The Clinton News Record, 1912-08-15, Page 4Clinton:News-Record.;
August 15th, 19,1,2
George • Hayes has sold his
l me has-
t to Base Line,the x'nc
n the P.
being lti[r. Samuel Me
rrill of the
aitlabd con., who previously had
wo farms but has .bought this ',,ne
or his son. It fs well ` Iona,: d
pd. . a fine property. Mr. Mayes
yes possession this fall and t,hl
ith This good wife probably take up
residence in Cliuron.
Miss Tony Lawson visited at lli..
Prn.. Lawson.'s last . `reek.
Misses McBrien and. Heywood- have
returned after a pleasant visit. ,pith
1Slyth. friends. •
Mr, L. :Johnston spent Sunday the
westof lids loather, Mr. 'Johnohn-
sbon of Londesbor o.
Mr. . and !Mrs. J l:reoman visited at
;the Bore of .Mrs. John Johnston Sr.
'Mr., and i'I is• Thos. Churchill and
,children spent ,Sunday. at -Mr. C.
Mr,1. J. 'Brown of blot root' has
been'spending a few day 'with Mr.: ,. Ttewartlia`arrang i ,'matters
in- I7eonnsel oh with the talc trade' in
Breezy Bayfield Happenings.
'Mr. Samuel Moore is a useful .nein-
bei; of our village council but is still
better known .as the "Honey Khns" if
eggs, poultry,, etc;' this district.. , A visit to'bis-aliiary
;nr' ure . to,' all mho' are inter -
Mrs W. H. RIoltolterts _kith t, is a p,
and daughter of London is visit- ested in thebusy bee. •He bas 110
In her brothers; Messrs, dlira and hives from which he has this season
Will .Pickard. recea,"edabout 9,000 pounds of honey I
of which he has still on hand a
eonsideha lc 'onion. Ma. Moore}i.s
b ,
at the: Methodist :parsonage a"� • f3en-
miller, mot with ari accident on I'li- inade a' study of the bee and as 'Inc I
da, last which might easily have
result.•can move in.and .about t,itesi?.
welt • t Lavin, whiledigging ,
M Md. a
proved a fatal One.„1-Ic had' bo c' -tbithout' the :sligh).sI tear of heirs
down to the down of tweu'v legit' stung. Mr. Moore m not eomplaur
without suliieiend v bracing the °,des 8ng of this being a poor• season,,buti,
and its caved In burying him to the' rather, says ft is ahead of tier
armpits. lnunediate efforts were Year.. -
made to get him out burl 'a was Major Moore, l'osnio, of the 'Sal
t . 1• a vation Army •. headquarters stiff,
found that it could no be ,done r -
i, , as that spent a 'few days"in Bayfield -last
rope 'tied abo t 1t
� e
A s leudid
number, price
Journal Pat-
terns for Aug,
Price 10c and
All the pew -
est. stles._We
carry a $500.
stock of these
& C0:
vcd talo painful. A barrel was '`week '.as;the guest of his sister, Mbs.
then lowered, and placed over his 1Dung, and on Sunday assisted m
l the servicse in' the Methodist ehurah.
head oug .he,r earth to- ;managed himself to bile le is worthy of, note that it Is
n enough to free himself. ac Y
twenty-six'yoars this tall since theMa or entered the S. A. service. Ile
MALevis 'was brought home on Sal'
vas in the well ahem,! three bouts
was livingin Hayfield at the ine.
, and i
Y a t, ,
an s
. a' venin on ..
utcl evening g
- c
lerk h� 1 a
u t i .tore run a r :h
1,-• .Il ill.
s as U am
no'iv ger .mg along nicely thong y
it of a Clinton establishment and'when
Weak and' sere
from his brueiee.
cmtainly was a close cal'. and he is he made, appli cation to to enrolled
being congratulated upon his escape our municipal clerk Mx. Id W ler-
from instant! death,
win, signed the' necessary papers,
When 1 t,i here ,the Major spent 'a few
pleasant hours with the clerk: re-
calling old times. -
Rev.. Me. Snowden of Varna ed-
ministered the sacrament in the
Methled's(' church on Sitwta} assist:
ed by Major Moore. Mr. Young took
the service at Varna.
