The Clinton New Era, 1912-05-16, Page 2rom Chica
elseiTa ' e
o o ro::1
°TeethMay i.-Dr,W I3 tie
,aehitt' Zeued to Tr
onto Yes1:11:cle;
gimes, after en abaence of a year,
noir He leit overnbe 'ice
belle; eleekoka L'alces, Tiding te the
hordesepee) 'a, freight trein; and,went
"HeiatIteeded, Be retained aceomPall-
ed•be Deteetive Boyd ef the provin-
cial ,police, and cleat -slated a 'stateroom
Upon the G.T.R. flyer from Chicaeo
sped by ..the sigeed end sealed orders
of,the Ue S. 'Secretary of , State and
the iirgeet seelcieg ese the authozi.'
gee' el his men country, '
• nThe (looter's, goieg was quiet and
attracte0 no more •attentioe than
as. abeelutely. necessery, Melee he
cerne again he slipped, or was slipped,
the City with the utmost secrecy.
When the treat' arrived at \Test Tel
rotate, half a dozen newepaper men
hoarded A in- quest of a word with the
doctor or hoping to get at least a
ilimpse a his epee familtar figure.
More newapaper men .boiirded the
train at North Parkdale at 7.32, when
teetrain aerived puneteal to the min-
ute, They were disappointed; for as
the train pulled 'out for the Union
Station, where the • doctor was eche-
duled to alight, he and his estort
slipped qteetly from the other side of
the 'train arid entered a taxi which
ht,icl waited for them in Queen street
subway. '
Peovincial Dete.ctive Grecs-, whe wes
waitieg et the station, rams on with
the train , and the eewspaperrnen to
the Limon station said went with thorn
to the Ceuet street police station,.
where it was expected that Dr. lethibitt
wouee lee held until his arraignment
this morning. Thereevas totbing de-
ieg. The taxi whiola piolted up the
•doctor and the detective drone te the
home of Supt. S. E. Rogers and then
whirled away to the jail, where the
deetereseas seeeivereneeder a special
eornreitment. He will be turned over
to the eity authorities at the city ball
The 'evasion el any observers who
might be on heed to witneas the doc-
tor's arrival,- was made at his own '
request, and was neatly execated. The
dodor expressed •a wish that his
homecoming might be as csuiet as mis-
sible. MTS. Nesbitt is in their islisnd
home ill Muskoka, and no effort was
•nude to secure bail for the doctor,
who, after having a heerty breakfast,
which wes specially prepared for him
at the jail, spent the remainder of the
day resting.
Despite the fact that the doeter de -
clued his intention while in Chicago
of calling in the assistance of a bar-
laer• to restore as far as might be his
former appearance, he is still wearing
the small beard of a Kentucity col-
onel, although this may be removed
before his _appearance in the police
Continuous Patrol
of British Coasts
I New Scheme of Defence
by Mr. Winston Church-
i1is Inaugurated -- De.
troYer Flotilla Reorganiz-
Mee sense
London, May 13. -Under a new
scheme of defence initiated by' Win.
ston Spencer Churchill, the First Lord
of the Admiralty, the destroyers of the
Bretish fleet commenced on May 1 a
continuous patrol of the coasts of the
United Kingdom. The northeast
coast, menaced as it is by the power-
ful fleet of the German Empire, is
necessarily most closely guarded and
there the most modern and powerful
vessels of .the mosquito fleet, sup.
ported by submarines, have been sta-
Heretofore, the two battle squad -
eons have had attached to them a
destroyer flotilla with reserve &thin
at the naval bases at Devonport,
Portsmouth and the Nose. The new
scheme provides that no steamers are
to be permanently attached to the
battle fleets. Instead the whole avail-
able forces have been -organized into
eight flotillas, four being in full com-
mission and four in reserve, with nu-
cleus crews. ,
With the Maar Active flotilla, the
filet and second, composed of 36 of
the newest and most powerful Vessels..
