The Clinton News Record, 1912-01-11, Page 6!. young Italian named Luceano was town to pieces by .dynamite in a C. P. R. construction camp near no In G1o r , BOY SCOUTS FIGHTING CONSUMPTION The Boy Scouts of the country, , ever two to their creed, have enlisted in the battle against consumption. tinder the direction of their superior officers, they aro planning to do real substantial work in the selling of stamps, between now and the end of the year. Liv- ing up to their Motto that each scout shall each day do some kindness to another, theboys have resolved that this 'slogan can bo well made effective in the selling of Christmas Stamps to help on the great work being done for needy consumptives in the Muskoka Free hospital for Consumptives. In fact, the young people everywhere, in Public Schools, Sab- bath Schools, and throegh their veiny different Organizations, are proving them. salves a wonderful help in this Christmas Stamp a mrpaign.. If no one in your town is acbi\'o in this work—if you -want to bo naive—write the Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, 347 King Street West, Toronto, and Learn all about the posvil,ilibiesof this little o)lecent Mlessenger of Heating. IMV4sr,:171;t=griamsmezamattormanco to mail 4s '-ti w ' Cade' q m:;„,,,,asszaszasomvp, ,, xc'm ,r 'tse' WINTER RESORTS t1'und Trip Tourist '1'ice.cs tow Sale to all Principal \Vinte, [resorts including. CALIFORNIA, BMX[C0 FLORIDA, Eto. The Attractive Route to WESTERN CANADA The British Columbia Prooincial prison at Victoria wgs damaged by fire, The quicker a cold is go eon rid of the less the 'dan- ger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall of Waverly, tea-, says "I firmly be- lieve o-lieve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best .prepara (tion' on the market for colds: 1 have recommended it iso my irrionds and they all agree with mo." For sale, by All Dealers, Commander Roper will, leave for England in six ;weeks, his term as chief of the naval staff expiring. Tho Postofflcc report, shows: an ib - crease over 30 per `cent in thei - a- mount of Christmas mail handled. Every family tiac need of a good, d ,reliable liniment. For sprahis bruises, soreness of Mt muscles and rheumatic pains there is no, better than Chamberlain',: Sold by All Dealers. Mr; Hector Chauvin, E. C., a bro- ther-in-law of Mr, I3ourassa, has been appointed to investigate charges, of partisanship against Public Works employees. State of Ohio, City or 'Toledo, Lucas, Counbp. Frank J, Cheney makes oath thali be is senior partner of the firm of P'. J. Cheney 8s Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County, and Stalls aforesaid, avid that•.sdid firkin wi]1 pas the sum of 0.tie handrail Dollars for each and every c,c'c of Catarrh that carnncit be curie(' br the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank 'J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in nip presence, this 0th day, of Dec- ember, eo-ember, A. D. 1S90. A. W. Gleason, Notary Pubiio Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, add acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. • F. J, Choneyt & Co., Toledo, 0 Scald by' all Druggist. 75e. Take Hell's Fam.ilp Pills for ccen- stioation. on SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH, WEST LAND RECGLILATIONS. is ria Chicago Staenlship Tickets on Sale by All Lines • Voll information from J. RANS.FORD, Town Agent A, 0. PATTESON, Depot, Agent • 1 THE NEWS-HECUBD'S CLUBBING LIST FOR 1911-12 Muck good reading for little 'looney. b•VESOKLIEB News -Record and ?lair tinct Empire $l 50 News -Record and Globe 1.00 Nows-Record and Family Herald and Star with Premium 1.75 News -Record and Witness 3.75 News -Record and Sun...., 1.75 News -Record end Free Press. 1.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser . dvertiser. ..., 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate...., 2,25 News -Record and Form 5 and Dairy 1.7a News -Record and Cana- dian Farm ... . . News -Record and nil Youth's Companion DASLIes News -Record and Mad and Empire.. .... 4:2.5 News -Record and Globe... 4.25 �.30 News -Record a d' e s xn News News -Record and Star .. - 2.30 News=RPcord and Work{ .. 3.25 News-Becord and Morning ; 1!,aco Press..,. ..3,25 News -Record and Evening Free Press .., . 