The Clinton News Record, 1912-09-12, Page 6SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES fireit signs of illness during the hot weather give the Little ones Baby's Own 'Tablets, or in a few hours he may be •beyond cure. 'These Tablets will prevent summer complaints af given oecasionalir to thewell child. aad wifl promptly cnae,thesie tronblae,if theyecome on suddenly. Baby's Own " Tablets should always be kept in every home where there axe young chil- dren. There is no other.medicine so good and the .mothere has the guarantee of,aegevertexient analyst that they are absolutely safe. Mrs. Chas. Lapierre, Les _Souks, Que.,' says se--' 'Baby' s Own Tablete are the' bestl'ineelibin4ea !nether" dan give her little ones and I always keep them in the house." The Tablets ar,e,Beldeby.inedieina elealens or by mail at 25 cents ft box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- , DON'T RILL SPIDERS. Because It is the Natural Enemy of the Fly. The deadly character of the coma mon house fly has been amply de- Ino'netrated, but it is rathee curi- ous that science has neglected 'the , hygienic and sanitary qualities of the cOMMon spider. - The fly epeeads typhoid, cholera, . Infantile paralysis, tuberculosis, , and ether difleases„ The Spider is the natural enemy of the Lily "and doneequently the friend of • human- ity. - It 'seinna clear that the Spider - should be encouraged in the vioin- • ity of the house a.nd even within the house, Where it is not a positive nuisance. This 'point is made by a " French scientific writer, Dr, Jules Henrivaux in La, Nature. 1 The natives of certain parts of Mexico have long recognized the valueof spiders as a protection, against the fly pest. The ,Mexican , goes into the woods and picks out ; a nest of a certain Seeial spider - known to science as Coenotheles. • This, spider is small and thickset, , very industrious ,and spreads a great abundance of strorg fly -catch- ing webs all around lain'. Ile builds ". in the branches of the oak tree. - The Mexican pulls off a twig bearing a nest of these spiders and tlieh eets it up in the tabit-which he wishes freed from flies. - The spiders are clean and harna- i• lees. • They ,keiep to ,the vicinitef of s their twig and do not spread all over the room; 15 ±8 a lesson in in- dustry to watch them work, • Not only does this epider destroy athe' he 'brings an assistant with him to help to do the job in a complete and cleanly manner. This assistant is a ,small hard -shelled nbdetle• of the Coleoptera family, who lives with the spider, occupying ' what may be called the servant's quarters in the lower part of the house. • • , When a fly becomes ,eraneshed, in the web, the spider runs out and feasts upon its blood. After the spider hasielte finished his meal, the beetle staPS-loiWarel and re- speetfully clears ,away the remains. The beetle eats iip.all the remain- ing .soft parts of _the fly:- The few pieces he cannot, eat he throws in- to a' chamber constructed specially for 'the purpose in the bottom of She •nest. Here' the hardest parts are slowly devoured by, smaller in- secti,that °calve, this chamber. It Testifies for _Ibeelf.e-s-Dr. Tho- mas' •Ifelecbrie Oil DitiOds, no testi- mancal of its poweee,:either than it - sell... 1Vheever tries- it'fot coughs or colds,for cuts or tantstSions, for sprains Or burns, for pains in the limbs or body, well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guatantee. ShaSve why this Oil is, in general use. Excluding. Siberia,China, is the largest empire in Asia. Mlnard's Linimept :•1516Ihwes Neuralgia. "Pa, wliees• pi inscrutable smile?" "Ifleethe kind, my son, your motheyshad en her face this morning.etlePtor'r teilisieher business tit. •l•______Jarvis' By Cuiticiire Soap and Ointment. eked • RaSk'Bleecling and Itchy . ., , el luskwalit t,o say a good word fbr Cuti. ( dura Soap 15•1`,05itment. In •NoVernber, '.