e wee nave their base at the .new naval
' headquarters at Rosyth, on the east
coast of Scotland, and facing directly
across to Germany, besides guard-
ing the north -about exit to the At-
lantic. The third flotilla will have
its base at Harwich another east
coast station, and the fourth et Port-
land on the English Channel, where
it will be-iivailable for work on Any
coast. At each of the besets named
there will he one reserve flotilla,
while other destroyers will patrol oth-
er parts of the coast not covered by
Ne fewer than 165 destroyers 'are
included in the new organization, be-
sides eight fast cruisers, eight scouts
and eight depot ships. Of
this number one-third are assigned
to the North Sea, ,so that with 24 sub-
marines with bases at Dundee and
Harwich. the coasts of England
should be well guarded. Naval ex-
perts in fact estimate that the new
scheme doubles the effective strength
of the advance guard along the east-
ern seaboard.
With the exception of the fifth fie -
Alla, all the North Sea destroyers are
driven by turbines and the majority
bun oil, Moat of the vessels at
Rosyth have been built since 1910,
and have a speed of 29 knots and they
will shortly be strengthened by the
ffleknot boats. All have either been
Idesigned or altered for work in the
rough waters of the North Sea. The
active flotillas are fitted with wireless
Mrs, Wm. H. MacEwen, Mount
Tryon, P.E.I., writes: -"or more than a
year I suffered with all the terrible pains
of, indigestion, and my life was one of the
greatest misery. It did not seem to make
any difference whether I ate or not, the
pains were always there, accompanied by
a severe bloating and belching of wind.
I did not even get relief at niglit, and
sometimes hardly got a'bit of sleee. In
my misery I tried many remedies said
to cure indigestion, but they did me not
ote particle of good, and I fully expected
,wotgd always be afflicted in this way.
At s tftne my brother came home on a
visit and urged me to try Milburn's
Laxa-Liver Pills, and got Inc a few vials.
By the time I had taken one vial I be
to improve, and could eat with some I
relish. I was greatly cheeeed, and con- I
tined taking the pills until all traces of I
the trouble had disappeared, and I could I
once more eat all kinds of food without
the slightestenconvenience. I am so fully
convinced of their virtue as a family
medicine'I hm
have no hesitation in reco-
Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials f
$1.00 at all dealers oe mailed direct on
receipt of price by The 'I'. Milburn Co„
Limited, Toronto, Oett.
United Stales, and the presidents of
several universities, attended the cere-
.,- • ,y -
Titanic Victim Pound,
I Toronto, May 13. -The body of a
1 mem who was on ,his way to Toronto
was picked up by the Canadian Gov-
ernment steamer Montagny, together
with three other bodies in the vicinity
- of where the Titanic sank. The man
is Herold Reynolds, of the Royal West
Kent Regiment, Mauston, England.
He had been with this regiment ior
nearly four years, and leaving it was
I on his way to Toronto, where he was
to have gone to Fred W. Canon of 807
Yenge street. Canon had served in
the same regiment as Reynolds, and
when seen at his home last night
stated that he had only came to ,Can-
ada 18,st November.
Reynolds was an Englishman about
22 years of age and single.
, —
Work has commonage(' en a ladies'
college at Red •Deer, Alta, to cost
$200,000.- .
Pere Saturday destroyed Oink Bros.'
machine shops at Belmont; N.Y., en-
tailing a los a estimated at 8200,000.
Hon, T. W. Crothers declares that
there is no foundation -for the rumor
connecting hire with the successionmf
the late Judge Mabee on the Rail-
way Commission,
On the construction of the main
line of the G.T.P. Railway, from mile
28 WeSt of the Rocky Moeintain sum-
mit to mile 53, there ere to -day at
work no fewer than 6,000 men.
The strike of 6000 workmen employ-
ed in the branch establishment at
Hamburg, Germany, of the Stettin
VulIcen shipbuilding ;peed has been
,settled.' The men went out Ape' 30.
