The Clinton News Record, 1912-09-12, Page 8la
News -Record
N111M. ••N NN 1Nl•N, *N. NN.... NN r.NN••N••
Our Aim to . Please
i Brillgs Customers Back 1
1 -1
1Furniture Buyers at this store i;.variably come :
back when they want more and bring their friends •
1 with them.
: To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is i
_ as good as it looks and that is saying a whole -lot,
`Substantial Furniture can be bought here
Inow at money saving prices. Why not secure what ;
pieces you need now while prices are so favorable.
1Atkinson & Du,nfor•d
1 Furniture. Dealers -and Funeral Directors 1
I Phone 104
•Nf /N•NN/1+A/N•/N1/H11N/1N1Nit* NN/*H /N/
We still . have about Four Thousand Dollars
worth of stock to dispuse oi, so to clear it out in a
hurry we willlcut prices still lower.
jEvery Shoe Must Go At Once.,
Now is the time to get your boots and shoes for
falWand winter. From now on,terms of sale will
be Strictly Cash.
Men's reg. $5.00 boots for $3.50 home's reg $4.00 shoes for $2.75
u r' 4.00 ' „ „ 2.75 „ „ 3.00 „ „ 2.20
" „ 2.50 " " 1.50 „ „ 2.50 , . 1.65
" " 4.50 oxfords " ." 1,75 " " 1.25
(pat„ gun metal and tan " 3.40
All our men's working boots, boys', misses and child's boots at
similar reductions.
BIG SPECIAL --Women's oxfords, pumps, strap slippers,
children's slippers of all kinds
at Y2 price.
School Supplies in big as-
sortment and good val-
ues. Complete line of Re-
gular Text Books at pub-
lishers prices for Model
School or Collegiate' In-
Miss Carrie Shipley of Couch' &i Co's
staff, is holidaying
Mr. and Mrs. John Eininerton Were
in Goderich ovsi tithe week end
Mr. Wilbur Wallis of Toronto spent
the week -end .at his home in town.
Mrs. Hugh Moore of Detroit visited
her sister, Mrs, T. Crich . last week.
Miss Lizzie Ilorton of Dunlop was the
guest of Mrs. Oshaldeston Jr, this
Miss Grace Clutf visited Miss Mar-
jorie Lappin of London over the
week -end. '
Mr. Karl Wilkinof the Molsons Bank,
Aylmer, was at his home in town
over Sunday.
Miss Mamie Reid has taken a posi-
tion in the grocery store of J. P.
Sheppard & Co.
Master Norman Marsh of Detroit is
visiting -his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. co.GDavis.
Master John 'Laois of Wingham'is'
visiting his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Shipley,
Mrs. McCoy and Master Reggie of
London are -guests of the lady's
father, Mr. A. Wilkin.
Miss Mary Southcombe returned on
Saturday after a visit with friends,
in Toronto and Port Union.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper of
Brantford have been visiting friends
Th town during the past week.
Mrs,. Howe and Miss f.uiu anti Mrs.
McConnell and Master Prank re-
turned from Goderich on Monday.
Miss Jessie Macdonald of Goderich
visited Mrs, James Flynn of town
and also Hullett friends last week.
Miss Winnie O'Neil and Mrs. Mills
visited the Toronto Fair last week
and took in Niagara Falls as a side
Mrs. James Southcombe returned on
Monday after a visit in Toronto
and with her sister, Mrs. Annis of
Port Union.
Mr. Land Mrs. Harry Cook motored up
from Trenton last week and spent a
few "'drys visiting friends in and
about town.
Miss Mae East of the postoffice staff
is holidaying at present. She spent
a few days last ;week visitung'Wood-
stock friends.
Mr. Howard Stewart and Miss.Ruth-
crford of Bluevaie visited Mr. and
Mrs, S. Kemp and Mrs. T. Mc-
Cartney this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart and Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. Ross of Exeter mo-
tored up from Exeter on Monday to
visit Mrs. W. Ross.
Mrs. S. Crich visited her son, Mr.