2,70" News -Record ecord and Adver- 1.75 1.75 II MONTIILY News -Record and Lippin-. cott's Magizine.. , .. , .. 3.25 News -Record and Canada Monthly, Winnipeg 1.40 " If what you want is not in this list let us know about it. We can supply you at less than it would cost you to send direct. 'In remitting please do so by Post-o1'flee Order; Postal Note, Expresso Order or Registered Letter and address. We J. Mitchell News -Record CLINTON Any person who is the wile head of a fancily, or any male over 18 years old, may Homestead a quarter sec- tion of available Dominion land in reranttoba. Saskat•chvwan or Alberta. The applicant must appea:s in per- son at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the dist:r-eb. En- try by proxy may be' made at any agency, on ca.tain conditions by Nth - or, mother, non, daughter, b.nthcr or sister of in0.•nding homesteader. Dut-ns.—Six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may livo within nine milts of his homestead on a farts of at least 80 acres .aol.ly owued and occupied liy hint or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother, or sister, In curtain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his home- stead. Price $3.00 pee acre. Duties. Mus0 reside upon the home- stead. or pre-emption nix monthfs 611 each of six years from date of homestead Lntlry (including the time required to earn homestead pabenO and cultivate flfh'y acres extant.) A homestteader who has oxhaneto. his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a .pre-emption may enter for purchased homesnoad in certain dis- tricts. Price $3.00 pea acre, Dut- ies,—Must reside svc months in each of three yearn, cultivate fitty acre and erect, a house worth $300,00. W. W. CORY. Deputsy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B. Unauiihorized ' pubilcatrron of this advertisement will nob be paid for. fMUNTREAt WITNESS Canada's Best Metropolitan and National Newspaper. Strong and Courageous The 'Daily Witness' en trial, $1,00 regular rate, three eedollars.` The ' WeeklyWitness Wit,an66 e 1 Canadian 1 I mestead on trial 1. regular.. rate, one. dollar These trial rates are offered to NS7w subscribers—or those in whose bso h 'mtg.-ter edttlonh been f omen has taker) , since i os nist two years, that is, since it has been so Wonderfully �' y Enlar ged and Improved its etrclsiation is being :doethted, and to the most popular paper among.. church -going people. Its subscribers love 'IC ! ,{ MAKE iT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912. At the above 'Whie igd Campa'.gn' Nadas \nil tell your 'Mods about this et- 'er, 'They Would alae enjoy It. SrMicrlptlons sent in atthese rates .hon Id either be accoh.panletl" by this ulverlisement orthepaper inwhich pea-aw the announcement must be lamed, when sending. the subscripticn. Toznzr .rsovcSALL go soar, Pubiiahere, `witteexs' 'Block; Montreal. 00000000000000 WHAT CANADIANS ARE DOING )0000000000000000000000000, BON, SUR 1LtCK1')NZIL HOWELL;' When nine years old, the boy whoin' 'ale had decreed as a- man above the os'erkge amongst Ills fellows 'voyaged -moss the Atlantic •with_ his , parents, laving been born at alielringhall,.Sur "olk, in 1825. • Educated at Belville =bile school, young MacKenzie join- ?d the staff of the ,lntelligencer at '.suite an early . period of his life, and has been.a busy train during all the intervening years, growing up with the paper in Varkaus capacities all the way from office' tad to editor aid proprietor, with many other duties. parliamentary an,d otherwise worked in, His Initial active participation in politics, was at Confederation when he was elected for North 'Hastings, and during the years until he joined the Macdonald Cabinet he continued to occupy the editor's chair of the Iltellge eer Entering g the Macdonald d administration as Minister of Customs 19 October 1878, he was subsequently, Ministers of Militia in the Abbot Ad- ministration, of "Prado and Commerce In the Tholnson administration; and formed a ministry In December 1894, which lie .reconstructed in ,January 1896 from which he resigned 'three months later, Sir Mackenzie Howell was leader of the Senate 1893-96, and, LION.. SIR MACKENZIE IROWELI, 'Editor and Parliamentarian lender of the opposition from that