- James Murray and Peter Fainairn,
the former a 1-Iarcalton man, were on
Saturday sentenced at London to three
years in the penttentiary fee tro.rglar-
izing a safe at Area 'several weeks ago.
The public serviee commission lett
()harm to -day fee Sorel to Oonducb,an
enquiry into the metheds at the Gov-
erement shipyard theme Its aneount-
ants and auditors have already been
at Serol. •
Anise an illness of eeveral Menthe
Eael of Easton, tbe heir of the
Ise of Geaftoe, wbo le ninety year
,age, died Saturday efternode of
szt failure. He wee iti his sixty.
heauguratearl *lobe Griel. Ilib-
peesident 01 Prineetob Ifedvele
P 1 a ye eoreae
t.irer gtie te de of the
To Investigate Hydro Power.
London, May 13. -The passengers
v,•ho sailed for New York Saturday on
the sitfftsalgairls of %rue wililoclugdoeeds
on a two months' trip to the United
States and Canada to investigate the
progress of motoring and aviation, and
also to study the goocl rotele move-
ment. Hie principal business will be
to look into hydeo-electrio schemes
along the Mississippi, in whicla Lon-
don is very much interested. He will
also look over the life insurance field
with a view of eombining British com-
panies whereby they will obtain the
advantages of -united financial
strength. Geoffrey Meeks aecompain
fed Lord Montagu.
• Kingston Harbor Improvements,
Kingston, May 13. -To -day Mayor
Haug and All. Carson and Rigney
leave for Ottawa with Dr. 13. Ryan,
Capt. Robt. Fraser and G. Y. Chown,
representing the Board of Trade, to in-
terview the Minister 01 Public Works
regarding improvemente to Kingston
herbor. Ile will also offer the Min-
ister the old Cataraqui bridge, recent-
ly purchased by the city train the
Cataraqui Bridge Co.
Zeiaya Guilty of Assassination.
' Managua, Nicaragua', May 13. --The
Niearaguan Congress has decided that
Jose Zelayle former president of the
republic, is liable to prosecution for
many alleged assassinations, and the
killing of Cann,on and Grace, two,
Americana, who were illegally execue
ed in November, '1009. Zelaya is be;
lieved tobe in Belvieran, hut may be
Caoh's, C4ytton' Root Compound.
The great 'Uterine Tonle, and
, onae sine effectual monthly
• Regalateeon svhich women can
depend. Stamm three degrees
of strength—No. 1, 1; NO.
/0 degrees stronger, 33; No. 3,
for aneelal cases, S,5 per box,
• Sold by ell druggists, or sent
Dropaid on vocal t of price.
th'ess: Ts
Peet Menoti1100..4101X7Nise ed:orni
Madero's Forces • SuccessfuilY
:1/4A/ttb Gen, eerozco's 'Army ane (1--c°,1•P-e.
reon Is Safe-eRevolutionists Wer• e
Forced by Starvetion eo Make u
• ,
the Attack - Anxiety .Was
Very Great at VV,ashington.
' ConejOSI, Mcese, May 13. -.(Ab the
Federel Frolit)-Twel Ye lenses of brisk
fighting en the desert plaine 200 miles
Routh of the Ameeicae border between
a force of 5,000 iebels under Gen, Oroz-
eo and anequally strong body of
federals =ler Gee. Relate resulted
yeatoreay in a de:aided advantage to
the GovernMent. '
• It was the tensely artillery fire of
the Government teoops that dislodge('
the enemy. The aim of the federal
gunners was time. They began to shall
O time the insurreet,os fired in volleys
ed. Only a few hours,. however, they
and seven federal ((Dicers were wound -
the rebel positions at dciyhmak. For
withstood the cannonading; and soon
began evacuating their position -se Gen.
Tellez arrived at nightfall with 1,500
men in the valley behind • C011OiCd,
where the vanguard of rebels gather-
ed. It seems likely that unless the
rebels continue to figle desperately,
many prisoners be taken to -day.