Herbert Crich of Tuckersmith, and
also other friends in the old 'home'
township last week,
Mr. Dick Tasker, who has been . on
the pitching staff of the Brantford
Baseball Club during the season,
has returned to town.,
.Miss May Davis, who has been in
Stevensville, Montana, for the past
couple of years, is spending vaca-
tion at her home in town,
Mr. A. J. Grigg has '.'een iii Lr.rdon
yesterday and today aht:adini, the
Fair. He has a number of his prize-
winning bantams on exhibition,
Mrs, A. J. Grigg and Miss Helen re-
turned the latter part of the week
after a visit of some weeks with
London and St. Thomas friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. p'luker went to
Lucknow on Friday to attend the.
funeral of the former's sister, Mrs.
Win. McMullen of Kerrobert, Sask.
Mr. William Crooks was in Goderioh
on Saturday attending the furnral
of the late Rev. W. S. Jamieson of
Palmerston, who was related to.
hire by marriage.
Mrs. McIlveen has returned from a
visit of several days in ToioOto
where she visited with her son, Mr.
Bert • 1V1eIlvicen, and with her Lsis-
ter Mrs.
''p h. Ball.
Miss Edna Cooper left on Tuesday for
Estevan, Sask., where she will en-
gage in teaching during the current
school year. While regretting ronin
departure from town,. Miss Cooper's
many friends in Clinton wish her
"good luck" in her chosen pro-
fession. Miss Cooper will join the
staff of .a new High school just
being completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Jackson and
little daughter left on Monday for
their home in Lethbridge, Alta.,'
alter spending a couple tot months
visiting friends in Clinton„ Goder-
ich and Goderich township. They
went from Sarnia to Fort William,
by the lake route,
Mr. Harry Hunt Jr., a cousin of
Mrs. Will, 'f-Iambiyn of town and
son of the late George Hunt, for
' years an employe in Fairs Mill, has
been visiting his sister in Toronto.
He served an apprcnbicdSisiP. in the
N'eW Era office and in the course of
time drifted to New York where he
,' now holds a position as superinteii-
dent in a large priet'ng .,establish-
It was announced a couple of weeks
ago that Mr. Ed. Shepherd of Tor
onto, son of Mrs, Shepherd, Town-
send street„ had, given up hie posi-
tion with the wholesale house of
Gordon, MacKay Sr Co. in order to
accept a position in the west. The.
announcement was correct, but
sooner than lose his services the
firm offered hima substantial in-
., crease in salary to remain', which
he accepted. His services are also
appreoiated in 'other directions, for
he is a member of Trinity Metho-
distchurch Oleic, one of the largest
and most popular churches in the
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
Twitchell & Son1
A Big Price Surprise
on ladies' Tan Oxford
..r.E traoxdinaay end of the season prices to enable
us to clear out the entire lot of our Ladies' Tan
fd .
" r
,�lo make 'gulch sale we offer for the coming week
all our $4.00 Ladies' Tan Oxfords for $2.00.
grade fashionable
All �
shoes. Get a - pair now and
save money.
Shoes for everybody
mocassommemmimmarnmars p'memmi
;,i•A:4- �,IllnmununWmnnmmq,i
Mrs, .Goldthorp of Godcrioh visited
Mrs. Milne of town last week.
Mr. W. H. Miles returned on Tuesday
from a stay of several days in Tor-
Mr. F. O. Moliveen, manager of the
Sterling Bank, 'Auburn, was in town
Sunday and Monday.
Miss Nellie Bramfield spent a two -
weeks holiday visiting in Toronto,
Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. C D. Boueks have tak-
en up their abode in the cattage on
Ontario street vacated by Mrs.
Mel -lardy Smith.
The Nbws-Record requests the co-op-
eration of its friends in making
these Personal Columns as com-
plete as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ball returned
the end of the week after a visit of
.several weeks with New Liskeard
friends, They also spent a few
days in Toronto taking in the Fair.
Mr. A. Hooper, who has been in
Toronto taking a course of treat-
ment for rheumatism, returned on
Thursday. His many friends ' are
hoping that bis recovery will now
lad rapid.
Mr. Bert Irwin has resumed his
teaching duties at Weiland. His
genial . manner has won him niany
friends in this vicinity who join in
wishing him future success and
Mr. Albert May of Stevensville, Mon-
tana, has been the guest of Mrs.
Howson duringthe past week. He
has also been meeting many old
friends who are always pleased to
weloome him back to the old home
Mr. and . Mrs. J. F. Wasman, Misses
Nettie, Edna and Ethel and ` Mr.
Leslie Wasman -Wore in Brussels
last week attending the celebration
of the fifty-fourth anniversary of
of Mr,. and Mrs. I ol-
lard, parents of Mrs. Plasma.
