The Clinton News Record, 1912-12-12, Page 51i'ecea►betl2th,, 1912,^ B1Dtlll. Union, News -Record h[rss,Tienderson, who liar been 'vis- ':.3ting with her. uncle;' Rev, Mr. Tur- •sior, for a 'couple of -inonths, has lre• •turned. Id her ,home at' Carlton ;Mg. Miller of Streets'ville has beep relieving at the C, P. R:"station rAg- ent H. Thomas having poen suffering from a rather serious; eye trouble The latter is now'lmproi{ing. Mr, J McGill, who has ,been in Vorthern Ontario during the summer months' • has returned home. ' IVir..A: Habbick •cut his thumb re ccntly , and for a time it looked: as if the matter might, turn out seriously -there •'' being _great .danger of blood, poisoning, It', is now improving, lxiWever, Mr.. J. II.' Chellewf who has been spending . a few week's with • his daughter in: Toronto and also under- going `treatment by a specialist, ;has. returned home much 'improved in health. Wild, rabbitsare becoming so tame' and so plentiful hereabouts that many have been seen in. town. Those owning orchards are fearing the: dam- age they may do to the trees. Mr. Wm, Davis, who has been at Campbellford working a steam shov- el, .recently visited his family in town. 1 -le will probably be absent Most of the winter. Miss Rene Bennett of Chatham and Verne Bennett of Toronto attended the:,faneral of their uncle, the late. Elam Livingstone herr last week. Mrs. A. W. Sloan, "wlio has - been ill for several weeks, is now im- proving nicely and will soon be ful- ly recovered it is hoped. Mrs. John McMillan, who. under- went an _operation for appendicitis in the 'Clintonihospital, recently, has returned home. Mr. ` Elam Livingstone, a well- known citizen of -Blyth, passed away at his residence. here on Friday week following an operation. The late 118r. Livingston was in his fifty-ninth year and was one of the best known men in the county, having been en- gaged invarious business proposi- tions which brought him, into contact with the public. A widow and three •daughters survive. Goderich Mr. David Gledhill of Port Albert :has been visiting his father, Mr. Thos. 'Gledhill of town. Mrs. Wm, Green has from a two ,month's' visit ends in Detroit. Mrs. Cornish- and son have return - .ed to their home in Ripley after a pleasant visit in town with friends. Mrs. Oliver' Grigg has- returned to town after an extended visit with with` western, friends," ' At Slmday :'morning service in St. George's Church Rev. J. 13. Pother- ingllame dedicated the handsome new pipe organ just installed. Special musts for. the occasion was rendered by the choir, assisted by Mr. Jam- es Fowler wlio ably sang as a solo "Nazarits:" After the evening ser- vice Mr. Roy Adams gave a re- . oital, delighting the congregation with 'its fine tone. Mrs. W, J. MOCluro of ,Grand Cou- lee, 'Sask., is visiting her uncle, Mr. David Thompson of 'Britannia Road. • Mr. and. Mrs. 13. McEvoy of the Sunset Province, visited their sons in town' recently previous to leaving -on a trip to England, ,Mr, Jas. Fowler, who leaves short- ly for a visit to ,,his home in Eng- land, was presented'' by the choir of North street church. with a hand- somely engraved gold watch in tok- en of appreciation of his services as , a' rnemaer of that body. James Tait, a well respected ,citizens; died on Thursday last after an .illness of some week's duration. • Mrs. W. F. Clark bats returned from Grand Marais, Minn,, where. shin *as attendings the furnral ,of heir 'brothel the late Joseph McDonald, ,:son of Mrw..:M.pDonald of this town. One of the familiar figures of God- •erieh has been removed by the death .of JOhn 'Curry, which took place last week. Mr. Curry was, born in •Goderich township seventy-four 'years 'ago and passed the' early part of his life in farming.: Later, for a num- ber of years, he was inthe hotel' 'business in partnership -with liis twin brother, David. Alter selling ottt this business, Ile- lived at Seaforth Cor some time, but eventually re- turned to Goderich, and for several ~'ears lie' conducted a clothes pressing and 'dyeing taisincss. Iiia ; was a genial, kinlly soul, and probably had not an en- emy in the world, He was not mar- ried, and when the was taken ill some weeks ago lie` was cared for ^at 'Alexandra ' hospital, where lie