Mr. .Jobe Whiddon is making el-
rangement's to a -open his et aporat-
Mr. Howard Millar, who has been er for anothereeeason. IIe leas one
manager of a wholesale house lit of the arrest complete estabiishmr•nts
Schumacher, New Ontario, has been of the Bind in the province and when
spending a holiday with his parents, there are apples 00 always gets a
Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Minae He gobd share. Mi, Atwood, one of
leaves Tuesday- :tor; ,Regina, Sail:,, his seandbys, will assist him again,
Where. he will spend a couple el as usual.
weeks before retuning to hilt flute ' Rev. Robot Gaiirdner of Chicago, a
1-Iis'many friends here wore' member of ,one of Bayiield's ,oldest
glad to. see hiin looking so well. families, conducted the service in
alter his absence of sonic years. holy -Trinity church on Sunday ev-,
Mr. Faulk Perdue has .not been ening last. 'There was a large • eon -
"feeling just up to" the mark lately gregation and all, were much pleased
nut it is hoped he will soon reoo,ct, with his eloquent and touching die
Miss Hazel Switzer and, her broth- !course. Rev. My: G'airdnen is W-
ee Morris have returned from the way's heard • with pleasure.
,vest. Morris intends going back •a!
ter spending a short time heel.
h4jss Irene Millar is 15newting old
Goderich Township
Mrs. 'Lowery spent a few :days last
week with Clinton.friends.
Mr. John Dempsey, who has- been
somewhat under .- ,,lie' weather for
some little tcnle, is now improving.
The anniversary services eo St, An-
drew's church on Sunday were at-
tended -
by congregations which! ovr-
ac uainta
nee s on the Bayirld Line. taxed the seating capaeiby of the
Mrs. Geo. Cooper left Saturday fon
a fortnight's visit at Sarnia, - fort
FIu-nn and other points. -
Mr....Geo. Sheppard of the Bayfield
Line has sold ,his farm to My. Wm,
Clarke of the 6th con.. • and as ' he
purposes retisng from fa raking•, ho
re h he
Will move to. Ilohnesvflie where 1 e
has bought the residence of Me 1 d
Levis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard well
be very -much missed .in the neigh-
borhooil' in which they have lived so
' u.
Sung for they! are a xtre ehtty tide
and hospitable none more so. The
faro)• which Mr.. Sheppard has just
sold has been in the fama'y ,(ry
Imany years.
Rei, '*. T. 'Cleft of Stratford will,
take the .service in•. Holy .Triisity
church next Sunday evening,
' Mrs:. (Rev,) Holmes, Miss Lois,aud
Master' Harctht (have reitlArned to
Cltn,tul 'after a low days, visit) erneng
Bayfield'. friends:
The Agricultural SooletY have put
a thirty-foot addition to their hall
which;Is now ninety feet, long. This
Was , found necessary` owing to , the
large number of indoor' entries whik:h
necessitated the exht •its being ;ro,vd-
ed. In the new building they can be
are also ,being renovated and ibe
horse ring imp -Dived The dr:eci,,:r-
ate are to be congratulated' upon
their- enterprise;, which deserves to be
rewarded by a substantial lncreaie
in enbeies and attendance.
Mrs. Robert 'Beattie, little Mies
No:.ii and Master Jack of Wingnvm
care guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11,
The football match played here on
Saturday evening last between Btaice
and'Bayfit>Id resulMed in a score of 1 to
0 in favor of the home team. 1 he
score does not by any means indicate
the ` quality of the • play for while
Blake couldn't sore .Bayfield didn't
care "rub it nn'.. The visitors
' couldn't get the hall past George
Greenslade, the old reliable goal,
no how.." The local Ilno-up was as toi-
lows a goal, Geo. Greenslade ; backs,
Bruce. Moore, W.McDboli;, half Leeks,
J. Mackenzie, Fred. Davidson„ U.
Mackenj,'ib ,l forwards, H. Stauge,)n,.
J. B..idwell, W. Leech, G. Bateman,
• The referee was Wm. Elliott.