state until 27 April 19(16 when he re- tired.' Created hC.M.G. on 1 January 1895, he in the year following had the further honor conferred by being ap- pointed Chairman of the Colonial Conference, of which, it w111 be re- membered, he was organizer, He le president of the Imperial Association of Canada and ex -President of the Beivtile Hardware Mnnuraeturtng Co. nod Northumberland Power Co., is a Governor oI Toronto University, mem- ber of the Senate of Albert, College Belville, and Inc many years Grand blaster of the Orange Association of American In his earlier years Sir Mackenzie took active interest ht things military, having been a mem- ber or the 15th Light Infantry and the' 4th Rifles from which he retired with the rank of Lieut: Colonel, Ile served on the frontier during the American war, and was also in the field at the Lime of the Fenian troubles 5 1866. •♦_-. Ttl;'V. *CANON 'Moor MN. CANON TROOP, N.A. il[outrehi. Canon. Troop who has been rector' of a Montreal Church since 1886 is a true son of the Anglican Church. His Work, though not of the blatant kind, !n' the uplifting of the masses in, the poorer districts of the great Canadian Metropolis, will ever live as a stimulent to those who would try, and better their fellows. Canon Troop was born in Nova Scotia in 1854. A 'Fortune on Guinea Pigs The Pasteur Institute, of France, spends annually a sum of $80,000 on. guinea ig , but there is a dearth of' these little animals just now, hun- dreds of small purveyors in the South of France having decided to b c g ilea ease raising the little unwilling martyrs, of .science Wherever the Institute applied latterly, It was told that no. more guinea ps were ere for sale. The Institute has had to rely principally on its own 1n su rP1Y from its ts o n guinea-pig Tarn at Garches, but the, demand has been so great that the numbers have diminished. Something like 3,000 guinea pigs are kept on the ground permanently for breeding pur- poses. .A Black Outlook "'Allo, Bill! You do look pale an' thin, Dill. Wot's wrong 1311!? Been ill, Bill?" Thus one Jovial frequenter- of the gutter to a friend be had not seen for weeks. I3t11 passed a horny' hand across his weeny brow. "S!rp,"' he answered, "I ain't been ill ft's work! Work from ten In the mornlre" till nine at night,' and on1Y one hour's rest. Thinl2of it, mate — just think of It!" "And where are yer worktn'? 'OM' long 'ave yer-been there?" "L ain't been there yet," retorted Bill, with a groan, 'I begin ter- trlorrerl" Clinton News-Recor:. J4nuaty Ilth, GETS 'EM EVERY TIME G1Mg ME AGOOD 01,101) DONT NICKEL CIGAR,` WANT ASGItIt PLEASE CIGAR. YOu I'LL ___, FOR 't( AGOOD, ONE oR NOTHING• TIIATs A GAP4e *Pi 100, BUTS 'YoU RE. ito'f Goi$G '. TO gull' WITN•oui' TRYING. TO GGT 1'rMACK. ( `lou'RE Too MUc4 oI A sVoitT fog HAT. TNA'TS ANOTHER GAME ON 100, 5h89 LUCK- OLD UCK OL O R SCOUT. WPM T TO GO ON a M liE 1 .l POU R DOLL 0. N f� AND -1tV E NT Y CC T5 N W -0 ALL; YOUR LUCK W As y oU? LOCK AS Ko 14A5.H0Wmutt',RUNNING BADTOWS. DO DWE SAW sucH Nene 01-D tdAN' iAAIG A CIGAR oft IA. HEFoRE YOU Co ) PR1=•f'TY \ Mics OF NM To Glvt, 3,0 Rev 6 ri01 The First. Seedy. b'islt01'—"Do you have many wrecks about herr, bon tuntu7" 14ostuu1n-.-^Not very many, sirs. You're the first 1't'e seen this sSOOSOIt." Definition of .111 Irish 'shunt. .4 school reacher asked an Irish boy to describe an Island, "Sure, ma'am," said Pat, "it's it place ye can't lave widout a bout," A Little Different. Plc—Dearie, can't we two be happy on the salary I earn? She—No, Willie, on what we spend. Druggist (to his stout wife)—Don't corse in 7,01 this minute. I aur about to •sell six bottles of my fat-roducfsg mixture Boss — 'There's $10 gone from my Cada drawer, .Tohihny; you and 1' wore the only people who had the keys to that drawer, Ol'I'ice Hoy — weft, s'pose we each pay ,:5 and say 00 more about 11 Pride (putting on travelling dress): "1151 1 look nervous during the Sores- Inetly, Kate?" hate (brides eldest sister): "'1 little at first, but not lifter Alfred Ind .sail GETS 'EM EVERY TIME Stephen Klyoshk and his wife In Three persons wenn killed in an dian„ 'Were arrested in connection accident' to a C P. R. express near with the double murder on Walpole :Wawaota, Sask. Island. 