passed away. The funeral took place ate( Tbursdev morning, irpm the home of his . nephew, Mr. Thos: Quigley, to St. Peter's - church, where requiem mass was con- ducted by Rev. ' Father McRae, and thence to the Catholic cemetery. The • pallbearers wore • John: McEvoy, Thos. Griffin, Jas. Dean, Ea Phelan, '133. J. Farr and L. Chisholm. a'anne diose present at the funeral.. were • Mrs. Curry,; (widow 01 the'. late David Curry) and her son Clif- ford, al Detroit ; R. Patrick Quigley; bbIis. Thos. Tighe and Wm. Morrison, .of Mullett ; Geo. Eraubkopf of Log- an; Mrs. , Win. Quigley and her sol Austin, of Ashfield: Goderich Hockey' 'Club Was Organ- ized for tiie season at -an enthusias tie and well attended meeting Mon- day evening, and Will have. a team" iSy tiie intermbdiate series-' of the 0. 31 A. °fusers were elected as fo1-' low : I-,onorory , president,: M G. Cameron, exM.'P. P. ; lioaornry, vice-presidents, E. N. Lewis, M. P. ;; and Wm. ' 'Praudfoot VI, ; . P P. Edwards ; 1 ec Seaforth. Mrs ' :Belle ;MeNab was in ;Strat- ford `'last week, Mr. J. F. Killoran ; of .Stratford,, was a,, town visfftior recently. Mrs...Wm, Ament is visiting fri- ends in London- and 'Michigan ,for a couple O1 weeks, Mrs, Will Stoddart, who has been visiting with; her parents, Mr.' and Mrs:` Mothers;' of Lethbridge, Alta., has returned home. Miss Beatrice M. 'Robinson is spending some weeks with friends in returned with fri- The . Board- of Trade at a special meeting the 'other evening endorsed the proposition to grant to the glove andlegging factory free taxation and water for a, period of ten ,years upon the property known as the Grip, , House; and would recommend that the council submit a bylaw to the people in January. Mr. Geo. Steel: of Saginaw, Mich,, has been visiting his mother, llrs.' Steel of Egmondville. Miss Annie May of Toronto will succeed Miss Knight on the Colleg- iate staff after the Christmas Vaca- tion. Miss Knight goes to Toronto At the last regular meeting of the local branch of the 0. M, 13. A. the following officers were elected for 1913: President,; John Horan ; first vice-president, Mr. McQuade ; second vice-president, M. Williams financial secretary, D, Andrews ; as- sistant recording secretary, J'. V, Ryan; marshall, M. Broderick ; guard, W. Kehoe ; spiritual adt i;er,, Rev. P, Corcoran. Two delegates were appointed to attend the grand council convention at •Hamilton next August, namely, Dennis Andrews, delegate, and John McQuade, alter- nate. Deaths 1 IVINGSTONE—Tn''Biyt11, Nby, 2911i Elam ;'Livingston1 : in iris S9th,l year: UPSHALL-In Kippon, Dec, 2nd Jos -f eplr Upshall, aged 71 years, R'ALBFLEIscH—list Zurich, °'on Nov:,: 30th, `Mrs. Henry Kalbflesoh, ag-„ ed .68 ;years. NICIIOLSONAt Port Huron, 0a' BenmilIer Lorne Move hat returned from the West. • • The Pitblados have bought Albert. Good's farm on the 4th con. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore have tak- en up -their winter residence in Ben - miller. The children around Benmiller are busy practising for their Christmas Tree entertainment on the evening of December 23rd. Rev. A. W. Brown is holding spec- ial evangelistic services at the Col- borne church. The 'Evangelical minister. Rev, 0. G. Kallman, is helping- him this week, .Noy. • 28t1i, Alfrea'Nicholson, for merly of Goderich, aged 54 years,. 7 months and 20 days. Pfe CIOU'S—.At Port Huron, on Nov, 28th, John Precious form erly of Goderich, aged 89 years, 6 months and 1 day. STEWAR?--In, IGodorich, on Decent - bet 2nd; Annie Elizabeth :Morris, wife of George Stewart, aged 52 years. Dunlop ' Miss Youngston, who has been vis- iting her .aunt, Mrs. Clutton, has re- turned to her home in Granton. STRAAYED STEER -- sT'R+AYE^D', from the premises of the under signed on or about Nov. lst, one. red steer calf about 9 months old. Any information os to its where- alfouts will be thankfully received. —Wm, Evans, Lot 6, Sauble Line, Stanley Township. -60 SERVANT WANTED.—APPLY TO Mis. Malcolm' McTaggart. —57 POTATOES.—TWO CARLOADS OF potatoes have arrived for us from New Brunswick and are now on sale at Hill's grocery enc door north of the hospital. They are a good clean variety.