„•1909,. I had-what..thedoctors call shingles ' l m ',and' eczema. .see.ehest.was Taw and bleeding ,.,..' arid itchy,„ 5 WWI ,that,viv.at.1 winter. et was 'l not so Vett' hi the'duihrner, In Septoinber . It got worse. ,I hocl,the.best doctors treating ixte, but ,did me no,good, and -r Was.till run -",..flown in health. : in Xorimber...eata'it got 1i/wargain. Iserit tO you for a sample ortke of Cutlottra SOsP. You sent it to me and • I got' it box of• Outioura ,Oktinent. I have, used two boxes and on the third lone it km ,,,...nntiratimmeokshin .iandeeseems.set,attLrie- lighted with them and 'do feel-p)eased 40 ' 'think I haye,tiOniethIng J.have,00tifidenee - •• .Should aoyonofibe sufforino.a.I. r cue, 'I h 0' titat they, l willd0 'as' I !zuoi-i:andxlim sure of Li tile tailets.'aini,N,-.,nmeading them trfln expoilence,"- ,'Etigned) J. H. Jarvis, 7 n i,Kingstort,•Oot,, May 90c 101•111", , . , ,, , „ . .. , ''.'• Far' robre,thatra,generatifin cutiblitas •ltiidoetitkurd'Ointirient'•htive"afforded spOidleetund artesteconomicalitreattnentl Itebillg, bilftitog, Seely antliblootlingultin apt ' sea,lp.hunlike,ur. young antfuld. A'Single.• e Is -erten suilleiSnt.• • CUtieure Sotootindi01 t- .*nent atesoictetaroughout ;the worteebute o , thode who have•tafffered,niuchvlotirliblic solid '• .itra'without fa ljh in ens" fteatmont, a liberal *anima of eiith tidtlf'92-p. booklet en the We ivill be, mailed' tree 05 5pplie4tivi. Addifeds' 4'OSSer prOg Itr.OftVrii: vorp.,,, 65‘Collun . Aya.t Eleilt9n0J.)+,4,7,.• ,„6',.4•'' . • r, . " ENOLISII LAOS ANO LASES ARE TOLD HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN CA.NADA. London Til -Bits Details, the Many. Methode of Gathering Can - 'adieu Coin. It might be interesting to readers in England to•learn hoiryoung peo- ple in Canada -at least, the 'West- ern, pEirt of it -can, in kshorttime, make BO 11111011 111011ey that it- would appear a fortune to many aiyouth in the Old Land; says London Tit- • A young girl, who is only in the first 'half of her •t'eens, had an el- der sister in the em•ploy of the 0. P. R. -which is the abbreviation for the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany. The 0. I'. Ben have lately built spacious offices in Victoria, B. 0., and, the number of their em- ployee grows larger every day. Though ±5 ±8 said that this:conapany -doesnot pay very much for their help, it is a fact that this young girl, without knowledge' of •steno- graphy or typewriting; is earning $40 a month as an office -girl. CHANCES FOR ALL. It may be news to English .read- ers that the, roofs of dwelling -hous- es in •Western 'Canada are covered with. shingles. These are made of cedar -wood, which is still plentiful here,. and they do service as slates, only they do not last quite •so Tong. There are now so many houses be- ing built in Victoria and vicinity Shat shingling has become quite a specialty, chiefly for young men. Now,. after some practice, a youth who is somewhat quick and nimble may earn $5 a day, and sometimes more. . , , • There are other ways , in which young boys make an honeet penny even during their, school -days, Be- fore school they may deliver the morning paper, and thus earn $3 a week; and after school running er- rands or delivering parcels, selling or. carrying some daily paper, is the means for a boy to buy his own clothes. • Then look at the opportunities for young girls without anyspecial education or experience. They just start out to do for themselves and save a few dollars. There are stores or offices her ,evhere even such girls are in demand, and the least pay they will receive will be $25 a month. It may happen that the right thing Mai not turn up at once for a stranger in this, country. A person must have' time to 'show that he or she can be relied on and do honest work. This done, there is no more trouble in finding em- ployment and living in comfort. GOOD PAY FOR NURSES. There is another kind of work, which is very remunerative in this counbry, and that is nursing. There aye in Victoria two, largeheepials where young girls may train for nursing. Both institutions have eeme'Englieh' girls in training, and during that time they pay them enough to keep theinselves. Once they are trained nurses they are paid $20 a week for professional •work. Of course, this profession is pietty mach like that of a physician or a rawyer. Beginnings