The Clinton News Record, 1912-01-11, Page 4Clinton News -Record Coderich Townsshlp • Mr. Edgar Cook youngest son of Mrs and Mrs. Chas. Cook, who has' been west in the ,vicruitsy of Yellow Grass for the past four years, is, in company with his wife and litt'le daught'.;r, spending the winter with Ibis parents. Mr. Will Cook, the eldest son of 'llIw faintly, also arrived on New ;Year's Day. and will spend some lit, 1t,le time at the parental home IIe co eS twin the viculty of 131oelt, nl whe'lrc he has been for seven }ears' and where he has prospered, Mr, Louis Mosely of the C. A. C.,'. Rev. C. E, Jeakins of 'Clinton will conduct service M St. George's church, Middleton, on Sundrly morn- ing next. Guelph, spent the festive holiday seas- on the guest of :Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Cook, wu s1t Sterns! K-taapp, a PIem Ilollow far- mer, rhea at I3rockvillc from expos- ure. GAMES for the Winter Evenings All the popular gauzes such as Pd rchesi Flinch • Lost Heir Crockinoie Etc. Diaries for 1912 S.S. Helps for 1912 Canadian Almanac '1012 cooper Co. CLINTON, Grey Township Ernest Rozell was visiting relat- ives at Toronto over the holiday. Miss Lottie Jaelcsnn has been Visit- ing her sister in New York State. Miss Elsie Clark, of Washada, has been visitingat Mrs. Huger McKin note's. Miss Elia McKinnon, who was hon to r thei returned ...vacation on has tet thed to her school at Nashville, On Miss May Thompson and Mr. and Miss Northgravcs, of Berlin,, were visitors at Joseph Engler's last week. . Duncan' and it1iss Elsie McCallum, of .IIullettt, were visitors with old friends and neighbors in Grey, The latter is continuing. her stay, Wn1. Fowler and son,; Frank, of Edmonton, aua visiting at the noun of Mr. • 1'{. J. Hoover, of the OM con. At the annual school meeting w 5. 5 -No. 1, Robert Miller, was' re-elec- ted Trustee, John Davidson sup- plies wood at $2.40 a cord, ('oal will be' tined during the colder months, Miss I3ella Betz :1.tth con!,mint ds taking a holiday and ,will visit a re- Iativee and friends in Kansas end Virginia. Exeter , Mr, Frank 13awden of St. 'Thomas was hone oven the' New Year's holi- day. - Miss hotis Disney of Windsor was home on a visit last week. Mr, T. W. Ilawkshaw has returned do Winnipeg after spending his hot-. days with friends and Me tires - ie town and vicinity,. .Miss Irene Hardy visited friends `-t L Wallatohurg recently The new rink teas opener) on Nen Year's night. Dungannon Mr. and- Mrs. J. Moyer., of Pais- ley, have been visiting their relatives )tern. • Mr. and 1 r:. r a 1 � Robert L Rcicl and U Miss Maggie Shackleton, of Moose - jaw , are visiting friends at Crewe. T. 0. Allem has purchased the old Methodist church property for .$300. An old and highly esteemed resid- ent of West Wawanosh passed away last week, in the person of Mrs. James 'Rerhnoad, Deceased was tot's in Ireland in the year 1825, but she had been a resident of this neigh- borhood for over ..half a century. Ta • I ii husband t died about seven years ni y s She ago. v 6 t survived (ed by sic chit dren : James and John, Mrs. Ed. Brophy, Mrs, P. Kearney., Mrs, Wns. Leddy and Mrs. Win. AleC'ourt, all living in West 11'awanosb. The fun- eral took place to 5L. Augustine. HAP:14.1: lit: PiitCi: A 13Attia;:csi Pham is tommisigtoxopmemplaumm,-,navrine-sammwrwas EN -Eli v PninIe s li.arto.sJ i Pane.:: 1 f t.: Couch .. ,.Co. All Ladies' and Children's winter Coats % price. ' January Mid Winter Sale 25 to 50 per cent off all foods , advertised. Sale starts Saturday, Jan. Gth, Sale encisSaturday Jan, 13th. Term Cash. 25 per cent Discount off all Furs and Fur lined Coats. A Sale. with a Reason We wish to impress upon the people of Clinton and surrounding Country that we will not carry over this seasons Stock to next season. It must be got rid off. We have made the prices so low as to be absolutely sure that we will 'accomplish our object during this January sale. OUR LOSS IS We mention only a few of the ,many' YOUR GAIN Bargains we offer you. Your choice of any trimmed hat in Store $1.50, Your choice of any untrimmed hat in Store 39e, Dress goods reg 75c Sale price 39c, Dress goods " 90c " 55c. .Fur collored Coats " 25.00 " " 15.00 Pail lette,Silk " 1,25 " " 92c l 5,00 " r: 2.50 Nett Waists Ribbons Ribbons Cashmere Hose Bath Towels Table linen Linen ,Towlln Wrapperetts