The Clinton News Record, 1912-12-05, Page 9CIL REPORTS.
if Tndustrvand Refuge] of the'.
cuts the following as his report
silica opening not of House 425
r, inli
during the year.,,..,...... 17
r.., ...........:. ............ ()
r. 1
t December, 1912.,.......... 98:
nr� several munieipelities as fol -
e„ 1 ; W. Wawanosh, 2 ; Hay,'
; Stephen, 1 ; Stanley, 2,
; Clinton, 3 ; Goderich, 1 ;
• Sickness, 5 ;- Tnrbieility, 4.
nily;and help, 1900
e year.........,.,., 92
and help r 97
$ 27 '
id 1st Dee., 1911.,, 2069 00 i
$ 190 21
2434 90
trill on hand 1st
2115 89
507 00"
$ 5248 00
$ 5002 27
1 03}
been collected from in -
in the above. •
ccomrts is as follows
$ 190 21
304 81
635 50
1250 00
338 60
421 65
3235 75
1082 61
19 40
87 23
834 56
$ 818127
JOHN TORRANCE, inspector.'
9 oa'
of the Physician.of the House of.
'ober 30th,, 1912.
as been very satisfactory indeed
inmates 106 during the year with
of a serious nature ; three of in-
t' the hip andleg were the only
e exercised in sending cases to the
y, as the House at present is tax
,se entitled to admission.
n your admission paper requiring
Fath intruded inmate has proven a
tted 905 medical and surgical cases
fV Yours,
Physician, H. of R.
r Ton 01? lar)usTftr \f, 8':,iiw
a Coce rr IW IIUntON
report of crops grown and work
she year 1912:
2 acre Mitch sets
net back,.... $1155 25
Parsnips 25 bosh
Clover' seed 8
Cabbage 900 head.
Fodder Corn } acre
Tomatoes 105 bask
3 acres Sugar. Beets
net back .. $109 35
Raspberries , .. ,...... ; ,073 boxes
R. MUTCH, Manager.
ogs' Annual
Willison and W. W. Sloan; president,
11. Climate vine -president Robert
Relines; Secretary, E, 8'loody ; trea-
surer, Dr. W. E. Struthers; financial
secretary F. T. W. Hodgson; execu-
tive committee, John Robertson,
Major Joseph Beck, Dr. B. J. Stan -
bury, .R. S. Crocker, B. Sheppard. N.
B. Cobbledick, T. G. Soole K. McLeod
'S. L. Scott. R. A. Rastal'l, Dr. Belden,
O. McGilleuddy, H, G. Hit•ton, 1f. S.
Hick and J.Tamblyn; auditors Messrs.
McTaggart. Freed and Stewart.
The association will hold its annual
At Horne in the Temple bailding on
February 21st,
The following it the Secretary's re -
To the members of the Huron Old.
Boys' Association, Toronto : Gentle
men,.--.iin presenting my annual 're
port let me congratulate the mem-
bers on the continued prosperity, of"
the Association during tbie year ;just
closed. fYur Membership list 'runs
over' the five hundred mark amongst
whom are,some of 'our Most inf!nen-
-„ ,t,1 citizens of almost every walk oi'
Our banquet,' in Williams' restaur
ant, in November last, was a great
success; the'rnembers enjoying therm
selves to their hearts content.
Our annual At -Home' in idle Tem-
ple building, in February last, was
I atn sure, the most successful in the
'history of the Associaton. It was cer-
tainly representative of every section
of the old county. The committee of
lady patronesses being of great assist
amen to the executive in .this respect.
Our "annual excursion in July, to
Kincardine and Goderich, was fairly
well patronized and everybody enjoy.
ed, the outing, The feature of the ex-
cursion was the auto tide by the es.
eentive-;around, the county ,The ex-
ecutive were met at the Goderich sta-
tion by Messrs E. N. Lewis, W. erotic]
foot, M. P. P., the Mayor and ,tlhers
e..nd after a short rest were miter -
mined at Mr. Lewis' residence.
The start was made to Bayfield early
in the afternoon, led' by Messrs. Lew-
in and Kelly, and to the mueic'of Pip-
er Ross. Arriving at Bayfield we
were met by MrJ J. Mernee M. P.,
and a big deputation el South Huron.
representatives in eight automobiles.
After an hour's stay in Hayfield where
we *ere entertained by the Reeve, we
took the Lake Shore Road tothe Em.'
brya City of St. Jnseph celebrated all
over the Dominion where a short stn
was made,We then headed for. Zurich
arriving there at 6 p. m., here supper
was served and the people treated us
'with every hospitality.
We then proceeded er
rote led toLxeter here
we were received
by a vast concourse
of people, headed by two hands. •
During the evening the Mayor and
Council visited us at our hotel and gave
a special welcome. Messrs. Carling,
Stanbur'y, Senior, Ilurdon and others,
made'' every effort to make our stay a
pleasant one.