are, some- times hardibut'as soon as they be- come known and have some' success these girls are enabled to start a bank account and feel quite inde- • pendent. , Other very lucrative employments .are plumbing,. carpentering, pies - tering, painting, gardening, brick- laying, and stone -cutting. After the neeessary apprentice work it is very easy for a man working at any of the above trades to earn four or five dollars per day. UYIN G. REAL ESTATE., At present the best -paying neon- •pation is selling real estate. As .the beautiful climate of Victoria and surroundings becomes more widely -known there is ,a great, in- flux of populationhere, and the de- mand for land and houses grows apace. Within the last two years values have increased a thousand per cent,, , nand sall these ,who had over -so- litla real estate .te- sell in Victoria, have Tecently become pos- sessed of small fottunes, One MONO source of revenue re - 'be niehtionacl, 'arid: that is fish. Fish is alwaye more or less in demand, and 'ithe supply in the ocean is almost inexhaustible. Sal- mon, for instance', cam be caught almostat any tinueof, the year, but She Tridissiii and lialf-'breecle are the chief fishermen of, this country. However, that does not prevent tlie flail machete icondueted by white peeple from doing a thriving businees. A. RADIUM PALACE. Will Be_ 0,pened in Pales, France, lirDettoltela 1913. radiuniepalace is 'being °built in Paria'and ivilF bh forMalrY °Paned by the 'Ministet ^Cif kablie Imiteme- tion:in October of ,next yeatii.i The peleceavillicost $,59:049 An, bf44 censist pf three small paVilione joined+Sigeteler. " • One will be a radium laboratory in Wi11.4141 M.1)30. Curie vvill experi- ment. AntAhpartwilgiSelong to the Pasteur Instittio' fdr 'experimental purposes; while the third, which is be b etW e enethe eoth er [twain, isibe- iqg,built,as a great eafeaveith;,walls cf lead, and every, poe,gkee precau- tion against burglary. fa this'pa- ythp willeneree be leeeethan eeveral hundeed. thousands lioUnde Wah of racifuni and there may often beirntteh more. • Occasionally, we meet, a girl ' who is So fond of musiie that she never trice to play the piano. . • 70,1'9 • s SandSlehes for the, , Season's Opening Soehil. Fill theni,;,vIth: iltoSe " ' KING OSCAR, Got Them From Your CrOoor Trade szonlied hy John W. Mottle & Greening, Hamilton • AMONG WILD ARABS. Thrilling Adventure of An English Evangelist. A Wiltshire (England) evartgelidt, •who has just • returned from , the Holy Lande-after 21 years of pio- neering work, says that when he was amongst the Bedouin Arabs, between Kera,k, and the Jordan, he was involved hit the terrible massa- cre which occurred a year age jest December. At that time he was in Kerak, which is 100 miles east of Jerusalem, and the Arabs of the whole: '• district ranged themselves against the Turks. n • A night attack took place, and 800 soldiers were organized to repel them?, but no fewer than 200 officers, their Nvi.ve, and children,' were maameered Cy the wild, Arabs,. who had been goaded to, a state of mad- ness by the oppression of the Turks. Mr. Forder, with his wife and some Americans, were in the pita - del, and when this. 'WAS. captured, after 12 days' siege, they antici- pated the worst. There were four ladies andfive gentlemen in thepar- ty, , and these were the only ones saved from the maddened besiegers. The reason for this was that Mr. Vorder was well known as a "medi- cine man," more so than as an evangelist. Afterwards the small party left Kerak for safety. They were at- tacked several -times by nomadic tribes, and one of these insisted upon a member of the party going to their camp. Looking at his wife, and imagining it would be the last time he would see her, the evangel- ist said, "I will go there." Whilst the Arabs thought he was sound asleep he overheard a plan for them to kill him. They intended to take the party to an -isolated spot and there shoot them on the follow- ing day. However, as he knew the locality he got away and went fur- ther south. Fortunately they struck a friend- ly Arab chieftain who loaned them 20 soldiers as an escort, 