' The fishing is good this year and
the price,. too, so that our citizens
who fellow' this hazardous occupation
are being better remunerated !:Iran
for several Seasons, but even ' vet
Are remuneration is not in keeping
with their work.
Mr. John Ferguson observed bac
791.i1 anniversary of his birth on Sun-
-day last. 1 -Ie doesn't look his
years by. any means and enjoying
the best of health looks good ° for
many years Po come. Ile first saw
the light of day in Goderich town-
ship within a stone throw' of what is
known as Bethany - Presbyterian
church: ' When he grew, to manheed
. he'learned the hlacksntithtng and
rigid en the business on or near the
church. The preacher eves 'Rev. homestead.: •
George E. Ross ot Goilcrich. The •Fifty-sis years ago 'he moved to
choir, always` efficient, was even Hayfield and after blaoksrcithing for
ili iand then
!turned sat u e
more so on this' occasion and had the a- tLme hetog
-assistance of 'Mrs: Graham Moorhouse to fishing wieleh hetes followed for
of Bay C''ity, Mich.,,'vho always glad- many years,. 'though this season he
ly renders assistance on such oc- is testing.! on his oats. No citizen
rasions end is listened to with great. of Bayfield is eupre deeply .interesturl,
pleasure. , T•he-collections of the day in its future than Mr. Ferguson for
d wishes many
' whom the o �s Recor i es
{ amounted to$240 'which is more w o, t t, s w w
L h Ill) 0,
'Ilium required to wipe off all the in- happy 'returns of the day,.
Idebtncss against: the church property' Miss Cluishohn, Miss Goyer and
so that amort mortgage burning a a will Mast+ei Goyer, Dettott, .:are holila} i 6
now be in order. The good people at Mr. A Naltel's onthe lake shore.
01 St. Andrew's areto be congrat Tiers is a popular place, for' I '-
ulated upon this happy state of at- trotters and- every season Mr. Nat
fairs. - tel has a bunch of tlieni under his
Mr. John Speneer, after a vary hospitable root
pleasant visit 'in and about-Bnyfietd i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards, and
lefb on Tuesday 'to return to' (kir Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Edwards,. after a
inne, Sask. The genial Johats.:nanv , six-tvidelrs 'holidnev din Po.yi{iie'id', ; have
friends wish hint continued success returned to Toronto. They have
ol\l1ss Jessie L. Linklater of ” Dun- been coming annually for years -- and
lop has been engaged as principal of tiding there is no summer place like
our Public school. She is highly re balmy Bayfield, '
commended. I Master Jack Brownlee was 'visaing
IMr. Harry Pickford of the City of Jack Abkinson. ' •
Washington spent a few days in Bay-. 1 Miss Alice Tippet of Toronto 15,
field last week. Ile is the son of spending her holidays under the par -
'an oldtime Bayfield "merchant ,but ental 'roof.'
Ithe family left here about thirty- I . The annual summer concerb in -oa-,
five years ago for the llit'tiih'gan Soo neetion with the congregation of iii.
and rile family name is perpetuated Andrew's church is always a much
in the town of Pickford near tee looked -forward -to ' event in Bayfield
Soo. Mr. Pt'ckford has been 'engag•• ,because it, ` .10 always such a high
cd in business . in Washington for - a class and enjoyable' entertaianumt,i
number of years and has done `well and 'this : year was no ecae.ttion.