Miss. Edna Lawrence, who
visiting her aunts, the Misses Whit-
ely, returned to her home in Ot-
tawa on Friday. Iler sister, Miss
Lillian,will remain a
few weeks
n go to p
and' will the g
to take a Domestic Science course.
.aid Smith n
Mrs McH Y
Frank left Saturday afternoon and
will visit Brantford, Niagara Falls,
Toronto' and Ottawa before sailing
from Montreal for Europe where
Mrs. Smith intends continuing her
musical studies. They will prob-
ably be absent a year at least.
Mr. H. B. Chant returned on
Thursday. from a week's pleasant
holiday, part of it spent in enjoying
summer cottage life at Go Home
Bay on Georgian Bay and the re-
mainder at Toronto. Mrs. Chant,
who also enjoyed the outing • very
much, did not return until Tues-
Mr. Frank Sperling' of. Wiugha n was
in town on Friday and in conver-
sation with friends seen sated au ex-
perience he had ane day last week
when a bolt t f iientn.n4 struck the
smoo.kestack on his factory,
shattering it and filling the build-
ing 'with snloke, gas and dust. For-
tunately the building did not take
fire and no one was injured aside
from a momentary shock.
The News -Record was very sorry,
to ziotiee on Saturday forenoon last
that its old friend, Mr. Robert
Marshall 'of the Bayfield Road, is
not enjoying' his former vigor. He
bas heretofore leen so hearty and
cheery that the. change to his 'prey-
ent weakened condition is very no-
ticeable. A warm-hearted Irishman
is "Bob"' and numerous friends will
join with The News -Record in wish-
ing him a speedy return to good
Mr. W. U. Latarneil left the begin-,
ning of the week' to resume his dut-
ies as manager of a branch of the'
'Molsons Bank at St. Thomas. Mrs.
Latornell and little daughter will re-'
.••••••••••••o•••N•••• ••••••••••••••••NN• •
Vit W
During,the past few weeke:we have been kept busy opening up and
planter into stock, a great many new and attractive lines of fall and
winter merchandise and we would now be delighted to have you come
in and examine these goods and compare our values.
Neverhave we shown ,such exceptional values 1nladies' and
dren'S mbantlees,
r e n's serge dresses, ladies' and children's furs,
children's mantles, childre
Don't fail to see these before buying,
. Big Bargains in all lines of summer goods during the
balance of September;
U 11%e
September I&th, I9I2'°
Great Shoavia,
for Women and 'Misses.
For the coming fall season we have made special arrangements and several
changes in our otore with the intention of specializing ladies ready-to-wear suits,
coats and dresses, and extend a cordial invitation to ,the ladies' ,,of Clinton and
vicinity to visit our store
Tuesday, Sept. 17th
On that date we will have two expert designers and demonstrators displaying
thereatest range of fall suits, evening dresses, waists and winter mantles for .wom-
g g
en and' misses ever shown in Clinton or the county of Huron, Come, bring your
friends as often during the day as you please and see the many dainty styles for the
coming season.
A puirchase not necessary.
All welcome.
The News From Londesboro
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, Mrs. W.
L. Petters, Mrs. J. Lounsbery,
Miss A. Bell, Mr, and Mrs. W. Arm-
strong and Rev. J. H.'Cster
bout and
family were among, those who attend-
ed the Fair at London on Tuesday of
this week.
Messrs. Asquith and Johnstone will
start work at the evaporator' here.
Mrs. John Spindler of Luoknow
spent Tuesday and Wednesday with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
The evaporator people are expecting
a very busy season.
Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell spent
Tuesday with Goderich friends.
Mr; M. Armstrongtrong shipped two
4 carloadk of cattle on Saturday last,
Beans Prospects Good.
Mr. W. C. Newman of Ridgetown,
largest d
the la
said to beg
in Canada, 'went through the district
this week looking ng
Mc the
llullett Townshiip
Mr. James' Snelland his sons Hum-
ret the a
Howard d we
onto. Exhibition with their noted flock.
of thorohrcd sheep. That their en-
pects. He was accompanied by Mr. tries were prize winners will be ao-
D. Cantelon. In conversation with cepted as a matter of course, as they
The News -Record last evening Mr. always have been so at the big Fairs,
Newman said : . j The specimens they ,exhibited at Tor -
'The beans in this, district are onto arenow being shown at the Fair
looking welloand if the present fineat Ottawa where they are in charge
weatherof Mr, continues I look [ora goodd Howard Snell.
average crop. There will be a wedding on the 8th
"I would advise the farmers to cut con. tabout the middle of next week,'
but in regard to it more 'again.
their beans a little on thegreen side,
let theme lay for two or three days,
then turn them over with a fork
and in a couple of days more they
will be ready for hauling in. The
turning of the beans is a necessity in
order that they may properly dry.