'and'after a strenuous nonestop journey of 17 hours, they arrived in safety at their destination. A FOOD.. CONVERT • • — • Good Food the True Road to Health. Thh pernicious habit some per- sons still have of relying on uause- ous drugs to relieve stomach trou- ble, keeps up the patent medicine business and helps keep up the army of •dyspeptics. e Incligestion-•clyspepsiae-is caused by. what is put into the stomach in the way of improper food, the kind that so taxes the strength of the digestive organs they are actually crippled. , , When this state is reached, to ro- to tonica is liking whipping a tired horee with a big, load. Every additional effort he maims under the lash diminishes his power to move the load. Try helping the stomach by leav- ing off heavy, greasy, indigestible fined and tesi.e on Grape -Nuts - light, easily digested, full of strength for nerves and brain, in every grain 02 ±5. There's no -waste of time nor energy when Grape - Nuts is :the food. , "I am •arr enthusiastic user of Grape -Nuts and consider it al ideal food,". writes a Maine man: "I had nervous .dyspepsia and was :all run .clown and .,.my, food seemed to do me 'but .Iittle .good. From reacling..an advertisement I tried Grape -Nuts food. and, .after a few .weeks!,:ateady..use of it, felt greatly. improved. . "Am much stronger, not nerv- ous now, and ean do more work without feeling so tired, and arn better every way, "I relish :Grape -Nuts best with cream and use four heaping tea- spoonfuls as the cereal pert of a meal. I am sure there are thous sands of-' perSoliS • • With. stomach trouble who would be benefited by using GrpesNuts., Name given by Gdnatlian Posture ;Coe; •• 'Windsor, Ont. •Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason.", , Ever read the above latter? K ,sew' ane appears frotn - time 16 •NOW, They are genuine, tree,. arid full of human Interest. n 'NO CHANCE, • • • . "I understand you're. saving your money nowt" "Yes." "That's ' right: - Economy is the road to wealth. You'll be rich some day ,if you keep ,en e "No ehance. I won't be able to keep•an..•tEra ,just sarviing 1.111-k gt married.'' • / The destruction of• the house fly . IS a publie duty. Almost evety, American State Board of Health is carrying Oh ever:ism:1e against hine. His filthy origin and.habitk; aittf • the faet• that his ,boely is -generally laden with. disease-prodOCill9 ,gortrlso makes , him one„of„ the gre matest enee rams of the' human ram, If 'the housekeepers of Canada will 1:1 S FLY' „PA persietently, this peril -win be tre- . mendously reduced, TWO EISR. WITH,,DNE One, Ilel Swallowed. Aatother With a •a Hook In -Its •BodY.,• A singular catch ,of eelis cone- municated to the Loudon Field by one of its reader. Special Sympa- thy is due the . unlucky creature who, once hooked and twice .seval- loweal, had mote than his •slia•re of misadve-nture. • ' ' At Woodlands,• near to Inverea,r- gill, a lad of twelve years and •my- self amused ourselves setting side lines in. a swamp creek, baiting a small tria•ngle hook with .rabbit- fleeh tied on with a fine flak fibre. One evening my little'friend cried in ex.citernent, "Oh, do come here! I've got a whopper!" On going, I found a heavy eol (it subsequently weighed seven an•d one-quarter pounds) on the line, and on pulling it out was astonished at the way in which I found it secured. The line was tied to a flax -bush, and thence Lfouincl.it entered the eel'mouth, came out again at the gill, , and again, with hook and. bait, disap- peared down the ee'ls. gullet., I carried it as it was up to the home- stead, and in the presence of, host and family opened it, and found in- eide a small eel about twelve to eighteen inches long, with the hook and bait in its belly. : This little chap lied first sWallow- ed the, hook and bait, nestle' was swallowed by • the big eel,' then crawled out through -the gill, and was a second time ea:alio-Wed by the big fellow, who, -in the fierce strug- gle that followed, had drawn the leap so tight as to pull his head and neck into a cUrve,• and had actually torn the gill through for an inch. On two or three °thee occasions I have found that a small eel that lia,s swallowed the bait, and been in turn swallowed by a big eel, has crept through .and, hung outside the gill of his capbore but this is the first time I have heard of onanbeing tWiee swallowed.