There have :been numerous changes Though the program was 1wilier
dice he left he but there still re- !hurriedly gotten up owing to the
main many whole he knew and in fact 'that the stay of some of tile
going roi'er the old tunes 'the days artists was drawing to a close,' it
ire had to spend here sped away • all was 'all that could be desired.' 11 . is
too quickly. an unusual thing, indeed,' to be. able to
A few days ago Wilbur Erwin anis ' give an entertainment of shell quat
Lottie Wahaisicy caught a )+lack ity in a village of the size of'liaa-
groundhog on .the Spas' s farm on field, but advantage is annually tar.-'
tile'l3'roi5nson Line, 'A black ground- en of the .presence of musical and,
beg- is such a rarity that the boys other artists and so a first <lass
could no doubt have sold it for a entertainment- is the reside The
fine figure, bdt..It managed to escape program this yeas was under' the
and they have not since located it. direction of Mrs. G. Moorehouse -and
Mr. Will Gaineron and his nisiter ' of j'Mr. P. Wilgoose . of the l.otedon
Miss Millie Canlel:on, are visiting . at C'onservatory of Musio, who each al -
their father's, Mr. Alex.'Cameron's. so took .part in the enl'Ctt:as'neat,
Mrs, Keegan came over from :eye- ,Mr. Willgoose tailing part in a 'cos -
forth -last week and .'will spend a' Pew pre - of quartettes and tendering 'a
weeks among 'old friends in the old solo., and Mrs. Moorohouse 'taking
home village. All are glad, to wet- past in a duet, Others contributing
come 'her'Ito the program). were Miss Qua,
Ma, ,Wesley Campbell of Toronto .is ,w-lto gave. a couple of readings' in a
hire guest ofhis aunts, the Mises chaunhng manner:, Miss :leen !atlr-
Campbell. I raywho took the place of Mrs. 1-1
Mr_ and Miss McMillan last week K. Moorehouse and sang a' couple of
joined theirfamily in their cottage solos very- sweetly ; Mr.. Robson, a
on Chiniguy street, r ee 'violin nolo , a couple of male guar
Miss Charlotte Spackrnan of Man- tetter, "Annie Laurie" and "RocSsd
itoulin Island Is the guest of hen in the Cradle of the Deep," 'by hfcs-
uncle, Mr. James Spackman. I rs. P. Willgoosc, A. Macfarlane It',
The It/hisses Larkin of Seatorth have i Willgoose and I3. Rayner. Mar. i ay -
been guests oe• Res'. D. K. and PCrs i net also r.endered a solo very .:-
Grant .at their cottage in Jowett's cepttably. A pretty little ' fiction
Crsove.'I song was given by reel daiietily
`.The Messrs. Willgoose. and Miss gowned little girls, Mr. Fred Tis -
leggy Wi:igoose returned to London 'talo, who ,is a great, . favorite In
on ,Saturday last. (Bayfield and who is always heard
'Mr. and Mrs. Boig and son, l ev. with _ pjeaslhre,' gave a couple jot man
and Mrs. Toloh:is and two, daughtters, Bolin solos.. Mr. S?avart Jackson
Miss Florence Orr and MrStewart,
all stinlmei visitohs,'a:46ed to 'Zur-
ich on Saturday 'last.
Mi, Boig, bit. T. J. Marksr Di.
Smith, ..and Messner. L. Elliott an
Hugh 'Mackay inotored over to Sea -
forth on friday last. -
Among the guests of Miss Fergus-
on ' are Misses Margaret, Flornse
and Ida Eassou, and Miss Jean'Mur-
ray, Stratford ; Mrs. D. J. Doughtier
and Misses Gladys, :Beatrice and
Franconia, St. Themes ; 'Miss ties
Bean, 5Miss Simpson,
Brantford•; and' Mrthalllord.,. AM.
Kyle Tor-
Mrs. Kerr and Miss Charlotte
Rhynas' have returned to Toronto:
Mr \J3ert Beale of New Zealand is
the guest of his cousin, !lits Wher-
rin of 'the White' City.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pentland and
family of Watford Were'goestit
week• ati. ialr ' 01.:l)rehritan's.
properly displayed and thus shown to
good advantage, The snack pears
PHONE No. 78
1 Couch & Co.
iadics' Whute Lawn Waists
We put on sale Saturday 3 dozen ladies' white
lawn waists, all new styles, well made in all sizes. We,
do not want to carry -these over to next season. Take
your choice Saturday of any lawn waist In .store } price.
Just '1 dozen ladies'. embroidery,
and lawn dresses left. These are all
new styles, As the new fall goods
will soon arrive, we are anxious to
clear out the summer dresees and
make room for the new ones. 1f you
want a pretty white dress now is
your chance, , -
�,. Children's
We put on sale Saturday 75 yards of blacksilk-
'satin finish, 38 inches wide, regular $1.50, sale price
Saturday 98e.
