The Clinton New Era, 1912-01-18, Page 873. id Rea =made .3, Men's Ready-to-wear Overcoats at Cost Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, tionble breasted, storm collar, full deapey length, an mixed. brown, greys and green colorings, also plain black, splendid tailoring, and made in the very latest styles cleaving at the following deer) cuts ' 10.00 Coats, all sizes, clearing peice . . 750 12.00 " " 9.50 14 00 "015 10,00 and 17.00 " " ... 13,25 85.03 Fur Lined ancl Fur Clollar Coats . ....... 25,00 16.50 Imitation Fur 'Lined Coats for. ... , . 12,00 Ready -to wear Suits at Cost . We do not intend carrying on our, Ready ta wear Clothing for mea, and amity' -January we have pat the anifq deep into every garment. Remember Ulla department has only been auneing` a short time and we haven't an old style in stock. Note the following prices and don't miss thia- chance 10.00 Mens Tweed and Worsted Suits. . 7,50 12.00 " " " .......... 9.50 11.00 15.00 16.50 . .12,00 Clearing out all Boys Overcoats and Suits at Cost, MEN'S FUR' COATS -Coon, Galloway, I)og, Etc. -AT COST. temwm......***•*morone T THE 141 IES STORE DEEP CUTS IN MANTLES, FURS. CARPETS AND R1UGS. .Thalter Mantles at Cost and Less This week we want to clear out every Woman's at a price to sell. miss this last opportunity for evetay coat is marked season's buying. If you want a coat cheap don't Fur Ruffs. Muffs, Caperines, Etc. and Ohildren's Coat, in stock to be prepared for next In order to clear up our Fur Department we have marked down every piece in stock to prices in stock to prices within the Teach of all. Sable, • Marriot, Mink, Isabella Fox, Etc, 50e Linoleum tor $5c Ten pieces of 2 yd wide Linoleum. every pattern good, both block and floral designs, in heaviest quality printed. Worth if bought to -day 600 per square yard, clearing at 35e, Brussels and Tapestry Carpet We are going oat of Piece Carpets for good and have marked every piece down to rock bottom for crick selling. If you are in need of a carpet, NOW as the time to buy, even if you carry it over till houseeleaning time, Remnant Sale --Half Price. Dress Goods, Staple5 odd lines of Hosier', Gloves, Etc., Etc. ISSeXIBIaat "plaMMISSECOS7 italfaiaSanaie 113 Tra-P-; ()AiJEIsry4tala 331:731:71MEIR., A11-313 11-44431-t044-4AJ CAS Ar7 • • ArearoAr ON k 523SSW23 trszer=tzwammes Fri ay Evg. ,„, ' 0 tellOW$`0gia" ItheaaYer!;:ulp,..3 uico , . fin, PerTUed, a,t,eeserre°) !• , r, ,.. 94-011111:11:178.b.O', Marys , Ma at at Vlant . • 19....,Niteuri '6.6 tio_der!cohn • 22-, 'Witch, ell at Sste.aMfoarrbbys • ' 22820-1-6.88cietda. e/Mro I ractrblYi asibt ' bM I a' c hoc orll_ , 80 -St, alarys at Seat th b '9 'Seaforth att °Ireton. PAMPHLETS FOR FARKBRS. The New Era o' a receive", Gov- ernment reports a:c1 booklets eolna aorienesillef:aiv•enhaioegi;111..al.fYilI)tatlisiolalaaiii1-30).0p11:lorfa:sollinnly:lea;Dotoll • all ',these, and it is believed the best use to be made ofddiem is to pliace them atthe disposal oft' farming Acebrdingly :these will be found Ina within The laew Bra door in front of the 'glass partition Farming re,adera are wecome to them, the ante being first! come, best served. They are welcome to • make theta choice and take, fecey what is of any use OT interest to •them. •A GRAB CHECKED. Before the late Dominion election when it was ,genetally believed ae- • eoeuenipt:007fit:ayWas about to gra, into effect, buyers secured llarge) am - in OittariO and Quebeo and prep,a,red 4o flood the United States' with it. The r,aillways la+.4...alalatatoal.,+4.+4.4"*.at++1?'" B!ei1� 26 `1103gla' '- -90 30alla ..t...•'`!'10.SO. 42 :17. "Barley!.• ' 70 ate 15 • Shorts.........