We left Exeter an Sunday fnorni'.ig.
at 9 and drove up to HensaU where
Mr. Merrier loft us. We next proceed-
ed to SeafoFth, via Kipper'. Arriv-
ing at Seaforth we were pleasaatly'
entertainment for an hour by that
old veteran, Mr. Jas. McMichael.
After a pleasant •' drive along the
north gravel road through Winthrop,
Leadbury and Walton we arrived at
Brussels at one o'clock where we had
dinner. In the afternoon we left
•for Gorrie, passing through James-
town and Wroxeter on the way, We
made a short stay at Gerrie. We
next headed for Wingham and a
short distance out of Corrie we were
met by a Wingham deputation, with
four autos, headed by TyIr. Dudley
Holmes and Reeve McIntosh. The
party arrived at Wingham at 5 o'-
clock p. m., where supper was ser-
ved at the Queen's Hotel. Atter sup
per the party attended Divine ser-
vice at Trinity Church in company
with the Orangemen of the 'town. Af-
ter service the leading citizens visit-
ed us atourhotel •and spent a
pleasant evening in reminiscences of
the county.
On Monday morning the members
of the Town Council took u1 for a
trip around the town amongst the
private residences, and to the stove
foundry, Wingham's big industry; af-
ter which we started for the south,
stopping fora short time a,t Bel -
grave and reaching Blyth at 11 a.. In.
where we spent a pleasant hour with
the leading business men of the vil-
lage. •
We reached Clinton at 1 p. m,,
where we entertained at dinner at
the Ruttenbury House, Mayor Gib-
bings, Reeve . Cantelon, Town Clerk
McPherson and Messrs. Jackson' and
John Ransford, all of whom made
very complimentary addresses, 'Af-
ter dinner the whole party paid a
visit to the County house of Re-
fuge where for a short time Piper
Ross entertained the inmates with
Scottish airs.
At 5 p, rn. the party left for Tor-
oronto, after spending a most enjoy-
able •outing. The trip was one never
to bo forgotten ; travelling as we
did, through the finest agricultural
district in 'Canada. f
After some deliberation it was de-
cided by the. I'xecutive to dispense
with the usual tent at the Exhibi-
tion grounds during the Fair for the
present year.; Atter the experience
of the other societies, : we can well
congratulate ourselves on saving
both the trouble and the expense. It
is to be hoped that next year the
Exhibition` authorities will see their
way clear to placing Society Row in
a proper location.
Ctentlemen.I thank you for the
assistance you have given me during
the past year and especially hope
that the Associai'ion will groin and
flourish during the future.
.1 ani, Yours sincerely,
E. Moody, Secretary.
The Treasurer• Mr. Robt. Holmes
reported a balance of 870.00 in the
treasury with all accounts paid. The
auditors, IWtssrs. McTaggart and
Crocker, reported the book's as be-
teg kept very satisfactorily.
Any person coming to 'Toronto;
from Huron will greatly oblige the
Association if they will drop a card
to the Secretary, at 58 Close 'Ave.,
and if possible give their Toronto
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for
1913 is now ready. It is the most
splendid number of this popular Year
Book ever. printed. Its wattlehas
been more than ever proven by re-
markable* Snlfillments of its .storm
weather and earthquake forecasts
this year. Professor Slicks justly
merits the confidence and support of
all the people. Don't fail to send
35e for his 1913 Almanac, or only
one dollar for his splendid Magaz-
ine. and Almanac one year, The best
one dollar investment possible in any
home or business. Send to Word and
Works Publishing 'Company, •3401
Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo:
The Bell Telephone 'Company, el
Canada is soon to print a new is-
sue 'of its Official Telephone Hiroo''
tory for the Distri'si_of Western, On
tarso including
Parties who contemplate hoeerning
Subscribers, or those who wish chan-
ges' -in their 'present' entry should
place oven; orders with the Local
Manager,- at once to insure insertioa
in this issue ' •
Should also ,report additions and
changes in their list of subsckibore,
Dither to tile Local Manager, or dir-
ect to the Special .A gent's Depart-
The ' Bell Telephone
Company of Canada,
Clinton News :' ecoid
16 Yc�s
From The News -Record of
Nov, 25th, 1896.
Clinton, Nov'. 25t1r, 1896.
Mr. John Ransford was in Mon-
treal recently on business connected;
with r rouef
o the church
Ed' Cantelon, Horace Jackson 'and
Charles Downer each shot a deer in
Muskoka. They returned' on Satur
Six inches of snow fell early batt
Friday and the' merry sleigh bells
Wert heard for a couple of days.
St, Paul's church, was the scene - of
a fashionable wedding at high noon
on Wednesday of last , week when
Miss Eva M., only daughter of Mr.
W. W. Ferran, was married to • Capt.'
H. Torr Ranee of Blyth, formerly Of
Clinton. •
Brucefield, Nov 13th, 1896.
Mr. J. E. Toni paid his semi-an-
nual. visit .to the school section No.
