The Clinton New Era, 1912-05-16, Page 7Advice to Expectant Mothers The experience of Motherhood is It try- . ing one to most yeomen and marks dis- tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a, hundred is prepared or un- derstands how to properly care for her- self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experience with an orgaeisin unfitted for the trial of sttength, and when it is over her system has received a shock • from Which it is hard to recover, Fol- lowing right upon this comes the ner- vous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother resulth. e There is nothipg more charmieg than a happy andemalthy mother of children, end indeed child -birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that„ with all the evidence of ehattered nerves • and broken health resulting from an un- prepared condition, and with ample time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E.Pinkharn'sVegetable Com- pound, a most valuable tonic and invig- orator of the female organism. k'In Many homes once childless there are now children be- cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable • Compound makes women normal, • bealthy and strong. g If you want special advice write to Lydia 1Pinkharn Medicine Co. (eoliti* dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by ;a womakand held in strict confidences Ed -T pee ithoae London liner- . chant§ have a plan to stop the sul- YragetiteSt ifrone Is:mashing their windows. (Word -What sIt? Ed-They'rei putting leeepettroele esesteadi of plate glass.. t vymovvvo. "Novt that your eoual te Ithrougb collagewhet are you going make i ref hian?" eMitete tell for a couple of-3mm'. He, went to a coeed heel booked for (two, years solidiao act as an ,neher inetwedelings," HAD VERY BAD COUGH And Tickling Sensa- tion in Throat. Dr. Wood's Norway. Ilue Syrup Cured It. • Miss C. Daeielson, Bowsman River,' Man., writes:--" Last fall I had a very bad cough and a tickling sensation in my throat. It was so bad I could not sleep at night, so I went to a druggist and told hitn I wanted something for my cold, and he advised me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Symp which 1 did, and after taking one bottle 1 was completely cured. e Let me recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup to anyone who suffers from a cough or throat irritation." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is without a doubt one of the greatest cough and cold remedies on the market to -day, and so great has been its success there e, are numerals preparations put up to Imitate it. Do not be impo.see upon by 0' taking one of these substitutes, but insist on being given "Dr. Wood's" when you ask fee it. Petra, 25 cents a• bottfle; put tip in a eallew wrapper; three eine .tree e the trade mask; manufaCtured tely by 'rhos V. Miiburp etse raittlited, Toronto, Weseee Piano • urclunem should horns,* asleep f the DOIIERTY h./ vdile 61 edrik •One af the Best • Equipped Piano Factories in, Canada Doherty Piano and Organ Co., Limited Factoriel and Head Office CLINTON, ONT. Western Branch, .so HARGRAVE', STREET, - WINNIPEG. tWAN, By LOW* Tracy Copyright by 'Melee° d & Allen, Tolionto Ty -fifty aietitids -in 'Eel& aii"eZ-CePtibital, ly large amount to be carried in Eng - •land, Where eonaideratiOnts of 'weight • alone render banknotes proMrable. He ellpprel Oa2& motley into an envelope, and took thirty pounds to be-cectianged for nOtcs by the aetel's , caehier. At the same time he wrote a telegram to his lather, destroyIng I tIVO drafts before he evolved some- ' thing that lett his -story urftold Wbilo (filleting any scruples as to lack of 'candor. • It , was not that the Earl would resent his uneXPeeted disap- pearance 'after nearly four years' ab- ' sence from home: because father and .60n had met in South Africa during i war, and were together in Cannes and Paris subsequently. His difficulty esee to explain this freak journey • satis- factorily. The Earl ,of rairhohne, held feudal views anent' the place occu- pied in the world by the British, arts- thcracy, His own • hot youth was crewded with episodes, yet he would 'be shocked out Of his welefed cynicism by the notion that his soli was galli- vanting _around the country as the chauffeur of an unconventional Ameri- can girl and a middle-aged harpy like ' No more nervousness -no mare weak strolled out of the yard. . spells --no more Headaches or I3aeliacbes I ; From the cereer tif his e5re he sadv -to more XidlleI' or Bladder Trotible- 1. iwatigny!s heipmeloohing at him, with. for the tvomen ho take Gin Pills. i nut end u e exaggeration, he craned h1s eBoexcn.71seetely Gin e ill: ei 1-1 sevceurree -traatieu a, al flIthese ' Meek rounded 11 1 Id • fled himself with the listless air of a PortT DuneOluele, N.S. Piecadilly idler. He reflected, too,/ "I was troubled with Kidney Disease that a bare -headed Man in evenieg ' for several yeas. My back was weak. • dress would not readily be identified I had terrible headaches, and was so with a leather -coated . chauffeur, and restless that I eould not sleep at night. ' Dale, 'he hoped, was sufficiently en- 1 At last a friend told me about Gin Pills. ' dowed with Mother wit to frame a I I, at once, got a box and after tatting story plausible enough to account for them, I felt better --after taking three his unforseen appearance. On the boxes, 9 was cured. whole, the position was not so bad as • ETHEL BAI,COMBE, It seemed in that first moment when . . Don't take substitutes. If your dealer the owner of lie 59 Du Vallon was re- won't supply You, send us the reular vealed in the handsome Count. Ili any retail Price -500' a /3", or 6 f°r 2.5° (lid it neatter it his eaten. -and' we Will ' forward Gin Pills b eveut, what y less subterfuge were revealed? Tho , return mil. Money refunded if Gi girl etesuld surely laugh, Pills fail to give eatisfactiore Semplten Devoe would squirm. gh, white Mos. free now foi, a free if you writ?. National Dfuft 46L turn along the front and then to bed. ' Chemical ' Co,.or Canada, 1-1 al ed, Dept. A. lorouto. , 96 It was a perfect June evening, the , fitting sequel to a day of unbroken1 eunshine. A marvelous amber light hovered beyand the..level of the sea to the west; an exquisite blue suffused - Liverpolesin, 'a.Lyis • Shy -eel.' ..1.)ig crowd the horizon from south to east, deep- aivaited the arrival of J.•BruceeIsmay, ening from sapphire to ietriemariee managing clirectoe of the White etar as it blended witim the soft shateinee me, on board the Adriatic, and cheer - of a' summer's night He found him, ed him as he walked dewn the gang - self comparing the sky's southeaster- way with his wife, who had gone on ty tint .with the azure depths of Cym, board at Queenstown and' accompan- thia Vanrenen's eyes, but he shook off id hiin here. e that fantasy quickly, Crossed the road- 'eciMgerm. eInamt aoyi tliiifeterdelcaeispthioarylbivatekexneouwl. way and promenade, and, Propping' himself against the railings, turned a ee himself from making any statue° .9 - to the press, saying that he was still resolute back on romance. He did not; ill since his next active gain a great deal by thholusgitaraesueveene: .saleifteerr, Life flioancl, ree said, illalrefadtyllegivdeis. a plain unvarnished statement of faetns tered in a species of quest. for tbe par, to a responsible and adequate commi ticular tvindo,w apaong all those storey- to and he thought that his evidence - ed rows through which Cynthia van - might even then be .gazing at o be given before the British court the shining ocean. • , He looked at his watch. Half -pat aine. • p So Medenham's message was non- committal.. Aunt Susan was unable to come Epsom to -day. Have take'n car to Brighton and Bournemouth. Home Saturday, perhaps earlier. GEORGE Of course, -he meant to fill in details verbally. It was possible in conver- sation to impart a jesting turn to an adventure