Flanlaeletss Prints Umbrellas See, large bills, 35c t` a" 20c :: 25c " ca. 35c 75e ta ih 96'"' 18e 't " 12}c " " 121e !.: :0 1,00 " 150 1:1c i 19c 21 " 43c i`` , • .6e re is 121c 9c 10c 69c, HoImesville.: Mr; .John Calbick Of I3+riitisli Col- bia is visiting friends _ in this vicin- ity,' IIe was fibra oa the fart now occupied by Mr. Goo. Tibutt on the Maitland concession; and removed to the Gar, golden west when about two years at age.: That was oyee 40 years ago. People are -saying this cold and' stormy weather i; continuing a'.tang terne, even forgetting c.iltcb that g weever had such wintertci weather before.ore Thawing frozen pipes is the order All trains are late on account of the hoaby snow drifts. The wind blow- ing a fierce gale which, if it cont'.l-. ees touch longer, will block up many of the roads. Where are the weather- wise who predict?;tl are open winter.? We understand' P:tat Mr. George Ilolland's sale tiff milk cows which was to have takclt,,,, place on Wednes- day 'last, en account of the storm has been postponed until Monday of next *eek. ' Mr. 5, W, 'l'eewartha was to have started on Tuesday last dor Mon- treaI et deliver his Uroawes, driver to the Gunn. Langlois Co, but fear - lag the trains might become,. stalled on the road, decided to wait une.1 'the storm ' was over. Somewhere about the $275 mark, we understand, was the consideration, a good driver and a good price. ' )les'.C\ E. Jeakins .of Clinton will conduct service in 5t. John's .church on Sunday afternoon next: The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church gave one of their first class entertainments on 'Thursday evening 'st, The entertainment was two- fold, the first part tieing a fine sup- per served with the lavish hospital- ity or; which the T•l'otmcsvilfe ladies arc famous. When the supper had been +aorougbly enjoyed an adjourn - mite was made to Lite body of the church where an excellent pragram was given. Those taking part ink the program were Mrs. King, who, sang three 'solos,, fairly captivating the audience by her rich, well train- ed,voese, and Miss McClinton and Messrs. howler and Cook, all of:God- eri'eh, who each rendered solos. The singers also sang together. Mr. King presided at the piano during he even. rig, Miss (Dozens of Il m svi lc also gave several readings i a very clever planner and altogether the Pro - grain ivas very much enjoyed. Ow- ing to the disagreeable weather the crowd was not, so large as was ex- pected brit nevertheless the Iadies realt',cod a nice little cant ' :from the proceeds and have besides the satis- faction of knowing that they put 00 a high class entertainment.. Morris Township David Russel of Calgary, spent NON' Years with his parents, Jas, and Mrs, Russel, 5th line, Ile is Sec -'.)Treasurer of the Alberta ,Travel- less Association and was a delegate to the convention 10 Montreal. Mrs. L. Beam, of Mount Pleasant, Brant Co., was a visitor at the home of fiarvey Beam, 751) tine. Bliss Mnr;ic )Iran, Brantford, was also visiting under tile parental toot. The annual school . meeting in 5 S. No. G was held as pep statute. Walt- er Yuill was ac elected irusloe. Thr wood contract was given to Alfred Cochrane at $2,15 per cord and Ed- ward Ellis suppl'es cedar as 81.50 per cord, Miss Murdre is the tea- cher in No. 0 and is render ng good service. On. the 27Lh of December the an- nual school meeting of Union S,. 5, No. 3, East Wawanosh was called to order by D. D. Stalker, i.hairutin of the School Board, Wm, Craig, tae retiring trustee, was re-elected. The Trustees ustees ' for next year. are F. D. Stalker, J. Canting and W. Craig. W. P. Watson, of Merineo, bask:, is visiting iris parents, W. IT, slut Mrs. Watson, 5th line. He has been in Western Canada for the le's' rev - en years. Miss Edna )Watson, ct Medicine fat, has returned to her ]rune on tits Gth con,, to spend the Wetter, 'Geo, and Mrs, Koowis, . of Lansing, Mich., spent Christmas with W. Il. arson and family. ' Mrs Keown rill remain toe a few weeks. John Healy, Saginaw, Mich., is a visitoe withhisfather, Thos. Hoary, th cob. David Walker, of Pari Bili, was tome, for New "Year's with his par- nts, Samuel and Mrs. Walker, ]Miss' Minnie I mie I;ndicoth, of Lindsay, s visiting -the families g ifJames uncan and Jet. Davis, 4th line. Saturday week Mrs. Garret Ma. well, passed away to her reward in. ei 7Gth year, i+'uneral tool.