Enthusiaarn in the federal camp is
intense. Word reached here thatsTor-
reon is celebrating the victory with
street parades and music.
Gen. Tellez who had been stationed
in the rear oi Huerta's vanguard at
Imola, was sent around to the east-
ward to flank the rebels and cut off
their retreat. Last night federal head-
quarters claim the rebels are com-
pletely surrounded and thet the se-
cond day of fighting will prove equal-
ly decisive.
Orozco In Retreat.
El Paso, Tex., May 13. -Gen. Oroz-
co is retreatine northward toward the
American border.
A message to the Mexican consul
here from Gen. Huerta at 'the federal
front at 11 declared that Orozco
had hastily abandoned his position at
Conejos; leaving many guns and am-
munition. The fedesals at noon yes-
terday occupied the positions held by
the rebels. -
The fighting began at, daybreak.
• Washington Anxious.
Washington, D.C., May 13. -The
U. S. Government is awaiting the out-
come of the battle now going on be.
tween the federnls end. rebate at, Ti*.
Minion Mexico, •With great anxiety.
Thin eattle, itis''slap:led lay thoee
know tht • situetioe, win: decide whe-
ther ,thie Geyer/meet Will be forced.
theinteivetwein Mexico, ,or if the Ma
dero Government is ahle ceee With
the eiteetioe. • '
With the knowledge that ehey must
either win a battle. at mace. or atarve,
the rebel toren wean reported.= 'Set-
urdaY at desperately attaakillg tba
• federal at Reeacha Tialmallo, near Tor.
non, and exertting'eveey effete to drive
the Goveinimeet forces from their
teesr ogi , tell? fl•egnbetliinnige hacl b e$eon trti• tthi)ee
fecletals. • Peresteent Madero's forces
were- strongly equipped with Modern
artillery andeead plenty of suppliea.
The rebels, on the other hand, were
fighting ie a desert and Were far from'
their base, El Prise being ehe nearest
point at whieh they could purchase,
previsions, es the feclerals shoiill auce
ceed in holding the rebels. in their
present position for a few days, it was
believed that the eevolutionaryicarces
would have to retreat, in which eevent
it was admitted that the army would
break up and the rebellion dwindle
to a scattered guerilla warfare.
• Although the rebel farces, command-
ed by Gen. Orozco, greatly outnumber-
ed the federals, the situation had be.
00m5 So serious that G,en. Salazar,
who with 3,000 men was defeatee in
his attempt to get around to the fed-
eral rear, WaS said to have been re-
called from Centro Cienegas to rein-
force the rebels. HIS arrival was ex-
pected in a few hours a- 7 his com-
mand would bring the rebel forces in
the battle to 11,000 men. Salazar's
retreat meant the abandonment Of
operations by the rebels in the re-
gions of Saltillo and Monterey,
Gen. Orozco's plane seemed to have
gone entirely astray. Not only was
Salazar prevented from making his
rear attack on the federals, but the
expected_ rebel forces that were to
have attacked Torreon from the south
and avast while he made his attack
from the north, have failed to show
and are reported to be kept busy by
Government troops.
Heavy bloodshed is expected before
Torreon can be taken: Madero has
instructed Gen. Marta to lose his last
man before he loses Torreoe, wbich is
the railroad gateway to Northern Mese
ico. Should Torreon fall, the revolts -
tion will have to be counted with
Mexico City, and Madero himself will
have to take the field to defend his
Government and his life.
elect, convict•en. ane setitetieed 111 nis
absence. • '
New. Route to Dodge Bergs.
Washington, May 13. -The hydro-
graphic office has announced the
changing of the transatlantic steamer
'lanes 60 miles to the 'southward of
their present position, as a result of
reports of many icebergs in the pres-
ent lanes. The 'steamship companies
have agreed to adopt the neW mute,
beginning last Saturday.
Get pure blood and keep it pure by
removing eve' y trace of impure morbid
matter from the system,
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the
market about thirty-five years, and is one
of the very best medicines procurable for
the cure of boils and pimples.
