in the aulapital in a
, •
i' - ' li d ' . ' '-- ' '
. ,
believe in, having scene ."711e4•lia
B,..„. ,i1,,..,,a, (,,..ttle liesgt.lee officar 'stated he. roeurf,%-,41
palaces and othere in Slums)? ,. Ple
att ' U. like pigs, he geld. 'God aims het
00 many as L',a, people in oils liODS ,, , j,,DO
. , .
Se70relY critiejze4 the 111411 W110 i'D,t04
o keep open. the bee , be week, clay
and sang "Rosati° the Perishing''". 11i
.the church on Sunday... ' - '' '
More 11Votnett are. Bald than
nett, Says Authority.
This is a startling statement but
treno accordiug to -an, ar.tiche
published in a standard Magazine
this. ye -aa. • es -
, 0110 ith!ing is certain Parisian
Sago will ;surely preverati loaldnesee
by ,stopping the hair' from falling('
tut it won't grow hade (after ,tbe
head' 1(5 bald_
Ladies, leek after your hair, dee-
troy the dandruff germs wiith Para
'Wan Sage a.nd dandruff will disap-
pear. It stops scalp itch over night
.and gualanteed to be the Most
refreshirige refined and agreeable
hair deessing 'that can be o-bealsee'd.
Sold by W. S. R. Holmes and drug-
gists all over Canaelg for 50 cents.
"My hair was failleg out, and r
was troubled with itching scalp. I
received no benefit ulnail I 'tidiet1
Parisian Sage,"--Mes, George Thun-
der, R.F. D.5, Marshall, IVItch.
learriman to Testify.
Ike Angeles, Cal., June 3. -Job Hat- -
riman and Lecompte Levis, both .(,0
whom were associated with Clarence
Darrow in the trial of the McNaiiiara
brothers, will be witnesses for the
prosecution in the trial 'of Darrow fcr
alleged jury bribing: Harriman was
served with a subpoena Saturday.. af-
ter t,be testimony of Bert Franklire
former confidential agent for the Ale.
Namara defence attornies, had Leen
given. '-
Attorney Frank laowler who was
mentioned in Franklin's- testimony
Saturday as the man who was said
by A. K. Kreger, a McNamara tales-
man, to have offered him a bribe, was
present in court Saturday morning.
He asserted that he had never been
connected with tho McNamara defence
and did not know McNamara eerson-
Apocryhal, Says Hon, Mr. White.
Toronto, lune 3. -Referring t a re-
cent item in The World, Hen. W. T.
White :said yesterday that Wesley was,
a good name, but he ceuld not claim
"The first name of the membel for
Leeds has been William, and the elec-
tion return was correct, The deepatch
from Ottawa to the contrary was
apocryhal," he added.
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol rtglgef,ng =1),;t11:-BIVel;
vim and vitality, Premature decay and,all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phospbonol will
make you a now man. Price S3 a box. or two for
SS. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Deng
%So 53. Catharines, One,
Do They Take Bribes?
Kingston, June 3.-2t the mom-
ing's seeeion of the Montreal 'Meth°.
dist Conference?, Rev. Dr. T. E. Share,
foreign missionary ;tare tary, stated
that he haa heard laymen at this con-
ference say that they had men on
their official ehurell boards who par-
ticipated unblushingly in bribery in
electien. An usher in 4 church had
been dismissed at the -request of the
speaker, as it was found that he had
been engaged in the work of deport-
ing girls from the Canadian to the
American 8ide.
He appealed to the members to
save the girls. "We are responsible
for the daughters of our congrega-
tion," he said.
Rev. S. W. Aikens appealed for more
work alone social aml moral referm
lines. Touching on the purity ques-
tion, tlie speaker gave "Toronto the
Good" a ran on the knakles-n when
(um 34TV. Al` BOTTOM)
TPUSS Tortupe
Onoe Thought Nocoapartl, laut Now Your
" Search for Relief le Ended.
Wonderful sitosackd Retain° and Cures
Without Knife, Danger or Pain.
J. Y. MAN, Specialist of Toronto
vwf.tiOioldlig-fassUhrevrtd m°us;
PKetutorlteVi,sOno lelnlgeErrnillecies
sar. Gall nkall pintijea anacarnaroui
meikds orttea :nare eono awe
s tEepa taenpf,Ld
.0urtty‚05800 all Mee fall. it l-
Rens all
Initetlen aed restores every par) to_ tes na
• tnrai popitten a est ali it is 515011 and tor au
:ls atm:5:140os
Wle °T.114°Fteliggior lig °°14 5
re men, woraeg ana eletdren
"Eaws CUR igl a oSure8e7s env, "oluatewiyayw.lth•
encitirsed bY MP Pageteleaset0 t
Where' cabers an is lor e ye"m
5000065. Nothing ,00mp oleo o 0 e11 arl?
tailgaebriltrrtitelVrtnt olf a 1 our ees,
roirelr.y6tr, ugell.teba el tee
MCN a tare fw ,Tio,
, ,
Oleg b ; eat,
6 mat n II:
attioultation Can't,
o.Ranto, vltS Pa
e o
menenep now) else e
Win) 601FNte on. eaa a hotelOs or
nteneer ot layoomrio° dates:
Seafoeth, Queen's Hotel, June 6.
Clinton, - Itattenbtury
Pridaty (all tlay till 9 p.
1 day ottly-.lfutte 7
Goderich, Bedford Hotel, ;lune 89
Whighalla Citleen'e Hotel 'June 10 11
Wigi.07001ENNSINW „
, I ,
, . , , _
„a - „ ,
mgr. Mahoney invested. 1
Hantilton, June 3. --An impressive;
teremony was conducted, by Hos Lord-
ship 13iShop Dewling in St. Mary'(
Cathedral yesterday morning when he:
invested Mgr. Mahoney with the ine
eignia of tbe !domestic 'Prelacy. ".
The ceremony took place after the,
gospel of solemn mass at 10,30, The
I,atm brief of Pope Pius X, was read'
by Rev. Dr. Walters, after which the
document'was read in English by hit
lordship. rollowing this the new dig„. ,
nitary macle his profession of fealty',
and donned the robes of hie oface.
Bishopt Dowling delivered the cote
firmatory addrese, which was replied
to in feeling manner by algr. Mate.,
oney. His lordship also visited Stell
Patrick's Church in the morning, and
at the end of high times read th- papal I
do:lament announcing the promotion,
of "Rev. Father Coty to the office of
a dean of the diocese of Hamilton.
Dean Coty will have charge of the I
Counties of Wee/wrath and Halton'',
:;•& ki
A WATCI-I is a. delicate piece
11 if machinery. It calls for
itss attention than most
machinery, but must be cleaned
and oiled occasignallv to keep
perfect time.
With proper care a Waltham
Watch will keep perfect nme
for a lifetime. It will pay yeti
well te let us clean your watch
every 12 or IS months.
W. R. Counter
Jeweler and Optician.
issuer of
Marriage Licenses,
See and here our finest
1 New Stylish designs of P
41 Doherty Pianos and
el tee
4 it!
4 Organs, a..
4 :
.1 ,5pecia1 values in Art ri
1 Cases
4 r.....
4 anos and organs rent
4 ed, choice new Edison i
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
4 •
4 C° Ho re
Boot Maker and. Repairer •
Opposite Postoffice..
Repairing done promptly.
Suit cases ,,and Trunks re-
A trial will convince you of
the neatness: and promptness
with which I execute ruY work,'
Store open every evening„