$23,00 ' g3r • $21.00 , at the ,aam0 tinie thought they saw a cbanee ;to .shave in proapeetive Proa fits, and -advanced the rates DOT transportation to American pointe, Reciproatty did nob otane, but the increased on hay remained. and shippers appealed to the Railway Commission. The - commissioners. has now ordered that She Old ratea be reatored. ' ST avA'11Y,s ,ffERID FRIDAY. One of She best lanekey mate -bee of the season Wtli be played heti& on Friday night of thla Week, when St. Mary's hockey +teem •wall play •the Clinton boys. If 'Clinton avins a -has 'genie it .will give them a good chance to Win the cliati:iet so every- one is expected to'attend. FARMERSBANK 'COMMISSION. 'Hon. W. T. Whate announcecllaat Week that 'the Governmatn, had de- cided to appoint a commission to enquire into bbs affairs" ad tbe,cle- funat Parnaers' bank. DECLINE IN ONTARIO 'VOTE. In the Provincial electioln 01 De"- .cember nth last 365958 votes were polled, as eoanpared with. 470,203 in ,the preVions election. The Con- 'serval:aye vote on Dec. alth was 202786, a decline of 75,128 from the Previous election. The Liberal vote Was 113,470, a decline o438,810. .ADJ,GURNED TILL FRIDAY. .Toronto, jan.a16.-An adjourn- , menta trial Friday has been allowed by Chancellor .Boyd at ,O.sgoode Hain in the' appeal by J. ht. Frey trona the fines, 019150,L. levied on him by the magistrate at Hcneraill; because he sold, tea and jewelry: without atnansient trader's license. 'Ea ey was agent f or J.L. Corteoram, of Stratford, who objects ,to. the line an.clato having to pay the'costs of the 'constable's jaunt from Ben- gali inHuron 'County to!, atratfordl, to serve a summons. SHORTAGE OF 'CARS. • There is a shortage oamotive power and roiling ,stock. Partners are unable to 'secure • car( upon Which to send thear grain to mat.- Itet. The interior elevatora, anefull Much wheat that has been has been hauledt long -distances to a eailavay station has been dumpera, on the prairie. Greaa quantities of flar and other grains remain, locked up in granaries -and barns all over the plains. The faelness cannot realize on their crops. With many faran- ens not yet long in the country this means that they cannot( promptly pay the local eetall merchant and the agricultural implement agent What they owe. This inturn means that :the local store keepers and agencies cannot settle promptly with. Winnipeg and Toronto whole sale houses and manufacturers. Hence we learn 'from thebauks that colleetions are slow beyond the Great Lakes. FUNERAL HELD SATURDAY . • • 1. CAR COMING. .• ' The 'Ontario Government Railway ' Exbibition Car is to be at the G. T. Ea 'I station, opposite the Suittee Eleva- a Or Co. The car la free Whale public. ! I3e 'sure to see it. Tho' car will le 1 here 'nex't Prid'ay, Jan. 20th. • 1 CLINTON GOT ! !! I Among the estimates Coe public 1 buildings as tbrought down at Ca - 1 tawa by Hon. W. T. White, Minister i of Finance, are the foalowing ap- propriations for district towns, -a 1 Goderich-95.000 (addition). .1 Seaforth-$25,000. I. Godericha-:Harbor improvement's, • $150,000. Win'gham-A. pastoffice clock; I ,Clinten-a-the cold shoulder. 'HOW ARE THE HYDRANTS? - t ' ' ' *In nearly every newspaper you pick um some beak fire bas taken -: place and the hydlaants were frioz- en um The fire and water commit- ' tee •theuld seethat every hydrant in town Is in good working .oader, Jan. 19 ,A and not covered with snow. till ST. MARY'S WON: St. Mary's vs Clinton AdrnLssion 25c, Ladies I.CO QUEBRIMIX11017152MUIMMIMMILMEACreZ alibabell, Jan. 12 -St. alary'a and Mitchell met onthe lo.cal ice ' to- night for the Drat time this season in the Intenneclicute 0.1LA. series chig• in a victory for the visit - 0 I. yii sr 0,,Z. 0. 