Miss J. M. Wallace, Black's Harbor,
N.B., writes: -"About five years ago
my face was eritirely covered with
pimples. I tried everythieg people told
me about, but found no relief. At last I
thought of B.B,73. and decided to try a
bottle. After enishing two bottles I
was entirely cured, arid would advise
any lady who wants a beautiful complex-
ion to use B.B.B."
'Mrs. Ellsworth 1Vtayne, Springfield,
P.E.I., writes: - "My face and neck
were covered with boils, and I tried all
kinds of remedies, but they did me no
good. I went to many doctors, but they
could not cure me. I then tried Burdock
Blood Bitters; and I must say it is a won-
derful remedy for the cure elf boils."
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured
only by The Ts Milburn Co., Limited,
Torotito. Ont.
squabble Shocks Erifain.
London, May 13. -The only view
which people here are taking of the
struggle between Taft and Roosevelt
is that it is the worst possible intro-
duction to a serious political cam-
That a party with as great a his-
tory as the Republican oreanization
should experience so deep a elea.vage
over a dispute which centres so large-
ly on personal' matters, is not regard-
ed as an indieation of health in the
body politic. To us, it seems to in-
eicate that grave problems of the day,
which ought to be grappled with ser-
iously by American statesmen, are be-
ing thrust aside for the sake of pleas-
ing the public's curiosity as to how
far two eminent politicians can go in
abuse of each other.
---- —
"Paid a thou,sand iaaarles for the
dog, did, you? It ought to be well
brece at thee price."
PI can only tele you that 11 wieh
I had a Pedigree lice hes, that's all,"
A Justification
The ext4at °eel* trekl to ehe
West' trona rural ,Outasto, and 'the
need foe a campaign of eauctution,
if ,Ontatio 1st° lkeep what farnaens
are leffeessserekingly shown bathe
efiguwee taken from the census re-
port. Publicity introduced the
West and ets opportonitiee to On-
tario,. Publicity( is needed eo eains
troduce Ontario to itself. Publicite
and the progressive [attitude of
mind are the (things which will see
curd tethers to (take Owl place of
those already gone. In the follow-
ing colnparison (La (a magnificeinte
jupt of the "Si tay in Ontar-
— We desire to call the attention of all those
•" afflicted With ain, Blood qr Skin, Dieeusa to
our New Method Troatirtefit as a guaranteed
cure tor these complaints, There Is no ex-
cuse Ler any person having a disfigured face
from eruptions and leo-toles. No 'matter
whether hereditary or acquired, our specific
remedies and treatment neutralize all poi-
sons in the blood and expel them from the
system. Cur vast experience in ihe treat-
ment of thousands of the most serious and
complicated cases enables to to perfect a
cure without experimenting. We do business
on the plan—Fay Only for the Benefit You
Derive, If you have ally blood disease, con.
stilt us Free of Charge and let us prove to
you heir quickly our remedies will remove
all evidences of disease, Under the influence
of the New Method Treatment the shin be -
'111 1 comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches
heal op, enlarged glands are reamed, fallen
out hair grows in again. the eyes become
bblin,.irt, ambition and energy Fetam. and the
victitn realizes a new life has operiee up to
Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men
talabie to Ottii, write for a Quontion'Llat
for Nome Treatment
, ,
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.- Detroit, Mich.
-111I"etters from( Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart -
aussmeraseeemeee recent in ,Windsor, Out, If you desire to
see 515 Personally Call at Our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian busiteas only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address. 11
•Cured Het Kiiiiteis
Miss manoit Jagisitog
MouNTAM ONT., Dbo. 14th. /950
"Fsdesire to let the world kilow the
great,debt I owe "rruit-a-tivcs” which
saved my life when I had given up hope
of ever being well again.
For see years, I Suffered from dreadful
leidney Disease. My legs and lower
part of me body were fearfully swollen.
The pain in my sidesand legs would be
so bad that I would faint with the agony.