- •" THE WAY TO WIN. ' About the only way to get things caming your way ±5 a long- battle against their going the' other -way. , No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly a,nci causes a. healthand natural action. This 15 a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- coming the m•ost Popular medicine for. cholera, dysentery, eM., in the market. Of an egg, the albumen eonsti- tutes fourteen per 'cent. of; the whole ainimene Curds dandruff. • OF COURSE. ' a •gr•eat talker ,he is I Do You euppose that all 50 .says ie cor- rect?" •• "No; that's why• be talks so Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast via Chicago, and North Western Ry., Sept. 25th -to Oct. 1.05 from all points in -Canada 'to Los Angeles,. Ban Francisco,. ;Portaand, Seattle,Victor,ia,. Vancmtvor, Helena, Butte. Mitisoula, Kalispell: Poeb,tollo, Nampa, Salt Lake City, • Ogdon,, grand Jct., eta Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair ears from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop -overs. For information write or call on 33. H. BC11. nett, genentl'Agebt, 46'Yonge St., Toronto. Penny postage has heen estab- lished between Austria, and Egypt. minaret's Liniment for sale everywhere. "Well, old .epoit, how do 'you feel? jeet eaten a boWl'of ox - bail 'soub' and feer bully." '"I've just eaten a plate Of hash' and feel 'like everything' ' ''" Whathe..51 g» :af old or new growth, It most yield 'te'lloi- ;I6:geYf0,°,N1i..40^l';nslibest :teeo n . v.; •1) ,:: ; ciDoeYielin think that, i3Oeeai‘e' of •:i.fiffella: learewi ern& sinutieii he.' .telvist beese, badesompi ,yeeeteep, ' A 'Joliet 'delight, vvith the exquisite fragrance of 'Irish' roses. It pre- serves the, most delicate com- plexion against sea, Wind and ,dust,.And keeps hands and arms atul, smooth: Splendid fbr 'Sore trig: ' Try. it•L-yoe• atipl'eralate‘ it. t' o ••oo, 25c. opal dead jare,'at • T Yawl afkgist's-a •1100.: reerieemeneeSeeep OnEhtinAtn0‘04. easeeweemosaimereasazates, FIXING THE TIME. The defeneeehacl erased, the pro- secuting attorney had finished his 'argunielit,' and tJtejudgo, al tether plunpetel sand, leng-winclecl inagrs- trate; wee hard -at evork, the Lonibi- eana, .Iouenal declares, charging the Suddenly her noticed that one of • the jurymen had fallen asleep. •The einaligne-bion 2 hi5 honor \yea boend- • iPss- , RaeiPing shaliTIY,0i. hi de•ek, he awakened the „olumberer, who ee,emed not at all abashed ab being 'thus: napPing. After glaring at^'hiiii angrily fara fevr`anonsditts, the judge, in his meet, sareaStie tone,: said: • "So nthat's t50 way• you attend to your duty, ±5 it? You're a finis specimen to have on a jury. Do you think your opinion will be of any yalue.when 1 send you out to deter- mine.the fate <ff thie prisoner "Yes, sir," said the juryman, quietly. "I think so." "Oh, you do, do you?" shouted the exasperated judge. "Pray, tell me, , sire haw long yeti have been sleeping?" "Ieelen't knew, your hanor," was the reply: "Ho* Ica* have You been talking 7,'' YVols,IDERFUL DISC0VERV . -- An eminent scientist the other day, gave hi± opinion that the most wonderful diecevery,of recent yeah, was the discovery of Zarn-Buk, Just think! , M seen , as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound ox„a sore, ,such injury is in- sured, against blood poison! Not ,one sp,eoies of microbe has been found that Zain-Buk cloee not kill! Then agein., As soon as Zam-Buk ie applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friencle of Zam-Buk. Again, As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This, forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimer Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to ea zeina. His hands were at one time Sd• covered with sores that he had to, sleep, in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was intreduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To -day ---over