- place o Belgrave cemetery. ' 'She is thr- ived by her husband and an adult amity.• Mr. and Ids. ;Nealy and, fancily, were spending the Christmas holi- �. ayes, with friends in Michigan, James Bowman, M. P., will re - urn to Ottawa to resume his par - amen tary aramentary duties. • AP Swan Lake, Mart., on Doc, 13th, Yfist Hattie McCall, formerly tie this ownship, was `united in marriage to rchio Thompson. They :c. ,here O a visit with celat"i'es and friends and ;will extend their vksie to the room's :relatives in Lindsay locality efore r..eturntng ,to the West. The annual school aceting was eld,'Si the school''house in 5. 5,• o. 3. The retiring trustee was H. Alcock, who was succeeded by antes Nichol." $2.40 was Ale price Wen Robert Craig for the 'wood i h� ,alk avid leek at - r os. C 1 o il o PP y or the Work :of auditing and will also e caretaker of the school. School ened with Frank Bryant,. • son of m. Bryans '4th line, lit command,• is salary will be $500.' Mr. Dry- s has just passed the Clinton ode) Scholl 'ani) will give a good cunt'.ef himself. M W 7 1 e D 11 5 t li A t A 0 g b 11 N B J Sl su b op W Ii an se The 'King sad Queen witnessed' Magnificent pageant at Calcutta. Stapled Township" The new council held their' initial meeting in the township hall, ,Varna, on Monday'' with Reeve Glen in the chair and Counciileirs Dewar, Keys, Mustard and McKinley present. Sev- eral accounts were ;passed and' some routine business gone through, and the following township officials wore appois KW: :: Clerk, j. E, H'antwell; salary $110 ; 'treasurer; George Beat- tie, salaryOD 8 Assessor, es r, li. Stog- dell, 875; Collector Phos, Wiley, 885;' Auditors George Bafrcl and W. H. Johnston, salary $10 each. A pleasant evening was Spent at:' the home of Mr. Thomas Robinson on Thursday evening when the re- presontatives of t"„c Goshen Method- ist Choir gathered and presented him' with alt ' address . accompanied with an -easy chair in .: recog- nation of his services as choir master of the church. Mr. Robin- son who was taken completely by surprise, heartily thanked his friends for their beautiful gift. The evert,ng was spent in enjoyable games and music and lunch was, ser- ved by the tactics. The company separated at a late hosir highly pleased with the evenings c'ajoyment. The address 'was as follows < Dear Mr. Robinson : It becomes nsy pleasing duty in behalf of your fri- ends in connection with the Goshen Methodist Choir to remind you that we are not forgetful, of Pae fact that for 501110 time you have fa•.thl'ul- iy discharged the dttt'es of choir master in our church. It' Itas been our privilege to he ,assoc- iatei with ( tt 011 in! t y all elle blanches of our church' work, 'rite young have found in you a devoted teacher and lrave,benelitted:considerably by your Kelp: Your earnest devotion' to slut and the hearty interest youhave yr c c manifested Di the welfare of our Choir are considerations worthy of the highest praise. In the carious walks ' 01 neighbourly and social in. tercourse you have contributed a- bundantly, towar•1 malting Life pleas- ing in the circle in which you Have mover). As a token of our admir- ation and esteem for yourself, and of our gratitude for all your labors in behalf of the choir for the Glory of Gott we ask you to •iceept this easy chair praying that you may Long be spared to recline in it in your leisure bouts. And that Yiods richest blessing may attend you and your estimable wife throu,;ttaut, all life's days. Siened in behalf, of the Choir, Mtsriat 1)ow8011, Mary A: 5togdill. Seaforth Miss Nellie I3eatLie of Calgary., .Alta., is spending a holiday at the ]vogue of, her father, Mr. John Beat- tie, Mr,. and . Mrs, 5. Landshoeaugh and fancily of Park River, Norttt Da- kota., have been s isf ring friends to town and vicinity: Air. 13. Kydcl, - accountant in the Bank of Commerce here, has beer) transferrer) 10 13oi'lin. rile: anti Mrs. Knight of Edmon- ton, Alta., afp'r visiting the latter's mother', Mrs. Mcliinley, over titehol- iday season, have e gone tot Florida for the winter. Mr. lames Staples of Moose Jaw; Sask., has been visiting his mother' and brothers in town after an ab- sence of sixteen years. Seaforth wort the first hoc) ey mat- ch in • the. intermediate series on New Years night in 1!oderiell Miss Minnie Campbell of Calgary is visiting her parents in 'town. Miss Kathleen Henderson. has gone lsn Bal7.ymotc on a visit to friends. Mr, Harry Livens •has returned to Detroit aft!'