40 to 4. In the 11 aa' lialf the viaatimaa team peed ail by alaree rushes and clever combination playing in pilin -g up the acme o,f 3 to 1„ but in the, sec- onds half the playing of the chell forward line, ably supported , by the backs, Touted! the St Mary's tam, and scared three goals an quick anceeseion. t ,111.1.; V7iNir,se, Vbt There is Na T e • • Like The Present To buy a pair of skates as we are selling the bal- ance of our stock at cost. • • ,We dont want to carry over any skates and we feel sure we won't have to when it becomes known that we are offering Ali skates at COSI ti)ricF Try our Rubber Weather Strip on your doors and windows. It keeps Dut the wind and frost. I. 2 CCRIS per FON ARLAND.BR. Stoves, tlardvvare and Sporting Goods W. S. Harland W. J. Harland • Clinton, Ontario ' $10,000 F011 WET FAIRS. Within the next few months 510,- 005 from the annual Governmentl grant/ tolagriculture -will be ex- pended ih amounito varying from $100 to 5300 to those agricultural docieties in Ontario where the 0a rains seriousty interfeilned with the gate acceipte at their full fairs A,t the last session olf the Legislat- pre, fthe suggeation of Mr. J :Loa la:e 'Wilson, the superintendent, that 510,000 oat of 'the a3nntial proprlatioaa be used in thia( Way, was adopted. 1VIETTIODISTS SEEK TOWER.• ,, The adetho,callat ,ehierch will apply to Parliament for allIC at authovia- zing trustees , of any Methodi,st ;congregation_ to ,achninister , pro- perty .for endowment ; authorizing any annual Conference to establish a.city naission and church exten- show board, or to establistataboarli of trust, peranitting the number 0,1 11 ustees to be reduced to; not lelsi; than five and lanthorizingt, the sale ittrans,fer of property held by trustee boards. ONTARIO BUREAU or ooLormz„Anort CAE. The 1`,3fittarrio .Government will have their, collenizatio,n Car at Qin- , tenon ,Faiday, Jan. 26401, and ;will be on WI !siding opposite title Elojt, ter EreVatoPi, ota the London Road *Tossing, Po that !the citizens and rarreero or,thig ,earnmunity can Bee lwhAfti 4SCLgtroi, Noi in:Northern rinat, Iter.i<4 and.,aleo the ntineealP, /.1,o one ehtuddi Wee tide likiV,Oege: The exhibit) ix laiee;die CAPTTARED • THE PRIZES. Last week Mr. Solara Rice took twelve of his prize poultry to Mit- chell Poultry Show and captured a salve,r cup; 4 first prizes; 1 second, and 1,third, " Mr. W. Carter of Huilletta had 40 entriea, and took many 'prizes. COURT SITTINGS. The winter and' spring sititings of the High Court of Juaticel for the County &flatiron ,will be held es follows, -Tuesday, Meath 26th, jury Justice Britton. Non-lury, June 27th, Justice 'elate. The funeral of the Latta Jas. Thompaon ;was held on Saturday afternoon last, Rev. Mr, Jeakins, Rector, of St. -Pattl'a church having charge o1 the servied at the home and' gnave. The pallbearers ,werie brother ,Oddrelbaavs, Messrs Jaale- Leod, 11,13. Here, 11.13. Chant, A. Turner, A. Collyer and W. 11. Ilell- yav. The late Mr. Thompson( was a charter member Of the Kipling lodge, and the lod'ger, and citizens of ;that place sena. three beautiful wreaths. The body, 'was brought home by lttr. 11. anompaon, a ease who were here f Or 1:thefur(estalwerte Mr. and Mrs. J.Tierney,• Mrs. .A. 71, Tierney and Miss Dorathy, Mr, and Moa. Geo McTaggart.The ladies being ,sisters of the deceased. A broken rail caused the railara,Y ae- cidenta and Mr .Thompson When taken Out °lithe wreck lived far 12 hours, but no hope was held out lor his recovery. He Was building up a good business as an iMplement agena besides having a, set -tion of land in that part A FINE W.ONTAN CALLED AWAY., CANADA'S GREATEST PLATFORM SPEAXER. DT, J.A. Macdonald, one of the foremast public men of the Domin- ion, and editor al tha (Tolle -nth Globe, will ,speak in Cardno's opera house, Seafoeth on Tuesday, ,Tan. 23rd. Subject (Alec:bare. "Canada's Place Among 'the Nations." This is the first of a series ofaaleaturcas under the auspices of