317 had been troubled with constip- ation for two ytsists, and tilled all the bos11, physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing fon ire," writ .es Thos. E. Williams, .Middleboro, Ky. l"Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach and, Lover Ta'bilebs cured Me." Fon sale by'• calx amen, When you kale a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 'It will soon fix you up all right and will ward oft any tendency toward ipnenmonielr ',This remedy contain no opium or ot- ,her narcotic and May be given as confidently to a •baby as to, an adult; Sold by Alt Dealers, ' Do not fail to hear the AMBEROLA —THOMAS A. EDISON'S highest development of his own instrument, the M Edison Ph�nograp ii Musically—the Amberola has the truest, surest, smoothest tone, the most lifelike reproduction. Exactly the rightvolume of sound for the home. It has the sapphire reproducing point, which is permanent—no changing needles. It renders all compositions sitto s cora letel without cutting Po completely, erring or hurrying, on, Edisolla Amberol (four -and -one-half minute) Records -and all short selections ns o on Edison (two -minute) Records, as'weli;r Aptistieally—a masterpiece of the cabinet maker's art, as beautiful to look at as It is wonderful to hear. You have your choice of four finishes, Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Golden Oak and Mission Oak. Mechanically—perfect. The silent motor will play five Amberol Records, each four -and -one-half minutes long without rewinding. There are various other styles, of Edison Phonographs at almost any price you wish to pay—and each offers definite Edison advantages. But the Amberola is the greatest of all. Hear it today. There are Edison dealers ever.ywhere. Go to the nearest and tl/J near the Edison Phonograph May boot Edison Standard anda haw Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $240.00, rxconroner1D Edison Standard lacrords,40c. Faison Amberol ltecords!play 100 Lakeside Avenue twieeaslong),65e. Edison GrandOperaRecords, 85eto$2.50. Orange,14. J„ U.3. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at W, WALKER of Stara'' 0' Dollar Surely you can spare a dollar or two from your pay envelope this week. Open a savings account and get 3% interest, payable half -yearly. Keep up the saving habit and you wilt soon have $loo or more, when you can buy our debentures and get 4% on your money. Issued for $coo and upwards. Terms one to five years. Do this with a safe and well-known company—with the only loan com- pany in 'Canada having a reserve fund equal to its paid-up capita! Incorporated 1864. Hu'wnC'iie9` ..Cocci and Savings Co. London and St. Thours. Over 13 Million Irl Assets so tkz �: �%�' a � ivt i�r,;r.,'1..•l.°-.t,•sr,••,�tnn +e 'verrt• nr.:. One thorough application of • it Zam-Sub at night will bring ease w 3 by morning. Zam-Buk steps the smarting, heals the cracks, and makes the hands smooth. at ie Bertrand aleeb r>Roor=Farce $ t , o lc. Ont., writes:—"I was troubled with, chapped hands and arms and- nothing ever seemed to heal r� themthoroughly until we found Zo - I}uk Ib has cured them. My father has also used ib for several skin troubles and injuries, and thinks 13 there oithenshshnogulldikeeeZo itah-aBtah"i r children use Zam• K Buk daily, as there is nothing like prevention. 'A little Z2.111 -Buis lightly smeared over the hands end wrists, chaps otter washing, will preventand colcl;eores. Zam•Buk 1a ago a sure own for akin Orontes, emotes, Itch, ringworm, blood-poleuning, price, and for eats, burns andbruises. ago boast all stores and druasi.ta, Of pont frnl ac aabetfromliutZam-Buk Co., Toronto, for prior. Refuse hnem{u and imitations, _ The News -Record l leads for Town and Township News. �1 +HELLO JIMMIE., III-- 1'LL BT YOU fOULDN'T CARRY THAT BASKET FULL opASHes ALL THE WAY ORoM 7AS cELLAR•. AW -G'WAN t I'LL BET I cAN - _ cAN'T YOU COME OU7 AND PLAY.? I iIAVE TO 1 GLEAN oU7 l+{ _ THE CELLAR FIRST //// //II /X\ 1s< f"�`�'/ �I ff. 1. air. s,7 "�y _ xs 2, I WAS JUST THINKING SKtNNIE,s Y0U �,1 ` 111... HUH -11415 AINT NEM'4 re's 546,4 Fgf� ME, �,I I DIDN'T KNONi 'FIAT You WERE 60 511pUNG... BUT ,NAT'S 15014 ARE so 5TN'UN0 7NAT 'T- WILL. Mai@ You CAPTAIN OF ouR OALLTEAM, _,'-- �sy :fix o14LY ',NUR- `FIRST LOAD, teat tAgilli wJeru• .3 h'ita, +% ,•`"''" y, L.' 4, „ yam: rrj,7 r - t y I a. I 14 •.lits•' P' 4, Y 7goSE TIN CANS HAda•7o coME THUIG Is �. 