—Steep & Co. —57. t let,effice, of fills Treasurer of the Town of; Clinton ° • 6 St 'shall be• lawful for; the MAY fir of the. said 1Vunicipali ty and "Ike' ls hereby nutborized an(1);'iulstructed q aign, arnd issue the 'said debent- urea, and ^ interest coupons and ' to cause ,the same, to be sign d by the Treasurer of, the said niunieipalit'y, and. tile clerk of''the-,said"I municipal- ity 'is hereby, authorized and'instrue- ted : to-;,aflitethe ; seal of the•' said municipality 'to the said debentures. 7'. For the purpose of, paying the, said debentures and the interest on the same during the currency there= of there' shall be-'raised'by special rate on all the rateable property in the, said Town of Clinton in each •yeah during the period 'which the said debentures, have to run the sum of $1,650.00 annually for the :pay- ment .of interest , on the said debent- ures andthe further sum of $792,40, annually for the' purpose of forming a .sinking fund for the payment of the principal of the debt in 25 years' making in •all the annual sum of $2;442.40. 8. ,The Mayor' and Treasurer may cause the said debentures or a :suf- ficient. amount thereof to be sold or hypothocated and the proceeds there- of after providing for the discount (if any) and the expense of sale there-` Of shall be applied for the purpose above 'specified and no other pur- HELP WANTED—THE JACKSON Mfg. Company—Hand sewers and operators. Steady work, Short hours, Well lighted and ventilated work rooms. Good pay.—Apply at office or to J. McLeod, Supt. MOUSE FOR SALE ON PRINORS1 street.—For particulars apply to Mrs. James Tucker, Clinton. —40 BY-LAW NO.13 FOR 1912 of the Town of Clinton. A 13y -law to authorize •the . purchase of the plant of the Clinton Elect- ric Light Co. and to provide for the purchase price of the said plant and for the cost of ad- ditional plant to distribute electric, light and power to be supplied by 111e Ily- dro Electric 'Power Commission of On- tario, Ed Shaw. Harry Williams, Fred Gliddon and Bert 'Bogie have return- Whereas it is deemed desirable ed from a three months' stay in the that the Corporation of the Town of Nest, Clinton should procure ani rllsirib- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quaid have re- turned frons their wedding trip, which included Niagara Falls, Strat- ford, Simcoe and other points, The Dunlop "Exchange," which had not been vacant before for over six- ty years, now stands deserted and still. Travellers Isom a distance who stop for a "warns" and a rest for their horses have to push on 1;o Goderich, muttering anathemas on the existing state of;affairs, if they feel that way; Zurich Mr, Samuel Edighoffer, has return- ed front a trip to the western pro- vinces. Mr. Conrad Keller has sold his farm on the 13211 con,, and has pur- chased Mr. Chas. Brit's house in to which he will move his family very soon. Mr. H. H. Little and family have gone to Hensall to reside.. Mrs. John Schilbe of Detroit and Mrs. Abel Schilbe of Waterloo, were hero last week,.having been called by the illness and subsequent ,death of plreir mother, .Mrs. H. Kalbfleisah, The . Jackson ''Mug. Co., intend starting a branch of their factory here .early in the new year. Mrs. Henry ICalbfleisch died on Saturday week after a short illness aged sixty-eight years. She leaves a husband and a family of two sons and •two daughters, Louis o£ Hay township, 'William of Ottawa, Mrs J. Schilbe of Detroit and Mrs. A Schilbe of Waterloo. 9.. The proceeds of the,. said, de- bentures shall 130 applied to and for the purpose hereinbefore recited and for no ' other purpose. 10. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of. the final passing thereof. 11. The votes of the electors of the said municipality qualified to vote on tiro By-law shall be taken on Monday the Oth, day of January 191.3,commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon at the fol- lowing places within the municipal- ity :, St. 'Andrews Ward at the Town Hall, Walter Manning Deputy Re- turning Officer, E. Saville, Poll. Clerk ; St. James Ward at the Sam- ple Rooms south of the Ratteinbury House.. A. J. Grigg, Deputy Return- ing Officer, A. F. Cudmore, 'Poll Clerk ; St. Jalith Ward at The Clin- ton Motor Car Co's Office, J. C. McMath, Deputy Returning Officer, H. Alexander, - Poll Clerk ; St. George's Ward at David Elliott's Carriage Shop, S. J. Andrews De- puty Returning Officer J, Cmring- hanne, Poll Clerk. 