the "Seaforth Canadian Club." • A short musical program will be furnished. Doors open at 7.30. Admission 25e. MONEY IN LTC!ENSES. • Mrs. Garrett Maxwell whose death was recorded was bora in Lairgan, County Down. Ireland 75 505111'ago. Mien 17 years of age she came with her, parents to this country and settled in Clinton he5a. she resided. -until het( anima iiage to her new bereft, p'arIare Then Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell moved Morris 'where they have lived for over 45 years. hirs, Maxwell was a fine type of Woman doing goad wherever she went by her kind and churl tabl e manner and wa a al- ways aeady 1.0 lend- a. helping hand and give a kind word( Or gonail 11(1 vice whenever racinhel. She was greatay loved by all who knew her and Will he much massed in the home and neighborhood. She is aurvived by her husband, ene son and six daughters, all of; whom were at her bedaide acar aeverail • weeks before her dleath. Mrs. Mos - well will beheld' in kindly remem- brance for in3any 'ticaday by those who had tales pleat-atm:I of her se- quaintanee. 'THE PRIVATE SECRETARY." A huniorona coMedY The Paavate Secretary,' will be presented in the Town Hall, February ,tht! first, by an able .caste of to3w4 !talent. The Story deals with the amusing pre- dicaments of the Bev. Robert Spalding a newly engaged paivate secretary nf Marshland's who is a, gauntly gentleman. Mr. 1Vaass1land's nephew, Hatay resid- ing in London, heboanes entangled ip tamale financial diarsianitaes( and ,sellis ,aicl ST0111 hie friend. Douglas Cal:tea:male, a ateaclly young ma,n who( ahishass no rai:hu siirencitl° "SOW- \Viild oae‘ (sista. In an endeavour to ,comply w± alarth'ry blous tuonifelhaess dwikiSfiiice131eh • .(anderPtaist. the same time .acconapanies` him (to lii3s uncle's country homei as Rev. Spalding, She private seceetany, While the Teal private seereflartv remains in) London, in Douglas' • apaatmenits.' Harry's ,consin, Edith Willaerlasshilltearndnirolvaindde amb'eTPlelr„ ieetniltde(rtuBivna- • me,ne for the boys. 'Until( the ea - rival ef Douglas' uncle from( India on a visit to his •old friend Mr. 'Marshland followed by the real pri- vate secretary, which causes many amusing situatiOns.' These are by 'no means 'embed by the) appear- ance of Gibson &tailor ;who! knew • the boys and vimae ambition isito 'Isoar on the upper *rustsl of soc- iety," and Mi,se Ashford an old maid • 'devoted tespisittualiana ;who rule - :takes Mr. SPaIdA,ag for A medium. Matters reach, dimax whe4 tlhe all miaUnders*diillge diRehhank- , identity of Dondlas is revealed an aneed,t Twhe:kmaate4Will be announced ' r iEY46,th,1912 ij ccia One dow where nuniber of articles at in our Notth win-, Another on a table in 1 the store where we of. we have a . . fer $1.5o, $1.25 and $1.00 fiction alf Price Far 69c • If.you,want the goods and cannot find time to --examine them you pay a high . price for the time saved. atinsmomasnaranatamsammsaaarazareasaaseannineanstaeleram GETTING IN THE ICE CROP. . Harvestingthe iee cropfor 31.11e coming summer has commenced all 'ready. The ice is better than it has been .for the past two years. WON AT SEAFORTH. Clinton hockey 'team defeated Seal oath on Tuesday night in •Seaf or Oa- by a ,s core of 9-7. At haat' time the 'score was 5-2 and Clinton .scored four more befoee( they aet- up and Seaforth .scored, 5 goals. D. Forbes, of Stratford, was re- feree. The Clinton team was com- posed al Johnson, Ru.mball, O'Don- nell, Fair, Kerr, Dnaper. and Gtreig C,OMPLIMVNT FOR DICK. Bach auto license costs' $4, 60 tho motoa- car owners will pay about $50,000 to the pecreinee this year for 'licenses, and about $5,000, to deal - tire. Chaulfeurs must pay an an - anal lee of at for 'their license, and there Were 2200.Omni:I:clues. Last 4051 