which would be unconvinc- ing and ambiguous in the bald phrases of a telegram. • - Then he dined, filled a cigarette' case from the box of Salonikas which Toznpkinson had not omitted to Pack with his clothes, mad - strolled out, 'bare- headed, to 'enrich Dale:- He could' trust his man absolutely, and Wak 'quite sure • that the Mercury would then be in the ,drying stage after. a thorough cleaning. Thus far he was Notified, but he had not counted on, the pride of the born mechanic.' Though the car was housed for the night, when he entered the garage the hood -was off, and Dale was annoying, two brothers of the craft by explain-, lug the superiority oie, his engine to every other type of engine. • .All three wee bent over the celladers, and Dale was saying: "Just take a segint at them valves, Will you? -ever seen anything like 'em' before? Of course you haven't. Don't look like velem ela? Can you break sem, can you warp 'em, can you pit them, can you warp 'em, can you pit' teaches the cylinder? None of your phoulders or kinks to choke it up- ittthere?-and the same with thex- ust. Would you ever have a mush-, e. room va ve agin after you ve, once. cast Sour peepers over thie arrange - pent? Now, if I took um aerotting-. If I wanted to fly the Channel-" He stopped abruptly, having seen; WS master standing in _the open door- way. ' "By gad, Dale," cried Medenham, pave never heard your tongue wag.: ghag in that fashion before." r bale was flustered:- ! "Beg pardon, my lord, but I was only-" he began. • "Only using the cut-out I fancy, Come here, I want you a minute." The other chauffeurs suddenly die: povered that they had urgent business' "I am bebayitig like a blithering kliot," he told himself. " Miss Van- renen and ber friends are either on the pier listening to the band, or Bit- ting over their coffee in the glees cage ehind there. 111 wire Simmonds in the morning to hurry up," A man descended the steps of the totel and walked straight across ing's Road. A light gray overcoat, thrown wide on his shoulders, gave a lavish display of frilled shirt, and a Fray Homburg hat was set rakishly en one side et les head. In the half light Medettham at once discerned the- -regular, waxen -skinned 'features of Count Ilarigey, and during tne next P few seds 'conit really seemed as if the Prenchman were making directly for him. But another man, short, rotund, very erect of figure, and strutting in gait, came from the interior of a "shelter" that stood a little to the right of Medenhanes position on thei rails. Marigny," said he jauntily The Count looked back towards the : eche Is traibled with chronic colds, !iota His tubby acquaintance chuele coughs, or pulmonary troubles, to led. The effort squeezed an eyeglass( come and get a bottle' of Vinol, out of his right eye. • If it does not go to the seat of trete "Aie pas peur, mon vieux!" erleci bio, heal the inflammation and stop he in very colloquial Preecii. "Ide the cough, we 'will cheerfully return bother sent a note to say that the every cent paid Us for it. This sbowe fair Cynthia has retired to her roorci our faith, and proves that you take to write letters. 9 have been evening no &moos. sere ten Minutes." Now, it chanced that Medenhetn'd Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by idespitead touring in France had rule W. S. R. Holmes. of enquiry should not be anticipated. He expressed his gratitude for the cablegrams and letters he had receiv- ed from public societies and private friends conveying their sympathy with their confidence in he ‘ n 'during the greatest trial of my life." GREATEST MEDICINE ON EARTH • A prominent citizen of Evansville, Ind., writes: -"I 'was ill for live months with a pulmonary trouble, and had the best of doctors. I had hemor- rhages and was in a very bad way. Through the advice of a friend I tried Vino], and I feel that it saved lay life. It is all you xecominend it to be. believe it is the greatest medicine ou earth. I