Five different doctors attended me
and all said it was Kidney Disease end
gave Inc no hope of getting well.
A kind neighbor visited me • and
mentioned the case of Mrs. Fefiwick
who had been cured of a sickness like
mine. I took "Fruinanives" and in a
short time, I began to feel better -the
swelling went down -the pains were
easier -and soon I was well.
I have gained over 30 pounds since
taking "Itruit-a-tives"-and msefriends
look upon my recovery as a miracle."
"Fruit -a -Eves" are sold by all dealers
at soc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, es. -
or sent on receipt of price by kruina-
tives Iiimited, Ottawa.
to" campaign.
County 1905 1911
Knee ...•.. 31,239 31,378
Essex 31.967 31,365
Elgin) ' 23s899 22,218
Norfolk . 19,786 18212
Lincoln „ 13,7,3e 14,127
Welland ...16.205 17,767
Halton 11,095 11,484
Peel _15,174 151,280
Hastings 32,536 31,929
°Word- °6,914 25,931
Middlesex( ......40,970 38,947
Perth . • 2e005 25,98e
-291,529 284,620
Mortgage Sale
qnder •and pueenant Ito the pow -
01 eale contained in ih centaile
indenture of lliorkgage, made by
William Howard, there will be off-
ered 1 oir ,s,ale by public auction' by
Thoniae Gundry, Auctioneer, atthe
Albion 'Hotel, Bayfield, on Monday,
the 20th day cif May, 1912, at three
-o'clock in [the afternoon, the fol-
lowing property, namely, -
Lots Ond and Two in Range "X"
in !the; paid Village tof Bayfield
containing by admeesuremenet
Twenty aeren of land. Snore or less
On (the propealty 'there ±1sia barei
20x20 witth a leant° 20x12, al‘ao
etable 31x16, and a stone milk house
10x12. There is also an onhard.
TERMS OF SALE -20 per cent. of'
the puechaeci money on clay of aeale
and the balance Within 30 days
thereat ter;
Imilaediate pos,session can be
eiVere Further particulare and
tonditions -will bemade known on
the day' .cif sale or can be hadt Olt
application to the undersegned.
There will be a veserved bid.
Dated at Godes-fell this 6th clay
of May, A.D., 1912.
Proudfoot, HaY,3 &
Vendors Solicitors,
1 Godemeh
1 ani still in the Wall Paper Blasi -
nese, and am in a position:to show
you the best Wall Papers that have
been shown in Oijptoln.
All papers botaghtf train me Will
be hung very cheaply. •
All kinds of house painti gd one
end estimates given on old and
new work.
To call or drop a post card' will
bring samples to your door, •
telts, Higheet We
• ieetieloe
To Craze :Catt e
tThe unelexasignedt Is prepared to
graze 30 'seed of cattle, ter the pea -
eon of 1912. Plenty, of watee anci
•!Shade, Apply lbo • -- •
Sutemerhill P, 0.
• Mullett Cottrt ol Revision
Natice, leereloygiven that the
Cense emia the Tieyision of :the Ae-
• iseeement Roll of lthe Township of
Hullett, wilt be' held in i(the Towe-
of May, et 10 a.m., for the pee/poser
ef hearing and ismittling eoreptalees
against ethe . (said assesernent roll.
Persons having business et the
Court will please attend at the end
time and peace without Ilia -Cher(
CI net
• Hullett May 8th 1912.
1000 Sprang Muskrat sltins wean/t-
ee' at 500 each. -
11. A. RO'VEY, Qintex -1.
ARBOTO 13oxixozwalig, xoul.
.R177,131410, ETOse,
eaRaLas a, azi413
Conneyance, -Notary. Public,-
' Oommisalenee, etc.
Iseuer oftMatricf,ge Licenses,
. Huron
it,, Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancere. •
Finiencial and Real Estates.
INSDRANCE7A.ORNT—Helinstleniiing id Fire In
sum .,
acs Companies
lefeiSiort (ionise Office.