. spending. several weeks at his home its. town., Wingham. Leader Willis and Mrs. Willis en- tertained the choir of 55. Paul's church at their home one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Megurchy of Col Lingwood spent, the holiday time the guests of -line latter.'s parents, Mr. and Miss, John Davidson, Mrs. Garrett Maxwell, an old re silent of Morris passed away, , on Saturday: week after an illnessof some. months. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. O'Neil of HarP- neY, Man., an. have been visiting at thee home of their nephew, Mr. IT, B. Elliott. IVIiss Florence VanNornsatt has tak- en a position on the teaching staff of <Ancaster public school and left' last week to assume her duties. A Winghani Family Almost Suffocated ' Wiingham, Jan. 8. -Chas. Kneehtel and family (five persons) narrowly' eecaped suffocation by escaping gas from the coal stove Sunday, 'night., The coat in the self -feeder commen- ced burning, and the upstairs was flooded with gas from the hot Lir pipe.' Mr,:' and bees. Kneel) tel awoke, a- bout'. 7. a. m. and were hardly able to arise. On going into their daughter's room; they found her unconscious, but after several minutes' work - she regained Consciousness, Dr, Kennedy was called' in, and the tinnilyare nowallon s fair o rad to recovery. Miss: Houghton, who has been or- ganist in St. Pant's Church here for several years, took sick just 'before the evening service. She 'is still unconscious, and in a very dangerous condition. . Al 340441, ,, anZ'rhoirte rule demon- vtx len •wlaseheid in Ulster. and. , a Poll y of passive resistance: was a - pre upon. Seaforth Last Sunday was children's day in Seaforth. Mr, J. J, Kelso, superin- tendent of neglected children for ,On- taelo, Rev. H, IL Miller, of Berlin, and Alr. G. M.. Elliott, Huron Coun- ty agent,' delivered addresses in a number' of pulpits during the day, and ata mass meeting xi the town. hall ta-night, forty-five persons eon - tribe Led one dollar' each to become menmbersf the society. 0 oc . y The die rs of the newSeaforthr 1 o e o ganrzatien are as follows : Honorary president, Mayor Greig, president, Mr. J, la,. T Rogers, principal of the Collegiate Institute ; treasurer Mr. John :Ac Wilson, tgwn clerk. The ministers. of the town are vice-presi- dents, and two ladies were appoint- ed from each chueeh as members of the committee. Mr. Kelso spoke in Egmondville this morning, and at Ville Presbyter- ian church Isere to -night, Me. ' Mil- ler occupied the ptilpits of the Pres- byterian church in the morning, the Methodist church to -night and Sunday school this afternoon. Mr. Elliott addressed the Presby- terian Sunday school- ' Little Worries In the Nome. 11, is These That Bring Wrinkles end Malec Women Leak Premat- urely Old. Almost every woman at the head of a home meets daily with many little worries in her household af- fairs, They may be too small to notice an hour afterwards, but it is these same constant little worries that ntalce so many women look pre- maturely . 1 e • } old. Their effect may be noticed in sick or nervous head- aches, 'fickle ead-aches,'fickle appetite, pain in ,the back or side, sallow complexion, and tate coming of `wrinkles, which every woman dreads. To those thus of fi0t35 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills offer a speedy and certain cure, A restor- eaion of color to the cheeks, bright. nets to the eye, a healthy appetite and a sense of freedom front weari- ness. eariness. Among the thousands of Canadian wgnfeit who have found neve health and new strength through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mrs. 11 C. , Deem, London, Ont., who snys : "About two years ago I found myself so badly rttn down that it was almost -impossible to perform my household duties: I fell off in flesh, was weal: and very pale, had. no appetite, feet constantly cold, and to further make lily life miser- able T was afflicted with Chose other ailments from which so many wo- men suffer, I 'tried many kinds of medicine, but got no benefit, and be- gan So feel chat T was slipping in- to chronic invalidism, I was advis- ed to try Di:. Williams' Pink Pills, and although