have advised others to try Vinol, and the have had the same results." (Name furnished on 're. quest.) We want every one in We vicinity w ,ed up his knowledge of the languagel t is ever the ear that needs train; ng more than the tongue, and in all ikelihood he would not have caught elsewhere. They vanished; -Dale he exact meaning tsf the words were uneck on Picture Exporting. . thought it necessary to explain. • t not for the hap of recent familiarity! London, May 13. -The House of "One of them chaps has a new: with the accents of all sorts and con; Lords haa taken effective measures preach car, my lord, aead he was blow= Miens of French-speaking folk. ; to prevent the removal of further lag so loudly about it that I had to' i "Jimmy Dewar!' he breathed, mut historical monuments to America. take him down a peg or two." Ills amazement lost him Marigny'e Aroused by the many recent purchases Medenlaam grew interested. Like, muttered answer. , by Americans of interior decorations every keen motorist, he could" talk( , But he heard Devar's confident out- of old castles and homes, the Govern - sleep" at all times. ' • burst as the two walked off together ment, through Earl Beauchamp, First "What sort Of car?" , la the direction of the West Pier. l' Commissioner Of Works, has introduc- "A 59 Do Vallon, my lord. et is the,' 1 "You are growing positively nerj, ed and passed to eecend reading a first of ifs class In England, and I' roue, my dear Edouard. And why?: bill entitled "Ancient Monuments Pro - rather think his 'gtiv'nor Is running iti Phe affairs arrange itself admirably; tection Bill." The bill gives the Gay- est show." •.; f shall be always on hand, ready to! ernment the right of pre-emptitin for "Indeed. ,• Who is he?" ti\iTim tip exactly at the right moment.; the purchase from a private owner of "A count Somebody -or -other, met hat the deuce, this is the luck Pot monuments of interest, which other - lord. . I dtcl hear his name-" , s lifetime "Mot Count Edouard efarignert 1 '1 WiSe might be sold' and sent oat of The squeaky, high-pitched voice -al Alm country. said Medenham, with a sharp empluei Masculine variant of 'Mrs. Devar's MS I The bill was supported by Lord Our pis that startled Dale. 7 tra-fashionable intonation ---died away zon and other Opposition peers, and "That's him, my lord.I hope i; s}ldst the chatter and 'laughter 01'should have a smooth passage threugh haven't done anything wrong." , i other promenaders. Meden ham's first: , both Rouses. ‘Mederibam, early inlif e, formed the impulse was to follow and listen, since; i i es_ _ lialeit of not expresslug his f fin i minister's Wife Dropped Dean. St. Johri, May 13. -While her hus- , , e ' 0 /10 , Matt understood a foreign language.' °and WaS at"as in another county and it frl IA9, Aeart tq blame the man , Put he swept the notion aside ere it Preaching' Mrs' Thal's' wile of Ilevi tor beteg akt enthusiast' • -- f eta' asilfell et lail'ellesi3 Freaell: i "No, dash it all, Ian not a private r"terdaY In"ning' Mr' Thtilne is a aire file en in a deuce qt a , , a solving en astounding puzzle, . 1 aad Well preeented itself as a 'means i' T V T . e I ' ' ' lead on her way home from church Net ton hoin , o Cody s, alopped has Li 1.itill i aidithlted IvIth MI58 aYsain- i tietective," he muttered angrily. "Whyl Prt4ninant Baptist and 11 probably see her off in the morn- ' ' s_ saged in mission' work in the pro - bee n en- Heie1knOws she- is here, aid • teeter] 1 inteytere? Confound Sein- e wee •- ...wi mat eeneete, ..a e Vince, On Saterday he left Albert - - .. - ... , non s, e te te, .....,, t tee 'i, n oar he will 'be sure to sPeak ef it ', eeen to Drele in the morning e,nd re - net eiwes the whole show away," • '' ' e t= I - b- tt- h• . i t I ,, , .. , , ., 1, . y, zeiy leteds---ae,„ - Ifn he° i'e9a\liber Ileaz4 WIlat ne said he e is ra n, ..,-- , = 'e ' '1 sin 'Ten' eore .. ' ' i 01 ' ifiDU t 'all, There IN% are agtn• (mot to have OM g'acV. 