"Put the beans in the mow loosely
so that the air may eirculat'e and
they may sweat freely and in ten
days they will be ready for thresh-
main fora longer •visit with the
Mr. D. 13. Calbick, a former business
wen of Clinton,: and a native of
Holmesvillr, had the good fortune
to make a very profitable deal re-
cently. A few years ago he bought
a fruit farm at Winona, a
lady's mother and sister, Mrs. J. ' distance from Hantiliton, paying
I3. and. Miss Combe. Mr. Labor- $10,000 therefor. 'After making
yam- hell also visited during his more tbari a good living off it he
sold it a few days since at an ad-
vance of 100 per cent, and mould
have realized even more than this
from another party, had he not ,al-
ready closed the deal. He is at
present interested in western lands,
having recently' made two trips to
the Old Country in connection there-
with, and Is in a fair way to get
on Easy street.
tion his parental home at Mea or
where his father, though in his nine-
ty-third year, still resides ' Mr,
Latornell, Sr., was a native of Fer-
managh, Ireland, .and was one of
the early settlers in the Townthip
of St '.'Jincent, Grey County. Mr.
and Mrs. W. U. Latorbeil celebrat-
ed the ninth anniversary of their
GI,EXT FOR 250 marriage on Monday.
"I never saw better prospects than
in some of the fields Mr. Cantelon
and I were over this afternoon:"
How the years are. rolling around.
It seems but a short time since Mr.
James Snell and Mr. Edmund Craw-
ford cclebrab.d their birthday -they
both first saw the 'fight of day on the
same day the 30th of September—
and here they are again close upon
another anru`versary.' They are both
natives of Hullett, sons of the soil,
enjoy good health, have had an av-
erage share of worldly prosperity and
have staunch friends' on all sides.
When their birthday puts in an ap-
pearanoe agaih The News -Record will
be one of the first to wish them many
happy returns of the day.
Mrs. Butler has leasedher cottage Constance.
on North street to Mr. Bayley, re-
cently . of Listowel, who is becoming miss Ruth Millson is visiting her
a eiti7len of our town and is taking aunt in Buffalo,
Mr. Robt. Downs' position as local Mr Adam Nicholson has engaged
agent for the Prudential.with Mr, W. Cole of Clinton for the
threshing season.
Mr. William McIntosh spent, Sun-
day in Stella.
Miss Mary Leitch of Coulson was
fatally burned by a lamp explosion,
Which also caused the destruction of
the house and contents.
The Dominion Trades and Labor home after spending some time in
Congress held its annual meeting rci I Bothwell.
Guelph this week.
It is rumored that the . Dominion
Parliament will not n}ect until the
New Year.
down .
Women Suffrage was t o tr in
the State of Ohio last week.
Two young British lieutenants were
instantly killed at Walivercote, ring.,
when their aviator crashed to ' the
earth from a distance of five hundred
A fishing scooner was sighted adrift
off West Belle Isie with apparently no
one onboard.
yrs, W. Woods of Warton visited
friends hereabouts on Sunday.
Mies Charlotte Allinson has returned
Dr, aryl 'Mrs. Allison of Londeshoro
spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. John Manning.
A young, girl named Fontaine was
shot ii.sad;i while walking along the
C. N. R. tracks at St. Joseph d'Or -
leans„ by a,man named Dupuis, who
then killed himself.
' NEW 4
Fall Suli!ua
years we have catered
for mens custom made
tailoring, produ c 1 n g
style and workmanship
fully guatanteed, keep-
ing none but compet-
ent workmen equal to
any in larger cities and
producing clothes, for
men at prices consis-
tant with expense and
much below city pric-
es, Why pay big ,pric-
es for factory . made ;.
clothing, when you can
get a suit made to your
measure at home by an
experienced cutter and
practical tailors from
We have seen oth-
ers come and go but
we are here to stay, us-
ing the same motto as
when we started