three years after his cure of a disease he had for twenty- five years -he is still cured. All druggists eell Zam-13uk at 50e, box, or we will send •frec trial box if you send this advertisement and a 1c. stamp (to pay return postage). Address Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. WHAT IS THE USE? If a man succeeds by acting on your advice he feels that he would have acted as he did without being advised by you, and if he fails be- cause he neglected to heed your ad- vice he ,blamos you for not making it stronger than you did. So What's the, use 7 .Feultless in Preparation. -Un- like any other. stomach regulator, Parrnelee'e Vegetable Pills are the result of -long study of vegetable cempohncls calculated to stimulate the .steinachic functions a.nd main- tain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultlesS character a,nd established their excellent 'reputation. - And this reputation they have maintain- ed Lot ,years and will continue to mainfeln, for, these pills must al - Ways Stand at the head of the list of standard preparations, "Did youego away on a vacation to forget your troubles?" "Yes," replied theameee who does not care for outdoor life. "Thee° is noth- ing Shat makes you forget old trou- bles like going out and picking up a let of new ones," Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear had a Bleeding Tuinor on my face for a long time and tried a num- ber of remedies Without any good results, I 'wasadvisedto try MINARD'S LANZ. MENT, and after using several bottles it Made. o; complete cure, and it healed all up and disapooared altogether, , ,DAVID EIENDEIRSON. 13e7leisle Station, Kings 0o., N. 13,, Sept. • 'iThat dog of yourn •flew at me this morning,. and bit me on the leg, and. Iineev notify you that I iatend to shoot it, the, first time I: see it." Talur, dog is .not mad." "Mad! I know he'pnot, ,What's he get to. be mac! about ? w ,It's o that's mad!'" • Inaparities,,of ,the Blood Counter- acted. -Impurities in the blood coene fronadefeets in the action of , the liver. They are revealed by pimples and unsightly, bletchee on the, skin., They must ,lee treated inweeelly, ,and for this pUrpoec therfe ,iS no roOre effective compound to be used than Perrnelee',8 Vege- tabla Pille. ,They act directly on the liver ensiles: setting up healthy ,preseesses have a beneficial effect upon the blood, so that ,inep,uritiee , . aye elimmeited, SOMETHING NEW,.,, visira co ttld! do something' that :Wouldoe' beneabsolutely new-est:me- thing, that: no -Male:had ever done before," said the sad -faced •million - "I can tell you how to clo.it0' re- plied tile philosophers "How 7 Tell me, ncian,,arieler will make it:worth-yew. yehile.lia se, ‘,‘Look back over,Ceyeur, „eareee, -0114•4:^1.4 ingt:lapeenstech yontaartc- eassee ayetseesclua; tseeyor gicyno.genius s, Osseite*resiessviessesis Take A Scoopful SideRy Side ,T, alie,"$1:. Lawrence.' Granulated in on e sct:oal; tita'n1 At' izti fiYer°'.t h e eg Look at "$t. Law- rence" Siker' — perfect CiYstars =ita )••‘• pure, whiteiparkle--, its' even' 'gfaiti.• • Test it libint by eel point, and you will see that 100 Absolutely Absolutely Best Sua fp Pure , Is one of the choicest sugars ever refined -with a Standard of purity that feW'Sugars eau boast: Tfy it in yoni Analysie'iilteiva, "St".5itivMiice Granulated" to be "so oo /zoo to too'fi Pure Oahe Sew Ilith no impurities whatever" ' ' .every, dealer sells Sti- liawrence Sugar." ST RENCEat5GA1'tS1EFINERSESLIMIvED- • sunsiiiitie4. esik -Onano,, emli: thn AT,V,% 3' ,. the Depiktment of Agrioi:Itare ' 'Vet erinary,.f on •.... Apply for Calendar. A GR ' •College 'Toronto, Canada. Principal - t t d Re,Opers 'OCTOBER 1st, 1912 DOUBLE BARREL GUNS For Black Powder No. 100 fiau 12, 16 df 20 Gauge BarrelsLondon Twist Steel finish, left Barrel "Choke Bored" Front elation Locks, piaol grip • Price $10.00 walnut itock For sale at your dealer, if he does not carry these guns, write direct or come and see them at our store. Accept no substitute, the LION ARMS CO„ brand is the best at P°PulegrparliOegll0 es 1 a1(English Edition) containing the Hunting By -Laws free on reque51. IlLeatax.r. IVIONTREAL. 