10 last week. Miss Bell has been re•
engaged for the junior department
the coming year, Mr. McLachlan, the
principal, has rehigned„and intends
taking up the study of medicine.
Mr, Simon Mol{enzie had the mis-
fortune to 'disi.'ocate his. shoulder re-
Mr. C.T. A. Turner had about fifty'
of lits cattle dehoreed on 'Saturday.
William' Parker I-hrdson died at
Belleville, aged 71,
Charles Rittenburgh, a well-known
Thorold township farmer, died at the
age of 07.
Dr. Spading of Battleford, Sask.
has been visiting Mr. F: G. Sperling
of town.
14r, J, J. Mitchell has returned from
a trip to the west.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fleming of Fer-
gus visited friends in town last week
A pioneer passed last week in the
person of Mr. W. H. Knox of Mor-
ris township.
Earnest Simmons. a young manof
twenty-seven years of age. passed
away last week after a few days' ill-
ness. He leaves a wife and four little
Mr, V. R. VanNorman has returned
from a trip west.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rutlege visit-
ed the parents of the former, Rev, Dr.
and Mrs. Rutledge. for a few days last
week while on their way from Mon-
treal to Winnipeg, where Mr. Rutledge
has taken a position.
Help Her Grow.
IF you like the old town best,
Tell 'cm so !
It you'd have 'her lead the rest,
Help her grow !
When there's anything to do
Let the fellowscounton you,
You'll', feel belly when it's through,
Don't you know.
If you want to snake a hit,
Get a name!
If the other fellow's it,
• Who's to blame ?
Spend your money in the town
Where you pull the shecke}s down.
Give the 'mail concern a frown—
That's the game l
If you're used to giving knocks,
Change your 'style.'
Throw bouquets Instead of rocks,
For a while.
Let the other fellow roast,
Shun him as you would` a ghost,
Meet his hammer with a boast,
And a smile.
„When a stranger from afar
domes along,
Tell him who and what you are—
Make it strong ;
Needn't flatter, never bluff;
.Tell the truth, but that's enough ;
Join the boosters --they're the stuff ;
We belong.
Mrs. Artnstroug has purchased Mr.
C. Heffron's residence on Queen street
Messrs. F. Moore and Feed Mason are
away up the Georgian Bay on a fort-
ort-ni ht's fox hunt.,
Mr. James Dodds of the stall of the
Gordon, Mack?,y Co„ Toronto, visited
his mother in town for a few days last
week. Ile had just returned trona a
buisness trip to the west. '
Mr, David Carter has exchanged bis
house in town for a farm at Westfield
and will take immediate possesion.
Owing to a break at the power plant
there Kaye been no electric lights the
past week.
Ivlr. Mcllroy las gone to Listowel,
where he has taken a position,
Mr. D. S. Bentley ot, the Homestead
Gold Mining Co.., of Lead, South Da-
kota, visited his brother Mr. Jarnes
Bently, last week, It nearly half a
centnry since they met.
He rotates his crops.'
He tile -drains his land.
He keeps up good tences.
He has good pastures.
He has a good garden.
Ile keeps pure hred stdck.
He keeps dairy cows, hogs. or both.
He puts all manure promptly on the
fields, •
He breeds draft horsesand does
farm' work with brood mares and
growing colts.
Ile has a library with'periodicals
and standard works, and a musical in-
LaMar atrnrsa.
a&tms s. yreporoiss
wIL80E O. 717LLT.
ANY BOY canbarn
his spare time ' into
Xmas pocket money
by selling copies of the
WEEKLY Wrri ss and
the 'CAxeloI<a Picro-
RL &L,
Yon can band rip a
regular route in a short
time which will give
you a permanent
weekly income --
W. give y
ncomeWtrgivey efree
start in Business and
The beat bey wins a
Shetland Panty, Cart
and Harness or
$100.00 en Gold.
Frog1I;:S�neas Block, Ment ,ail.
Pieaus smut 'me a start' la bashes* awl i8e sea 'eLr
beautiful Shetland Pony, if Llai pod week.
oboe hew I• owe
Cali at The News-
Record -
Office and we
will order them for you.
It will save you time
and trouble and ex-
We will send for
them for you even if
you are not a subscrib-
er to The News -Record.
Elsewhere you will
see our Clubbing Rates
published. Papers not
mentioned there can be
had through us.
All orders handed in
at the office or Sent by
mail will receiverom.. t
p P
• Oiit.
He does not need to bor-
ro w your News -Record
when he can get it to
the end of 1913 for $1.00
or to the end of this year
for 15 cents.
Tell him that it is one ;of
the brightest ' and best
newspapers in this or
any other district and
that it contains news
and advertisements he
would like to dread each
Tell him , we can give
him cut rates on any
daily or weekly city. ,..
paper he wishes to take
in conjunction with The r
News -Record, '
Suggest to him to come
into the office or drop
us a line, and we will put
his name on the list.
1 '