We also have one black silk dr,ess make of Pail-
lette silk, very pretty style,: size 38. Regular $18:50
Saturday $12,50.
dozen embroidered Lisle hose in black
all sizes, Would be good value at 350 a pair, Satur-,
day 19c.
very; pleasant OJ.hid. 'was, spent at
the, home- p1, Mr., and Mrs, Thos. Icing
the''other afternoon when, their youug-
est dau�gh&.r, 'Miss -Shirley, celebrat-
ed' her birthday by entertaining a
number of heir little' friends. The af-
ternoon Was : spent in games and
amusements of different hinds and
was followed by the enjoynienb of a
dainty birthday feast.' The company
broke upin good time each and all
wishing the young 'hostess.- many
happy a turns. Owens
Miss • Mayf Toronto 's the
guest of Mrs. P. Campbell.
After spending her holidays- nn� the
homestead Miss Millicent Naltel, ac-
companied by Mrs. Keo; rebtirned ' to
Detroit last Friday.
Mr. John 'Stewart pf Mitchell vas
the guest of Rev. Mr. .Tolaai .
St. John's church held their( annual
lawn social' on Mr, T. J. McAsh''s
lawn on Thursday evening last, wim
a. good crowd gathered and :a pleas -
an t evening
was spent. The wen-
then was favorable,' being warm Endfair, and the supper: put up by the
good ladies of the congregation was
if anything better than usual, which
is saying -a good deal, As most
people manage to bring along, a good
appetite to an affair of this sorb the
supper is always an important item'
of the pstgram and on this occasion
it was a much enjoyed feature. The
Seafoitih band furs:shed inusic aa3
Mr. and Mrs. 'Rands, also of :Sea
forth, contributed swieral 4nstrumente
i al. selecteens. The proceeds amount-
ed to about $185 which will be ap-
plied to the building fund.
Miss,s Enna and 1' annie Diehl left.
: •Saturday to visit an uncle and aunt,
Mr. _ and Mrs. John Foster of Pigeon,
ang a couple of solos and was ob-
Iligeii to respond again and agaj'i to
encores. There was a . solo' by
,Miss Edith Welsh, a beautifully ren-
dered piano solo by Miss Florence
Turner, a humorous song by Ajit,
II. Ellsworth, and a muclh appreoiat-
ed solo by M(ss 13. McIvor of, 011n -
ton. '
The closing chorus, wyicih was giv-
en by those taking part in the pro-
gram, was the olihnex of an exceed-
ingly interesting and high .lass, en-
Mrs. MCIlandy-Ernith accompanied
the performers from 'Clinton and lair.
Willgoose and Mrs. G. Mooreihoule
'the other antists. The 'affair. was
much enjoyed and the congregate:in
oi St. Andrews is to: be co , atul-
fated upon the diocese of the summer
concert .of 1912.,'
last Miss (leaves of Seaforth is the
guest of airs. Wwi Ii'orgttsoa,
Porter's Hill
Mt. John Cox 'was in Dungannon en
Monday attending a meeting of the
direc?drs'of the Wawanosh Insurance
Mrs. James Macdonald has been a
patient the past couple of weeks ' an
Clinton hospital' where she under-
~vent an operation. Her • numerous'
friends are. pleased to hear that sne
is .getting ;along nicely and will be
home in a few days.
r Lindsay ac-
lYT . Fred. Liul5 of
contpanied'by his wife their three
sons, Alvin, Quinton, and Beverley,
and little Miss Myrtle, is visitiing the,
old ho ucsteacl, residence cif s.
Sarah Lindsay. The-lamily expect to.
return west about the first of Sep-
tember. P
tember. ' .
Mr, .Ben. Lindsay had a very-
row escape last week. He hadLaugilt
a colt and in attempting to run away.
the colt swung him against a wood
pile and then in jumping, over hint it
kicked hiin on the head. As the re-
sult of the injuries sustained: he was
unconscious for some time and a ;loc-
tOr had 'to wbe called 'in but he is
nowt, we aro .glad Po' say, getting
along nicely.
bit. and Mrs. ('has. Whitman, ~olio
had been for several weeks 'visiting
the tatter's parental home, residea.^,e
of Mr. and Mrs. John Sturdy, lett
on Wednesday' to 'return to !)mill'
home at Lansing, Mich.