theta Were 900 motor. caaae licenses issued. The foe for these is $3 each. and the numb -i' of • Nunes isslied last yea(' wa,s phe- nomenal. The number issued in 1010 only totaled • 300; . PAYMENTOF' LOCAL OFFICIALS A' press repeat front Br milord states; that only two' pla.ryees of last year's team' h.ave had contracts sent to them, one of these tieing Dick Tasker, of Clinton. Brant- ford will practically have( a new ball team this 7015. WOMEN'S INSTITUITE. The regular monthly meeting of 1 the Women's,latititute Will be held at the home al Mrs. Bd. Munroe on Thursday attatmoon, Jan. 25t011 at 3 olelock. Mrs. A. J. McMurray ,Will give the topic, "Oat CIountry'a lte- scUreeS." It is pOihte:1 OU:: at the Auditor- GeneraPe Department that Chore its no moee delay than usual in paying' polling expenses, as has been com- plained by various o ic!al s employed in,the last Federal el- ection. Accounts of deputy -return Mg' olfteers, lain -clerks, etc., are being paid as eapially aa the neeee- sary verineation of expense items ean be made. In some eases il has teen found that the p -roper vouch eas have not 120011 sent ill, awl 10 SCOW; cases attemp!s have a; 'ea made to pad 'accounts. In all each caaes expkanations have been aeleed and pending inveatigalions 01' the item's in dispute, payment is of course being' withheld. It will be a. month or ,ao yet beforct all !re- counts still outstandhag, 'aro settl- ed. TO RAISE $500,000. • The Orange Mutual Benefit Fund Purposes raising 5500.000 insurance in four 0.1001115. tw's end, the president, Lieu 1..n. 'Scott of Walkertim. and executive,- beICI 0(1 inaugural hancput in Victoria, hall, Taranto, on Saturd,ay taight, The 4110 membra present heard an 'able and comprehensive J.itidress by Thomas ,A. Dull, the general agent Ceritral Business College !,31rattord, Ont. Our classes are now larger than ever before trot we have enlarged can quarters and we have room fora few more students. You may enter at any time. We have a staff of nine experienced instructore and our courses are the best. Our graduates eucceed. This' week three recent gradu- ates informed us that they have positions paying 905, 970 and 5125 per month. We have three departmenta,Cornmercial,-Short- hand a xade)Telegraphy. Write for our fre catalogue now. • D. 'A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL for anotherload of Mixed stoektif they can be purchased they intend patting them on sale in either Clin- ton or Londesboro in the near fu- ture. A TOWN HOCKEY LEAGUE. A town hockey lea,,,itet is to be formed soon so as to stall). playing during Februany. Some good. games no doubt be played as the factories and Pastime (*.'.11ub have good players. WATCH FOR THE DATE. A meeting is to be called shortly to take steps, if passible, to come 10 501110 arrangements 1wheneby Clinton will have a large rink neXt yqa.r. A meeting was to laa called tor the 22m1, bul owing toe) con,. cert coming on that date, the meet. ing v,111 be postponed to some to - bit re date. • of the fund. whoi outlined the me- thods withal will be used to ram the desired sum in Toronto. SU•CCESSFUL SALE. The auetion Salo of 'cattle which was held in -Clinton( nn Monday was Well attended 'and cattle sold eold fairly well; cows running from 530 to 50; young .eattle realizing a good prize, ono year old heifer bringing $30 dollars each. These prices eettainly speak well for the stock which is being handled by Holland and Connell. Mr. Holland is leaving for the South on 1Vionclay BE SURE AND ATTEND, Don't miss the splendid( concert to be given in the Town Hall, Mon- day evenina next by/ the Stealeii- • a son (Masonic) Quartette, of Tor- onto, and George lacix,, People who have heard Dick Foster basso at ithe quartet: sing will be anxious to he,ar his magniticent voice ag,ain. 