31 GEoReca- `' SKINNIE YOU'RE. A WONDErL> YOURS ALLRIGIK EVEWI oUT NOMI AND ILL SW@hP 'i'HERoDMts '' c"TN3M• " '. Too. Ol1TT0 . .r, li AIS• y ..._ - - "'Iv x: n. 7Ir,ty r;_ h . • • Y+r. P Iutilf ,y�... lig 'er Mil • --,:.,,.•' `�`",. Stephen Klyoshk and his wife In Three persons wenn killed in an dian„ 'Were arrested in connection accident' to a C P. R. express near with the double murder on Walpole :Wawaota, Sask. Island. 317 had been troubled with constip- ation for two ytsists, and tilled all the bos11, physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing fon ire," writ .es Thos. E. Williams, .Middleboro, Ky. l"Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach and, Lover Ta'bilebs cured Me." Fon sale by'• calx amen, When you kale a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 'It will soon fix you up all right and will ward oft any tendency toward ipnenmonielr ',This remedy contain no opium or ot- ,her narcotic and May be given as confidently to a •baby as to, an adult; Sold by Alt Dealers, ' Do not fail to hear the AMBEROLA —THOMAS A. EDISON'S highest development of his own instrument, the M Edison Ph�nograp ii Musically—the Amberola has the truest, surest, smoothest tone, the most lifelike reproduction. Exactly the rightvolume of sound for the home. It has the sapphire reproducing point, which is permanent—no changing needles. It renders all compositions sitto s cora letel without cutting Po completely, erring or hurrying, on, Edisolla Amberol (four -and -one-half minute) Records -and all short selections ns o on Edison (two -minute) Records, as'weli;r Aptistieally—a masterpiece of the cabinet maker's art, as beautiful to look at as It is wonderful to hear. You have your choice of four finishes, Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Golden Oak and Mission Oak. Mechanically—perfect. The silent motor will play five Amberol Records, each four -and -one-half minutes long without rewinding. There are various other styles, of Edison Phonographs at almost any price you wish to pay—and each offers definite Edison advantages. But the Amberola is the greatest of all. Hear it today. There are Edison dealers ever.ywhere. Go to the nearest and tl/J near the Edison Phonograph May boot Edison Standard anda haw Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $240.00, rxconroner1D Edison Standard lacrords,40c. Faison Amberol ltecords!play 100 Lakeside Avenue twieeaslong),65e. Edison GrandOperaRecords, 85eto$2.50. Orange,14. J„ U.3. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at W, WALKER of Stara'' 0' Dollar Surely you can spare a dollar or two from your pay envelope this week. Open a savings account and get 3% interest, payable half -yearly. Keep up the saving habit and you wilt soon have $loo or more, when you can buy our debentures and get 4% on your money. Issued for $coo and upwards. Terms one to five years. Do this with a safe and well-known company—with the only loan com- pany in 'Canada having a reserve fund equal to its paid-up capita! Incorporated 1864. Hu'wnC'iie9` ..Cocci and Savings Co. London and St. Thours. Over 13 Million Irl Assets so tkz �: �%�' a � ivt i�r,;r.,'1..•l.°-.t,•sr,••,�tnn +e 'verrt• nr.:. One thorough application of • it Zam-Sub at night will bring ease w 3 by morning. Zam-Buk steps the smarting, heals the cracks, and makes the hands smooth. at ie Bertrand aleeb r>Roor=Farce $ t , o lc. Ont., writes:—"I was troubled with, chapped hands and arms and- nothing ever seemed to heal r� themthoroughly until we found Zo - I}uk Ib has cured them. My father has also used ib for several skin troubles and injuries, and thinks 13 there oithenshshnogulldikeeeZo itah-aBtah"i r children use Zam• K Buk daily, as there is nothing like prevention. 'A little Z2.111 -Buis lightly smeared over the hands end wrists, chaps otter washing, will preventand colcl;eores. Zam•Buk 1a ago a sure own for akin Orontes, emotes, Itch, ringworm, blood-poleuning, price, and for eats, burns andbruises. ago boast all stores and druasi.ta, Of pont frnl ac aabetfromliutZam-Buk Co., Toronto, for prior. Refuse hnem{u and imitations, _ The News -Record l leads for Town and Township News. �1