9aa11, 0111 Setae:day, tile 25tia day • DR I 710.1antA,r.suTr::::;511rPtoSON
Barred Rock Eggs for Sale
won on Barred Reeks atClineon
4 flints, 3 seeondee lthiree and
special for beet collection. Pen 1-
Pullet inating, headed/ by Millard
,eockerel, (limatted; number settings.
eggs $2.00 per 13.-Pien2--, Cockerel
mating, headed by Willard, cock.
Pullets in thee pen lane good lay -
layers, Eggs $2.00. per 13. -Pen 3 -
'Marty pen, headed; by a cockerel
bred froxie on ,of the beat laying
strains sax Canada. Heine in this
were bred • from 17o1 ray pullets
,which layed 436 eggs; in 31 days.
Eggs $1.00 pee 15. I guarantce a,
good hateb or replace stetting free
of ehnege. H. A. Hovey, Clinton.
For Sale
Blue Barred Plynamath Roek eggs
$1.00 per 15 eggs. Also a. feterWhite
Cochin Bantam eggs $1.00 per 13.-
Jabez Rands, !Clinton,
Two Houses to Let
The undersigned has two houses to
let, apply to
Jacob Ta3noe
Field Stone Wanted,
Field( Stone suitable fax road
making is wanted by the Town of
Clinton. Price $3,50 per cord of 13,-
000 pounds.
. J. A. FORD,
Chairman of Street Committee
• special attention given to diesates of:the
Ere, Etw, Throat, and Nose,
inyes carefully Emal.1111160, and suitable
' Mee and Residence.
Two doors west of ilie CouimOrdliti
Huron St.
or, W. slum, 1. a, p., L. R. C. S., Edits
De. J. in Gaudier. 10.1. :Wit,
Office—Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night ealls`at residence, Eattenburt St.,
or et hospital,
DR. J.,ifY. SHAW.
e°1tifi5te°tattenL4Z,r3osiVeV '
DR. P. R. RX01%1
15 Crown and Bridge nark a Specially. '
Graduate of 0.0,D,S.. Chicago, and e.o.ree
leaylIeJil oit'Nollivs, may 161 to Dertinbe.
Mon over O'NEIL'S store,
Special oare taken to make dental treat.
mini, as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction sea
kat m stosir sales a antenatal. Cadets 41 as
Saw ERA (ace, °Hilton, prt,rartiy atitenuad
to. Tonna reasonable. Fanners' sale not,
El. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTtaggar
McTaggart Bros.
is Generai Banking Bulsiml$
Drafts issued. Intereek allowed on
The MeKillop Inutuaii
Fire Insurance Co.
Penn and Isolated Town Prara
erty Only Insured,
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Logs 11anted Jas. Connolly, Vele Pres., God erich
Thos. E. Hays, SeceTreas„ Selifottla
All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft Elm DIRECTORS.
and Bastiszood preferred. Highest Jas. Connelly, Holnaeseille; John
rg.c1Ltearty Piano and Organ Co. Chesney, •Seafoitle T. Evans, Beech -
Watt, Radecki G. Dale, Clinton; m.
Boarders Wanted
won:et:3.1i: G. Grieve, Winthrop, I. Ben.
neweis, Brodhagen, M. McEwan
Each Director is inspector of losses In
his own locality.
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmondi
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments, may 'be „nude at The
Morrieht Clothing Co., Clinton, or
16.16. Celt, God,erich.
-Hawing returned to town I ant now
Prepared to take boarders, either
ladies or gen tlenwe. Apply at house
Mrs, Mogridge, Ontario street
Pasture Land
Some first class pasture land to be
so'cl in lots to suit purchasere. At
tractive prices. Apply to
John Ransford, G T. R. City Agent
IThe South 70 acres of lot number 85
and the South East part of Lot no, :36
14 acres both in the 151 concession of
i Stanley township is forrent for a term
of years. This property is elOse to the
town of Clinton and posseassion can
be given at once. For further meet -
milers apply to Henry, Pluinsteel, Clin-
ton, Ont., o ,, McCarthy, Boys es Mur-
chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont,
Parm tor Sale.