'to his hotel, Rut It is largely' 'ill"' "e'isai fankt 1 ' elitaed ,Pililattle ior 'an hour, andABS , ought to have warned yciii, though I • p`ottialif, his leclrobm with an easy con- littio *exeected this sort of a mix-up, - ocience. Re 'was debating the point ' In future, Dale, while this trip liati, . ivhen the conceit intruded itself that you must forget my title, Look here, !Cynthia's pretty head was at that I have brought you your winnings over moment bent over a writing -table in Eyot-can't you rig up some sort of le certain well -lighted corner apart - 5 yarn that I am a sporting friends of !;nent of the second floor, so he cora- yours, and that you were just trying promised with his half -formed intent, to be funny when you addressed me as whisked round to face the aea again, 'my lord'? IP you , have an opportunl. I and lighted another cigarette Prom ty, tell Count Marigny's man that your ! the glowing end of its predeceseor, job Is taken temporarily by a driver pained Fitzroy. By the way, is the eaten took wings with the cloud of Some part of his unaccountable irre chauffeur a Frenchman too 7" v : ._ "No, tol' Iase'5 Dale caughtmade')." l' "Blessed if I can tell Why 9 sholfid lai ham's eye, a, very cold eye at that in- 4tane. "No, sir. He's just a fitter tvorry," he comrauned. "Never saat the girl before to -day . , . shall ttle Livto-r Pills. . . , never see her again if I put Dale ils. 'Well, we must trust to luck, He charge. . . Her father must be a may not, remember me in zny chains IP peeesei sort of fool, though, to trust fear's kit, which is beastly unconsfol•a her to the care of the Dever women. able, by the Way, I Must bet you a , , 'What was it that rotter fetid? reamer riga Here is your MoneY- sesTIte affairearranges itself admen five to one I took, Don't lose sight ably: And he would be 'always on el those two fellows, and Spend nee hand.' 'What fs arranging itself? • . all aciveraign In' them, 10 700 seta 1111 And why should ,finahly Dever be that chap with -beer to -tight he may. ready, if need be, 'to turn up exactly' have a head in the morning that will fit the right moment?' I SupPose the keep him 'in bed too late to cause any answer to the first bit of the acrostie Mischief. When we meet in b,ourne- le sineip.le etiough. Cynthia %minima Mouth and uriethi, say nothing to 411y- is to bee,eine the Countess Marigny, body' about either car or vie." and the Devar gang stands in on the Dale was a model of sobriety, but rash proeeede. Oh, a nice schernet the exeitem.ent of effves" what he The; Prenolaniaa la peeted as to the, Slevar had yielded to the common clee when really vexed, and it stood him lusion of imagining that none except le good stead now. Dale's blunder was his companion on the sea -front that 1 'SS o,ieparae yet ng. If his chauffeur recegnizes the iniA;s A 16cl to nitna-the--Oat to preacle LUTE ECURITY, vormovra.averr Cermine Carter's looked for "threes" wasl too much feteteat e. the west curious of 00.in4 cadences he will ree.pPoar Dourne •i "lid tank him all right • , MY Ie.., mouth, '0, atrietol„ or in. the Wye Vals Mean, 'air," • he 'teswe'd cheerfully. -what 'more natural fear. oedayar Medelehere dit !hew eargeeetteeend - .•L - Continued next week . 'Bust Bear Signature of See Pao.Simite Wrapper Below. %Weisman anotas eater. lE"*""1"-7;414133111:tErOrt 110 Ka onmigss. (Tali , miudusietn, IVER )04 TAtimmvEFI. PILL1' 1 armixt. FOR irtiecomot$J00 • t wasv.vss ..v;vvv.v.B...4u;monv • GOE 0319j0f*Afry3A6'11.71:. 0 Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Lower, Chicago About Stoedy--Live ' Stock -Latest Ouotations. CHICAGO, May 1l, -What prices made a quick rally to,day on account of cash sales which raised the total here for the week marly 2,000,000 bushels. The market closed Steady at 1/ c Tower to advance as compared with last night, In corn, the outeeme was un- changed to l/ia to %c down, and for oats from Vac decline to the name as 24 hours before. Provisions at the end oi -trading rangedfrom yesterdays final level to 15e below. , The Liverpool market closed to -clay or wheat 44id to 1/2d lower than yesterday and on coin%U higher. Winnipeg Options. Open. High. L'O'tv, Close Wheat - May........ ...... 1001/2 104% 1011/2 101Y41 July 105% 1053' 1051/2 10551 Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, fall, bushel....... .. 21 04 to 21 05 - Wheat. goose, boabel-------0 96 .... Rye, bushel . . . ,...... 0 85 .... Oats, 'bushel , 0 55 Barley, bupbel 001 ,.,. Barley, for feed 0 65 0 75 Peas, bushel 1 20 Buckwhea.t, bushel 0 63 0 80 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, creamery, lb. rolls0 27 0 23 Butter, creamery, sends 0 27 Butter, separator, da.lry, lb0 25 ..., 13utter. store lots 0 23 Eggs, new -laid Cheese, new, lb 0 24, Cheese, old HHoonneeyy.cogtbrsa, cdtoezden 2 50 3 00 0 18 .... 0 13 .... Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, May 11. -The followinn prices were quoted at Montreal on Sat Corn --American No. 2 yellow, 8810. Oats -Canadian western, No. 2, 5424c ts $5c; do. No. 3, 5154cto 52e; extra No. I feed 52540 to 53c. InBersliso5Y-Mthansl.to6b. oa feed: 65c to 66c; malt - g, 1. 2, ele to 75e. . Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents firsts, $5,80; seconds, $5.30; strong bakers' 35.10; winter patents. choice. 35.25 to 35.35 straight rollers, $4,80; do., bags, 32,25 tt $21150.11ed oats -Barrels, $5.25; bags, 50 lbs - CA. Allilfeed-Bran, 325: shorts. 327: $29: snouillle, $80 to $34. Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots, 918.50 01 moo. Cheese -Finest westerns, 11114c to into! finest eagterne, 12940 to 130. Butter-Cholcest creamery. 2640 to 270, seconds, 25efic to 26e. Eggs -Fresh, 28e to 234¢c. Eggs -No. 2 stock, 180 to 20o. $13P.2o5t.atoes-Per bag, ear lOtS, 31.75. -Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed. 313,00 to Pork -Canada short cut backs. barrels, 85 to 45 pieces, 325; Canada short Cut back, barrels, 45 to 55 nieces, 323.50. Lard -Compound tierces, 875 lbs.954a; wood pails. 20 lbs. net, Me; pure. tierces, 875 lbs., 139lo;pure, wood pails, 20 lbs., net, 2430. Beet -Plate, barrels, 200 Ilss„ 214.50; doe tierces. 500 lbs., 221.50. Liverpool Provisions. LIVERPOOL, May 1L-Beef-Extrs India mess 1170 60: Pork -Prime mess; western, 95s; Menu, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 61s; bacon, cumberland cut, 26 to 80 lbs., 67s; abort ribs, 16 to 24 lbs„ 693; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 575; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 67s 60; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs, 578; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 53s; shoulders, square, 1/ to 13 lbs., 493 601, Lard -Prime western, in tierces, 510 60; American refined, 54s 90. Cheese-- Canadiaa finest white, 72s 60; colored 748, Tallow -Prime city, 32s 90. Tim. pentine spirits, 858 901. Rosin, eomnIon, 16s 4 1-201. Petroleum, refined, 9 3-8d, Linseed oil, 44s 60; cotton seed oil, Hull refined, spot, 28s 661., Minneapolis Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS, May D. -Close -Wheat -May, Pee; July, 81.161/2; Sept., $1.08; No, 811.114 art :I' 3131.119 1 northern, $1.13 to $1.18%; No. 2 do., 81,161/2; No. _wheat, Corn -No. 3 yellow, 77o to /80. Oats -No. 3 white, 55o. Rye -No, 2, 8ec. Bran -423.50 to 324. Flour -First patents, $6.50 to $5,75; Seo. ond patents, 15.15 to 35.45; first clears, ism to 44.16; second clears, 92.2.0 to aio. ouanh Grain Market. DULUTH, May 11. -Wheat -No, 1 hard, 91,191/4; No. 1 northern, $1.18%; No, 2 do., 31.1.854; May, 21.1851 bid; July, 21.1751 to Man; Sept., nee% to $1.0554, CATTLE MARKETS. East Buffalo Cattle Market. BAST BUFFALO, May U. -Cattle-, Receipts, 150 head; steady. Hogs-Reeelpts, 3600 head; stow and 10c to 150 lower; heavy, 38.15 to $8.20; mixed, $8.10 to $8.16; Yorkers, $7.96 to Mint Digs, $7 to $7.15; roughs, $7 to $7.15; stags, $5 to 36;- dairies, $7.76 to 38.00. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 6200 chheadang; edel.ow and steady: Prices un. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO; May 11.-Catue-etece1pts, 200; market, dull and linchanged, 3eeVeaf- 25.00 to $9r Texas steers $5.50 )ps Sege were steers, 35.90 to i7.60: etoo tem and fee ere, 24.20 to 36,60; oteg en ejfislitl; 32,80 to $7.76: asaqsaiseseaelreafsesaasse Calves, $5 to 97.50.'saaalaste.4,sas,a - Roge-Reoeipts, 8060r market epalieds strong, closed strong to sie Maine Italia 97 ,80 to 97.": Mixed, 27. to 37,874 heavy, $7.40 to Vete rough, 97.40) to $7,501 pigs, 35 to 37; bulk of sales, $7,05 to fese Sheep-neoelpts, 400; market, slet's but etronw native, $4.60 to 37.251 Western., $4.30 to $7, ; yeerenge, sq te .261 ;9.6 to $9.26r fveatern,_ 194 to 310, ..4ggc" 1-rverina -Live LIVERPOOL, Mew 11.--eobri Rogers & 0a, Liverpool, cabled to -dee tliat stipplies were 'short lit Birkenhead, and recent prices were well maintained, small ceolee cattle were in good deiriand, quotations for both States, and Cano.dista steers being from 15 1-2o to 16c per gound, • Cheese Markets, BELLEVILLE, Malt 11. --At cheese board to -day 1000 white Cheese were boarded and all sold at. 13 7-160. ST. HYACINTHE, Que., May 11. - Three hundred packaged oS butter were boarded hese to-atty. Ali sold at - LONDON, May 11, -At to -day's cheats*, market 445 boxes were ofCerect. Eighty, five ,boxeswhite sold at 13c; bidding from 12 1-.e to ne. CAN -TON, N.Y., May 11, -Twenty-lwo hundrett boxes of cheese sold eere to- day al 15 1-1e. One thousand tubs of butter sold at 82 5-2c. COWANSV1LLE, Quo., "May 11, -At a meeting of the Eastern Townships' Dairymen's Assdclation held here this afternoon, fourteen faetortes boarded 005 packages of butter. There were six buyers present, Pour ItUrklrecl and eighty-onu packages of butter sold at 20 3-8c, 28 packages at 26 5-8c, riva 28 pounds of butler sold at 26 1-20. Alice ,Neilson's. Mother Dead. , New York May 13 -Mos Sarah Neilson, mother of Alice Neilson, the actress, died- Saturday itt her home in Brooklyn. She was 75 years old. Wood,'s Phosphodina, The Chvat EMTOS15 Itetnease, Tones and invi goratos the whom nervous systotu, 111.tivii013 new Blood in old Veins. Cures Nary. ees De ' bility liieutal and a'ailt, TV0711/, Des% ponelenewSamtal Weakness, AnisSioas, Sper- matorrheert,sahel Directs of Abuse or Excesses. Price $1 per eax, SIN. for 3.a. One pl ease, six vriu oure. Sold kby all druggists or mailed. in Plain tem. on receitt of pneo. New pamphlet mailert free. 'rho Modlolno iforlacriS Wfs.dsef Vorentse, On health, sealer or later; shows ite value. No man eau expect to go, very far or very fast toward succesee-no woman either -who suffers frem the headaches, the sour stomach and poor digestion, the unpleasant breath and the good-for-nothing feelings which result from constipation and bilibusness. But just learn for yourself what a difference Will be made by it few, doses of ILS Tested through three generations -favorably known the world Oi;er this perfect vegetable and always efficient family remedy is univers- ally accepted as the hest preveneive 'or corrective cif disorders of the organs of digestion, Beechrlin's Pills regulate the bowels, stir the liver to natural activity -enable you to get all the nourishment and b loode makin equalities from your food . As s me as you try them you will know that -in your looks and in your increased vigor--Beechata's Pills Pay Big Divi ends The directions with every box are very valuable -especially to women. Sold everywhere, In boxes, 25e. .alamLiammalmaralimmalioosomaiimazoanclowdeirrizsosSesseeseaamOnil BROTHERHOOD FORMED. ezo The constitution was passed subjedt Organization of New Movement COM. • pleted In Toronto. Toronto, May la -The opei :na ses- sion of the Caeadian Brotherhood Convention on Saturday afternoon was 'devoted to the passing cf the consti- tution-. The following was deeided upon as the aims and objeas of the federation: To win the men of Canada for Christ; to promote the develop- ment of risen's cheistian organizations; to foster worthy ideal3 of citizenship and to focus public sentiment upon great moral issues. The constitution adopted is as fol- lows: The Brotherhood Federation of Can- ada shall eonsist of Federated Church Brotherhoods of societies, and indiv- idual brotherhoods or societies not ineluded in a federation in the B. F. of C.