911 St-Larevenee livd TELEGRAPHY Central Telegraph School, 2 Ger- rard Sa lf,, Toronta Corrospsnd- course 1.11 8111,11411g iilulutied to hs once invited. T. 3. lohnston, Prim and Station ,Agonts' work in ell its details aro Me:ailed in tho 85. IL :thaw, President, 1 Anti - Dust disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it kills all disease germs. Floors clean; car- pets bright; home fresh and sweet. No dust while sweeping. Ask your Dealerfor it. Illadaren Iniporial Cheese Co,' Limited Sole distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO MFG, CO., Limited Montreal Irela,nel has -3,303 Miles' of rail- ways, of whieh 899 are ,controlledhei no fewer -than twelve clifferent•e6m- 'Denies. n ••• s• n:' • :Many mothers,. havee, reason -to bless •Mother Grave& Worm •Exter- minator, because it has relieved :the little ones ef suffering and made them healthy. . Canada, is the largest of all Bri- tish, possessions. ---- Minarers Liniment Cures Slims, Etc, "This'bettch looks rathea• danger- s:us," remarked taltee timid bather. "Don't people get deowned •here very often V `No, madam," re- plied the life guard. '''N -o one ever gets .• drowned heni•e • more than onee.'' COlt1Sitipata0111sesieaass. . Is an enemy within, the camp. It will . . undermine the strongestconstitutiou and ruin the most vigorous health. 15 leads to indigestion, biliousoeSs, impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches,atld is ode of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. •To neglectit is gale suicide. .Dr, Morse's , Indian Item, Pills ,positively cure . Cooatipation.,, They are ,ept1rely vegeta* in cotnPosit!on and do not qtiOlihtt, Vekken im" gripe. Preserve' elteffr healthebe taking 1' - - " aser e. • ....PI' 10," 48 . ra,,Qpie s lt in •n4 in :no Itati.iags .Ittse0B. Pills r r FARMS FOR SALE'. N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne St., Toronto. ,(1 FEE. roTy , GOOD IMPROVED Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at right prices on easy terms. 1±1 ittir5 FARMS IN THE 11055 1700115 L . district of Ontario. All sizes at right prices. 1, YOU WANT TO 331TY OR, 51255 A .11 Steck, grain ot dairy farm consult ma. N. W. DAWSON, Toronto. 11. W. DAWSON, Toronto, .. sees--exemv A011it'S IN 15I008E- 1.1 sox County, soil 'clay 10=1; good buildings: telephone in house; rural mail delivery; owner anxious to soil. " The Western Real Illstate London, • Ont, • MALE sigte weNratie YOTT' CAN EASILY EARN. $60 .TO $75 monthly atter attending hero months. 855 tench 'railway station work for Canadian 'Ratilvays. Free Book 19 ex' plains work and .wagcs. Dominion. fiehoql Railroading, Toronto, MNSGELLANEOUS. 111- AY AND 1.81585 SCALES, WilSbn's • Seale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. • ANCER, TUMORS, LORDS, eta, In. IL,' 'Lorna1 and extarnel, cured AVithOtit vain by our home treatment. Writs n# before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited,• Collingwood,•On Pc% 501P3! teRt,1:RODWilson'.S sz..0,.esh1nde: Toronto SALARIED...POSITION AWAITS COM - potent business man who Emu inVest $1,000 in profitable {Coins inrinufactnring businnss. IVES.naKer,.501 'Kent Building, To. mato. GAr..,5 215085105,acinwny AND ntrn- der Stoops, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments PositivelY eared with the now Carman Remedy, "Satrol." price $1.10. Another now remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure mire, Is "Salmi's Anti -Diabetes." Price 52.00 frons droggirda or direct. The Sitnol ,Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited, WhnliPeg,' Man. FEATHER DYEING Cleaning ant Curling and Int Gloves cleaned. These can be sent by posb, 10 Per ea. • The boat place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. x. GI- Xte.' • ' cirtipso.rp ggibiat,)1.3ca.fa Pi-otesot Prenaerya; ---13e)hutifr Samples awl Bboklets on Arplio'atfon JAMES LANGMUIR' 18751 Hathuret Street ,r0k9wpc) 00,0„06, 1L0 Ain/ infLTIlififEb -- 9Voto0 Ert r„ W. ORAVVPORO GOP fr"•"Art' Otl' „ea, .LiA sae { I •I' tr Orrr eEgypt haaPil,41geatiles •iPf ^State railways.ie31 e • qe '11‘ iF