The executor 01 the SOutlicombe
Estate offsere for sale 50 adrea, -
Ease halt of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett
first. -1a5 farm, Nveli :watered
and iroproved, and with good
buildings, Also( the undersigned
ofeeed for sale, lot 294 con. 6, Hall-
ett, 100 acres. These farms May, be
bought together or separately.
' Clinton.
Ford & McLeod
- • We're now eelling Tieno,thy Seed
- ,- e• 's
:Weekly, Newspaper .be the Dominion'.
bf Catie,„clalet *se belle:nee ifee .:#3.1
1 It. u33 1113 13501
ings, prociering the photogrephe from
ell bver Ole; svOrid. 're
Itsearticles •a,re eat:a:ensue wereetee End
ts ,editoriel Loney,. l3,.thognghie
A ' eubscreatliet eltETidet-d.
oete $2.00 pee year! ttl. 4nY, 41(151A,LeSSto
agneeclie er Grelet Belted& s
e; TRY II FOR .1912re
bScinefeal Ste/Weed Publishing Celi
.1 -fretted, Pyblishers,
(Government Stare:teed.):
We also have OD hand, Alfalfa,
IAlsike, and Red Clover,
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat Peas, Barley and Feed Coen
Prighest Mark-et-410es paid for Hay
and ,all Grains,
Ford & McLeod
Before placing yoar orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
• our prices. 'The eety hest gockie
carried in stook and sold ab the
lowest possible price,
• Orders May be left at Davis
Rowland's Hardware store, or
with •
W. J. Stevenson,
At tiicetric L,igisiiit Plant.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bougbt and sold
/Roney to loan •
Office Isaac Street, next dear to New
Grand Trunk Railway System
Rail way Time Table
Leedom Huron and Bruce.
North Passeegee
leondoll•deelsierre 8,g6 a in Abell)
9,40 5,4 5,54uxeneseain.::
Leirmen .... 10,16 6,11,
Btueefield.. . 10.89 6.10(
Olin ton 11,00 6,85,
Londesboro.... ..... 1h18 052
vs7Blyintahh.a. ....... ................... 1111:40 la5e77
0 • 7:i3.
Belgrave........ ...
Sotith, Passenger
Wingbam, depart... 0,48 8.33 p no,
Belgrave ..... ......, 6.04 8.44
Blyth 7.08 8,56
Londesboro.,,. .. 7,16 4.04
(Jlinton., .,'7.50 4.23
Brecefield 8,12 4.39 .
eippen ....„ . . 8.23 4.47
8.32 4,52
Exeter. ..... ......• 8,48 5.05,
... 9.00 5.15:
ondonnarrive. . ' . . 10 GO 0.10.
wesetEnlealo and'eledeassergel
se nee Pm pm
tratford.,......10.00 12,20. 5,25 10,20'
Iitebell.... ..... 10.22 12.45 5,55 10,47
eatorth........10.45 1.10 G.I.S 11,12
linton..... 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28
Olnaes eine, , Ji,i 1,83 6413 1149
oderich. . . . . .. .11-38 1.50 7.05 11,85
East l'essenger
axe pm pm
odes -lob.. • 7.10 2.40 4.60
Olinesyjlle .. . .. 7.26 2.57 • 5.06
intoe. 7,85 3,07 5,15
atopth 7.52 3,25 5,32
tchell, ............. 8.10 3,48 5,55
8.40 4.15 16.20
Dr. de Van's Pema1e
A reliable French "regulate ;never fails. Theao
Fills are exceedingly pacwerfru/ In regulating Ufa
Pinga'Agglin*o.f.u13,,i•ng'PrateTie!rs-all -
SS a box, ,or thre:for 310. Mailed to any addres.s.
The Neonell Arng Co. et Catharines. Oak