'Visitors fro,m Tor - matt( in tOSVIA this week say the Quartet is the best in the city. Some of their week will be litanor- ous so as to atilt all bastes. Fel-, lowing are some ea the Drees not-, ices ;-A special feature of, the evenir a was the singing of by Mr. .13.1tedfearne, oa "Come into - tho Garden Maud." Mr. Redfearnes rendition of 'the song greatly Pleased: Ihe audience, and claarly Shows that Toronto has in him a decided acquisition to its muslcal kaletnIt--Toronto Star -Mr. Geo Fax .the violinist of the :company is a marvellously aine virtuoso, al-' though genius is a big big( Woad even the most exacting cannot help admitting that he possesses almost excellent technique which hie never for armament loses sight of. Per- haps his best qualification is 0.0 ex- ceedin,g charnaing and rare taste. He is ,certainly a naaster.-- The Stevenson Male Quartet ,ereated the meat favorable impression of ppy musical ,or vocal erganization 04 its kind in Torento-The Herald ' awes. sTeosr ;73;11 eor.-y. Toronto. -"Mr. oR:odef evarolacele.''paonsd- conabined with true musical feel - and sentiment a conabination. • ecessary to make true artip*, he is sure to be become recognized as ;one of :Toro3ate?s leading) arkiste' ;Teronto NeWs.r-The.Daily Times Of El Paso; Texas, e,ays--=1VIr. George l'.;.f9g,P'thelee'veeratasdtlaralltiiv's.tisP.4.tinhAtttili' 4•11..rtail• ' ever 'appeared here. He:selected 10 hiS forst alkeiher,1,1.00 Maria" by Sebt.tbertWilhemY1., and this charm. ingly tendeP and tlYi4Pailietie,s9n1'" lanisition ie.eeNed altrnitY . ipterpretsgonk Vae teed e , ppy6tla up.iti (Inking :the ezvepi1n4. , .. ates fo.r. The). New Era has completed the following clubbing rates for 1011. Tho prices include Tile New Era andl each of the papers mentioned, Family Herald &Weekly Star 51.90 Daily.. Globe 4,50 Weekly Globe 1.55 Daily Mail and Empire . 4.50' Weekly. Mail and Empire '1.55 Toronto Daily World ......3.60 oeuseeetzotee.4.:tneososegueas- Torontc. Daily News 2.25 3 2 Toron,to Daily Star 2.25. s lige! Airy DO] s we.kiy,s. 0 0 Montreal Weekly Witness 1,80 IS 1.80 O for a thorough course in bust- a London Daily Advertiser 3.00 O 0 O no::s. Shorthand, Telegraphy, ea London Weekly Advertiser'31:0800 : ' London Free Press, tet or English. in one of 0 ' London Free Press, Morning 3.50 O SHAW',S SCHOOLS London Weekly Free Press ::: .:185 0 in ts 'TORONTO . ab Farmers' Advocate 2.30 (frn WINTER TERM NOW OPEN 8 Hamilton) Weekly Sp,ectator0.85 et; Northern Messenger. 1.40 g .Vir"i'ile far ratalogue..Address 0 Fermi and Dairy ';.',, ii,80 tp lead office, Central 13u,siness a63) Cana.clicant Farm 0..80 0 i 13- College, Yong° & Gerrard 2 Remit) by 'Postal Note, Post W- e ° `ice Money Order or Registered O Streets, Tovonto. 6 ' , . O , ei Letter to The New Ere, Clinton, 047700490:0076000A100900) .Ontaa,.tio. ..i.."ii7 matonult Wriars.. rra2.;.4-i-unvtr......Erratzt.oramaatorsercusacr.a Tia.ma.m.e.reasmr. anksaaacesmargaws.el , '" ,..or; ir.'•"I' ,i• 4. 0:' 4.4. 4. 44 4' '1r 4'4+4.4. 4' 4. 4.4'4.4++ 4' 4...i" 4. 4., 4.":' 4.4* 4. 4,.H.44 4' 4. 4.4t4.41+14 rir i• 4, .,.''', BEAR IN MIND T.HAT WE SELL, OiNLY * + + rtr:r. ' + + • 4. .„ • 4. + ._. ( . aesT QUALITILS ONLY + - + ÷ + Cheap Rubbers are not :Worth what they Cost 4. + + !lily tlie BeSt. It Pays. ...- 4. ÷ 4. a. 8005(01 1021% e.„ plF:IWZO=TadhEEEEMWEITASGSIE.....1:11Wall7===E1 Whether you want'a pair of Boots, Arctics, Socks and Rubbers, Leather Topped Rubbers, Alaskas, Felts and Rubbers, Light Rubbers for, over your shoes, or anything else in heavy or light Rubbe.r Footwear.. .We have them in the 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .5. • 111101111W11,11FIMa_ D JACKSON ++ • EveRyrtiiNG IN FOOTWEAR I 444+++:04.4444444t -"+"*.+4 "+++++++++++++ +++++++++++