12, On the fourth day of January A. D. 1913 the Mayor of the said Town of Clinton shall attend at The Clerk's Office in the said ''town of Clinton at 11 o'clock in the fore- noon and appoint persons to attend at 111e various Polling Places afore- said, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on 'be- half 01 the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the pasting of this 13y -law, respectively. 13. The Clerk of the said Town of Clinton shall attend at' his office in ' the Town Iiallln the said Town of Clinton at Twelve o'clock noon, on Tuesday the seventh day of.Janu- ary, A. D. 1913, to sum up the num- ber of votes given for and against this By -Law. Dated at the Council Chamber in the said Town of Clinton this elev- enth day of December, 1912. FARiM FOR RENT,—LOx f 4;,' CON.,. 8, containing: 100 agree situated it miles south of the village of yar n'a,l near to: 'good school mad chuff;, thea; Will teat'for for term of 'Et or 5'. , years; to suit the renter, Pow' session can be givenat once. For further ,particulars --apply to AMdxew Reid, Varna P. 0, or to Rey. R. Murray •8827` North Boyne' Ave;; • Chicago Ill. , tJr r ,ip o ,ABYLA W To_ prohibit the sale by retail of • spirituous, fermented or other •;manufactured liquors in the Municipality of the Vil- lage of Bayfield The Municipal Council of• the Vile lege' of Bayfield hereby enacts as, follows : 1.—That the sale by retail of spir- ituous, fermented, or 'other manufac- tured'liquors is and shall be prohib- ited in every tavern, inn or other house of public entertainment in the said municipality, and the sale there- of, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of public entertainment in the said municipal- ity. 2. -That the vote of ,the electors of the said Village of Bayfield will be taken on this By-law by the re- turning officer hereinafter named on Monday the sixth day of January. Ono Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirteen conunencing at nine o'clock in the morning and con- tinuing until five o'clock in the after- noon at the undermentioned place i The Town Hall in the. Village of Bayfield by II. W. Erwin, Returning officer, 3.—That' on the Third day of Jan- uary A. D. 1913, at his office in the Village of Baylield at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon the reeve shall appoint in writing, sign- ed by himself, two persons to at- tend at the ficial summing uif of the votes by the clerk, and one person to ajttondl at eaph pooling piincd'onl behalf of the persons interested 'in and de - ions of promoting the passing of this By-law, and a like number on behalf of the perbons interested in and de- sirous of opposing the passing of this By-law. 4. --That the Clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Village of Bayfield shall attend at the Town Hall at the hour of eleven o'clock: in the forenoon on 1110 seventh • day of January. A. D. 1913, to semi, up the number of votes given for and against this By-law. 5. This By-law shall come into, force and take effect as from the first clay of May atter the final passing thereof. Council Chamber, Nov 9th, 1912. H. W. Erwin, Clerk, ' George Lindsay, Reeve. NOTICE. Take Notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into considera- tion by the Municipal Council of 111e Village of Bayfield and which will be finally passed by the said Coun- cil (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, as provided by "The Liquor License Act," and amendments thereto), af- ter one month from the first publi- cation thereof in the News.ROcord, Clinton, the date of which first pub- lication was Thursday the fifth day. of December A. D. 1912 and that at the hour, day and place therein fix- ed for taking the votes of the el- ectors the polls will be held: H; W. Erwin, Clerk, ute power and light to be supplied by the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario; And Whereas the Clinton. Electric Light Co, has made an offer to sell its plant to the said municipality for the semi of 120,000.00 which of- fer is set forth in Schedule "A" to this By-law ; . And Whereas in order to provide. the funds requisite for the purchase of the said plant and to provide for, the cost of works, plant and appli- ances necessary in conjunction there- with for distributing in the said Town of Clinton electric light and power to be supplied- by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontar- 10 it is necessary to raise by way of loan on the credit of the '1otm1 of Clinton the said sum of $20,000.