I net somewhat hope- less decided to do so. To my de- light atter taking the Pills, a few. weeks, I felt mach beater, and a further use of them brotlgltt me back to my old time health, 1 have since recommended the pills to many others, auel those who have used 1heu have always been benefitted.,, Sold by all medicine dealers or by matt at 50 unix a box or six boxes Inc $2,50 from 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, The National Fertilizer • The Natinual Fertilizer, which is placed on the market by the National Land, Fruit and Packing Company, show's, the following analysis compar- ccl wildhbarnyard manure Ni brogue 3.50, equal to 4.0 am- monia.: Phosphoric acid 5.75, equal to 12. soluble phosphates. Potash. 3.50. flow to get' 1.00 per cent. more Profs with less labor, and no to vestment, The National Land Fruit 4im Packin Company, Limited, is not an itlner ant vendor of fertilizers, here to -da and' away to rnoraow. Through the properties which it operants, tit Company is a permanent '`next loo neighbor ' to upwards of 2,000 farm- ers, armers, including a large number in th County of Huron, and even for thi reason alone, i0 would not, and caul BETTER THAN P,1; BARN YARD MAN- URE. not afford to place anything on th market that it was not pteparetl P wholly endorse and back up in ever respect. • The Company Inas investigated prac- tically every known fertilizer. Iia sent sit expert. to Europe to examin into and report upon the nature, pro- cess of manufacture, characteristics actions and results of fertilizers, an by introducing the National Fertilizer the Company is giving its neighbors' and otters, a fertilizer that is pre- pvrucl so as to be especially adapted to the requirements of the Ontario farmers. • 1'IRST CGATIEEIR THE CROP— TIIEN PAY The Company is So confident' for all that it claims for the National Fer- tilizer, that it is, prepared to sell it to the farmer: sad be paid for it only dear the crop has been gathered. Think what, this means'. You increase' the profits from your fields more than 100 per cent., and after the season's orop hag been oaken in, and not be- fore, you pay for the National Fer- tilizer, rho wonderful handmaid of na- ture that: causes two bushels to be produced, where one bushel grew be- fore. National Land, Fruit & Phcking'Co., Toronto Rel reseiatattWe Ppei' IHUroit C fitidCy' . ��W, �Vq;N3a'LINTON January ilth,1912 1 1 Terms CASH ONE PRICE ONLY reductions ing It out is our nof but �i that haveclear- v special stock:' we announce reasons startling fur often we Millinery WE HAVE 12 only trimmed hats in Stockprice$from . 2 r m .50 to $5,00.. We offer you choice of' the lot on Saturday for $1,19., ' THREE DOZEN SHAPES Worth frons 75c to $1.75 on sale Saturday for 29e each, . .1; PLEASE f� li:+r6'� S REMEMBER These prices are for Saturday only. Our First Delivery Of Ladies' White Waists has beeliassed into stock they came too early and we have marked them at quick selling prices. See Them. MEET ME AT. IRWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE Logs Wanted - AT _ STIPLETON SAW Mllt All kinds of Logs willget Highest Prices. No. 1 basswood Heading, 40 inches, $3,75 per cord delivered. , • ea' Custom Work WILL BE WELL DONE. Atlaszusgazziamv Y AT WALKER'S You -will find some interesting prices on FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS t A few of the quotationsibelow will suggest some of the values : i Rugs in good quality of Tapestry sze 3x3 $7.75.0 f 4 d r best' 3x4 reg,for. $10,0or $10.00, iUerent patterns to choose from. If you want 'a rugthis is chance. No better value ever shown in 01inton your Linoleums 4 yds wide, 50c per sq yd. 9 patterns to choose from, In the Furniture Department you will find the best selection ever shown in Clinton. If you want a parlor suite here are some prices that .will interest you ; 1 only 3.piece suite reg $00.00 for $48,50 1 „ 3 „ 72.00 '` 00.00 1 " 3 !. 27,50 25.00 23.50 21.00 2 „ 5 50.00 42.00 Iron Beds prices ran Ing, .23,00 ' 21800 g 1 from $3.110 es $30,00 Some special prices on mattresses. ALull line ofsmall musical nasicol instrumentscarried in stock This isa new line I have added along with the kldison Phonograph. The Store Residence of0 ualit Y • Phone 5 J�1 a er Phone 2S Furniture Dealer and Undertaker' I40 imorrir The : News Record to end of .:1912 " for $1400