- • Societiei and federations which join are expected to Precognize the evange- lical tharader of the movement, as set ferth in the aims and objects. The B. F. of 0, shall not interfere with the freedom of the federations or individual societies, nor with the relation between societies and the churches. Federations a societies shall under- take to contribute annually during the affiliation to the funds of the fed- eration, assuming the payment of an annual fee of 50 cents pee member by eaeh society. The power to veto jail- ing is reserved to the executive, sub- ject to the federation at its annual' business meeting, Each federation uniting with the 13. F. of 0. is requested to observe, if- possible, the Brat Sunday in May as brotherhood Sunday, and each so- ciety in such federation is requested to make a special collection on that Sunday, of which a percentage shall be forwarded to the treasurer of the B. F. 01 0. The Brotherhood Federation of gam. ada shall hold an annual conferenee in November, at such place and Mine as shall be deeided by the executive. So far as possible the conference shall be held in different niirie of the main- tosthe provision that it cellist be alter- ed by a two-thirds vote of the dele- gates et any 'annual meeting of the edeiation. The first annual meeting of the Caeadian Federation will be held- next November. ' Sore Chest Croup You often have pains in the muscles, in the side, the back, the tneencske,. or chest. If the inftamm, a tion is severe the pain will be in-, Nothing so quickly cures lace. inflammation, so thoroughly drives out pain, as "Nerviline," which is without an equal for penetrat- ing, soothing, pain -relieving power. Nerviline simply can't fail to • cure, because it's a perfect' anti. dote for all the pains and aches that invade the family. Nerviline "For ten years we have used Poison's Nerviline in our home,' - Writes Mrs. M. E. Graves of Free-, port. "For hard, croupy olds there' is nothing better. In ease a a chill, sudden cold, or neuralgia, • Nerviline 'cures before the trouble gets serious. I have used Nerviline for chronic rheutaatism and lame • back and find it it wonderful re-, medy." All dealers sell Nerviline large 25c bottles. Get it to-das CURIOSITY Prompted Many VVomen. To Try 1 PURITY FLOUR HEY were curious t9 see exactly what re- sults would be produced by flour consisting entirely of the high-grade portions of the best Western hard wheat. They were curious to know more about a flour that contained none of the low-grade portionsi, which are found in every wheat berry, but which fre separated and excluded from the high-grade In the process of milling PURITY FLOUR, . rriHEY were curious to • know whether a,n ALL HIGH - GRADE hard wheat flour was really superior to a mixed hard and soft wheat flour. They were curious to see and taste the kind of tread, 'buns, biscuits, cakes and pies PURITY FLOUR would make. Curiosity prompts you to seek the knoidedge they discovered. It's urging you to try PURITY FLOUR. EMINDER: On account of the extra strength 1. and extra quality of PURITY FLOUR it is necessary, for best pastry -results, to add more shortening 'than you are accustomed to use with an ordinary flour. Add more water when mak- Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now 4 de 'or.e. • bread 5 .5 anci tter hr I SOLD IN CLINTON BY Beaceen & Smythe. Geo, McLennan & Co., Centelon Bros., • L. &titter Co Distributors W. T. O'Neil; ' J. le Sheppard &eCoe Flarrtson Wiltse, " - a.