Stephen Medd was elected a ,nem-
ber of West Wawanosh council last
bit. Giffin of the Lake 3ho.-e
Road,' Ashfield was fined $5 and
costs on Monday for beating ' his
son' with a horsewhip,
Miss Irma ,Jordan spent Sunday
the guest of bee aunt, Mrs. Beacom.
Mrs. Murray and family have re-
turned to their home after a pleasant
week's 'visit with Mr. and Mss. T.
J. 'Lindsay.
Mr.• and Mn•. 'R. A. (levier spent
'Sunday with f fiends on the 2nd con.
with Porter's I'lill. friends.
Mt. and Miss 'Tyner .spent Sunday
Mr, and Mfrs. JohneScan'ett paid, a
flying • virge to friends here -last week.
A number from around hers attechi-
ed the funeral of Miss Rapson of
Clinton which passed through aur
burg on Sunday.
A Free Lecture.
Dr. F. A. Hall p1 NeW -York .will
deliver an address in the town ball,
Clinton, -on time evening of Thursday,
Aug. 22nd, subject, '"When Eden Com-
es and 'Dead -Men Live."
Subject's bytaug'ght'expert instructors
1 at he
X, M. C. A. 1351)0..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter anytime.
J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt Jr.
Principal - CharteredAccountant
to Vice -Principal
Miss Mary )lack is home .torher,,
Vacation troni 'loronto,<
Mr,` Wm. McAlirtar, who has hien
orienting at the station hero for
some time, has been transferred to
Tommy f r ae-
i m Blues o Seafo th`was
cidently shot ' and killed, at the
rifle sange in Seaforth on Monday.
He was scoring.
A few cans left yet of enamels. Just the thing
for chairs and fancy work. The labels are slightly
soiled but the stook is all right. We have the follow-
ing good shades.
Lot No.
1 IShellvr pinkwhf •
oy le
Lig�t yellowray
Willow6 reen
25c for 15e.
or 2 for 25e. -
Lot No. 2 Lilac l�
Straw l Regular
Flesh 25c for 10e.
Pale roseor 3 for 25e.
Wild rose
No. 3 S. W. paints
Light green
Sky blue Quart 45e
Vermillion t, gallon :90c
i •.f � Ypergallon
We have also a splendid good paint on tag or $ ,S5
green, red and olive green,
Harland Bros.
Stove. Hardware and Novelties
Grey Township
Mrs. Jas. Edwards, of Oklahoma
Nebraska and daughters Alice and
Grace, have been visiting ..the former's
sister, Mrs. ' 0, Hutchinson and her
niece, Mrs. W --Lamont.
The Misses Campbell, of ilullett,
who teaeh at Walton and Wk eihrop.
tespoottvely,. have been visiting at
Ike (home of their` uncle and aunt,'
Wm. and Mrs. Armstrong, 9th, con.
L. and Mrs. Stark and two child
!ren are enjoying a holiday at L'hi'
Smith's, 7th con. F. Lawrence, of
Vancouver,, B. C. ; Mise Lizzie, of
Edmonton. and Miss. Annie, of Sea-
forth, have also been visiting. at the
Smith )home..
Mrs, W. Casemore, of Ministique,
Mich,, is visiting at the home p1 her:
brother, John. Lake, 4th con. Mrs.
Jas., Leisl'tnlane Mtn. Lakdit sister,
who was vreiting in this :locality,:
has rettitned to her home in the
Verandah Curtains
Verandah s
� ah Mattings
The season is short so,we have made our profits the
same, Come early and get first choice.
The Store
of Quality.
Phone 28
W. WaIker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
Yea Run No Risk
We have confidence in our
our WATCHES as the result
We guarantee thorn because
they are ALL RIGHT both
as .regards QUALITY AND
Let Us Show You Tliem.
Jeweler, Clinton
Is a little the best iwe don't charge
g gr
any more for it, A. freshcarload just in.
o tile for'25o.