- 00 20,000:00 and also the further sum of 413, 000.00 being the whole sum of 133., 000.00 which last, mentioned shin is the debt intended to: he created by this by-law ; And Whereas it „will require the. Mayor. Clerk. First and Second Reading 11th, December, 1912. Third reading 1913. SCHEDULE "A" We, William James Stevenson and. William John Nediger, carrying 011 business at the Town of Clinton as manufacturers_ and distributors of Electric- Light and power in partner- ship under the, name, style and firm of the Clinton Electric Light Co: do hereby offer to sell to the Corpora- tion of 'the Town of Clinton all our sum of $2,442.40 to be raised 511' plant and all appurtenances thereto nually by a special rate on the wiio10 belonging . or appertaining including rateable property of the Town of :,as well as all other those certain - Clinton for payment of the said sum ' parcels of land bituate in the ' said of $33,000.00 and interest on the de- bentures to be issued thereto: of which the sum $1,650.00 will befor such interest and the sunt of 8752,40 for a sinking fund from which to pay the said debentures at matur- ity ; And Whereas the amount of the, whole rateable property of the Town of. Clinton according to the last , re- vised 'Assessment Roll is $742,623.00. And Whereas the atnoprit of the. ex- isting - debenture "debt of the' said Town of Clinton exclusive of local improvements debts secured by spec- ial estimates therefor buts including the debt of 159,000,00 incurredafor the installation of the waterworks , sys- tenl is the suir,oi $129,786.48 and no pate of principal or interest thereof is in arrear ; Therefore theMunicipalCouncil of the Town of Clinton 'Draaats as 'fol- lows 1. The . Municipal Council.' of the said Town • is hereby au- - thorized and ins 111 `u 0 1 0 0 to accept' the said oiler of the Clinton Electric Light -Co and to complete the •purchase ' of their lands, plant andappurtenances and their con- traets for the sum of $20,000.00, 2. It shall he, lawful for the May pc and Treasurer of the sail Town of Chilton toborrow on the crefiit. of • ft the Co;pnration of the Town of Clinton the sunt of $34,000.00 and to issue debentures of the; said Corpora- tion to the amount of 133,000,00, in sums of net loss than $900,00 each. 3, The debentures shall have at- tached to them coupons for the payment of interest at the rate of five percent. per annum which ' con pons- shall be signed by the Tress, uror ;and shall, be payable yeaiily aura ing the continuance of. the said aie- benturen. 4:` The said debentures shall be 1st day of April, X1914 shall' be pay - Marriages DEW=MITCHELL—In Exeter, Lin - Dee. 4th, by Rev. D. W. Collins, Susan Mitchell, daughter of Mc, and Mrs. Valentine Mitchell, to Dan. Dew of Ushorne, COOK-STALKER—A' the hone of, the bride's parents, on Dec, 4th, by Rev, D: Petrie, Dr. Earl' Honer Cook, of Friendship, N. Y. to Luella E,,.only daughter. of tar, and Mrs. Joseph Stalker, of Wingham, Births 1V1001I.E-At the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Finch Er,; • Victoria street, o1 Nov 28th, to Me,. aiid tars; R. L, ,Moda:e of 'Toronto, . a son. PATERSON—In Wingham on •Nov, 29th, to Me.. and Mrs: K. Pater Son, ' a daughter. ' • WALTERS—In Egmondville, on Dee- emben,1st, to •Mr. and Mrs E1' Nott 17alter$, of Tctekersnt,itlr, 'a son,` . TRENCH—In Wingiam to, alt. and • Mrs.; Trench, a son. • MADIGAN—In , Wingham,- 'Nov'. 29111, to; Tt, and Mrs. Jno.' Madigan,`a Town of Clinton and being composed, of Lots Numbers Fifty-four (54), Sixty-seven (67) and Sixty-eight (68) each lot containing one rood of land more or lesb,'and together therewith all, the contrasts noity held by us for supplying light, heat, steam and power in connection with the said plant . for the euni of Twenty Thous- and' dollars to he paid td' usin cash, on or before the first dap of June 1913 ' upon payment , of which sum we agree to convey to the said Cor- poration a good title in fee simple to all the said lands, plant and ap- purtenances ftee • from 911 encum- brances. • This offer shall remain irrevocable and open fa acceptance' until the first day of Juno 1913. Witnevs our hands and -seals at Clinton this 1111, day of December, 1,912. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of W. J. STEVENSON, L. 5, W. J. NEMER, L. S. The Corporation of the Town of Clinton hereby accepts the above written oiler:., ' D'ated at Clinton this day of ,! 1913. >yiteess. Mayor. Clerk, a NOTIOF1. 'Fake Notice that the above is 'a true copy of a proposed "By-law which has been taken' into coasidsra- tion by the Munidipal Council' 01 the Town of Clinton and which will be finahy, passed by 'lie said .'Council -1 in., t event of 'the- assent of the electop aping a?tained thereto) af- ter;.:iline 10ontix,110311 the first peblica- u ob thereof , fn• The Clinton .News Rectot'd tb date of which flret publication 'tests, the twoiftli day of December, ^,1`912, and'>t1bat the votes of *he ' eleotoa ; of ills ^said 'Muxlloi¢- • ken'thereon ,01 the Ancient Order of Foresters. -FRO Jeweler - and We carr. ' one of the lar stocks of carry Clocks a County. WATCHES Ladies' and gent's gold filled cases, Stem wind, with a good reliable movement, fully guar- anteed $10 00 Others:from $12 00 to 40 00 Boys' watches ..-- 1 00 CLOCKS Clocks of all descriptions from 31,00 to $25 00 Special Values for Xnias Umbrellas with gold, silver and gun metal handles. Ebony floods SILVER Is always popular for p It i We put all articles of jcwelery in free of charge. Our Prices are Right and Goods We will be pleased to have you c [louse catalogues, issuer of Marti (No Witnesses FARM FOR SALE,—LOT 30, CON. 7.1, Goderich township, consisting of 80 acres, all cleared and in a good state of cultivatten, 30 acres in grass, 1 acre orchard. Good outside wire fencing good concrete dwelling with eight rooms. Stone dairy. Forme barn, 1 mile from Holmesville and 4 from Cliuton. Will be sold on easy tertns. For further part'eaulars apply to W. Caeoks Clinton, P.O.. or Fred Leonard, Holmesvidle. , Established 1741 Membership 1,250,000 Capital $47, 252, 55 On a •20 year endowment at the age of 25 the yearly eterniunn is $44, 61. On a •20 year Pay Life the yearly premiuin at the age of 25 is $25,10. On a W1bole Life the yearly pro mien is $16,00,' age 25. Loan Values, Cash Surrender, Ex- tended Insurance and, Paid up privil- eges with every Policy. The policies are all profit bearing:. No assessment system. For further particulars enquire of any member of Court Prosperity, or of tat A. F. Cudmore, Secretary FARM TO RENT OR FOR Sale, known as " Springhill Farm " on the Bayfield Road, Goderich Pownship, consist- ing 175 acres, south hall lots 51 and 52 and part 53 and 54. awe miles from Clinton and one from school. A 'first-class stock and grain farm. 35 acnes of good pas- ture land.. Well watered and has never failing spring at barn. (Toed wells andcistemi. Bank barn 62x52, with stone stabling. 150 apple trees just beginning to bear and all kinds of 'small fruits. Reason for selling : Owner in poor health. Terms to suit purchaser.—Robert Marshall, Clinton P. 0. —36 Wag oils fl�f Cntters AT REDUCED PRICES 1 rebuilt buggy$25.00 35.00 1 heavy democrat 25.00 1' 1 -horse heavy wagon 25;0.0 1 rebuilt cutter 4.00 12. 7:00 it 12,00 FARM FOR SALE,—THE UJMDER- signed vitas. for sale lot 18, con. 10, Goderich township, containing 80 acres On it there is a good frame house and bank barn, eacb with stone foundation, and also an implement house. It is a good stock farm as there is Plenty of water. Convcuient to churches and school. Telephone , connection. Small orchard and about 5 acresof bush,—For terms apply to J. 11. Lowery, Box 1242, North Bay, or to Jos. Proctor, Hdmesville. —45 FARM FOR SALE—The Executor of the Southcomhe estate otters , fou sale 50 acres, being east hall of loll 28, con. 0, Mullett.' This is a flue -class farm, well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, Hulletlt, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately.— ,Apply eparately —,Apply to R. J, Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0. —89 717)